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Wait, stop looking so closely. |
The involvement of immediate family members in a drunken brawl does little to boost one’s political prospects. (Over a month later and the brawl is still getting attention in all kinds of unexpected places.)
On a different level, the same might be said of a stingy leadership PAC.
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s SarahPAC continued to perform underwhelmingly as a source of funds for other candidates in 2014′s third quarter, a report filed with the FEC this week showed. Out of $1.4 million the PAC had available in the third quarter — $978,000 sitting in the bank at the beginning of the July 1-Sept. 30 period, plus another more than $433,000 raised during that time — SarahPAC managed to donate just $45,000 to fellow Republicans running in the midterms. That’s a little more than 3 percent.
For the two-year 2014 cycle, the former Alaska governor’s PAC, a vehicle that helps her stay in the game amid talk that she may run in the 2016 presidential contest, has raised $2.5 million on top of more than $1.1 million that was in the bank at the start of the cycle. It has spent $2.7 million, with about $150,000 — or 5.5 percent — going to candidates.
That’s right about on par with the PAC’s parsimoniousness in 2012. Of the 417 leadership PACs that made at least one contribution in that cycle, SarahPAC was one of only 19 to give less than 10 percent of its total expenditures to candidates, other PACs or party committees. And it was one of only three of those spending more than $1 million to do so — the others being Rep. Ron Paul‘s (R-Texas) Liberty PAC and Sen. Marco Rubio‘s (R-Fla.) Reclaim America PAC.
I have to say that I love the fact that there are more journalists taking note of the fact that SarahPAC is simply a giant slush fund for Palin and her brood of out of work Wasilla-billies.
It is of course also worth noting that not only does the PAC constantly spend more than it takes in, it is also bringing in thousands of dollars less each quarter.
It can only be a matter of time before Palin has to lower her standards to get a real job that does not involve standing in front of a green screen, making videos for her handful of subscribers, or flying across the country endorse a candidate or give a speech concerning one of the many things she pretends to be for attention.
Good gawd, but that's a hideous image.
ReplyDeleteMeanness seeps through her pores and makes her ugly. And somehow she also manages to look unwashed as well.
DeleteI only have one thing to say about Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteFuck you Sarah Palin and your drunken family.
That Brawl is NOT going away! Everytime Baldy's dumbass is mentioned...so is the brawl!
Here's the National Enquirer story on it today! RAM must have called in this story...she has a history of babbling about Beefy's indiscretions!
That story is hilarious trying to pretend that she is scolding her kids for their bad behavior. Hah! Like Sarah would start acting all parental and all. She was there, as always, aiding and abetting that bad behavior. They were fucking whacked out of their minds when they got to the party and she was right there with them.
DeleteDon't we just love that pointy finger? Yeah, Queen Heifer, we're going to hang on every word you say. You're doing such a bang up job with your brood, of course you've got the answers to fix what's wrong in this country and the world. LMAO!
DeleteSelf-proclaimed "Esther" will lead everyone off a cliff.
DeleteObviously someone in the Palin camp planted this story.
Delete"...Bristol was said to be ‘slut-shamed’ during the fiasco and dragged around on the ground by her legs."
The ONLY person who has said that is Bristol. Damage control Sarah-style: Throw your own kids and (ex) husband under the bus. Not the first time, won't be the last.
There's been no new post on the Brancy Blog in quite a few days. Wonder if Nancy has thrown in the towel. Has anyone spotted Bristol since the brawl?
DeleteWell, according to eyewitness reports, both $carah as well as two-toned pimp Toad were sh*tfaced, too, but the cops dutifully did not note it in their report.
DeleteBristol drug around by the legs is a HOOT. That absolutely did NOT happen. Boy oh boy, $arah, you really have reached the bottom of the barrel, dead fish.
Deletethinkin' Bristol was remembering the conception of one of her babies - things are confusing for her.
DeleteIMPOSSIBLE !! the crosseyed skank was nowhere near the brawl (in her star spangled chuck taylor's) !
Deletehow could she of been when she said she was traveling back from texas during that timeframe ?!?
Deletebarstool moved to chatsworth ca. to try her luck in the porn industry ..
Bristles is the only one claiming to be dragged around by her legs. Someone said she was having a flashback to her last date.
DeleteSo so obvious these palins follow this blog! the minute we mentioned bristles has not posted, brancy posts! https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Bristol-Palin/109696302423164
Deletesupposedly a book co-author by none other than brancy's husband david...LOL...
Anyway...not barstool is an expert on Isis and she has the ONLY book that will guide you. The woman has not even finished high school and now she's an foreign expert
Bristol wasn't slutshamed and dragged around by her feet. She was tobogganing via bluetooth. The NE said Sarah's "sick over it". Yeah, Newsflash, Sarah's Sick.
DeleteThat was speed dialed in along with a photo with a wedding band. Who'd have thought, after all the things she got away with, the family brawl is practically everywhere?
Good Job, RAM! Here's a case of Klondike Bars as a bonus!
