Thursday, October 09, 2014

Hmm, a certain Mama Grizzly seems a bit grumpy today.

So Palin posted this video of an ex-Army Sergeant throwing out the first pitch of a baseball game to her Facebook page, with the word "Hoohah!" (Which I think means vagina.)

Apparently this started some bickering among the paint chip eaters.

In response Palin then posted this: 

UPDATE: Hey, knock it off. I posted a cool, inspiring video to brighten your day and to honor our vets. I didn't make the video nor did I title it. This honored vet is introduced as ARMY; that's why I captioned it "Hoohah!" Amazing how something fun and positive can be turned negative by either folks looking for something to be hatin' on or those just not paying attention. Now, don't make me pull a mama's chewing out on you! Enjoy the video! Hoohah! 

Now for the life of me I cannot remember a time when Palin lashed out at her followers on Facebook.  And trust me they same some truly stupid shit.

Which kind of makes me wonder why Palin might be a little testier than usual today.

Anybody have any idea why?



  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I think America has seen enough of Palin Hoohahs to last a lifetime

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      What is this TMZ crap Bristol "slut shamed"? How can you slut shame a slut?
      EpicFail TMZ Palin prob paid them off to write that. First its Trackmarks defending Bristol but two witness said Bristol and Willow made a "Bee-line" wearing shades at night like Marilyn Monroe in Amanda Coynes report.
      Then mommy dearest tries to put it all on trackmarks and mention PTSD now its like he was so fucked up wasted he didn't know where he was b/c they were partying in Wasilly first! WHAT a bunch of Fucking Klowns. Why aren't they all in jail?
      And why didn't Levi's judge get a copy of this report? I notice that Tripp is not mentioned. It looks like they rewrote that report several times and omitted shit.
      "Do you know who we are"?
      Yes we do Stupid skank of the North! And Fuck YOU and Fuck Your family!

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      For all those in Alaska who don't know Korey Klingenmeyer, he's gotta be easy to recognize: he's incredibly patient, 6 ft. tall, weighs 215 pounds, last seen dressed in a red shirt wearing women's 4 inch heels and women's sunglasses.

      I can't quit laughing about Bristol's story that "Korey dragged her across the lawn by her legs". As if that wasn't bad enough, she adds to her that he stole her sunglasses and shoes.

    3. Anonymous12:05 AM

      So I am loving the public shaming of the Palins as much as all of you but this "Oh, Bristol, she's a slut/whore" stuff is fucking nonsense. Who the fuck cares with whom she sleeps? She's terrible but she can fuck whomever and it doesn't matter (well, except if she keeps having kids--it matters to their lives). Seriously, AK? I just moved here and on my first day I was told "Oh, well, if you sleep with everyone in Anchorage, everyone will know"--really? Let's focus on the Palins' real crimes, not what happens between Bristol's legs.

    4. Anonymous3:50 AM

      The Palin trolls are all over, "Waaaaah, Track HAD to defend the girls because someone called Bristol a slut!!!!" They have their marching orders and they are dutifully parroting their talking points.

    5. Anonymous3:51 AM

      The comments on Crooks and Liars about the brawl are laugh out loud funny. One is "Bristol claims she was dragged across the yard by her legs, but I think she was having a flashback from her last date" Another "Willow claimed people were chanting "F**k the Palins" but people chant that at all the parties in the rest of the country" Family values, indeed.

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    crosseyed skank, white trash fraud needs to get kicked to the curb, down the storm drain, and never be heard from or seen ever again - ever !!

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      That'll happen once President Obama is out of office. The only reason $arah is still on the far right's radar is because of their hatred for him. She titillates them with her outspoken disrespect and venom.

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Unfortunately, Palin will be trying to stir things up even when Obama is out of office. She's tried to do it with tea party vs establishment Repubs. She's just a sour person who will keep on being sour to grab headlines/cause trouble/try to make people as miserable as she is. Just my personal feelings but I believe she'll try after 2016 to keep on. If, God forbid, a Republican is elected President, she'll really be trying to "run" things then because Palin thinks she is the Republican know it all.

  3. ibwilliamsi4:44 PM

    Urban Dictionary:

    a female's vagina(pussy)
    "Man, her hoohah smelled like rotten fish"


    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      OMG - that is f*^king hilarious!!!

      Classic Palin!!!!

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      I'm over 70 years old, too old to pretend to be hip but even I know what hoohah means. That woman is an idiot. (h/t Keith Olbermann)

    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      I checked on the definitions of hoohah and hooah. They are NOT the same. Yep, Sarah fails aga in, trying to be so cute and all.

  4. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Poor ol' gal is just so desperate to seek any story to get attention! Bless her heart! The best thing for this brainless loof, would be to take her out to the barn and shoot her!

  5. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Had to bring this over from the comments at ADN. Funny stuff and now you can all have this song stuck in your head like I have for the last two hours.

    (Sung to the tune of “The Beverly Hillbillies”—with apologies to Earl Scruggs, Lester Flatt and Douglas Adams)
    Come and listen to a story ‘bout a boy named Todd
    Came from a place where the men are fairly odd
    Got him a beauty queen and spawned a big ‘ol brood
    Loud-mouthed, ignorant, drunken and crude

    (Rednecks, that is—tweaker hos, trailer trash)

    Well the first thing you know Sarah’s turnin’ poli-tricks
    Got Jesus on ‘er side, gonna get outta the sticks
    She said “rich and famous is the way I wanna be!
    If I can’t be vice-president, just put me on TV!”

    (Shows, that is—self-promotion, hate-rants)

    It’s way past time to say good-by to all the Palin kin
    We wish some place that’s far away would kindly take ‘em in
    Like Alabama, Georgia, or even Tennessee
    Let the Palins burden the ol’ Con-fed-er-a-cy

    (South, that is…sorry, folks—yer too low-class for us southern rednecks; y'all go ‘way now, y'hear?)

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      OMG that is hilarious!

