Friday, October 03, 2014

It turns out that Iowa Senate hopeful Joni Ernst supports arresting government agents for implementing Obamacare, and is kind of a liar as well. You know I wish I was surprised.

Courtesy of TPM:  

State Sen. Joni Ernst, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Iowa, once said she would support legislation that would allow "local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement" Obamacare. 

Ernst voiced her support for that, as well as supporting legislation that would "nullify" Obamacare in a Iowa State Legislative Candidates survey for Ron Paul's libertarian-aligned Campaign for Liberty in 2012. 

The question was: "Will you support legislation to nullify ObamaCare and authorize state and local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement the unconstitutional health care scheme known as ObamaCare?" Ernst answered that question as "yes." 

Isn't suggesting that Federal officials be arrested for doing their jobs, or that force should be used to show resistance straight out of the sovereign citizen's handbook?  (I think it's somewhere between the chapter on making your own handwritten license plate, and tips to keep your red, white, and blue underwear from riding up your crack.)

And boy who doesn't want to elect a Senator to represent your state who would urge the local law enforcement to draw their weapons on federal agents and place them under arrest. I mean that could never backfire, right?

And speaking of Joni Ernst, it appears that when she said this in a debate last week....

...she was just pulling it right out of her ass.

Courtesy of Politifact:

Ernst said Braley "threatened to sue a neighbor over chickens that came onto (his) property." Some might not like the way Braley and his wife handled a dispute with a neighbor -- by going to the neighborhood association and then consulting the association's lawyer. 

Even so, there is no material evidence that Braley threatened a lawsuit against the neighbor or was even considering one. Even the neighbor says that. 

We rate Ernst’s claim False.

Wow going all Cliven Bundy concerning federal agents, and making up lies to smear your opponent, gee if only Iowa had some early indication that this lady was such a dishonest extremist.

Oh wait, they did.


  1. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Just another lying liar wrapped in the American flag. Don't you dare criticize her because she's a veteran! It's unAmerican to call a veteran out for lying.

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    SHE IS INSANE. And as of now, she's ahead in the polls. Iowans, what is going on????

    1. Well, Michelle Bachman won the straw poll there so, I would say...'nuf said.

    2. Anonymous8:05 PM

      It appears there are a lot of dumb people in Iowa.

    3. Anonymous4:28 AM

      They deserve her. If the people who can vote her out stay home and do not vote - then Iowa deserves her.I hope she makes an ass of herself and it is all over the news

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Friend of Sarah Palin = Liar

    What else is there to know?

    1. For anyone wondering why we loathe Sarah Palin so much and why we want to drive her into utter and complete obscurity: Palin set the forces into motion that enabled all these idiotic, traitorous, greedy, self-aggrandizing pig-castrators to seek (and be elected to) public office.

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Here's a bumper sticker for ya:

      GOP: working full time to deny personhood to blacks and other minorities, and to bestow it on zygotes.

  4. Anonymous3:01 PM

    She would have fit in perfectly with Hitler's Germany during WWII! Hope to hell she doesn't end up in the United States Congress as she'll be a horrid addition and one that would have to be watched very carefully!

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      I see her hooking up with señor Cruz. They can talk about balls all night long.

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      It's not Congress it's the effing Senate! Iowa is stuck with her for 6 effing years! She's the replacement for the Democratic Senator who decided to retire. Voters deserve the representatives they vote in. The country loses, the Koch brothers win.

  5. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Jennifer Castro, APD Communications Dir. (907) 786-8571
    Anchorage Municipal Prosecutor 907 343-4250

    Gryphen - Do you know if anyone is asking about the status of the Palin brawl investigation?

    I know I'm being a pest but don't want you to feel neglected and I haven't seen much troll activity today.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      I sent them an e-mail from here in Anchorage last week, as of yet no response ..

      can't wait for their annual phone call wanting donations to their "peace" officers shindig, think I'll proverbially let 'em have it with both barrels ..

