Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sarah Palin attempting to distract from the brawl on Hannity last night. Nice try lady.

I actually almost did not cover this as I think it the far less important or interesting story about Sarah Palin today. (For that just go down a few posts.)

However it is kind of my thing to talk about her Fox appearances so here goes.

First off she is once again dressed in that hideous yellow pleather jacket, which looks like part of an ensemble from the "Streetwalker Barbie" collection.

Then she starts off with this dismissive tone as she addresses a quote about President Obama by Tina Brown:

"How ironic, Because that little lady, Tina Brown, she is such a big part of the problem. She with her, and her ilk, so uber-uppity, so cocksure of their untouchable elitism."

Say what?

Damn somebody is particularly venomous today.

Palin then goes on to blame liberals for keeping women down by making them dependent on social programs.

About Tina Brown she says, "Chick you're a day late and a dollar short." 

Yes because REAL pro-women women usually refer to other women as "chicks."

For somebody whose entire family was just outed as a bunch of drunken trouble makers, Palin is oddly arrogant and seemingly pleased with herself as she makes statements like this:

 "Because these maladroit fake feminist women, They have such a double standard, so hypocritical as they would support anyone who would have sympathy for Muslims who do treat women so poorly. So inhumanely and not do all they can to stop the rise of radical Islam that would adversely affect America's interests.

(I bet you did not know that not stopping the spread of radical Islam was a failing by feminists now did you?)

Hannity then gets sneaky and tricks Palin, who as we know is always throwing her support behind these far right challengers to Republican incumbents, into admitting that voting for the Republican candidate, even if he is not as ideological pure as she might like, would be better than allowing the Democrats to take that seat.

At the end Palin manages to again make her pitch that Obama's recent remarks that many Democrats currently in tight races voted with him, essentially dooms Mark Begich. (Who she disrespectfully refers to as "Marky-Mark.)

"GOP establishment you better not blow it. You better take this gift as gold and capitalize on it."

You know that's actually good advice.

And that is why I will be using the newly released information about that drunken brawl for weeks to come.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    God, but she looks awful! Also, wearing the color yellow (not real leather jacket!) which does not enhance her skin at all.

    And, she uses another sexual word 'cock'. She does it all the time and she's taught Bristol to do the same. Review the Anchorage Brawl audio.

    She's a friggin' mess and Hannity can have her. Never watch her or listen to what she has to say on FOX. I can read everything and get the picture! FOX and Hannity are the only outlet that puts her on the air. Thank god!

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Just LOOK at her! YIKES!
      Hate and jealousy, it does a body good.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Her eyebrows seem to be climbing higher and higher. Mean-looking woman who deserves a cream pie to the kisser.
      M from MD

    3. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Okie dokey! Korey better fuckin' man up and sue the fuck out of those inbred hillbillies!
      It really IS Alaskan BenGhazi (Thank you Beldar) and the daily baller is trying to make HIM the bad guy! Someone in AK needs to step the fuck up and wipe that smug sense of "entitlement" off the whole flippin' familys face, as obviously news wise they are all so fucked up they don't "Get" that they HAVE been outed as a pile of thugs aka pile of "shit"!
      And brave "pistol" who pissed herself? uh huh!
      Hoooohaaaah and FUCK the Palins!

    4. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Just saw this "Quote" on twitter, and I think it describes the Palin family accurately....
      The mouth of a jellyfish is also the anus.

    5. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Did she forget to take the hanger off that mustard stained straight jacket or are those her shoulders? Fucking mutant.

  2. "Because that little lady, Tina Brown, she is such a big part of the problem. She with her, and her ilk, so uber-uppity, so cocksure of their untouchable elitism."

    "Mark Begich. (Who she disrespectfully refers to as "Marky-Mark.)"

    About Tina Brown she says, "Chick you're a day late and a dollar short."
    Well, well, well, sounds like Miss Vicious Cranky McNastypants spent all day yesterday reading about her drunken trashabilly thug family, including her. The comments weren't pretty anywhere. She must have had a swell day.

