Friday, October 10, 2014

Talking Points Memo reveals seven amazing moments from the drunken brawl police report. Update!

Here they are courtesy of TPM:

1. The Palins Tried To Start Another Altercation After Cops Arrived 

Yeah right in front of the police while they were talking to McKenna and the homeowner and yet they did nothing.

2. Officers Thought The Palins Tried To Hide Track From Them 

Can you blame them?

3. 'Heavily Intoxicated' Bristol Described Being Dragged By Her Legs 

Weird that nobody else mentioned that happening.

4. 'The Entire Event Was On Camera' 

Seriously we need that video!

5. Police Made No Mention Of Interviewing Sarah Palin

They might have tried but the human ear cannot pick up that high pitched screeching. They probably kept wondering why somebody was rudely strangling a cat while they were trying to talk to the crazy lady.

6. Willow Told Cops Other Party Guests Were Saying 'Fuck The Palins' 

Probably my favorite part. And also the only part of her testimony that I believe happened.

7. Track Palin Apparently Tried To Pick A Fight With His Father

Now this one I actually did not notice while I was reading through the report.

But here it is: 

Officers talked to a witness, Brian Horscel, who said that earlier in the evening he had seen yet another altercation involving the Palins. He almost tried to stop it, he told the police, until he realized who was involved 

From the report: "He said that earlier he did see Track trying to start a fight with his dad, Todd, and he was about to step in until he found out that it was Todds (sic) son that was trying to fight him."


This thing is still going viral today, and I imagine that as we go forward that a number of news outlets are going to ask exactly how all of this took place without any charges being brought forward. 

Might inspire a little investigative reporting.

And speaking of that. After I finished writing up my post yesterday, I reached out to a couple of sources to let them know the report was out.

This is what I sent one of them:

"Well it looks like no charges are forthcoming. That means they skate again.  It looks like it is up to you and I to mete out a little justice."

Their response:

"I'm in."

Like I said this report does nothing to protect the Palins in the long run. Nothing.

Update:  You know I think this is a good time to revisit Eric Thompson's version of events. (You can see it here on his Gofundme page.)

It seems to me that the only reason that Thompson was fired is because he did not back up the Palin/McKenna version of what happened in the fight with Todd and Track and the other party goers.

In the Thompson version, which he got from Steve and Connor Cleary themselves, it was Todd and Track who started a fight with THEM. However in the cleaned up version, for public consumption, it was the Palin men who were jumped for no apparent reason, while defending Steve against "unknown" attackers.

By the way the Thompson version was also the one that Connor gave to the National Enquirer.

So exactly WHY did the police focus on the Palin/McKenna version of that fight?


  1. Thanks, Gryph. I'm taking this renewed opportunity to post on every blog/article I can about Eric Thompson's GoFUndMe and Immoral Minority. I hope all you guys will do the same.

    With love from Georgia, USA

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Beth, Eric Thompson has a new job according to Malia Litman.

    2. Excellent news! But I still feel that every dime given him is a middle finger to the Palins, so, you know, we should keep it growing!

    3. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Good to hear. Since Thompson found a new job, will he be donating all the money to charity?

    4. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Why does he need to donate it? People gave him money of their own free will. He can do whatever he wants with it.

  2. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Posted at the Pee Pond in response to their desperate spinning of the facts we now know about the Palin brawl:-

    Carolyn Clark bassman • 6 minutes ago
    If you want to know what happened that night, which of course you don't, you should read the Anchorage police report--it's all over the internet. Otherwise just continue cherry picking a line here and there from one news report or another to try and make the Palins seem like a sober, responsible family. Over a million hits already on that police report and growing (not even 24 hours since release).

    Don't imagine it will be up too much longer.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Crazy deluded Theresa thinks the Palin clan should be the family leading the nation. Insane.

      TheresaAK • 23 minutes ago
      Am I the only one who could care less about the whole "brawl" issue? Honestly, I found out about it on C4P...had no idea...and when it first was "reported" on here, I just blew it off as another Linda Beagle, Shannon Moore, Jesse Griffen, and other Sick Psychopaths shenanigans....making stuff up, blowing things out of proportion, and I was RIGHT...go
      Who really gives a rat's behind about this? And if you do, why, pray tell?
      Seems to me, it only proves that this is the Family we would want leading our Nation.
      So, if you don't mind, let's move on and let the trolls eat themselves alive with their own disease filled, sadistic traits...and we continue to make sure our country is saved ....
      Thank you.

