Saturday, October 11, 2014

"Life coaches" at Christian boarding school in Virginia caught on video beating a student caught talking to a girl. That'll learn hate life coaches...and possibly to be afraid of girls.

Courtesy of Addicting Info:  

Although the surveillance footage above only shows this particular attack, there is also a three-hour video that exposes the boarding school’s staff members making the teen do push-ups and horse stances, and throwing him to the ground. 

The victim said that after the three-hour assault, the staff members woke him up every 90 minutes to punish him for “talking to a girl.” 

The four men involved in the attack — Timothy Jordan, Jovanny Rivera, Carey Honea and Liam Galligan — were charged with simple assault. Galligan is also facing 12 child endangerment charges for forcing teen boys at the boarding school to stand in a swamp for extended periods.

You know I am fine with strict rules and discipline, but this is simply abusive behavior that only teaches kids to fear irrational responses from grownups to actions that are harmless in normal society.

At to think that this kid's parents paid tuition to this school so that their son could be used as a punching bag by a bunch of overgrown bullies who hide their abusive natures behind the camouflage of Christianity.

And ten to one those guys are still gainfully employed at this so-called school. After all if this type of behavior was not condoned it would not have happened in open view of the other students, or been allowed to be caught on video. 


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    If they punish him for talking to a girl, isn't that suppose to make him gay? Isn't that the way Christian counselors teach gay people not to be gay by giving them shocks when they are aroused by looking at same sex photos?

  2. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Why has the state not shut down the school?

    This kind of punishment just underscores for me the fact that rigid beliefs -- of any kind, but especially religious -- mask deep-seated sexual fears and problems.

    These men weren't punishing the boy -- they were doing to him what they think should really be done to them.

    Sexual deviance is everywhere, in every state, in every country, on every continent. It's the cause of a great deal of the violence we see each day.

    Look at the Palins' Throwdown -- drunken Palin bullies, asserting their sexual rights over someone else, or punishing those who've rejected them sexually -- makes the entire klan go ballistic. There's some very troubled souls there, full of sexual conflicts and jealousies. Enough to make them punch and hit and yell and walk around shirtless, showing his warrior body to any other warriors who dared mess with his women, or who challenge his right to any woman.
    Sick people. The Palins will ultimately be brought down by their sexual neuroses.

  3. Anonymous7:28 AM

    o/t --- Sally's Word of the Day is "benison."
    Which Sarah undoubtedly thinks has something to do with her wild Alaska image.
    "The benison of venison." That's the grace said at their dinner table every time Todd brings home a roadkill deer.

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Most school websites list the name of the person in charge, board of directors, staff members, etc.. The Abundant Life Academy lists no one.

    There is a huge endorsement on the ALA home page by Pastor Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, CA, who is a big deal in evangelical circles and there are 'independent' Calvary Chapel churches across the country.

    I'd like to see some finger-pointing at the people who hired the abusers. The assault doesn't seem like a one-time thing.

    The trial was abruptly stopped as the accused school employees decided to make a plea deal.

    “The judge didn’t seem like he was on our side,” Rivera said after court. “I don’t feel like we are guilty because we had the child’s best interest at heart.”

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      "The judge didn't seem like he was on our side." Gee: I wonder why (snort). These yokels put up the video cameras, then wonder why the cameras should be used to judge their own behavior? SMH. Hope all potential donors to this school are tipped off ASAP. This place should be shut down.

  5. Chenagrrl8:08 AM

    What does a parent think when signing a child over to these places? They are ready made for predators. The perps barely look old enough to be in charge of teens as "life coaches."

  6. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I wonder what they did to punish the girl.

  7. Randall9:01 AM

    Belief in nonsense is NOT harmless.
    When sanctimonious officers of that belief are locked behind gates and closed doors with innocents, perversion and abuse are likely to fester.

  8. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Hopefully, it'll also learn him to hate Christianity.

  9. Anonymous11:54 AM

    The next Dozier School.

  10. tbird1:32 PM

    It won't be the next Dozier School. And it's worth mentioning that the director of this Va. school, Craig Rogers, has franchised out Abundant Life Academy with his kid prisons all over the country. As far as the "new" Dozier School, ALA will have to get in line at the numerous Christian hell-hole kid prisons already operating at full tilt in FL. Just last year, the Tampa Bay Times ran an award-winning and days-long series about all the Christian kid torture chambers raking in the bucks in their state. This isn't a new concept. Middle-aged survivors of these schools have been speaking up for years. But the money speaks louder, apparently.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      And so no wonder this is the same group that is strongly lobbying for school privatization – so they can perpetuate and monetize this. Shameful, just shameful.

  11. Anita Winecooler5:32 PM

    Abundant Abuse Academies - there I fixed it for them. I'm assuming the woman in the video is a God fearing Christian who feels lied to and appalled by the behavior seen in the video, and I agree with her.
    Kids need boundaries and rules, I don't care what they did or didn't do to bring this onslaught of abuse upon them, but all this teaches is that violence, not love, is the answer no matter what the question.
    I'm not a betting person, but I'd wager that all the abusers still have their jobs now, six months from now, a year from now and so on.
    I wonder how many of these kid's parents were "shocked" to the point they removed their kids from this program?


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