Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bristol Palin, or at least the woman who plays Bristol Palin on the internet, is horrified by mother of 47 year old Down syndrome son saying she wishes she had aborted him.

Okay so just for fun I tool a jaunt over to the Brancy's blog to see what's up in the land of denial.

As it turns out Nancy French and Bristol, assuming Bristol has read what it printed under her name, are very, very upset at an article in the Daily Mail about a 69 year old woman's heartbreaking admission that she wishes she had never had her Down syndrome son, now 47 years old.

Here is what Brancy had to say:

I can’t even believe what I just read. Gillian Relf, the mother of a 47-year-old man with Down syndrome, publicly said she wishes she’d had an abortion. Her son has made her life so difficult, she wishes he had never been allowed to live. 

Can you actually claim to love someone and wish they were dead at the same time? 

If that’s not horrifying enough, she spoke “in support of the 92 per cent of women who choose to abort their babies after discovering they have Down’s syndrome.” Parents of children with Down syndrome (including my own parents!) have shown the greatest demonstration of selfless love I’ve ever seen. To read this mom’s statements that are so opposite is just stunning.

Actually I think that any person who has sat at the bedside of a dying loved one knows exactly what it is like to love somebody and wish them dead at the same time. At some point their pain is just impossible to endure and all you want is for them to find peace, even if it means you will never have them in your life again. 

Brancy goes on to say this: 

My family probably wouldn’t have chosen to have a child with Down syndrome. But God gave us Trig – and our family wouldn’t be complete without him! Now, I realize that kids with Down syndrome are amazing and wonderful – we are soooooo blessed to have him in our lives.

Actually that is a lie. Her family absolutely DID choose to have Trig in their lives. He is not Sarah's child, and I have no reason to believe that he is Bristol's child, so yes he was absolutely brought into the family as a choice. (Hopefully I will have more on that at a later date.)

By the way the woman, Gillian Relf, anticipated this response and this is what she said in the article:

But I'd challenge any one of them to walk a mile in the shoes of mothers like me, saddled for life as I am, with a needy, difficult, exasperating child who will never grow up, before they judge us. They should experience how it feels to parent a grown man, who is no more able to care for himself than a toddler - and at a time of life when your children should, all things being equal, be taking care of you. They should know how it feels to live every single day under a crushing weight of guilt. They should know how it feels to watch Stephen's constant suffering and witness the almost daily destruction wreaked on all our lives. 

As you all know I actually work with children and parents who are dealing with Down syndrome, FAS, ADHD, Reactive Attachment Disorder, PTSD,  Mental Retardation, etc., and I can tell you that wishing not to have had a child with such complicated and disruptive issues is almost universal among the parents.

They don't always say it out loud to support staff, but they certainly discuss it in private, and sometimes you can simply see it written all over their faces.

The idea that all babies are a gift from God and that HE will provide you with the strength to deal with any complications which might arise is happy holy horseshit.

The truth is that sometimes these parents simply have to give up and walk away, and put their children into residential facilities or foster homes. Sometime they mistreat their children out of sheer frustration, even though they realize it is not the child's fault. And sometimes they contemplate, or actually follow through with, plans to take their own lives. (One of the worse cases I ever dealt with.)

We have already seen that Sarah is having significant trouble parenting Trig, and let me tell you that is only going to get worse, especially when he hits his teen years.

I predict right here and now that Trig ends up in a facility, either in state or out, that will care for him within the next ten years or so.

Simply put neither Sarah Palin, or any of her family members, have the intelligence or patience to deal with a Down syndrome child for the long haul.

And that is why judging this poor woman, who has spent the last 47 years selflessly putting her child's needs above her own, should never be done by the likes of Bristol Palin.

OR her internet doppelganger.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Just wait until Tripp hits his teens.

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      And Track apparently....

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Track never left his teens.

    3. Suzy Q5:16 PM

      Has Sarah hit her teens yet?

    4. Anonymous6:02 PM

      for 18 yrs we have lived across the street from "bob"
      and his now, elderly sisters, are in their late 70's in our small town of 2500 people, every one knew who "bob" is, he was the town retard, at 57yrs old he could outrun any cop or do gooder that tried to calm him down if he had a melt down, these two women have had to give up their lives, marriages, their own children to care for "bob"
      "bob" is now blind, in a wheelchair, and lashes out at anyone who comes near him,
      i doubt any of the palin family will have the "balls"
      to spent the next 40+ years dealing with trig...

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I suspect that TriG is already in a facility, or at least under the care of somebody other than any of the Palins.

    Sarah has no idea of the child's capabilities which is proof to me that she is not responsible for his care in any way.

    I understand Gillian's words. Most people in their shoes have had the exact same sentiments especially when there is no help available. Sarah has the ability to HIRE help using POSTAGE $ and her PAC. Ordinary citizens don't have the same advantages.

    I know Sarah did not birth that child, and I have a good suspicion who actually did. His birth and presentation to the country as Sarah's natural born child is a huge LIE and a hoax.

    As far as Bristol's family NOT CHOOSING...WTF??? girl...did you forget??? your mother claims she CHOSE to give birth to him even tho' she was told in November of 2007 that he had a thick neck and that was a sign of DS. You people tell so many lies, you can't keep track of them.

    Go lay stupid dog...and take your thong with you.

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      I know Sarah did not birth that child, and I have a good suspicion who actually did.

      Can you say more? Inquiring minds want to know!

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    There's a great deal of difference in caring for a 5 year old with DS and a 47 year old full grown man with DS and the intellect of a 5 year old. Bristol and the rest of the Palin family are clueless as to what goes on in families that do not have the financial resources to have someone assist them in caring for a child with DS. They don't just pick up and take off to their home in another state without being concerned about who is going to take care of their child as the Palin family does, they can't hire babysitters at a moment's notice or spend thousands of dollars per month on childcare.

    Bristol Palin, as usual, is speaking about something which she has no experience in dealing with on a regular basis.

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      +1000000 to 12:09 PM.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      My parents' neighbors had a severe case of an adult DS son. He was able to walk, but that was basically it. He was drooling all over the place, made inappropriate gestures, always had his hands down the front of his pants (wore diapers, even though he was in his 40's, just like this man. The parents had no peaceful minute their whole lifes. They finally put him into an institution about one year before they themselves died well into their 80s.
      They loved their son, but they also had absolutely no choice to take care of him, since they did not have the financial means. I believe they knew their life was coming to an end, so they put their son away - it is quite expensive to do that, and they waited as long as they could, so they would not be destitute.

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Anon 1:45 how sad. There are too many stories like that. The Palin family wouldn't know empathy if it walked up and donated to SarahPac.

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    THANK YOU. I read that article several days ago, and the comments I read (on my Daily Mail app) were all very supportive and compassionate towards this woman, and commended her for her honesty and courage.

    Since Bristol possesses none of those qualities, and is instead all about showing off her fake piousness, no wonder she had to chime in her with her typical bullshit.

    I'm so glad you called that empty thong dress on it.

    1. Anonymous4:45 PM

      the last line is a riot! Bet it has velcro, making it easier access for her "heels to Jesus" daddy search tryouts.

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I love my adult children with all of my heart, but given the choice, I would not have children again. Even when all is right in my life, I live with the worry that it could all fall apart, if something happened to any one of them.
    Parents like Sarah & Bristol do not experience that level of concern for their children, as was demonstrated by the brawl audio. It is quite easy to reproduce and allow children to grow up as weeds. It is exhausting to truly love and parent a healthy child. I do not know how parents of special needs or children with serious health issue to do. I could not. I applaud Gillian for her honesty.
    A Palin weighing in on any family issue is valueless.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      So true, the Palin’s weigh-in is valueless and beyond contempt. Raising non-challenged children is hard, hard work and the ultimate goal as a parent is to make sure one’s children reach their potential in every regard so as to be able to care for themselves and others. My Down’s aunt was so lucky to be the daughter of very supportive and financially well off parents. I’ve seen what it is like to raise a child that will always remain a child, and I’ve seen the end result when elderly parents can no longer provide the support they could as younger parents. I would not wish this on anybody. I hope Bristol Palin remembers her hateful reply to this very brave mother who is speaking from her heart when she is ultimately responsible for Trig when her parents are no longer able to care for him.

