Saturday, October 18, 2014

Gay marriage is back on the menu boys! (And of course girls.)

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:  

A stay temporarily halting same-sex marriages in Alaska expired Friday, technically making it legal for couples to seek marriage licenses in the state, while the U.S. Supreme Court denied a further stay sought by the state. 

Just one minute after the 9th Circuit stay was dissolved, in a one-line response, U.S. Supreme Court denied a request for a further stay from the state of Alaska. 

But while marriages can go forward immediately, with state offices closed Friday in observance of Alaska Day, marriages will not resume until Monday morning.

I tweeted this to my daughter yesterday the minute that I got the news. 

It made her day.

However I want to make damn sure that the voters of this state remember that it was Sean Parnell, currently running for reelection, who caused this delay in the first place, and kept people long denied this right, the opportunity to get married this week.

And please, vote accordingly.


  1. Anonymous4:59 AM

    And still not a word from Sarah Palin about ssm coming about in both Alaska and Arizona. Come on Sarah, appease the Teabiblicans and give us some gibberish!

  2. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Why would she care... she's too busy covering her bases and greasing palms so the bloggers don't get the stories that stick. Its workin so far, she still has her little gig going.

  3. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Visitor From United States, do you ever take a break from Trolling? You are saturated with Crazy.

  4. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I truly thought this blog post was about our corrupt gov Sean Parnell? Not one response refers back to him. Amazing!

    As to Parnell - he truly must not be concerned about his reelection chances?!

    We have two specific issues in the media indicating why he should NOT receive our votes! Gay issues/marriage and his cover up of the issues w/the Alaska National Guard. He is also in bed w/the oil industry from which he came!

    Be sure to vote and mark your ballot for the 'unity' team!

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      It's because if there is no hate, for someone, anyone, there is no discussion. You are surprised? Check postings for anything positive about equality or civil rights. I doubt they even get read by this community.

      G: You do good work, care about important issues, but you will never reach your community of (mostly) haters. They hate 'tehgay' too, you see?

      You deserve a better community.

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      The story is about same sex marriage and Alaska, Aero just happens to be Governor. Questioning Palin's silence is because she rarely stays silent on anything. Why is ssm a taboo to her?

    3. Anonymous9:16 AM


  5. Anonymous8:34 AM

    It's not just the delays, it is all the money wasted on these delays.

  6. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Marry on people, marry on :)

    Now I may be wrong since it has changed so rapidly in the last few weeks, but does that make Alaska the 31st state that now has marriage equality?
    I would also like to point out that at some time in the near future that corporations moving into states will not do so if their employees moving don't have the rights they would have in other locations.

    Maybe old Creepy Sr can write an article about the "50th" state reaching marriage equality.

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Old news to many, but I'll just add a quick reference from over here in the Bay State, where Paul Revere rang his bells a long time ago:
    we've had same-sex marriage for a good ten years. Heterosexual couples still get married! Children of same-sex couples go to school with children of single mothers! Everyone just goes along and gets along, pretty much, since we all have our own lives, jobs, churches, or gyms. We jog along the same roads, eat at the same restaurants -- some heterosexual couples who have never married (gasp) next to some same-sex couples who have married. We don't ask each other about our legal or gendered roles. Life's happy.
    If Paul Revere were riding around, maybe he'd ring a bell in celebration of peaceful co-existence.

    1. San Francisco! Peace and love brothers and sisters. Makes me want to go play the Animals and Country Joe and the Fish. The summer of 1967 was a good time. :-)

      (Too bad Parnell and Sullivan are unethical idiots.)

    2. Leland1:00 PM

      Liz I., you don't have to be an idiot to be unethical. It just helps.

    3. Yeah, Nixon was unethical . . . but not an idiot. Compared to today's crop of Republicans I sometimes feel I'd welcome back the man who tried to dismantle the rule of law.

  8. Anita Winecooler4:51 PM

    I wish these people stopped messing with other people's lives. Don't want to marry a gay person? Then by all means,don't.

  9. Anonymous6:24 PM

    You would not even know that former Mayor of Anchorage, Dan Sullivan, is running for the second position in the State of Alaska, which puts him w/Parnell!

    I've seen him appear w/Parnell once or twice but he just keeps his mouth shut, which is very unusual!

    I hope he loses along w/Parnell!!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.