Saturday, October 11, 2014

Paul Krugman, not always the President's biggest supporter, decides that Obama is pretty damn impressive after all.

Courtesy of Rolling Stone:  

When it comes to Barack Obama, I've always been out of sync. Back in 2008, when many liberals were wildly enthusiastic about his candidacy and his press was strongly favorable, I was skeptical. I worried that he was naive, that his talk about transcending the political divide was a dangerous illusion given the unyielding extremism of the modern American right. Furthermore, it seemed clear to me that, far from being the transformational figure his supporters imagined, he was rather conventional-minded: Even before taking office, he showed signs of paying far too much attention to what some of us would later take to calling Very Serious People, people who regarded cutting budget deficits and a willingness to slash Social Security as the very essence of political virtue. 

And I wasn't wrong. Obama was indeed naive: He faced scorched-earth Republican opposition from Day One, and it took him years to start dealing with that opposition realistically. Furthermore, he came perilously close to doing terrible things to the U.S. safety net in pursuit of a budget Grand Bargain; we were saved from significant cuts to Social Security and a rise in the Medicare age only by Republican greed, the GOP's unwillingness to make even token concessions. 

But now the shoe is on the other foot: Obama faces trash talk left, right and center – literally – and doesn't deserve it. Despite bitter opposition, despite having come close to self-inflicted disaster, Obama has emerged as one of the most consequential and, yes, successful presidents in American history. His health reform is imperfect but still a huge step forward – and it's working better than anyone expected. Financial reform fell far short of what should have happened, but it's much more effective than you'd think. Economic management has been half-crippled by Republican obstruction, but has nonetheless been much better than in other advanced countries. And environmental policy is starting to look like it could be a major legacy. 

During the entire article Krugman seems to pay his respect to the President's achievements almost grudgingly, as if it is causing him actual physical discomfort to have to admit just how well the President has done in the face of almost overwhelming opposition.

But in the end Krugman sums it up like this:

Am I damning with faint praise? Not at all. This is what a successful presidency looks like. No president gets to do everything his supporters expected him to. FDR left behind a reformed nation, but one in which the wealthy retained a lot of power and privilege. On the other side, for all his anti-government rhetoric, Reagan left the core institutions of the New Deal and the Great Society in place. I don't care about the fact that Obama hasn't lived up to the golden dreams of 2008, and I care even less about his approval rating. I do care that he has, when all is said and done, achieved a lot. That is, as Joe Biden didn't quite say, a big deal.

In my opinion Krugman is going to have a lot of company in the years to come from Obama critics, who will have to admit that in retrospect the President's achievement are not only impressive, but  taken as whole, almost superhuman.


  1. I've always felt that liberals (as I'm one myself) fall short when it comes to presidential alliances. If we don't get unicorns and fucking cotton candy out of the asses of our elected officials we sometimes tend to forget that we share this country with some of the biggest assholes who ever drew breath (republicans).

    I've heard democrats say the most ridiculous things about why they are angry at the president. Sadly, most of it is their complete misunderstanding of what exactly a President can do.
    It makes me weep for public education. But as a whole I think we just expect more from the people we vote for. Republicans seem to expect nothing except obstruction and lining their pockets.

    But on the other hand I too considered President Obama extremely naive to the fact early on that the GOP would think nothing of burying him head first on the White House lawn. Of course I don't think any of us realized the depths of their derangement. I disliked W because of his policies. I didn't hate him as a man. Not so with the republicans----and their derangement has spread to some supposed early supporters of the president who didn't get candy flying out of the sky.

    If you dehumanize a person then you can say and think anything about him. The GOP has basically done that. Of course they are droolers in the pockets of evil.

    President Obama, knocking down DADT, pushing the DOJ to not enforce DOMA, implementing the ACA, saving the auto industry and trying to get people to understand the oncoming disaster that is climate change are HUGE and there is a whole lot more he has done and is attempting under the most insane congress in history.

    But the thing I have hated most of all in the last six years is listening to democrats say "Well I'm not happy with everything the president does about-------FILL IN THE SPACE. This is interesting because when was the last time anyone was happy with everything a president did. But this has become a liberal disclaimer. It sucks and its boring.

    But you know, sadly, its like my parents told me and my siblings. You have to be twice as good at anything as a black person to get one quarter of the acknowledgment that you are competent. And yes, I went there.

    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      "Sadly, most of it is their complete misunderstanding of what exactly a President can do."

      + 1,000,000. This is my biggest peeve on both sides, especially from @-holes orange boy Boehner, McCain, Miss Priss, and a big thumbs up to your last paragraph.

