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Well I have not given a dime to the Democrats. Not a dime.
And the reason is because they are unrelenting in their attempts to squeeze money out of me. And this has caused my usual generosity to dry up like vaginal moistness in the presence of Mitch McConnell.
I have decided that I am going to go and give Begich some money this week, but I'll be damned if I am going to respond to any of those e-mail messages.
And by the way DNC, I am in no way fooled into believing that Elizabeth Warren, Michele Obama, Joe Biden, or Bill Clinton want to sit down and talk politics with me if only I will send you five dollars.
Oh and messages telling us that "the end is near," "This is it," or "Well I guess it's all over now," do not exactly fill us with confidence that you all have a chance to win even if we DID send you more money. It sort of conjures up visions of Custer's Last Stand, with an arrow riddled Custer reaching out and saying "You know with a handful of bullets I'm pretty sure we can take'em."
I am going to blog my ass off for the Democrats, and vote as hard as I can, but I am NOT rejoining the Democratic party until they all stop being such drama queens.
Hmmm... Same here, GryPhen! I am sick and tired of the incessant fundraisers and whining, especially since they have done NOTHING, ZERO, ZILCH, in order to stop the rampant voter fraud committed by the owners and manufacturers of the voting machines - mainly Diebold and another one, whose name I forgot - starts with 'S'...
ReplyDeleteWhat pisses me off is they use the grifter as a scare tactic, but when you email them or tweet them about pimpgate, for example they don't do anything! So I'm like you either Shut her the fuck up and maybe I'll give you some money. Too be fair, kock bros have unlimited funds and support lies, full on lies about potus and we've seen the "new" trolls here attacking Biden, Hillary and all of us for telling the truth about the old Hoohaah...
DeleteBut we email them about all of this, her treason her hate speech and they do nothing they are as bad as the R's with their scare tactics about the border, ebola, and whatever the "talking point" is for the day. We have emailed CREW to go after her grifter pac and well maybe the IRS did go after her and the old perv I certain hope so but they didn't close down her pac and she hasn't been arrested for treason or hate speech. So DEMS if you want my money, ARREST some people!!! Ted Cruz should of been ARRESTED for shutting down the government! But nothing happened to him, nothing.
Its time for the DEMS to take off the gloves and start arresting these treason assholes and ex Secret service agents for treason, hate speech IDK whatever and start cleaning up house and maybe I will give.
Put some "teeth" into the FEC and get rid of these "Scampacs" that they all have like Rove and these little shady groups and think tanks, tax churches tax all these pacs, tax the kocks, tax these fuckers not US!!!
Please read and study the United States Constitution. There is a Speech and Debate Clause that gives members of Congress immunity for the things they say (and do) while on the floor of Congress. It has to be this way: otherwise, each side would be trying to imprison the other for political disagreements (no matter how outrageous they may be). This is the price of a democracy. Moreover, the democratic party possesses no ability to arrest anyone – not Ted Cruz, not the Secret Service, not the FEC, not anyone. Please study and understand how the separation of powers works, and what government agencies are responsible for what, and how each enforces what is within their jurisdiction (and the laws that trigger such enforcement) before trying to mislead readers here. I despise everything that the GOP stands for, but I also have zero tolerance for ignorance, and I am sorry to say that your post is full of it. I understand your annoyance, but I am appalled at your ignorance. Now, more than every, the democratic party needs our money: it's the only way that they can win any election. If Congress goes to the GOP this fall, we can all kiss our rights good-bye, and start preparing for the fascist theocracy that is sure to follow.
DeleteWow! You mean that they are sending those emails to everyone? I was feeling so special, what a letdown.
ReplyDeleteI just I subscribed from those incessant emails the other day. Too much!
ReplyDeleteI made a solemn promise in 2009, after blowing way too much money on MoveOn.Org for Obama, that I would never, ever, ever again give a dime to a politician I couldn't say hello to. I should have sent the money directly to him. So from now on for me it's Claire McCaskill, and all the local Democrats. That's where my political money goes. And yours should too. Take care of your town, your region, your state. The rest will follow.
ReplyDeleteSame here. I'll send my $ to Senator Udall but that's it.
DeleteDon't feel bad! I've been voting for 30 years and I've never given a dime to a candidate or party or anything involving the electoral process. I vote. That is my right and my responsibility. Vote. That is all.
