Friday, September 26, 2014

Apparently if Sarah Palin HAD been elected Vice President, she would not have been able to find the White House. Update!

The above of course is from Palin's speech at the Values Voters Summit today.

The transcript is courtesy of our friends over at Politicususa:

The lies that they tell about you. Calling you the intolerant ones, the haters, the bigots. Oh, and that disgusting charge of being racist. I’m speaking to the most slandered group in America today. (What did I tell you?) Join me in telling the lamestream media then that we wear your scorn with pride. (Well good because I give it with pride.) The lies that you tell about us, well you can’t defeat our arguments, so all you can do is change the subject, so we win. (So is she saying there WASN'T a brawl on September 6th in Anchorage where her family go their asses kicked?)

And pulling that race card, pulling the race card, how much longer they’re gonna. It’s not even smart. It’s not even smart when one simply wants our government to live within its means and to not tax us to and beyond death. Not to mortgage our kids future, and that being for today’s selfish wants. Because of that we’re racists? (No it's because of all the racist crap you say.) Well what isn’t isn’t smart is trying to slap that on Col. Allen West, Dr. Ben Carson, and JC Watts, and Raphael and Ted Cruz, and my husband Todd Palin. (Wait, Todd? She is seriously going to use Todd as proof that the Teabaggers aren't racist?) Yeah, no those truly prejudiced folks just remember this. They scream racism just to end debate. Well, don’t retreat. You reload with truth which I know is an endangered species at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue anyway.

Wait, I'm sorry did she say "1400 Pennsylvania Avenue?"

What's at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Did they move the White House?

Or is it actually possible that the woman who feels perfectly comfortable lecturing liberals about how ignorant they are has no freaking idea where the most famous house in America is located?

Not that she cares of course.

Oops maybe she does care.

Ah self depreciating humor. Always welcome.

Not exactly a substitute for intelligence however.

Update: Here is the entire speech for the masochists among us. (Palin starts at the 2:45 mark)

I think I will listen to it in segments in between sips of wine.

If I hear anything interesting I might update or put it in the comments. 

Update 2: Just received this.

 Does she still have that red, white, and blue nail polish on?


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    That smug, smarmy POS Her pure evil bleeds right through in
    The salute mockery shot. She truly enjoys being a mean nasty bitch. Just pathetic. She thrives on evil like a black hole.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Gryphen get wine and listen. Listen for the bit about the "IRS targeting adopted parents" did she get a IRS audit alone with chuckles sr.? Also listen about the part about the toad, the ring. Time for splitzville again :) FU Sarah LIAR palin!
      Truth? Todd is a PIMP! How is that for truth you rotten turd!

    2. Anonymous5:28 PM

      She is a malignant narcissist! They are energy vampires that thrive on hate and fear.
      She is the worst ever.
      Somebody need to speak up in AK crawling with "Paps" and tell the truth about the bitch and her family to shut them up for good.

    3. Anonymous7:29 PM

      All that money and access to personal shoppers and whatnot, she still doesn't know how to dress.

    4. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Is that an actual outfit of a cocoon wrap?

    5. Anonymous8:50 PM

      If she wasn't divorced toad would be able to help her out. Too late now sorry sarah, he's got a spanking new family and you are not invited. Ouch

    6. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Details, 8:50? Or are you just talking through your ads?

    7. Anonymous3:48 AM

      There she is, standing on a corner by a lamp post. How many guys offered her $10 for a quickie, I wonder?

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Her IQ is and always was 83. Think about it. 83.

    1. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Ha ha. Shut up, dumb lady.

    2. Anonymous6:12 PM

      83 is too generous. A turd has a higher IQ than palin.

    3. Anonymous6:21 PM

      83 is too generous. A turd has a higher IQ than palin.

  3. Anonymous4:45 PM

    "That explains why my Christmas card(s) keep(s) getting returned." Is English Sarah Palin's second language? Was Sarah Heath enrolled in special education classes? No wonder all of her kids have learning deficiencies.

    1. Anonymous7:44 PM

      And that woman claims to have a degree in Journalism. I thought that she was talking about telling the truth in her speech. No one could speak that badly and claim to be a journalist-- or a college graduate.

  4. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Sarah, you started your own " channel" in order to, in your words, get out the unfiltered truth that the librul media won't discuss.
    A noble cause? We'll never know, because your channel has been a total failure that you seem to have quit altogether.
    Thus, you've lost the right to complain about the news as reported by real journalists. You walked away from reporting because, let's face it, no one cared about what you had to say.

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      she has never been a reporter, she was the sport girl in the newsroom. Her brain did not qualify for anything even remotely called news.

    2. abbafan9:31 PM

      The only sport the skank bitch had on her mind back then was the big black schlong she sucked in her sister's dorm room!

  5. Anonymous4:51 PM

    She is such an asshole.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Anonymous4:51 PM

      She is such an asshole.
      Thank YOU! Took the words right out of my mouth.

  6. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Wow, she must love that jacket style. I wonder how many more unnatural leather colors we will see it in?

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Note the strategically placed bobbing, glittering, zipper pull at the left chest area. Zippered front, sleeves I get but never seen the anything quite like that 3rd one.
      Looks like a New Orleans burlesque show accessory often called a t***y tassel.

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      One color for each personality. 10, maybe 11. #1, sexy sarah

    3. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Careful there 4:54, that's genuine pleather she's rockin'.

    4. Anonymous9:50 PM

      And the big giant 1980's collar. Sarah will next claim that she's been to all of Spinal Tap's concerts.