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      3:34 PM Castro is making the Anchorage Police Department look even worse! I will NOT donate when they call again either!

      They have lost the respect of so many in Anchorage! A corruptive force is my take on them - like so many others in cities across our nation.

    3. Anonymous9:55 PM

      i also did the same thing with the public radio station KAKM when they had meg staplemouth answering the phone on their bi-annual donation drive. i told 'em straight up as long as she's there they weren't gonna get another dime from me.

      i think they got that from a lot of folks as soon thereafter she was long gone ..

  6. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Thats like implying democrats aren't liars.

    And anon 3:02, well you are commenting so there's troll activity.

    Troll = hateful liar

    The people you deem trolls aren't hateful nor liars. You just can't stand their legitimate questions

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      You are a clown

    2. Oh, fuck off, you trashy lying troll sack of shit.

      "The people you deem trolls aren't hateful nor liars. You just can't stand their legitimate questions"
      Yes, you and they are hateful and you are liars. After all, you are fans of low-life hateful lying Palin.

      And you don't ask legitimate questions. You ask stupid ones and the truthful answer is never one that you like.

    3. Anonymous3:55 PM


    4. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Actually, every celeb on the planet who's experienced haters running their mouths to make themselves happy would agree with my definition.

      When IM is famous for its immature, shit talking commenters, G's got issues.

    5. Anonymous4:58 PM

      3:57 - so Gryphen is famous now? Interesting that you admit that….Thanks! You helped give him a million screen views, so well done!

    6. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Famous in your brain, maybe.

      Please don't write "haters". It makes you look even more foolish than you are.

    7. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Stop bullying us, 3:57!

    8. Anonymous6:02 PM

      3:57 PM

      Sarah is a "celeb?" What type of "celeb" is Sarah? Is she an Ivana Trump wannabe ... that type of "celeb?" Sarah is a joke in every arena she attempts to breach. She has even failed at being a "celeb." Sarah's forte is being a shameless public idiot and indispensable fodder for mirth.

    9. Beldar J Conehead.edu7:16 PM

      Gryphen, as you know, we're now offering troll continuing education seminars for individuals seeking to improve their technique and market penetration. We have on-site, on-line, in-line, over-the-line and wavy line programs to accommodate every age, budget, ethnicity and planet of origin. All the details are at

      Until classes begin in January, here's some shit trolls say:

      IM commenters
      - are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, bad, traitors, malcontents, drooling loons, beyond stupid, a waste of space, inept ones, uncaring, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, tactless, pieces of filth, rolling in ignorance, classless, ignorant, jealous, bullies, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
      - don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, sound stupid, have juvenile mentalities, stop at nothing to destroy people, need a mental purge, don't have lives...
      - should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...

      She who must not be named
      - is nice, rich, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, owns your lives, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, beautiful, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...

      In Non-Opposite World, she
      - is divisive, mean-spirited, washed-up, 'fodder for mirth', irrational, vitriolic, thin-skinned, pugnacious, venomous, queen of make-believe, disingenuous, totally twitastic and insanely facebookeriffic, repulsive, not self-aware, a troublemaker, inconsistently buxom, bitter, mercenary, unstable, self-absorbed, classless, unhinged, reckless, garish, foolish, inarticulate, embarrrassing, shameless, cynical, obsessed, shallow, skanky, vile, nauseating, uneducated, a laughing stock, vulgar, embarrassing, incurious, bellicose, unsophisticated, uninformed, hypocritical, tacky, arrogant, petty, a quitter, cruel, unempathic, jealous, ridiculous, prevaricatious, snarky, lazy, spiteful, acid-tongued, cowardly, irrelevant, rapidly aging, vindictive, unqualified, malignant narcissis, unprepared, sour, counterproductive, an idiot

      - is probably not even his real name, delusional, frequently a dick, victimizing since 2009, sincerely stupid, matters not, sad little man, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, closeminded, not a psychologist, blackhearted...
      - doesnt live in reality, doesnt know her, lives in a basement, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, judgmental, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing

      IM blog
      - is a cesspool, a meaningless void, a defunct blog that nobody reads (yet still racked up 24.5 million page views)

      I feel sorry for you. smh

      ******* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******

      Beldar J Conehead, EXCLUSIVE troll of Immoral Minority
      Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
      Accept NO Substitute!