Ooooh thanks, GinaM! Mr. B has been out of town on business all week (*sniff*), so I'm calling him now to ask him to pick up a copy of the NE at the airport to bring home for me...
DeleteMrs TBB, for a second when you said "Mr B", I thought you were married to our King B, Beldar. And for the split second it took my brain to catch up...I was a wee bit JEALOUS!
Delete(Beldar during pillow talk is about one of the funniest things I can imagine)
The worst thing about the Palin saga is that it is taking so long for us to be rid of this scourge on the thinking man. We have been promised time and again that the iceberg is coming, yet ... here we are, still waiting somewhat impatiently for that to happen. Have we been misled? Are we being manipulated once more?
ReplyDeleteO/T: Sentence of the day, especially for Sarah:
"Show us Trig's birth certificate."
There are so many layers of the onion that need to be peeled away, I'm willing to wait, Balzafiar. What I find comical is, for being so SMAHT, how majorly she's contributing to her own demise. One just has to laugh and SMDH.
DeleteAh, but look on the bright side: the longer she remains on a national stage, the longer she is a massive albatross around the neck of the mainstream Republican party.
DeleteRun baby, run! (And you just keep on, scolding those lovely children of yours, without ever actually doing anything like actually sending them to rehab. It's working so well so far.)
Ahh, fret not. Patience. $error will eventually step on her own rake and take it in the face, big time. She's too stupid not to. Anyhow, she's nothing but a joke in these parts. No one I know takes her seriously. She's a politician like Paris Hilton was a celebrity (i.e. because people enjoy a good train wreck from time to time - Schadenfreude!) "That's HOT!"
DeleteSarah said the candidates will have to pry her PAC money from her cold dead hands.
ReplyDeleteEven while still alive she has a death grip on the money.
DeleteWhat's left of the PAC money after $arah & Co. has squandered most of it on rented stretch Hummers, recreational substances, and age-inappropriate clothing... Better hurry up and pry!
DeleteI love the pictures used by Open Secrets & the National Enquirer & above. The woman looks like OLD SHIT! And don't forget those photos have been enhanced and are probably what she considers her "best" looks & with makeup & wig! LOL
ReplyDeleteWasilla ZsaZsa needs a makeover. I've seen horses asses that looked more symmetrical and hygienic.
DeleteAnd the hits keep coming as well they should. Finally the media is exposing Sarah for the grifter that she has become. She is nothing more than a con woman, getting money from fools under false pretenses.
ReplyDeleteBut even the fools have a limit. And now the countdown is on to see when Sarah will run of our money. It's not a matter of it, but when. I predict her 4th quarter PAC contributions will be less than half of what the 3rd quarter was.
And of course, no one is asking her to speak or campaign, save for any appearances that were booked prior to the drunken brawl.
Better read the lyrics of this Bob Dylan song Sarah. It has your name written all over it.
"It's All Over Now, Baby Blue"
You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last
But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast
Yonder stands your orphan with his gun
Crying like a fire in the sun
Look out the saints are comin' through
And it's all over now, Baby Blue.
The highway is for gamblers, better use your sense
Take what you have gathered from coincidence
The empty handed painter from your streets
Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets
This sky, too, is folding under you
And it's all over now, Baby Blue.
All your seasick sailors, they are rowing home
Your empty handed armies, are all going home
Your lover who just walked out the door
Has taken all his blankets from the floor
The carpet, too, is moving under you
And it's all over now, Baby Blue.
Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you
Forget the dead you've left, they will not follow you
The vagabond who's rapping at your door
Is standing in the clothes that you once wore
Strike another match, go start a new
And it's all over now, Baby Blue.
Here's another song reference that outlines $errorPac's philosophy:
Delete(9 To 5, Dolly Parton):
"... all takin' and no givin."
What were the "postage" numbers this quarter ?
ReplyDeleteWas there an salary expense for "looker up of days of year", ie the person mans the calendar?
DeletePostage that never gets bought from the USPS. It's ghost postage in the accounting.
DeleteIf you look at the true postage, Paul, for a couple hundred, that's real. The rest is laundering.
DeleteActually most of the postage dollars goes to HSP Direct which is a fundraising and direct mail business focusing on raising money and sending out mailers for conservative candidates. They also do web design and maintenance so perhaps they manage SarahPAC.com as well.
DeleteShe spends a lot of money there and of course we'd never see any mailers here in AK because she doesn't support any candidates here and doesn't fundraise for SarahPAC in AK.
Not sure why it should all be bundled into "postage" though because I'm sure the lion's share of the work they do for the PAC is fundraising and brochure production and least of all direct mail/bulk postage. It's very lazy and messy accounting and I would think that from a "Cover You Ass" perspective the people in charge of her PAC would want for the accounting to be more accurately itemized. I've often wondered why they don't and who she knows at HSP Direct and does some of this money get routed back to her personal accounts somehow, like the PAC is laundering money through HSP Direct.
McKenna brothers surely got several books of stamps from SarahPAC. And anyone with cell phone video. And the limo driver. Let's see, who else do you think got "postage" ?