  7. You know for a woman who was only able to get anything done in Alaska by working with the Democrats, the vitriol Palin now aims at them seems more than a little over the top.

    1. Wait did she say that it is the progressives who play the politics of personal destruction?

      Oh that's rich!

    2. Ah, she vaguely references the brawl at the 9:30 mark and the divorce at the 9:38 mark.

      Essentially denying that either are true.

    3. Oh and no ring on her finger because it interferes with chopping wood and butchering moose.

      Two things I don't think Palin has EVER done.

    4. Hey I agreed with something.

      "Ignorance and deception are the enemies of democracy."

      So stop being ignorant and deceptive Sarah Palin!

    5. Anonymous6:31 PM

      I think she is way more than ignorant & deceptive. I honestly think she is dangerous. She is telling her low IQ followers to reload and in the same breath, mentioning what she meant to be the address of the White House. She also makes reference to how much longer her faithful can co-exist with those of us who chose to vote for Mr. Obama. That is very frightening. This is a woman who has proven that she is not loyal to the United States by attending secessionist meetings in AK. I don't think she would have a problem with creating chaos in the lower 48. It may be part of her agenda. She is a traitor to the USA.

    6. "Whatever"6:50 PM

      5:05 So she is saying that she was chopping wood and butchering moose when she was in the yoga/massage place in Anchorage?

      The many, many times I've seen Palin(s) without a ring, I have never seen a photo of her chopping wood or butchering moose.

      Coming up in 3, 2, 1...

    7. Anonymous6:56 PM

      She has ALWAYS been AIP, just changed her affiliation to GOP to run. She's NEVER been GOP, got mad at Steve Schmidt because he wouldn't go for the lie that TAWD checked the wrong box.

      Remember the pic with Creepy Chuck Sr. and Sally on the front porch posing with the malitia, Shaeffer Cox Land? Come ON, and I'm in the lower 48!

    8. Anonymous7:04 PM

      She is at 14th St. If she goes north a few blocks, she will be right in the middle of the gay district. 14th St is also know for many other things, like pick ups, etc. She fits in. Little does she know how many natives are laughing hysterically at that Freudian mistake. If I were drinking wine, I would be spitting out in laughter!!

      I had a friend who shared a house with some gays north of there. He could not go out at night or he would have been approached by certain females looking for work. Sarah has found her home territory!


    9. Anonymous7:36 PM

      I think she actually reads IM so religiously and is so stupid as to believe we are main stream media! What a dork. We really, really get on her nerves.

    10. Anonymous7:42 PM

      @Gryphen 5:11 Didn't you see the irony of Sarah talking about telling the truth and defending truth as a value?

    11. reasonably sane7:52 PM

      Gryphen is getting his drink on. I like it!
      (Gryphen rarely comments on his own blog. Usually only to rectify a mistake or misinterpretation)
      You go Gryphen!

    12. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Yes it's good to rap with Gryph.

    13. It's good to rap with you as well.

    14. Anonymous8:52 PM

      LMFAO ! butcher a moose ?!? FUK, the crosseyed dipshit white trash skank's got a 50/50 chance of carvin' a turkey right side up - SHE CAN'T EVEN DO THAT !

      stuffs a mean oscar meyer/velveta though ...

    15. "Gryphen5:05 PM interferes with chopping wood and butchering moose.
      Two things I don't think Palin has EVER done.
      Now if she'd said butchering the English language...

  8. CorningNY4:58 PM

    So she crucified President Obama for a slip of the tongue when he said 52 (?) states, but she gets the address of the White House wrong and just jokes about it? BTW, forgive me for being the grammar police, but I think you mean "self -deprecating" humor.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      at least obama was including US territories. palin wouldn't know those things even exist.

    2. reasonably sane8:05 PM

      US Territories? You mean those countries where the reblurgh-icans insist slavery type labor continue??
      Got it.

    3. Anonymous9:53 PM

      Yeah, I can't wait till some troll on the internet brings up 57 states while defending Sarah.

  9. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Dear Sarah: leather jackets of the sort you've been wearing, with wide collars, have never been attractive, and do not suit you. Plus, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that traffic-sign yellow you wore yesterday not only made my eyes hurt, it was so bright, but it made you look sallow.
    Today's teal (?) was a dark and confusing shade that, once again, was not flattering to your complexion.
    Neither of these leather/pleather (?) tops looked the least bit professional or age-appropriate. It's clear you think that dressing half your age will make you truly half your age, but it does just the opposite. It only emphasizes that you're desperate.

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Why do you think they (RNC) kept her away from Bob fuckng Dole?
      She gives the old whie folk a hard-on, which they only can get with Viagra....
      Bob Dole has a life-long supply and they're scared of this '....if you have a lasting erection over 4 hours..' deal.
      Sarah Palin however, hopes to make money off of that!
      Only old farts tho' it looks like....hahaha

    2. Anonymous10:11 PM

      The jacket is a trendy style that is very popular right now. It is black but photographed a slightly different color in the full length photo. IMO the outfit is a vast improvement over the tee shirts with logos, fleece hoodies worn for pandering to locals.

    3. Anonymous3:07 AM

      She hasn't yet realized or learned making those cutesy funny faces don't look so cute anymore on an aging face such as hers. Just looks grotesque. Maybe after she reads this comment and sees her pictures here on IM she might get a clue. And yes, the jacket is pathetic and 1980's. I think she dresses the way she always wanted to a couple three decades ago because she wasn't able to wear the cutesy stuff she conveyed on others because she was more chunky.

