Sunday, October 12, 2014

Does this new Wendy Davis commercial go too far?

Courtesy of TPM:  

A new ad by Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis's (D) gubernatorial campaign hits Attorney General Greg Abbott, her Republican opponent, for not doing enough to help disabled victims even though after Abbott himself was paralyzed he sued the homeowner and a tree company connected to the oak tree that caused his paralysis. 

"A tree fell on Greg Abbott. He sued and got millions. Since then he spent his career working against other victims," the voiceover in the ad said. "Abbott argued a woman whose leg was amputated was not disabled because she had an artificial limb. He ruled against a rape victim who sued a corporation for failing to do a background check on a sexual predator. He sided with a hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon who paralyzed patients." 

"Greg Abbott. He's not for you," the voiceover in the ad said. 

I have to admit that I am kind of at a loss on this one.

I certainly see how it could offend some people, but I also see the point that the Davis campaign is trying to make. 

So this post is really to ask for your take.


  1. Anonymous4:46 AM

    No, I honestly do not believe it goes too far. Abbott has a well documented history of denying people with disabilities the same rights and compensation that he himself sued for and won. The ad in no way denigrates the disabled, but it does effectively point out Abbott's blatant hypocrisy. Go Wendy!

    FL Mom

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM


    2. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Agree with FL Mom,
      it isn't that bad she is just pointing out the truth about Greg Abbott!
      And they after all call her "Abortion barbie" so she is fighting fire with fire!
      Go Wendy!!!
      G, I wish you would change the title to "Wingnuts think Wendy Davis ad goes to far" or something.
      There is nothing wrong it!

    3. Oh yeah. I forgot about the "abortion barbie" bullshit. Now that's some lying mofo shit right there.

      These abortion nuts don't have a leg to stand on so they go wholesale and claim pro-choice equates to Forced Abortions For All. These are the same assholes who lie and whine about somebody taking their freakin guns. Again they don't have a viable argument against gun safety. So they too cry and whine about "people a comin" to take their freakin guns away.


    4. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Not only did Abbott work for tort reform caps on recoveries for disabling injuries, he used taxpayer money as AG to fight the Americans with Disabilities Act! He didn't want the State of Texas to to make accommodations to disabled employees! He argued that the federal law did not apply to the state. What a terrible waste of our money--trying to prevent disabled Texans from being able to do their job.

      How can anyone in his position fight tooth and nail against disabled Texans?


    5. Anonymous1:00 PM

      The ad is irrelevant.

      Wendy is going to lose decidedly.

    6. I wouldn't count too heavily on that! There are many new voters registered and you can bet most of them are NOT Republicans!

  2. Caroll Thompson4:58 AM

    I think the ad is fair. It states facts; things that Greg Abbott did and how those actions effected disabled individuals. Mr Abbott is certainly free to dispute these charges.

    Actually, this is what a campaign should be about. The issues and the things that a candidate has done that may effect his or her performance as Governor.

    I hope it moves the needle because Wendy Davis is behind the polls.

  3. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Wow, am I first? I don't think it goes too far. I understand some people do, just because it mentions that he's in a wheelchair. However , all his commercials point out his wheelchair. But the point is, what Greg Abbott is allowed to do, the rest of us Texans are not allowed to do. I think it's very important that people know he is still trying to support only himself and his rich, white, heterosexual, Christian, male friends. No one I know thinks it's over the line, either, but I do live in blue blue Austin.


  4. Anonymous5:01 AM

    It absolutely does not go too far. It speaks to Abbot's failure to protect victims as well as to support people with disabilities despite his own disability and use of the system to get compensation. It's not an attack on Abbot's disability. It's a (well-deserved) attack on his dismal record and hypocrisy.

  5. Anonymous5:03 AM

    It's about time Democrats take the gloves off, especially Wendy Davis considering the vicious attacks directed at her by Republicans.

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      Anonymous5:03 AM

      It's about time Democrats take the gloves off, especially Wendy Davis considering the vicious attacks directed at her by Republicans.

  6. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Bravo Wendy! It's exactly what a lot of people in Texas are thinking.

  7. linda5:22 AM

    If it's the truth it's fair. Appears to me to be the truth.

  8. The Ad contents are factual, & facts matter

  9. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Does the ad go too far? Hello no! Abbott needs to be exposed for the hypocrite asshole he is, like the 254 seniors that died on Skanky's watch while her family got free health care, Crazy Shelly getting farm subsidies while she railed against earmarks, and Mitt the Shit wanting to kick out illegals while undocumented workers scrubbed Queen Ann's toilets.