      I'd vote for President Obama a third time if I could and. for the absolute paranoia of the pee pond. I giggle at their fear that he declares martial law. Talk about MAD Magazine's "Scenes We'd Like To See." LOLOL

    2. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Angela: you have a GREAT writing style. And content, of course. Wish you would weigh in more often.

      I would love to hear your take on the Palin Preg Hoax and why it matters. I am one who cares almost zero about SP's hillbilly shenanigans, but I do wish the preg hoax and all it symbolizes would come to light.

    3. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Wonderful comment, Angela, thanks


    4. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

      Agree, Thanks Angela!

    5. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Right?? I get so sick of the bullshit from the hard left because they apparently thought then-candidate Obama would magically fix everything in 2 years and all would be sunshine and rainbows forever. Most of the people who voted for our President understood that he was only a man and would be faced with non-stop hatred from the racist right wing. But he was genuine and honestly wanted to turn the country around and bring it back from the brink, so we chose him to lead us. So who is naive?? The idiots who thought President Obama was some kind of superhuman were sssoooo disappointed with him that they chose to sit at home and pout like little girls who had their lollipops stolen instead of going to vote in the mid-terms, just to "punish" him. And NOW look where we are. They fucked us over royally because of their hurt fee-fees that President Obama didn't immediately fix everything. He asked for our help and reminded us repeatedly that he couldn't do it without our support. Yet they abandoned him after 2 fucking years because he didn't immediately declare marijuana or gay marriage (or whatever their pet issue was) to be legal. Bunch of fucking selfish bitches chose to throw America to the wolves because they were so upset that he wasn't some kind of friggin' god. And they have the nerve to call him naive?? Since they're so goddamn smart why don't they run next time?

      As for the "compromising" with Republicans that they constantly whine about, I firmly believe that his first 2 years in office seeming to not really fight back was because he wanted America to FINALLY wake the fuck up and realize that the GOP has no intention of doing ANYTHING to help this country and that they are basically the party of psychopaths. But he was let down by all the petulant babies that didn't vote because they didn't get everything they wanted in 2 years. This lack of support for our President allowed the congress to be infested with insane America-hating idiots who have done nothing but fuck us up, down and sideways for 4 years now. Yeah, they really showed him, didn't they. Fuck those weak-ass morons. It's a good thing President Obama isn't a bitch-ass quitter like the hard left purists are or we would be fucking doomed as a nation.

  2. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I don't think President Obama was/is naive at all. I think he was thinking that he could work with those evil people, that they would be adult enough to put partisanship aside for the good of the American people. As the Democrats worked with Reagan and the Bushes when they was in office. I don't think it is naive for President Obama to have expected the same respect, and bi-partisanship the Bushes got, and that Reagan got.
    I get so sick and tired of people throwing around that word naive. Racists have been using that word to insult President Obama from before he even took the oath of office as president of these United States.
    He was/is far from naive.
    As for Krugman, I have never liked how he has treated our president. I have never seen or heard of he (Krugman) riding ANY OTHER president we have ever had like he has done President Obama, from day one. So I have always wondered what his REAL motives have been in his rants against President Obama.

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM


      I am in full agreement with what you think/say. There is no question in my mind that Barack Hussein Obama is one of the most accomplished presidents in history, and unquestionably the best in my long lifetime. I will forever be proud of having voted for him TWICE to be my president. And Michelle is such an important part of the story, as well. She, and the girls, are the foundation of love and support that allow him his optimism, his commitment to his long held ideals and his consistent good humor in the face of such unrelenting animus that the right (and yes, too often, the left) direct his way. Just staying standing and proud is an accomplishment all by itself.

      I am an avid supporter of POTUS and would happily vote for him again, if I could, even though there are a number of things he's done that I didn't agree with, I was never one of those people who thought he was perfect, or a god. I just saw him as a really fine, honest, well raised, super smart, kind, compassionate, fair, multi-talented, funny, humble man. And the way children responded to him sealed the deal for me. He is a deeply sincere and authentic human being.

      And he isn't done yet, even though the pundits are anxious to write him off. You watch, he's saving the best for last. This man is a long term thinker, a visionary in his own right. He's been thinking way beyond 2014...and 2016...and well into the future.

    2. Anonymous6:35 AM

      I never thought Pres Obama was naive either -- just polite and non-vulgar. Consistently. No drama. Made me like him all the more, even tho I was a fan from the beginning.

      I always have thought that there are few easy choices as president, so no matter what he does it is easy to criticize. But my view was that i trusted him to do the best possible in an imperfect world. To do as well as I would do, or better.