    4. Anonymous4:55 AM

      Streetwalker Barbie

  10. Anonymous5:02 PM

    she should have written the correct address on her hand

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      The only thing written on her hand was a reminder:

  11. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Also, too, those jackets make you look like someone who's just come from a brawl.
    This was the moment for you to wear pearls and a Chanel-style jacket, to appear as refined and ladylike as the most conservative country club dame.
    Remember, you're only supposed to fight with words, not your fists.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Anonymous5:05 PM

      Also, too, those jackets make you look like someone who's just come from a brawl.
      This was the moment for you to wear pearls and a Chanel-style jacket, to appear as refined and ladylike as the most conservative country club dame.
      You would think? But she is a proud grizzled mama and them's fighting words! She is ready to brawl doncha know! "Don't retreat reload."
      Those words have already gotten her in a heap of trouble.
      She will live to regret them....

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Best part of the jacket is that dangling zipper that looks like a nipple ring.

    3. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Anonymous5:52 PM

      Best part of the jacket is that dangling zipper that looks like a nipple ring
      Its probably Willows nipple ring on there...

    4. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Jaque Kennedy she is not.What is she trying to achieve here. Bi Polar? She is making an idiot of herself and i can't wait for her fans at C4P to go on with their crap about how they need her to save America! Look at her! she looks like a washed out D list celebrity which is what she is. Can anyone with half a brain imagine that bimbo meeting with heads of state? Shit she can't even take a dump without Todd or Bristol or someone holding her hand.I don't blame the people at the Palin Brawl for not talking it would be like having shit on your shoe, you just hope you can scrape it off so the smell leaves.

    5. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Chanel style?? Seriously??
      Try look at the latest fashion icons: kim and what's-his-face.
      Her expressionless entirely, him with ripped jeans and cut-off sleeves of some odd thirt type thing.
      Fashion?? Pfff. Please.
      Sarah has a leather fethish. Plus making money off of old nasy white guys.

  12. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Oh c4p and Politico are all over this saying it was a joke, but if you listen to her sing-song cutsie voice, when she is trying to be funny, there was none of that here. It was a faux pas. Prepare for troll traffic, IMers!

    I'll give her a break on the tweet incorrect grammar. That was done in a hurry to deflect from the internet going wild in hysterical laughter.

    I guess that's my point. If she's trying to be the political Joan Rivers, let her but she doesn't understand that the world is laughing "at" her, not with her, and it is the reputation she built for herself that got her here.

    That anyone on this earth thinks she's presidential material is a hoot. She'll never run, she can't, but somehow in that pea brain of hers she thinks she's awesome and she does has the fame she longed for. If it were me with that kind of "fame?" I'd crawl in a hole and never come out. A lot of us would.

    You go, $arah, down deep you know the truth and the mess you've made of people's lives getting to where you are today. Thirty pieces of silver....thirty pieces of silver.....ching ching!

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      So.... If this was a joke, what's the punch line? I don't get it.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Politico is so right wing.

    3. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Anonymous5:17 PM

      So.... If this was a joke, what's the punch line? I don't get it.
      She is.
      That woman's a idiot ~KeithOlbermann

    4. Anonymous6:29 PM

      OP here, who in their right mind does this? Always excuses for her, always. WTF and that last pic of her? Who in God's name dresses like that at 50 and shrugs cutesie? Oh, she found her niche all right, IDIOT.

    5. she is retarded so she act like a retard. she doesn't know where the WH is, doesn't know Africa is a continent, North Korea is our enemy (as if she cares) the French PM doesn't know about her stupidass, crosshairs over people's names is violent and murderous, women don't do their unborn child harm on purpose, putin isn't our friend, secession isn't the other white meat, uncle toms aren't considered smart, torture isn't our friend, rnc hates her dumbass, she's more manly than rove but just as stupid, grifting ain't a career, fb, twitter and her blog doesn't make her an author...I can go on you know.

    6. Anonymous8:01 PM

      I will not call names but, yes, THE political "in my blood LMAO" political CLOWN. Thanks, Bill Kristol, that you and your troupe got a hard on meeting her in Alaska and promoted her.

      Thank YOU, John McCain, for being the coward that you are and "this" is your legacy. Blame Steve Schmidt or Nicolle Wallace all you want, c4pers, she was nowhere near vetted, it was their job and his decision. But what can you say? Finished next to last in his flight class. Not the brightest bulb.

  13. Anonymous5:11 PM

    People of the US have figured out Sarah Palin for the fraud that she is. All she has left are fringe wingnut groups and anti abortion terrorists. Gone are the mainstream speeches and high paying corporate appearance gigs. They know she's no energy or national security expert. She's as dumb as they come!

  14. Can't listen to the audio, but she looks higher than a kite, flailing her hands and arms around and making all kinds of facial grimaces and stretches. What's the dill with that.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      heh. Bingo. -sjp

    2. People on crack make less exaggerated gesture moves.

      Fanning her funk around.

      she almost fucked up her little sippy cup thingy by almost dropping her prop.

      One thing for sure, our military will never salute her triflingass on 1400 Penna Ave. or 1600 Penna Ave. Anybody who went to 5th grade knows the WH address. What a freakin mess. High school diploma my ass.

      her little silly joke about the WH address will not cover for her sheer stupidity.

      Also what is she doing sending a "Muslim" "Commie" "Kenyan" a Christmas card?

    3. Anonymous7:59 PM

      She's just such a natural onstage, don't you people get it? Tee Hee.