DeleteThey don't itemize & they bundle the entire HSP because it goes "DIRECTLY" to their pockets. Right PALINS?
Delete"Anonymous10:01 AM
DeleteIt's very lazy and messy accounting and I would think that from a "Cover You Ass" perspective the people in charge of her PAC would want for the accounting to be more accurately itemized."
I'm pretty sure the people in charge of her PAC believe that sloppy and messy accounting will actually Cover Their Asses, because they think auditors will not be able to figure out where the money went.
I think postage to them means postING on blog comment pages. It's a plausible deniability ruse. Oh, postage means direct mail shipping costs? Stamps? We thought it meant "postage" of Internet comments. Our mistake, sorry! No harm done, right?
DeleteHSP? Hoohah Sarah Palin??
DeleteGosh, her nose is ugly. Big and bumpy in that picture. Has it been broken and not repaired?
right? I've seen more attractive noses on professional boxers...
DeleteHmm, one time might be ... maybe a canned good flying into the refrigerator had some ricochet?
DeleteI've got a honker nose, thank you gene pool, I just love her always pointed finger. Yeah, tell us how it is, bay-bee, you SO have your shit together. Anyone old enough to remember Dastardly and Muttley? I am Muttley...forever giggling at how insipid she is.
DeleteShe's ugly as OLD SHIT with makeup! And we ALL know how much uglier she is without makeup. But the inside is even UGLIER!
DeleteProbably dropped down too quick to snort coke off that barrel, that's how she broke her nose.
DeleteYou people do realize that PACs are only supposed to donate the legal limit of 5K per candidate don't you?
ReplyDeleteShe's endorsed 14 people for the general election in November.
Being the father of two children with various drug habits will get you the VP.
....icymi VP Joe Biden's son got discharged out of the Navy due to his coke habit. How stupid does one have to be to not realize, while snorting away, that the military does drug testing? Well, he's Joe's kid after all. Or perhaps like most entitled children of entrenched politicians, Hunter Biden believes that drug tests are for the little people???
Oh yeah, at this alt universe called IM a sitting VP's son getting booted out of the military for being a coke head is no where near scandalous as a former Governor's son and daughter getting into a fight at a party. lolololol
Can't wait until the Obama girls start letting their freak flags fly!
Joe Biden does not parade his son out nor has the son chosen to become an anti drug spokesperson while doing drugs.
DeleteYes and for that reason that totally exonerates him. Pathetic. Hunter doesn't have to be paraded around. He's a good lobbyist for the special interests.
DeleteAn unplanned pregnancy is just like being a coke head. That's interesting logic.
The Obama girls have class that the palin women can only dream of.
DeleteIs that bubble gum lipstick on the dipstick or is it that whitish opaque sun protector cream?
DeleteIt's just tacky, that's why the scandal of the quitter and her family getting into a drunken brawl. As a nation we sure dodged a bullet.
DeleteWith the quitter, it's always the hypocrisy.
Deletewtf does that have to do with the wasallabillies? run along brissy...
DeleteIs the fact that Biden's son does coke supposed to erase the story of the Palin Family Brawl? It proves that people are human. Unlike the Palins, Biden's son apologized for his behavior and said that he was seeking help. The Palins never apologize for anything.
DeletePresident Obama did not raise the Biden kids, not did he show them off as part of his election campaign. They have no connection to President Obama. Let's blame Sarah Palin for all of McCain's faults while we are at it.
I would call getting booted out of the military an act of consequences for one's bad behavior. It's shameful. Now be so good as to point out where any the Palin brood have truly paid the consequences for their misdeeds. We're waiting.
DeleteM from MD
I think you'll have to wait quite awhile for the Obama girls to get taken to drunk brawls by their parents, claim to be dragged across the grass by their feet (when no one else present, including the family claims that), lose their shoes and sunglasses, and punch out the host of the event some 6 times while swearing. After having a baby out of wedlock and hiring themselves out to preach abstinence. It's the tawdriness of the whole mess. I don't remember any of the VP or POTUS kids in my lifetime (75 years) behaving like that. The Kennedy kids were too young, but the Johnson and Nixon kids were at least teens, and I never heard of them getting in brawls. But, you could let us know when the VP offspring go to a party and fistfight with the VP.
DeleteAlso it sounds like Hunter Biden understands why he was discharge, ackowledges he has a problem, and most likely seek help with his addiction. Plus, he was in the military because he had actual education, experience and skills, not because he was trying to avoid jail for vandalizing some buses.
DeleteHas Bristol Palin come out to acknowledge her role in the "Palin Family Values Brawl?" Of course, not. She hasn't admitted any wrong doing and it is doubtful she ever will. She most likely will never have the self-awareness to ever take responsibility for her horrible behavior.
And unlike Hunter Biden, she had no skills, education, talent, experience or knowledge to ever make a positive impact on society.
