Saturday, October 04, 2014

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia does not think the that the separation of church and state means the government cannot favor religion over nonreligion. Did I mention that he is on the Supreme Court?

So here are a few things that Justice Scalia said to the audience of the Colorado Christian University on Wednesday courtesy of the Washington Times:  

“I think the main fight is to dissuade Americans from what the secularists are trying to persuade them to be true: that the separation of church and state means that the government cannot favor religion over nonreligion,” Justice Scalia said. 

Okay for those who may not know, the 1st Amendment says the following:  

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

So my question would be IF the Congress were to favor a religion, which religion would it be, since the first amendment clearly states that they cannot favor one over another?

If the laws support Christianity then it steps on the rights of Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, practitioners of Jainism, Taoists, Rastafarians, Wiccans, etc., etc., etc..

Which is kind of the reason that the amendment is usually interpreted to avoid favoring any religion over another, or over the nonreligious. And wouldn't you hope that a Supreme Court Justice might know that?

But wait, there's more:  

“We do him [God] honor in our pledge of allegiance, in all our public ceremonies,” Justice Scalia said. “There’s nothing wrong with that. It is in the best of American traditions, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. I think we have to fight that tendency of the secularists to impose it on all of us through the Constitution.” 

Yes, when we were a less educated, and less homogenized society, it may have seemed reasonable to allow certain religious groups to dominate the public arena. But we are far removed from those bygone days, and thankfully our founding fathers provided us with a blueprint of how to right the wrongs of past myopic leaders, and to finally have the all inclusive paradise that the authors of the Constitution always imagined.  

Again you would think a Supreme Court Justice might understand that.

“Our [the court‘s] latest take on the subject, which is quite different from previous takes, is that the state must be neutral, not only between religions, but between religion and nonreligion,” Justice Scalia said. “That’s just a lie. Where do you get the notion that this is all unconstitutional? You can only believe that if you believe in a morphing Constitution.”

Or in reading it.

“If I had the other view of the Constitution — that it was an empty bottle, which was to be filed by my court, and it was my responsibility to decide … all these massive ethical questions — if they were all my call, I couldn’t sleep at night,” Mr. Scalia said. “And some of my colleagues have said, ‘Oh, we agonize a lot.’ I don’t agonize at all. I look at the text, I look at the history of the text. That’s the answer. It’s not my call.” 

So what we have learned is that Justice Scalia really does not completely understand the document that he is sworn to uphold,  clearly panders to the religious right, and that his ignorance allows him to sleep like a baby.

Well great, now that I know all of that, how am I going to be able to sleep?


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Is he as stupid as he looks? Boy, with Scalia and Thomas on the Supreme Court, there was a nosedive in intellectual capacity in that hallowed institution.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      6:31 Is he as stupid as he looks?
      Apparently so. Also agree with the nosedive our courts and govt seem to be taking. We're almost going backwards!

      Makes me question evolution sometimes :) yikes!

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      First of all, let's not forget that the Conservative Majority, Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy, Alito and Roberts are Catholic, and not just Catholic but far right Catholics with possible ties to conservative groups within the Catholic Church. So it can be argued that some of their decisions are more influenced by the Bible than the Constitution. Also, when Scalia talks about mentioning God in the Pledge as "the best of America's tradition", what does that mean. The pledge had existed since 1892 when it was written by a Baptist minister who was also a Christian Socialist (yikes) and his family has said over the years he would have opposed that addition. It was added in 1954 after a push by the Catholic group the Knights of Columbus, during the midst of the Cold War, I guess to separate us from the Godless Communists.

  2. The Founding Fathers did not trust the Catholic Church. Scalia is Catholic. If he really cared about the intent of the Founders, he would never have become a judge in the first place.

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Who appointed him the Chief Religious Missionary of the Supreme Court?

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Not just Scalia, but his little dog, too. If anyone is a poster boy for dropping dead from heart failure due to dietary excess, it's Scalia. I truly wonder how long Thomas would last when his Massa isn't there anymore.

    Ah, a girl can hope...

  5. Anonymous7:47 AM

    ES&D, Stronzo

  6. Maple7:51 AM

    If a justice of the Supreme Court is required to uphold the Constitution, and if he chooses to ignore, or (even worse) publicly argue with an amendment and saying ti's wrong, then shouldn't that be grounds for both Congress and the Executive branch to have him removed? This isn't a mere case of "interpretation". Sign me a Canuck appalled.

    1. Yes, I totally agree.

      It's like a priest or a rabbi telling folks that premeditated murder is OK.

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      I am APPALLED at the ignorance of America in general and now The "supreme" court guys? What fucking future
      does your country have? Run far, run fast!

