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Image courtesy of the Anchorage Press |
I have no idea if this is the result of my request for all of you to spread it far and wide or not, and it really doesn't matter. All that matters is that now it is starting to get coverage in news outlets NOT centered inside of Alaska. And that is very good news indeed.
First there is one of my favorite news outlets Raw Story:
A top commander for the Alaska National Guard was recommended for “other than honorable” discharge earlier this year following an investigation that found he allowed recruiters to sexually assault and harass women.
Lt. Col. Joseph Lawendowski failed to act on multiple complaints of serious misconduct, including rape, against four noncommissioned officers under his command, according to an Army investigation.
The article links directly to the Anchorage Press, who I absolutely believe should be getting the lion's share of the credit for their incredible coverage of this scandal.
Next up there is RT.com:
Several leaked documents show that the Alaska National Guard's leadership supported a culture of sexual assault, theft and smuggling. The released reports coincide with the state's contentious gubernatorial election.
The May 3 Army Regulation 15-6 (AR) report obtained by The Anchorage Press alleges that Lt. Col. Joseph Lawendowski, who joined the Alaska National Guard (ANG) in 2003, promoted steroid use by recruiters, used government vehicles for strip club outings, and possibly used government-issued credit cards for improper purchases when he led the command from 2008-2009. He also created a workplace environment where three male officers – Jarret Carson, John Nieves and Shannon Tallent – repeatedly violated regulations by having consensual sex with women while working.
Once again, as you can see, the Anchorage Press is credited with much of the reporting.
And finally we have Wonkette:
Wonkette would like to give a hearty welcome to Lt. Col. Joseph R. Lawendowski, our daily (hourly?) “He seems nice” contestant.
Lt. Col. Lawendowski is a rough tough military man and the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Training of the Alaska National Guard. Please note the use of present tense there, which is rather surprising, given that military investigators submitted a confidential report (an “AR 15-6” in military terms, not to be mistaken for the similarly named semiautomatic rifle) back in March and leaked to the Anchorage Press.
The Press says Lawendowski was found “directly responsible for empowering Alaska guard recruiters to sexually assault and harass female soldiers, recruits and civilians.” The report recommended that he be given an “other than honorable” discharge for his role in allowing some seriously bizarre misbehavior by recruiters when he served as commander of the Alaska Army National Guard Recruiting and Retention Battalion (RRB) from November 2007 to May 2012. Also, too, the growing scandal could very well spill over into the 2014 Alaska governor’s race, since there are questions about Gov. Sean Parnell’s knowledge of the mess — the usual what did he know and when did he know it stuff.
Gotta love Wonkette!
You probably could not help but notice that, while also giving credit to the Anchorage Press, Wonkette drew a line right back to Governor Parnell as well.
The other articles made that connection too, as of course they all should.
I actually watched quite a bit of cable news yesterday hoping this would get some coverage but so far I have not seen any.
We NEED to help make this a story that simply cannot be ignored.
I think once they get their hands on it, the national media will have a hard time letting it go.
And that is not only good for Alaskans, but that is good for everybody.
The tie in to Palin (and, Todd, the pimp) needs to be brought into this too. More info needs to go out to these folks talking about it OR responses to their articles should be attached from all of us!
ReplyDeleteI so badly do NOT want Parnell reelected or for the Palins to go down. Parnell and Palins are tied into this mess together!
Don't forget too that Parnell has covered for the Palins since holding Alaska office!
And AG Dan Sullivan, soft on crime and running for Alaska's junior Senate seat from Ohio.
DeleteO/T but whoo-frickin'-hoo! Justice is served!
ReplyDeleteMichael Dunn Sentenced To Life In Prison For 'Loud Music' Killing Of Jordan Davis
A Florida man convicted of first-degree murder for fatally shooting a teenager in an argument over loud music outside a Jacksonville convenience store has been sentenced to life in prison without parole.
A life sentence was mandatory for 47-year-old Michael Dunn after prosecutors did not seek the death penalty.
