Saturday, September 27, 2014

Today Sarah Palin goes to Louisiana to doom another campaign, and devour reptilian carcasses.

Courtesy of USA Today:  

Sarah Palin is lending her Tea Party star power to Republican Rob Maness, who is running an insurgent campaign in Louisiana’s Senate race against incumbent Democrat Mary Landrieu. 

Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy is the party favorite in the race, but Maness, a retired Air Force officer, says he intends to stay in the race, fueling a familiar establishment vs. Tea Party narrative in GOP races this year.

However as usual this year the Tea Party challenger is struggling to gain momentum in what is now really a two person race. Which has inspired the Maness campaign to run on the power of denial:

...while Maness may have put forward proposals on, for instance, energy and national security, his campaign has also been dogged by stories it is running out of money (Maness disputes them and notes he is still on the trail) and polls that generally show him a distant third behind Mary Landrieu and Bill Cassidy.

Which has really moved the campaign from the merely hopeful to the truly pathetic, as evidenced by the invitation that the Maness campaign handed out concerning today's event: 

The Maness campaign sent an invitation to its #OneOfUs endorsers, key volunteers and some political figures. The campaign is asking those who attend to bring one truly undecided voter. There's no cost to attend.

"While the two Washington politicians are downing out one another in negative, misleading ads, Rob is surging in the polls just by traveling over 80,000 miles in his Ford F-150 to all 64 parishes holding over 43 town halls and listening to every Louisianan he can," the invitation read. "Rob's candidacy is confounding the 'experts' and is going to shock the establishment on Election Day."

Oh yeah, denial.

Which may help to explain while Maness, more than any other Teabagger candidate this elections cycle has clung as tightly to the Palin endorsement.

In fact Maness is so proud of the Grizzled Mama's kiss of death that he has several videos of he and Palin on his campaign website.

Here's just one:

Oh yeah, she should really turn this whole thing around for Manness.


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    In the end they always eat their own.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Oh, that's been going on since the inception of the Tea Party. ;-D

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    80,000 miles? in an F-150?!?
    Lie. LMAO!

  3. A. J. Billings9:10 AM

    I hope the incoming Mack Truck, Iceberg, or Brawlgate vids will knock that smug, smarmy asshole on her keister, and force her to retreat to the bedroom for months with just Dr Pepper and Crunch Wraps for company.

    "TODD I'm OUT OF ICE!!"

  4. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I wonder how much of other peoples money Brawler Palin contributed to this nutbags campaign. Anyone? Bueller?
    I'm betting $0.00.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      That's the beauty of PAC required filings. One can see she doesn't contribute anything but what she has to. Comparisons between last quarter and this should be fun......we'll see how much she had to pay for silence over the brawl. It certainly didn't come out of her own account!

    2. Anon 9:36, I completely agree with you and look forward to find out how much she receives in donations this period. Her donations for the last two reporting periods have so far been below her expenses and I'm eager to see how much, if any, the brawl hurts her donations. As her fan base gets smaller, it leaves mostly of the truly blind older evangelicals cult base who completely block out all of the negatives about Palin with their magical thinking. Reading the comments at C4P is a real eye opener, and if you haven't been to that site yet I highly recommend you pay it a visit. Every time I read the comments posted their I'm just awed by their ignorance and the blind loyalty they have towards Palin. They are definitely a cult and a perfect study of cult members.

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      So you don't think she gets money from Koch Industries. I think she does but I'd like to hear your opinion.

    4. Anonymous5:42 PM

      The real money keeping Palin afloat won't be seen in this PAC or any of her others. The quietly placed Koch money is probably large enough for even an idiot like her to be willing to continually shill her silliness in face of such abject derision.

      The few loyal bots are just for show to keep the TPs frothing while she's taking her orders and speaking points from guys with an even worse agenda than her own evil schemes. Wonder how loyal her dwindling bots would remain if they bothered to learn she is deeply in the pocket of these very dangerous megalomaniacal libertarians whose plan to 'control' the world is moving forward in leaps in bounds.

      Highly suspect there are numerous 'holding companies' where her ill gotten gains are funneled, keeping both sides neatly anonymous and essentially trace and tax-free until she cashes them in. Stock, real estate, gold, diamonds. All sorts of ways to 'move' money without a W-2 or 1099.

  5. Anonymous9:13 AM

    When I run for office, I'm getting Pee Wee Herman to stump for me. Same difference!

  6. Anonymous9:25 AM

    80,000 miles? What the heck? Apparently he has been driving around La for a few yrs. Miss Meth head is too used to flying.
    BTW I married a cajun and while I don't mind gator meat it's nothing special and I have been gator hunting WITH my wedding ring on.