ReplyDeleteLikewise, and switching to independent stopped the robocalls.
DeleteBut money helps your candidate campaign. I'm all for that. And yes, your vote is actually the most important thing. Since I have more time than money, that is what I spend: doing voter registration, "robo" calling [hate it], canvassing, festival booth sitting, literature distribution, you name it. It's as good as money.
DeleteI donated to Obama's campaign in 2012--first time I'd ever donated, and it wasn't much, but I wanted to contribute. The next week I started getting the "if you donate $3 or more, we'll put you in the running for an all-expenses-paid trip to meet Obama and Jay-Z and Beyonce!" Fine, if that's what it takes to get people to donate, I guess they have to do it, but my measly $5 was supposed to help get him elected, not pay for someone else to meet celebrities. I realize I sound naive, and I know how fundraising operates because I've worked in the nonprofit sector. But I'm over donating money to candidates. I'll vote and I'll tell my Facebook friends why I voted. But my wallet is closed.
DeleteApparently there is one thing that the GOP understands far better than we democrats do: that money is the only way to win elections. They are willing to put their money where their mouth is; apparently, from what I am reading in this post tonight, democrats are not. What a shame: no wonder we are continually on the losing end. None of the democratic politicians can win without money, tons of it.
DeleteI got tired of the emails, too. So what I did was do an auto-contribution each month, then sent all the emails to junk. I am giving to the cause I believe in, and I am not bothered with the emails. It's very simple, and my contribution is very small. But if everyone contributed just a tiny bit on a regular basis, we might start winning a heck of a lot more elections.
I have given money to President Obama's campaigns because I believe(d) in him with all my heart (believe that he is an intelligent, kind man trying to do the best for his country -- America, teapartiers, America.)
DeleteI have also recently given to Wendy Davis.
I believe that the election in Texas could be the most important one in the entire nation.
If an INTELLIGENT Governor eradicates the Creationist Bullshit in the Texas school system, the entire country will benefit.
If we turn Texas Blue, it could be a new day.
Well, if it makes any of you feel better, the gop sends just as many emails as the progressives. For some reason, I am receiving emails from both parties and it is totally ridiculous. However, I have been making some donations to Mark Dayton and Al Franken. If either of them loses the election, Minnesota loses, too.
ReplyDeleteFortunately, they are both running strong. It helps that they are both running against putzes.
DeleteYou are so right: if ANY of these people lose, we all lose. We could lose our wages (through cuts), our health care, our jobs, our retirement, our right to be left alone, and our right to not be forced to pay for privatized fascist schools (in fact, we could lose the public school system as we know it), and much, much, much, more. Can't we all just grow up and pay just a dollar or two or three per month on something we really believe in? Is daily coffee or daily entertainment really more important than those essentials?
DeleteI do give to Democrats.. And to the DNCC. The amounts aren't large, but they are fairly frequent. It's a way to push back when good state or federal candidates are getting hammered and it does take money to win elections. I don't belong to a union so I consider it my citizen-lobbying dues.
ReplyDeleteI do contribute a certain amount annually, BUT I have consigned all of the fundraisers to Junk because I feel as you do.
ReplyDeleteI provide funds to candidates in my city and state. And, sometimes directly to a national candidate.
ReplyDeleteMitch McConnell has got to go in Kentucky. He is the very worst politician we have in D.C. currently!.
Remember too, the polls told Republicans they were going to win when 'what's his face' lost to President Obama.
I'm sick of this election cycle! So damned many phone calls, so many polls showing Republicans winning (pure baloney!), etc. And, we still have three weeks to go! Yikes!
I've voted absentee and it went out in the mail today. Win, win, win Senator Begich! Votes are what count - not the GD money spent by the Koch brothers and PACS from outside the State of Alaska!
Wow, I thought it was just me! I've spent the last two weeks unsubscribing from every political email I've received. I think the last straw(s) came when the California Democratic Party kept calling me, and when I'd tell them that financially I can't afford to send them a dime, they continue right on with their script as if I'd said nothing at all. I've had enough. I will vote Democrat, but no more donations in response to these 'the sky is falling' email pleas and tone-deaf phone calls.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the difference, then, between the republican who says, 'I hate taxes and I refuse to pay them', and us, for saying, 'I refuse to fund democracy by giving even one dime to the democratic party'?
