Friday, October 03, 2014

Sarah Palin wants to take the "D" out of PTSD. You know I always thought she had a problem with the "D."

Courtesy of Palin's infomercial Facebook page:

Like most every American I stand by our U.S. military vets! Thank you to our active duty heroes and all who've served this great country in the past. I was honored to speak at a recent fundraiser in Texas for The Mighty Oaks Warrior Foundation to support our returning troops who have left the battlefield overseas, but face new battles upon their return. America owes them a debt of gratitude, and our troops suffering from PTSD must not be ignored by a grateful nation. In the following video, I discuss what Mighty Oaks does for our vets.

There is also a video embedded on her page that claims the Mighty Oaks want to take the "D" out of PTSD, and during which she claims that all these poor soldiers need is a little Jesus in their lives.

I mean really who needs trained therapists, with years of experience, helping you deal with a complicated and often life altering disorder that can cause you to completely disassociate from family members, and friends, and to self medicate with alcohol or drug use?

Instead this program essentially tells the vets struggling with this diagnosis (Or as the program calls it, their new "deployment.") that they are made in God's image, and that since they are trained soldiers they can deal with anything. A kind of camouflage version of "Buck up or stay in the truck."

You know according to Palin her son Track benefited in some way form this program. (One report even claimed he was a councilor.)

If that is true, then you might imagine that she would angry and disappointed at this program for failing him.

After all a well adjusted person does NOT drunkenly start a fight at a birthday party, nor tear off his shirt and start flipping people off when asked to leave that party.

And after leaving a well adjusted person also does not immediately go to a bar, get into another fight, and end up with cracked ribs.

If THIS is what The Mighty Oaks considers a success story then I would make sure to keep friends and family members as far away from them as possible.

Track really is a tragic story, and I have recently heard that his substance abuse is worse than ever, and that he spends very little time with his new daughter Kyla. In fact when she comes over to visit the family, he is often nowhere to be found.

That is just sad and it is clear that he needs much more help than can be provided by the religiously saturated pseudo therapy center. (I mean they have a program called "Fight Club for Men: A Quest for Authentic Manhood. Which is described thusly: "Our six day Post Traumatic Stress Reintegration Program is designed to serve as the catalyst in discovering the answers to the “why” questions in a man’s life. Through camaraderie, recreational activities, and thoughtful conversation, Fight Club teaches men to overcome any past experience that be limiting their personal success. Individual adversities that have grown out of traumatic experiences are able to surface during these six days, as we foster a confidential, safe, and vulnerable environment with a faith-based foundation through Christ.")

Six days. Seriously?

Look I work with clients who have PTSD all of the time. And the idea that they can simply "soldier through it" is not only wrong, but it is dangerous. This disorder, and yes it IS a disorder, is quite complicated and it affects the individuals suffering with it in a variety of ways.

Usually it is approached using a combination of therapy, medications, and family support. It is not enough to simply deal with the patient, you have to help shape their environment and educate the people who are the closest to them in order to provide the kind of wrap around services these individuals require.

And as I have said before, I do not think that Track's problems stem from his time in the military, however stunted that appears to have been. His problems started well before then, and as long as he is surrounded by so many dysfunctional people I do not see them ending any time soon.

So for Palin to suggest that a six day program in a military frat house environment is enough to deal with the complexities of such a disorder may be a new level of deceit.

Update: Also apparently Palin is planning to sue Bob Cesca over the use of her clips. But we all know she is bluffing.  (Palin part starts the 6:00 mark.)


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Saggy-ass-granny $carah keeps acting like a 13-year-old in tha video and tries to act like a flirting-school-girl & at the same time keeps pumping her chest out. HOW DISGUSTING! And the faces she

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      I can't watch her anymore even with the sound down.

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Same here. I can't and won't watch her anymore.

    3. Anonymous11:27 AM

      I got to about 2 mins and had to shut it off. She was struggling to follow a halfass script and failing....

      as for Trackmarks: "Track really is a tragic story, and I have recently heard that his substance abuse is worse than ever,"

      I hope he doesn't own guns? But he has several doesn't he?
      You guys in AK should DO Something about it...before he goes off his rocker and kills everyone one of these days.

      I heard you can petition a judge to remove guns from someone who is a 5150 aka "A danger to himself or others" which certainly fits the criteria for Trackmarks and the whole family for that matter...Just sayin'!

    4. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Sarah, your GI Jane personality does not cut it either.
      You better go to your Ivana Trump mode or you Boop Boop Be Doop, Betty Boop personality. Don't worry sarah, Sybil will never leave you. Oh, yeah sarah you're bresseses look way too big today, let out about 30psi.

    5. Anonymous1:19 PM

      "Track really is a tragic story, and I have recently heard that his substance abuse is worse than ever,"

      A) Imagine your mother announcing to the world that you are a "tragic story." In what way does that help you? In what way does that harm you?

      B) Where did she recently hear that his substance abuse is far worse than ever? Did he tell her? Did her drug connection tell her? Did Todd drop by the hanger? Did the APD tell her that they're on his tail?
      Once again, please apply A to B. How will telling the world about his drug use help or harm him?

      I hope the guns he got in the divorce have been locked up or taken away until he's clean.

    6. abbafan1:24 PM

      Anon @ 11:27 A.M. - it was in the divorce decree, Britta got the kid, Trick-Track got the guns! After the Anchorage brawl and the barroom ass-whuppin', everyone can see he is a fuckin' loose cannon! For his sake, he seriously needs an intervention; he is so fucked up! If they don't give a shit about him and don't do nothing, I'm afraid that he will snap and wipe them all out!

  2. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Posted Thursday and only 10,000 'likes'? I think grifter granny is watching her image implode. But yeah, it sucks that this hack is willfully undermining the mental health of our troops by promoting this crap.

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      And most of those may be purchased. I was trying to set up Instagram yesterday for a science project and it was hard to find the actual APP amongst the other apps that would give me thousands of followers. Likes, friends, views, followers are all for sale.

  3. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I still say she belongs on The 700 Club.
    She's as bat shit as Robertson.

  4. " Also apparently Palin is planning to sue Bob Cesca over the use of her clips."
    Oh, please. I would be surprised to find out that they are even Miss Piddle's clips to begin with.

    I find it hard to believe that she has the rights to all of those news and film clips splattered around her silly-ass site. I can't imagine her 1) realizing that being about her doesn't mean she owns them, 2) caring, or 3) asking for permission to use them.

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Ah, but we should remember that she service marked her name! How dare any person in the media "take [her] name in vain." What a crazy lady she is!

  5. Anonymous8:57 AM

    This is one of your posts that I feel transcends even your usual important fare... your realistic, knowledgeable, and compassionate discussion of PTSD performs a real public service. Thank you!