  10. Facts are fair. Facts that are pertinent to what kind of person is running for office are fair. Revealing hypocrisy is fair.

    That sort of information is like ringing a bell; even if she removes the add, the bell can't be un-rung. Gutsy lady, not afraid to do battle with the big big boys on their terms. Texas could get lucky.

  11. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Factual and fair. Some folks might be mad because Ms. Davis took her gloves off - but it's about time a Democrat was direct and straightforward in pointing out the hypocrisy of the other side.

  12. LisaB25955:55 AM

    I think the ad has a point. I believe he also wouldn't have been able to get the settlement he got under the tort reform that's been implemented as well.

    This is akin to Palin writing about how she briefly considered abortion, but decided it wasn't the right choice for her, but still being pro-life and wanted to end abortion. She had a CHOICE, she made a choice, but denies the same right to anyone else.

    I think the wheelchair imagery is unfortunate, because I think it makes people think she's "making light" of his disability. That was probably a mistake.

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM


    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Do trolls have disabled thumbs? It appears to cause them to be unable to unlock the shift key.

    3. Thanks for the observant comment!

  13. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Abbott already has a shady reputation in TX and comes across as a real bastard. She did NOT have to do this and it will, sadly, seal her fate. She would have been a wonderful senator but it is not to be.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      5:57 AM
      You guys did not vote yet? There is still time.
      I just saw a wonderful "Purple" map of Texas the other day!!!

    2. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Shows how much you know, troll. Wendy isn't even running for the senate.

      Go seal your mouth, idiot.

    3. Suzi Q7:12 AM

      Oh for crying out loud, 5:57, this is why Democrats are perceived to have no balls! If he's bastard then go after him. If the tables were turned you know the effing Republicans would do the same thing or worse. It's my opinion that the ad hits the right tone. I'm not from Texas but I would love to vote for Wendy Davis for governor. Get out and vote all the Republicans out!!

    4. Anonymous7:20 AM

      5:57 - yeah, concern troll much? She's not even running for the Senate. Get informed & GOTV!

    5. Anonymous8:49 AM

      GOVERNOR, Goofball, not senator. Yikes! You're another low-info voter. I don't even live in Texas, and I know what is going on.

    6. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Anonymous 5:57 wrote in part: She would have been a wonderful senator but it is not to be.

      You have your tenses mixed up. (That's taking a charitable view—I suspect you're suffering from recto-cranial inversion.) Wendy Davis has been a wonderful senator, famous for, among other things, a very long filibuster in support of women's rights. If her continued seat in the senate is "not to be" that's only because one can't be a governor and a senator at the same time.

      BTW, in response to an earlier commenter I'm not going to single out, the verbs "affect" and "effect" do not mean the same. To "affect" something means to somehow have an influence upon it; to "effect" something means to create it, to bring it into being.

  14. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Abbott uses his disability as a selling point. His wheelchair is featured in his ads. And he is a typical hypocrite as he got his millions in the very kind of lawsuit he wants to deny to other people.
    Davis' ad is not polite. It's true.

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      In Abbott's mind, how could he have collected millions for a disability, when he has wheels to get around place to place, and he is able to work?

    2. Anonymous6:42 AM

      Isn't a tree falling on someone or property considered to be an act of God? How can Abbott sue someone else for God's act?

  15. Not too far. It is about hypocrisy. One of the first and worst things I have known about politician Abbott was that after his tragic accident, he successfully sued for millions, and after that became a "tort reform" advocate to keep other victims from getting the relief he got.

    He features his wheelchair in his ads, so I assume he thinks if anything it helps get him votes. Abbott's own ads against Davis aren't even factual, e.g., "investigated by FBI," and hers about him are.

  16. Anonymous6:04 AM

    A similar slogan (":...he's not for you") is part of the campaign against the dreadful Gov. Rick Scott in Florida. But there is no risk in pointing to an able-bodied crook. However, the image of the wheelchair, and knowing that Abbott is disabled does NOT have to be hammered home. He is horrid as a person... period!

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      But part of what makes him HORRID is his hypocrisy, so....

  17. Jim In Texas6:08 AM

    If asked in advance, I would have said it wasn't worth the risk. Get the VALID info out another way since we all know what whiney assholes Tea Partiers are. On the other hand, Abbott does feature his wheelchair in ALL of his own ads, so EFim!

  18. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Too far? There is no too far when presenting facts about a BAD person.

  19. Bill F6:58 AM

    As long it is true I think it is valid. It appears to be blunt but very true. The right wing media will scream, but that is to be expected.

