Saturday, October 18, 2014

Don't hold your breath Texas, I am NEVER coming for a visit.

When a bumper sticker is just not enough to adequately express your hatred for the President.


  1. Anonymous2:12 AM

    I think Sarah and the RWNJs calls this "American exceptionalism."


  2. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Ignorant bigots "educated" by the usual right wing media sources are a scourge on our country. Think of the cesspool that is this persons mind ... an astounding ignorance completely disconnected from reality and consumed by racist hatred. I could call them the slimy underbelly of our society but they are worse than that. They, like Palin, are the face of evil.

    1. Leland4:06 AM

      One of my favorite descriptions of people like this is: Lower than whale shit.

  3. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Anyone with a BRAIN realised long ago that the people in TexASS are not too bright. Look at what they elect - W, Perry, Abbott. Anyone who is NOT for the average person has a good chance of getting elected there. Highly intelligent people with CLASS are not appreciated, it makes them feel inferior. The entire PayMe family needs to move there, to be among others like themselves.

    1. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Not only did they keep electing Perry, they would elect him over and over again until his death, if he had not took it upon himself to not run again. They give their right-wing governors dictator status, governor for life. Such backwards ignorant people (NOT THE LIBERALS THERE THOUGH).

    2. Uh, you guys...AND Gryphen...need to realize that many HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of texans have been trying to enact change here for years.

      Gryphen, you know I legitimately adore you but saying you'll never visit Texas because of this asshole with too much money and time for the number of functioning brain cells he possesses (2, as best I can estimate; or whatever "operate motor vehicle" minimum is) is like me saying I will NEVER visit alaska because of Sarah Palin's vitriolic hatred toward our president.

      The truth is, there's a lot of great things and people here. Just like there's a lot of great things and people there. Zaki's photos alone make me want to visit.

      And while we may not have majestic mountains, we have fields of bluebonnets as far as the eye can see. And the blue bell factory. And Malia Litman, for fuck's sake! How could you NOT want to visit us?!

      A native Texan who has been volunteering for the Democratic Party since Ann Richards was our sassy and efficient governor. (Admittedly, things have been on a long downhill slide since then. But we are STILL TRYING!)


    3. Anonymous6:24 AM

      I spent two years in TX getting my Masters Degree (Hook 'em Horns!). Probably only stayed sane because it was Austin.

      I had more culture shock moving there than I did the years I spent in England and Scotland.

      I was so disappointed that Palin could not support Kay Bailey Hutchison.

      Spot on, anon.@3:16: KBH - A person with a brain. An intelligent person whom TX did not appreciate, in part because they listened to Yahoos like Palin.


    4. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Hell yeah, Nyah!

    5. Anita Winecooler4:21 PM

      They're everywhere, in every state of the union. At least this one isn't in the closet with his bigotry and hate. It's the quiet ones that are truly dangerous.

    6. Anita, you're right...and you're SO right that it scares me into wanting something stronger than a wine cooler.

  4. Anonymous4:14 AM

    A** so not to offend?

    What a stupid racist fuck.

  5. It's a wonder his truck hasn't been keyed or his tires flatten.

    It's a matter of time.

    Pure ignorance and racism. DUMBASS!

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      I love the fact it's so easy to determine who this guy is - his name and where part of TX he is from! Nothing much private in our world today and I might even suggest, he should watch out...especially if he drives through Austin, TX!

  6. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Texas has long been on my list of states-I-never-want-to-visit. Last night I watched an episode of "Newsroom," the one where McAvoy and team explain and define the Tea Party. Their portrayal was 100% accurate; to think that billionaires like the Koch Brothers are the proprietors of this giant act of sedition makes my blood boil.

  7. What did you expect? This truck is registered to a man in Tyler. Smith County. East Texas... well known for it's (ahem) "conservative" views. Hell, it wasn't until recent years you could legally have a drink in that town without a "membership". Come to Austin, G. You would be more than welcome here.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Unfortunately, the little "SFA" in the upper right-hand corner means this guy has some connection, however nebulous, to Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX, which is MY alma mater. Bleah.