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM


    3. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Absolute genius.
      M from MD

    4. Anonymous5:48 PM

      That is perfection!

    5. Love it . . . .

    6. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Too funny!!!

  6. Anonymous5:03 PM

    She's become so irrelevant that she can't, with her family of punks, get arrested in her adopted home state.

    Grumpy today? Probably received her latest bank statement and saw that her grifter days are numbered; single digit numbered.

  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Guess she didn't like the brawl Police report coming out today?

  8. Anonymous5:03 PM

    God, that photo of her! One nasty looking broad!

    She needs to be put on an Alaskan mountaintop (dropped off by a helicopter!), never to be brought back to civilization. Can hardly wait until we hear no more of her or her idiotic, brawling family! (To include her husband, the pimp!)

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      that expression has always looked to me like she forgot to zip her fly and got a healthy whiff of her ripe skank old hoohah

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      i prefer she be dropped off somewhere very remote north of the alaska range, where summertime temps can get to ninety and above, out in the muskeg swamps with no cloths and let the insects have at it ..

  9. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I think the Army phrase is HOOAH. Any other comments?


    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      I'm pretty sure it is

      Hooah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Hooah /ˈhuːɑː/ is military slang "referring to or meaning anything and everything except no". Used by soldiers in the U.S. Army,

      She is so stupid.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Correct and its pronounced HOO-WA! not HOO-HAW. I used to drive my command crazy because when everyone else yelled HOO- WA, I yelled WA-HOO! claiming I was dsylexic.

  10. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Sarah you filthy grandmother. Hoohah is in the internet:

    Grooming your lady garden is a challenge at the best times, requiring all manner of gymnastics and special tools to get the task at hand accomplished... So to recap, the woman was shaving her hoo-ha in the car with her ex-husband, who was driving her to a date with a new man. But he wasn’t driving, he was just there. To watch the shaving? Could they not have made the switch before the hair removal started, considering the whole “banned from driving for a DUI” thing?

  11. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Gryphen: You are correct sir, a "hoohah" is a lady's private part. What Yukon Wilma is reaching for, is "hoowah" the military thing they do, to acknowledge that they heard/agree w/ something just said. What is most curious to me, is that really nasty comments at the rumble are attributed to fellow Iron Dog competitors, per Willow and Bristol. eg someone using another, different name, for a lady's private part, to Bristol, and "people" were saying "F* the Palins..." This is per the Palins... If they are to be believed.....ahem.....this evidences a certain hostility amongst their own, n'est ce pas? And if they're not to be believed, they are certainly besmirching the reputations of the people that were there. That would tick me off.

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Or 'ooh rah' Each branch has it's own yell.

    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Look at it from the other side of the story: Todd has besmirched the reputation of Iron Dog, not only by cheating, but by the things referenced above: prostitution, and perhaps drugs and other things. The complete story has not yet been told, and the entire relevant world does not yet know. But these guys know: it's a small town in Alaska, and they know what the Palins have been up to, and they know it will rub off on them (the Iron Dog contestants). And when it does, their own reputations (guilt by association) and sponsorship monies may be at stake. Meanwhile, they can say and do nothing about it to clear their names. And they probably still live in some degree of fear of the Palin clan and the 'law enforcement' people who protect the Palins). Now do you understand why they hate the Palins?

    3. Anonymous2:28 AM

      Maybe it was Track MENARD yelling "F the Palins"??

  12. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I thought Scarah knew how to use google. HOOAH is the army thing. Check on it girly!

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Mother of a combat vet, bah hah hah hah

    2. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Not only does Sarah get the word wrong but also too isn't it bad form for anyone to use the term "hooah" if they aren't in the army or aren't a vet? Sarah isn't a vet.

    3. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Mother of a combat vet-- well, that is kind of correct. Track is a vet and he did get in a fight.

    4. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Not surprising. She dons sweatshirt hoodies of teams she's never heard of to fake an interest in her 'audiences'. She wears a Star of David as a jaded attempt to curry favor with some small part of the Jewish or evangelical community and brags that she keeps her Hanukkah menorah out on the counter for the whole month of December while we usually stow them after the 8th day has been observed. It's tricky, different calendar and all so she's never quite sure which 'days' to fire up the candles so she covers her bases and does the whole dang month.

      She's so bereft of integrity, creativity or talent that all she can do is mimic with ghosted words and props. Her attempts to attach herself to the military are numerous and one of the most shameless was trying to sell her son as a 'combat' vet when all he is entitled to is 'vet'. BIG difference. It's fairly obvious that her recent claim of his PTSD is being used as a cover for his long term substance abuse issues that appear to be escalating.

    5. F U McCain6:42 PM

      Yes, 5:57. It is bad form.

    6. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Track never was a combat vet: his discharge papers prove that. But he sure as heck is a combative former vet.

  13. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Nancy - are you working on your response as Bristol over at your little blog? What a sad day for you. Second time you've struck out recently. First, by throwing your evangelical creds Romney's way by writing a book encouraging evangelicals to vote for him. Didn't work. Now your years long schtick pretending to be an unwed, angry, occasionally intoxicated, single young mother - and why? Because you thought that dog was going to hunt. The Palins are nothing like you keep trying to portray them. Isn't it time for you to come clean - to yourself? Lay down the pen and move along to efforts more worthy of your time and effort.

    Give it up, Nancy. It's been a joke and a farce from the get-go and you're better than that (or, at least you should be).

    1. Anonymous2:32 AM

      Maybe Nancy French is not a good enough writer for anyone else? This pretending to be Bristles was the best paying gig she could get? Lying for Jeebus, in the name of $$$

  14. Anonymous5:15 PM

    OR maybe she did that on purpose to deflect from the police report. Not working.

  15. Oh, Sarah. Don't get your hoohah cover in a twist.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Hoohah cover in a twist.

      When you said hoohah cover, are you talking about Sarah's labia?

