Tuesday, September 09, 2014

New NRA ad seems to insinuate that the ONLY good people in this country are armed people.

So the transcript of this incredibly insulting ad goes as follows:

“Is there anything still worth fighting for?"

Uh, sure.

“Because we are surrounded by a world that demands we submit, succumb, and believe in nothing.”

So now gun control advocates don't believe in anything?

“And more and more, we do. "

"The yes men who turn their heads when the boss breaks the rules. The cowards who pretend they don’t notice the elderly man fall, and who walk right past the little girl who’s way too young to be here alone.Who raise the volume to silence the scream in the night.

Since when does it require a weapon to help an elderly man or make sure that a child is safe?

“It takes courage to face the world at its worst. To run towards burning buildings and struggling neighbors, dishonesty, corruption, and abuse.  (I don't know what that last part means.) Knowing what must be done won’t be done unless you do it."

“That’s what Good Guys do.”

Agreed. Though good guys also contact the police if they see a crime taking place, or call the fire department in case of a fire, or various other government agencies if somebody is in dire need of assistance.

“And that’s why we’re still free.”

Wait, what?

“We’re the 5 million men and women of the National Rifle Association of America, and we will NEVER back down. Join us today.”

So here's the thing. There are plenty of people in the world who help elderly men in the street, rescue little girls in potentially dangerous circumstances, and who run towards burning building with no thought about their own safety.

And they do it completely unarmed.

Because REAL courage means facing the world without relying on a shiny metal pacifier to make you feel safe, while also potentially placing the rest of us at risk.

(H/T to the Daily Beast)


  1. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Translation: "Impotent? Tiny dick? Acidentally or deliberately castrated? Join us today!"

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Substitute Gun for God: AKA bitter clingers

    Don't wonder about those who need God, wonder about those who need God to be good

    1. Leland3:04 PM


      I LIKE that!!! Can I use it?

  3. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Can't watch the video link, I don't do zombies.

  4. johnie2xs7:12 AM

    Can anyone say, nineteen eighty-four!?
    NRA = "Big Brother and the SCOLDING Company".

  5. Maple7:15 AM

    These guys have no earthly idea what true freedom entails. I'd say they're getting desperate, and stupidly have no idea what their guns-in-every-hand would turn their country into. I, for one, would never, EVER set foot in a state that allows it. I have American relatives who are totally fearful of the NRA, and with good reason.

  6. Randall7:25 AM

    non sequitur

  7. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Nothing in that intro made any correlation to guns/gun ownership/guns being helpful...nothing.

    They could have used the entire beginning and ended:

    That's why we are:

    The Policemen of America
    The Firefighters of America
    The Atheists of America
    The Farmers of America
    The Democrats of America, etc.

    Anyone can co-opt the ideology of "being the Good Guy".

    Fucking stupid.

  8. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Wasilla in da House!

    Woo Woop!

  9. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Ammosexuals Find Out That Guns Are A Bad Investment As Bubble Bursts

    The AR-15 – proud symbol of the NRA’s fear campaign against firearm regulations. The hysteria that the government was going to seize your firearm resulted in a boom in sales for the past several years. But as with all booms, it has now busted.

    Instead of the rampant growth of the past few years, we now are witnessing factory after factory after factory are shut down.This trend began late last year, covered up as “transitioning” or “adjustments.” After nearly a year of continuing layoffs, the signs are clear, people have stopped buying the overpriced pieces of plastic. Even historically strong companies are in a slump, as some stores witness sales drops of over 70%.


  10. ProudAKAuntie7:50 AM

    Hmmm. Last time I checked, my nephew just got his first hunting rifle (and his first ptarmigan), yet he has been running into burning buildings UNARMED for 15 years.

    What? NO, he does not take his rifle with him to save your life/property!

  11. Anonymous8:25 AM

    The NRA knows it's losing the PR war with the public. All the loud mouth gun nuts like the "open carry" fools are giving responsible gun owners a bad name. The NRA is now trying this type of pr campaign for damage control. It's too late though. The NRA is forever tied to the likes of Ted Nugent. I know many gun owners, my husband included. None want anything to do with the NRA.

  12. Anonymous8:34 AM

    The NRA knows it's losing the PR war with most Americans. When people think of the NRA they think "open carry" nuts in TX scaring people while they eat or shop. They hear NRA and see and hear Ted Nugents racist crazy rants. The NRA knows this and is trying a new PR campaign to try to counteract the nuts who represent them now. It's not going to work. They are forever tied to the loud mouthed extremists they embraced. No gun owner I know- including my husband, wants anything to do with the NRA. They don't want to be tied to these extremists.

  13. Anonymous8:37 AM

    The NRA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the arms manufacturers in the US. We can't change the NRA. Perhaps its time to target (pun intended) the arms manufacturers.

  14. This ad is just more of their use of fear tactics, except this one adds more doom and gloom then most of their other commercials from the past. I wonder if this ad is saying something about how the head honcho's at the NRA are feeling. With the "open carry" gun proponents and the militia members trying to force their agendas on the public with disastrous results, it has to be very discouraging to the heads of the NRA.

  15. Anonymous10:14 AM

    shorter NRA:

    gun = alpha male

    alpha male gets females, food and power

  16. CorningNY12:47 PM

    Did Sarah Palin write that ad?! Because it's just a bunch of word salad full of right-wing catchphrases--her specialty!

  17. Anita Winecooler4:50 PM

    I find it ironic that they use women to sell guns. Hey, La Pierre, have you thought of scantily clad young perky vixens? It worked for selling cars, cigarettes and shaving creme, and since you guys respect life bearing women so much to exploit them, always remember your target audience. Men and dumb bimbo's like Sarah.

    And a big middle finger to your false equivalence between morality and "christianity".


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It just goes directly to their thighs.