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Anonymous12:16 PM
      I love my adult children with all of my heart, but given the choice, I would not have children again.
      I feel exactly the same way. And I love my kids to no end, but the worry and sacrifice is very hard. Financially, emotionally, etc. I dread something happening to them, or me and leaving them parentless.

    3. Anonymous5:24 PM

      And that "know thyself" decision is why I will fight to keep abortion safe and legal. NO person should be forced into a life of slavery as this woman has. Without legal abortion, that is what it is.

    4. sarahy once told an audience trig was lucky because he had a extra chromosome. Ridiculous beyond words. she is so retarded and cruel.

  6. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I would have had an abortion had I known I was to give birth to a child with DS or other diseases. To my way of thinking there is no need to put a child through all the tribulations he or she would go through as they are raised to adulthood.

    It would not be a difficult decision for me to make. No one wins - the child, parents or siblings. There is a financial responsibility that many could not handle as well.

    The thought of the Palin kid (that wasn't birthed by the idiot and liar, Sarah Palin) ending up in a home is awful. He should have been aborted, but Sarah brought him into their lives (adoption) because it was good for her politically. She is the most self-serving evil woman on the planet. She will end up in Hell especially after providing Hell to her family members and Americans. Evil, evil, evil - the devil herself!

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      "Evil, evil, evil - the devil herself!" Auditioning for the role of Anti-Christ, and not good enough. Loser. Monster. Punchline.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      We are still waiting for god to open the door to hell so she can walk through it.

    3. These two idiots would prefer to hide the baby from her staff, take a fetus on a wild dangerous ride, then tortured the child by neglecting his needs and starve him of a loving, caring, nurturing mother. Oh yeah and mock him by naming him after his condition.

      Yep bustol this is way better. FOH clown.

  7. Anonymous12:37 PM

    All things considered, Bristol and tribe are in no position to be making value judgements on others.

    1. You know tripp is going to say he hates his mom and he wish he'd never been born. Watch. Mark my words.

  8. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Not to mention, neither Sarah nor Bristol are Trig's primary caregivers. They've got millions of dollars for full time nannies.

  9. Beldar So Conehead12:41 PM

    "we are soooooo blessed to have him in our lives."

    Gryphen, are really you soooooooo cynical and heartless that you can't count those superfluous 'o's in 'so' - called 'earnestos' by some - and not recognize that unfake-able sincerity gushing all over that post like that erstatz maple syrup at an "all you can eat for a dollar" church basement pancake breakfast?

    I feel soooooooo sorry for you. smh

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Okay the people on my bus home just stared at me, Beldar, for busting out laughing!

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Remember in Sarah's Alaska show, when they were having a birthday party and Trig sneezed over the cake... Bristol in a disgusted whining tone said to Sarah, he sneezed on the cake... said like Trig was just a necessary nuisance in her life, it felt like he was a stranger intruding on the party. Go back and watch, I was surprised at the time nothing was said about Bristol.

  10. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Like Gryphen, I too work with developmentally and physically disabled children. Over the years, I've worked with all ages. Without exception, most parents of young disabled children still hold out hope that their child will be get better as they get older. I've heard "gift from god" so many times it's not funny. Around puberty, when their child is no longer small and cute, starts to sprout whiskers or gets her period, develops teenaged behaviors and is interested in sex, these same parents start seeing the reality that awaits them. Parents of adult mentally disabled children have an extremely difficult road to walk. Their lives revolve around their child, no retirement from the responsibility. The stark reality of knowing you will die and no one will be their to look out for your 50 year old adult child. I know parents who admit to me that they wish their child had never been born or would die. It's heartbreaking. These people devouted their lives to their child. It's more than just an inconvenience for them. Bristol or whoever writes her blog is extremely naive.

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM

      I also work with children with disabilities from preschool to 21. I agree that parents of young disabled children feel that the school will be able to get them ready for independent life after high school and then when the reality hits in their late teens that this is as far as their child will progress there is unbelievable anger, grief and sadness. I also see the responsibility put on siblings which they accept as their lot but is so unfair. They love their siblings but did not choose to birth them and yet their entire adult lives are expected to revolve around their disabled sibling.

  11. Anonymous12:44 PM

    When Trig is 47, Sarah would be 91 and Bristol 64.

    RJ in BBistan

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      If those women don't take care of their kid now, not even the heathy one, imagine them doing it in their old-age--91 & 64...yeah..sure... those lazy-ass women only work while lying on their back. SMH

  12. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Unbelievable how much they milk that kid for all he's worth.

    On the police tapes, Bristol says "I swear on my Down Syndrome brother's life" that Korey Klingenmeyer called her a slut and a cunt, repeatedly pushed her to the ground when she tried to get up, dragged her around the lawn by her feet, shouted obscenities at her, with her dress around her waist, and her thong hanging out.

    She swore to the police that this is what happened, "on my Down Syndrome brother's life."

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      That wasn't said on the tapes. I asked you several times to link to it. There are so many appalling actions of this family, why make up additional ones.

    2. "Whatever"2:06 PM

      1:33 I was too said on the tape. I'm not sure if it was Bristol or Willow.

      I heard it, but didn't realize what was said until several here at IM said: Did I really hear her say that??!!!

      If you need a link, why not just go to the tapes yourself and listen?

      Have you listened to any of the tapes?

      Or are you just trying to deflect from the FACT that one of the Palin "girls" said such a horrible thing about their "brother" while trying to come up with anything and everything that will get them off the hook with the law?

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      I listened to the podcast re: Thongazi. Unbelievably (near the end), you will hear it clear as day.

    4. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Anonymous1:33 PM
      That WAS on the tapes. Listen to all of them. Stop lying and covering up.

    5. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Anon 1:33. Sorry to interrupt your fantasy, but it WAS said. It was during one of those times (many times...) on the tapes when there was a lot of cross-talk as the patient police officers were trying to get a clear picture of the events of the evening. As the days went by, more and more tapes came out and it was too difficult to locate it again, without listening to all that dreck. But, since we all heard it, it is on you to disprove our statements...have you even listened to one of them?

    6. Anonymous5:12 PM

      I also can confirm that statement was on the police audio tape. I think it was Willow, though.

    7. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I went to the Alaska Dispatch to find the exact reference so you could listen for yourself and several of the audios have been replaced by "Oops, we couldn't find that track." Notably, most of the Palin interviews are no longer available.

      If it reappears, listen to E97A7819 "Police interview the Palin family and Matthew McKenna." Start listening around 24:08 to hear Willow swears on Trig's life two different times.

      Here it is. Palin Brawl Audio 5, 25:01. It's clear as a bell.
      Willow: "I swear to God on my Down Syndrome brother's life."

    8. Anonymous9:09 PM

      I can attest that I heard it too. When I heard it the word SYNDROME was bleeped out which I thought was strange. She (someone) said "I swear on my Down ______ brother's life".

      If that is no longer "find-able", that is extra-creepy.

    9. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Anon 1.33, Im Anon12.47. I listened to all 2 plus hours of the tapes on TPM, Talking Points Memo, and heard it there directly, twice. If you had asked politely, Id have provided the link. But Ive got better things to do than prove it to a random obnoxious asshole on the internet.

    10. sorry7:28 AM

      I am 1:33, I apologize to all of you, it's clearly there at 25:01. "I swear on my down syndrome brother's life". Which is really creepy to have the life and death of a sibling right there at the tip of one's tongue. I had listened to all the tapes, and had followed through with the original time that someone had posted, and didn't hear it at that time, so I thought it was not true of all the tapes. Sorry, and I'm not an asshole, but I understand why you think I am.

    11. Anonymous7:47 AM

      In that first eight-minute snippet G posted, I heard it once (couldn't force myself to listen to the longer tapes). So person demanding proof, if you can find that original release (which might still be on IM), you should be able to hear it. I'm not going to do your legwork for you, though.

  13. Anonymous12:53 PM

    If Sarah wants people to believe that Bristol writes the blog she should advise her to write the way she talks: Like, I can't fucking even believe what I fucking read..well, you get my drift Sawah. Lol!

  14. Of course we all know Bristol didn't write this----but who the hell does she (Nancy) think she is judging this woman? Bristol had her crying five year old in the car with drunks and brawlers. She can't seem to handle her child who has no developmental challenges. Her sad reality show gave us a peek into that.

    It also helps if your mother has a few millions to get her Downs Syndrome kid a nanny . . . . And it seems Gryphen has cornered the "perfect mother" again. How is the divorce going Sarah?