    2. Erm, no. I'm talking about her knickers. As in "don't get your kickers in a twist". Thought it was pretty simple humor but perhaps it was a swing and a miss on my part.

    3. And also, please never again use the term "Sarah's labia". Thx.

    4. F U McCain6:30 PM


      Sarah thinks we are fighting in Labia.

    5. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Don't get your panties in a twist. Sarah went all defensive and nasty, tell her fans to Hey Knock it Off.

      Amazing how something fun and positive can be turned negative by either folks looking for something to be hatin' on or those just not paying attention.

      No, Sarah, you misspelled Hooah. You wrote Hooha. There's no hating. We are the ones paying attention, checking the spelling, and you just keep repeating Hoohah. You're the one who is doin' the hatin'.

    6. Anonymous7:21 PM

      "F U McCain6:30 PM

      Sarah thinks we are fighting in Labia."

      OMG!!!!! I can't stop laughing. I've been laughing for 5 minutes and my sides are hurting!! That is just the BEST line ever!!!!!!

    7. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Sarah's hoohah cover is a pair of depends.

    8. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Sarah is still mad at Obama for not invading the countries of Ebola and Labia.

    9. Anonymous9:27 PM

      The gun goon redneck Palins think Ben Gazee is in Labia. Hoohah!!!

    10. Anonymous2:34 AM

      Maybe when Track's ribs stop[ hurting, and his hangover is done with he can google all these words for Momma?

  16. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Title Of Post:
    "Sarah Palin: Obama Doesn't Have the 'Cojones' to Handle Immigration"

    "Sarah Palin hit Fox News Sunday to throw her support behind Arizona in its fight over the immigration law, adding that her pal Governor "Jan Brewer has the cojones that our President does not have" to deal with immigration."

    Sarah Palin you degraded President Obama with your trashy mouth when you said that he doesn't have cajones (testicles) but you would be crying bloody murder from sea to shining sea and demanding an apology as well as impeachemnt if President Obama said

    "Sarah Palin is a lousy mother because she doesn't have a HooHah."

  17. Anonymous5:31 PM


    Leave it to the stinking Hoohah to *insist* on spelling HOOAH as HOOHAH!!!

  18. Anonymous5:33 PM


    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Menopause complicated by drugs, alcohol, ignorance, stupidity and viciousness.

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      And a house full of brawling drunk kids...

  19. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "Amazing how something fun and positive can be turned negative"
    -Sarah Palin

    HooHah is is fun and positive in the Heath and Palin families.

    Todd Palin shot his jism into Sarah Heath's HooHah before they got married and then they had to elope.

    According to Mercedes Johnston, when Bristol Palin gave up her HooHah to Levi in his mother's house, Bristol was so loud moaning that Levi's uncle had to tell her to knock it off because Levi's family could hear her moaning from the other room.

    Mercede Johnston Cached
    ... I just flat out didn't feel comfortable saying she was moaning loud enough during sex to ... Mercede Posted by Mercede at ... Labels: Bristol Palin, family, Levi ...

  20. Scarah is probably cranky 'cuz the brawl police report is everywhere on the 'net.

  21. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Sarah I dare you to ask Bristol how many boys, boyfriends and trial husbands has been in Bristol's HooHah. You might be in for a big surprise.

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Bree Stool ain't got enough fangers & toes to count all the trial daddies that done been up in that hoohah. If she was a politician, she'd be a Democrat because she wants to belong to the Big Fuckin' Tent Party. No Brisket, it ain't that kind of tent.

      Palins are a bunch of inbred, perverted, uneducated drug addicts, drunkards, pimps--- all of y'all. And lying grifters.

  22. Anonymous5:37 PM


    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Is that a Hoo-Rah for the Hoohah?

  23. Anonymous5:44 PM

    After the mid-term elections this fall, all attention will turn to who will compete in each party to be its nominee. Palin will not be among them, or even in the same time zone.
    Although the President will still be in office for two more years, she won't be able to get the same hatred going, the same traction about a Kenyan Socialist, blah, blah. She'll have to aim at both Democrats and Republicans, and her c4p pals will drift away as they decide for themselves who they'll support. They'll finally get it in their thick noggins that there ain't gonna be a Palin for President in 2016.

  24. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Fascinating how often she refers to herself, directly or indirectly, as a "mama."
    Some weird s/m going on there.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      "Now, don't make me pull a mama's chewing out on you!"

      Would someone please translate? What does she do to her children when they displease her? It's a phrase I've never, ever heard before.

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Could that have been written on one of Sally's refrigerator magnets? Maybe it will be the saying of the day on SPC.,

      It's pretty clear that none of those Palin kids ever heard a "mama's chewing out on them."

    3. F U McCain6:31 PM

      Neither have I.

    4. Anonymous7:41 PM

      I think that 'a chewing out' is a parental lecture...I recall it in Leave it to Beaver. Yes, a 60 year old term pops into Sarah's mind. What a wondrous person she relevant. So intelligent. Such a b****.

    5. Anonymous2:20 AM

      A "chewing out" with Brisket or Wallow is bringing either one of those cows down to graze at the local country buffet. It ain't a pretty sight.

    6. Anonymous3:17 AM

      Mama's chewing as in "Mama's gonna chew your butt out". That is a little worse than a lecture cause she's gonna be mad. I am a southerner and I understand this. I am also college educated and a Democrat as is my husband. So please, we are not all stupid bible totin', gun carrin' asswipes.

  25. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Bottom line is that whenever Sarah Palin posts anything it shows her ignorance. The media and America spends more time laughing at Sarah's gaffes then trying to figure out what she is saying.

    1400 Pennsylvania Avenue


    "Don't you know who I am?"

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Actually reverse order. Starts out -
      "Don't you know who I am?"

      Yep, aren't you that crazy old gal over at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue flashing her hoohah?

  26. Anonymous5:52 PM

    How can any politician accept Sarah Palin's endorsement? All these screw ups like the Palin Family Brawl and posting vagina synonyms on her facebook page.