    4. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Did anyone find this speech breathy, with phrases and punch lines i'll timed? Seemed as though she was trying to overdo the ole' gungho-ishness of the moment, with forced smiles and random grimaces. Hearing her old brittle, worn out idiot idioms, it all sounded like 3 day old left out on the counter warmed over pap ~ and from the lack of applause, most thought so too, also. You could see the desperation when one after another of her zingers fell flat. Sarah's ship has broken free from it's moorings, and is drifting slowly but surely, right onto a rocky shoal. Perhaps she was feeling wobbly and discombobulated about a certain report coming out next week? I wonder if the police gave her leeway only so far as this speech was concerned ~ like a last hurrah, because it sure as hell seems like Palin had so much more on her mind... Adding it all up with the flailing and faltering, the big tell (which will now live in infamy till all the Jews go back home to Israel), was the 1400 Penn flub. THE most well known address in the entire world, the house which she schemed to enter, and the home in which her arch nemesis lays his handsome black brainy head down to sleep.... she fucking got it wrong.

  15. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Sarah's working her corner tonight in D.C.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      She's at 1400 Pennsylvania Ave because she's not allowed near the White House or near the President.

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      My husband, a former lobbyist, told me that lobbying was basically invented at the Willard Hotel, THE favorite stop-over hotel for many lobbyists while they stay in Washington. Thus, to take Sarah literally, "truth has ALWAYS been an endangered species" at the Willard Hotel (1400 Pennsylvania Avenue), LOL. The woman and her followers are beyond clueless, but fantastic late-night comedy material. Too bad they're also filled with hate, bile, violence, and falsehoods, however.

  16. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Let's get down to the basics. Palin missed a lot more than the White House address. She pooh-poohed the whole point of what the Values Voters Summit represents by trying to pretend they only care about reducing taxes.

    Sorry, Mrs. Palin, but the Values Voters conference is put on by the Family Research Council...a religious organization...whose sole purpose is to politicize the conservative Christian social agenda. So, yes, the Values Voters are proud to be judgmental because.....Jesus....and Bible.

    1. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Also in attendance to speak were the Duggar family. I learned more about the quiver full beliefs which include breeding so many to take back the country under the domain of their belief system. I was naive how opposed fundamentalists are to birth control of any kind and that all sexual relations be for creating children.

      Another informative fact was to not ever take any social assistance like food stamps and not have debt. It is understandable to a degree they would be rigidly opposed to any social welfare and taxes to pay for things society uses.

      Some of their beliefs like no personal debt, living within one's means are not disagreeable in principal.

  17. Anonymous5:27 PM

    photoshop 1400

    Rachel Maddow-Nicolle Wallace responds to Palin charges: via @YouTube

  18. TNBlueDot5:27 PM

    She just keeps reinforcing the fact that she is a loser!
    I didn't listen, but watching the video is priceless. The facial expressions and contortions, oh my! She thinks she's being cutesy, but she just looks "challenged." The woman truly is an idiot. It's obvious taking a look at the speakers list for this summit that they're not interested in informing the attendees, just inflaming them with hateful rhetoric... the good old red meat tossed out for the ignorant base.

  19. reasonably sane5:33 PM

    Here's my irritation with the whole thing. I'm not even an American and even I know the White House is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
    I'm not an American citizen but even I know the Commander-in-Chief does not necessarily need to salute ANYONE in the armed forces.

    'Does she still have that red, white, and blue nail polish on?'
    No, but she doesn't seem to be wearing any underwear either. Wrong corner?

    It just shows that she Googles anything and everything about her own little self.
    Oh, and that she does not read/comprehend the larger criticism of her, just that she realizes she fumbled on something BIG.
    Yes Keith, the woman is an idiot.

  20. Anonymous5:35 PM

    yeah...look at the turkey neck and wrinkled up least she's covering her flappy arms...
    hey $carah, you need a scarf to cover the wrinkly neck and maybe some gloves for the aging-liver-spotted hands. shoot! it must suck to get looking like you and trying to keep the persona..

  21. Rachel Maddow covered Palin's speech screw up, which made it look rather more like a Freudian slip on Palin's part. Haha!
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      See my comment above about 14th St. Rachel may almost be a native and knows the district. It was a Freudian slip. We are all laughing [at her].

      10 cats

  22. Anonymous5:42 PM

    The internet is piling on, hahaha.

  23. Anonymous5:43 PM

    The woman is covered by liver/age spots; the hands, the chest and even the legs. I would have used that spray-on Sally Hansen.

  24. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Maroon skirt, teal leather jacket and black tee. Multi-colored shoes. She dresses like this, knowing it bothers people who've probably corrected her dressing habits.

    There's no good reason a wealthy woman can't buy a nice dress suit, with matching shoes and accessories.

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:50 PM

      One good reason...

      She's. A. Freak.

    2. Anonymous4:59 AM

      Multi-color hooker shoes.
      But I don't think for a second that she is dressing that way to send a big middle finger to anyone; I think she is feeling pleased as punch for how smokin' hot she looks now that she has the teeny tiny starlet waist of her dreams and the Belmonts to fill out the rest of the jacket so nicely.
      Such a joke she is.

    3. Anonymous5:43 AM

      Smokin' hot?!

  25. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Ha ha ha...
    I think her getting the address wrong is "Golden:
    I read somewhere we don't have to worry about her
    ever living in the white house because she doesn't know
    where it is....Still laughing!

  26. Anonymous5:46 PM

    That street corner suits her in that getup.

  27. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Old Sarah's trying to be cute in that pose at 1400 Pennsylvania . I remember my grandma used to watch the Golden Girls & remember when Betty White once said that after you get a certain age, acting cute didn't work think Sarah has reached that milestone.