Jennifer K
Nothing wrong with an unplanned pregnancy, but best not to say your virginity was "stolen" from you, when it was your own idea. No one cares about pregnancies, but they do care about hypocritical preaching for $$ that abstinence is better than having the baby.
DeleteAnonymous7:34 AM
DeleteThe Democrats seem to always make things right one way or another no matter how you chose to look at things. For example, when did Track get booted for his well-known drug use, or Todd get in trouble for his well-know prostitution ring ..ummmmm..it seems like GOP can do anything and nothing will happen to them, huh.Yet, you run an point your ugly "Christian" finger when Bidden's son got booted. This should have happend to ANYONE who breaks the laws. But the GOP has plenty of pedophiles, criminals, dipper-vittners, etc., and NOTHING happens.
Jealousy about Obama's girls huh? for one thing the Palin girls (sluts) were never well-rounded at the Obamas ages. BTW did you know they get perfect grades, have high IQs, speak & write fluently in Chinese & other languages. Let's see...the Palins girls only speak "Trash" and broken English, and I chose not to name their other atributes and abstinance ways..
LMAO. She is down there in Louisiana beating the swamps for the ex public employee Maness, but according to the article has not donated to the republican candidate in AK.
DeleteOh, 7:34 AM, you just keep on that screed, would you please? All you do is validate what we've been saying for years.
DeleteYou do realize that TrackMarks got drummed out of the National Guard for meth use and it seems he has not sought any help since he is having violent outbursts, but don't worry about Hunter, he has an education to fall back on.
Delete@Anonymous7:34 AM
DeleteAnyone who includes lolololol in a post about serious issues is not a serious person .
Are you the disgusting pig that was making the nasty comments about the Obama girls on a previous post?
Why exactly are you so eager to see those girls behave badly? You apparently would be gleefully happy to see the adolescents go down a bad road.
It isn't likely to happen, but that doesn't make you less loathsome for looking forward to it.
Oh, and try not to plagiarize other posts and comments.
@Anonymous7:34 AM
DeleteAnd another thing, you lowlife disgusting sleazeball,
Take a look at the liberal/left sites discussing this. Many of the commenters disapprove of the Bidens, father and son, BECAUSE the commenters are liberals.
This is vastly different from rightwingers like you who never accept any personal responsibility for their own actions but blame everything on liberals.
Well, this post got under someone's thin skin! So, Hunter Biden gets discharged from the Navy Reserves for not passing a drug test. He wasn't dragged from some party, shirtless, shouting obscenities and flipping party guests off. He didn't have to be hauled off of beating the host of the party in the face. (Not much respect for their friends, yeah?) And, who, but the "elitist hating" Palin family, would show up to a b'day party in a stretch Hummer in down-to-earth Alaska! Maybe that's where part of the SarahPAC postage money went. The family had to be delivered to that party somehow. And, an SUV would be too "regular American," right?! If anyone has proven that they have extremely "entitled" family members, it is, front and center, Sarah Palin. And, for some reason, they keep trying to prove just how elitist and entitled they are! Reality show, after reality show, after "about me" books, after "watch me talk" channel. Whew! Enough already!
DeleteAnonymous9:30 AM
DeleteDon't forget, Hunter Biden also didn't try to beat up his own father in PUBLIC. LOW LOW LOW as F*ck
Anonymous8:09 AM
DeleteThanks Anonymous8:09 AM, and then claim abstinance while shacking up with several men & paying for their travel expenses from a PAC.
DeleteYou people do realize that when you type "lololololol..." THIS is what everyone else imagines you sound like:
Next time leave the trolling to Beldar.
DeleteConservatards can't stand it when the godless liberals are shining examples of everything they strive, but fail, to be.
7:46 inserted words to 7:41 comment and twisted the intended meaning.
DeleteThe drunken brawl did not exhibit merely an incident of public figures making a mistake. It is the issue of their failure of accountability and evident entitlement issues including playing the victim.
Hunter was also not arrested and convicted of DUI, with strong rumors of a plea deal that swept cocaine use under the rug -- as GWB was...at age 40. Anyway, yeah, as others have said, young people sometimes make mistakes, some worse than others. It's the extent that those mistakes hurt other people, plus the way that young people and their family deal with them, that says everything about strength of character and family. I do give the Bush girls credit for apparently turning out okay after their boneheaded youthful indiscretions (and assume Laura Bush deserves most of the credit for it.) We'll see where Hunter is 20 years from now, versus where the Wailin' Palins end up.
PS. Yes, being articulate and literate human beings, IM readers are aware of rules for PACs. And yet no other PAC lives by those same rules and spends so astonishingly little in support of candidates. It's the darnedest thing. We are clearly missing the higher math, like that involving LLCs and "postage"
DeleteHmmm, if you want take a look at presidents/VP kids over the pas few decades, Kennedy kids too young. Johnson girls seemed the height of propriety, ditto for Nixon. Of ord's kids, most of us are aware of his wife's alcoholism, but his son Steve was also an alcoholic and admitted to binge drinking in college and after. The worst AMy Carter did was read a book at a state dinner and a couple of college-age protests.
