Sunday, October 12, 2014

Woman tries to kill children after hearing phone messages from estranged preacher husband that the world was ending. Religion makes everything better, don't you think?

Courtesy of the Chicago Sun-Times:  

A Montgomery woman accused of trying to kill her three children told police she was sending her daughters to meet Jesus Christ, according to court records. 

The children were dressed all in white when Montgomery police arrived at the family’s Patron Lane home at around 10: 20 a.m. Sept. 25, after dispatchers received two hang-up 911 calls. 

When they arrived, police said Pamela J. Christensen, 47, answered the door wearing a white shirt covered in blood. She got down on her knees before police and told them she had tried to kill her children. The girls were upstairs, and two had suffered stab wounds to the chest. According to Kendall County Court records, Christensen had also stabbed herself in the chest and abdomen. 

In an affidavit to secure a search warrant for the family’s home, police said Christensen told officers that she was sending the girls home to “meet Jesus Christ.” 

The three girls, ages 12, 16 and 19, told police that their mother held a knife to them and asked them if they accepted Jesus Christ as their savior. Two of the girls were stabbed. 

Police recovered a poisonous liquid in the home’s kitchen, which Christensen said she had concocted out of dishwashing detergent in an attempt to subdue her children. 

She told police she had hoped they would fall asleep so she could stab them. Police said the children refused to ingest the poison. 

On the scene, police said they found a cell phone which belonged to Christensen. The woman told officers that her husband, Vaughn Christensen, had left messages on the phone telling his wife that the world was ending, and that she needed to prepare the family to meet Jesus. 

Vaughn Christensen is a former pastor at a Sugar Grove church.

The three girls were treated at a local hospital for minor injuries and then released.

The mother has been charged with attempted first degree murder, aggravated battery and aggravated unlawful restraint. All of which are felonies, and her bail is set at one million dollars.

An interesting side note is that the reason that the woman is estranged from her pastor husband, and has an "order of protection" filed against him, is that she claims he was acting erratically and in a threatening manner.

But after that he simply calls her, tells her the world is going to end, and she then tries to murder her own children? WTF?

And my question is, if the world was about to end anyway, why bother killing your kids? Aren't they going to get to meet Jesus anyway?

Man I'll never understand this new Christian religious fad. I certainly hope it never catches on.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    I read about this somewhere yesterday. One thought that came to me was the fact we will never hear anything from the religious folks about it. They do their brainwashing and then absolve themselves of any responsibility. These parents are both very sick - fortunately it sounds as if the girls will be physically ok. Mentally? Hard to say.

    Pat Padrnos

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Amazing how people still cling to their religious beliefs in the 21st Century. After all the epic ways masses of people lost their lives in war and illness, time still marches on with no proof any of that nonsense is real. Forty guys write a book in which God tells them what to write. That same shit still happens today when anyone out to make a buck off the believers writes their own manifesto of the end of times. We are so fucked up as a planet!

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      We are so fucked up as a planet!
      Yes we are. And 3/4 of our SCOTUS believe this crap and over half of our US congress believes it and not only do they believe it they try to shove it down our throats and make us do their "Sharia law"!
      The American Taliban.
      And people like Franklin graham go to Africa and do the "kill the witch" crap that is happening or prob tell them Ebola is b/c they haven't found "gawd" or some crock of shit story.
      We are so fucked as a planet.

    2. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Most of the powerful that profess a belief in religion actually do not believe but they are happy to use religion as a powerful bludgeon to subdue the masses and keep them afraid. It's all about the power, baby.

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Oh yes. These thrice-married Catholics who proclaim knowing God's will or talking to God. The men who frequent hookers. The men who cheat on their wives and lie about it, then blame someone else when they are caught. And it's both parties, but only one gets forgiven and gets to remain in office with their cushy salaries for zero work except to accept lobby money for putting out bills to screw their voters. Praise God!
      And notice how many of these lying scumbags are white males who never held a job outside of government...yes, Paul Ryan, the Pauls, Scott Brown,
      Gingrich who went from government to a think tank, and then rewrote history for kids. Vote folks!!