    2. Meh. I saw the sticker. Big deal. Folks in Austin have UT stickers on theirs... with their recent high school equivalent papers in the glovebox and their SAT scores below normal. It happens.

  8. Alright guys. I didn't want to do this, but here I go. Not everyone who lives in Texas are idiots. Really. (hint.. I am a regular reader of this blog!!) Perry is an ass and everyone knows that. I never voted him in, nor Bush, nor Abbott, nor the rest of the Rethug gang. My father was a HUGE Democrat, heavily involved in local and state politics and I follow in his footsteps. Austin is the little blue dot in the big red state and it really sucks we can't seem to turn purple. Bashing the state because of this redneck and others like him are akin to bashing Alaska because of Palin. Just remember, we've got the 'friendliest people and the prettiest women you've ever seen.' ;-)

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Agree soapydog. Generalizations should be left to the Republicans, it's part of what separates the personalities of the parties. Plus they are just sooo good at it.

      We have our share of big truck/little brain types here in my blue state, too.


    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Agree. Why is it that the idiots get all of the attention? Texans should not be judged by pics like that! Come visit, Gryphen. We're not all morons!

    3. Anonymous8:02 AM

      soapydog -
      I sympathize with the plight of the normal, intelligent people in Texas who are being judged by the stoopid, racist, low-life Fox-watchers who get all the attention. I HAVE been to Texas and I'd never go back, but that's mostly because of family members who live there I'd rather not be within a thousand miles of!
      I sincerely hope that the efforts of people like yourself will eventually turn Texas blue (or at least a shade of purple) and finally give the rest of us some peace from the torrent of idiocy that flows from within your borders.

    4. Anonymous8:48 AM

      As another democratic Texan I'll agree with you. There is a higher percentage of democrats in Texas than in Alaska( sorry, it's the truth).

      BTW Austin alone, is growing at over 65,000 people a year( more people party during a big event than LIVE in Alaska) mostly due to the high tech industry expanding here. In fact, the central corridor is bright blue, as is the Valley, and El Paso( which even El Paso has about double the population as AK. AS for east Texas, well they probably will never turn, but we will turn their adult children when they leave for good paying jobs. I predict, that in 2020 Texas will go blue for national elections.
      Now I am not a Native Texan, it took me decades to get here, but I love my adopted state for many reasons. But I will admit it was a lot easier to be a democrat on the Iron Range( which has always been a democratic stronghold) in Minnesota.
      Come on down for SXSW or any other festival and you will see a sight you will never see in AK Gryphen, hundreds of thousands of people and most of them democrats flooding the streets.

    5. Anonymous8:49 AM

      @ 8:02 am

      Plenty of things to do in Texas without visiting your relatives :)
      Come on down and party with your fellow IMers

    6. Native Texan. Austinite.
      No.. Austin SUCKS. IT REALLY REALLY SUCKS. It's a terrible place to be. Now go back to California. Please. I mean it!!! Go back now.

    7. Anonymous10:54 AM

      9:12 AM You are full of caca - I lived in Austin!

      It is a wonderful city in TX that has a lot of culture, young folks, great businesses, wonderful food, music and many things to do for outside enthusiasts.

      Plus, it is the 'blue' section of TX! Suspect you might be a Republican! Haha! Gotcha!

    8. Anonymous12:56 PM

      10:54 you miss soapydoggs humor... they just want to keep Austin from being over taken by new folks, much like Oregon and Washington saying you'll rust there... make it unappealing so folks don't more there and overcrowd a good thing.

    9. DEAR ANON 10:54. I'm sorry that my sarcasm failed to come across to you. Had you bothered to read my previous posts, you'd understand this. wth? sheesh...

    10. Anonymous4:22 PM

      12:56, people DO rust in Or and Wa!! Especially the Californians!