DeleteOf Reagan's kids, the oldest, Maureen, now deceased was successful professionally, but thrice married. Michael, adopted has issues at boarding school and barely knew his parents. His son, Cameron has had drug, violence (including against police) charges.
Nancy Reagan scandals started early - she was born at 7 months int their marriage gestation. FOllowing in her mother Nancy's footsteps she had a diet pill addiction (among other drug use) and claims her mother abused her.
GeorgeHWBush had known cocaine addict George W to deal with. As an adult, Neil Bush used Thai and other Asian prostitutes. Jeb Bush's daughter Noelle had substance abuse issues.
Chelsea Clinton - simply no issues.
Jenna and Barbara Bush - arrested for underage drinking, fake ID's July 2001.
Malia and Sasha Obama - model kids.
Reagan: only divorced president ever to be elected. Party of family values.
DeleteHunter Biden also does not have a sister who has given blow jobs to or screwed every male in town.
DeleteComparing Biden's kid and President Obama's Daughters to the Palins, in any way, shape or form is an exercise in futility. The Palin kids are all failures (fellures), lazy and dependent on Mommy and Daddy because they're chased around all the time and made fun of because they look for trouble.
DeleteYeah, Biden's son broke the law, but he stood up, accepted responsibility, apologized to his family and is doing what a man does. The Obama girls are in the same class or better than Chelsea Clinton, and will turn out to be fine young ladies who think of others first.
The Palin Family (with two exceptions), well if you can't say something nice, then tell the truth, they're all skanks and takers.
probably got the coke from todd
Delete"And it was one of only three of those spending more than $1 million to do so"
ReplyDeleteONLY 3 of 417 PACs are handling the contributions the way Sarah and Tim Crawford are doling the funds out. That's less than 1% of PACs doing what she is with SarahPAC. Nothing like abusing the FEC system.
I wonder what the figures for ShePac were. Who did ShePac hire for speaking gigs?
DeleteJoe Biden's son, nor the Bidens, wear a false christianity, nor do they slander others, they don't pretend to be righteous like some people, people who pretend to make money, but live an evil life behind doors.
ReplyDeleteHow, in the name of Kong, has this unkempt trollop managed to stay out of fucking JAIL?
ReplyDeleteThey have two sets of "books"?
DeleteThat’s right about on par with the PAC’s parsimoniousness in 2012. Of the 417 leadership PACs that made at least one contribution in that cycle, SarahPAC was one of only 19 to give less than 10 percent of its total expenditures to candidates, other PACs or party committees.
ReplyDeleteSomebody is sucking Sarah's titties!
And that person is.......... Sarah Louise Heath Palin! It's a game they play called "Eskimo Tongue Bath"
DeleteThe three grifting stooges: Paul, Palin, and Rubio.
ReplyDelete"It is of course also worth noting that not only does the PAC constantly spend more than it takes in"
ReplyDeleteIt just floors me that a very small percentage of the money Sarah's PAC "MAKES" goes to the actual GOP candidates while Tim Crawford alone made $220,000 from Sarah's PAC. All that money people donate to Sarah's PAC just goes to salaries. Seems like a giant rip off and how can anybody justify giving Sarah's PAC any money.
How much did Crawford make from ShePac?
DeleteSarah's PAC does have a political purpose, to promote Sarah Palin. She is not running for anything, but she is being rewarded for running her mouth. Unfortunately, that's all that she has to do in order to have a PAC, namely, make political comments for or against some issue. Gryphen should be a PAC for all of the political posts that he posts.
DeleteNot "a very small percentage"
DeleteShould be "a very very very small percentage"
This post by the Daily Beast was posted Aug 2013 and it still applies today:
If SarahPAC were a publicly traded company, its shareholders would be revolting. If SarahPAC were a charity, it could face allegations of fraud.
But because Sarah Palin’s political action committee is dedicated primarily to promoting the political profile of the former Alaska governor and former VP nominee, it can get away with spending more than it takes in—and doling out nearly $97 to Palin’s inner circle for every $1 that went to elect Republicans....
There are charities listed at Charity Navigator which spend a majority of their donations on salary, rent and other expenses with little going to the actual charity. Sarah's PAC is just like that.
Deletedoes that include that HUGE fund she got her hands caught in that made her resign?
Delete247 probably a 'little bit' as that portfolio was spread around the USA with EA Sports and Sundance Films and HUGE stock in BP and TransCanada...just to name a few...the money behind many endeavors is what gave Dain Bosworth the ability to merge in 67'...sooo...
Deletethat is what some are really fuming about overseas...and it will all come out in the wash...
and if you watch sarah's behaviors you will see what it is really about with their 'mimic' episodes...
wasn't someone saying now Barstool is an ISIS expert now? she is a dumbass along with ISIS...
Google it...Mother of Egypt...now why are those initials familiar...gee did your blood just run cold?
Head tilt...inquiring minds want to know...lol..grin!
Damn, she's another Rick Scott. A bony Skeletor of a creature.