  20. Anonymous7:27 AM

    After Abbot sued and collected millions, he then fought to make sure anyone else would be limited to $250,000 in the same type of circumstances. Not too far, it shows how much he benefited from the laws at the time and then helped his party change those laws to limit payouts in the same type of lawsuits.
    After all the sleazy ads Abbott has put out and you think a factual ad might be unfair? I would suggest you take your temperature because you are obviously not feeling very well this morning.

  21. It's factual, so there is nothing unfair about it, especially as he apparently features his wheelchair in his own ads.

    It is better than an ad featuring non-stop lies like the ones "Dr." Dan Benishek runs constantly in Michigan. Now those are offensive.

  22. hauksdottir7:48 AM

    It is an excellent ad against a horrible hypocrite. It bites. Good!

    I just hope some mealy mush-brain handler doesn't persuade her to walk it back. Why should she? To be nice? Nice doesn't cut it in politics, especially when your opponents call you abortion barbie and other baggage-carrying names. She didn't sling mud, she stated the facts. If those facts have teeth, so be it.

    Go, Wendy!

  23. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Don't let Abbott's physical handicap fool you. He is dangerous and corrupt. The ad states the facts. It's fair and kudos to her for taking her gloves off.

  24. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I see it all the time, living in Texas, and it does not offend me, she is only telling the truth. My beloved grandmother was in a wheelchair and I would have defended her with my life if anyone had done anything to hurt her in any way. Abbott got millions and has denied others the right to compensation for their injuries. He is a total hypocrite and the last thing we need here, another 4 years of someone like Perry and even worse? No thanks.

  25. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Terrific ad! Well done!

  26. ibwilliamsi8:57 AM

    I fail to see the hub-bub. Texas Republicans are MORONS and you need to beat them over the head with a branch (pardon the pun) to get them to understand even the smallest thing. How is this truth going too far?

  27. Vote me in for a like.

    I understand her point fully. he's putting his injuries higher than anyone else seeking the same kind of benefit (or less.) he calls them loafers, lazy, 47%ers, libs, but at a drop a hat he (gop) will actively seek out government aid. FIRST! he has the ryan syndrome. They are the worst; they will shout and cry from the front but grab gobs of government money from the back.

    Their idol ayn rand is only as good as the last government check they take. he's a hypocrite like all of the gop.


  28. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Love it! Stick it to him....truth hurts??

  29. I live in Texas and thought it was a great ad. It was refreshing to see a politician tell the truth and it proves that even trees can't stand this asshole.

  30. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I'm with all the others who agree that this is a legitimate ad showing the hypocracy of Abbott. He is worse than Perry because he is intelligent and he uses his intelligence to further himself at the same time he belittles others. Way to go Wendy! I'd vote for Wendy if I could; instead, I sent her a little monetary support.

  31. Anonymous11:50 AM

    It's great - I'm SO tired of Democrats being walked all over. It's about time not to shrink from the truth.

  32. All this ad does is tell the truth. Greg Abbot DID become disabled and then wealthy due to the negligent party paying him. Why DOES he oppose the same consideration for everyone else? Even though there are only a few examples in this ad, there are countless more out there for anyone to see. Davis wasn't bringing to light anything that can't be found out by simply looking at Abbot's record.

    He has long used that wheelchair as a platform to mold his public persona. His most-run commercial this election cycle shows him covered in sweat, rolling uphill in a parking garage- talking about how he does it every day for strength and stamina. But the people who work there stated the ONLY time they saw him there was when the commercial was filmed. Another reported seeing an assistant spray Abbot down with water so he would appear "sweaty".

    There is definitely a candidate who makes inappropriate use of the wheelchair issue in this gubernatorial race. Make no mistake, it is NOT Wendy Davis.

  33. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Greg Abbot is absolutely fair game! Let's boil this down to the essence: He got his, now he's trying to prevent others from getting theirs. It's that simple.

  34. Anita Winecooler5:22 PM

    If what she's saying is factually true, then I have no problem at all with it. I'm sure if Abbott attacked her because she's a woman, he sees being female as "disability" or she's somehow less than a man because of her sex.

  35. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Looks like a good, aggressive, winning ad.
    Wish Senator Begich would be more aggressive with his ads. Enough of the cute ads with mom and wife. Didn't the AK Democrats learn our lesson with Scott McAdams' cute ads. These cute ads play well- say in Oregon- but this is AK. The audience is different here. Democrats need to be more aggressive in AK.
    Good on Wendy Davis for understanding TX and how to win there.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.