  6. Anonymous8:58 AM

    She looks absolutely ridiculous with those gigantic phony boobies. Her followers must be completely blind or most likely they don't care. She's got Dcups today and AAcups tomorrow. Just hilarious.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      They look like a burden. They're not well supported. Like they're running the show from her neck to her navel.

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      She looks HARD now. Stress and plastic surgery have changed her to where there is no feminine left. All in six years time....."she's come undun."

    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      And her voice isn't soft and cool. She probably thinks this song is about her.

  7. Anonymous8:58 AM

    $arah = DPST

  8. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I didn't watch but I believe If it's not categorized by the VA as a disorder...they will not rate for for it or treat it....that is why the push for the wording "disorder

  9. Anonymous9:05 AM

    She has so much crap injected in her face she talks like one of those jibber jabber cartoons. No matter how skinny she gets her arms are still short and flabby...

    1. PalinsHoax9:24 AM

      In that photo she looks positively matronly! Is Ol' Pudgy packing on the pounds for winter?

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Nah...she's just aging like Dotty...I mean Sally

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      It's her xtra large boobs that make her look top heavy...she still has the lollypop head...the old lollypop head.

    4. Anonymous11:40 AM

      The tee shirt should read "The Mighty Boobs" instead of Oaks...


  10. My cousin's son in law, was injured when his Stryker ran over a mine in Iraq. He was the only one to survive from his crew. He suffers from PTSD, and has tried to commit suicide. She thinks that a six day program to "soldier" through it, is the answer? Sarahskank is a mentally retarded, drug addicted, fricking asshole to even suggest something as idiotic as that.

    Track suffers from Palins Totally Stupid Disease. It started when he actually had to get a job; or more specific, forced to join the Army or face jail time. Sarahskank should keep her fricking mouth shut on matters that she knows nothing about...which is everything. And yes, the "D" should be taken out, and reserved only for her... For Dumbass!

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      OMG. Perfection. And if you drop the disease part, as Sarah would surely want, it become Palins Totally Stupid. Far out.

    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      I have a theory: that the military KNOWS that Track's PTSD did not originate while in the service, because 1.) he was not in combat per their own records; 2.) he already had serious aggression, alcohol, and emotional problems GOING INTO the military, and their records will probably show that due to the circumstances of his 'signing' up; 3.) the military fights each PTSD case on its own merits (and has to, due to fraud); and 4.) I doubt he sought treatment for PTSD or established any sort of treatment timeline even remotely qualifying for PTSD coverage while in action. Thus, IF Track went to the Mighty Oaks place (a MIGHTY BIG IF, IMO), then Sarah is on the hook paying for it. And how else to pay for it, but by having Sarah do the 'shilling' for the place. I still doubt that Track ever went there or was treated there: IMO, NO Palin would ever admit to having a disorder of any kind. Plus, most important, NO facility could possibly treat something this serious in six days. Not. even. remotely. possible. Investigate Mighty Oaks, and you will find just one more veterans' rip-off, with Sarah Palin right there, riding at the helm, and trying to snare a profit from the woes of others.

    3. Anonymous2:28 PM

      He got invited to leave the military. Angry dude. We call it 'self-selecting'.

  11. skeptic9:12 AM

    Like Sarah Palin knows how to read roman numerals.

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      LMAO !!

      exactly !

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      LOL LOL

    3. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Especially when they're all upside-down.

    4. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Would someone please put batteries in that clock?

    5. "Anonymous9:40 AM
      Would someone please put batteries in that clock?"
      Most of them are unemployed and not in school, so it's not as thogh they have to be anywhere on time.

    6. Anonymous2:13 PM

      "Would someone please put batteries in that clock?"

      As is, the clock is right twice a day - which is more than Palin is.

    7. Anonymous2:21 PM

      all >are< unemployed

  12. Anonymous9:13 AM

    There are people who do not seek medical treatment. Instead, they put the patient in God's hands. Isn't Mighty Oaks the same thing, claiming to heal through Christ? After World War II, people used the term "shell shocked" to describe the same thing, the recurring nightmares from seeing the horrors of war. They realized that psychological counseling was the way to address the problems. Today, the center for PTSD still advises psychological counseling, group therapy, family therapy and prescribing drugs to combat depression if that is what is required.

    Sarah has aligned herself with religious organizations such as Franklin Graham's religious retreat for Christian couples and Might Oaks, another healing through religion place. If people want to include religion as part of their medical therapy, good. But, to rely on religion alone to cure a medical problem is not a good idea.

    PTSD does not have to be limited to vets. People who survive any kind of trauma may have the same reaction. People who survive a violent attack, rape or any other kind of life-changing experience can also have PTSD. Each person is different in the way that they handle the aftermath of a traumatic experience. I would hope that the people at Mighty Oaks are also getting medical treatment.

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      As well as tons of children, military and otherwise, who experience trauma from domestic violence, community violence, physical and sexual abuse, natural disasters, bullying. Faith in Jesus for healing? That's lot to ask of kids, and when it doesn't help their parents it doesn't help them.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      After World War II, people used the term "shell shocked" to describe the same thing, the recurring nightmares from seeing the horrors of war.

      I never realized until recently how much the "greatest generation" was wounded by the war. My father in law used to speak with such bravado about his war escapades but on his deathbed he asked "do you know what it takes to shoot someone?" My uncle never spoke of the war but he was deeply depressed by what he saw for the remainder of his life. I suspect that's true for many in their 80s and 90s, hailed as heroes but hiding very deep trauma.

    3. Anonymous10:15 AM

      ... put the patient in God's hands...

      Can also mean to self medicate.

      September 6th in Anchorage.... that is when the young man was essentially jumped by Track Palin.. Todd jumped in to the fray...

      Track was out of control and they felt that he was not simply drunk but that he was undoubtedly on something much stronger (in God's hands)

      Neighbors and friends: Justin Giles (Rambo) of Wasilla

    4. Anonymous11:12 AM

      I was a child in Liverpool Englab\nd during WW11. Still can not speak about all the destruction, and deaths without crying. Huddled in an air raid shelter for hours, hearing bombs whistling down,. Had an aunt and uncle, with their 3 sons, bombed out and lost everything 3 times. Palin never experienced anything like that. Where was God when people were suffering, losing limbs, sight? Where was God when people were mourning loved ones? Remember, they say "The Lord helps those who help themselves" In $carah's case, she helps herself to other people's money.

    5. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Even IF Might Oaks was a solo-faith treatment center (which I doubt: MOST of these 'Christian detox centers are LOADED brim-full with drugs), it would still take a long, long, long time to successfully treat PTSD, particularly when the PTSD is combined with substance abuse issues (which it usually is, and certainly is in Track's case).