DeleteWell, let me explain it to you: I have sent hundreds of dollars in small amounts to many candidates and causes over the last two years, and now medical issues have left me scraping from one month to the next. I will tell you, as I have been telling them, I do not have a dime to send them. My taxes are paid. My discretionary spending is curtailed by necessity. The fact that they will not respect what I'm saying and continue right on trying to get me to spend what I don't have crosses a line. And I was a volunteer for Obama for the last months of the re-election campaign, entering data daily for hours on end. What have you done?
Delete"I'm not giving because I can't right now" is way different from "I'm not giving because I'm tired of all the emails." Someone else above said she volunteers because she has more time than money.
DeleteAnd there's no problem with giving to local folks - which I do - rather than to the national campaigns. But especially with Citizens United, people need to give to counter. If 10 million people give $3 that's $30 million. That's not nothing.
And yes, the calls and emails are irritating, but I try to remember the folks willing to volunteer to make those calls and thank them for volunteering when I decline to give.
I totally agree, Steve.
DeleteI have never received a "robo call". I have only spoken to Real People on the other end of the line. People who are VOLUNTEERING their time to try and get OUR people elected!
Shit, $5 is WAAAAY cheaper than my time - hauling my ass to some call center or whatever they want me to do!
I mean, right?? Don't we all want to "fight for change" -- until our kids get home from school, and we're busy with dinner and and and...
We can't all give our time, but it is still incredibly valuable and we should treat the people on the other end of the line with respect - and be honest.
Simply say that you gave money when you could but you can't right now.
That's exactly what I'm saying: I tell them that I have no money to donate due to medical bills, and they continue right on. No "thanks for your support in the past, we'll try again another time" -- they just go right back to their script of guilt as if I had not just shared my humiliating personal medical and financial crisis with them. It's infuriating and degrading. And not one caller -- many. It's the way they roll now. When they do this, they can expect backlash. There has to be some decency, some respect when people have to decline.
DeleteI have also become fed up with the ridiculous headings in their emails. I have replied to all of them asking what jackass is coming up with these headings.
ReplyDeleteAnd then bam...into the junk box they went. I WILL vote because it's an important part of every Americans life BUT I will not be treated like I'm failing my country just because I don't send them $5 every day.
Fricking idiots. They are losing people right and left with these stupid emails.
The ones I find most odious are those that say, "We noticed you haven't contributed yet. We know this doesn't mean you don't care, but..."
DeleteI have to agree with Jesse that the "Doomsday" e-mails don't make me want to donate.
DeleteI HAVE donated in the past and now you're telling me that it's a lost cause unless *I* donate again?
Um, I'm not throwing "good money after bad" - y'know what I'm saying??
"Make it work!" - h/t Tim Gunn
No, it doesn't inspire confidence.
No, it doesn't make me want to contribute more.
Yes - it makes me wonder where all the celebrities are with their money?!? Leave me alone!!
The Republicans by far out raised Dems and they got the super rich to give them millions, too.
ReplyDeleteI don't like all the emails either. But it is easy to just delete them. They got to do what they got to do.
This is not a Democrat problem only.
Don't believe me? Donate $5 to RNC today and see how you are going to be flooded with Republican emails instead.
I hear you, I'll peruse "Act Blue" and give to whatever cause/candidate I'm interested in, don't need Nancy Pelosi to tell me what's "catastrophic", just as an example, though I admire Nancy and her tenaciousness.
ReplyDeleteI know they're against Koch's big money, but folks have bills to pay, limousines to rent, kids to send to schools, weddings, etc.
I give what I can and hope they're smart with how it's used.
Brilliant, Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteStewart's bit was so funny. And he was just talking about the Dem. Party emails. I get all those plus tons from random candidates, other progressive organizations, and PACs. I delete over 50 fundraising emails a day. The amount spent on elections is sickening. I want to hear more politicians seriously committed to campaign finance reform and reversing Citizens United.
ReplyDeleteI figure I don't need to donate since they make enough money off of me when they sell/rent their mailing list. Plus, the Dem. Party isn't helping the Congressional candidate in my district and, if I help anyone, it will be her....but without party help, her race is a lost cause.
I have not given a dime to them either. I am sick of the emails and I am definitely progressive and I want a big win, but enough is enough. I gave locally as well.