  3. Anonymous7:18 AM

    The lady must have missed the commandment in the comic book that said .... Thou shall not kill.

  4. O/T
    scarahs' 3rd quarter is filed and on the FEC page.

  5. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Religion kills.

  6. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Well at least she didn't hear it coming out of her turned off radio or something.... ;-)

    Not just children.
    But children are the innocents and unable to fight back.
    We seen this "mental illness" manifest time and time again.
    Usually its blamed on "postpartum depression"
    Notice this "witch" killing is by the KKKristians? The fundy's. Religion is a mental illness! A cult.

  7. I suspect the planet has always been fucked up -- we just instantly hear about it on the Internet now. A hour-by-hour reminder how evil is religion, of ANY kind, but what can we do?
    Clear the undergrowth in your own mind of this crap and carry on, regardless. Life is still worth living, for as long as we've got.

  8. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Religious fanaticism is what it is. It's the twisting of religious teachings to a very dark and sinister way. And it is very disturbing how infectious it is. Pure fear and victim based.

    1. Leland2:59 PM

      Excuse me? In what way does one have to twist MOST of the crap in the old testament to make it dark and sinister? Genocide, patricide, infanticide, a father offering virgin daughters to a vicious, angry crowd smply to protect two "visitors", slavery, the selling of daughters, etc., etc., etc....

  9. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Sorry, but postpartum psychosis is a real thing. It has nothing to do with this religious freak trying to kill her 3 children.

  10. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Yep, receipts are down from the second quarter...

    Quarter ending June 30 receipts: $464,896
    Quarter ending Sept. 30 receipts: $433,497

    $31,399 less this quarter or down $10,466 per month

    Maybe some of those funds are now going to Sarah's
    pay for view blog...

  11. Anonymous9:12 AM

    You don't have to be crazy to be religious, but it helps.

  12. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Not long before they have to sell off some of their property.

  13. Anonymous1:14 PM

    The lady was mentally ill. There are mentally ill atheists too. It's really cheap to take the actions of one mentally ill woman and hold it against anyone who is religious. It's the definition of bigotry.

    As an atheist I don't know how people believe the nonsense in the bible, but as a person who strives to get along with his religious neighbors I'm not going to say they're crazy just because one crazy woman was religious. Plus, it's just kinda stupid.

  14. Anita Winecooler5:16 PM

    I'm confused a bit. Abortion is wrong because it's "killing babies" and, according to this woman and her husband, killing kids is ok because they're meeting Jesus.
    Anyhow, I hope this woman finds the means to battle her demons, hopefully with plenty of psychiatric counseling and deprogramming from whatever cult she belongs to. Apparently, they're not helping.

  15. Anonymous2:51 AM

    "Religion" didn't do this. This woman is clearly mentally ill. Mental illness expresses itself through whatever avenues are supplied by the patient's environment and culture. In this case, it expressed itself through a religious mania. If she had not been a Christian, or had not been a religious believer of any kind at all, she would still have been nuts and her delusions would simply have taken another form.

    For the person who said that all religious belief is mental illness: No, religious beliefs are specifically EXCLUDED as evidence of mental illness in the diagnostic process. That is because a perfectly normally functioning mind can hold religious beliefs that are part of a person's family life or culture. Like it or not, most humans do not think particularly rationally; they believe whatever the group they identify with believes. It's regrettable, but it's normal.

    Every group has some kind of false belief, or unsubstantiated belief -- even atheists, even the political left. Most humans "go along to get along," because that is how we have evolved. Natural selection favors group harmony rather more strongly than knowing the truth. It's been hard for me to accept that, as a scientist, a member of Mensa, and a skeptic, but it's the reality of the human condition. Simply holding a false belief, or one for which there is no evidence, is not "delusion" in the psychiatric sense.


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