      Moreover, WHY would Sarah be stupid enough (sorry I asked, everyone: we know the answer to THAT one even without knowing the rest of the question, don't we!) to ADVERTISE that Track was TREATED for PTSD when the whole world KNOWS that at the time of, and even AFTER, her pronouncement of such, Track is a belligerent, non-functioning, alcoholic?It's like having Lindsay Lohan come out and say, several years ago, "I'm all clean now because I spent six days in a faith-based dry-out facility." Beyond ridiculous.

    6. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Mama Grizzly is doing her thing for Mighty Oaks in Houston and days later on Sept 6th the family is getting loaded and drunk with both Track and a six year old child.

      "I'm all clean now because I spent six days in a faith-based dry-out facility."

      What a farce it all is whether Track toured the facility or did spend a day or 6 there.

      Yeah, it is a scam if the treatment is not effective. It is some hocus pocus using the name Jesus and saying it is faith-based. It is a scam if Mighty (J)oakes is doing any quid pro quo with the Palins to drum up business or self promote. They must all be exposed.

  13. Anonymous9:16 AM

    In the video, Sarah does not mention that Track was treated at Mighty Oaks or that he is a PTSD counselor. Let's hope that in the course of treating other PTSD vets, Track doesn't take them to a rifle range where the sound of gunfire will bring back those bad memories.

    Let's be honest about Track. If you believe that he is a PTSD counselor, I have a Bridge to Nowhere to sell you. And Track's problems didn't start when he enlisted in the military. He seems to have been a troubled young man before that.

  14. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I smell a rat. Methinks that something, even more bad press or news IS going to come out about the drunken brawl, she knows it, and she's preliminary striking on it with all of this PTSD stuff--she intends to then push back with "my son is a vet with ptsd" to deflect.

    1. Irishgirl9:35 AM

      She'll get Cathy Baldwin-Johnson to diagnose him.

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      You are right.

    3. Anonymous9:50 AM

      That still doesn't explain Tawd, Bristol, and her!

    4. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Sure would be fun to research records in Anchorage as to how many times Track has tried to be seen by veteran doctors at the veteran outlet/hospital/medical. I'll betcha not once!!!!

      We all know he didn't see combat duty - we know he did dastardly deeds in Wasilla (high school) and his parents forced him into the military or he would have been prosecuted and gone to jail (school buses)!

      We know he was not a member of the Army for a long period of time.

      Sarah is the one saying he has PTSD - there has never been proof provided by the military.

      I suspect his trouble is the fact he's been on drugs and booze for a number of years and sista Sarah (the liar and fraud) is once again 'using' him for her benefit!

      The kid never had a chance since birth! Too bad the Menards didn't raise him since Curt (deceased) was the biological father! What were the Menards thinking in staying out of his life?

    5. Anonymous11:04 AM

      If she were preparing her defense, the way to go about it would be to emphasize the severity of PTSD and the critical need for treatment and resources, not suggesting that all people need to do is buck up and take a 6-day course and find Jesus. Then again, I don't know why one would expect Sarah Palin to ever be effective in anything, so maybe you're right.

    6. Anonymous12:21 PM

      @10:28 The problem is that medical records are considered private, thanks to HIPPA. That's why we have never seen Trig's birth certificate or any proof that Sarah Palin was admitted to MatSu and gave birth to him. The patient has to give permission for the records to be released. And that means that we won't know if Track really has or had PTSD or how many times he was treated for substance abuse, alcohol and/or drugs. If Track really did have PTSD, I doubt that Sarah would let him talk to a therapist, even though that conversation is considered private, HIPPA again. She would rather that Track prayed away the PTSD.

    7. Anonymous3:00 PM

      I agree with this. Track acted like a drugged-up asshole, but so did the rest of his family. But Track is going to bear the brunt of the blame.

  15. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Track really is a tragic story, and I have recently heard that his substance abuse is worse than ever

    Is this why Britta divorced Track, because of his drug abuse? Did Track use drugs while in high school and up to now? If yes Track used drugs prior to joining the National Guard then mommy (Sarah) could blame Iraq for Track's current drug abuse just like President Bush blamed Iraq for the war. It's Iraq's fault for Track's current drug abuse. Yes we will go with that, print it.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Track's problems are not new. He was always angry and had drug problems early on. His godfather and/or father, Curt Menard was extremly concerned about how he was being raised. The Menard family abandoned Track after Curt was suspiciously killed.

      Yes, Track did party in school. He is wearing dog tags in this picture.,+Tyree+Sean+Graham,+Joel+Kenworthy.jpg

      Does anyone know why Track is wearing tags? Was he in the ROTC? Did they send him to that military school around the Valley where the problem kids were sent? That is Track Palin with some of his friends. At least one of these boys is dead from a drug overdose. A couple wanted to claim one or two of Bristo's babies. People that knew Track know of his Oxycontin days and much more. It is a vital story to come out, the true story. When the Palins live their lies they have too much power to lead others down the wrong path, like poor PTSD treatment.

      "Track Palin, 19, is being deployed this week to Iraq with the Army, after separating his shoulder and abruptly giving up on a hockey career last year. Mr. Johnston, 18, who is about to become a father, has dropped out of Wasilla High School and also quit hockey."

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      When was Track not angry?

      May 6, 2010 Track Palin, 21, not ready for his close up.

    3. Anonymous12:17 PM

      @10:48 If Track had a separated shoulder and couldn't play hockey, how did he pass the physical to get into the military? Sarah claimed that Track was a combat vet. Wow, that shoulder sure healed quickly.

    4. Anonymous2:09 PM

      God damn right.

  16. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Seriously? "Foster a vulnerable environment"?? I think I'd prefer a secure environment.

    Should I even mention "any past experience that be limiting their personal success"??

    What they write is what's in their heads. Fuzz. Disorganization. A whole world of carelessness.

  17. Anonymous9:28 AM

    If Sarah Palin had played her cards right, she could have gone to the Alaska National Guard commander and asked him for a favor, give Track a Purple Heart for his cracked ribs and the beating he took at the birthday party.

  18. Caroll P. Thompson, CPA9:30 AM

    I did a little quick research on this organization. I looked on, a website that lists the tax returns of all non profit organizations (these returns are public information). Mighty Oaks is a new organization, having begun on September 1, 2011. The tax return for 2012 lists about $90,000 in revenue and $127,000 in expenses. Chad Robichaux is the President and took a $16,000 salary in 2012.

    The 2013 Form 990 (which is the tax return for non profits) is not done yet. Under IRS rules, the organization must file by November 15, 2014 for calendar year 2013.