    But I have to say I'm hoping Trig does find elsewhere to get all that he needs, even if Sarah has to pay someone--which of course--- she does. And thank goodness for that as she is an effing lunatic. Of course being named Palin will have its own challenges for all the Palin young.

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM

      Bristol's "5 year old" 7 year old was drinking alcohol with drunks and brawlers and running around on the tarmac.

  15. Caroll Thompson12:55 PM

    I keep writing and erasing my comment, so it's probably better not to comment at all.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      I personally enjoy reading your views, Caroll, and you eloquently speak them.

    2. Caroll Thompson6:17 PM

      Bless your heart 2:05, but I think it best I don't comment on Bristol today. I might say something very unkind.

      I am listening to some music tonight. I offer you the link:

      Bob Dylan: It's a hard rain gonna fall.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      ohhh. Just came across that disc yesterday. Going to put it on now.

  16. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Kind of OT but I went to Bristol's blog to read this and ended up on another page from a couple years ago with comments allowed:
    I was able to "upvote" several of my favorites, and so can you! Here's one of the best:
    "Who are you to judge anyone? You have a baby out of wedlock and you are constantly bashing Levi in public. Didn't you say the father shapes their children's lives? Yes, you did . So your kid is out of luck then. Every single person on this planet deserves to be loved no matter their race, gender, sexual orientation or socio-economic class. You are not in any position to judge anybody. You are not a role model. You got drunk and had a kid. Now you expect the public to listen to you? Slavery went on for hundreds of years but that doesn't mean it is right. You really need to look in the mirror and get a clue."

  17. Sarah was never a good parent to begin with. Looking at how her 3 oldest children have turned out and from what Levi has said about his experience living with the Palin's, it's hard to believe Sarah even gives him any attention or cares about him. Trig is probably just seen as an inconvenience to the Palin household.

    We all know that Trig can't eat solid food yet, speak even in rudimentary sentences, and is very seldom seen wearing his hearing aid and glasses. The child has been ignored enough that he is years behind where he should be even as a child with Downs Syndrome. In my opinion he's only useful as a prop for Sarah to use to show her concern for the disadvantage. And what ever happened to her being a spokesperson for Down Syndrome children she claimed she would be in her resignation speech.

    Sarah is nothing but a fraud grifting off mostly from the retired and elderly as can be seen in her FEC fillings of who donates to her PAC. She's an embarrassment to all of us who are intelligent enough to do our own thinking without letting the propaganda from FOX News and the other far right wing pundits control our opinions.

  18. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Bristol and Nancy French are such hypocrites. If they really cared, they'd be working in an institution for the mentally disabled, physically disabled. Sarah Palin's maternal instincts are nil; if she chose to have a down syndrome child, she knew she had the back-up support; FINANCIAL, CLOSE-KNIT FAMILY, ALASKA STATE SUPPORT, WONDERFUL HEALTH-CARE, that, she as Governor, could enjoy. That isn't the case for most women.

    Not every person is as holy and wonderful as Bristol and Nancy French. And, not every person could handle dealing with adopting or bringing into the world a child with mental physical challenges. Everyone has their unique gifts and some are not equipped with the gift of adopting or taking on these challenges.

    This isn't about abortion. Many women can give their down syndrome up for adoption, or have them institutionalized, because some just can't deal with it. But, of course, Bristol makes it into abortion, so she can CONDEMN others. Does BRISTOL think that girls her age who CHOSE to keep their down syndrome babies are having drunken brawls and riding in limos, walking around with thong dresses and having multiple boyfriends every 3 months, and fighting with others, and blogging and whining constantly?

    Who is she to judge this woman? Every woman who finds she is pregnant and is delighted about it, does worry about those small statistics. No one is joyful about bringing a child in the world with these challenges. It's a cruel and confounding situation for any mother to be in.

    I spoke to a women, shopping one day, who was trying to decide what children's movie CD's to buy, for a down syndrome man she said she cared for during the day. She was in her 70's and told me he couldn't function or work and all he wanted to do was watch his favorite cartoons and movies. Thank God there are people like this woman and Gryphen who work in a variety of ways with these children and adults. I don't see Bristol staying home, or training to work with special needs children.

  19. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Is it just me or does Nancy ban comments on that blog?

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      They were getting so many negative comments that they shut it down long ago. Thin-skinned, there is no debate, only their opinion matters. Same as Facebook and 4pee sites.

  20. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Sarah has an a long-standing record of starting projects and then not following through on them:
    Attended and quit at least four colleges;
    Quit as Chairman Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation
    Hired City Manager to do her job as Mayor of Wasilla;
    Quit after two years as Alaska Governor;
    Began a "patriotic" bus trip amid much fanfare, then quit that, too.

    I have no idea how she acquired Trig, but I'm sure she put no more thought into the enormity of responsibility for caring for him than she bothered to consider in her previous short-lived enthusiasms.

    Yes, he will wind up institutionalized sooner or later -- after Sarah tires of him.

    1. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon2:14 PM

      Sarah tired of him about 5 years ago.

  21. Anonymous1:21 PM

    For what it's's what I have always felt. Trig was the child of a distant relative, maybe on Todd's side and was adopted by Sarah and Todd to promote her entrance to the political scene.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      I've always thought Todd is Trig's biological father (by another woman, of course). Perhaps the Palins turned a potential blackmail/scandal situation into gold dust.

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      My thought, too, since Todd is the only "parent" he seems to have any bond with. Looks kinda odd--Todd doesn't strike me as especially hands on with the other kids, or even Tripp.

    3. Anonymous5:27 AM

      Diana's kid....

  22. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I'm sick of this woman acting like she or her mother takes care of Trigg. who can't eat anything but applesauce. No only that, but she pays someone to take care of the kid (full-time) with other's people money & goverment money. So much for hating anyone else who can't do the same. STFU miss abstinance & gridter mothers.
    BTW, the kid will stop being cute and as he becomes an adult they won't get as much symphathy--in terms of money--from their ilk so she's paving the way for more money. Shame of you palin people. You people are sick!

  23. How heartbreaking. I can't imagine this mother's' burden, including the realization that she may die before her son, and what awaits him then? How sad that she's had her own life taken away because she gave life to this child. And I'm pretty sure that no matter what resources are available to her, they are not enough. My heart goes out to this woman and to all in her position.

  24. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Bristol .... when you post a video of Sarah singing "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" while she is changing one of Tirggy's poop filled diapers, I will believe your statement ...

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Oh brother...don't give her ideas. LOL!

  25. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Didn't Sarah say she underwent an amniocentesis procedure?

    The only reason to do so is to find out the health of the fetus -- thus giving the parents the choice of whether to continue the pregnancy if the fetus is malformed in any way.

    A truly "Christian" right-to-life woman would never, ever have an amniocentesis, since whatever is born will be her child, malformed or not. Sarah even says she hesitated about giving birth to Trig, having found out through the amnio that he was a Down Syndrome baby.

    Having an amnio is not a "Christian" way to behave, nor is giving a second's thought about whether or not to have a less-than-perfect-child, as she admitted.

    Total, complete, unmitigated hypocrisy.

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Palin is pro-choice for herself, just not for other women.

    2. Anonymous2:14 PM

      She said that she had an amnio at 13 weeks which is way earlier than most doctors will perform the test. There is a high risk of miscarriage during and after an amnio and doctors usually try to wait until a minimum of 16 weeks to do the test and most like to wait until 20 but some states do not allow abortion of a 20 week fetus so many choose to test earlier.

      Also, if she knew about the abnormality beforehand thanks to testing why did she not tell her family? Remember, Willow was the one who first noted that Trig had DS when she first saw him in the hospital, she couldn't believe her mother didn't tell them.

    3. Anonymous3:14 PM

      She was just trying to get sympathy for herself. Since she didn't give birth to Trig, she never had any such procedure. But she wanted to make it look like though she was tormented, she ultimately and oh so nobly and admirably "chose life" (i.e., made her an irresistible VP candidate for right-wing fundie assholes).

  26. Anonymous1:48 PM

    My mother told me (a lot more often than just once) that if it had been legal and affordable to have an abortion she would have aborted me. I'm healthy and of normal intelligence but came at an inconvenient time.

    It's not just mothers of special needs children that would choose abortion. There are a ton of reasons for not wanting a kid. Having a fertilized egg growing in your uterus does NOT automatically endow you with the physical, emotional, financial resources to bring a pregnancy to term and birth a child.