    1. As a Floridian, I completely agree with you that gator meat is nothing special. After trying it a couple of times I have never ordered it again. If you like fried gristly chicken then you might like gator, but I see it as mostly a novelty food and nothing more. The tourist seem to be the ones who mostly order it, but once you've tried it and you can say you've eaten it, the novelty of it wears off.

  7. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Is she wearing something black stretch lace under that yellow atrocity? That's a new low even for her.

  8. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Ah, bless her warped little evil heart. Palin's just so happy to be there to prop up her self-importance.
    Ain't she just precious.
    Glad she ain't in my neck of the woods anymore.
    M from Md

  9. Anonymous9:44 AM

    It's not right to keep letting theses people believe in the "Mack Truck"

  10. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Look at her puffing out her feathers. What a nincompoop.

  11. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Given that "one of us" is the chant from the horror film "Freaks," I'd say his campaign hashtag is spot on.

  12. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Bottom picture: why does she always stand like that - hands on hips, sticking her (fake) chest out ? Doesn't she realize how stupid that looks ? Only thing missing is the twirling of her tassels.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      It's her "Supremacist Wannabe Tough Girl" stance...and the dummy fails at it every time.

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      If push comes to shove, in comes Bristol with the brass knuckles. It's how they roll.

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      It's just like crossing your arms in front of you, it is body language saying you aren't listening to anyone else.

    4. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Bristol only attacks those who she knows will not fight back. Bristol ran from the stalker who was INVITED by Willow.

    5. Anonymous2:01 PM

      More like fingers in her ears, 11:25 AM, she really is that juvenile.

    6. The picture of her arching her back to push out her boobs on the sidewalk outside of the FOX studios, still makes me laugh every time I see it. Gryphen uses it every so often and I think it must also be one of his favorites as well. It also makes her look a fake, which of course she is. I think she probably has a serious problem with how she perceives herself and her body. I believe it was particularly evident during her anorexia period about 1.5 years ago. The attention she gets from her fans is probably very encouraging for her and helps her with her self identity. With FOX now giving her less air time and attention, her self image of herself is probably taking a hit. She also has the poorest taste in clothing of all of the people I regularly see in pictures. Her taste in footwear is particularly poor and tasteless. I believe the description of her as 'white trailer trash' is very descriptive of her and her family.

  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Are these old photo???? I remember seeing her wear this gross outdated jacket with the weird hair before. It's hard to imagine that she would do it again!

    1. Yup, it's from May 30, 2014 in New Orleans:

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Yes Anonymous 10:07, you would think a millionaire like Sarah could afford a stylish jacket or two, suitable for all occasions. Yet she continues to wear the same ugly, out-dated, unflattering clothing. The only time she has ever looked presentable was when the GOP dressed her in 2008. Granted, they spent a fortune to make her look nice, but the same classic styles can be purchased for a reasonable price by the average person, within a budget. One just has to look around, go online or find a good seamstress/tailor. Sarah could even afford a personal shopper.

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM

      $carah prefers to shop at the consignment store in Wasilla. Looks like they had a fire sale on pleather also, too.

    4. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Who wears sandals with leather jackets?

    5. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Because drug addicts rarely do new photos unless they are mug shots.

  14. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Damn!!!' Listen to her lying bullshit in the second video!!!

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      that room ? is that the 30'X30' commons room at the local psych ward ?

  15. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Sarah has only three "looks" and they are;
    1. badly outdated top in current photo.... is she a pre-teen?
    2. over-the top- slutty outfit replete with American flags
    3. "caught on camera"- dirty, unkempt and wild-eyed

    This is the first, obviously. Wish I could have seen her footwear which is always FUGLY1

  16. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I have never in my 57 years on the planet seen a female take such pride in being so "Sybilly" mental. Too bad her Saint Reagan took away all the funding for people with issues such as hers.

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      @10:22, Yes! And that's when all of those people ended up on the streets.

    2. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Shove it, $arah, pure and simple.
      You lie every time your mouth opens.
      Bring up Reagan again....I dare ya!

  17. Anonymous10:28 AM

    You'll be able to smell her from your house anyway.

  18. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Hopefully this is the end of the American Naztea Party

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Yeah because the Dems outlook is really great right
      You do realize the Nazis were socialists don't you? National Socialist German Workers' Party.

    2. As of today -

      "BRAND NEW POLLS! Democrats are now winning in Kentucky (+2), Louisiana (+2) Arkansas (+2), Georgia (+3), and North Carolina (+2)!!

