Wednesday, October 15, 2014

So apparently NBC's Chuck Todd is now helping to craft commercials for Mitch McConnell.

Seriously WTF?

Todd is smart enough to realize, now that he is hosting the prestigious Meet the Press, that what he says can be used by one candidate or another to attack their opponent. And yet he casually gifts McConnell with a statement that can now be used to help bury Grimes in Kentucky.

Not too long ago my attitude was "anybody but Gregory," but Chuck Todd has suddenly made me reconsider that sentiment.

(H/T to Crooks and Liars.)


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Chuck Todd is an ass and was when reporting from the White House. His backing the jerk from Kentucky absolutely takes the cake!

    Hopefully, Kentucky voters are sick and tired of the treatment they've received from Republicans and will turn their state blue!!

    Vote well, Kentuckians!

  2. Anonymous2:49 PM

    who gives a fuck who she voted for? republicans are a sad sack of shit and so is chuck todd.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      2:49 PM Think your response is misplaced! Try, try again!

    2. 2:49 PM I understood what you meant. You were referring to Chuck Todd saying he thought Alison Grimes disqualified herself for not telling everyone who she voted for.

  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Chuck Todd has always been about Chuck Todd. He is not a journalist. I believe he went to college on a music scholarship/French horn. I don’t think he graduated.

    So how is he qualified to be on a major network? sheesh

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Chuck Todd is a horrible journalist. Just because he "loves" politics doesn't make him fair or unprejudiced.

  5. Everyone is partisan but journalists aren't supposed to wear their ideology for everyone to see. Todd has never been fair and balanced in all the years I have been watching his reporting.

  6. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Chuck has never been a journalist. He is........not sure what. But so shallow and self serving. He has not grown up. Sort of like Luke Russert.

    Pat Padrnos

  7. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Watch Live As Hillary Clinton Comes to Kentucky to Campaign for Alison Lundergan Grimes

    Debunking The Media Lie: Democrats Confirm They Are Not Pulling Out Of Kentucky Senate Race

    Sorry, media and Republicans, but no. Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) talking point is not what’s going on.

    Unlike the national Republican Party pulling out of Michigan because their candidate is such a fail, the national Democratic Party is not abandoning Alison Lundergan Grimes (D-KY) just because they are moving a lot of ad money to other races. They are investing in the unprecedented ground game in Kentucky. Investing is the opposite of pulling out.

    Kentucky Democrats confirmed that the DSCC had not reserved ad time past what they had already paid for, so there was no advertising to “pull”. This entire narrative only works if Grimes were a bad candidate, but she is an excellent candidate in a race marked as a toss up. Furthermore, Guy Cecil, the Executive Director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee tweeted that he just signed a $300,000 wire to help get out the vote for Alison in Kentucky:

    Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes Sets A New Kentucky Fundraising Record

    Mitch McConnell Admits Republicans Want Kansas’ “Conservative Hell” Enacted Nationally

    ...McConnell is anxious to lead the Senate and join House Republicans in enacting Brownback’s Koch brother model at the national level.

    In fact, he made a promise during a speech to the Koch brothers’ billionaire cabal that Republicans will indeed closely follow Brownback’s red-state model and “go after the federal government, all of it” when they control both houses of Congress.

  8. Anonymous3:52 PM

    They should have anticipated the situation and had a response ready. How about "I did not feel that Mitt Romney was the better candidate." Keep repeating THAT to Chuckturd. Not such a good sound bite for turtle face, is it?


  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Chuck is a news-personality. His comments deserve all the respect and consideration which goes with that designation.

  10. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Well his numbers aren't very good, so not many watching anyway. I have always disliked him and consider him to be a big ole piece of sheet...

  11. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I remember an actual MSNBC journalist losing his job because he made a donation to a campaign, and made it quietly not for public consumption. He didn't announce it or gloat about it but the higher ups were likely looking for something to force him out. So now we have an NBC news reader who publicly disparages candidate Grimes and now he gets to whine about it giving him a chance to twist his knife in her back a bit deeper.

    Somewhere tonight Keith Olbermann is chuckling or shaking his head at the 'fairness' of his former networks NBC & MSNBC are paving their partisan road further and further to the right and I think they don't believe or don't care that we've noticed.

    I gag every time the tundra twatwaffle screeches that the media is liberal biased. Must be she wants that last 2% of political coverage that sorta favors liberals to be shut out before she'll be satisfied. Effing pig.

  12. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I think that Chuck Todd, by his partisan stance in a paid ad, disqu a lifies himself as the "moderator" on Meet the Press. I always thought he was a little weasel anyway.

  13. Anonymous5:54 PM

    He really needs to be fired. And if this happened to republicans, the network would be inundated with letters demanding his dismissal.

  14. Anonymous8:22 PM

    McConnell's new best friend: Chuck Todd

    PS-The comments on Chuck Todd's facebook are non too kind!

  15. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Charles Turd

  16. Chuck Todd is worse than David Gregory who was worse than Tom Brokaw who was worse than Tim Russert who was worse than Garick Utley who was worse than Chris Wallace, etc., and I hope Chuck soon becomes known as the Ted McGinley of network news shows, i.e. Chuck Todd killed Meet the Press.

  17. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Yes. Indeed. Chucky has been naughty. NOT good. He must not be the Meet The Press dude or dudette. I watched him the other day on MSNBC morning joe.....spouting his personal opinions and gab. The Meet the Press Host must not be bias. They must at least appear to be neutral. He was/is a bad choice and guessing he will be replace quickly. Chuck has been oddly odd for the last few years? like he is uncomfortable or something? not sure. but not good.

  18. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Some men really fear Grimes, Clinton, Edwards and others. But real men like real women and they stand with education and strong leaders. Together, they can move this country into America's bright future. We have lots to accomplish. Get excited. VOTE and vote the toxic waste of time obstructionist out at ALL levels, city county, state and federal. Do a alaskan/texan size switch a roo. Vote out republicans in every state in the union.

  19. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Grimes must have told chucky to shut the F up. Chucky appears to have a problem with strong Kentucky women .....he looks like a scared little boy caught doing nasty things on national tv. Bad choice of host. He must be planning his departing lines and move along dance.

  20. Anonymous4:48 AM

    It is really time for Mitch McConnell to retire. And Chuck and Mitch should both head to pasture at this point.


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