    The BEST person to make the choice is the woman with the fertilized egg in her uterus. And the rest of the blathering know-it-all trumpeting idiots should SIT DOWN and SHUT UP.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      My mother is not honest enough to say that to me, but her actions told me loud and clear.

      All children deserve to be loved and wanted. All women should have the right to decide what happens to and in their body, and whether or not they bear children for which they will have to take care of for many years or possibly their whole life.

      No one should be judged for making these personal, private decisions.

    2. she is irresponsible for having at least 2 miscarriages and 1 writ-out abortion, at her age. Especially since she didn't raised the other kids that she has. No wonder the 3 older kids have kids out of wedlock.

      KMA clown.

      The fraud is nothing more than a losing wash-up ex beauty queen. The ugly old coot cares more about her inflatable tits than trig.

  27. Anonymous1:50 PM

    My family probably wouldn’t have chosen to have a child with Down syndrome. But God gave us Trig – and our family wouldn’t be complete without him! 
    -Bristol (Branch) Palin

    That's nice Bristol, your family wouldn't have chosen Trig. Good thing Trig will never comprehend how your family feels about him.

    Yes Bristol, God gave your family Trig, so why can't you Sons Of Bitches teach Trig how to eat one fucking Cheerio?

    You selfish drunk hoohahs goes to a birthday party and disturb the peace while lying about being sexually assaulted and Trig is where? Was Trig at home eating canned baby food?

  28. Anonymous1:53 PM

    In all the later-than-toddler photos I have seen, Trig looks happiest with Todd, and with Sarah seems to be trying to get away.

    The 47 year old man in the article is not toilet trained, sits down in the aisles of buses, throws tantrums, all of which is something to contemplate when the "kid" is not a "kid" anymore.

    The discussion of entitlements, with severely disabled children and families, always seems to be taboo. Fact is that the US government and state and local governments supply quite a bit of help to the families. For which we all pay.

    A family that does not have free federal healthcare for all the children may decide on a different path when contemplating the expenses, both monetarily and psychologically to the rest of the family.

    These judgmental palins should think about the adage of walking a mile in the shoes of other people before once again pouring out their thoughtless and vindictive headline-grabbing rhetoric.

    The main thing I would like to see is earlier diagnosis of birth defects.

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Walk a mile in her shoes. Or walk in her shoes for 47 years. These Palins have no empathy. None whatsoever.

  29. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Bristol Sarah and Todd ever discuss or guess at how many dollars will be donated to SarahPAC if Trig "accidentally" drowns in the lake or in the AZ house pool?

  30. Yes, of course, Sarah Palin has the money and resources to care for "her" DS son.

    That is not what makes it easier for her to have a DS child than for anyone else to have a DS child. After all, she has made it very obvious that she does not make use of the resources available to her.

    What makes it easier for Palin is that even if she had no resources, no money, having Trig would be a piece of cake.

    Because she just doesn't give a shit about him and doesn't expend any effort on him.

  31. Anonymous2:11 PM

    They sure have a funny way of caring for their precious gift from god that someone did not abort.
    Can't eat solid food. Can't communicate well. Will not reach his potential.
    Geez, how do they treat people they Don't like?

    1. Anonymous2:31 PM

      & they don't take care of it themselves. They live off governemnt money and money from their PAC. Plus, I doubt they will take care of the kid in their old age. $carah acts like an old-teeny-bopper & brisket still claims to be a teen-age mother but reality is very different. An old-age comes fast, right SARAH?

  32. Wendy2:15 PM

    Apparently neither Bristol Palin nor her ghostwriter, Nancy French, can read for comprehension. The mother she castigates has cared for her Down Syndrome son for 47 years. This seems clearly to be an example of "the greatest demonstration of selfless love" that Palin talks about. Because this mother is also honest enough to talk about how what a demanding and difficult job this kind parenting this is, Palin goes on the attack. Where is a sense of compassion and appreciation? It's totally absent -- it seems all Palin wants to do is take a cheap shot.

  33. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Leaving a 6 year old Down kid sleeping in the truck because you all are too damn LAZY to carry him inside to his bed ... SHOWS ME how "blessed" this bundle of joy is to the Palins.

    As Sarah said ..."where's Trig?"

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Thanks for pointing that out. 2:20 PM.

    2. Anonymous5:25 AM

      She'd be jailed for that in this state.

  34. ibwilliamsi2:23 PM

    Barstool doesn't understand this because she hasn't devoted 3 days straight to Tripp and he's perfectly-abled (let's not even talk about her abandoning Trig) without getting schnockered, let alone 47 years to a special needs child.

  35. A. J. Billings2:23 PM

    Damn right Gryphen. As tough as it was being a single dad of two small kids living on a small income raising my sons, I can't imagine dealing with a kid who will never:

    Go to anything but daycare or special school
    Read at more than nursery school level.
    Get a normal job
    Go to college
    Leave home
    Cook their own meals
    Shop for themselves
    Deal with their own healthcare/dentistry.
    Find a mate
    Manage his/her own finances or any logistical or practical aspect of their life

    A 47 year old toddler, especially those who are difficult, destructive or still in diapers is a monumentally horrificly hard task,
    and no one should judge them until they've spent 50 fucking years doing it!

    I know some Downs kids can be high functioning, but many are not, and some are just unmanagable without drugs and constant supervisions.

    Bristol and Nancy haven't seen much of life, are still young, and have yet to appreciate other people's suffering.

    They judge everything by their limited Pollyanna Christian view of life and should just shut the fuck up.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Many Downs adults develop early onset of dementia (often showing symptoms in their 30's)

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Well stated.

  36. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Not all parents have free health insurance, nannies and limo drivers to watch their children while they tend to necessary errors, let alone, get drunk and party all night.

  37. Anonymous2:28 PM

    For the last 6 or 7 years, Sarah has spent too much time away from home making screeches, on airplanes, on TV, and in Hollywood to have spent much - if any - time caring for Tri-G. I have no proof that Tri-G doesn't live in the Palin home but I firmly believe that he doesn't. If he does live in the Palin home, then who takes care of him when Celebrity Sarah is doing her thing? From the video that Sarah posted a couple of months ago showing Tri-G's (first?) therapy session, and from Sarah's statements that Tri-G has never eaten a cheerio and isn't potty trained even though he's at least 6 years old, it plain to see that Tri-G is neglected. He's only trotted out for photo ops.

    I think Tri-G is a Rent-A-DS-Kid. Or a huge percentage of the time he lives with someone else. If I'm right, then whoever Tri-G lives with isn't capable of seeing that the guy gets the care that he needs. JMO.

    1. Anonymous5:39 AM

      Trig is school age now. The school will teach him to tolerate foods, potty train him and teach him social and motor skills. I worry about what will happen when he turns 21, leaves the school system and there is no more money for caregivers.

  38. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Why do Bristol and Trackmarks get sooooooo defensive of their "brother?" Way more than Tri-G's "mother" does.

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      hmmmm...interesting, huh

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Yeah i've always wondered about that.

    3. Anonymous5:24 AM

      Incest is best. Track & Bristol....what a pair. She was too drunk to notice and he didn't care. Old "bend-m-over" Track...any of 'em...all of 'em.

  39. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen, that's a very brave column. No one should judge the choices that other people have to make. A lifetime of caring for a child, a life-sized child restricted that woman from working, pursuing an education, enjoying a vacation, even just learning how a favorite TV drama ended because she had to attend to someone who will remain a child in spite of his size.

    The way that the Palin family has treated their precious gift from God is an insult-- if God actually did choose them to be on the receiving end of any gifts. Trig does not appear to wear his glasses which means he cannot see the world. It is a blur to him, or a haze of double images. If he has hearing problems, then the sounds are a blur, too. Not being about to eat solid food is nothing to brag about. The Palins can afford the best care and therapy and and provided neither for poor Trig. He didn't even get to go to Todd's Birthday Party.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Well now, we don't know that for sure. Todd did say, "we have kids (plural) here."

    2. Anonymous5:22 AM

      yea..Willow's kid, and the one they passed off as Track's kid...and Bristol's other kids.

  40. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Do we have any evidence that Trig in not institutionalized at this point? It sure doesn't seem like anyone in that family is capable of caring for him, he's not included in the family fun like getting falling down drunk and starting brawls, and he isn't even used a a photo prop so much any more. I bet they've already warehoused him.