    Her jealous, angry, nasty, insulting sniping has all the biting wit and sardonic charm of a booger-eating third grader singing I see London, I see France, I see Bristol's underpants.

    How very delightful to read about her idiotic reaction to not being able to make people write only what she wants them to write.

    "Do you know who I am?"

    Why, yes, you bitter dim-witted harpy, yes we do.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      I watched it, it took all her energy to hide the venom in her voice, Could be why she is so song songy sounding. She just can't completely get that trailer trash mean girl sound out of her voice.

      It was a very immature sounding interview.

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      She didn't hide any venom. My heart soars like an eagle when I know that bitch is pissed off and totally miserable. F U C K Y O U S A R A H.

  3. Hey, where is this capcha I keep reading about?

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      You must be special, Nefer, I'm getting slapped with it! :)

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Yep, Yep! I just figured G is getting spammed by the bots, oops the palins.

    3. It's hitting me every time I try to comment. Even the ones where I compliment Gryphen ;)

    4. Update: as of the above comment, the captcha went from a very easy (even for my old black ass) to see three digit number to a two-part word clue which is twisted and warped in such a way that I had to go through six of them before finally getting one on the seventh try. Do not like! I have only gotten the easy to see number photo captcha up until the above comment. Did it randomly change or Gryphen, did you change it? Because if so...maybe you can change it back, hint hint.

      (Serious now- I approve of ANYTHING which may help cut down on trolls, red herring throwers, and downright nasty people spamming the comments)

    5. Anonymous4:16 PM

      I bet you are exempt, Nefer, because you are signing in from the same blogging outfit Gryphen uses...

    6. Anonymous5:07 PM

      This captcha shit is a bad, bad, bad idea Gryphen, can you PLEASE make it stop? EVERY GODDAMN TIME it pops up. Please turn it off. Please.

      I'm not a troll, I'm someone who has posted comments here for many years and this feature is making it really hard. Turn it off, please. If you are approving of all posts, G, then why the need. Or is this a new lazy approach to not approving posts?

    7. "Anonymous4:16 PM
      I bet you are exempt, Nefer, because you are signing in from the same blogging outfit Gryphen uses..."
      I'll bet you are right. And here I thought I was such a special snowflake!

    8. I actually did not turn the word verification on.

      I have no idea why it spontaneously enabled itself, but I think I have disabled it.

      Let me know if it continues.

    9. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Well, Nefer is still special, lol!

      5:07 Would you like to personally approve 500 comments a post?? Maybe it's a timesaver. But I hope mine stay easy, like Nyah I can't see the difficult ones!


    10. Testing, Gryphen...

      I bet the WV was turned on because your blog got SO MUCH traffic yesterday, blogger wondered if it was spam! Little did they know it's "validation traffic"...all the people saying "damn...guess Gryphen has been right all along!" coming back!

      Going to post this now and see if it's still there...stand by.

    11. Yes, still there as of 8:38PM CST. This time the words were so warped it took me nine tries.

    12. Anonymous7:08 PM

      The captcha numbers look like they're nailed to a dirty bathroom stall.

  4. What we are witnessing is the internal assassination of Sarah Palin. She is killing herself from inside, out. Oh well. Karma, you nasty "hoohaa". It really IS a bitch.

  5. Anonymous2:49 PM

    What a nasty low class bitch. Sarah, you are trash. The whole world knows you are trash. And you look like a bitter aged two-bit cocksure hooker!

  6. Anonymous2:50 PM

    "She with her, and her ilk, so uber-uppity, so cocksure of their untouchable elitism"

    such a jealous bitch, our Sarah

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      a nd a journalism errr communications major to boot!! lolololol

      actually, that statement is a giant Freudian slip, isn't it.
      She (Sarah) with her and her ilk (the brawling family) so uber uppity, so cocksure of their untouchable elitism (we own APD, RIGHT TODD?!)

  7. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Actually, we should wish for MORE outlets to put her on the air. Just like I wish all the outlets would show all the footage of the drunken brawl.

    It writes itself.

