Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Republican official in Missouri asks why the military is not taking action against a dangerous domestic enemy, of course meaning the President of the United States.

The above is what showed up on Debbie Dunnegan's Facebook page a few days ago.

Dunnegan is currently up for reelection as the Recorder of Deeds in Jefferson County, and probably does not want the kind of attention that this has attracted.

Which is why she kind of, sort of, took it back: 

Dunnegan said she merely wanted to know what oath the military took to protect the country from enemies both foreign and domestic. 

“I meant no ill intent toward the president. I meant no ill intent toward anybody,” she said. 

“Something innocent and simple got twisted into a disaster because it’s an election,” Dunnegan said.

Yes if it were not for an election, there is probably no way that anybody would mind a little innocent and simple seditious talk on Facebook now would they?

And people wonder why there are so many death threats against this President.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Got twisted? Seems pretty straight forward to me, Like Nugent's "evil carcasses."

  2. Caroll Thompson12:17 PM

    If anyone cares to take action on the President, you will have me to deal with and many others like me. I have guns for the sole purpose of using them if anyone wants something other than a democracy. And unlike Sarah Palin, I don't miss the target.

    Other than that, why do we have so many ignorant people in the country?

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM


    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Watching the fear and ignorance coming from within your borders on so many issues makes those of us, who live in other countries, wonder how the once number one country in the world got to this sorry state.

    3. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Lack of good and truthful public education (too many home schoolers).

      Religious nuts that haven't read the Bible any more than their history books.

      Fox News and Kock brothers.

      I'm worried too.

    4. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Mildred, you're right on all points. All the things you mentioned have created an' "us versus them" mentality that is vitriolic and pathological, and it is destroying this country. A house divided against itself can not stand; a country can no longer function when its people are not united.

    5. Anonymous8:45 AM


  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    What? This should be more like why not against divider SP and TP. She already had a part in Tucson.

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I swear, some people need to be drop-kicked over the border and this one is a prime candidate for that, more so than for the office she wishes to be re-elected for.
    M from MD

  5. Anonymous12:43 PM

    That seditious bitch can kiss this military mom's ass

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      These fuckos throw this shit out there and then they "take it back"". Sorry asshole we're onto that. The damage is done and you know it. You fuckin' people really piss me off.

  6. Anonymous12:53 PM

    The depth of the ignorance of folks like this is staggering.

  7. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I don't see how something so obvious in intent in her post can be "twisted".

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Agree completely, Anonymous 12:58. Waters knew exactly what she was calling for.

  8. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Hey It’s Not Like This Missouri Official Actually Wants To Kill The President

    ...Because when you openly state that the POTUS is an enemy of the United States, and assert that the Constitution gives the military the authority to remove a commander in chief if he’s The Enemy — a power embedded, surprisingly enough, in a creative reading of the Third Amendment — you aren’t expressing any “ill will.” Instead, says Dunnegan, her innocent little question about military oaths and how they relate to removing The Enemy in our midst just got twisted into some kind of call for a coup. Imagine that!

  9. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Also, The Mudflats has a post up by someone who was harassed by members of the guard with ZERO comments. WTF? Is this going to go anywhere? It's infuriating!

  10. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Doesn't she have to answer to the Secret Service for these comments?

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      And they are in such fine humor right now. Maybe she'd like to walk across the lawn and discuss it with the "domestic enemy" in person.

  11. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "Something innocent and simple got twisted". Really? I think she just did not expect her comment to get out in the open.
    More of the same anti-Obama nonsense. Try again "innocent and simple".

    Pat Padrnos

  12. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Debbie darlin',
    The reason you "CANNOT and do not understand"
    is because you are an ignorant racist. Chances of you changing are slim to none, sorry.

  13. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Somewhere Hoohaa palin is kicking herself in her bony ass wishing she could have thought of saying this horrible screed before someone who is equally demented.

  14. Anonymous1:57 PM

    fox news, the cross-eyed hunch backed white trash skank from wasilla, the mark levin types, et al, they're the domestic fukin' terrorists that need to be taken down. The undereducated/scared dipshit knuckle draggers buy their seditionist shit hook line and sinker..

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      yep! and don't forget Rick Frothy Santorum and his gay and "bla" people screed.

  15. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I'd bet that at least one TV in her house is tuned to Fox News 24 hours a day. That's where they get this crap.

  16. Anonymous2:31 PM

    This was a dog whistle, no buts about it. Dunnegan is putting it out there for some PTSD veteran to do her bidding. She is trying to provoke someone to do it.