      Too close for comfort but doable. Please get out the vote!

    3. Anonymous11:53 AM

      And 11:03 you realize the Taliban are religious
      fundamentalists, right? Just like the Tea Party.

    4. Anonymous12:12 PM

      The Nazi's were fascists, an autocratic, despotic government. The use of the word National *Socialist* German Workers' Party is misleading and if you're trying to equate the Dems with the National Socialist German Workers' Party, you've got it all wrong buddy!

    5. Sure, why not? Heck, anyone can call themselves anything they want and that’s what they are! For example, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of (North) Korea are obviously democracies just like the United States, right?

      Sweet Jesus on a stick, you people are too willfully ignorant and stupid to breathe. Try reading a book every once in a while that doesn’t require the use of crayons. The Nazis used the term socialist in their name because they believed in social Darwinism:

      Social Darwinists generally argue that the strong should see their wealth and power increase while the weak should see their wealth and power decrease. Different social Darwinists have different views about which groups of people are the strong and the weak, and they also hold different opinions about the precise mechanism that should be used to promote strength and punish weakness. Many such views stress competition between individuals in laissez-faire capitalism, while others motivated ideas of eugenics, racism, imperialism,[3] fascism, Nazism and struggle between national or racial groups.[4][5]

      So, you ignorant nitwit, since you, Sarah Palin and all the brain dead Teanuts have clearly demonstrated that you are in complete alignment with those beliefs, you fit the description of social Darwinists to a “tea,” and, therefore, you are all obviously nothing more than Nazi scum.

      So stick that in your meth pipe and smoke it, you colossal ignoramus.

    6. Anonymous12:29 PM

      What do the Republicans offer, 11:03, besides a return to the "good old days" of old white men ruling everything? Privatize everything is their answer to all our "problems"!

    7. Anonymous12:55 PM

      11:03 AM

      You do realize you are an idiot, don't you? The Nazis were fascists. Folks who are not ignorant like you aren't confused by the name.

    8. "Anonymous11:03 AM
      Yeah because the Dems outlook is really great right
      You do realize the Nazis were socialists don't you? National Socialist German Workers' Party."
      So much stupid packed into one comment. The Nazis have nothing to do with the Democratic Party in the US. In addition, the Democratic party is not a socialist party. On the other hand, since you brought up nazis, take a look at the republican party who have a long list of people they consider less American and less deserving of constitutional rights than others.

      You know, it's like calling the republican party of today the "party of Lincoln" when obviously, it is no such thing.

    9. Anonymous1:54 PM

      @11:03 AM With Sarah Palin being the Face of the Tea Party, you should STFU, assclown.

    10. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Love the 'Naztea' label for the Tea Party people! Like the play on words; Naztea = 'Nasty' and or 'Nazi.'

      Both work.

      Just as I like 'GOTP' for Tea Party people the 'P' is as in pee (the pond). GOT P? Why yes, yes they do! Republicans have too many rabidly infected Tea people within the party.


    11. Anonymous3:54 PM

      @anon 11:03 am What else would you call the red states that continually are takers and living off the tax dollars of blue states? Wouldn't that be socialist takers?

  19. Gonna stay inside today~the wendigo is only about 3 hours away from me. Will be doubly sure to fill out and mail my ballot.

  20. Anonymous10:47 AM

    She's looking with such disgust at the "little people" in the audience.

  21. Anonymous10:53 AM

    The 1980s called. They want their jacket with shoulder pads returned. The jacket is just as relevant as she is.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      The Carrington women are soooo jealous.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      It's confirmed.....she shops at Value Village or Salvation Army. Good grief, grief, Sarah, there is a Nordstrom's in Anchorage you could shop at. They have a personal shopper to help you put outfits together. A novel idea.

    3. LOL 1:35!

      (Or Ivana Trump in the 80s)

    4. Anonymous2:59 PM

      I shop at Goodwill, off and on. There can be some pretty presentable outfits to be found there.
      But Sarah' promoting her national brand. Any store at the mall. including Penney's, Target, or Macy's, could give her attractive clothes for not much money.
      But, I don't think it's about money. She wants to look different, slightly seedy, without a clue. Somehow she thinks she looks authentic in padded shoulders and pleatherette jacket. Too bad she can't bring her gun to cling to.

  22. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Fellow coonass here, too. I would probably get arrested if I were anywhere near that woman.