    So, I cannot tell you that this organization is a scam yet because it is so new. I do know that I looked up the returns of 'Wounded Warriors' who advertise on TV awhile back, I know they are a scam. The folks running that non profit are living large and not much is being spent on actually helping the veterans. As a veteran myself, I find this very offensive and the IRS should pull its non profit status from them.

    But as I said, the Mighty Oaks Foundation is new. I am inclined to say it is a scam, but I have no proof of that yet. I will keeping my eye out for the 2013 return and might post something in G's comment section when I know more.

    I cannot link to information on Guidestar because you have to sign up. But signing up is free and you can look at all kinds of non profit tax returns, including my favorite scam non profit, Samaritan's Purse run by Franklin Graham. Boy does he live large and his whole family and his whole fleet of planes are on that return. Very little goes to the poor while a lot of the funding goes to administrative costs (i.e. right in Franklin's pocket).

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Carroll: As to the Franklin Graham scam - and since it is provable, - to whom should it be reported for investigation and criminal charges? The IRS?

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      franklin is sarah's male counterpart when it comes to bilking folks.

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Ah, yes, he is her role model. Franklin had a head start, since he just inherited the "family bidness" His father was a little more careful, Franklin is just a blatant crook. $carah would dearly love to be in the God business now that politics has hit a dead end. Birds of a feather flock together, $carah is a scam artist, just like all her associates.

    4. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Any kind of charity that spends more than it takes in is a scam. There is a charity navigator website which shows how much charities spend on themselves vs. how much actually goes to cancer research or whatever the charity is supposed to be promoting. Sarah's PAC would be an example of another scam, spending more on consultants and lavish travel expenses for Sarah while she donates all of $5,000. to candidates per filing period. She spends more than she takes in. What a scam!

    5. Caroll P. Thompson, CPA2:35 PM

      Yes 10:16, the IRS gives and can take away the non profit status of any corporation (all non profits are incorporated and then they apply for the 501(c)(3) designation, which allows folks to give to them and write it off on their taxes. 501(c)(3), aka non profits also pay no taxes.

      According to the 2012 return of Samaritan's Purse, almost half of the expenses were for administration and fundraising. But Franklin makes the big bucks. Over 350 million in contributions in 2012. There are a lot of people who are trying to buy their way into heaven and they think that Franklin is the one to give the money to.

    6. Anonymous2:58 PM

      The fact that Sarah Palin is involved lends credence that it's a scam.

  19. Anonymous9:31 AM

    That green color the idiot is wearing in the above photo is another color that does not enhance her face! Very much the same as the yellow 'supposed' leather jacket worn a week or so ago - the two colors wash her out! She knows zero about fashion or beauty!

    And, we so know her to be uninformed, stupid, a liar and fraud.

    I truly agree that IF Track has PTSD it is due to living in the compound of the Palins/Heath clans. Plus, booze and drugs do not help his situation.

    Sarah Palin doesn't SUPPORT (like veterans) anyone or anything - she USES them for HER benefit only! In the same manner she USES Track and her other kids! She has never publically show them kindness, love, sweetness or thoughtfulness! NEVER!

    Evilness runs through her veins, heart and soul. I cannot imagine having to be around the woman on a day-to-day basis - much less having to listen to her bullshit daily! Her mouth needs to be sewn shut!

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Why aren't Sarah or Nancy (Bristol) posting old photos of Track in a uniform like they would always do before? Or Track standing next to someone who once wore a uniform?

      They are changing their ways now? Sarah can't wear a uniform but she can wear a fugly uniformish tee-shirt.

      How much lower can she go? Come on Sarah, bring back Track's old photos. Are you afraid someone will think he is PTSD from childhood? Are you waiting until it can be changed to PTS? Not going to happen.

  20. Anonymous9:33 AM

    If you believe that Track is a PTSD counselor, then you believe that Sarah Palin is still considering running for president of the United States of America in 2016, 2020, 2024, 20XX if the Republican Party can't find a suitable candidate.

  21. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Sarah Palin has never displayed acting in a Christian manner and appears not to follow the teachings of the bible or faith that most have of us have learned and/or studied! She's too full of hate and anger. Hell awaits her!

  22. Anonymous9:34 AM

    The second link doesn't work. The first one gives me the shivers. He has nothing going on in his eyes or face. Is he proud of his kill? Embarrassed? Sad? Happy?

    I can imagine what he's like under the influence, when everything buried pops to the surface.

  23. Anonymous9:35 AM

    lol...oh sweetie! is that all you got? I know someone who was set up as a child...she never takes off her fatigues...but she can make them look cute...and I hear the temper is WHITE HOT...
    Perfect time to send Barstool for a fight eh bitches? No?
    I didn't think so...sound of turkeys in the background..

  24. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Does Sarah have hemorrhoid cream on her lips? She is so plastered with makeup she almost looks embalmed!

    As for her "love" for Jews... I call BUL%&#@. In her stupidity, she is hoping that somehow she will get Netanyahu's attention. Why? She wants attention anywhere she can get it. As a Jew myself, I would never be alone in a room with her mostly because I know I could not keep a straight face but also, too, because I would be overcome by her scent.

    1. Anonymous11:50 AM

      I was thinking Blistex. You're probably correct.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      11:50... She does use Blistex... but on her ass. Cheers!

  25. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I will never watch any Sarah video ...unless she pays me.

  26. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Yes Sarah Palin that's what returning vets needs, a volatile counselor to guide them. If Track is unhappy with the vets he is counseling will Track try bully them?

    Track will end up with more broken ribs and how will Sarah spin Track's new broken ribs to the lame stream media?

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      I find it hard to believe that Track Palin would be counseling veterans. The man is a supposed mess - as to booze and drugs. That would keep him from being an 'authorized' veteran counselor! A

      Another pipe dream about her non combat son coming from lying Sarah Palin!

      She uses the veterans and uses her kids to promote herself. The woman makes me want to barf!

    2. Anonymous1:39 PM

      She's a lying POS. The son is only counseling roaches.

    3. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Like he has the education to be a counselor. Track is a filthy liar like his mother Palin and the fake college degree.

  27. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Track isn't a Republican but he works for the head of the GOP
    Palin: My Own Son Isn't A Republican


  28. hedgewytch9:46 AM

    "Sarah's always had a problem with being a 'D'" - yeah, a:

    Dip shit

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM


    2. Anonymous11:08 AM


    3. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Demented and Disgusting.

    4. abbafan2:27 PM

      Dysfunctional and a dweeb!

  29. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Both the links worked for me.

  30. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Like most every American....