      I have not been disappointed at all.

    3. Anonymous9:40 AM

      I agree, and I think it's extremely condescending to call him naive.

  3. Anonymous5:33 AM

    President Obama HAS accomplished a lot as our President. I am SO very proud of him, and am becoming very sad that he has only 2 more years in office.
    How other Democrats how allowed President Obama to be so mistreated is unacceptable, it has soured me on them. These Democrats in politics would not allow even a Repub president to be so mistreated as they have allowed President Obama to be treated, without defending him.
    President Obama is an amazing President. He will go down as one of the best presidents in US history. Even though the Repubs will lie and will say otherwise.
    Despite the Repubs sandbagging, obstructing, and sabotaging him, he still will go down as one of the greatest, if not the greatest. Of course he would have gotten more accomplished if not for Repub sandbagging, obstructing, and sabotaging him.

    1. Anonymous6:34 AM

      Correction: How other Democrats *have* allowed President Obama to be so mistreated is unacceptable

  4. O/T The story of the drunken brawl was in Tampa Bay Times this morning.

    1. Anonymous5:52 AM

      They'll never live it down, video as proof or not. I'd still like to know whose "bright idea" it was to show up at that party, given their dysfunction, but then I remember its the Palins. They really are that stupid.

    2. Anonymous6:39 AM

      I really hate for President Obama threads to be tainted by dragging the Wasilla trash into them all the time.

    3. Anonymous9:17 AM

      I say Margot's comment is okay and to the point, really: it just shows what low-life values live in the person of one of the President's most virulent and misguided critic.

      When Krugman criticizes the President, I read it with interest and give it some thought. Because he is an educated man with tons of credentials and a great reputation in my book.

      When Palin and her ilk criticize the President and try to foment ugly thoughts and deeds ("energize the base"!), I have only to think about her demonstrated values, as expressed in her actual documented behavior: drunken brawls, pregnancy hoax taking advantage of an innocent disabled child, exceedingly poor education/knowledge, and more.

      Go Margot! The Palins really ARE the opposite of the Obamas, in just every important way.

    4. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Not wrong to bring up my Prez' main attacker all these years. Hard to believe she was this close to being the president. After she poisoned john McCain of course.

  5. Anonymous6:19 AM

    To: Anonymous5:13 AM
    "But you know, sadly, its like my parents told me and my siblings. You have to be twice as good at anything as a black person to get one quarter of the acknowledgment that you are competent. And yes, I went there."

    I am SO glad you went there. As a Black person myself, who has been on this earth for 66 years, I know for a fact that your comment is spot on.
    I am angered at how President Obama has been treated and disrespected. People who we have never seen disrespect a president before, have come out to take their snipes at President Obama, in disrespect. You can expect that from Repubs., but I did not expect that from Democrats. This has been a wake-up call for me.
    I have always supported President Obama, always will.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      As a 70-yr-old white woman, I too agree 100%. I think we have seen the formerly more hidden racism, sexism, and all kinds of uglyness become bold enough to be seen in public.

      In a way, that's good: so we know what we are fighting. But keeping one's ugly thoughts out of public view sure has its points too. But we always knew they were there, no?

      We have lots of work to do.

      I too am in awe of what a truly great job Pres Obama has done.

  6. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I read Krugman all the time, and I have found hm to be one of the most helpful and clear commenters on issues that are way too complicated for me to know much about.

    So glad he wrote this.

    As usual, he is soooo right. And thank you for posting this, Mr G. Very important.

    1. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Krugman has been negative towards President Obama from day one. I have always suspected it as being jealousy. It turned me against Krugman.
      Jealous that a black man had the gall to be elected President of the US.

    2. Anonymous9:05 AM

      okay, yeah, Krugman calls it as he sees it. To me his critiism of Pres O is food for thought, not the gospel. Pres Obama's credit is good with me. I can entertain thoughts of how he might have done things differently. But in the end, overall, I feel he has done everything as right as possible in a complicated world.

      Krugman writes and thinks with actual valid data, esp on the economic issues. He makes sense to me. I realize that lots of times the president cannot do the right thng, for various complicated reasons that I would surely agree with if I were there. But I am not. So I trust Pres Obama. It's been a long time since I've been able to say that about a president.

      When/if he makes an important mistake, I will still support him. I trust him. I have not been disappointed .

  7. Anonymous7:31 AM

    I've never thought President Obama naïve. Have found him extremely bright, very cool under fire and a man that has steadily moved along through his presidency accomplishing things for which he has not received credit (at least, as yet!).