  23. Anonymous11:08 AM

    If Palin was in demand to offer endorsements and campaign with people, her calendar would be all filled up. I think that she only campaigns with someone who will pay her first class travel costs. And, no, she does not contribute anything to the candidate except her time (and her hot personality).

  24. Anonymous11:25 AM

    OT; In the mind of a Palinbot

    Pete Petretich • 5 minutes ago


    1 • Reply•Share ›
    c4pfan Pete Petretich • 4 minutes ago
    That is horrible. :(
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    But christians firebombing abortion clinics or killing abortion doctors and staff on US soil, the terrorists are patriots answering a call from god.

    How fucking ludicrous can religions of all faiths get?

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Right because a firebombing of an abortion clinic once every 20 years is the same as daily beheadings of Christians and Muslims of the wrong tribe in the middle east.
      Thanks from the mind of a suicidal leftist with no ability to reason.

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM

      12:09- it's not just people on the left who are so ignorant about how dangerous extremist Muslims are. There are just as many on the right.
      I'm a liberal and when I hear comments like 11:25, I shudder at the naive ness. There are dangerous Christian extremists yes, but they are not blowing themselves up in suicide bombing, they aren't be heading people. But don't be naive yourself about the dangerous in this country. Far right extremists are an issue here.

    3. 8 murders. 17 attempted murders, 383 death threats, 153 incidents of assault or battery, and 3 kidnappings committed against abortion providers. (Wikipedia)
      So, for you does the horror of fundamentalist terrorism depend on numbers? And it's OK if its domestic terrorists, especially "Christian" ones? It's OK to murder those in the abortion "tribe"? What is your point 12:09?

    4. Anonymous2:23 PM

      12:09 PM

      The zealots who firebomb clinics are the same as those who behead. The person with no ability to reason is you. You are an idiot.

    5. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Liz, In how many years? Decades? for those numbers. Even so, won't even catch up with Islamist killings not by a long shot. 8 murders? That probably happens every minute at the hands of a radical islamist in the middle east. Please.
      Wikipedia? LOL
      Go read an article from MIT Tech called The Decline of Wikipedia and get back to me.
      My point is your a fucking asshole who cannot see the nose on your face.
      All you people do is say "oh look 8's the same as a religion that is hell bent on killing those who do not subscribe to their beliefs."
      12:09 You think that because you have no reason. Your moral equivalence will only eventually get you killed because you believe the two are the same. I only hope that the Islamists will give you a chance of paying the infidel tax instead of cutting your head off and killing you.
      If that is the case then the environmentalists who and left wing anarchists who have caused mayhem and murder are the same as the beheaders as well.

    6. Oh please how many gun toting rw-thinking nutbuckets play shoot-em up on the innocent? Oh they aren't terrorists either? Right. FOH

      And the racist militia is another threatening group of bundy-ish crazies.

      Also since we are talking about names with the wrong nomenclature the repub party of Linclon isn't the same party today. No you didn't free no slaves.

      So don't get it twisted.

    7. Anonymous6:15 PM

      ANYONE who kills because of their beliefs are terrorists. It doesn't matter how many there have been, or will be. They are terrorists.

    8. Anonymous8:07 PM

      2:55 PM Get a grip, lay off of the oxy.

    9. Anonymous8:11 AM

      A quick lesson...
      It's not about the numbers it's about the ideology of; we are right and you are wrong, so you deserve to die... The Taliban, ISIL, Al Qaeda are fundamentalists who want to force their beliefs on others. They are able to do this in larger numbers because of the structure of their society. We are lucky to live in a country that has a stable judicial system which staves off indiscriminate crimes against humanity. The citizens that reside in these middle east countries, which have been overrun by these groups, are mainly illiterate farmers and tribal groups who are ill equipped to deal with ultra militarized terrorists. Thus, making them more vulnerable because there is a lack of "rule of law," within the government structure.
      Take a look at the Clive Bundy situation. These people want to inflict their form of civil disobedience on local citizens i.e. checking ids of locals. Our government is treading very carefully because they know it is a volatile situation but it hasn't spread throughout the country. How would you feel if the tree huggin' liberals drove a tank into your town and broke into your house at gunpoint and threw away all of your food that wasn't vegan?? Hmmmm.

  25. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Sarah, eating alligator must be be like eating Bristol's pussy. I hear Bristol is gamely.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Gamely? You are more of a classless idiot than Bristol.

    2. Balzafiar1:36 PM

      I think you meant this:

      gamy, gamey : adjective
      1. (of meat) having the strong flavor or smell of game, especially when it is slightly tainted.
      2. [North American] racy; disreputable.