    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      lol, gnash gnash gnash

    3. "Seems to me, it only proves that this is the Family we would want leading our Nation. "
      Really? My, this "TheresaAK" person achieves fissionable levels of delusion, stupidity, and poor character with this idiotic remark.

  3. Anonymous6:25 AM

    what a great way ro start my day!!!! can't wait for the hammer to fall on the seditious one. long time coming and so fucking enjoyable to watch!!!!!

  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    They have a lot to lose and they are seeing if they can PAY their way out of it...I would guess by the 'delay' in actions...that they were deciding whether or not to 'press charges'...ya know this will be GOLD in the upcoming case...

  5. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I find it really interesting in the police report that Sarah told Track to talk the police. Why would she do that? If it were my child I'd tell them not to without legal counsel present, especially if they were drunk. Do you think she threw him under the bus so she could hide in the limo and not talk to the police? That's what I'm thinking.

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      IMO, Sarah wasn't concerned about what the Palins' said to the police, she figured she'd just sanitize their part in the mess after it was over. That's always worked for her before.

    2. Maybe she wanted it to look as though she was oh so cooperative with the police, with no regard for track's condition or what might happen to him as a result.

      All about making herself look good and it doesn't matter who ends up under the bus.

    3. Anonymous7:43 AM

      She told him to call the police because if a Palin called them first before anyone else did, Sarah was hoping that it would make her family look like the "true" victims.

      One time another adult hit me. My husband called 911 because that is an assault and as soon as the hitter realized who he was calling she whipped out her cell phone and called 911 too so she could pretend to be a victim, but she couldn't claim assault because I never hit her back. All she could say was that I upset her and made her hit me. Of course when the police got here she ended up being charged and slapped with a restraining order.

  6. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Super news!

    By the way, Eric Thompson got fired by his bosses because he spoke about the affair (their friends) to media. It probably was bad for the McKenna Construction business, in their minds, and we all know that Todd and Sarah no doubt put them up to firing Thompson also too. This was Sarah and Todd's little message to the others, not to talk to media.

    Well, it's obvious Sarah and Todd didn't bank on the APD releasing this report. Because the APD (who we usually believe are in Todd and Sarah's pocket), went against their wishes and released the witnesses report (of which looks all negative for the Palins).

    So why did APD allow the witnesses accounts be included? Is there dissension in the ranks?

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      I think the APD HAD to release the report knowing that this brawl went viral and everybody was watching them - public pressure was on. But then they compromised with the Palins and left out a LOT of information on purpose like Willow's age, interviews with Todd & Sarah, etc.

  7. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I eventually had to go to bed last night, but read what I missed this morning and am STILL laughing. Good luck, Palins, you're going to need it. What an effed up brood!

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Head over to wonkette as well if you haven't. My sides were hurting last night from the comments. Irreverent all the way around...

    2. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Superbrawl #1 story on Huffpo's politics page. Hoohah.

  8. Anonymous6:37 AM

    The APD report is on google news front page this morning. It's friday and the media are looking for a story. I'll bet this thing goes even more viral. hehe!

  9. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Joe McGinniss, this one's for you!

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      RIP Joe.

    2. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Nice!! :)

    3. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Love the late Joe McGinniss. My favorite Joe after VP Joe "Daddy Joe" Biden.

      Jennifer K

  10. Anonymous6:39 AM

    As an unfortunate member of the dreadful grammar police, I feel compelled, because you do write so beautifully, to bring a little something to your notice. You say above, "Well it looks like no charges are forthcoming. That means they skate again. It looks like it is up to you and I to mete out a little justice."

    You wouldn't say "it is up to I to mete out justice," rather "it's up to me." Adding "you" to the mix doesn't change that. Correct would be "up to you and me", (or "us").

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      6:39: Please, stick your red pencil up your ass.

    2. Anonymous7:05 AM

      By the by...Did you read the police reports? I think some of the officers could use a short course on how to write coherent sentences.

    3. Sally in MI7:11 AM

      Thank you. That one bothered me too. I have been known to try to correct blog entries. I think our language needs to be,used properly, and besides, when we do it well, it makes the Palin English scrambling look even worse.

    4. Anonymous7:28 AM

      You do realize that English teachers do not make good Policemen?

    5. Anonymous7:31 AM

      7:11 - then you are a language bully.

    6. Anonymous7:36 AM

      6:54 and 7:04- Chill bitches !!!!

