Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sean Parnell puts the brakes on Alaska same sex marriage. Good political move there Captain Zero.

Courtesy of Alaska Dispatch:

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary stay halting same-sex marriage in Alaska Wednesday, a day after a lower court denied a similar request. 

The two-page order granted a temporary stay in Sunday's Hamby v. Parnell ruling until 11 a.m. Alaska time Friday, giving the state an opportunity to seek a stay from the U.S. Supreme Court. 

The state said it would seek the higher court stay and enforce the stay at the 9th Circuit. Department of Law Spokeswoman Cori Mills said in an email “the state cannot issue any marriage licenses until the stay is lifted.” 

“The state will be filing a request for a stay with the U.S. Supreme Court, as suggested by the Ninth Circuit in its order granting a temporary stay,” she wrote. 

Wednesday's decision marks another day of a legal back and forth in the ruling. Sunday U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Burgess found Alaska's same-sex marriage ban to be unconstitutional. He denied a stay for the order Tuesday. The state quickly appealed for a decision at the 9th Circuit.

Here's the thing.

Alaska IS going to have same sex marriage. That is a certainty.

All Parnell is doing is delaying the inevitable, and absolutely losing the support of any reasonable Alaskan who is not some Bible thumping fundamentalist asshole.

Parnell was already slightly behind Bill Walker in polls back in September, but once you combine this decision with the ongoing Alaska National Guard scandal, it looks as if Parnell is a drowning man reflexively putting rocks in his pockets.

All I can do at this time is cheer him on, "Go Sean, go!"

You idiot!


  1. Anonymous2:49 PM

    It's still interesting how ALL democratic "skeletons" are buried in the internet or ignored.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      What "skeletons" troll? Links?

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      "skeletons" is right you dumbass.

    3. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Look Sarah's back her effing trolls are shitting all over the place.
      Diarrhea in fact.

    4. Anonymous9:27 PM

      More interesting to me is how many of the palin's skeletons are buried in the ground.

  2. Anonymous2:49 PM

    OMG HOW did I miss this?

    LOVE Tina Fey. And my daughter was kind of like that.

    1. So what is so threatening to you about same sex marriage?

  3. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Captain Zero (Alaska's Representative Don Young gave him that nickname!) must truly believe he has it in the bag as to his reelection!

    I don't believe he will be w/his gay issue opposition and covering up (along w/Sarah Palin) the National Guard issues.

    I suspect the Republicans think their voters will be out in force and the opposition will stay home! This is going to be fun to watch in November!

    Sean Parnell is as corrupt as they come!

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Well this IS interesting since it was one of Palins POCKET judges who overturned this in AK.
      Better watch out SP v. 2.0 Burgess knows where the bodies are buried and is a FED judge.

  4. Anonymous2:54 PM

    The worst thing about these cheap, meaningless baldly political moves is that it will cost the State of Alaska millions in legal fees defending. And in the end will be found unConstitutional. This is exactly like Palin when Governor vetoing the bill against same sex benefits, and then turning right around to put it on a referendum, knowing all the while that if passed it would be shot down as unConstitutional. That cost the state millions as I recall.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      This is exactly like Palin when Governor vetoing the bill against same sex benefits...

      Suing the gov about Polar bears
      the bridge to nowhere
      A independent commission was hired (Branchflower)and then stupid sara hired someone else and then complained that is cost HER $$$.
      These people are IDIOTS up there. A vote for Parnell is a vote for Palin so vote him out.
      He is pushing his fucking anti gay religious crap on Alaskans and times are changin'.
      Keep it to yourself Sean.
      And then there is the AK NG about to blow up in his & Sarah's face.

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      During Parnell's reign, he has put up a number of suites against the Federal government and has lost them all! All at the expense of the Alaska taxpayer!

      He has no reason whatsoever to be reelected! He's inept!

      Vote him out of office in November, Alaskans

    3. Anonymous5:44 PM

      He has no reason whatsoever to be reelected! He's inept!

      Vote him out of office in November, Alaskans
      He should not be relected. How many times can he run anyway? He's been there almost two terms?

    4. Anonymous6:22 PM

      He's been gov for one term and is running for reelection, 5:44 PM Hopefully, he'll lose!

  5. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Palin would be doing the same damn thing...if she didn't quit.

  6. Anonymous3:18 PM

    i can picture that fuktard jerry prevo rippin' his butt buddy capt zero a new one this week..

    LMFAO !!

  7. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Yes, Sarah's poor minions are expected to keep coughing of funds to her and her causes. YET, Sarah hasn't personally given dime one to any campaigns in over ten years.

  8. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Anonymous2:56 PM
    She only gives the bare minimum b/c she HAS too to keep using the grifterpac for her and her skank family's personal ATM to go trolling all across the country.
    Stalking people.

  9. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Relax, Sean. $arah quit years ago, so you can lay claim to being the AK stupid governor without doing any more Stupid Governor Tricks.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:16 PM

    Good Move, Sean! Do you think Gays in Alaska will shrug their shoulders and vote for you when their counterparts in other states have rights you want to deny them?

  11. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Wonkette has a post on AK National Guard.

    Reports on Anchorage Press recent leaked report.

    " Lawendowski himself appears to be the very model of a modern Bad Lieutenant Colonel. Just check his résumé! He is both a “former pornography company owner” and the “co-founder of an ‘end times’ fundamentalist group,” which we suppose must leave local charities glad that he’s not a Marine, lest the annual “Toys for Tots” drive include a bunch of items from this catalogue."

    How about a smile for teh internet? Maybe a name change?

  12. Let's just hope there are more voters who think he's a Zero and not a Hero. Sadly, there are many who see marriage equality as an assault on moral values and Parnell as their champion of virtue. Ick.

  13. Anonymous12:07 AM

    I'll believe it when the ballots are counted. I bet he gets re-elected. Look at how Yon Dung has retained his office despite his odious nature. If Walker/Mallot manage it I'll be pleased as punch but AK is just too red, as zero as he is.

  14. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Can't we just feed him to the hungry Polar Bears???

    Thanks to Global Warming, This Alaska Woman Found a Massive Polar Bear on Her Front Porch

  15. Anonymous6:59 AM

    GOP Rep Doesn't Exactly Deny Last Person To Touch Him Wound Up Dead

    It is suddenly a bit of an open question whether the last person to touch Rep. Don Young (R-AK) somehow ended up dead.

    Earlier this month, according to the Alaska Dispatch News, Young's Democratic challenger Forrest Dunbar said that he had put his hand on Young's arm backstage while they were talking before a debate.

    “He freaked out. There is no other way to describe it," Dunbar told ADN. “He kind of snarled at me and said, ‘Don’t you ever touch me. Don’t ever touch me. The last guy who touched me ended up on the ground dead.'"

    A radio station employee who was backstage confirmed to ADN that she heard Young, 81, saying "something about the last guy who touched me, blah, blah" to Dunbar, who is 30.

    So what's up with that?

    Well, Roll Call profiled Young this week, noting that he has "a reputation for being ornery, aggressive -- and maybe even a little unstable." The news outlet asked Young about the exchange with Dunbar.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.