      So is she gamey? Why yes, yes she is. Personally under definition 2, and her pussy falls under definitions 1 and 2.

    3. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Gamely, like game(wild meat).
      Gamely is the best adjective I have heard fo for slutty Ol' Brisket.

    4. Anonymous10:43 PM

      These comments about Bristol are gratuitously sexist and misogynistic. She deserves disdain to be sure, but posts like those of 12:05, 1:36, and 3:57 are utterly repulsive and say nothing good about whoever posted them.

  26. Anonymous12:14 PM

    It's plain to see that this man has the hots for Palin. Because of it, will he be able to accept loosing??

  27. Anonymous12:25 PM

    A re hash of the same old talking points.

    Felled policies.
    Going along to get along.
    Reignin' in spending.
    We're taxed enough already.
    My son is a "combat vet" (more like combative drunk)

    Blah blah blah..

    How the hell does her hair length change from long to short then long again ??

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Wigs. She has no hair.

    2. Balzafiar1:37 PM

      Well, perhaps the long and short of it is that she is a shapeshifter?

  28. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Huey Long she aint.

    Look it up, Sarah.

  29. Caroll Thompson2:50 PM

    i read that a whole 100 people showed up for Palin and the event was free.

    i guess even in the deep south, old Sarah is not what she used to be.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Palin attended an event for Maness at Restaurant des Familles in Crown Point. About 100 people joined Palin and Maness in eating a variety of alligator-inspired foods.

    2. Anonymous7:04 AM

      100 people? More people than that line-up in front of our local pot store on a Thursday afternoon.

  30. Given the palins are a feral and tend to revert to unprovoked violence, tell me why Shawn Christy was a threat again? And bustol's little convenient (happened the night after the palin brawl) stalker isn't?

    So the insufferable witch leaves her "g{r}ift from {her} god" the one she "is so in love" with and bustol {the-sucker puncher} {the pistol} {the stank ho from wasilla} by their lonesome?

    I know it's normal for her to attend to her ego first but given the circumstances of the stalker and the palin brawl, grizzly mama should be home protecting her investments, er I mean cubs.

    1. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Shawn Christy had a screw loose. Would you like to have him harass you and your family?

    2. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Did the Wasilly popo bury the latest stalker in the field behind the jail? Where the fuck did he go?

  31. See there are some anonymous commenters I would love to follow. 10:07 you are one of them.

    Encore! Encore!

  32. Wait. Are these old pics from May 30, 2014? Did you choose these pics G or did sarahy?

  33. Anonymous3:47 PM

    She is such an asshole.

  34. Mrs. Palin's hair makes the alligator look like a beauty queen.

    I'm just disappointed Palin wasn't wearing a green pleather jacket. Or alligator pumps.

  35. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Best comment at link:

    "Photo: Wrong mouth taped shut."

  36. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Apparently Palin's speech at the Values Voter Summit was a dud.
    In the straw poll as to their preferred candidate
    ( Jesus was obviously not on the ballot )
    Palin got 9 votes..count em..9 votes for a total of 1 % of attendees
    who want her as their presidential candidate.
    She was on the bottom of the barrel and only got 8 more votes than Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. The " Write In "
    candidate actually got more votes.

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      I hope Megyn doesn't bring this up on her show. Remember last time Megyn mentioned how low in the polls for potus sarah was? sarah went running crying and complaining to greta about it. Then sarah dissed Megyn on national tv, Megyn is roger aile's girl & you can bet he wasn't too happy about that. But then again how often is sarah invited on fux these days? about 10 minutes a month?

    2. Jesus would never win the VVS straw poll. Too liberal.

  37. "Today Sarah Palin goes to Louisiana to ...devour reptilian carcasses."
    I immediately pictured her gnawing on her own arm.

  38. Anonymous5:31 AM

    old old photo and video.... why? is she sporting a black eye or missing her teeth? Did she lose them in the drunken brawl?

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Hard to say but when do you think she's going to get a grown-up woman's haircut and stop shopping in the junior's department of macys? When do you think these "good" christians who come to hear her speak are going to listen to the vile, hateful puke that projects out of her pie-hole and realize there's nothing christian about her? She is nothing like any good christian ladies I've ever known. In fact she is the furthest thing from God I've ever witnessed. With her hate, bitterness, racism and greed she can only be an agent of satan.

  39. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Wearing yet another "top" that she bought one of each color, who does that, other than someone piper's age? I can't remember a more pathetic looking ponytail. If I put 1/4 of my hair in a ponytail it would be thicker than that wisp she has going on there...


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