    Another English fail. - SJP

  31. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Both links worked for me. The first pic is chilling. It's one thing to kill animals for sustenance... but to pose with your kill like that is kuh-reepEEE

  32. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Nasty old bitch wanted to call attention to her big fake "DD" boobs.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      those unsightly growths in her armpit area?

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Vulgar POS, and what's with the vaseline lips! that's gross...she's probably implying oral as well. What a SICKO! How low she has fallen

  33. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Methinks she wants to get ahead of damning revelations coming out about warrior bod Truck. Poor Grandma Lulu.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Could be the negotiations with anti-brawlers from the Anchorage incident are falling a part?

  34. "You know I always thought she had a problem with the "D.""
    Well, until she got her store-boughten boobies.

  35. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Are all of the Palins afflicted with ptsd (none of them deserves the genuine upper case PTSD)? That might explain how prone they are to violence when things don't go well for them. Surely their (faux) Christianity should have kept them from getting so riled up at the Anchorage party. I guess the therapy Sarah's touting today doesn't work very well.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      I think they all suffer from some form of Stockholm syndrome. They all appear as captives of some type. Super bonded to the family cult with religious aberrations.

      It is highly disturbing to witness even from a distance. I am not so sure it is PTSD. There may be similar and some same symptoms. What exactly the clinical diagnosis is, I am not sure. I would say it is both genetic and early life experiences. Even trauma from hunting with a creep. Most likely a pervert parent and a Sandusky kind of mother/father situation.

      The things I read about the poor kids that were on the Wasilla hockey teams would cause tremendous trauma and stress. I am specifically thinking of that creep Brad Hanson that Sarah had sex with when he was Todd's business partner.

      If kids like Jeremy Morlock or Track Palin had a coach like Brad Hanson, it makes sense that they would turn out to be violent and a serial killer.

      Sarah's parenting style was possibly similar to how she governed. She sent a message to her constituents when she went to the turkey slaughter and made that video. It is likely her children got many messages of a like manner.

      Depending on the age and sensitivity of a child, that alone can be very traumatic and cause stress.

    2. Anonymous12:11 PM

      The genetic part is they're congenitally stupid, then trauma on top of that. Not a good mix.

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM

      11:42, Yea Brad's son bragged to all the other other tiger hockey players how his old man nailed palin. A lot of the guys just said "ewwww". Of course, by then most of America knew sarah was too stupid to come in out of the rain. Those guys attending expensive liberal arts colleges aren't impressed with airheads like sarah and her daughters. They think dumb girls like that who have no interest in an education should be working at the counter of the bowling alley grill. Or gluing extensions on their mom's bald head or popping pimples and "contouring" large growths on their mom's jawline .

    4. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Can you imagine hearing that your dad isn't your biological father and that your coach banged your mom? Then your mom makes you enlist in the army.

  36. Anonymous10:57 AM

    What do the Mighty Oaks do for vets? I mean, after you get paid......

  37. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Are there any serious therapist that recommend alcohol and street drugs with the family as part of a treatment program?

  38. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Wonder if $arah got paid to film the Mighty Oaks bid for bucks?

  39. Anonymous11:04 AM

    That's why they want to call it post traumatic stress.

    Not a disorder but an order.

  40. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Gryphen, did you catch this article?

    The #NormalizeAtheism Campaign Is Generating Some Outstanding Tweets

    Last month, several organizations teamed up to start Openly Secular — a campaign meant to increase acceptance of secularists and freethinkers in society. One of those groups is the Richard Dawkins Foundation, and on Thursday, Dawkins took to twitter to give a boost to a simple if not ambitious hashtag started by Mark Nebo:

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      I just saw a Ron Reagan commercial twice on national TV, supporting the Free From Religion Foundation. He says he's a proud atheist.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Holy CRAP, 1:13 PM, I hadn't heard that.

    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      That Ron Reagan spot is outstanding. I love the way he presents his atheism, the way he says "I'm Ron Reagan," and the very last line. I hope Gryphen does a post on it.

  41. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Thank you again for another terrific and important article, G.

    If we are to return to a safer and more viable country it is critical the cons that use the military are exposed. All of them, seen for what they are. Including the charity and treatment rackets. Even the ones that may sincerely believe in the Jesus will fix it. They may honestly live that lifestyle but they are scammed by scammers and become scams that truly believe in a scam. It is all the same old garbage and destroys progress and health.

  42. "Anonymous10:29 AM
    PTSD is bullshit only idiots would believe that such disorder exists."
    What an inexcusably stupid and ignorant comment regarding a specific condition that has been known for hundreds of years and specifically diagnosed for at least the last 100 years.

  43. Anonymous11:27 AM

    You been to combat? Smelled the smells? Seen your buddy's leg fly into the air from an IED? Been hurt yourself? If not, fuck off.

  44. What catches my notice in the first one is what I still don't see: any of Todd Palin in that face.

  45. What is wrong with Track is mainly from the family he was “raised in. Those kids grew up with crazy and abuse, without parenting and that causes huge problems. It is also clear they used alcohol and probably other substances from a young age. Early use of substances causes huge developmental problems and makes addiction treatment very difficult. These faith based programs used for addiction and PTSD are little more than an excuse to proselytize. They use crisis to inject themselves into people’s lives. A six day program for PTSD is not even a beginning. Taking the D out of PTSD is never going to happen because people who named it used this thing called science, you know with research and words on paper and other thingys the right wing treats like Kryptonite.

  46. Anonymous11:43 AM

    That ridiculous tacky gigantic clock is STILL stuck at 7:50. How fucking hard is it to change a battery?

    All it says is "I am too lazy to fix this clock and you, my fans, are too stupid to even notice it anyway."

    1. Or, not putting batteries in it could be saying "Clock? It's a clock? But clocks have numbers all the way up to 12."

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      The Palin 'home' is probably more of a place to store stuff.


    3. Anonymous12:57 PM

      I stopped clock is right twice a day, as the saying goes.
      Maybe Sarah's hoping that her message will be right, because it's always given at the same time.

    4. Anonymous1:13 PM


  47. Chenagrrl11:57 AM

    I have Jesus in my life and PTSD. It is always there. Therapy sessions diminish it, but never completely. Reprogramming the brain is a daily effort. Faith helps, but so do therapists. For me, at least.

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      I'm very sorry to hear that you are afflicted, Chenagil.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      I applaud your efforts and persistence. I KNOW that you did not jump this hurdle in six days, however. Thank you for your comment.

  48. Anonymous12:03 PM


    I wonder if Sarah will post an extra-special gratuitous dig at Obama in celebration of National Mean Girls Day.

  49. ""local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement""
    This is just more proof that the republican clowns have no idea what Obamacare is. Implementing it? You mean when a citizen buys health insurance form a private company? Is that implementing Obamacare? Who exactly is going to call the police?