    7. Anonymous7:57 AM

      7:36 - language bully award winner!

    8. Anonymous8:12 AM

      I'm 7:04, and I have wanted to say that since i was in middle school. However, that was fifty years ago and it would have gotten me expelled from school then. This is a little quick snark not a research paper.

      EEEHA!!!! HOOHAHs!!!!!

    9. Anonymous8:15 AM

      To all who objected, I hoped (should have said) that Gryph wouldn't post it, it was just for him, because the little minor flaw in otherwise wonderful writing was easy to correct. Those of us who were raised loving the language and schooled in "proper" grammar (and there are a lot of us!) kind of cringe when an obvious error is made. I cringed when President Obama said in an interview, " invitation came to Michelle and I", (correct: me), because a admire him so much and wanted him to present excellence in all ways.

      Look, I'm stuck with it, can't help myself. Forgive.

    10. Yes and I should apologize for posting that comment about grammar. I usually only scan comments for spam or to make sure that there are certain words left out, so I did not read that one carefully or I probably would have left it unpublished.

      I actually do not mind having my grammar corrected as it is an ongoing problem with me at times.

      However I could not fix that part because it was reporting on a text that I sent which contained the poor grammar, and to edit myself now seemed dishonest.

      Sorry again.

  11. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Why wasn't Todd Palin's statement taken? Is the ANC pd afraid of Todd?

    1. Anonymous7:02 AM

      We don't know for sure that Todd's statement wasn't taken. We just know that Todd's statement to the police wasn't released.

    2. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Some of them work for him. He also keeps records on his clients.

    3. Anonymous7:13 AM

      That's an excellent point, 7:02. Color me shamefaced.

  12. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I was raised by a pack of wild hyenas in south Africa and I have more manners and social skills than all of the Palin children.

  13. Anonymous6:48 AM

    The intertubes on Fire! Between the Wasilla brawl and panty sniffers tweeting about her "Hoohah" OMG!!!
    She must of been "Rilly" drunk to post that one, "HooHah" Bwhaaaahahahaaa the Palin klown kar lives!!!

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Not too long ago, Sarah commented in a screech that "Track told her she was mispronouncing 'hooah' ". So Sarah knows ... or knew. Posting "hoohah" yesterday was either because 1) she forgot what Track told her which may be an indication of Sarah's deteriorating mental condition; or 2) she knew hoohah was the wrong word and knows what hoohah means but her love for vulgarity exceeds her respect for veterans.

      Take your choice.

  14. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Still shocked that Sarah thought driving up in a Hummer limo to a party, with her clan drunk and disorderly, and getting into fights, and her First Dude Todd yelling and trying to engage in another yet another fight (in front of police), and watch her two young adult daughters (one a minor), like banshees, looking to kick some woman's ass and then intoxicated Bristol pulls punches to the host, all the while little grandson is asking, "grammy, where's mommy"? I'm tired and want to go home to bed." This whole scenario has to be fiction. But it isn't, And the whole intoxicated gang roll back into the limo and off it drives in the sweet Sarah Palin's Alaskan sunset.

    How did she think she could pull this off with her political peers and Fox News colleagues and counselors and public relations advisors and moral majority?? She's lost her rocker.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      When this first broke it was said she was trying to buy evidence (phones). That sounds like someone who thinks they can cover up another mess. APD doesn't want to say she was drunk or how drunk, just the group smelled.

      She lost her rocker long ago. There are numerous speeches and appearances where she is observed as intoxicated. Alcohol and what? We are yet to learn the details.

      How many cell phones was Sarah able to buy? Inquiring minds want to know and will find out.

      When will the Hummer Chauffeur come out of hiding? Why did the APD leave out a number one witness?

      What are the Palin gangsters doing with Peter P.W. Ferrero?

    2. Anonymous7:11 AM

      I'm thinking that Sarah herself was drunk and/or high so wasn't "thinking" clearly ... not that she is ever capable of thinking clearly. Any sober parent with half a brain would have noticed that their children (and the children's friends who accompanied them to the party) were getting out of control.

      When Track was trying to start a fight with Todd (before the big fights broke out), Track's actions should have been a clue that it was time to go home. Why didn't Sarah or Todd respond responsibly? Probably because they were both drunk and/or high.

    3. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of a Palin?

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM


      but but but, when this first broke the crosseyed skank wasn't even present at the party, that'd of been impossible as she was traveling that day back from texas - remember ?