    10. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Brilliant, BJC! Thank you.


    11. Anita Winecooler5:05 PM

      Thanks, Beldar! I was laughing at the troll wannabe, just gained my composure and "Wham" Like Whyle E, Cayote in front of the painted train tunnel. Boom went the troll!


  7. Anonymous3:20 PM

    She is 'Palin dumb' and she is polling ahead. Iowa sure has an electorate heavily populated by the obtuse. No doubt FOX, Limbaugh, and the other usual suspects are all the rage there. I feel for the folks with a brain in that state. What a nightmare to endure.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      My sister and nephew are stuck there for employment reason and say she's the WORST but that's Iowa. Pigs and corn.

      I never understood why the caucuses are held there. It's not the heart of America by any means.

    2. Anonymous4:24 AM

      Aren't there any liberals in the college towns??

  8. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Why can't the national media be like aK media?

    I mean, Obama plays with the media all the time, not doing things until AFTER an election. SMH Not that youll read about that HERE

    Also, why would you lie about Track's involvement with his daughter? Her mom calls her a daddys girl.

    You obviously still have to play up your own mythology to save blogger face.

    But really, why lie Gryphen?

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      You are a clown

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      up for the day bristol ? 'bout time ..

      fukin' brain dead retard

    3. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Wow. Such immaturity. Why not change this blog to "where to find stupid liberals"

      But seriously. What is the point of lying?

    4. Anonymous3:56 PM

      If telling the truth is clownlike, i will take it

    5. Anonymous3:58 PM


    6. Caroll Thompson4:01 PM

      Please take an English class. People will take you more seriously if we can understand what it is you are trying to say.

      If you do not want to take a class, I suggest you start reading real books, preferably non fiction books. You would be amazed at how your writing skills will improve by reading authors who can make magic when they write a sentence.

      You know who could turn a phrase like it was no one's business? Joe McGinniss That man knew how to write. It really didn't matter what the subject matter was; he always made it interesting.

      If Joe or non fiction is not your cup of tea, try John Steinbeck. 'Cannery Row', 'Travels with Charlie' or 'The Grapes of Wrath' to name just a few of his many novels.

      Read the short stories of O Henry. My how that man could turn a phrase.

      You could also read some great poetry. Robert Frost comes to mind. How about this poem below: 'Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy evening'.

      Whose woods these are I think I know.
      His house is in the village, though;
      He will not see me stopping here
      To watch his woods fill up with snow.

      My little horse must think it queer
      To stop without a farmhouse near
      Between the woods and frozen lake
      The darkest evening of the year.

      He gives his harness bells a shake
      To ask if there is some mistake.
      The only other sound's the sweep
      Of easy wind and downy flake.

      The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
      But I have promises to keep,
      And miles to go before I sleep,
      And miles to go before I sleep

      G also has miles to go before he sleeps. And on it goes troll. He is not going to stop.

    7. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Right on the money, Caroll!

    8. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Love that post, Caroll!

    9. I believe Beldar is offering troll classes, if you're interested in improving your technique.

    10. Anita Winecooler5:11 PM

      The troll is obviously looking for sympathy

  9. Anonymous3:45 PM

    What government agents enforcing Obamacare? This woman obviously drinks the same koolaide as Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      What government agents enforcing Obamacare is right, anonymous 3:45. Unless she obtusely is referring to the IRS. Otherwise, private physicians, hospitals, and clinics are the ones 'enforcing' Obamacare, because Obamacare is nothing more than private people, individual citizens, purchasing (or receiving subsidies for the purchase of) health INSURANCE. It is NOT government-supplied health care. It is a program that covers the health insurance industry.