  27. Just saw ABC News cover the brawl.

    Did not really add anything, except to say that the family would not be charged.

    Still, national coverage.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      I'm thinking not being charged is hurting them more. It looks too much like favoritism to the old gov. More political favoritism. I'm loving it!


    2. Anonymous8:12 PM

      "except to say that the family would not be charged."
      Which implies that the family instigated the brawl.

      ABC is not buying the Palin side of the story that they were the victims.

    3. Balzafiar4:28 AM

      BBC on the internet also has the story.

  28. Anonymous5:57 PM

    "Amazing how something fun and positive can be turned negative"
    Isn't it, Sarah? It could also pertain to the birthday party that your family turned into a Brawl. Or just about anything and everything you go and stick your nasty nose into.


    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      She should know, having made a fine living trying to taint the positive (and fun) President with her negativity.

      Grab a white flag, Palin. Call it a day. Give it up and just go home and try to find something positive to do for a change. Become a Christian. Take night classes. Read a book. You've steered the family bus over a cliff and you need to do whatever you can to soften the eventual crash.

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Tawd go get Sarah 2 quaaludes and put her to bed...

    3. Anonymous7:39 PM

      "something fun and positive?" You mean like the First Lady's "Let's Move" program that you denigrated? Or the Easter egg roll? Or the White House garden that grows real live organic vegetables so the family can eat healthily, AND donate food to the DC pantries? Tell us, dear Sarah, what is the last thing you did to help anyone else? Or to make the world a better place? Think hard. Passing out hot dogs at a political fundraiser doesn't count. Nor does taking store cookies to Piper's school for her birthday.

  29. Anonymous5:58 PM

    She has a bejewelled broach that says Hooah, she should know how to spell it, what an idiot

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      I think she has a tee shirt also too. The only one that means anything to her is "Proud to Be Valley Trash!" Yeah, Sarah, we get that.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      She can't read, remember? Even without that wonky eye rolling around, her IQ is only 83.

  30. Anonymous6:02 PM

    just saw the brawl mentioned on abc nighty news. no details just that chatges won't be filed! wtf

  31. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Has anyone ever heard Sarah once - just once - admit she was wrong about anything? The pathology is achingly pathetic.

  32. Anonymous6:05 PM

    This whole thing about having to call the police because the Palin family took something fun and positive as in a birthday party and turned it into the WWE. I can see one Palin drunk pounding their chest like King Kong and getting into a fight but the entire family? America should be very thankful that those Wasilla hoohahs didn't make it to Washington D.C. SMH

  33. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Now for the life of me I cannot remember a time when Palin lashed out at her followers on Facebook. And trust me they same some truly stupid shit.

    I enjoyed reading Sarah's facebook comments where they corrected her. Hoohah is slang for vagina, and Hooah (or spelling variations of the word) were a rah-rah shout out in the military. Sarah repeated her misspelled word, stubborn and tone deaf. She even gives Hoohah a bad name.

    1. Anonymous8:31 PM

      She is doubling down, just like with the Paul Revere snafu.

    2. Anonymous3:41 AM

      She as always gave Hoohah a bad name.

  34. Sgt. Beldar J Conehead, APD, celebrity brawling task force (ret)6:09 PM

    Gryphen, as you know, we can discuss, consider, reflect upon, regard, study, mock, debate and ridicule, also too, the painfully obvious inadequacies and seemingly endless list of personal, political and career failures of The Screechy Wretch(tm) as long as we do it in a respectful, non-ad hominem sort of way.

    In that spirit, I hope you and your libtard blog buddies can all enjoy a few moments together reading shit trolls say.

    IM commentarians
    - are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, bad, traitors, malcontents, drooling loons, beyond stupid, a waste of space, inept ones, uncaring, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, tactless, pieces of filth, rolling in ignorance, knownothings, classless, ignorant, jealous, bullies, nosy little shits, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
    - don't know her, minimize people, read false negative stuff into beauty, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, sound stupid, have juvenile mentalities, stop at nothing to destroy people, need a mental purge, don't have lives...
    - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

    She who must not be named
    - is nice, rich, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, owns your lives, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, beautiful, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...

    In Non-Opposite World, she
    - is divisive, mean-spirited, washed-up, 'fodder for mirth', irrational, vitriolic, thin-skinned, pugnacious, venomous, queen of make-believe, disingenuous, totally twitastic and insanely facebookeriffic, repulsive, not self-aware, a troublemaker, inconsistently buxom, bitter, mercenary, unstable, self-absorbed, classless, unhinged, reckless, garish, foolish, inarticulate, embarrassing, shameless, cynical, obsessed, shallow, skanky, vile, nauseating, uneducated, a laughing stock, vulgar, incurious, bellicose, unsophisticated, uninformed, hypocritical, tacky, arrogant, petty, a quitter, cruel, unempathic, jealous, ridiculous, prevaricatious, snarky, lazy, spiteful, acid-tongued, cowardly, irrelevant, rapidly aging, vindictive, unqualified, malignant narcissist, unprepared, sour, counterproductive, an idiot

    - is probably not even his real name, delusional, frequently a dick, victimizing since 2009, sincerely stupid, matters not, sad little man, closeminded, not a psychologist, blackhearted...
    - doesnt live in reality, doesnt know her, lives in a basement, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, judgmental, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

    IM blog
    - is a cesspool, a meaningless void, a defunct blog that nobody reads (yet still racked up 24.6 million page views)

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    ************* ************
    ****************** *******

    Beldar J Conehead, EXCLUSIVE troll of Immoral Minority

    Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
    Accept NO Substitute!

    Need Professional Online or Offline Trollery?
    Rely On Beldar!
    BDIB: Beldar Does It Bountifully!

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Beldar, you're better than a Roget's Thesaurus.

    2. Anonymous11:04 PM

      Latin praevaricatus, past participle of praevaricari to act in collusion, literally, to straddle, from prae- + varicare to straddle, from varus bowlegged
      First Known Use: circa 1631 palin likes to straddle her hoohaw...should i be thinking about things like this?