  28. Anonymous5:49 PM

    She's really gained a lot of weight compared to her former skeletal self! Now she's in the binge phase of her anorexia?

  29. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Man-jaw Sarah. All the time.

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      will you stop with the same tired old comment.

    2. Anonymous11:37 PM


  30. Anonymous5:51 PM

    The woman is covered by liver/age spots; the hands, the chest and even the legs. I would have used that spray-on Sally Hansen.
    What happened to her pink blouse & stripper

  31. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Sarah Palin's in D.C.. Did she get a primetime interview on Fox News tonight?

  32. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Maybe 1400 is the address Steve Schmidt gave her, worried she and her tribe might camp out on the White House lawn the day after the election.

  33. janice5:58 PM

    How come there are no pictures with all the other speakers? Did they ignore her?

  34. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Liberals Unite has a Facebook page and the comments with this story are hilarious. Lots of new Palin memes too !

    1. Anonymous5:39 AM

      Yep, it was sooo funny I had to click

  35. Anonymous5:59 PM

    In ALL of those photos - she looks awful! She isn't pretty anymore and her chatter is still the same! It's nothing but total bullshit spoken by an idiot!

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM


    2. Cracklin Charlie8:46 PM

      She seems to have gone a little "stream of consciousness" on us.

      I don't think that is a good sign.

  36. Anonymous6:02 PM

    DC Madame hits the street corner while pimp husband tends to his wounds in AK. #sarahturningtricks

  37. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Can't imagine a VP Palin or even a President Palin, 3 and 4 wheelers spinning in the mud out on the front White House lawn, empty beer bottles thrown over the fence, a rusty old RV parked in the front, monster trucks driving in and out of driveway, dropping off Track's buddies, teens, ex-convicts, aunts, uncles, cousins, Chuck Sr. and Sally and various friends and armed uniformed questionnables milling about.

    1. Don't forget about the stained living room couch and the misc old toilet next to the rusted out hummers and planes...oh no they aren't elitist.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Todd winterizing his float plane

  38. F U McCain6:03 PM

    Well, honestly, it's not so bad considering she thought the VP got to live in the President's Pool House...

  39. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I swear, she's got to be the only person in the world who cornered the market on stupidity smh

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      No, Alexandra Pelosi, the film maker showed a brief film on Bill Maher's show where the people in the district that Bill is trying to flip have no idea that there is an election this November, who is running or what they stand for. More examples of dumb people. C4P

  40. Anonymous6:05 PM

    For the love of humanity.....1400 P Avenue?!

    Smarter than a fifth grader.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      There used to be quite a few strip clubs on 14th street a few blocks up from PA Ave.

    2. 14th and U used to be the stroll.

  41. Anonymous6:06 PM

    McCain you stu.....!

  42. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I see in that photo an old hooker standing on the street coroner trying to get 50 bucks. Good luck.

  43. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Does she not write her speeches? Or is she just winging it each time? What's the weird thing she keeps doing with her mouth?

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      She had a speech, in fact she turned a page while she was talking. If you want to see what her speech looks like, she has a free video that gives a behind the scenes look at her campaigning for T.W.Shannon when he ran in the primary in Oklahoma.

      Sarah wrote the speech by hand, or I should say scribbled some notes by hand on a sheet of paper. In going over it, there is yellow highlight, pink writing, dark blue writing and some writing in red ink. It looks like something a girl in high school would write in her freshman year. (I don't think that guys write anything in four different colors.) No, you can't read a word of it, and neither could Sarah. She could not learn how to pronounce T.W.'s first name, even when she wrote it on her hand with a black Sharpie pen.

  44. Anonymous6:14 PM

    "Food Stamps" Pete Petretich at the Pee Pond: " Why should any self-respecting American even know that 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the address of the White House?" Why indeed Pete? Why indeed? Now send Palin some more couch money before Todd comes over and slaps the shit out of you.

    1. "Whatever"7:11 PM

      Pete. It's kind of the same thing with Paul Revere and his historic ride.

      If you don't know the White House is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and that Paul Revere was warning "the British are coming!" then most "self-respecting" Americans justifiably wonder what's wrong with you.

      (Same with someone who claims the "Statute" of Liberty was designed so Americans wouldn't make the same mistakes other countries made.)

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Just because the Pee's don't know anything doesn't mean that the rest of the country has to be that dumb. The reason that they adore Sarah is because she doesn't talk down to them. They are all at the same, simple, dumb level of being uninformed, uneducated and not wanting to learn anything. And, they get very defensive about it.

    3. "Whatever"10:18 PM

      7:31 I don't have a problem with ignorance.

      There are a lot of reasons a lot of people in this country don't know particulars of American history or word usage or politics or anything else.

      And we are all ignorant about some things, and frankly, just don't care or have time to keep up with it all.

      It's unfortunate, but that's life.

      What irks me is that Sarah promotes the ideal that not only is ignorance wonderful and saintly, but it's something a person should be proud of.

      Not only something to be proud of, but they will rise in saintly stature the more they shout their pride in being ignorant from the rooftops.

    4. Anonymous4:51 AM

      The slip doesn't matter all that much. It's just that when a citizen who has known the White House address since age 11 thinks about an aspiring resident of the place not knowing, it fits the narrative. Same way the melee fits the trailer trash narrative. She keeps reinforcing the image and that feels a lot like evidence.

  45. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Oh, I get it now. She's not trying to become smarter to run for prez. She is workin at gettin dumb and dumber. oic.

  46. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Gryphen, any comment on the new Trig/Tripp birth timeline as presented by Sarah? It's so hard to keep the lies straight.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Please let it alone. Let her do her own demise, Gryph doesn't have to lift a finger.