ReplyDeleteYeah, and just as bald as he!
DeleteGryphen, this is perfect timing to announce a new service called CPAC2PAC which will address this very problem!
ReplyDeleteCPAC2PAC stands for Conservative Political Action Committee to Political Action Committee and is not affiliated in any way with the estate of late rapper Tupac Shakur.
What CPAC2PAC does is to facilitate the efficient circulation of political contributions between conservative PACs in such as way to appear to the gullible and uninformed public that money is actually being used for the purposes intended by their misguided contributors while at the same being available for personal use of the PACmeisters and their families the way it was intended by the politicians who created the PAC regulations in the first place.
The end result is that each participating PAC can report 99% distribution of PAC receipts while actually keeping 98% of the money for their personal use,
Here's how it works: PAC#1 receives $1,000,000 in contributions and transfers $995,000 of that money to PAC#2, PAC#3 and PAC#4. Each of those recipient PACs then transfers 99% of their receipts to other PACs and so on and so on. Eventually PAC#1 will receive $1,500,000 back and CPAC2PAC will have revenues close to $100,000,000 resulting from a small transaction fee applied to each transfer.
Think of it as a Chain letter/Ponzi Scheme conceived by conservative talk radio hosts and televangelists.
Actually the idea came from a line of dialogue in Miranda July's charming 2005 indie film called "You and Me and Everyone We Know" when the adorable little boy, Robby, is innocently chatting online with a grown woman who doesn't know she's chatting with a child.
Robby: Say, "You poop into my butt hole and I poop into your butt hole... back and forth... forever."
You can get all the details on CPAC2PAC over at the website www.douchebagconservativepacs.com
Sorry Beldar, but that is illegal; it's called a pyramid scheme.
DeleteBalzafiar - that's why the use of this service is strictly limited to those PACmeisters with a credible belief that they are above the law.
DeleteOh, MY! Those mangled, gouty 90 y/o fingers! they look VERY old and painful!
ReplyDeleteIs that Dick Cheney in a wig?
DeleteI was going to ask if it was Abe Vigoda in drag, but yours is better.
DeleteIf you look at all of SarahPAC's FEC(al) report since the beginning, you never see Sarah Palin's name as a recipient of money from her PAC. We all know Sarah Palin receives money from her PAC but the question is how do they hide it? Is Sarah Palin getting paid under a consultant's title and is too embarrassed (or too crooked) to write her name as receiving a big amount of money?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin how are you getting paid from your PAC? How does SarahPAC launders money to you and to your family and relatives?
If SarahPAC was a legit operation then you would not be ashamed and would not hide your name, family and relatives names.
Postage is one way. Another is by buying up her own books from publisher with PAC $$ to 'give away' for donations back to the PAC, the publisher then pays her personally for books 'sold'. I also have a feeling that all of the money for 'clerical' work is really child care for Trig that should be made out of her own pocket...
DeleteLook at the LLCs.....they're set up for family.
DeleteEspecially Bristol. She did Mama a HUGE favor.
Not many people understand how this works. I do.
Sarah's PAC relieves Sarah of the financial burden of paying for her lawyer, her travel and probably a lot of other expenses. Anything that she does is considered political so the outfit, the wig, the make up, the gifts are all covered by the PAC. There is probably compensation for Todd who acts both as body guard and consultant. She doesn't need to get a direct salary. It pays for all of her expenses. She uses the studio to video tape her political messages. It pays the rent, the taxes and the electrical bill. All of those "consulting companies" exist without a paper trail. $$$$$$$$ And who spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on postage in these days of electronic communication? Try thinking about money orders from the post office.
Deletein ak that is how they 'scam' the peoples...llc's
Deleteyeah I knew contractors that were not bonded or insured and llc'ed and made millions in Alaska...
Deleteit's all a racket up here...if your known in contracting as a DICK it's because your BONDED/INSURED and LEGAL about your contracts...unlike the Palin Klan and their buddies!
well they think they can MOVE the money around like that but it will come and bite them all in the ass!
DeleteI would like to know if the donors really exist or are they like her fans on facebook, names taken from the obituaries. Personally I think SarahPac is one giant money laundering scheme.
DeleteSarah Palin you are going to Hell for running your SARAHPAC scam because you know it is a scam. Everybody else who has their hands in your scam is going to Hell right behind you.
ReplyDeleteThe brawl story is never going away, hell I've had republican friends make jokes and send me links. Old Skanky bones and her klan of misfits are done. But on the bright side, Todd has positions available for the girls, not sure what TrackMarks will do when Mommy kicks him out of the garage, but I suppose an arrest will give him 3 hots and a cot.
ReplyDeleteNot only are legitimate Journalists are catching on to Granny Grifter, the Enquire is not letting up! It's old news to us, however, the tabloids love to keep the scandals alive...
Poor Amanda Bynes, everytime she tries to get attention, BAM, the Palins beat her to it.