      LMFAO !!

  15. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Y'All, remember that commandment about honoring your Father and Mother. Track, Bristol, and Willow surely well honored 'em for putting them out on the national stage for Sarah's selfish reasons. If anyone slut shamed Bristol, it was her own Mother at the RNC.

    Perhaps, if Sarah had been doing some of that "mama chewing out" and paying attention to raising her family her kids would not have acted out. And, also too, Sarah should have been helping them with their school work. It would have been a good review for her about history, geography, current events, and civics.

    Lessons learned? I hope so...Common sense will only take you so far. Maybe, you can't fix stupid.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

  16. Anonymous6:53 AM

    The headline and story is good. I might need to start a scrapbook.

  17. Anonymous6:58 AM

    While we're waiting for the next FEC report to drop (due 10/15) it's interesting to note that SarahPAC filed two amended returns on 10/6. Were they required to amend the returns or is Tim Crawford doing some creative accounting?

    FINANCIAL SUMMARY - 2014 July Quarterly
    From: 04/01/2014 To: 06/30/2014
    I. RECEIPTS $464,895
    II. DISBURSEMENTS $576,242
    III. CASH SUMMARY $977,920

    Spent $111,347 more than they took in. A real fiscal conservative...

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      The PAC will have even bigger fees paid to consultants. It's called "hush money," or "let me pay you for any damages" and "there's no need to mention me and Todd."

  18. Anonymous7:01 AM

    The accounts from witnesses, like the one where Track was picking a fight with Todd, etc. cannot be swept under the rug by Palins, as was their want back in the old days. If the Palins turn this into their persecution, their victimhood, it just won't connect with the rest of the country anymore.

    They'll have to claim that all those witnesses were liars. It must be getting lonely for them to always be the victim and everyone else the perpetrators. They've cried wolf so many times and fooled the lower 48 so many times. Now, they are left with having to call police and witnesses liars.

    I can almost hear them saying: "the APD witness reports aren't true, those partiers were all liars, they were our friends but still liars. They are our haters, we are victims, we're just nice people and they hate us.............what a world what a world!!"

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Along with her cray cray family of crooks and creeps, Sarah painted herself in a corner. What can they do but be irrelevant now and repeat the sos pile of excuses?

    2. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Perzactly. Thing that amazes me is the desperation of the (paid?) trolls that are trying to whitewash this on various blogs. The horse has bolted, not much good shuttin' the barn now.

      "cray cray" love it!

  19. Anonymous7:03 AM

    #7 - Curtis Menard was there ?!?!?!?!?

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Or Todd has another son in addition to Track

  20. Anonymous7:04 AM

    From this day forward, any time I am at a loss for words, I will rely on the word(s) of the Grifter Queen-"Hoohah!"

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Ya gotta admit, it brings a smile to your face. Hoohah!

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Sally should make "Hoohah" her word of the day on the Sarah Palin Channel.

  21. Anonymous7:08 AM

    'Heavily Intoxicated' Bristol Described Being Dragged By Her Legs'......she must have been having a Dancing with the Stars Flashback.

    1. 7:08 HILARIOUS!! Just blew coffee thru my nose!

    2. Jim In Texas7:28 AM

      Best comment of the day!!!

    3. Anonymous8:00 AM

      ha ha ha ha I had to tweet it!

    4. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Anonymous @7.08AM. I'm bummed because I have a horrible cold, but your comment cracked me up. Thanks!

      Jennifer K

    5. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Bristol was the "800lb gorilla" at the party.

  22. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I salute you, Gryphen, and all others who are looking for every detail about this event.
    Let me just say, though, from way over here near where Paul Revere rang his bells, that the headlines and jokes that have already sunk into the public consciousness are enough to bury the Palin clan for a long time. "Drunken brawl," "Bristol slugging the host in the face six times," "Track giving the finger while parading around shirtless," plus various people getting bloodied -- the general population won't need any more details before deciding finally, and forever, that the Palins belong in Wasilla forever and ever.


    It has occurred to me this conspiracy theory: the family Palin had their own private drunken party for good old 50-year-old Todd, but a couple of days earlier they'd heard about the birthday party in Anchorage to which they figured they were entitled to attend.So they rented that Humvee a day or so in advance and, after getting all soused up and full of hurt feelings because they hadn't been invited, piled into the Hummer to crash the birthday bash where they weren't wanted.
    Thus, their drunken acting-out, their behavior as victims, (Bristol to the host: "You don't own this land." or some such), the leading with their fists. No apologies to the host -- since they felt that Todd and only Todd should be the center of attention that night.