    3. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Dear Beldar (or Jay, as I like to call you), a recent study exposed the fact that 50% of married women have a "Plan B" — a husband (they imagine) in the waiting. And you are mine! Although I am married now, who knows what may happen if we meet? Oh, by the way, I hope you are a male. And a human. And an earthling.

  35. Oh I think the APD police report pretty much seals the deal. There's enough there to stage a movie or a play. All that's left is the casting call. I'm gettin' some popcorn…

    1. I wonder if those snark animators at Apple Core/Corp (?) did a reconstruction of the whole brouhaha?
      M from MD

    2. Anonymous9:10 PM

      It does make for a tasty bit of reading. With a joint and a glass of wine.

    3. Anonymous1:11 AM

      SNL here we come!!!

  36. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I'm looking forward to her (dwindling) fan base using the word "HOOHAH!" in all their comments from now on.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Made me literally LOL!

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Now Hoohah and Palin will be like Santorum? lol

  37. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Maybe panties too tight ?

  38. Anonymous6:18 PM

    My guess is that she lost a few speaking engagements :)

    Because she sure didn't care a week or so ago when all of her followers were cutting down every female member of our armed services. Plus she was probably online at TMZ and her favorite spot , right here reading about her disfunctional family.

  39. Anonymous6:18 PM

    If anybody gets into a drunken brawl in Anchorage, gets arrested and has to go to court, just lawyer up and use the

    "Anchorage Police Dept Case No:14-036989 Palin Family Defense"

    and the Anchorage prosecutor won't have a leg to stand on. The Anchorage prosecutor has set the precedence that being drunk in public and in an all out brawl is Not Chargeable. If that case is good enough for the Palins, then it is good enough for All Alaskans.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      EGGGGSACTLY!!! It is now a 'precedence', and as such they cannot prosecute you.

    2. Anonymous2:34 AM

      Yep. Never fear underage drinkers!
      Although you apparently have to party with the 'rents...not sure how much fun that is......

  40. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Methinks yon police reports doth makes her heart SORE!

    1. Anonymous9:09 PM

      LOL. Sirrah, thou art right about Sarah!

    2. Anonymous3:39 AM

      Sarah has a heart?!?

  41. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Thanks to the big fat lie Bristol told the police, it is now being published all over the world that Kory Klingenmeyer called poor little victem Bristol a c* and a slut, knocked her down, and dragged her all over his yard by her feet. Korey should sue her for slander as well as assault. But then, most Alaskan men seem to lack the balls to stand up to the little bitches from Wasilla (you accepted, Gryphen).

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Korey won't sue if the Palins handsomely paid him off and had him sign the Palin Confidentiality Agreement.

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      It depends on what, if any, rights he waived. He might have released the right to sue for assault, but not for defamation. If there's a written document, hopefully it isn't a universal release.

      A comment was posted that Bristol paid Korey $1100. That's not very much for injuries he received, much less for damages to his reputation, etc. that a defamation claim would seek.

    3. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Anyone with two eyes who can read the entire police report can see that Bristol's tale is unique to every other witness statement. All of the other interviewed witnesses have corroborating stories, while Bristol's version of events stands alone. Hmm who would you believe, 20 witnesses with matching accounts or Bristol's version?

    4. Anonymous1:40 AM

      Anon 9:57

      A very drunk Bristol's version.

    5. Anonymous2:36 AM

      What is with these masochists in Alaska?
      Korey lets the world think he called the slut a slut and a cunt.
      CBJ lets the world think she is a quack...
      Alaskans sure are oddly odd odd.
      Have they no self esteem or self respect??

  42. Anonymous6:40 PM

    I can't help but to feel sorry for the peepond, maybe because my parents thought me to respect old people, foolish or wise. Most of them are old and set on their ways. They have invested a lot on the myth of Sarah Palin and it must be so exhausting to keep defending her against all reason. But the young supporters, oh man, that's a different story. Fuck 'em.

    1. Anonymous3:38 AM

      Don't feel sorry for them. They've already explained the whole thing away. Their queen can do no wrong. Track, who has PTSD was protecting his sister. They just ignore the part about all the kids being drunk off their assets and Bristol assaulting the homeowner/party host. They keep chanting "There were no charges, so nothing really happened". Brainwashed zombies, all of them.

  43. Anonymous6:40 PM


    A police report, released Thursday by the Anchorage Police Department, details a brawl at an Alaska birthday party last month involving Sarah Palin's family and describes a knockdown, drag-out affair of sucker punches, heavy drinking, bloody mouths, name-calling and a shirt hastily removed for a fight....

    The report, written by attending officers, recounts the skirmish at an outdoor party attended by several members of the Palin family, including Sarah and Todd Palin, their two daughters, Bristol, 23, Willow, 20, and their son Track, 26.....

    One of the officers noted a long white limousine, used by the Palins, parked out front when he arrived, and a white male, who turned out to be Track, being led toward it. According to the report, he had blood around his mouth and on his hands and appeared to have an injury under his left eye....

    "He appeared heavily intoxicated and he acted belligerent at first, but I was able to get him to step out of the car, and a female, who turned out to be his mother, told him to talk to me," officer John Daily writes.

    The report said Track was "angry and intoxicated" and that the officer had a "hard time getting him to calm down."...

    Bristol, who the officer said "appeared heavily intoxicated and upset," told officers that the brawl started when her younger sister, Willow, said that a girl had hit her....

    Matthew McKenna, who was attending the party, told officers he saw Bristol punch Korey Klingenmeyer, the owner of the house, "in the face six times and he just stood there" before a group of wives tackled her to the ground.....

    At one point, as police were interviewing witnesses, Todd Palin confronted Klingenmeyer and asked him if "he called his daughter a 'bitch.' " Willow then came up "also got involved flipping (Klingenmeyer) off and getting loud." Officer Ruth Adolf noted that "we eventually separated everyone, and the Palin family ended up leaving."....