So that guy that gets foodstamps over there, and makes scheduled deposits to the pac, pays about $96 for every $4 that actually goes to a candidate. ROFL
ReplyDeleteHilarious. They brag about paying $100 a year to see videos that are freely available all over the internet. They claim that it gives them the right to post after the video. Then they donate to her pac, so that a teeny tiny percentage goes to candidates and the rest to consultants! Man the fishing is good in that business.
ReplyDeleteYou can watch some of the videos Sarah show on her Sarah Palin Channel / Blog for free on her Sarah Palin facebook . Why are you paying for the Sarah Palin Channel/Blog?
ReplyDeleteBecause Sarah says to give her money.
DeleteBeatles - will you walk away from a fool and his $$$
DeleteSarah Palin knows that Sarah's PAC is a scam, not even Sarah Palin's relatives on the Heaths or the Palins sides donates to Sarah's PAC. You can never find their names as donors on SarahPac's FEC reports.
ReplyDeleteSarah how much of my $1000 actually gets to a candidate?
ReplyDeleteMy guess is pennies, at the most maybe $1?
DeleteSarah Palin are you ashamed to write your name and how much you get from your SarahPAC on your SarahPAC FEC report? People who are ashamed of what they are doing won't write their names anywhere if money is involved. Just ask Todd, his name isn't written anywhere on the business he had hiring girls like Shailey Tripp.
ReplyDelete"amid talk that she may run in the 2016 presidential contest"
There is literally more talk about Beldar Freakin' Conehead running for president in 2016 than there is talk about The Screechy Wretch(tm) running. Literally, almost nobody wants her.
Now, to be completely honest here, 99% of the talk of a Beldar candidacy is negative and in Screechy's case it's closer to 95% negative. But you have to take into account that Screechy was - and apparently still is, according to Good Ol' Gramps McCain - 'the best Republican candidate for the job of Vice' in 2008.
At the same time, Beldar is a bullshit imaginary fake troll on a defunct blog...
Start a BeldarPac, BPC, and you might just be set for life. At least you won't have to buy any more postage for your e-mails.
Deletewhat about the email that was forwarded to me that says the government is going to start charging us for every email we send? I don't know if it's true but that didnt stop me from feverishly forwarding it to everyone on my contact list....
Go kick her butt, Beldar! (Just make sure your shoes are covered)
DeleteSally Heath how come you don't tithe to Sarah's SarahPAC?
ReplyDeleteAshamed of your daughter?
You daughter told you not to tithe to her scam?
10:09 AM No one from Alaska donates to her PAC because the majority in the state no longer support her and know she is nothing more than a liar and fraud. It's been proven time and time again since she first came on the scene as to national office.
ReplyDelete"Sarah Palin’s reluctance to put her money where her mouth is has left some 2014 candidates she endorsed floundering in the polls with many unable to make it past the primaries."
Who the heck is Tim Crawford? Why does he deserve mega dollars from her PAC? What can he possibly be doing over there in Arlington? He must be performing the same services for a host of candidates. What a life.
ReplyDeleteIf the Palins were smart -- pause to think about this -- they would have sent their adult children to college and law or business school so they could take over as second-generation grifters. Piper, honey, it's up to you now.
Who paid for the stretched hummer to take the Palin family to the MMA / boxing match free for all in Anchorage? Something tells me that SarahPac paid for that?
ReplyDeleteyou did the taxpayer aren't you happy now?
DeleteTim Crawford must get a percentage of what Sarah's Pac brings. Tim Crawford is not paid the same amount each FEC report. Same goes with the other people's names.
ReplyDeleteHere's what her worshipers are good at, deflection. The point is it does not matter if Joe Biden's son got kicked out of the military due to coke use, Joe Biden never plays at running for President nor does he spout off about God and religion and neither does his son. No one is paying into a Pac to keep Biden's son in coke money, however some idiots are paying into SarahPac to help her whole family and contributing to Bristol's Faith and Family blog.
ReplyDeleteNotice Biden's son TOOK Responsibility for his actions, now i know the Pee Pond cant understand the meaning of that but it;s a very real difference.Here we have a smart person apologizing and admitting they have a problem and are going to do something about it,. What we do not see is the Vice President saying " I'm glad my son stuck up for himself and he is strong" that would be enabling him. well a parent like that would be a lot of the reason you would have a ,,say daughter who is spoiled, will not apologize nor admit a mistake, one who acts like a angry self centered brat who did not learn a lesson but instead got reinforcement of their behavior from of all people their Mother, a Mother who cares more about her image than her family.
Good luck getting someone to marry her, if my son brought her home i would tell him to run as fast as he can and hoped he had more class than that. Wasilla is a small town at her age what available guy hasn't she dated? Do her a favor Sarah get that kid out in the real world where she may learn that if she pulled those stunts somewhere else a judge would not think it was tough or brave.
Since her brand is built on manufactured superficiality it is fair to comment on her cheek implants. They really pop out at certain angles. The above image doesn't do them 'justice'. Her face, like Bristol's, has a non natural appearance now.