    My writing is rather jumbled, but you get the drift. It was partly their party because - well, because they're Palins. Who could say no to a drunken party of entitled trailer trash?

  23. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I wonder why the Anchorage Police did not interview Sarah and Todd Palin. I guess they really do know who they are.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Methinks that the Anchorage police department probably did interview both Sarah and Todd, maybe even have recordings of the interviews but simply didn't release those two interviews. Because ex-beauty queen (haha) former mayor, ex-governor, losing VP candidate, mother, FauxNoise commenter, mama grisly...etc., etc.

  24. Anonymous7:16 AM

    It's irritating that so many of the articles are zeroing in on Bristol being called a cunt and slut. Those are HER claims... not other witnesses. Most aren't pointing that out and letting it stand as a fact. Oh well, just the fact that they were involved in the mess is enough to ruin their brand.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Roger Clinton went to jail.
      That didn't ruin the Clinton brand.
      Keep masturbating.

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Oh, 7:38, I think we know the Palin "brand". Strange you should mention masturbation.

    3. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Forced genital/sexual references: always a dead giveaway that Sarah herself is trolling.

    4. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Her statement gave E!online and their ilk license to run headlines about how she was called a slut and a c---, and how she was slut-shamed. Way to control the narrative, Bristol.

    5. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Yes, crude and vulgar sexual references...those posts are Sarah.

      Hey Sarah, Bill didn't raise his brother. YOU raised your feral children.

    6. Anonymous8:51 AM

      This is the second time we've caught Bristol lying to authorities. The first was during the David Kernall trial when she testified that she lived in the boonies and had neither cell service nor land line. Gorilla Girl seems to have a problem with the truth!

    7. Yep, here you are again Sarah@7:38. Why do you do this to yourself?

    8. Anonymous9:19 AM

      I see the one-handed typer is back at 7:38

  25. Anonymous7:20 AM

    It's just too bad that Sarah Palin isn't our VEEP.

    And some people think Joe Biden's gaffes are embarassing?!

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Oh yeah, we're so much better off with Joker Joe.
      • On Friday, he went to Joplin, Mo., and lamented the "161,000 brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandparents lost" in that city's tornado in 2011. Except the real death toll was 161, not 161,000, which is more than three times the city's population of roughly 50,000.

      • On Thursday, Biden ate shoe leather while speaking at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. During a question-and-answer period, he said U.S. allies Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates funded and armed terrorists. He has since apologized for making the remarks.

      Though Biden might have been right (see nearby editorial), he didn't need to make the statement in public. That he did shows he simply can't be trusted to speak for his country — or, for that matter, allowed anywhere near a microphone.

      • During the same appearance, the man who would be president said his current job — hardly regarded as a back-breaker — is a "bitch."

      • A few weeks earlier, Biden had what the Washington Post called the "worst week in Washington." The "gaffe hat trick" began when Biden offended the Jewish community by grumbling about the "Shylocks" who lend to military members and families.

      It continued when he designated Singapore's first prime minister "the wisest man in the Orient."

      And it was capped when he praised one-time Republican Sen. Bob Packwood — a man who quit amid charges of sexual harassment and assault — during a speech at a Democratic leadership forum for women.

      Joe Biden for president? Please, not the man who can't control his tongue and whose importance lies in ensuring Barack Obama will never be impeached.

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      I doubt that Joe Biden's kids get roaring drunk and crash parties.

    3. Anonymous7:57 AM

      7:37- this is not about Joe Biden. Go post at C for P loser.

    4. To anon 7:37am

      Dear RAM -- or some other paid troll--- I see you got your posting orders. Since you are in the mood to point out gaffes --- do you have some time to write out Granny Grifter's gaffes, also too? I know there isn't enough time in the day to do so but I thought I would ask you since you are so inspired this morning!
      -----way to go off topic---by design, of course---

      We are not discussing Joe Biden --nor do we need ANY reading material about him from YOU.

      Stick to the topic and stop trying to spin ---- The Fucking Hillbilly Grifting Family you so adore were involved in a DRUNKEN BRAWL ---- One they started and everyone knows about it. PERIOD.

      Feck off!!!!

    5. Anonymous8:06 AM

      7:37--nice cut and paste job. Bet you were just waiting for a chance to use it. By the way, do you know 7:38?

