Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Gay couples start registering to get married in Alaska.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:  

Gay couples began applying for marriage licenses in Anchorage on Monday, 15 years after Alaska helped touch off a national debate with a ban on same-sex unions. 

“It feels very surreal,” Ann Marie Garber said. 

Garber and her partner, Koy Field, were among the first gay couples seeking a license to wed in Alaska. “I had no idea this would happen in my lifetime,” she said. 

They decided to apply immediately after the ban was overturned by a federal judge Sunday. 

“This is historical,” Garber said. “It’s exciting.”

This is really a big deal to me. 

I have been telling my daughter since birth that Alaska is the most wonderful place to live. But she was here for the summer of hate in 2009, and she saw first hand some of the ugliest, most hateful people that we have to offer.

I was incredibly embarrassed by that, and since then she has had mixed feelings about this state.

Now with this she is feeling much better about our home, and may even decide to make Alaska her place of residence permanently.

And that would make this tired old activist very happy indeed.


  1. Anonymous4:18 AM

    I hope she does!

  2. Wish I could give them a big hug5:37 AM

    I wish all the newly "to be marrieds" the best of luck, and a long, happy healthy life with the people they love with all their hearts.

  3. Anonymous5:49 AM

    The Alaska of my youth... I mean waaaay back, was a live and let live environment. After I left and sought fame and fortune, an element seeped in of Bible thumpers and zealots, and the state has been worse for it. I'm delighted to see Alaska returning to it's roots of tolerance, acceptance and non-judgment.

  4. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Just a thought from Massachusetts, where civil unions, and then gay marriages, have been legal for quite some time. Here's what's happened to regular marriages in our state:

    We have happy gay marriages -- especially happy because they can have something they'd been told all their lives they were barred from having. We've even had a gay divorce or two. One of my best friends is in a gay marriage, and she and her wife have a beautiful daughter, who's as happy and active and smart as can be.
    Part of this is because the people in Massachusetts, on the whole, have just let these events unfold with little backlash. It's not always easy, but in a generally tolerant environment, it can be done.
    So next you'll need to hope that the sanctimonious bible-thumpers will respect the rights of their fellow citizens and leave them -- and, most importantly, their children -- alone.

    For a look at the hypocrisy of gay legislation, watch on youtube the entire play called "Breaking the Code," about the brilliant genius, Alan Turing, who helped break the enigma code during WWII, but was hounded for his homosexuality.
    Not quite about marriage, but about the world as it was and how it's changing.
    Queen Elizabeth pardoned Turing, posthumously, last Christmas, and Princeton University lists him as its second most important alumnus, after James Madison.

  5. Anonymous7:06 AM

    See Bristol, your dreams aren't over even if no man would ever marry you now you can look for a "trial wife".

  6. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Gay marriage opponents reduced to blabbering incoherently

  7. Anonymous7:59 AM

    O/T but Alaska related:

    Skipping A Rock In Alaska Is Way More Awesome Than You Think

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      OK, THAT was hysterical! This guy is a hoot!

  8. Anonymous8:10 AM

    And then Alaska has their idiot gov Parnell who is trying to stop gay marriages. He is losing so far and will continue to. Plus, he is spending MORE taxpayer money.

    He hasn't learned yet - check his record - he loses all the cases he throws out there - anti federal government, etc.

    Vote the jerk out of office, Alaskans. He is up for reelection and has no business serving another term. Vote in November!!

  9. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Stephen Colbert, being the staunch 'family values' guy he is, did an hilarious bit about gay marriage last night and the changing politics.

    He announced AK's news (starts at 1:45) by landing some jabs at the Palin Family Brawl. The punch line:

    "Yeah. Gay marriage is legal in Alaska. Now gay couples will have the right to celebrate the traditional Alaskan way by having Bristol Palin cold-cock one of their guests." [punch, punch-punch, punch]

  10. Anita Winecooler5:54 PM

    I was speaking with someone the other day, and how much I wished I could live to see the day when it's just called "Marriage" without any descriptive before that word. While I'm over the moon and happy with this turn of events, I can't imagine having to wait years for a right that everyone should have automatically, no questions asked.
    Here's to all the newlyweds and soon to be newlyweds, Marriage is hard work, but worth every second. We recently hit 27 years, and in a way it seems like yesterday, another way, it seems like a lifetime.


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