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Twice ...twice twice...I heard it came out of her own filthy mouth that she keeps him in the truck!

  41. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Yeah...they really care for kids which is why barstool has creeply gotten rid of her abstinance offspring. yeah sure...i buy that. NOT

  42. Grrrr !2:36 PM

    Bristol's Post Without Nancy French:

    "OMG!!! I cant believe this old bitch in england or yourope or whatevr sez she wishd shed abortted her DS son!!! What a fucking slut & a fucking cunt & if I ever see you Im gonna punch you out!! God sez killin the unboren is like 1 of the shittiest fuckinest things u can do!! Try readin ur bibel like I do everyday!! Maybe then u wouldnt be 2 lazy 2 just pick up a fone & get round the coldclock caregivers?? We did so we could totally LOVE our Triggy boopy booger bear SO MUCH!!!!! ... Oh and a P.S. 2 everybody who keeps attackin me & my family -- I never got back my fucking sunglasses wich cost $300!!!! Yeah I new thatd make u happy ... HATERZ!!"

    This, however, IS genuine:

    "Dick Morris Calls Joni Ernst A 'Smarter Sarah Palin.' "

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Bwahahaha!!! It's funny because its true.

  43. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Most people who have a child out of wedlock do not go on to have several more fatherless kids. Bristol should shut her mouth on judging others. Not too Christian when she needs to clean up her own yard first All children deserve to have TWO parents, looking forward to their birth. Why does low I.Q. Bristles insist on having more children?One mystery to me is why would a loving God give such a "gift" to certain people? Does he want to inflict pain on them?

  44. electicsandra2:55 PM

    47 years ago there wasn't as much knowledge of Down Syndrome or support for parents. The decision then would be different from today.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      In what way? Simply put, these chidren still bring the same challenges to caretakers.

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Well, you are right about the difference between then and now.

      For those who choose to or are surprised by the birth of a baby with DS, there IS a terrific network of of education and support of parents who walk this road. Education of the parent and family and therapy of the child begin at birth. Somehow, I doubt that Trig could have had that. TWO parents should have been intensively involved in his daily life since birth and probably a demanding role (VICE PRESIDENT!) would have been put on hold by any parent hoping to maximize such a child's potential.

  45. Anonymous2:55 PM

    You nailed it. I would never presume to judge anybody like Mrs Relf. I've been dealing with a mother over the last couple years that has become, frankly, a burden. Fixing her dinner everyday, doing her cleaning, her shopping, picking her up off the floor when she falls in the middle of the night.

    God forgive me that when she tried to kill herself that I prayed for her life to come to an end. I know what its like to love someone dearly and to wish to be free of them. It wasn't until I found group therapy that I realized I'm not the heartless bastard I thought I was and that many many others have felt the same.

    What courage it took for this woman to come forward with these feelings. So, no, Bristol/Nancy, she's not a horrible person. She's devoted her life to her child. She deserves compassion and not your hypocritical judgment. I have a feeling this woman never took her child to a late night party and got completely plastered in front of her five year old. So do the world a favor and shut the fuck up

    Tim Mohr, Omaha NE

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Thanks for your comment Tim. My husband's mother is quite elderly and his older sister is going through the same thing. I watched my own mother go through hell when my father opted to stay home to die and lingered on and on. Between the guilt she felt and the nastiness he demonstrated towards her I have decided I will never put my kids through that. Unplug me if I can't request it, if I'm lucid and am handed a diagnosis of no hope I know a doctor who understands folks should have the option of not being a burden and are better off drifting off, if you know what I mean.

    2. "Whatever"4:18 PM

      Thanks Tim for sharing.

      If you haven't cared for someone with an ongoing major physical (or mental) problem, you cannot begin to fathom what those who do go through.

      I've only done the care thing short term and what an eye opener!

      It's not at all the same as taking care of someone with a cold or a broken leg for a week or so. Not in the same league at all.

      It can be, and often is, a full-time job. And that's usually on top of the caregiver already having a full-time job in order to pay the bills so they can eat.

    3. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Tim, you are in my thoughts. I had a similar conversation with one of my former church leaders the other day. He was quite shocked when I told him that if I were ever diagnosed with something terminal, Oregon here I come.

      He couldn't figure out why I wouldn't want my family to care for my in my dying days. I told him that #1 I don't want to be a burden to anyone, and I worked in social services & at a nursing home long enough that I wouldn't want to wish that fate on a dog--let alone a sentient being. There's nothing soul sucking than being ignored by teenage CNAs, glued to their cellphones, & being paid minimum wage so why should they care about that nasty old lady who might be hungry. Or lonely. Or want someone to just hold their hand.

      I would rather go out on my own terms, and the poor fellow just couldn't grasp that there really are worse things than death.

    4. Anonymous8:23 AM

      I recently found full-time work and moved halfway across the country from my elderly parents, after living with them for three years. My mom has MS. In her case, it's made worse because she's a hot mess of walking personality disorders, plus she lies to her doctors about her symptoms, and my dad goes along with whatever she says. So her doctors don't necessarily realize how bad things are, and even when they do, she twists whatever they say to mean what she wants. (I went to an appt with her once and watched her later tell everyone exactly the opposite of what I had heard the doctor say.)

      Living with her made me feel trapped, awful, and guilty. I had moved in with my parents not only because I was unemployed but because I had become suicidal, and I didn't think I would stay alive if I remained alone. Initially my parents were great, but my mom eventually used this against me, taunting me that I would never be stable enough to move out and be on my own again. I was terrified that my dad would die before I had a chance to find a job and move away, because then I'd be left caring for her forever. (I think my siblings would have tried to keep that from happening, but my mom would have guilted the hell out of me.)

      I was the one who ended up in therapy being diagnosed with a "personality disorder," which I think was totally unfair--and that diagnosis, frankly, threw me back into being suicidal. When I looked at the symptoms that actually applied, almost all were from living with my mom and trying to deal with the psychological crap.

      Two months ago, I finally found a FT job halfway across the country from my parents. Things are not perfect, but I no longer want to kill myself or feel trapped. The "personality disorder" symptoms are mostly gone. A month after I left, my mom, who refuses to use a cane even though she tips over all the time, had a very bad fall and nearly died. My first reaction was relief that I wasn't there anymore and didn't have to cope with the daily reality of caregiving. I felt guilty, but not enough to mitigate the relief. I do feel badly for my dad, who recently retired and has to care for her FT. She is no kinder to him than she was to me. He will never divorce her, but I often think he would be better off with someone else, and then hate myself for thinking so.

  46. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I doubt old-granny & lazy ass barstool would take care of an adult 47-year-old & change his soiled diper when they are WAAAY past their mddle-age..

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      I gotta make the obvious comment here...Bristol can't even put herself into a diaper, and it appears she needs one...

  47. hedgewytch3:32 PM

    Just about 11 years an associate of mine and I were both pregnant in our late 30's with our first child. I told her that I had just had an amniocentesis done to ensure that my child was o.k. My husband and I discussed it, if the baby had been abnormal, we would have aborted him, as we understood we did not have the financial or physical capabilities to care for such a child. My associate did not have an amnio, told me she and her husband would care for the their gift from God, no matter what. She had a severely DS child with many physical difficulties. As the years went by and our paths crossed, I could see the growing wear and desperation that she faces daily. Its terrible to say, but the fact that her child may not live to be 20 due to his medical condition, may be her salvation.

    And with the ACA, at least now they can have insurance for their son which won't bankrupt them.

  48. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I read this article over on the Daily Mail when it came out & knew those 2 sows would be in hog heaven when they saw it. The story broke my heart and I certainly sympathize with what that poor family has gone through. Gryph is absolutely right as soon as Trig is big enough that he's impossible to control he will be institutionalized or he will have a full-time caretaker. These two bitches, and soon mama bitch, need to stfu and mind their own business. They are the epitome of poor parenting & have no business criticizing anyone. They can't even teach Trig how to chew food. Bristol is a hopeless drunken slut and no one gives a flying fuck what she has to say. Nancy French is a holier than thou leech who is making $$ off the backs of the infamous white trash family of Wasilla. She actually is more offensive than Bristol, she's a scheming opportunist on the same level as sarah.