  8. My PAC ad nationwide for Democratic Senate campaign this ultimate week: this footage with the legend “Go Ahead And Vote Republican!"

  9. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Parents, don't let your kids grow up to be Palin. It is child abuse.

    This borders on child abuse---> Little Girls Unleash a Torrent of Profanity in ‘F-Bombs for Feminism’

  10. Anonymous3:01 PM

    ALERT - Palin Brawl Audio about to be played on Inside Edition!

  11. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Is Brisket's thong-dress bait for any old cock? Sure!

  12. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Since we know Palin cannot stay away from Immoral Minority I must ask....

    Mrs. Palin, please tell us why if your husband Todd Palin was not into trafficking in Prostitution in Alaska did you as a couple not sue Shailey Tripp over her accusations and her book that described in detail the business arrangement?

    Was all income from the prostitution business declared to the IRS?

    Were US Secret Service agents serviced during the time the prostitution business was operating?

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      And why, Mrs. Palin did your daughter name her child after your husband's prostitute?

    2. Yes, if you'd sue for copyright infringement (because apparently only YOU are allowed to use other people's material without asking) when someone plays one of your videos, why wouldn't you sue when Shailey Tripp detailed countless sexual exploits (as in, he explored her, sexually) with your (ex?) husband?

      For the same reason you have never sued anyone who says you did not give birth to Trig. You can't sue someone for libelous statements when the statements are 100% TRUE.

      Mercede Johnston also submitted a photo of Trig to the Tyra Banks show (she told producers it was Tripp) and she also submitted a photo of Trig to PLAYBOY magazine. (Again, staring it was Tripp even though it was one of the well known Triggybear photos- is she throwing breadcrumbs?)

      If Sarah was going to sue for something, don't you think it would be for putting her little "angel love, the best thing that ever happened to her" in a PORN magazine?

      But no, not a peep from her. It's almost like she doesn't want to call attention to these issues. Now why would that be, Sarah?

      I just love how the brawl is international news again. THIS IS SUCH A GOD THING, SARAH, SEE?!?

  13. hedgewytch3:21 PM

    Ha ha! Wasn't "maladroit" Sally's word of the day? Wow! Sarah actually managed to use it in only a semi-mangled sentance!

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Except Sarah said "maladrite" instead of maladroit. The woman is an idiot.

  14. Caroll Thompson3:22 PM

    What a maroon. Sarah actually thinks she can change the subject. Just go on FOX and the SarahPac donors will keep donating and her con game continues.

    Sarah is a con artist pure and simple. Fleecing the foolish into giving her money under the guise of helping other 'rill republicans' get elected. But the money doesn't go to help other republicans, they money goes straight to Sarah.

    But the cracks are already showing. None of those 'rill republicans' want Sarah on the campaign trail with them. No Christian organization will pay her to speak knowing she has such a potty mouth and gets into drunken brawls.

    Four years ago, Sarah's phone was ringing off the hook. Today, not so much. And when the phone is not ringing, the money is not coming in. And that I think is Sarah's greatest fear.

  15. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Did anyone see Chuck Todd on Rachel Maddow last night?

    My immediate thought was he's got the Sarah Palin disease. He has lost weight, trying out new hair styles and he is speaking gibberish and just twitching to beat the band.. Then I read his interview published today on Media Matters and by god, it's just word salad. Sarah Palin is contagious, like the ebola. Chuck Todd is suffering the Sarah Palin disease. Close the damn borders, stop flights, get yourself a suit. Just saying.

    It starts out kind of smooth but deteriorates by the end. Unbelievable!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      That disease is caused by knowing you are in over your head and have no hope of raising your level of incompetence to what is required for the job.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      omg, you're both right. I noticed the weight loss and weird hair, hubby commented "he really is an idiot" when Chuck was on Rachel last night. he'sin over his head.

  16. Anonymous3:25 PM

    First off, may I say that this Hannity appearance was no doubt calculated. The last time she was on Fox was the Monday after the Throwdown (and it had been weeks before that), and now six weeks later immediately after the audio/video are released. Hannity's her #1 butt kisser and fellow Obama hater, so of course he's going to help her deflect the thug she and that POS family of hers are.