Dunn was convicted of first-degree murder at a second trial in September after jurors deadlocked on the charge at his initial trial in February. Prosecutors say Dunn, who is white, fired 10 times into a sport utility vehicle carrying black teenagers in November 2012, killing 17-year-old Jordan Davis of Marietta, Georgia.
At his first trial in February, Dunn was convicted of three counts of attempted second-degree murder for which he already faced at least 60 years. He claimed self-defense.
I saw this earlier. About damn time! Life with no parole. He so deserves this. Lying, dirty bastard.
ReplyDeleteSo thankful this is going public. G., thanks for being cautious and patient. If you or other Alaskans have known things and couldn't say anything and had to patiently wait for the right time, congratulations to all of you. It's hard knowing stuff might be true and having to keep it under the rug.
Maybe this will spell a new era for AK'ers, Not like the Palin/Parnell error.
Hasn't Shannyn Moore also been involved in some of this disclosure as to the Alaska National Guard too? Anchorage Dispatch - newspaper?
DeleteExcerpt from John McCain's August 29 speech announcing his choice of Sarah Palin:
ReplyDelete"As the head of Alaska's National Guard and as the mother of a soldier herself, Governor Palin understands what it takes to lead our nation and she understands the importance of supporting our troops."
We need to get this quote from McCain along w/all the other Alaska National Guard coverup information that has been disclosed to Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) and others to see if they'll cover it.
DeleteRachel Maddow is specifically paying attention to state elections that are close - according to polls - and, Alaska is among them!
We all need to take Parnell and Palin down - spread the word!!! Both are as corrupt as they come and have been partners in their crimes!
o/t -- uh, oh. Someone's living too vibrantly and purposefully to change up the Word of the Day and the Quote of the Day on SarahPalinChannel. Some stuff from yesterday. Maybe that's to give them extra-added importance.
ReplyDeleteIt's been more than a month since Papa Heath has shared his home truths about the 50th State. He's still thinking up another one.
"It's been more than a month since Papa Heath has shared his home truths about the 50th State."
I guess his idiot daughter quit before she realized Alaska (the state she was the governor of) was the 49th state, or she could have corrected the old fart.
Or are they really featuring stories about Hawaii, the 50th state, where the muslin Kenyan usurper was born and grew up? Why are they ignoring Alaska?
Who knew that Papa Heath cared so much about Hawaii, the 50th State?
DeleteA liberal media should want this story. It has every kind of vice they battle against. Women's rights, women who were harassed and raped and ignored by the NG superiors; 3 chaplains who went to the authorities and were ignored or told someone would deal with it. The Parnell Administration, run by a self-professed christian man, who needed the 'christian' vote.
ReplyDeleteAbsuse and rape and sexual harassment in the ANG and it was covered up by superiors who were promoted during those times. This has to go far and wide. And, this Blaylock, who tried to warn authorities about a death of a woman who felt her life threatenend and she then was mysteriously dead? Again, swept under the rug?
This Lewandowski guy who ran a christian end-times blog and ministry (checked it out and his partner in Saskatoon, Sask. Canada) had a weak ministry, as there was little or no material (maybe one video posted of Lewandowski himself giving a 10-minute teaching on Revelation). That site was a front cover for something else.
The whole thing stinks to high heaven. It may be that it's so corrupt and that the players who condone this behavior are big names that have protection from high high places. This couldn't possibly be able to be exposed in one session, it might take months to go down all the rabbit holes. Forget the Palins, this could be much much bigger.
What an interesting thought, that Lewandowski's web site ministry is actually a cover for something else! Wonder if this is also true for other 'way out there' ministries?
DeleteDoesn't Cindy McCain advocate for women caught in the sex trade? These people who make these great claims need to address this story. Where are all the christian leaders on this story? If this were under the Obama Administration's watch, imagine the right-wing going bonkers all over this story? They'd be frothing at the mouth.