  49. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Old-ugly-brancy gets to post on barstool's fb for a fee & to care for her DWTS abstinance offpring and then pretends she adopted it.

  50. Anonymous3:56 PM

    You know brisket and $carah, it's easy now to lock the DS kid in the truck, but what are you going to do when he's 6' & 200+ punds with a dirty diper.

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      What do you think all that postage is for?

  51. Anita Winecooler4:22 PM

    Gtyphen, I could sense your compassion for what this family is going through and their honesty in putting it into words. As the parents get older, these kids are becoming stronger physically and don't do well with conventional parenting styles because they don't know better. Then the hormones kick in, and they're even more stronger physically with no "boundaries" mentally. One friend of our family has been through the painful discussions of sterilization. The mother can't work outside the home and the father barely makes enough to keep the family going as it is. Every day they struggle with the wrong choice they made, and don't have the means to leave in place some kind of help after they pass on. They love this child as much if not more than any parent loves their child, but their choices NOW are few and extremely heartbreaking.
    I've seen this child "act out" out of frustration, and it's not a pretty sight watching two adults beaten to a pulp, yet if they lay one finger on him, the laws are in the child's favor.
    There ARE no good answers. In their day, they were shamed into keeping the child because, as you wrote, they're a "Gift from God", and besides, it's everyone's business what a woman chooses to do, except for hers.

    Nancy, and by extension Trig's "Sister", I'm sure could afford a padded room, half door and 24 hr "help". Why did one choose to adopt outside her race and not adopt a DS child?. Why did one buy a chin, car, house, and pontoon boat, when the world is full of gifts from God?
    If I met one of these two snoots staring down their noses at me, believe me, they'd be carried far past the edge of the lawn. They have zero compassion and less than zero brains between the two of them.

  52. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Bristol was not wise to call attention to this article, which reminds people that, yes, young mothers CAN have DS babies.

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Yes, indeed. Young mothers have LOTS of DS babies. Not that you'd expect the ignoramus Palins to have known that. They know it now.

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Most babies with DS are born to young women (since most babies, in general, are born to young women).

      If you see a baby with DS, the likelihood is that his or her mother will be younger rather than older.

  53. AKinPA4:46 PM

    Bristol the Brawler can't comprehend what Ms Relf wrote because every other word in the text isn't an expletive. How can the Thong Queen possibly empathize with a compassionate, caring woman who has devoted 47 years of her life to caring for her son who is truly her son and not a prop used to advance her "career." Walk just 20 feet (forget a mile) in this woman's moccasins and then get back to us, Until then shut your sanctimonious foul mouth.

  54. Anonymous4:55 PM

    I don't think that Bristol is the person who should be telling someone else how to live their life. We heard Bristol when she was drunk and swearing, caring more for her $300. sunglasses and her thong dress than for the five year old who was up past his bedtime at the party that his mother crashed. Some role model. Some paragon of virtue. Some moral compass. Bristol can post all of the good Christian moral messages about disabled children, Bible verses and her love bug and that will never wash away the fact that she was drunk and disorderly. Bristol has not grown up since she was a pregnant unwed teen aged girl-- and all of Nancy's posts won't change a thing.

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM


    2. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Alcoholics never mature past the point at which they became addicted. In Bristol's case, that would be, what, 14? 15? She'll never stop being a high school mean girl unless she gets help for her drinking. Sad to see a young person who has already ruined her life, but that is what Bristol has done.

      And it makes her mom's heart soar.

  55. Anonymous5:13 PM

    A month ago, when the Ice Bucket Challenge was a popular thing,Sarah said that Piper took the bucket of water for her. Then, she posted a video on her facebook of Willow and Track throwing a pail of water on Bristol. Not exactly an ice bucket full of ice cubes, but that's Sarah. In the background, you can hear Trig crying out, talking in the sounds that serve as his language. Later, you can see Trig run after Piper to see if she's OK. Willow and Track yell at Trig, "It's only water."

    In addition to not being able to eat solid food, Trig does not have enough control over his facial muscles to speak clearly. There are programs and therapy for that kind of development. If he has a problem hearing, he can wear earphones which play a sound as a therapist helps to train him to make the same sounds. It's clear that Trig has not had that kind of help. What a pity. Earliest therapy is the best therapy.

    It is one thing for Bristol, Nancy and Sarah to brag about Trig being the precious gift from God. It is another thing to take care of that precious gift. Sarah didn't spend much time taking care of her own children, and it's clear that Trig got the same kind of neglect. It's one thing for Bristol-Nancy to write about the importance of having the child. Even more important, once you have the child, you have to take care of him.

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Actually God has given the Palins quite a few gifts, and it looks like they've squandered every single one of them.

      Good thing He decided to start slamming doors in her face. She will never hold another public office or position of trust again. Never.

  56. Suzy Q5:14 PM

    So glad to see that Bristol is pro choice.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Well, there's always a choice. But being prolife is being someone who always chooses life. It is personal and not to be judged.

    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      She's only pro-life when she's preggers with a kid whose father she hopes that that will force him to marry her. No luck so far.

    3. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Pro-choice means being pro-choice for everybody. The Palins are only pro-choice for themselves. Everybody else can go to hell.

    4. Anonymous4:08 PM

      bristol thinks prochoice means pro-open up, which is her motto..

  57. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Who's in denial? huh? That was weird to read. Her blog is a positive thing. Unlike liberal blogs, which are filled with slander and hate.

    And it's beyond disgusting to hear a woman/mother say she wishes she wouldve aborted her now grown child. I don't understand that. I have a sister with a different chromosomal disorder and none of us have EVER felt like she is a burden.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      effin' liar. That's bs & you know it.

    2. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Screw you. Let people have their own feelings.

    3. Anonymous9:37 PM

      1. It's not slander if it's true.

      2. Never been a burden? You're lying. We''ve got two in our family, and believe me, they are huge burdens. Especially after several decades. If you can read that woman's story and not feel empathy for her, there is something wrong with you.

    4. Anonymous4:07 PM

      you fucken don't know the difference between positive and hate-from-hell..barstools "blog" is nothing but a blog to hate & finger-point.

  58. Anonymous5:44 PM

    "Actually I think that any person who has sat at the bedside of a dying loved one knows exactly what it is like to love somebody and wish them dead at the same time."

    This is not the same thing. Terminal ILLNESS is different from a "special need."

    NOW, if he is ALSO in pain and will not get better, that is kind of different.

  59. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Well, to be fair, no one but Sarah CHOSE Trig. The others love him because he is in their family and family is valued. Actually, I don't even know if Sarah had anythnig to do with the choosing.

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      We heard and read how much family is valued in the police report and tapes of the Palins' drunken family brawl. You know, the one they took little Tripp to.

    2. Anonymous9:39 PM

      Sarah chose to take Tri=G from Bristol, that is true.

  60. Anonymous5:49 PM


    Monday, February 28, 2011

    Frank Bailey's manuscript and how it helps to prove that Sarah Palin did NOT give birth to her fifth child.

    My two were in the same school as two of Sarah's at the same time. She volunteered for revolving carpool and bailed every single time. She called one morning saying she'd be unable to drive her planned day the next morning because she'd had "a tubal". I remember her saying it in that whiny fake accent she used to elicit sympathy: "Well, I've had a two-bull". I just rolled my eyes and got someone to fill in. 

    Two weeks after that when her next shift came up, she called again and this time it had gone from "a two-bull" to "my surgery". "I'm sorry, I can't make it 'cause yaknow I had surgery recently..."
    I remember some of the other moms and I joked that when her NEXT shift came up, she would be calling saying "I can't drive due to the recent double AMPUTATION of my tubes..."

    As for why I won't go on the record...and I think the other people in my position feel the same way: basically, it's fear. 

    We have all seen someone become unemployable and/or pariah in their community because they "crossed" one of the Palins. Most of us still have one or more kids still in school or college, and we all know Sarah goes for the jugular...which for most of us, is our kids. I know it seems unlikely that Palin would still have power given that she quit, but trust me when I say the "long arm of Palin" is still reaching very far in Wasilla these days. 