  47. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Palin delights in behaving like the head clown at Ringling Brothers for the tea party rubes. That's all she has left. All that's missing is white face paint , a Whoopie cushion, a squirting flower on her lapel and a teeny car for the entire clan to exit under the big top. To the sound of a honking clown horn.
    Geraldine Ferraro , the Democrat VP nominee should have been Palin's role model.
    Always appear in public dressed like an executive and always behave like an educated lady, worthy of the title of VP nominee. Ferraro , despite her cancer treatments, never faltered in her public appearances or behavior. No serious person of any ideology views Palin as anything but a joke.

  48. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Without a ninny speaks decoder ring, I can't be sure, but am thinking the Wasilla wacko thinks she and her brood would be in the White House, if only someone had given her the correct address.

    Sorry Sarah, you and Johnny lost the election. We the people didn't want your stupid or his senile. Give it up, shut up and try raising your kids. Never too late for a redo with family, before they embarrass you as much as you have neglected and embarrassed them.

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:40 PM

      It seems that her chickens are coming home to roost, and are causing her trouble. How long before she flies the coop?

    2. Anonymous11:34 PM

      good eye ..

    3. Anonymous3:22 AM

      I can imagine way back in 2008 the Paylin family sitting around the dinner table talking with food in their mouths about moving to 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue imagining their new lives there. From talking so much about 1400 Pennsylvania Ave it's been ingrained in their brains, probably had it wrong from the get-go.

  49. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Wrong address? There go her chances of a post-"political" career as a pizza delivery gal.

  50. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Sarah Palin does not have an orator's voice. It sounds like car brakes screeching to a halt. Now, of course, this isn't her fault. But, she insists on speaking and insists on delivering her message like a high school cheerleader.

    When she uttered the word "BeJeesus" in ("scaring the BeJeesus out of them) caused silence in the room; her sarcastic joke tanked and was pure insult to this crowd.

    She really is ignorant and fakes her way through everything. She is a poser.

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      A poor speaking voice could be helped with hard work and expert consultation. Particularly if you wanted to be a politician.


    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      I thought that it looked and sounded like a lame comedy routine. She cannot control her facial movements, her voice, her body -- in fact, she interrupted herself, mid-sentence to wander off and talk about something else. The best way to describe her frantic presentation is "Unhinged."

  51. ManxMamma6:40 PM

    I wonder where that new 'face' smirk comes from. I've never seen Sarah make that face before but it looks like she's trying to be cute.

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Can you really be "cute" at 50?

    2. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Katie Couric manages it.

    3. Anonymous12:31 AM

      8:12 Only if you were 'cute' before 50 so that rules out the garish Palin.

  52. "Whatever"6:46 PM

    She did it on purpose so that people would quote her. Notice how quickly she got out the photo at 1400 Penn. Ave. and the Tweet?

    She's hoping that people will quote her and see how fun and playful she is and forget all about how mean and violent she and her family are.

    Trying to bump the big fight out of top place for Palin searches.

    Only problem is, this incident will only go to support how dumb she is and will backfire. She's nobody's "darling" anymore so the cute stuff like the redo of the makeup-less photo don't work for her anymore.

    People are on to her tricks and don't trust her. Even if it was an innocent misstatement, she won't get away with it. No one trust her--nor should they.

    Liers gotta lie. Grifters gotta grift.

  53. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Sarah is a fucking imbecile! She doesn't realize that she's a national embarrassment and an international laughing stock. All she cares about is media exposure and $$$.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      And what kind of self-respecting person does that? She IS an idiot.

    2. Totally on point, I think. She remembers how much attention she got with "refudiate" and wanted to replicate it.

  54. Anonymous7:07 PM

    She looks like a common street walker/Beelzebub/Daffy Duck and Charles Manson.

  55. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Sarah had an emotional issue that really seemed to bother her, and she aired it in her speech-- rumors of a divorce. There was no need to bring it up except for the fact that the Daily Mail story really got to her. And, it wasn't the photo that showed Sarah without her makeup. It was the lack of a ring and the comments about a divorce.

    Sarah said that the recent story showing her leaving her workout without a ring originated with a liberal blog. Wrong. The Daily Mail is British owned and is considered conservative. And, it has over 11 million readers. Not a word about being photographed without makeup . No mention of those terrible people who attacked her family. No, a rumor based on the fact that Palin wasn't wearing a wedding ring. All that she had to say is that she doesn't wear jewelry when she goes to work out. She didn't have to invent the excuse about chopping wood and butchering moose. (Or was it butchering wood and chopping moose?) Either way, Sarah over reacted.

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Because she IS divorced. Geez, $arah, if Kris can divorce Bruce, it's okay for you to admit it , too!

    2. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Did she get stuck writing that $20 million check to Todd? It's a good thing he got it when there was $20 million. If he waited....

    3. Anonymous8:25 PM

      There is an underlying fear she has with revealing a divorce, no question. With all the other accusations, this one seems to really wee-wee her up.

    4. Cracklin Charlie8:34 PM

      Why would she do that, 7:26?

      Why would she feel the need to defend her marriage, in such a "major" screech, especially since she has so few of those these days?

      You know what I think?

      I think she's nuts! And sometimes in her speeches, she sounds just like one of the trolls that hangs around here. She talks about lies, uses words that she doesn't understand, and has about a two thought attention span.

    5. Anonymous5:38 AM

      "And sometimes in her speeches, she sounds just like one of the trolls that hangs around here."

      Gryph has owned her for years.
      Of course it's her.