    In the end, McKenna told one of the officers, "the whole thing was one big misunderstanding among friends due to too much alcohol and people talking trash."....

    No arrests were made, the report said, "due to the fact that everyone involved declined to press charges when spoke to at the incident."

    What the hell do you mean "McKenna told one of the officers, "the whole thing was one big misunderstanding among friends due to too much alcohol and people talking trash."

    Didn't Bristol assault a man 6 times? Didn't Todd get his nose pushed in?

    What about Track? the article said,
    "One of the officers noted a long white limousine, used by the Palins, parked out front when he arrived, and a white male, who turned out to be Track, being led toward it. According to the report, he had blood around his mouth and on his hands and appeared to have an injury under his left eye."

    What the hell do you mean "McKenna told one of the officers, "the whole thing was one big misunderstanding among friends due to too much alcohol and people talking trash."


    The report said Track was "angry and intoxicated" and that the officer had a "hard time getting him to calm down."..




    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      If Track had been anyone else he'd've been tasered. If he'd been a black kid, he'd've been shot.

    2. Anonymous7:12 PM

      According to the report, he had blood around his mouth and on his hands and appeared to have an injury under his left eye."

      No wonder Track has been in hiding. He got his eye all busted up and didn't want to seen in public. Turns out that Sarah's Rambo combat vet got his ass kicked.

    3. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Check out that Daily Mail photo of Sarah without her makeup. It was taken two days after the brawl and Sarah's eyes are swollen. Her right eye is red and there are marks on the side of her face. I guess she must have bruised herself sitting in the limo.

    4. Anonymous10:10 PM

      If he had been black,he would have been shot.

  44. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Isn't this the same woman who keeps trying to represent herself as being the mother of a soldier? I mean jeeesus they even have a wiki page for the word:
    The monumental amount of stupid with that woman...

    1. F U McCain6:57 PM


      She cares so little about *actually* honoring our vets that she can't even be BOTHERED to do a ten second Google search.

      She not only insults vets but her readers as well.

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Since she has very few readers, I doubt she insulted many people. But if she keeps being so dense and stupid, she may soon be writing only for herself...glorious day that will be!

  45. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Has she no shame? The idiot shouts out, "VAGINA", rather than a military phrase, Hooah, and then gets an attitude with those who try to correct her. Wonkette has got to write this up in all its hilarious glory!

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      That's pretty much standard operating procedure for Sarah, ain't it?

    2. Anonymous8:53 PM

      She must have been calling her girls to the supper table for their taco bell crunch wraps and vodka.

  46. Anonymous6:59 PM


    The post below may be a little long but it appeared in Immoral Minority and it shows there's a pattern in Alaska that the Palins are never charged for their crimes


    The Law, the Willow, and the Wicked Witch of Wasilla.

    Calculations are that the home suffered between twenty to thirty thousand dollars in damage. Sources say it appeared the teens stayed in the house for several hours, perhaps even overnight.

    The Troopers were quickly notified and the investigation began. And at first there were very few leads.

    Then in January some information came to light which identified one of the perpetrators. This led to the revelation that the participants were 12 local teens who had used the empty house for a party, a party which had clearly spun badly out of control.

    As you have undoubtedly surmised by now one of the teenagers identified was Willow Palin.

    As the investigation progressed the children’s parents were notified one by one, including the Palins.

    When Sarah was confronted with Willow’s involvement she at first said that it was impossible since Willow was out of town. However when Troopers interviewed the other teens, every single one of them identified Willow as a participant, and further revealed that it was she who directed the other teens to the house, which she knew to be empty, for the sole purpose of having a party. (In today's post AlaskaWTF called Willow the ringleader. Which is accurate in that it was she who knew the location of the house, but whether or not she was involved in the incredible destruction is still undetermined.)

    Now confronted with this new information you may assume that the Palins would do the right thing and surrender their daughter to the authorities, allow her to suffer the consequences of her actions, and then treat this as a painful but necessary learning experience.

    If you believed that for even an instant then you don’t know squat about Sarah Palin.

    No instead Sarah circled the wagons (There are rumors she even hired legal counsel) and she started to call in favors. Scandal had to be avoided at all cost. (This was right around the time that her contract with Fox News was being announced.)

    According to sources close to the Alaska State troopers there was a secret weekend meeting. This meeting took place between the Palin’s and some very highly placed people involved in the juvenile justice department.

    Directly after this secret meeting the word came down to the juvenile justice probation officer, Chris Evans, that ONLY the boys who had participated would be charged with the crime. The girls would only be identified as “witnesses” and face no criminal penalties.


    1. Anonymous3:00 AM

      EVERY law enforcement agency in Alaska needs to be investigated, fumigated and discharged. Bring in new members with NO alliances to the PayMe family. Might be difficult to find young men there who have never had sex with one of the PayMe's though.

  47. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Mmhh I wonder what Our Sarah was doing in the limo in the meantime.
    Updating her wildly successful Internet Channel?
    Channeling the ghost of Breitbart (in lieu of Reagan's, too busy) for her next (like next year maybe) Fox appearance?
    Ordering tacky eyesore jewelry on 75% sale at FakePatriotsArUs?
    Inquiring minds want to know!

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      She was checking out Immoral Minority!!

    2. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Doing drugs ???

  48. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Me thinks pretty soon we will see a lot of witnesses from this Palin Melee driving brand new SUVs.

    "In the end, McKenna told one of the officers, "the whole thing was one big misunderstanding among friends due to too much alcohol and people talking trash."

    Yeah right McKenna.

  49. F U McCain7:03 PM

    I'm curious how you can have a "very healthy sex life" when you haven't seen each other's parts. ..

    And your wife calls you a PERVERT (not joking? ??) Because you'd like to see her body?

    Sounds like the wife has major issues. This will be a problem for both of them.