      I know from experience, lol

  9. linda6:43 AM

    Texas is a big state with a lot of diversity politically and ethnically. I've been there on business. Can't stand Dallas or Houston BUT Austin, San Antonio, Corpus Christi -YES! Boycotting states makes sense to me depending on the issue. But if we all didn't visit states based on what the lowest common denominator of each state had to say none of us would ever travel.

    1. Ohbehr in Minnesota9:15 AM

      Good comment. Though I live in a Democratic district, here in Twin Cities, Minnesota, I live within 30 to 45 minutes of several republican districts of some people who might express the same signage if Minnesotans weren't so reserved.

      For me, it’s shocking to see see such signage as it’s also shocking to see big guns open carry enthusiasts in other states.

      Yet I know in other states, not everyone is expressing themselves in such signage on their vehicles.

      If I had more money, I should get out and travel more often. Thanks for mentioning places in Texas to travel to visit.

  10. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I live in Texas. I read this blog daily, and often contribute.

    All that said, Texas IS filled with idiots, assholes, and the walking/talking logical consequences of too little education and too much fundamentalist, bible-based religion.

    And Yes, we've had the longest "serving" governor in a weak-governor system, with all the special-interest-serving, influence-peddling, outright graft, corruption and grifting he can manage to while maintaining that arrogant smugness. We have a system of independent school districts where "local control" dominates, 256 local counties each with its own sheriff and commissioners (multiple districts), and troughs for all the pigs.

    In the western part of our state we are now accepting (for the enrichment of one company) nuclear waste from pretty much everywhere, at a location so near the border with New Mexico that we had to remind them once again what kind of neighbors we are by proceeding anyway.

    Our air quality is famously bad, if for no other reason that the many ways we pollute our air while aggressively declining to regulate the producers, You can drive in one afternoon across Texas and experience the stench of the petrochemical, paper mill, and cement industry. That's before you've hit a large city.

    I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, then lived in Austin for 25 years. Now I live in one of the poorest, most rural counties in the state, because that's where my 81-one-year old mother with dementia lives (combine THAT condition with an exclusive diet of Fox News and I swear it rivals one of the earlier mentioned forms of air pollution).

    Rural poor is rural poor: low information, an education which offers no preparation for critical thinking, the influence of extended family who haven't left the area because they have no skills with which to do that, limited employment options, and a single "community of influence" - which in an entire swath of this country is a church run by a guy who wants your money, and the franchise comes with a well-branded and heavily marketed book.

    Hell, if you've read this far, I'll reward you with the one think that the photograph missed: truck balls. Which, if you've never seen them, are weirdly realistic (if maybe a bit elongated but, hey, they've been swinging under a trailer hitch in traffic)

    Texas is huge, it's filled with asshats, but it's also - as everywhere - has decent people too.

    My son's attending a college on the west coast, and it's not surprising that students react to him on first meeting with many of the stereotypes in the posts above in effect.

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      One thing I forgot, besides some punctuation and a spellcheck, was the overwhelming influence of TV. We are living in many ways in the world that Fox created. And trucks like that one? It's what passes for an identity, and gets a lot of attention and approval from like-minded morons, so they all find themselves buying each other beers.

    2. Anonymous7:30 AM

      You read mind!

    3. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Oops, you read my mind!

    4. Anonymous7:41 AM

      You read my mind!

    5. Anonymous7:59 AM

      Rural poor is rural poor: low information, an education which offers no preparation for critical thinking, the influence of extended family who haven't left the area because they have no skills with which to do that, limited employment options, and a single "community of influence"

      You just described most of Oklahoma! As much as we hate each other, we are alike in many ways. We both need new governors to bring us forward out of this mess we are in!

    6. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Critical thinking skills and empathy need to be taught and encouraged early in life. If not, it's very hard to become an adult who can discern the hype and lies from the truth. Then, when surrounded by like-minded imbeciles, this type of in-your-face advertising of idiocy is perpetuated and flourishes.

      And they procreate.