    Yes, there are requirements overseen by federal officials (minimum standards for each plan offered, no caps, no exclusions fro pre-existing conditions, etc.) but really, who is going to know what mid-level pencil pusher at any given time in any given office somewhere is "implementing" Obamacare.

    Fools like Ernst must really believe in visions of heroic local LEs trying to stop jackbooted federal thugs from dragging the elderly and disabled off to the death panels.

  50. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Poor Track has a narcissist for a mother, grew up in a family of thugs and liars and under the pretense that Todd was his father. His grandfather is also a sociopath, just like his mother. He didn't have much of a chance really. Oh and we must not forget that Todd was a pimp. Such terrible role models this young man had.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Enough to give anyone PTSD. Does Sarah Palin ever realize that she is the cause of problems and not the solution?

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      How about that snake Uncle up-Chuckie2? He is not the picture of mental health. He tells some big whoppers. Fishing on the dead lake and dropping in simple Sarah's kitchen as she feeds Trig in her humble down home way. Todd mowing the grass. That's just a small example of what he can dish up.

      He must have been on a roll when he told his first wife and 2 sons about his days as a substitute teacher when he was actually knocking up some poor lowdown co-worker who was easily impressed with his connection to the Alaskan crime family.

  51. Anonymous12:17 PM


    Go FUCK yourself Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      and after effing yourself go eat shit.

  52. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Yes, Track's face screams he is not a Palin.

    He doesn't look well and like someone living in a deep dark secret world. A family that drugs and drinks with him is the last thing someone like Track needs.

    As time goes on it is more obvious he believes in the lies he has been told his entire life. His mother sets him up in those poses with men who were honored in the military and who once wore a uniform. It is like osmosis and Track takes on what they are in the recess of his mind. They did dress Track in a uniform and he probably believes he was like the heroes they use to promote Track.

    Chris Kyle is another one, he was on the set with Todd and Track when learning all about how to be a soldier for the little screen.

    It is awful to think the many years and ways that Track's mind has been twisted for negative propaganda purposes.

  53. Anonymous12:30 PM

    One of Sarah's favorite causes is the marine stuck in the Mexican prison for bringing three guns and ammunition into Mexico. There are big signs at the border crossings that warn people not to bring guns or ammo into Mexico. Oh, but he didn't mean to go there. He crossed the border at night when it was dark and he was lost. The excuse given for all of his actions is PTSD.

    The story started in Florida where he claimed he could not get an appointment at the VA hospital to be treated for PTSD. So, he loaded his guns in his car because he always feels under some kind of threat and drove to San Diego. Ignore the fact that if it was just finding a hospital, there are closer VA's than San Diego. But, his pal was there and told him that it was a good place to go.

    The guy had been in Mexico before, visiting a prostitute, promised to get his stuff on the US side and return. He had been there before. He was familiar with the border crossing. He was arrested for having weapons and ammo which he was not allowed to bring into Mexico. Now, they use PTSD as his excuse. For all of the people who really do have PTSD and are getting treatment, this is insulting. It is a serious problem which requires the proper treatment, not a visit to a buddy across the country.

  54. Anonymous12:31 PM

    "Usually it is approached using a combination of therapy, medications, and family support. It is not enough to simply deal with the patient, you have to help shape their environment and educate the people who are the closest to them in order to provide the kind of wrap around services these individuals require."

    Yep, spot on.

    Sign me,
    Active Duty Army Wife

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      We know how big a supporter of the military that Sarah Palin is. At one time she was the Commander in Chief of the Alaskan National Guard.

      It is astounding Sarah would leave a charity for PTSD and the next day be on a wild ride with drinking and drugging military son.

      I wish the military could speak up honestly about the incidents that happened and her part as well as Track's part.

      They are either on the road good health and healing or they are not.

  55. A. J. Billings12:34 PM

    I know this is going to be difficult for some to read, but in my opinion, the last thing someone needs who has PTSD is to have a whole new bunch of religious rules dumped on them and their family.

    It's not just "accepting Christ", or believing in G_d, however or whatever that means to a person.

    Typically the first group of things new Christians are taught in evangelical groups is that you owe 10% of your pay to a church, and if you're really faithful, you'll give more.

    That's a tough pill to swallow in light of all the millionaire grifters who beg for funds every day on radio and TV. For lesser income families, it often means depriving your family so that someone who feels privileged can live a much easier life than you.

    Giving up your belief in science, logic, critical thinking, and rational thought is mandatory , because now you have to live
    by "faith", which often boils down to however the local pastor decides to interpret the 66 books of bronze age stories in the bible.

    Next up, any females in your family are automatically relegated to 2nd class citizens by virtue of the misogynistic, demeaning, and constricting rules that came from Paul of Tarsus, who never apparently met Jesus for one day. Stop using contraception, have at least 6-8 kids, miscarriages are a judgement from G_d, and a female's entire life is all about submitting to men. Even slavery is condoned in the new testament.

    You'll be expected to give up every Sunday am. and Wednesday night to church and bible study, along with a whole host of other stuff to detailed for this posting.

    Palin's post in this regard to PTSD is all about pandering to her cult of prayer warriors and the rabid Teaparty base.

    Palin loves to trumpet the widely held and rampant belief that only Christian conservatives are patriots, and everyone else is a 3rd class apostate, who must either repent or they goe straight to hell.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      And then the poor soldier who finds that religion doesn't answer all his questions, or heal his psychic wounds, can't admit it because he's surrounded by true believers and, clearly, he's just not praying hard enough -- or maybe G-D has abandoned him.

      All that religion just adds another layer of confusion and denial to these soldiers who need straight, uncomplicated therapy from someone who has no G-D to sell as part of the process.

    2. Anonymous1:28 PM

      A. J. Billings12:34 PM
      I agree completly A.J....
      And it's not like Palin is leading by example, in other words, that it's working for her exept when it comes to collecting! SMH

  56. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Dead Men Tell No Tales

  57. Anonymous12:36 PM

    No, Sarah is not planning any attack on Bob Cesca. Neither is TAPP. And he doesn't claim that they are.

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Did you LISTEN to the tape? I did and there is NO QUESTION that they are going after Bob and he is on the verge of losing his YouTube account and the door is being opened to a lawsuit from Tapp/Sarah Palin. LISTEN to the tape, idiot.

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      My sound if off. I can't listen to the tape.

  58. I really don't believe in "obscenity," as in the Supreme Court's attempts at defining and restricting it . . .

    But that photograph of Track and Chuck Heath Sr is obscene.