ReplyDeleteBut, it's a republican problem and there is nary a peep. Franklin Graham never heard a thing about this? Considering he owns a home and property and works with wounded warriors? Greta (who loves to claim she's all for supporting women)? Joni Ernst?? who loves castrating......Rep. Kelly Ayotte, Rep. Collins (Maine), Michelle Bachmann? Where are all the women who want support from women, but won't lift a finger or a voice about this? Crickets from them. If it were a democratic state problem, they'd be all over it like flies on ointment.
Daily Kos has the story.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to see the Raw Story and RT coverage. I hope we'll soon see some big national corporate media coverage. I've been surprised Rachel Maddow hasn't been on top of the story. She's big on covering military issues and has also shown interest in AK politics, with past personal contact with AK bloggers, Shannyn Moore and Jeanne Devon.
ReplyDeleteRandom thoughts:
Allegations of sexual assault/rape go back to the late 1990’s with reports that even the Pentagon had been in the information loop.
Attempts to scapegoat a few individuals needs to be vehemently resisted. They need to dig into AKNG records and AK governor's office records going way back with no executive privilege exclusions and no redacting.
Lewandowski was friends with Gen. Katkus. And Katkus is friends with Sean Parnell.
Catherine Jorgensen was fired and Parnell insisted she be rehired the next day.
Current AG and senatorial candidate Sullivan has been involved.
Palin promoted the former Adjutant Gen. Campbell and then moved him into the Lt. Gov. slot when she resigned.
Allegations of drug-running, missing military equipment, fraud, etc. must not get lost in the horrific rape and sexual abuse charges.
The Pentagon and Dept of Defense were instrumental in McCain/Palin propaganda using Track Palin. There were many articles of lies making Sarah Palin's son the greatest thing to join the military since John McCain.
DeleteNo wonder the Republicans won't give up on Benghazi. What if people caught on about the National Guard in far off Alaska?
The story is also in democraticunderground.com, and probably many other sites as well. Am guessing it'll be in many more sites soon, and perhaps soon even in the New York Times and Washington Post. This. story. has. legs. Big legs.
ReplyDeleteWhatsa matter wid you man? Doncha know we has an Eboli epidemic going on? They is sending in sick people on every plane to wipe out us Mericans? We don't need no stinkin' rotten National Guard perverts to murky up the news cycle. People are dying in the streets and ER waiting rooms man. We can't be bothered with horny service men or corrupt politicians! If the Libruls stay home and ducktape there windows and doors and cover everything in Saran Wrap and boil all their food and water we can let the teepee'rs take care of us by sending in the Military to bomb Africa and our worries will be over. We will send those nasty boys in up to protect us when they raise their Eboli heads coming over our borders in Alasssska! As soon as Parnell gets re-elected and Sarah and her mighty warriors sober up they will take care of everything. Yikes Griffy, you are getting your panties in a wad over nothing! Chill out. Those recruiters were just testing the waters to see what these women could best be used for the moral of the troops during those cold winters you have up there. Seems the Polar Bear population is thinning out....what's a guy to do if he can't find a warm body to snuggle up with? Boys will be boys! Haven't you learnt anything?
ReplyDelete11:24--Yup. and don't you fear nothin' and such...Sarah and the Chirch'll take care of that there Ebolius fer us rill Murikens, you betcha! Don't need none of them fancy hospitools or that Big Gubmint Obummercare, dagnabbit!
DeleteAnonymous 11:00 VERY interesting points. All of them. Especially your last paragraph. The missing military equipment, to me, points to the AIP. This situation is screaming for a ginormous investigation, followed by numerous indictments, and criminal trials.
ReplyDeleteGive it time.
ReplyDeleteThe Palin Brawl finally make The Colbert Report.
"Anchorage senator plans to investigate Alaska National Guard allegations":
Yeah ... Lesil McGuire, Republican. And look how quickly she is being shot down by her own Republican mates in the AK senate ...