    6. "All that she had to say is that she doesn't wear jewelry when she goes to work out. She didn't have to invent the excuse about chopping wood and butchering moose."
      Yes, but she always does that as part of her grandiosity. She always has to present herself as being so much more than anyone else and such a rootin' tootin' frontierin' outdoorsy Annie Oakley blah blah blah. *Every* time she opens her mouth she has to embroider and inflate herself and her accomplishments.

      It might also be a defense mechanism to steer people off of questioning her. Have you ever butchered moose and chopped wood, because if not, how dare you question her?

  56. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Not to mention the tassels on her tittie! How has no one mentioned that! In a room full of holier-than-thou Christians!

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Sarah will get them twirling for the after-party.

  57. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Which one is our friend, North or South Korea?
    Is Africa a country or a continent?
    Hello, President Sarkozy
    Paul Revere rang those bells and fired warning shots
    Statute of Liberty: don't make the mistakes that European countries made

  58. Anonymous7:43 PM

    'Doggone it! That explains why my Christmas cards keeps getting returned!'

    No war on Christmas!! Haha - wrong address!
    (Please inform Fox 'News' on that. Address the memo to Mr. Bill O'Reilly)

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      To the journalism major: That explains why my Christmas cards keep getting returned. Not keeps. Didn't they teach you to proof read?

    2. Anonymous9:04 PM

      I'm sure it was yet another OMG moment where "someone' saw it go viral and, yet again late to the party, made her look worse. I doubt any of her followers noticed.

  59. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Hey Palin, isn't it a little early for trick or treating!
    Those shoes and your ugly feet would scare Jack the Ripper!

    1. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Honestly, at 50 years old, who takes pictures of their toenails except a stuck-at-16 mind?

      RUN, $arah, RUN. I DARE you after all of this. Face it, you run, or the world laughs like they did at Sarah Palin Australia or Miss Teenage South Carolina

      Here's where you've backed yourself into a corner, sweet cheeks. You touted family in 2012 when everyone knew the GOP kicked your butt out.
      Now it's 2016 coming and you've got Koch money behind you. There are no excuses. In fact, for the brawl, I'm thinking you have no choice BUT to in order to change your image. RUN or STFU because you will no longer have a voice.

      C'mon,know-it-all coward with all the solutions of which you don't. By the way, what happened to your BFF Ted The Head Nugent? Was he told to shut up also too, or did he finally off himself? Left the country like he promised 2011 if President Obama was elected again? Methinks "someone" told him to STFU. Run 2016 or you can, also too.


  60. Dinty8:29 PM

    It's been awhile for me in my old neighborhood, but I'm pretty sure 1400 is a Starbucks or something

  61. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Why does she have to wear her teenage daughters clothes....
    she has nothing to offer than her looks.

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      She's a Monet. The closer you get the worse she looks.
      How do you sleep at night?

    2. Anonymous9:13 PM

      "LOOKS" ?!?
      that old crosseyed dried up hide's fukin' "looks" hit the road a couple decades ago, and they ain't looked back since ..

    3. Anonymous9:16 PM

      So you're saying she has nothing to offer. I agree.

  62. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Have another hit on the pipe Sarah!

  63. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Seriously, who the fuck is her stylist? I can't believe the way she dresses.

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Her mentally challenged daughters advise her what to wear and how to style her wigs.

    2. Anonymous12:43 AM

      Well that explains why she dresses like a teenager with bad taste.

  64. WalterNeff9:13 PM

    Surprised she didn't say 1400 Downing Street

  65. Anonymous9:20 PM

    As a DC native, who spent many years working a few blocks from the White House, and passed by the corner of 17th and Pennsylvania Avenue (the White House is on Pennsylvania Avenue in the middle of the block, between 15th and 17th Streets, N.W.), twice a day, her idiocy made me cringe. The Federal building named after her idol Ronald McDonald, er, Reagan, is at 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

  66. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Her leather jacket is SOOO 1980's....big padded shoulders and all. Doesn't she know how to match any of her clothes?

    1. Anonymous10:20 PM

      uh, no she doesn't.

    2. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Wonder where she parked her Delorean. Dumb fucking twat.

  67. Anonymous9:58 PM

    She looks like some 80's hooker again mom from a cul-de-sac in the suburbs.

  68. Sarah Palin was tragically damaged, perhaps in utero and certainly throughout her upbringing. The 2008 campaign finished her off. She's too weak to pose any kind of threat, and unable even to appreciate or enjoy the life-affirming gifts she was given--beautiful healthy children, political opportunity, physical prettiness. Sarah Palin is deserving now of mercy and pity.

    1. A. J. Billings3:37 AM

      @Jude. I might agree that Palin is weak, and she was damaged by the toxic environment of growing up in Chuck Sr's militant presence, and his abusive ways.

      $arah is most certainly not deserving of one shred of pity, considering how viciously she attacks people, demeans them, and the crimes she's committed in Alaska.

      Don't you know who she is? She's the one that has a thousand enemies and vendettas against the very people that once helped her get elected as Mayor and 1/2 term governor

      "Sambo beat the bitch"

      "Blood libel"

      "Baptism by waterboard"

      "Ricky Hollywood"

      "he should have pulled out"

      "Todd got the rifle, and I got the rack"

      $arah Paylin is a serial liar, a hard core Christian extremist, and conniving and vicious snake in the grass, and a sociopathic abuser of her family and friends.


    2. Anonymous5:36 AM

      "She deserves mercy and pity." No, she deserves a kick in the ass. People who show no mercy deserve no mercy.