  59. Sarah, no one cares what you think, your shelf life date is up and even most of the mouth breathers know it by now, Please go away, I cannot bear looking at your imitation of life much longer. And seriously, what is up with the pale lipstick? You are looking more like the walking dead than living vibrantly whatever the hell that means,

  60. Anonymous12:57 PM

    How hard would it be for someone in AK to contact local limo companies and establish which one the palins employed and who the driver was? If someone as unsavory and detrimental to our country as the palin klan lived in my local area I think I might possibly get up off my lazy ass and at least get that info. After finding out I bet I could look up the driver's phone number in the phonebook and call the guy and let him know how much $$$ he could make by calling TMZ or NE and selling the story. But hey alaskans, just sit there and effin' bitch & whine how the palins own the polive. Fucking whatever, you people are beyond hopeless...

  61. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Pat Harper wrote a trilogy about WWI. The first volume is set in a Scottish hospital that tried to heal and save soldiers who were almost incapacitated by what they'd experienced in the trenches.
    Read that book, or any book about battles, and you'll never allege that shell shock, trauma, PTSD, or whatever you call it, doesn't exist.
    It's not a failure of will or of character. It's a destruction of a vital part of a soldier's heart and soul. Sometimes it can be healed; sometimes it never goes away.

  62. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Is that a grizzly bear painted over our American flag, on the left?

    What is the rest of that dusty bric-a-brac in what she calls "home" ?

    Sarah is oblivious in so many different ways, but it is crystal clear that she has no sense of style, color, proportion, beauty.
    Her house, her clothes, her total environment display how clueless she is. And, once again, she doesn't learn. She was dressed but the GOP in beautiful clothes, that she could replicate now at Marshall's or Macy's. She was entertained by several wealthy (not assuming good taste, but probably had some) donors, as well as John McCain. She didn't pick up one clue about decorating from her exposure. She's the visual equivalent of tone-deaf.

  63. Gryphen...are you saying he has a "new" daughter Kayla, or are you talking about his daughter with Britta? (Kyla Grace)

    I'm pretty sure you mean his toddler daughter Kyla but with the way those Palins breed, one just never knows.

    Also wanted to let you know my email has been messed up for nearly two weeks. I didn't even realize it as I was traveling to Canada and back for a conference but now that I'm back, I realize I'm missing dozens of emails. I just wanted to let you know in case you'd emailed and thought I didn't respond. I'll write this coming week just to touch base. Hope you are having a great week & good work on your continued efforts regarding the ultimate takedown/exposure of Sarah Palin. I do believe Willow's friend who says Willow mentioned Sarah refreshes IM constantly, even "on the pot"...and if she was madly reloading the page a couple years ago, just imagine what she's doing now! Imagining her trying to figure out "who talked" is just plain funny.


    1. Thanks. I did not catch that.

      And no as far as I am aware Track has only the one child.

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      The thought of Sarah sitting on the can, furiously refreshing IM and all the other blogs sends me into fits of giggles.

  64. Anonymous1:31 PM

    My cousin did four tours of guard duty at the American embassy in Baghdad. Please tell him to his face that PTSD doesn't exist and that only idiots believe in it.

  65. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I want to know how much taxpayer money Mighty Oaks is taking in for "treating" veterans with PTSD.

    Marcus Bachman was raking in the dough with his pray away the gay clinic.

    As for Track, I think he is another pawn in the game, who knows if he really suffers from PTSD, probable not, but he fits in her agenda.

    Who can blame Track if he is an alcoholic/drug addict. Living with Sarah would drive anyone to drink!!!

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      True, but beyond that, it seems that he and his siblings inherited their parents' meanness. The parents and three older kids (I still hold out hope for Piper) are just not nice people.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Remeinder: Didn't Piper body check some poor reporter just doing his job? Really wondered where she might have learned that physical confrontation and disrespect (with an adult!) was OK. Guess the brawl and what is being said in the aftermath explains a lot about the child's behavior.

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      3:02 PM - yes she did, and why the Takedown At The Hoedown was far from the isolated incident they are spinning it to be.

  66. Anonymous1:39 PM

    You are an ignorant, uneducated moron. Get some education !!

  67. In what alternate universe are you living, 12:57? In the universe the rest of us live in, no company would give out information about their customers just because someone wanted to know.

  68. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Things are different in other parts of the USA. I'd like to also learn about the insurance matters. A legitimate company would train their employees. It must be acceptable to drive a young kid around as adults drink and drug.

    What did that driver do while the Palins were in the party?

    I would also like to learn about insurance and liability for the people giving the party. In some places people who give a party like that would be all over anyone who is a party crasher or crashes with an underage kid or 2. No one in Alaska cares about that at all.

    Track, Bristol, underage Willow and numerous buddies and dates were trespassing. The stalker Ferroro may have been in on the crazy inebriated party. Plus they brought along a very young kid who went out of control when he was abandoned.

    They plotted and ganged up on guests in order to get revenge and act out their fury and intoxicated madness.

    There are so many yet unanswered questions.

    About all that has been established is that Track Palin's brain is shot and he won't know because he has black outs or a wet brain or some conditions worse than a Palin will say. Everything is new to Track due to his deteriorating condition.

  69. Caroll Thompson2:48 PM

    I feel sorry for Track. He is a lost soul right now. I have known many people that had similar issues. I don't think any of those kids had cookies and milk waiting for them when they came home from school. No, instead they faced a mad Mama with some obvious mental problems. I don't think those kids got any love, just the drama that is Sarah and her life. That would take a toll on anyone.

    Good luck to you Track. I'm rooting for you.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Track is an asshole.

    2. Anonymous2:58 PM

      My mom had 2 jobs & I never had a cookie or milk because we were poor & she barley had money to pay the rent, bills, and feed I don't buy any of the track shit nor feel sorry for this POS who's had everything handed to him, including hiding his crimes.

    3. Anonymous3:41 PM

      That's very nice of you, but Track would respond by taking off his shirt and giving you the finger.

  70. Anonymous2:50 PM

    If Track has PTSD, it's from living in that family and it was set in motion long before he entered the army.

  71. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Odd picture. The young guy is dressed to hunt in a clean nicely pressed outfit. The old guy looks like he just stepped off his porch.

    I wonder who actually shot the animals. Why would anyone in their right mind want to pose like that? Was Track the kind of kid that tortured and killed cats and pets?

  72. Anonymous3:05 PM

    It would be interesting to see what kind of discharge Track got from the army.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Check out John McCain's discharge. His family gave that to him. He would have never lasted in school if his family hadn't taken care of everything for him.

      There are others in the military that should have been dishonorably discharged but they have family with influence.

      Track Palin is the same.