DeleteWith Palin's past history of questionable behavior on the national stage - going back to 2008 - I think this National Guard scandal will really pique the interest of people. The fact some are calling for hearings at the State level is critical to keeping it in the news. Unfortunately for the Palin clan - their recent dust up at the birthday party is still fresh in people's minds as well as the press. This NG situation will continue to shine a spotlight on Sarah. Of particular interest is that it goes back to her term as Gov.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
Interesting day for SarahPAC - on several sites today there are articles concerning how little Sarah gives to people running for office as opposed to what she is bringing in. How amazing is this that people are finally noticing what many of us have been preaching for several years? There is seriously something wrong with anyone who contributes to her slush fund. I don't even want to hear from the trolls about how she might be running in 2016. The only place she will be running is to find some place to hide.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
Parnell's response?
ReplyDelete"Hey, look over there! Two men want to marry each other."
Throw the bum out.
Parnell and Palin did a cover up as to the Alaska National Guard. Palin is no longer a politician (thank god!) and Parnell needs to be shown the door!
DeleteThey are two P's in a pod - both very, very corrupt and dishonest!
Love the last sentence over at Wonkette.
ReplyDelete"Keep an eye on this mess. We have a feeling we’ll eventually be hearing that these guys were partying with the Palins."
This could be closer to the truth than they know!
AKNG + Iron Dog
DeleteWhich one of the National Guard rapists is it that Shailey Tripp knew?
ReplyDelete‘Miss Hitler 2014′ Is Definitely Your New Least Favorite Beauty Pageant
ReplyDeleteThe conscious coupling of sexy selfies and genocide glorification.
Looks like the Guard is in trouble in other places, too, though, to our knowledge, so far, not for anything as cruel, sick, twisted and horrific as the Alaska branch, but still pretty disgusting and tasteless and stupid.
ReplyDeleteUtah Nat'l Guard In Hot Water Over 'Hot Shots' Swimsuit Model Photo Shoot
The Utah National Guard launched an investigation into the possible use of military "equipment, facilities, and personnel" in a photo shoot with British models, television station KSTU reported on Thursday.
A YouTube video showed scantily clad models shooting guns and straddling tanks in a promotional campaign for the "Hot Shots 2015" calendar.
KSTU reported that, in addition to a special thanks to the "Soldiers of the 19th Special Forces Group," people thought to be members of the National Guard appeared in the video.
The Utah National Guard's Lt. Col. Steven Fairbourn told KSTU that the investigation sought to determine whether their "equipment, facilities, and personnel" were used in the video. Fairbourn told the station that the photo shoot was not authorized by the National Guard.
"An investigation was initiated by the Utah National Guard on Oct. 14 to determine potential unauthorized use of military equipment, facilities, and personnel in the Hot Shots 2015 calendar production.
Productions of this kind are not in keeping with the values of the Utah National Guard nor its members.
Use of military equipment, facilities, and personnel in civilian for-profit endeavors such as this requires approval of National Guard Bureau Public Affairs through the respective state National Guard Headquarters. There was no official approval for this project. The investigation will determine if Utah National Guard equipment, facilities, and personnel were used in the Hot Shots 2015 calendar production and required actions if this is the case."
Utah's House Minority Leader Jennifer Seelig (D) told KSTU that she was concerned about the shoot.
"If this video was shot at a government restricted facility using government specialized military equipment, either leadership knew about this or their security protocols aren’t robust enough to keep a bunch of calendar girls and their crew and assorted groupies out," Seelig said. "It flies in the face of any progress we have made in the military and sends out this archaic message to girls and women that their true value lies in their body parts."
Possibly Parnie won't be seen as such a superb prospective oil corporation employee after all post this "governorship".
ReplyDeleteya know something occurred to me...they were audited for taking helicopters out without authorization or a flight plan...
ReplyDeletewell now...when the Feds audit a IP address and find out that the 'copters' that were noted on comment blogs are in line with those flight plans that got found by IT in the Army...aw shit! isn't that classified as 'domestic terrorism' acts when they are buzzing around a 'certain area'...gosh sarah did that person have some evil in them too? smirk...busted baby girl!