    I do hope Sarah's insane fake pregnancy will be revealed in national media soon. But I have a hard time believing that my going on the record about her tubal will make a difference. She would instantly brand me a "wee wee'd up" librul who just wanted to spread an ugly rumor. She would play the victim and claim I was "attacking her special needs baby". (do you notice how she keeps calling three year old Trig a "baby"? It's to foster the "young mother with sweet babe in arms" image. She did the same thing with Piper, saying "my baby is sick" or "I have to go, my baby needs me" when Piper was four years old. She even let Piper have bottles and sippies well past the appropriate age, in pursuit of this "image") 

    Anyway, she would say I was lying just to try and make her look bad. She would sanctimoniously sneer "prove it! Put up or shut up!" knowing that only her medical records would prove what I was saying. 

    Most of us in the valley are scared for CBJ, as she knows EVERYTHING...and Sarah doesn't like loose ends. But if CBJ ever DID decide to pitch her license to the wind and tell the truth about Sarah, Trig, etc...Sarah will be done. Even the most hardcore, ironclad, koolaid-dipped bot will abandon her.
    (see website for rest of post)

    1. Anonymous2:28 AM

      Oh, poor CBJ.
      You suck as a professional and a human.

  61. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I think this is just a misunderstanding. It sounds like the man being talked about in the article is very different from Trig developmentally. It sounds like he has more significant issues relating to DS. I would imagine the Palins don't realize the huge variations in DS. Trig is a happy boy who hasn't been hard to parent. Sarah and Todd have done a great job and he is clearly the most loved child.

    But in reality, no matter who it is, the bigger issues DO come with time. DS kids are rarely fully pottytrained and take much longer to grasp it. I think that because the Palins are very accepting people and don't judge, they will be fine in the future. I think it also helps a great deal that Trig has a lifelong best friend in Bristol's son whom he can go through school with and grow up with.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      How much are you earning from SarahPac or wherever for writing this drivel, when you know everyone here sees CLEARLY that Trig's adoptive parents have done a terrible, negligent, careless "job" with him?

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      lol, what have you been smoking?

    3. Anonymous7:10 PM

      You idiot,Trig wears diapers,does not speak,can't eat solid food,is hard of hearing and needs glasses. As he ages,he will become more and more difficult to handle,especially when he is a full grown man with a toddlers mind and minimal communication . That is why you see a difference. Is there a reason you think the parents in the article did not do an amazing,loving job? I have friends with a 34 year old Down Syndrome son. He is much higher functioning than Trig,he speaks and holds a part time job. Mikey was always loving and happy as a child. As a teenage boy,full grown being cared for by an aging mom and sisters who were much smaller than him,he often caused dangerous situations,and was difficult to deal with. When parents reach the age of those in the article,they often feel guilty because they know they will not be around much longer.The worry about who and how he will be cared for. The fact that you and other Palin cultists can't see these things is your failing.

    4. Anonymous9:43 PM

      I'm pretty sure that TriG's fake parents have already dumped him onto someone else to care for because neither one of them is capable of raising children, even without special needs, as evidenced by the events at the famous Palin Family Drunken Brawl, and specimins Truck, Barstool, and Willin' in general.

    5. Anonymous10:20 PM

      ~The Palins are accepting and dont judge~ You are clearly deeply mentally impaired.

    6. Anonymous2:25 AM

      Does "don't judge" mean "Doesn't register in their brains" because they are low IQ?

  62. Anonymous5:55 PM

    The Palins don't think like that woman. They don't shirk challenges. Trig is their precious baby,a boy like Tripp who has never known anything but love and happiness. Sure he hasn't hit hard parenting stages and Sarah and Todd have done a great job with him. He's been in school 3 years now. People love him and support him.

    They're open minded enough to always cherish and support their son and brother.

    This is a bad article because it has the potential to show other people to devalue certain people.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      are you on acid or just full of crap?

    2. Anonymous7:03 PM

      The Palins have no idea what kind of challenge it is to parent an adult DS child. They might, indeed, feel differently than this mother does, but until they experience it themselves, they should STFU..

    3. Anonymous7:04 PM

      The Palins have paid caretakers for Trig.In fact,he seems to not be in the picture much,they didn't even care enough to haul him to the drunken brawl to try to learn some words.

      You know if Sarah really cared about him,she would devote her time to teaching him to eat something besides baby food.Doing so would help him learn the abilities needed to form words. It's easier to not do this stuff and pay someone to do everything.Just wait until he is 30 years old and needs diapers changed.Let's hope her sick sycophants continue to support her cranky,skanky ass so she can keep paying someone to do it.

    4. Anonymous7:06 PM

      I vote for full of crap.

      Only the most selfless and generous people would fit 5:55's description of the Palins. And we know by their own words and actions that this proudly ignorant, nasty, lowest common denominator abomination of a hateful family is anything but selfless and generous.

    5. "The Palins don't think like that woman. They don't shirk challenges."
      You fucking horrible hateful monster. You and Bristol and Nancy and the rest of the vicious Palin clan.

      That woman has cared for her son for 47 years!

      How dare dreadful people like you and the Palins judge her?

      You should all crawl on your knees over broken glass to beg for her forgiveness.

    6. Anonymous5:52 AM

      Tripp didn't seem so happy on the police tapes where he is crying in the background at midnight during a drunken brawl.

      And Trig has been in school for three years now because at age 3 he qualified for full time school for children with special needs. They were happy to send him away where someone else would take care of him all day for free. Saved on the postage costs.

    7. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Why did Trig get a PFD and Mrs Palin did not? Because she spent so much time away from him, could not even qualify for a PFD?

    8. Anonymous11:01 AM

      We'll see what Bristol has to say when Trig is 47 years old and her parents (and their fortune) are long dead and she's the one having to take care of him.

  63. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Wow, sustained and repeated troll activity! My favorite comment is 5:52: "The Palins are very accepting people and don't judge..." Obviously this person has never heard Sarah Palin speak. Or Bristol ("middle finger to the haters," "Levi is a gnat"), Willow (those homophobic slurs against the classmate who dared to criticize Sarah Palin's Alaska on Facebook), Track ("he's gay but not really gay"--oh, wait, is that what passes for accepting in the troll's mind?).

    Congrats, Gryphen, once again you clearly hit a big old nerve!

  64. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Anonymous7:03 PM said
    You know if Sarah really cared about him,she would devote her time to teaching him to eat something besides baby food.

    Anon 7:03 you hit the nail on the head.

  65. Anonymous8:56 PM


    Sarah Palin and family answer each question individually, which answer would Sarah pick from each question:

    1. Sarah Palin reality show or Trig?
    2. One million dollars or Trig?
    3. President Sarah Palin or Trig?

    Go ahead and admit it Sarah, the Palin family, the Heath family, Alaska and the world knows your answers. You have already demonstrated by your actions what your picks would be.

    If you cared about Trig he would be eating solid foods, be able to communicate and you would attend classes with Trig to help him besides sitting him on the floor with an I Pad to keep him entertained while you fly around the country eating pancakes and barbecue.

  66. Anonymous9:26 PM

    "...we are soooooo blessed to have him in our lives."

    Too bad it didn't work out that well for TRIG, huh?

  67. Didn't willing and bustol take selfies with them making cross-eyes? Weren't they mocking the brother they claimed to love so much?

    If bustol loved him so much why didn't she take care of her son by herself? Why did she switch him out the very first chance she had?

    The insufferable witch surely doesn't love trig either. she makes fun of him and deliberately held out on teaching him basic life skills. The boy can only say a few words thanks to her selfishness. she is lazy and would rather travel about without her "precious gift from god."

    bustol you barely take care of your boy. so STFU skanky.

  68. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Entirely too funny that a liberal who constantly judges those different from him calls something judgmental

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      willing also posted a non-ds Asian child who was singing and said the child was DS. I hope they sue the fuck out of her..the bitch!

  69. Anonymous4:16 AM

    How horrible to publish such an ignorant, cruel and un-Christian opinion of a woman whose life experience and whose concerns about the future and whose anguish are so great that she is willing to expose it to the public. Bristol, Sarah, Nancy or whoever wrote this diatribe, you lack some essential ingredients of being human. No compassion, no understanding. And you certainly can not call yourself a Christian.

    It is especially troubling because of Trig, whom even Sarah Palin has said, is far behind in his life skills. Whether he is simply incapable of learning to eat or speak like children in his age range or whether the family's ignorance and negligence have caused him to be so far less advanced than many other DS children of his age, we in the general public do not know. But how dare anyone in the Palin family rage against a mother who is terrified of life for her son when she and her husband are gone. If anything, the Palins should be able to share in their concern and anxiety and working every minute of every day to help Trig be as prepared as humanly possible for a life of relative independence.