    I've always said (posted here many times!) that he'll go down in history as one of the best POTUS the country has had.

    He has been disrespected, obstructed and put down horribly by the right who are full of hate and racism.

    I sincerely hope that Americans are getting out the vote in November to get as many Republicans out of Congress, governorships and state Legislatures across the country.

    Vote, vote, vote America and be thankful you have President Obama in office.

  8. Anonymous7:45 AM

    There has been racism from both sides directed towards the President from day one. The right can't stand that a black man made to the Whitehouse and do everything to make sure he fails and that it never happens again. The left think he's some sort of "magic negro" personality that you always see in movies like Bagger Vance. They are dissapointed that he can't magically fix everything.

    1. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Oh, stop: not a "magic negro." Just a decent, honest, trustworthy president, for a change. Not a perfect one. But a very very very good one.

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Read my message again. I was criticizing the whiny left for their constant disappointment when he doesn't magically fix everything. I agree that he is "Just a decent, honest, trustworthy president, for a change. Not a perfect one. But a very very very good one."

  9. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Keep this link close to hand when Obama haters/trolls attack:

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      You're welcome. It's impossible to keep it all in memory bank, so I keep it in my favorites.

  10. Anonymous8:02 AM

    When you have a who's who of right wing assholes meeting the night of your inauguration pledging to oppose your every move, and you still get things done, you deserve my support and respect. Right wing obstruction, racism and hate, abetted by Fox Lies 24/7/365 have only strengthened my own resolve to oppose them. It used to be that a rational discussion and compromise was possible. No more, and I hate those assholes right back.

  11. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Paul Krugman not always an Obama supporter? Give me a fuggin break.

  12. Anonymous8:34 AM

    No president gets to do everything his supporters expected him to.
    Nor do they make everyone happy with their decisions. Too many self-righteous progressives tend to want things their way or els. Come to think of it, not too differently from the extreme right.

    Let's use more critical thinking and analytical skills when voting. One person cannot satisfy every wish of more than 300 million people. I think this president has tried to do just that, and bring respect back to our country while doing it, more than any other president I've voted for.


  13. Other than my earnest desire that he'd look into what the BLM is doing, I feel that he has done the best he could in very difficult circumstances. I don't think he was naive either. I think he really thought he would be dealing with rational adults and bent over backwards to show how amenable he could be. Their reaction? They spat on him and walked all over him.
    I marvel that he didn't let them have it so much sooner. I don't think Hillary is going to let them get away with so much since she and Bill took so much hell before. And bully for her!
    M from MD

  14. Obama inherited a nightmare economic scenario in 2008 and did a decent job of getting us out of it. I give him kudos for getting a health bill passed, albeit a not-so great one written by the industry's puppets. However, he has done a horrible job prosecuting the big shots on Wall Street who caused the huge mess in the first place as in none at the highest levels. After the Savings and Loans scandal of the 1980s - many heads rolled as in prosecutions - and that was during a Republican administration! Obama has prosecuted more journalists and whistle blowers than any previous president. He also has not done enough to make green energy or high speed internet a reality. Granted the worst congress in history but I voted twice for a left leaning democrat and got a typical centrist instead. I want a FDR! Maybe Elizabeth Warren might be the one?

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      If you voted for a left leaning Democrat, you weren't listening. He was and is a centrist. Bill Clinton was a right leaning Democrat.

  15. My Rolling Stone arrived yesterday and I was thrilled to see the President on the cover. I read the article with some trepidation, but found it intriguing. Thanks, Gryph, for posting this. Some great comments here-kudos all, especially Angela.

    With love from Georgia, USA

  16. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Not afraid to say I still love the guy. He is the most common man president, besides Old Abe we've ever had. What was done to him by the Republican Party was the most disgusting political display I've seen. Just think of all the good he could have accomplished with even moderate republican help. Well, it's not over yet get out the vote. Hoohah!

  17. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    Paul's always an interesting read. The only part I disagree with is President Obama's supposed naivete'. I've admired President Obama for always thinking things through before committing to something. That's not being naive, that's being smart.
    I didn't vote for him for his ability to get things done despite being blocked by Congress at every turn. I didn't vote for him because of his race, I voted for him for his brilliant mind, his understanding of the law, his ability to rise above it all despite what it may do to how he's seen. We're talking about a man who received the Nobel Peace Prize.
    If the world can recognize what I voted him in for, our country should be able to as well. Yes, he's accomplished much, and for the most part, he more than earned respect, respect he doesn't get from some on both sides of the aisle.


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