  73. Anonymous3:08 PM

    The more I see pictures of Track, the more I realize how much he doesn't look anything like Todd & Sarah's other children at all. Yep, he's not Todd's that's for sure.

  74. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Gryphen is a jealous man.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Here comes the troll. Get a life. Live vibrantly. Stop slandering Gryphen.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      BDIB !!!!!!

    3. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Anonymous isn't even your real name!

    4. Anonymous3:59 PM

      The troll is either Chuckles, Jr

      Or a certain stalker from Florida who harassed Sadie and got a visit from the police.

      This misty-eyed Track love fest makes me think it's the latter.

    5. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Are you talking about Alicia? She has serious issues.

  75. Anonymous3:29 PM

    There's a reason Track has a tattoo that says "impervious."

    Others' ignorant opinions and slander don't matter.

    Good man great father

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Nothing like crashing a party, hitting on other men's women, starting a fight, doffing your shirt, and giving everyone the finger.

      Perhaps you'd like to date Track if you think he's such a good man.

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Please tell me you are getting paid to write this shit. Otherwise, you are just an incredibly pathetic human being.

    3. Anonymous3:55 PM

      How do you know this?

      I hate to break the news to you but 99% of us here in Wasilla do not agree with you. We are worried about him. He is an addict and in trouble.

    4. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Track comes from a strong military family. He has earned everything and he is a star. Go Daddy! Go Tracky!

      Great fathers from great fathers.

    5. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Impervious is what happens when you drink yourself to oblivion. You care about nothing. Life has no meaning and you can kill. It's easy if you are trained to kill.

      I am not surprised the Palins taught Track that word. They wouldn't want him to care about his place in the family and ask questions about parents. They are teaching him to be cold blooded and stay attached to the cult. No wonder he is so dependent and doesn't care that he is still a basement dweller at mommy's place.

    6. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Impervious is what sociopaths are. That's pretty frightening he has that as a tattoo. Psychologically healthy people are not impervious to everything.

      Track needs help. I hope his parents get it for him.

  76. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Liz I2:26 PM

    Reporters and investigators gather information like the name of a company, their employees. Especially in a case, when it appears that law enforcement isn't doing their job. Information about insurance can be in general. The type of insurance or lack of insurance a particular company has is something to inquire about. Also how they train and teach their employees. There are people that want to know about safety regulations and there are those that want privacy or a combo of both. Since the police in this particular case are most likely going to drop the ball, if concerns are to be made public it would be through journalism or a private investigator. There is an investigation going on and there are suspects. No one even knows yet what all could be involved or the violations or crimes. In some places when a minor is involved that changes the focus and it is not merely some brawl by a local gang.

    Even if the police succeed in obstructing evidence and no charges are made. There is a black out but the public still has a right to know about criminal activities and cover ups.

    If a taxi company was involved in any way in mischief, shady people, criminal incidents or activities, do you think the name of the company would be a secret? The Taxi driver not named?

    Since the police in Anchorage are lagging someone should at least name some more of the players in this incident. If it was a taxi company that was asked questions they don't need to answer or they can lie. But there is no reason that the public is in the dark about the name of the company and no reason they can't inquire about insurance and company policy. Especially when a child is implicated in such a scene.

  77. Anonymous3:32 PM

    People who call those they don't know dysfunctional tell more about themselves than the people they slander.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      That's some mighty nice word salad there.

    2. Anonymous4:35 PM

      The troll is brain damaged in some way. It's sad.

  78. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Hey Sarah, another ISIL captive has been executed.. Where was your god to stop it?

  79. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Unlike another young father in AK:

    Track has a job
    Isn't a liar
    Doesn't talk shit for income
    isn't manipulated by democrats who lie
    is on good terms with his ex, who is still a good friend of the family

    Gryphen HAS to maintain his lies.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      What is his job? Why not educate people instead of being a snotty bitch!! I'm open to hearing the truth. I didn't know he had a job at all.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      track doesn't have a job, he's a drunken drug addict who lives in his mommy's basement.

    3. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Are you trying to get a date with Track or something? Considering he was hitting on all the women at that party, I'm guessing he's single.

    4. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Don't hold your breath. This particular joker doesn't know anything real about the Palins and certainly won't advertise her ignorance by responding to any questions. She drops her bullshit nuggets and runs away like the coward she is. No wonder she loves the Palins.

  80. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Funny. Late last year Cory Davis, Track's friend, posted a pic with Kyla while she and TRack were at some event

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Lol. So what. Means nothing

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      So what? Even the shittiest, drunkest dads get visitation every now and then.

  81. Anonymous3:43 PM

    No. Well-adjusted is NOT sitting at a computer acting like you know people you don't to perpetuate a false myth

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Isn't that what you are doing???

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      How exactly do YOU know the Palins? Please answer, if you dare.

  82. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Here's a hint to how Gryphen operates. Any time he's sent something that refutes a "claim" he's made, he ignores it.

    REALLL ethical

  83. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Take a look at that picture of her in her ill fitting t-shirt. To look in her eyes is like having eye contact with a cow. Same blank, stupid look.

  84. Anonymous3:59 PM

    2 weeks and no one who actually lives in Wasilla has commented on the huge Palin outing adventure to visit Willow at one of her jobs after a game??


    At least we know Wasillans don't read here

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Yes, we do. We just don't care about their every movement like you do stalker.

  85. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Alaska Digest Posted: Friday, September 14, 2007
    Son of Alaska governor enlists Sept. 11
    ANCHORAGE - The 18-year-old son of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin enlisted in the Army on the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
    Track Palin will report for basic training next week at Fort Benning, Ga., said the governor's spokeswoman, Sharon Leighow.
    Neither he nor family members are commenting on his decision to sign up Tuesday, which was the sixth anniversary of the 2001 attacks.
    The Palin family wants to keep private some aspects of his decision, Leighow said.
    Track was adamant about not wanting publicity, said Sgt. 1st Class Michael Nagl, the station commander at the Wasilla recruiting office where he signed up.
    Nagl would not discuss details of the enlistment.
    "Joining the military is something I've been considering for a while now," he said in a statement provided by the governor's office. "I've always been competitive and look forward to the challenges that will come as I answer the call and serve my country."
    After training, he could be assigned to any infantry unit in the world, but Pentagon spokesman Cmdr. J.D. Gordon said all infantry units eventually spend a tour of duty in the Middle East.
    Track is the oldest of four children, and the only son, of the governor and her husband, Todd Palin. The family lives in Wasilla, about 40 miles north of Anchorage.
    Track is a former Alaska All Stars hockey player who also played junior hockey in Michigan during part of his senior year, Leighow said.

  86. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Griffy! Another week goes by and no po po report? What happened?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.