    The Republican Chairman of the State should ask her to step down. The fact that no one does anything about this, just proves they're all of the same cloth.

    1. Where she lives, there are plenty of PTSD "heroes" hunkered down in the woods. No one is going to ask her to step down. The likely scenario is that she will be elected to our state legislature, a more dunderheaded posse of fools and freaks you could not find anywhere on earth.

  17. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Nobody could be so clueless as to wonder what she is missing. Remember the Dixzie Chicks? All they said was that they were ashamed that W was from Texass and their lives and careers were ruined. I hope the FBI, Secret Service and others pay this dumb bitch a visit and explain to her what she is missing.

  18. Todd Pa - (Why won't anyone Help Me?)2:34 PM

    This is what idiots like Sarah and the rest of the useless soggy Tit-Baggers can not understand. President Obama is the commander and chief over the whole military, and the secretary of defense also presides over the military. The of the military include Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, and US Coast Guard. the marines are the only ones who can be sent out to battle on the presidents whim and without congresses approval (i'm pretty sure). the other ones need congresses approval to go to war. the marines are an expeditionary force, meaning recon and such, while the army is the main occupying ground force. navy provides support from the sea and controls the seas while the air force does the same in the air. they all have their own secretaries for each branch I believe. Chain of command goes down from generals, (four star on down to brigadier generals) to colonels, Lt. colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants, second lieutenants, and then the enlisted ranks from sergeants on down. Who do they all work for?

    The person who gets elected PRESIDENT!

    Dear Sarah, how do you and your other tit-bagging buddies manage to walk from one place to the other without having little bits of your brains falling out your ears?

  19. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I love the way these nut cases react when their vitriol goes public. They are always misunderstood and were just making a perfectly innocent statement. Unfortunately, the "innocent" statement was a request by an elected official for someone to assassinate the president of the United States. Just imagine if an elected official had made the same kind of "innocent" statement during the Bush years. She should be forced by her party to resign and drop out of the election.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Yes, there is a war on treasonists, you know.


  20. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Fuck you lady!

  21. Anonymous3:54 PM

    And the typical defense of these types of comments?

    "But I was just asking a question!"

  22. Cmdr. Beldar "Bat Guano" Conehead, 2nd Amphibious Bicycle Brigade, (ret)4:14 PM

    Gyphen, she has a point.

    After all, if Obama had openly confessed to his Muslin African ancestry before the 2008 election (and again in 2012....) do you REALLY believe he would have been elected? (twice) Of course not!

    She's simply asking why should we be rewarding his deception with the keys to one of the largest homes in the Washington D.C. area? That's all. If you think about it, It's really more of a real estate issue than anything else.

    If you read her message carefully (and pretend you're a lunatic fuckwad teabagger off his meds) you can see the whole treasonous armed military coup/popular insurrection/assassination angle would always be a last resort. Under her plan, Obama would almost certainly be offered the opportunity to step down with some sort of guarantee of safety or at least a reasonable head start out of town before the jackals took off after him.

    See? No ill intent whatsoever......

  23. Anita Winecooler4:18 PM

    Gee, I mean no offense, but are you retarded or do you have a brain injury? Just askin' cause there MUST be some form of organic brain problem that you'd seriously try to "undo" what you so less than eloquently wrote about the commander in chief and YOUR President, Barrack Hussein Obama.
    OK, I admit I laughed till I cried when President GWBush "landed a jet" on the deck in full uniform (after having "Dodged" wearing it before) with his "Fonzie in the headlights" look with "Mission Accomplished" across the top, but even "I" still respected the office.

    What skillset does "The recorder of Deeds" entail? Is that above or below the skillset of Commander in Chief?
    God bless Debbie Dunnegan Waters, she hasn't been the same since stepping on a hoe and getting thwonked in the forehead with the pole.

  24. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Missouri, the new Mississippi.

  25. Anonymous5:18 PM

    treason... isn't threatening the President illegal?

    1. Why yes, yes it is.

    2. Anonymous8:09 PM

      And NO one does ANYTHING about it.

  26. This is the same sedition Virginia "Gentleman" (what an oxymoron) has engaged in the last two years on C4P. He claims to have a large cohort of Oathkeepers and ex-Special Forces and even current enlisted men who "guard" him and he even threatened to unleash them on me when I was down-voting his comments last year. He finally went so far as to declare that any officer in the Armed Forces who didn't resign his commission was a traitor.

  27. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Sedition at it's finest, right in the middle of the GOP.

  28. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Like Limbaugh. Put it out there, damage done, go
    to commercial, then come back on air and say
    "just kidding" but yes, the damage is done!


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