  50. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I just did a quick google search of "Palin" and got 115 articles reporting the brawl. The comments are golden. LOL

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      That deserves a cheer, Hoohah, Sarah, Hoohah!

    2. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Too funny Anon 8:18

    3. Anonymous3:39 AM

      Up to 236. Better yet, if you go to google news and type Palin in the search box, autofill based on past searches supplies "Palin brawl," "Palin family brawl," "Palin fight"...
      You wanted a legacy, Sarah? Here's your legacy. A place in the history books for sure.

  51. Anonymous7:05 PM

    She probably grumpy because she only has less than 5,000 likes and none of those people will sign up for her website

  52. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Why does the world hate me and my family?

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Ah, the question that answers itself.

  53. Anonymous7:14 PM


    Like the stubborn woman she is, she just digs her heels in even when her fans correct her. She still used "Hoohah" in her response, after military posters corrected her.

    They've got to know, NO ONE correct Queen Sarah. She's right all the time.

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Bet Palin knew what hoohah was when she wrote it. Palin is probably using "hoohah" as a deflection knowing the police report was coming out. She probably thought it would get more coverage than the brawl. She's just a trash mouth.

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Right on the mark, 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue. My favorite was Paul Revere ringing those bells and firing those warning shots. Of course the lesson of the Statute of Liberty was not to go making the mistakes that the European countries made. When Putin rears his head, where does he go? To Sarah's front porch, to keep an eye on Russia. Any and all of them.

  54. How typical of Princess Beetlebrain that she would double down on such a trashy mistake and repeat the word!

    Right above a bunch of comments apparently telling her that hoohah was *not* the same as hooah?

    Of course, she certainly does like to toss vulgar, sexual terms around, but geez, stamping your feet and screeching "hoohah, hoohah, hoohah at the top of your lungs?

    Pathetic, just pathetic.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      She's pretty used to all the naysayers being libtards so ooops!

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Just remember the Paul Revere incident...
      Our $carah does NOT admit ANY mistakes.

    3. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Yes, never, it's pathetic. She's mentally ill, and spiritually ill, both to a very serious degree.

    4. Anonymous2:40 AM

      Actually it is developmentally appropriate for her emotional age of three (3).

  55. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I see so many positives coming out of this brawl reveal.

    Todd will be like a sore thumb sticking out at the 2015 Iron Dog. The witnesses, friends of the Iron Dog Community, were completely contradicted by the Palin story, and they are being made fools of. The witnesses are basically looking like liars and no AK court or justice system will vindicate their story. They have to sit and take it. And the Palins can run roughshod over everyone. But there's always someone more evil and corrupt and the Palins may be usurped by much bigger players. They may have stepped on the toes of much bigger ducks.

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      What's the prediction?

      Will Todd and his hoohas show up at the 2015 Iron Dog?

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      How about some water in his gas tank. It worked with Curtis Menard.

    3. Anonymous9:54 PM

      Does anyone want to sponsor Todd and a partner? It means giving them thousands of dollars of equipment, and Todd's image might not be the one they want associated with their product.

  56. Anonymous7:26 PM

    She's probably grumpy because she's an old hoohah.

    1. Anonymous3:28 AM

      Or because her old Hoohah isn't bringing her the opportunities it once did. Nobody wants a piece of that anymore.

  57. Anonymous7:37 PM

    So now the witnesses corroborated Eric Thompson's account, does Mark McKenna and Sarah and Todd have the power to fire them from their various jobs also too?

    Eric Thompson now has a huge advantage now. McKenna's police statement is on record and it gives Thompson more ammunition to win in court for damages and loss......because his story versus his boss McKenna's are total contradiction and it proves McKenna favors Todd, thus punishing his employee Thompson for daring to give another version.

    1. Anonymous9:52 PM

      When the witnesses all tell one story and Bristol has a different version, public opinion will know who to believe.

  58. Anonymous7:37 PM

    If I had known that the Anchorage prosecutor's office was not going to charge anybody in that fight with the Palins, that would had been my opportunity to fuck Todd up for what he did to Shailey Tripp and the other women he took advantage of.

  59. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Sarah's ears and scrunched up face is a uncanny resemblance to the link above.

  60. Anonymous7:42 PM


  61. Sally in MI7:44 PM

    I think that picture needs a caption.

    1) Todd, Trig needs his diaper changed..right now!
    2) Todd, did you just suggest we have sex tonight?
    3) SARAHPAC took in how much last quarter?

  62. Anonymous7:44 PM

    How come Joey Junker wasn't at the party with his Hoohah, I meant to say Bristol.

    My apologies to the Palin family, I wish I could delete that word Hoohah.

  63. Anonymous7:50 PM

    All this time the Palins were drinking and fighting at the festivities, who was teaching Trig to eat solid food and teaching him not to crap in his diapers?

    While I'm asking, who was monitoring Tripp while his mother was drinking and assaulting men that showed great restraint from knocking Bristol's extended glass chin across the yard?

  64. Anonymous7:52 PM


    Magic underwear?

  65. Anonymous8:04 PM

    UPDATE: Hey, knock it off. I posted a cool, inspiring video to brighten your day
    -Sarah Palin

    Oh Sarah if I were you , I would punish your followers by not posting anything on your facebook for at least a month. That will shut their traps and put those uneducated ingrates in their place.


  66. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Well one of them is a vile, nasty, greedy, covetous, ichneumon wasp-like, dowdy-clothed, american flag defacing,dime-store whoring for a buck, beef-headed trull, speaks in menagerie of free association and the other is a Ferengi.

  67. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Question: How much SarahPAC postage stamps made this incident go away?

    1. Anonymous9:51 PM

      The "postage" may have prevented the Anchorage Police from filing charges against the Palins. But the police reports are a matter of public record. Tax payers pay for them, and the tax payers have a right to see them. And, here they are. Even though the Palins may not be showing up in an Anchorage court room, they are splashed all over the media. Sarah didn't buy silence. She just bought her way out of a court hearing and a couple of fines.