ReplyDeleteI deleted my dnc email subscription this morning,
ReplyDeleteExcellent. Glad I'm not alone. Unsubscribing did not work for us. My political emails go to an account that allows me not only to send this stuff to spam, it also lets me send them a message saying I called them spam. I gave my main email address to the one local candidate I sent money this time. Now getting spam there from him. One recent message from his wife purported to be personal so I wrote a long reply asking them to desist and why. Said I wanted to be read by a person, not a robot. Didn't work. I still get from him. I will vote for him but no more money. We also are inundated with up to 60 or 70 political phone calls a day. We keep our answering machine on always. It announces our caller ID. If it's "unknown", or a number we don't recognize we let it go to voice mail. Then it almost always becomes a hang up. Those we want to answer know to talk to our machine. Works great. That all said, there is no way on earth I will vote GOP ever again. I'm in Oregon where we used to have good, progressive Republicans you could vote for. Not anymore.
ReplyDeleteWithout money, the democratic party will disappear, and it won't matter if you don't vote GOP ever again. Because the GOP will then be in control of everything, whether you vote for them or not.
DeleteAlmost as annoying as the emails begging for money are the emails that want signatures for a petition. I'm sure I receive at least 10-20 of these each week.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, change.org and other petitions, kickstarter, gofundme, blah, blah blah. I don't use the internet to be nickel and dimed to death!
DeleteGood luck with that! I unsubscribe to one and another pops up. This week I have seen "excruciating loss" "devastating loss" "I need to hear from you!" Blah blah blah.
ReplyDeleteSame here....I unsubscribe and another takes it's place. I do believe the best solution for me is to give locally and to my state's (Michigan) progressive, Democratic candidates. I did however, send a small donation to Wendy Davis in Texas and in the past a small donation to Elizabeth Warren because they are outstanding women I want to see in office.
DeleteWhen you unsubscribe, they know they've found a live person and ten you're REALLY inundated. Better not to reply at all and move to spam.
DeleteFor decades I gave to no human endeavors, only animals.
ReplyDeleteI changed that policy in 2008.. b/c I wanted Obama to be elected, and I was only giving $5-10, anyway. One of the reasons he was elected was b/c of donations from the many people like me. Now, I give my measly contribution usually in reaction to some jackass GOTP's opponent, but it siphons off some of the frustration. I also chip in for a smile: when Obama got the fly, when he made the 3 pointer shot in Germany. I hope others will continue to make small donations that support their beliefs....the baggers do, believe me. And it just takes a second to clean up your email, folks.
Well, you've described my strategy quite well. I do believe in the importance of broad, visible support for good candidates, and find the lessening of frustration woth small donations to be more than worth the money..
DeleteWhen you unsubscribe from OFA (Organize for America) they send you to a screen that asks if you would just like to hear from Michelle, or Barack or maybe another Democratic hero instead of receiving so many mails, oh, and would you still consider sending us $5....NO I just want to unsubscribe, period, no $5, no more emails! Then the next page, the actual Unscubcribe page still asks you to send them $5! The DCCC is just about as pushy when it comes to unsubscribing. During 2012 they were relentless and it started ramping up again so I unsubscribed to both and the Begich mails a few weeks ago because it was getting too ridiculous but boy, it's worse than breaking up with a clingy-crying man, more like trying to avoid a stalker.
ReplyDeleteI discovered this years ago. Clicking unsubscribe just lets them know they've found a live body. The e-mails don't stop.
DeleteGryphen makes it his life to slander the opponent and deny truths about his team.
ReplyDeleteYes, and that's why this post is about how much he hates it when the Republicans ask for mo...oh, wait, he's criticizing the Democrats. Aren't they his "own team," especially in your very black and white paradigm?
DeleteMaybe try some reading comprehension before you attempt to have a conversation with the grownups.
Oh hush, you silly idiot. Close your mouth, breathe through your nose, and re-read (or read for the first time) the actual article,
DeleteOMG I received FOUR email from biden, michelle, barack, and a general one within 3 minutes yesterday.
O/T, Just finished watching The Colbert Report and learned that now that gay marriage is legal in Alaska, the Alaskan tradition of being cold cocked by Bristol Palin at the reception is available to all. Good times!