      I assume Ernst is totally stupid with respect to matters of financial investing. With respect to her desire to arrest those who are enforcing Obamacare, I wonder if she means the insurance companies that are now making a ton of money off of Obamacare? Wellpoint, for example (which covers many seeking coverage through Medicaid expansion) saw its stock go up around 40 percent in just the past year. Does Joni want to take the money away from those companies and shareholders? She sounds like someone who is full of fake smiles, meaningless sound bites, and fully ignorant of how the real world is functioning.

    2. Anonymous9:09 PM

      What government agents?

      Which ever of 'em are in front of her, waiting to be arrested!

  10. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Such a good father and uncle

    I hope his surgery earlier this year was his last. So sad that pro hockey dreams ended in injury. Such a good man though. That note for Trig against the asshole who would abort special needs children with no thought was great.

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM


    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      How dramatic. Were you, perchance, a theater major?

    3. Anonymous4:40 PM

      If you are talking about Trackmarks he was never even close to going to a farm league, let alone the pros.

    4. Anonymous4:23 AM

      That note with no thought was great!

  11. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Hmmm. Next stop - either Ms Palin or one of her minions need to come on and explain the lies of Sarah's chosen one. Waiting.

    Pat Padrnos

  12. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Is she wearing a wig?

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      That hair is vexing.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Wallow must have styled it.

  13. Anonymous4:04 PM

    "she would support legislation that would allow "local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement" Obamacare. "
    I am a little confused, we have "Obamacare" here in Michigan and I didn't see any federal officials come to town to implement it.
    Is she planning on having local law enforcement shoot computers? Seriously I would love to know more about her "plan". It sounds more like a coup to take over the federal government.
    First pig castrator, now coup d'etat. She sounds like a very violent person.

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      She is spouting treason by suggesting the President should be arrested. No one should be surprised though since her friend Sarah Palin is an anti American secessionist.

  14. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I was born and raised in Iowa, I too helped on the farm, even when the pigs were being that means I could be a US Senator, yeah right. Every congress person tries to get pork for their state, EVERY single one of them. So help me if J. Ernst is elected I will stop saying I am from Iowa!

  15. Anonymous4:34 PM

    If Track Palin was so injured that he could not play pro-hockey, then why was he physically qualified to be in the military?

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Track's coach in Michigan, Mr. Lowe, said he was okay and there was no physical reason he couldn't play.

      He was offered a slot with the Alaska Avalanche hockey club. The shoulder injury excuse was cover for being forced into the military so his mother could beef up her resume.

    2. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Is there ANYTHING, ANYTHING AT ALL, that this family does not lie about?

  16. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Lovely. Another tough-talking blowhard. Come on, Iowa. You can do much better.
    M from MD

  17. Anonymous5:45 PM

    This woman is worse than Palin. Palin is an unelectable charlatan. This equally purchasable, amoral, and extreme woman will probably become a US senator.

  18. Anonymous7:50 PM

    This woman is a bought and paid for phony looking to enrich herself. The rural rubes are happy to oblige. Keep the Gubmint's hands off their Medicare, their SS, and their subsidized scooters. Stupidest folks in this country are the anti-fedgubmint flyover rubes.

  19. Eeek it shouldn't happen. How can a "higher up" run for elected office? It makes both occupations be up to her retarded gops' whims, her racist stupid whims. I don't see how she can be objective in either one.

  20. "she would support legislation that would allow "local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement Obamacare"
    This is just more proof that the republican clowns have no idea what Obamacare is. Implementing it? You mean when a citizen buys health insurance from a private company? Is that implementing Obamacare? Who exactly is going to call the police?

    Yes, there are requirements overseen by federal officials (minimum standards for each plan offered, no caps, no exclusions fro pre-existing conditions, etc.) but really, who is going to know what mid-level pencil pusher at any given time in any given office somewhere is "implementing" Obamacare.

    Fools like Ernst must really believe in visions of heroic local LEs trying to stop jackbooted federal thugs from dragging the elderly and disabled out of their homes and off to the death panels.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.