    It may be just me but it seems, especially after 9/11, the media and GOP have thrived on fear and the more they can push it on to the American public, of whom the tin-foiled hatted gladly lap it up, the better. It distracts from all the good President Obama has done. of which Gryph has documented here time and again. The "war on women" is GOP-caused, just look at the rights they have or are looking to take away. If they make you look at the "shiny object," you miss "the man behind the curtain."

    Who BETTER to misdirect that attention and place blame on President Obama that Streetwalker Barbie? THAT is why she'll never go away and doesn't have to run, even though she knows she can't. The useful idiot whom, if she truly loved this country as she states, would have no part of it.

    That she f*cks up constantly is karma and it WILL keep happening to her and that tribe of hers. Thirty pieces of silver, baby, thirty pieces of silver.

    HOO HAH!

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      But you have to remember, Sarah Palin doesn't have near the influence she once did. President Obama could care less about her and his plate is way too full with responsibilities of great importance. I'd bet her yammering gets nowhere near him!

      Most people follow her because she is nothing more than an idiot and joke!

      Now, this family brawl thing will really put her in the cellar! Yea! Fuck you, Sarah Palin and your retarded family!

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Thanks for pointing out the pattern for Palin's Hannity appearance. Interesting.

  17. Anonymous3:27 PM

    3:13 PM And, was the description of Todd's tiny, two-toned dick accurate! You little cocksucker, Sarah!

  18. Anonymous3:33 PM

    "that is such a god thing. See?" Hoohahaaaaa!

  19. Anonymous3:38 PM

    "Maladroit" is a very BIG word for Sarah Palin. And what is with those eyeglasses? They are about as unflattering as eyeglasses can be!

    1. Sally in MI4:19 PM

      She borrowed them from Rick Perry.

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      She's channeling her inner SE Cupp.

  20. Anonymous3:39 PM

    She's in a bad mood. She read the comments about her and her family on the Alaska Dispatch and she sees that EVERYONE HATES HER.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      When Bristol saw the man at her house the Sunday after the brawl, do you think she was still wearing her camo sarong thongy? Yo know how Todd wears clothes that he sleeps in? If it a family tradition??

      Did she pee her panties or does she wear panties?

    2. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Well, duh, $error!
      You thought you were all that, and you aren't.
      Skeered of those coming for ya, ain't ya?
      You know they are!

  21. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Dear Gryphen, I've been reading about Palin since the day she was announced as VP candidate, and found your site long ago. I just wanted to say thanks for dealing with all this, because at this point in time I just read your synopses of her interviews because I can't stand to see/listen to her. You're a real trooper, and you deserve so much tequila or whatever you like to drink. If I was in Alaska I would take you out for a pizza and/or whatever else you would want. It has to suck writing about this unpleasant life form every day, and you do a great job. Just wanted to finally say thanks.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Great tribute for a great person. You spoke for many of us. Thanks.

      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anonymous4:27 PM

      I second this emotion with all my heart, Jesse <3

      My story is exactly the same.

    3. laurensd16:28 PM

      Don't know what we would do without you, Jesse!

    4. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Jesse <3 Jesse <3 Jesse <3

    5. Anonymous6:51 PM

      3:41 PM:
      Bingo! You said a mouthful of truth there!

  22. Anonymous3:50 PM

    It is a tiny hateful gargoyle. Here, it has on yellow pleather while it spits and hisses. What a mess.

  23. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Looks like she got some recent botox to the forehead. Her eyebrows rival the St. Louis Archway llol!!

  24. Anonymous4:11 PM

    She needs to have a.. WARNING ! put on her forehead. I am sure all of us here fully understand that...

  25. Palin absolutely has no class and is not intelligent enough to even know it or how to act. Comment like those she made on Hannity are so childish and just goes to demonstrate her lack of immaturity. She literally seems to have never got past jr. high school as so many other people have also commented.