ReplyDeleteThey've rolled over and conceded the election to McConnell. They're not funding any Grimes TV ads any more. They have decided that McConnell's deep pockets, Koch money, etc. is too hard to beat so they are letting her hang out to dry.
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought if they only backed her fully and really worked at it she would beat him. She is the strongest candidate they could have put up against him, hell, they recruited her.
And now they've abandoned her.
I think she should do what Murkowski did. Win and then declare Independent and tell them to kiss her ass.
What a bunch of whiners. I expect the dems to put the money where it will help the most. Grimes is either doing well enough with just her own supporters or they believe she just can't knock out McConnell.
DeleteSend her your damn money directly! If you really want the dems to win, shut off the computer and call the nearest democratic party office (or candidate) and go knock on some doors. Get people to turn out and vote.
If you live in a state where there is a US senate race, go out and be a part of the ground game. Get our voters to turnout. Drive them to the polls if necessary. You can really make a difference.
Grimes really got to me. I finally replied to one of her emails this week and told her she had disrespected the President once too often and to take me off of all of her email lists. I just am not going to contribute to her sneering contempt for the President. I hope she wins as control of the Senate is so important, but I have limited funds and will spend them in my own state (Michigan).
DeleteYeah, yeah, red state Democrat, gotta be careful not to alienate independents or even republicans that might be open to voting for a Democrat.
But I think she has gone too far, to the point that undecided voters are going to be thinking that if she so strongly disagrees with the Democrats and with the President, why should they vote Democratic?
DeleteWhere as the "You Lie!" Republicans are so respectful of the President.
Exactly how respectful is Mitch McConnell?
I'm sure she is well aware of what it takes to win in her state.
As far as I'm concerned, anything it takes for a Dem to win. That is the strategy the Republicans use and it's about time we started to use their playbook.
I'm sure our President is not so thin skinned or out of touch that he doesn't realize exactly what is going on.
Drama queens? Have you noticed that it's all drama all the time from all the news networks?
ReplyDeleteIn years past, when the Dems don't respond to the crazy they get called out from other dems for not fighting back.
Guess what? What passes for our media serves up all drama all the time. The Dems are finally playing along. Politics is a game that is NOT at all enjoyable to watch. Once you accept that, it makes you realize that ugly stuff is just par for the course.
Sometimes we get great candidates, but more often they are less than perfect. Occasionally we get great victories or great moments we can enjoy. Most of the time we just do the best we can to be heard over all the crazy.
ReplyDeleteWhen is Sarah 'GrifterPAC' Palin going to let her retarded cult know she will not be running for empress regnant in 2016 because of a higher calling($)?
She has to cut herself off from her PAC funds if she announces any candidacy, so she's never running.
DeleteI have spent the last two weeks getting myself removed from candidates I have never even heard of. I've also unsubscribed from any larger Democrat mailing list. I gave them the courtesy of telling them my reasons - which are exactly yours. For some reason I thought they might answer. As a senior citizen (haha!) I was feeling bullied and harassed. Shame on them for what they let happen in their name.
ReplyDeleteNPR did a piece (possibly Monday night) on how the Obama campaign did a study on e-mails and campaign contributions.
ReplyDeleteThey thought if they eased up and gave people a break, they would contribute out of relief and appreciation.
Just the opposite.
They found the more e-mails they sent out, the more money was contributed.
That is why you are being bombarded with requests. Especially since the Dems are in real danger of losing the Senate. Once the Republicans have control of both houses, truly nothing will get done.
(I still maintain that Obama squandered the super majority he had for so brief a time.)
I tried to give to one of the hundreds of requests I've received -- and my perfect, unblemished VISA card # was rejected. WTF?
ReplyDeleteDemocrats -- work smarter!
The DSCC was the worst. I unsubscribed from them a couple weeks ago when they started wording emails sounding like it would be my fault if they lost. Kinda like those ads where if you send 4 cents a day the money will care for a child in Africa and then if you can't pay they send you a letter that your "child" has passed. And NOW they've cut off funding of Allison Grimes!!! Wow, just wow!
ReplyDeletedude looks like a shriveled up turtle.
ReplyDeleteWell if you are not going to donate to help our candidates win, at least you can donate to help defeat Citizens United which is why it has become a never ending spending spree. Bernie Sanders has made this an issue. Perhaps you can give now and we can find a way to fix the serious problem of unlimited money we will not need to give so much in the future.