  7. Anonymous7:59 AM

    This Supreme Court is a joke......They are thumbing their noses at our founders - Scalia, in particular, is a danger to all American freedom......

  8. Anonymous8:02 AM

    If there was ever a good argument for term limits on the SCOTUS, Scalia is it.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      He's an arrogant lunatic. During a q and a after his speech when asked if the pressure of decisions get to him he replied "what are they going to do to me? I have life tenure"

    2. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Dementia? You bet: it's called religion.

  9. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Early dementia? He has always been a crackpot and has a history of saying things in speeches, meeting where he had no business being present and is generally outrageous when he spews. However, even if he has always been a "little off" can it be that it is now helped by some brain deterioration?

  10. Anonymous8:32 AM

    This Supreme Court is a joke......They are thumbing their noses at our founders - Scalia, in particular, is a danger to all American freedom......

  11. Anonymous8:42 AM

    “We do him [God] honor"

    And right there we have a problem, as use of the masculine pronoun disenfranchises Wiccans and many HIndus. See the problem yet, Tony?

  12. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Scalia is incredibly ignorant and I cannot abide him. He is an idiotic "judge" if you can call him that. I hope that he doesn't live a long longer or gets health problems that force him to retire. I wish he and Thomas could be impeached! Today's court is a horror.

    1. I completely agree with you on both, but I don't wish anybody harm or illness, although we can only hope. I know Thomas was appointed by Reagan, but who appointed Scalia?

  13. jkarov9:22 AM

    The Constitution never mentions god, jesus, church, or the bible even one time because it is the only legal foundation of our country, and we are founded on secular democratic principles.

    Scalia is living in his own Opus Dei bubble of deception and entitlement, and like many theocrats doesn't care what anyone else thinks or believes

    The 1st amdendment guarantees freedom of religion (all religion!), but mandates no government establishment

    Article 6, paragraph 3 was included as a purposeful, specific, and intentional way to reflect that our
    founders intended us to be a neutral and secular government, free from religious prejudice.

    The founding Fathers debated extensively over this paragraph 3, but finally came to this language to prevent America from having a state religion, and to assure that anyone, even ATHIESTS could be elected as President, serve in Congress, or as a judge.

    Ronald Reagan believed this as have many of our statesmen in the past

    Here's a direct quote of a speech President Reagan gave to a gathering of Jewish people in 1984.
    "We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate. All are free to believe or not believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free, and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief:

    If the founding Fathers purposely chose a completely secular approach to who could be in high office, that should be the only standard for all Americans.

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      And yet Scalia is on the court because of Regan....

  14. "We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate. All are free to believe or not believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free, and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief:

    Even their "own" political god says this and, still, they cannot get their minds around separation of church & state.

    What will it take? Nothing will work. To challenge their thinking is to challenge their selves and make them feel attacked in their very souls. Forget showing them, or trying to convince them.

    Their protective bubble is intact, always will be, it seems, even to the highest court judge in the land.

    A sad, sad place: America today.

  15. Anonymous10:48 AM

    LOL...for all the Christians cheering...they might want to remember "Sharia Law" Scalia's logic, all the states that want to vote down the likely hood of Sharia Law would be illegal, correct?

  16. Justice Scalia looks somewhat old, does anybody know if he has any medical problems?

  17. Anonymous5:21 PM

    These idiots keep forgetting our "founding fathers" left England because of religious persecution-hence the separation of church and state.

    The so-called supreme court "justices" are also forgetting that judges are suppose to be non-political.

  18. Anonymous5:36 PM

    We REALLY need to change the rules so that the judicial ethics rules that apply to all federal judges ALSO apply to the US Supreme Court justices. If federal judges are considered imperfect enough to require a code of ethical conduct, then it should certainly be even MORE critical that the justices on the highest court of the land be required to abide by the same rules of conduct.

    The five radical conservative justices have proven over and over again that they cannot be trusted to voluntarily abide by ethical standards.

  19. Scalia's fundamental error is to suppose that some religions may be excluded from the First Amendment's protection simply by characterizing them as "nonreligion." The Supreme Court has rightly recognized that a worldview without god(s) is every bit a "religion" as one with god(s). Scalia's narrow notion of religion (apparently theism or perhaps even just Christianity) hardly comports with what the founders had in mind.

    Scalia's view is not just wrong, but perverse. By interpreting the First Amendment to protect only theism and indeed favor it, while excluding and disfavoring atheism and other nontheist worldviews, Scalia would effectively establish theism as officially favored religion, just the sort of thing the First Amendment was designed to preclude.


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