    7. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Don't forget that Austin, TX is the only 'blue' spot in their state! My daughter lives there and loves it.

    8. Ohbehr in Minnesota9:23 AM

      Thank you for your comment and for being a very wonderful and decent person taking care of your mother as well as being a progressive person. Especially when doing so means living in a conservative place now.

      I've also heard of truck balls yet have only seen them in photographs.

      Take care of yourself. Being a caregiver is difficult work.

      Hugs from Paul in Minnesota.

      PS ... I hope you get a better (progressive) governor after this election. That would be excellent.

  11. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I will never to to Alaska either. I hate Sarah Palin so much when she came here for a visit, I got sick! Not everyone here is an asshole, but we have our share. The constant smear campaign by the Koch assholes and their butt licking congress have worked. If I saw that truck here, I would get out and scream at that giant piece of shit. I yelled at some assholes, only 3 of them, who had impeach Obama signs at my local post office, If I had been driving instead of my husband, I would have gotten out and in their faces. All I could do was say fuck you and give them the finger as we drove by.

  12. Anonymous7:23 AM

    "...make my truck look too big?"
    No, it makes your dick look really small.

    Only appropriate response.

  13. Anonymous8:07 AM

    To those who claim that W got as much hatred shown to him as President Obama does, I say BULLSHIT!!!!

    NEVER have we seen the kind of disgusting, hate-filled, racist filth hurled at a President and his family as we've seen in the past 6 years. Both in quality and in quantity, this President has been subjected to the worst our country can create, and yet he still works to make life better for those who malign him the most.

    1. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Ywo points I want to make. The Dixie Chicks were victimized to the point of extinction for simply saying "We are ashamed that Dubya is from Texas" A young couple were arrested, escorted out of a town hall meeting for wearing anti Bush tee shirts. Imagine if people had insulted the bird-brained moron like these people do a TRULY elected President??

  14. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Sincerely hope that many of you watched the Bill Maher show last night as he called out the 'whites' (i.e. Republicans!) in their history of using race baiting words. He did an outstanding job and was oh, so correct!

    Everyone should review the show - cable, of course. Bill went where the media never has! Damn, but I wish we had some outstanding journalists, reporters and interviewers!

    We are a sick racist nation coming from the right and it's been going on for a long, long time.

  15. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I am appalled at the disrespect shown to President Obama since the day he was first sworn in and it immediately came directly from Mitch McConnell from Kentucky (who is currently up for reelection) - a racist, member of the U.S. Congress, typical old Republican that sorely needs to be put out to pasture! All he and other Republicans (Boehner, McCain, etc.) have done is speak ill of President Obama, state lies, obstruct, shut the government down, etc.

    Republicans in Congress need to be replaced with younger folks w/new ideas that are willing to work for those that elected them!

    Be careful too of voting for Republicans in your states and cities. They have done horrible damage to Americans across the nation. And, they are anti women - don't want women to have contraception, want to stop abortions throughout the country, don't think women should have equal pay as men, etc. It goes on and on.

    Vote wisely, Americans!

  16. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Texas has a music scene which is compelling. However a minority would think twice about going for the foregoing above examples.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      The music comes mainly from Austin, TX which is the blue part of the state. Have family members that live there.

  17. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Well...."Hilary" is close enough to "Obama" that it shouldn't be too hard for him to make the adjustment when the time comes....


  18. Anonymous3:05 PM

    "Uh no, but your tailgate sticker makes your mind look small".

  19. Rednecks are the scum of the earth....

  20. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Someone down there needs to make up a bunch of bumper stickers that says...No but your tailgate sticker makes your dick and mind look really small.... and then stick it on there, they take if off, stick another one on....they take it off...stick another one on... and so forth, and Texans up for that???

  21. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Someone down there needs to make up a bunch of bumper stickers that says...No but your tailgate sticker makes your dick and mind look really small.... and then stick it on there, they take if off, stick another one on....they take it off...stick another one on... and so forth, and Texans up for that???


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