    Palin seriously needs to be seen by a mental health counselor and a by psychiatrist for medication. From what people like Levi has said about her going to her room with a bag from Taco Bell and staying for hours, and from what others have said who know her, she appears to have a serious mental illness, more serious than just being an anorexic and narcissistic.

    Palin also seems to have a fragile personality, and when she realizes she is no longer a celebrity she will have a very rough and mentally challenging time of it.

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Agree with everything you say "m baker 4:11". Sarah is now grasping at any and every opportunity to remain in the public eye. She has nothing in her heart or brain to make her happy or content; nor does she have a family (even extended) who loves or really cares about her. The Palin/Heath family is paid to be physically with her and always take her side, with hubby and children (except Trig) as lazy-butt, uneducated hangers on that depend on her completely for monetary support..control freak that she is.

  26. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Obama's "felled" policies and "felled" government --God what a jealous classless snot who can't even speak English. The venom just rolls off of her.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      "Felled"...hmm, sound kind'a "elitist."

      Christ you're a sorry dope, Sarah.

  27. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Joani Ernst
    Scott Brown
    Dan Sullivan
    Winning the Senate
    Take back our country
    Impeach Obama

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      excellant snark numbnutz

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      The pictures of Bristol pissing in the street is too gross.

    3. angela4:28 PM

      Joni Ernst-Crony capitalist. (Dad got contracts from the county she was an auditor in).
      Scott Brown-(Dumb carpetbagger who just wants to be a senator----ANYWHERE).
      Dan Sullivan (Rich carpetbagger whose mommy and daddy bankroll him while he plays politics).

      Indeed---take back the country from all the stupid toothless cousin humping, brawling baggers.

      Whoop! The President seems to have set up shop
      and is seriously renting room in your empty ass head.

    4. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Bravo, Angela!

  28. Anonymous4:21 PM

    She needs a speech therapist. It's failed, not felled! I could not stand to watch it all with the sound on but you would think that by now the moron could learn to pronounce failed correctly.

    Her head looks like it's about to fly off her neck at any minute, at least this time she managed to keep her hands from flying around, and her eyes? don't tell me that fool is not on a stimulant of some kind i almost expected foam to start coming out of her big mouth and start flying around as she bobs her big head side to side like a rabid dog. And there she goes with her elitist spiel,see Sarah hiss, see Sarah rant and pant, she breathes too hard..uppers for old Sarah? Maybe this so called Woman is really very insecure she sure has a problem with other women who aren't stupid, swearing vapid mouth- breathers like her and her daughters.Lordy Sarah your thong camo wearing mentality is showing! cover up Chick!

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I always watch with sound off, as I don't want to hurt my dog's ears! I noticed that she is again doing the heaving bosoms breathing. I think that is a sure sign of drug usage. And then we have that right arm and hand flying all over the place while her left never moves. Strange. Lots of good screen captures in this segment with all her silly facial expressions!

  29. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I tried to watch with the sound off but couldn't. Just wanted to punch her smug ugly mug. GAHH!!

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      That's not self-satisfaction you're seeing: It's a symptom of the splintered remnants of the 2x4 she's had up her ass since 2008.

  30. Anonymous4:32 PM

    According to Sarah Palin's own words, she has condemned herself for adding darkness to the world.

    April 3, 2012 Sarah Palin on the Today Show
    11:08 ‘There’s power in people’s words. And when an app is being used to take somebody’s words, as I say, to demean somebody, to tear somebody down, that just adds more darkness to our world.’

  31. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Ok, I have to amend my previous statement: I will now and forever only refer to Sarah Palin as "Hoohah Chick",& will incorporate "that is such a god thing. See?" into every posting. I sure hope Hoohah Chick doesn't produce anymore pearls, I can only use so much material.

    1. I nearly left a Bristol puddle on the floor today, so excited am I to see what Beldar's going to do with God Thing!

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      It's a god thong.....

      RJ in BBistan

    3. Anonymous7:13 PM

      It's a good thing. Sort of.