  68. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Give her some time. She'll come around if he is patient and loving.

  69. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Sarah: You are not a "mother": You are a dumb little girl like Bristol.

  70. Anonymous8:33 PM

    A witness, Matthew McKenna, told police that when the fight started at an intersection near the house, he told Todd Palin to gather his family and entourage and leave.

    "He said the problem was that Bristol and Willow were drunk, as were their boyfriends," the police wrote. "McKenna apologised for wasting our time."


    1. Sarah Palin's daughter Willow was drunk according to Matthew McKenna

    2. Willow Palin was born July 7, 1994 which makes her 20 years old

    3. The legal drinking age in Alaska is 21 years old

    4. What's wrong with this picture?

    5. What's wrong with this picture? Nothing if your last name is Palin.

  71. Anonymous8:43 PM

    What's happening with Eric Thompson, the guy that got fired for speaking up against the Palins at the big fight? Is he getting a lawyer for wrongfully getting fired? Did he get his job back since Matthew McKenna told one of the officers, "the whole thing was one big misunderstanding among friends?

  72. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Ms. Paymee should know better than to chastise her fans. They might not donate their social security checks to SarahPac and she will have to get a real job.

    Sarah is grumpy because trolling all the blogs/media articles about the police report is exhausting.

  73. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Police finally release report on the Throwdown at the Hoedown. Update!


    Wow! This Immoral Minority post has 463 comments! The prosecution refusal to charge the Palins must have ruffled a lot of feathers?

    1. Anonymous10:36 PM

      Sorry Sarah, we are loving every minute of this

  74. I hope "Tom" is getting paid for this comment at C4P:

    "Tom Phelps Victoria Richardson • 24 minutes ago
    What people don't understand is that Sarah spoke at the Mighty Oaks Warrior event the night before the brawl. She mentioned that Track has PTSD. I'm sure she and the folks at Mighty Oaks know that every now and then a PTSD sufferer needs to tie one on. Sarah was there and watching over Track while he was drinking. And if there's a little fighting, well that happens sometimes. What's the big deal?"

    1. Anonymous9:47 PM

      A guy has PTSD. He drinks and gets in a fight. What's the problem? It's just like taking a guy suffering from PTSD to a firing range. What could go wrong?

    2. Anonymous11:46 PM

      I would think that the last thing a PTSD sufferer would do is drink. "needs to tie one on?" No. Needs to get counseling and stay away from drugs and alcohol, otherwise, someone will end up dead. Let's hope the next time Track has 'needs,' he isn't carrying a gun.

    3. Anonymous12:05 AM

      What the heck does he have PTSD from? He drove officers around.

  75. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Anonymous4:52 PM
    It's now official, Bristol Palin can't handle alcohol or keep her legs together


    That's not news, we knew that when Bristol was a Sophomore/Junior in high school. Remember the wine coolers, canvas tents and that Wasilla stud Levi who tore Bristol's hoohah up?

  76. Anonymous9:34 PM

    You know it really doesn't matter to the world who said or did what at this fight. What matters most is that the Palins have just confirmed to the rest of the world what has been suspected all along - white trash drunks whose only tv appearances should be on the Jerry Springer show.

    The Palins have trashed themselves beyond what anyone else could have ever done to them by their own behavior.

    Gee, how I love watching the trash take itself out to the curb!

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      I agree with you 100%

    2. Anonymous4:08 AM

      Hear hear!

  77. Anonymous9:56 PM

    With only a few weeks to go before the election, how many candidates want to have Sarah's endorsement? How many candidates are willing to pay Sarah's travel expenses for her to show up in another trashy outfit and the local team sweat shirt? How many Right to Life, Values Voters and Religious Right groups want Sarah to talk about .....what does she talk about anyway? All she does is rattle off some bumper sticker slogans.

  78. Anonymous10:06 PM

    by the way, Track may have just not known where the party house was in general. They weren't driving themselves and obvi he wouldnt have told the driver the directions. We don't know where the limo went that night beforehand.

    They couldve been in ER, not too far from Anch

  79. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Animals I tell ya!
    They are all animals!

  80. Anonymous10:33 PM

    As stoned as he was reported to be, they could have been on the moon.
    But bzzt, nice try, thanks for playing

  81. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Spin it anyway you want it, the point is APD released the report and it went viral. That family is toast, reputation-wise, and the more $arah gets on her little channel, the more people laugh. Fox kicked her to the curb for sure.

    "What's in it for us?" You just found out by your own doing. You will never be taken serious again. The answer is NOTHING except laughter.

    1. Anonymous12:18 AM

      I think any future party host will think twice about inviting any of the Palins.

  82. Anonymous11:19 PM

    So you can stick it in her, just don't look at it cause then you're a pervert. Yeah, that marriage will surely stand the test of time lol

  83. Anonymous11:51 PM

    I's STILL like to know who's bright idea it was to attend.
    I cannot stop giggling how a birthday drop by went so wrong.
    hmmmmm...let's think about this....
    Are you kidding me? LMAO
    This is no isolated incident, this is who they are
    For all the world to see.

    Hey, $arah, can't wait for your nest video. Boy, you weren't whistling dixie for your ISIS avidvice, now where you? Go in, attack, and get out. Now we know WHY and it worked so well, didn't it???

    Run, $arah, Run!
    LMAO I dare you, with the hidden video.
    "THIS ix how rill America takes care of problems."
    Can't stop giggling.

  84. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Have him contact Bristol Palin, she will show herself to ANYONE.

  85. "That woman is an IDIOT!"

  86. Anonymous4:13 AM

    It;s HOOAH, $arah.
    Hoohah IS vagina.
    Did you fire your Google-er?
    You are SO stupid. LMAO

  87. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Way to go Track Palin, alleged PTSD, along with drug and alcohol dependency.. You'll NEVER get your pilots license! Now we know why you have done squat in 2 years. Can't pass the medical!!!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.