    The internet is not a friendly place for crass ignorance and cruelty, Bristol or Sarah or Nancy. You all should remain silent unless you have something to write that contributes to the conversation.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Bravo Beaglemom, those Palins need to worry about their dysfunctional family in respect to being drunk in public to the point where they are unruly and a danger to the public and to themselves.

  70. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I really admire that mother for her honesty. She said out loud what every parent of a DS child has felt many times, but are afraid to give voice to it because of nasty reactions like this ghost written pablum. I think this post hit an all time low for Bristol.

    My husband had a DS brother 16 years younger than him. He was considered high functioning ....due in a large part to the constant, day in, day out, work of his dedicated parents and siblings. He started "school" at 6 weeks. They also all attended classes and learned what they needed to do to help him. Thankfully he didn't need glasses or hearing aids, but you can be damned sure if he had, not a single member of his family would have let him go without them.

    However, he demanded and got constant attention. He absorbed 300% of his parents' lives. They planned everything they did around him. I felt sorry for the youngest sister who was 2 when he was born. She always knew her needs were a distant second. When she was married (at 18, to get out of the house) she insisted they find a sitter and leave him at home...she wanted one time in her life where he was not the center of attention.

    He died in a tragic accident a few months later. While it was awful for us all at the time (lots of guilt) it gave his parents back their lives. They were able to travel and entertain. It also gave them peace of mind, not worrying about what would happen to him once they were gone. We had assured them that we would care for him, but that was still a worry. His Mom was sure no one could ever take care of him like she did (she was right about that).

  71. Anonymous6:53 AM

    That Bristol woman does nothing but hate. I don't care if the FB & blog is written ugly aging-big-tooth nancy. The FB & blogg is an instrument of hate. And she claims she works and keeps a low profile? What a liar. She a hateful liar--a scorned woman full of hate who delights in telling others what they're doing wrong & hates everyone but herself. And the elder palin is so proud of her "her heart soars."

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Why is Bristol, a highschool dropout, allowed to weigh in on ANYTHING. I am puzzled about who would follow such an ingnorant 25-year-old woman who preaches abstinance while shacking up with several men. The woman does not even work. She lies and yet she gets paid for lying on her back with a "thong-dress."

    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      I saw the tape where they were teaching the boy to say "go daddy". He eventually mimicked the words, but didn't know what he was saying, only that the girls were happy when he repeated them.

      Some role model, even before thong-ghazi

      Bristol, is that the one that preached abstinence after having a baby, yet in her book clearly states that she went back to having sexual relations with Levi because he bought her nice things like a Coach purse? "When the school year ends in Juneau, Bristol returns to her hometown of Wasilla in the summer of 2007, and immediately reconnects with Levi. He treats her like a princess and showers her with gifts, including “Coach purses, nice rings, Abercrombie clothes, as well as Coach and Juicy rain boots.” (Pg. 77) The two have sex again that summer, since she felt Levi had needs and, “If I wasn’t going to fill them, I feared he’d go back to his old ways.”

    3. Anonymous7:52 AM

      If I had been pregnant and known it was a DS baby I most likely would have aborted. I read George Will's columns where on the one hand he is proud that his son can find his way around town on the public bus system, and on the other hand George rails against "government". His son seems like a high functioning DS person, George got him a job as a kind of mascot for a major baseball team, where everyone treats him nicely, apparently with real affection, and this gives him a goal every day, a place to go. That is nice, if the retarded person has rich parents. Trouble is that purposely choosing to have a very retarded child means that you value that child more than any of your others. And for people without $$, this means that the rest of the family gives up a lot. There's not much to do if a DS baby arrives unexpectedly, but love it, try to educate it from day 1, and thank goodness that the government does so much to support these families. But choosing to depend so much on the government and taking so much from the other children, I don't think I'd do that.

    4. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Glad that the constitution in the US allows choice to decide when and if to have children. Can't just pick the your favorite parts, like the 2nd amendment you know, throw away the part about "well-regulated" militias, then rant against the right to privacy guaranteed in that same constitution. Connstitutional Conservative!

    5. Anonymous4:02 PM

      they believe in giving birth so they can use their second-amendment bullshit on the live ones....what a bunch of low-life killers...

  72. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Bristol aka Nancy are absolutely disgusting. They are always crapping that people are judging them and what do they do judge a woman that whose life they have no clue. I seriously doubt Bristol spends anytime taking care of Trig.

    Bristol made a lot of money lying about being abstinent and using her child as a prop for photo ops, she should shut up while the getting is good.

  73. DS is on a spectrum like anything else, and this man must be very low functioning and I would make the same choice she wishes she had made...IF there is soul that is zapped into embryos then God can just use that soul in a another body.

  74. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I remember the high school *Marriage* class taught by one of the nuns. Yeah, nuns know sooo much about marriage. Sister Knees Together said that God only sent "special" children to "special" parents. I decided then and there to do everything possible to keep God from thinking me special.

    I worked for a man whose son became unmanageable. There were evaluations and tests and the like, but the kid had to be institutionalized and contributed to the marriage breakddown.

    Caring for a special needs child, who becomes an adult has got to be a life sentence worse than prison.

  75. How many days for a PFD?9:02 AM

    Most families that are "blessed" with a severely retarded child have to work for a living, despite the full government help they receive. "IE "free handouts" if it's an AA family" They don't have the option of not working, as in this case. Before I was Bristol's age I had 7 jobs, starting at age 16 in high school and continuing through college. I never had the option of going on reality shows to bawl pathetically in public and demand to know if someone is gay in a gay bar, or if the person sitting next to that gay person is his "wife". All for the camera$. If the older Ms. Palin is such a great part of her son's life, why does he get a PFD and she does not? Sure, she could just voluntarily give up her PFD for the good of the state (sure!), and maybe she does spend most of her time with him. OR maybe she does not spend enough time with him to qualify for a PFD. But I think Todd is the one that is raising the boy, he looks comfortable and happy with his father. That is one thing that I admire the father for.

    1. Starting at 16 I've worked. There has never been a time when I didn't have a job. At one point, I had three.

      Of course, my parents are saints and nobel prize winners compared to Todd and Sarah. My parents have parenting skills plus intelligence and common sense.

      What are the Palins going to do when the well runs dry? She isn't going to be able to keep up the political grifting forever. I'm sure she's already seeing her income taper off. And I doubt she or Todd have enough brains to make investments with their own money to ensure even a modest income in the future.

      I look forward to the day when their big house gets taken by the county for failure to pay property taxes. In 20 years maybe?

  76. You're condemned if you choose to terminate and you're condemned if you choose a care facility.

    These holy roller do gooders want you to be punished. They want you to suffer through your lifetime caring for your biological child. It's your punishment for having sex. Purely Puritanical.

    Man, sometimes I wish the indians had let every Puritan starve to death. This county might be a lot better off.

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Most of these "holy roller do gooders" are opposed to universal health care and don't want to pay the taxes needed to support good education and child care for working parents. I have asked "pro-life" advocates if they support universal health care. When they invariably stumble around and say that they do not, I say that I don't think they are "pro-life" at all. Life really begins at birth. Cute babies become children who need health care, good nutrition, good education, decent housing, etc. Children become teenagers and then adults. Life does not end at birth; it begins then.

  77. vegaslib12:57 PM

    Get off your fucking high horse. BTW, where is your DWTS baby?

  78. Anonymous2:41 PM

    The drunken, cussing , brawling, lying Palin family with
    the mother of Tripp showing up drunk , wearing a see through
    skirt with nothing but a shoestring covering her butt crack, and more worried about her $300.00 sunglasses than her terrified little boy , dares to comment about anything?
    Bristol, here in Las Vegas, where people think anything goes,
    you bunch of brawling drunks would have ended up in jail and
    Tripp taken to Child Haven . After the Palin family had been
    checked out and proved to be unfit to have anything to do
    with Tripp, he would have been put in foster care for his
    own protection! You lucked out this time Bristol.
    You drunken, cussing, brawling, lying Palin's care nothing
    for Trig either!

  79. Anonymous3:59 PM

    For all that woman and barstool seem to care about the DS kid, even they know cuteness will be gone soon for him, as it has bee gone from piper-dipper and they are posting old Halloween ...
    I do feel sorry for the DS kid stuck with such lazy-ass women.


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