      She is stupid, ignorant, classless - all true but she incites the most deranged and violent people in this country and she must be stopped. Hopefully, Gryphen's promised "news" will do just that. In the meantime I only check IM every chance I get to see if this is the day. Please? Soon?

  69. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I'll bet people are busy right now putting memes on that picture of her looking stupid on the corner. There are SO many captions that one could apply heh heh.

  70. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Well, at least she's correct in saying liberals throw the race card out when they have nothing of substance to say or they can't think of slander to speak.

    1. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Excuse me? Cite an example.

  71. Anonymous10:16 PM

    The ink on her hand must have smeared.

  72. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I can not believe the stupidity of this woman failing again to get then even use self deprecating humor in context of spouting off about reloading with "truth" then she blows her own talking point by telling an untruth. She is an idiot!

    I have an evil thought or wish: when Obama completes his term that he gets a HBO or two hour net work special making fun of Palin or goes on tour doing stand up comedy about her.

    She is not fucking cute, she is an imbecile!

  73. Anonymous11:11 PM

    "Apparently if Sarah Palin HAD been elected Vice President, she would not have been able to find the White House. "

    Anybody really surprised?

    That retard was born in Idaho, graduated from an American high school, went to 5 American colleges to get one degree, was mayor and governor of a city and a state in the good old U.S. of A. and applying for the job of vice-president of the United States of America and that idiot didn't know what the vice-president's job entails.

    Palin: "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?

    WTF? What makes it worse is that Sarah Palin has/had four kids in school whose total years in school is around 43 years and as a mother / parent you would have thought the bimbo helped her kids do their American history homework and test them.

    So take Sarah Palin's children's 43 years (approximately) attending schools and then add Sarah Palin's approximately 18 years of schooling for a total of approximately 61 years of school and the self proclaimed politician doesn't know what the vp does?

    Shame on Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous5:33 AM

      She never graduated college.

  74. Anonymous11:12 PM

    No one in their right mind proudly displays their fucking toe nails and pages of a so called speech that is a first draft with all kinds of shit crossed out, other verbiage scribbled in....a pile of crap for an event known ahead of time. Hell, she did not know what VP does ...I rest my case.

  75. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Sarah Palin explains science!

  76. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Helllloooooo Wasilla beauty pageant contestant you are a fucking idiot.

  77. Anonymous11:20 PM

    really bad wig job there Willow

  78. Anonymous11:20 PM

    You reload with truth which I know is an endangered species at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue anyway.
    -Sarah Palin

    Which one of Sarah Palin's educated children did her research?

    Or P.I.G. Palin

  79. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Why can't Sarah do anything right? She tries to be witty and always comes out looking like the village idiot.

  80. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Ella Smith ‏@ella877 5h
    @PoliticsNation Republican Randy Carlson a Sarah Palin follower are saying about our Pres. Obama hanging from a tree

  81. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Chelsea Clinton tweeted:

    Marc and I are full of love, awe and gratitude as we celebrate the birth of our daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky.
    — Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) September 27, 2014

  82. She can never just leave well enough alone, NEVER. I can accept that she may have misspoken when she said "1400," but instead of just letting her self-deprecating Tweet "acknowledgment" suffice and moving on, she had to draw more attention to herself by actually going to the exact "1400" street corner and striking a cutesy "oops" pose for yet another narcissistic photo op.

    And, as usual, if you look at an enlarged version of that photo, she has on shoes with at least an inch of extra space in the back, heel part. No doubt she was flopping around on stage in those things. I think, because her second toe is way longer than her big toe, she always has to buy at least one size larger to accommodate that sucker and that makes the shoes too big for her in the heel. Her next cosmetic surgery should include getting those toes whacked down to size. I mean, as long as her teabagging worshipers are "footing" the cosmetic surgery bills anyway!

  83. Anonymous2:55 AM

    This fugly plastic jacket is identical to the putrid yellow one she wore in the Joplin speech. You know, Scarah if you insist on wearing a motojacket, you can actually afford to buy them in leather, not pleather. The audience looked bored to tears with most of them not applauding. Just sayin'........

  84. London Bridges3:46 AM

    Sarah: On your way home from 1400 Pennsylvania Ave, stop over and visit my meth lab. It's in the basement of the Alamo!

  85. Anonymous4:00 AM

    The Christmas card tweet did not do the trick, she is now hooking at 1400 Pennsylvania Ave!

  86. Anonymous4:16 AM

    She's the 3.2 beer of American politics.

  87. Anonymous4:35 AM

    She really is her own worst enemy. She rambles on about the false divorce stories (repeating the same old line about Todd asking her to finally write that big 20m check) but she doesn't even attempt to deny the many brawl stories. And how in the hell can she give a speech so full of hate and at the same time repeatedly state that we need to stop with the divisive politics?

  88. Anonymous5:23 AM

    In IT, we would file this brazen image and Parah Salins commentary under: ID.10.T

  89. She's working way too hard at trying to look cutesy pie and fluffy, hoping to deflect from her stupidity about the address of the White House and her now entrenched thuggish reputation.

    We already knew you were an ignorant moron so the stupidity of "1400 Pennsylvania Avenue" was not surprising at all.

    As for your family of hoodlums, sorry, Palin, you never denied the publicized version of your family's thuggish attacks on other party-goers and that version is the one now spoken of without the word "alleged" in the description.

    After all, the only thing you have said about the fight confirmed that it did happen and that you were proud of how Bristol acted.

    So no, your act isn't working. We've seen the real you and she isn't pretty, in any way.

    And for crying out loud, you silly damned fool, learn how to dress for this decade and for your age.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.