Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Christian or Democrat. You can't be both.

Hey do you remember back when people thought they could get their message across with only one or two bumper stickers?

My favorite part is the old Palin sticker at the top with McCain's name covered up.

Because be honest, you had to know this was a Palin supporter, right?


  1. Sally in MI4:19 AM

    Poor dear. Jesus, after whom Christians are,supposed to model themselves, would be for taxes, and against all those wars he so proudly fought, and for fewer guns. So I would counter that one cannot be Christian and Republican. And they prove it daily, don't they?

  2. "My favorite part is the old..."

    That's my second favorite part.

    My favorite part is what appears to be multiple bullet holes in the area around the lower right hand corner of the rear door.

    I have a lot more respect for people like this who eschew the tacky superfluosity of excessive bumper stickery and instead elegantly signal their deeply held anger and self righteous religious beliefs with one simple 1" circular sticker with the international symbol for "douchebag onboard".

  3. Anonymous4:30 AM

    "I think I'll slow down and let this guy get way ahead of me. He's a candidate for road rage."

  4. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Easy choice........and I won't look back.....

  5. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Ted Cruz’s Obamacare Nightmare Comes to Life


    Senate Advances Constitutional Fix To Overturn Citizens United


  6. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Fine by me.

  7. What would Jesus do? He'd choose the Democratic party over the Church.

  8. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Christian soldier = oxymoron

    What part of Thou shall not kill don't they understand?

  9. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I learned something watching film Rachel Maddow showed of McDonnel interviewed by Pat Robertson. McDonnel stated he believed in God and family running the country and not big government. I better understand the extreme beliefs and untruths manipulated with these believers spinning that Obama, Michelle, government is going to take their s'mores, cookies and soda away or even rule what their kids eat in school taking over their parental authority.

    They remind me of control freaks who deceive self it is everyone else out to control them who dismiss even their own individual right to make choices for themselves. They demand everyone else do what they want fighting against equal rights and individual choice and education to make informed choices.

  10. Anonymous6:45 AM

    And that person is too stupid to even keep their lights in working order. Figures.

    1. Anonymous8:22 PM

      It looks like they shot through the wiring that leads to the right rear lamp. A little careless with that pea shooter.

  11. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Christian, or intelligent thinking human, can't be both.

  12. I was actually told this in 2008 by a cousin who constantly sent me anti-Obama emails. I cut off our relationship because it wasn't worth trying to argue with her. As my father often said, "Don't let the little people get you down."

  13. Anonymous7:00 AM

    The tailgate reference to "Matthew 12:30" ("Whomever is not with me is against me") displays their paranoid totalitarian mindset.
    Listen up christofascists, America is the melting pot of diverse races, cultures, religious beliefs, and values who work together to become United and successful.
    That's the USA.
    However, because of your "My way or the highway", it is true that I am against you.

  14. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Are those bullet holes on the bottom right bumper?

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Yeah... I noticed those right away, also. Seems like someone in SC doesn't agree w/ them.

  15. The last looney toon car you showcased with Ant-Obama stickers everywhere did the same exact thing with the McCain Palin sticker - crossed out McCain and left Palin.

    THESE are "her people".

    Was there any doubt?

  16. Anonymous7:49 AM

    It should say Republican or Christian, you cannot be both. Jesus was a socialist, you freaking moron. He advocated feeding the poor, helping the poor. The one time he got furious was when he turned the moneychangers' tables over in the temple because they were trying to make money off of God so to speak. The Republicans don't want to help the poor or feed the poor, they don't want to help the sick. They want them all to die. There are your damn death panels. I wish I had run across that vehicle. I would correct their idiocy with a big old Sharpie. Damn, I am sick of stupid, stupid people.

  17. FL Mom8:07 AM

    Oh look! They're also supporters of a Fair Tax, which is a regressive tax, and ends up hurting the poors. Just your general all around losers.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      And what do you want to bet it would hurt them the worst as well. Stupid idiots voting against their own best interests.

  18. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Well, it is easy to assume that all democrats are the crass liars whom you find on blogs, and that isn't Christian like. Good thing no one who comments here are Christian.

    1. Beldar! Oh Beldar! This puny troll is snarking on your turf!
      M from MD

    2. Anonymous9:44 AM

      We were pretty sure you weren't a Christian. Thanks for verifying. I guess you told Sarah the same bit about crass lying on blogs?

    3. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Lots of people commenting here and on other liberal blogs are Christian, just not the pseudo-type Christians who rely more on the Old Testament than the New. The pseudo crowd are far more likely to be Republicans or libertarians.

    4. Anonymous11:24 AM

      The sooner these half-assed trolls give up in favour of our Beldar, the better.

      BJC does it SO much better!

  19. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I am a Christian and a Democrat, that is all-Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States

  20. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I have just two words for those idiots: Jimmy Carter.

  21. ibwilliamsi12:23 PM

    This is the bat-shit crazy I moved to nearly 3 years ago and see every day. We're paying off our debts with a good salary in the South. We should be good in another 3 years. We will re-visit the idea of moving back to a world of sanity (we left OREGON for THIS?) when we're solvent, but moving isn't free, so...

  22. Anonymous1:54 PM

    The only thing missing is a bumper sticker that says, There ain't no Honor Students in my family!"

  23. Anita Winecooler4:41 PM

    This is your brain on Fox, Any Questions?
    Yeah, I usually speed up to read the bumper stickers on the front of their van, so they can see my dinosaur/fish symbol and well placed, tastefully placed "Big O" Obama Sticker.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.