ReplyDelete"Another time, when one daughter wanted to have her hair and makeup done by Palin’s campaign stylists (the children’s grooming was not part of their job), Palin’s initial response seemed like an old-fashioned lesson in manners. According to an aide, Palin told the daughter that, since she was seeking a favor from the stylists, she should ask them nicely herself and see what they said. When the stylists apologetically told the girl they didn’t have time that day, Palin, incensed, sent the child back to give them a message: “Tell them they don’t have a choice. They have to do it.” And so they did. Despite railing at the press for invading her family’s privacy, Palin showed little ambivalence during the campaign about making some aspects of the childrens’ private lives public to serve her interests. Soon after her nomination, she brought up with McCain aides the subject of Bristol’s out-of-wedlock pregnancy by Levi Johnston: “Would it be good for the campaign if they got married before the election?” she asked, and went on to wonder whether one weekend or another would be more advantageous for media coverage." http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2010/10/sarah-palin-201010#
ReplyDelete“Would it be good for the campaign if they got married before the election?” she asked,"
She probable was planning on the RNC to pay for it.
Tim Crawford received $220K from the last SarahPac FEC report, not bad for part time work. Remember he also works for ShePac.
ReplyDeleteParagraph describing him from the 2010 Vanity Fair article quoted above:
Delete'Timothy Crawford, the treasurer of Sarah-PAC, presumably has some responsibility for the byzantine structures undergirding Palin’s travels. Before joining Palin, Crawford was the interim finance director of the Republican National Committee. He is currently being investigated by the Ohio secretary of state for his role in Let Ohio Vote, a state-referendum campaign bankrolled in its entirety by New Models, a Virginia organization Crawford owns, which calls itself a nonprofit. Earlier this year, he refused to respond to a subpoena—issued under state laws that prohibit concealment of campaign money—that sought to discover where New Models had gotten the $1.6 million to fund Let Ohio Vote. Ohio secretary of state Jennifer Brunner has called New Models “a ‘straw-person’ out of state corporation.” Also, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, New Models “was behind controversial automated calls to Pennsylvania voters made during the 2008 presidential election. The calls told voters that Barack Obama’s aunt was living in America illegally and that he accepted campaign contributions from his ‘illegal alien aunt.’ ”'
ShePAC has been cleaned out as of this date. Double the expenses than income, miraculously equalling each other, with $0.00 in the kitty.
DeleteKinda interesting, isn't it, especially since, supposedly, they gave exactly the same amount to candidates as $arahPAC did. Hmmmm.....
Palin isn't worried. There will never be a shortage of stupid hateful assholes willing to send her money.
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you for posting the link to the VF article (did you do it last week...I re-read it because you reminded me of it??!!) Guys-it is a MUST read!!
ReplyDeleteYes! I was going to thank that poster as well, but you beat me to it! That's a great article, and I am sure they not only double-checked every component of the story, but ran it by their lawyers before publishing it as well. Three cheers for the Vanity Fair poster person!!!
DeleteThank you so much for reminding us of this fascinating, sad, and prophetic (in the sense that so little has changed...) article from four years ago!
ReplyDeleteOK. I bite! I have heard some time ago about the ShePAC, but forgot all about it. Wasn't it established either BY or FOR Bar$tool? What exactly is it supposed to be doing? Any public disclosure and/or accounting for it? Any links?
ReplyDeleteThis is the last FEC filing and it looks like they shut it down.
So how in the heck does Bristol have a PAC? She is not a never will be a politician
Deletelol...sounds like she needs some lithium...
ReplyDeleteI'm betting the "Transportation Costs" declaration includes a payment for a stretch Hummer limo.
Interesting stuff in that article about how/who her speeches were paid for.
ReplyDeleteshit sounds like she should have been in API in Alaska...funny how that happens hu Sarah?
ReplyDeleteHer gig with the Koch has to end first week of November, then they'll probably put her back in the role of #1 Cruz asskisser, while he's threatening to shut down the government every few months and staging fake filibusters.
ReplyDeleteLimp, Impotent.... thy name is Sarah Palin.
So so obvious these palins follow this blog! the minute we mentioned bristles has not posted, brancy posts! https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Bristol-Palin/109696302423164
ReplyDeletesupposedly a book co-author by none other than brancy's husband david...LOL...
Anyway...now barstool is an expert on Isis and she has the ONLY book that will guide you. The woman has not even finished high school and now she's an foreign expert!!!! PFT
you know that is interesting...ask them what made sarah resign and where that person is from? crickets...
Deletethey mimic what is going to come to pass...they are holding on the tail endings as long as they can...they are probably trying to kill more people to 'shut them up' and what will shock them is when they get busted...they think they have got away with fraud $$$ and murder and international arms dealing...
so far they have...but what goes around comes around right todd? let us know how that works out...
There'll come a day when all the griftable morons will be grifted out, most are beyond the reproductive years, and it'll take the ones who can YEARS to figure it out and raise a child to majority. By then, the PAC will be gone and Sarah will be on tour with the other wax figures.
ReplyDeleteGotta love this headline:
I thought: "How precious".