Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The city of Ferguson is requesting outlandish fees before handing records over to reporters investigating the shooting of Michael Brown. Now why does that sound familiar?

Courtesy of the AP:

Officials in Ferguson, Missouri, are charging nearly 10 times the cost of some of their own employees' salaries before they will agree to turn over files under public records laws about the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown. 

Missouri's attorney general on Monday, after the AP first disclosed the practice, contacted Ferguson's city attorney to ask for more information regarding fees related to document requests, the attorney general's spokeswoman said. 

The move to charge high fees discourages journalists and civil rights groups from investigating the shooting and its aftermath. And it follows dozens of records requests to Ferguson under the state's Sunshine Law, which can offer an unvarnished look into government activity. 

The city has demanded high fees to produce copies of records that, under Missouri law, it could give away free if it determined the material was in the public's interest to see. Instead, in some cases, the city has demanded high fees with little explanation or cost breakdown.

Well that is outlandish, and I think with more public scrutiny the city will be forced to change these outrageous demands or risk attracting even more negative attention. Which at this time they can ill afford.

However as I was reading that I realized that I was suddenly having a case of deja vu.

And I am not the only one, as the AP reported a little further down the page:

Other governments also have demanded spectacular fees. During the 2008 presidential campaign, for instance, news organizations asked for emails belonging to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the former Republican vice presidential nominee. 

The Anchorage Press said officials at first wanted $6,500 in search fees, leading the newspaper to withdraw its request. Thousands of pages of those emails were ultimately provided to news organizations for about $725 in copying charges.

Oh hells yeah! Who could forget all of that hullabaloo back in the days before Palin finally threw up her hands and quit?

Remember how they quoted a price to the AP of over 15 million for the emails?

Ultimately of course the state had to cave to the pressure, but it certainly gave Palin and her minions plenty to time to redact anything that might have actually proven newsworthy.

I wonder if the city of Ferguson is taking a page from that same playbook?


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Remember the thousands of dollars we had to raise for Celtic Diva so that those Palin administration trolls would get off of their lazy asses and do a little work?

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Why you lying?

      And celtic diva isn't exactly the most honest person. Well, to be fair, Ill just call her GULLIBLE

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Palin, Parnell, Tiemessen, and every person in the Palin/Parnell cabal lied about those emails

      Thousands of them were blacked out, or never released because it would show your $arah in a bad light, comitting ethics violations, or being her stupid criminal self.

      Why are you lying? Why aren''t you over at C4pee arguing with the bots about why your $arah will never run for President?

      Oh, and to be fair, BDIB

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I assume you will do a post on this.


    1. I assume you mean a post on just how little stock can be put in any post on a site as deranged as The Blaze?


    2. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Sarah, or is it Todd?
      First you have to link to a credible News source, and Glenn Beck and the Blaze are not credible.
      Try again.

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      The Blaze - is for when Syrup of Ipecac doesn't quite do the job.

  3. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I respect Rosie for a lot. I know she's experienced many things including deep depression. I know she made a deliberate choice early on to never have biological children to avoid spreading the cancer gene.

    But DAMN, she's SO sensitive.

    I respect her decision to not wear an ear piece and understand the reasoning, but if she did, this wouldn't happen.


  4. hedgewytch8:07 AM

    Troll spray needed on aisle IM - boy they're really watching you Gryph. Gee wonder why? LMAO.

    Yeah, that's "freedom" for you. That's using the spirit of an Open and Transparent government that serves the people......

    It's really shameful these kinds of stupid, blatant activities to keep secrets from the people. And it will only backfire on Ferguson, and work to keep this situation fired up and in the minds of the rest of the country. Not very smart FPD.

  5. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I remember those days Sarah Palin's cronies made it difficult to see how crooked former Gov Sarah Palin really was by charging outrageous money for her e-mails and then reacting a lot of them. So much for transparency of former Gov Sarah Palin and her cronies.

  6. Anonymous10:23 AM

    After Two DOJ Warnings, Ferguson Police Still Refuse To Wear Name Tags

  7. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Sarah, your jealousy is showing.
    Rosie O'Donnell is much better liked than you will ever be.
    And the only lead job you'll ever haveis first in line when the Palins go to jail.

  8. Well, well, well, what could the FPD possibly have to hide from its citizens and the rest of the country???

    Guilty much?

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      you ask a question you know the answer to...
      Really want to annoy the Palin & Associates?
      Look up Dain Bosworth Wealth Management...
      Then look up Ritcher Investments in Alaska...
      Google Western Life Insurance in SpokaneWA
      Then start to put the pieces together...
      Watch em wig out...you think they mad now?
      Lol...just wait...and watch the 'train wreck'...
      I know the pieces fit...cuz I watch them fall away...Sarah let us know how that works out!

  9. Anonymous5:48 PM

    They didn't steal a page from Sarah's book, she sold it to them for a thousand bucks. This abuse of the FOIA and Sunshine laws needs a penalty for non compliance within a predetermined amount of time, or why have them in the first place?
    I wonder if an Attorney wrote a request if they'd be put on a waiting list, blown off, or charged outrageous fees?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.