  32. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Sean Hannity and Scara, needs to get a room!

  33. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Another 'felled' appearance with the Hannity.

  34. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Pretty sure she has no idea what "maladroit" means.

  35. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I can see bristool nervous break down from my house

  36. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Nicolle Wallace Reflects: Was ‘Fair’ for Palin to Be Mad at Me After Couric Interview

    On The Wendy Williams Show Wednesday, The View co-host and former Republican operative Nicolle Wallace recalled her time as an aide to 2008 vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

    Wallace said it was soon after meeting Palin that she knew there was a problem.

    “There was a moment shortly after I met her that I realized that she realized that she was in over her head,” Wallace said.

    She also said Palin stopped speaking to her after the infamous interview with Katie Couric, during which Palin memorably failed to name a single news publication that she liked to read.

    “I think she was really disappointed with the way she was being handled by the entire staff and I think I was a fair scapegoat,” Wallace said. “I was one her very small circle of people helping her. And the decisions in hindsight weren’t good ones for her. She didn’t look good. So it was fair to be mad at a staff person, that’s your job.”

    Wallace added, however, that she felt helpless having lost confidence in Palin.

    Watch via The Wendy Williams Show:

  37. Anonymous5:25 PM

    6 Weeks In, Chuck Todd Only Making Bigger Mess of Meet the Press

    We’re now six weeks into the Chuck Todd era as moderator of NBC’s Meet the Press. And quite frankly, outside of a strong debut, the mistakes being made both on-set and off have made this second first impression go about as poorly as NBC could have feared.

    First, the numbers: They’re ugly. MTP under Todd debuted at #1 in the demo the week after Labor Day. Since that time, he’s dropped back to the David Gregory position known as a comfortable third. But here’s where things are disturbing if you’re NBC News President Deborah Turness: Over the past two weeks — which were heavy, compelling news cycles from Ebola to ISIS to the upcoming midterm elections — Meet is down 34 and 30 percent in the demo, respectively. (Note: We’re not talking being down this much from the Russert era or some kind of high water mark of the past, but from the same time last year, when the Gregory offering was limping along. For context, last week saw ABC’s This Week up 8 percent in the demo year-to-year while CBS’s Face the Nation was up 13 percent.)

    As any respected TV exec will tell you, if this is how a program — with an existing brand name, plenty of hype and a new set to match — comes out of the gate, it will it do worse after the new car smell wears off.

    Off-camera, the decisions have seemingly been misguided and mismanaged. For example, why is Mr. Todd even speaking to Media Matters? Or Breitbart for that matter? Both sites are successful and have their own niche audiences — that’s not the point, nor is it an indictment on what each provides in terms of content. But as the neutral moderator of the television’s longest-running program, Todd probably shouldn’t sit down publications seen as heavily partisan for the perception it gives alone.

  38. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I just couldn't quit laughing when she said smart conservative women.... where? certainly not Sarah

  39. Anonymous5:42 PM

    $arah is NO lady.

  40. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I really fucking hate Palin and her ILK and her FELLED life.

  41. Abo Gato6:05 PM

    I FUCKING hate people who use the term "of their ilk". You always know that they are an unable to think idiot. And they seem to think that phrase makes them sound smart.

  42. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Sarah is so ignorant she fails to realize that her trashy,vulgar comments only reflect on her.

    Sarah Palin taking women back at least 2 centuries !!

  43. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Getting harder and harder to fix you up you camera ready, Queenie, quite obviously.

  44. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Watched Granny "liquored up" Palin on the Hannity Show.
    Does she have Parkinson's of the head?

  45. Anonymous4:00 AM

    At first I was stumped as to why she went after Tina Brown so viciously. Then it came to me: she (that sick bitter woman) is very angry about never being included in the Women of the world conference Tina holds every year. As if!!!!

  46. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Who called a cab?

  47. Chenagrrl7:02 AM

    Next brow lift, she'll be able to use her eyebrows as a hairpiece. Note the attempted wink at 1:18 really had to work at that. But the language, "So cocksure, she and her ilk."


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.