    6. Anonymous8:07 AM

      ummm cue me 757 but 720 made the statement about VPs. Biden, sadly, IS the VPOTUS. So in that case, it IS about Joker Joe.

    7. Anonymous8:08 AM

      742 No, you're probably right. Biden doesn't need to drink to do and say stupid things.

    8. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Poor little anti-Biden troll. No one here really cares what you think. We are too busy relishing the unraveling of Sarah Palin.

    9. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Palin hoohah sniffers can only completely ignore her stinkiness and change the subject to something random that someone else did, e.g., "Well, Obama said 57 states!"

      Like "Hey judge, I thought it was okay to steal from my employer, because Ted Kennedy let a girl drown 45 years ago and got away with it!"

      Yes, the pee ponders really did use that old Ted story to excuse the brawl. "At least she didn't kill someone!" They're that sad and desperate...that's all they've got.

    10. Joe Biden had also had some tremendous influence in a positive way: because he came out publicly in favor of gay marriage he obliged the administration to also get on board when the President was being overly cautious in the face of the ever-recalcitrant Republicans in Congress and the extreme conservatives in the country. Biden may have a bit of foot'n'mouth disease, but his heart is in the right place.
      M from MD

    11. Anonymous9:16 AM

      It's funny. All those people who love Sarah Palin because she's down home and tells it like it is and never censors herself, just love to criticize Joe Biden for those very same things.

      Think back to the VP debate between Biden and Ryan. Biden demolished Ryan piece by piece. Biden puts his foot in his mouth from time to time, but that doesn't diminish his intelligence and knowledge. And, by the way, Ryan was humiliated, but but still performed 1000% better than Sarah Palin ever could.

    12. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Big difference is that sure, Biden sometimes makes mistakes, but he is not vindictive, jealous, and mean, always snarling about somebody pickin on him.

    13. Silly little anti-Biden troll with your tongue sticking out as you cut-and-paste. What a good thing for you that this is an electronic medium or you would be eating the paste.

      There is a huge difference between dirtbag Palin and VP Biden.

      Biden is intelligent, well-educated and very knowledgeable. When he misspeaks, it is not out of ignorance of the facts, or intent to lie, as it is with Palin.

      When someone points out a mistake to VP Biden, he accepts that he made a mistake, and if appropriate, apologizes, unlike Palin who never admits to making a mistake, but instead doubles down (hoohah!) on her mistake or lie as the case may be. And she never ever apologizes for her trashy, vulgar, sexual innuendos and insults.

      Also, VP Biden is widely respected around the world for his impressive grasp of world affairs, and the knowledge that he is more inclined to blurt out the truth, however indelicate, than to bullshit people.

      This is of course completely unlike the worthless traitorous piece of shit Palin.

      So run along, stupid little troll, and hang out with your thug queen Palin.

    14. Anonymous9:39 AM

      On Biden - yes, he misspeaks sometimes, but his colleagues on both sides of the aisle respect, admire and love him. Example: the Stevens family asked him to give the eulogy at Ted Stevens' funeral. Nobody asked Palin to speak at that event. Biden has a wealth of knowledge and a long history of doing good works, such as establishing protections for women who are victims of violence. His wife and son are class acts, unlike Palin family members.

  26. Anonymous7:25 AM

    The McKenna brothers are looking like crap in this situation. Wonder if there is any hope they'll realize it and present the truth? It's obvious from the report they are just protecting the Palins.

    1. Anonymous7:59 AM

      The McKenna boys are crooked thugs who have lived off the government they hate for many years. I have no doubt they are involved with many illegal activities, including Todd's prostitutes.
      They are also not too bright.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Them and McHugh Pierre? They all seem like Sarah Palin types.

    3. Anonymous8:57 AM

      @7:59 AM
      Maybe that is why they wanted to make it sound like it was "just some trash talking". Get the police out of there before they found other stuff-drugs etc.

  27. Anonymous7:32 AM

    If the Palin's version of events were true, they would have pressed charges and taken people to court.

  28. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Isn't it funny that just a few days ago when Griffy thought this police report would never be released by the "corrupt" APD that he had yet another story he was working on and now that the APD delivered it appears that fairy tale got sidelined.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Read again. That's not what he wrote. Spin, baby, spin!

    2. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Every time you call him Griffy, it proves what a putrid bully you are. Do you think that helps the Palins? No. It just reinforces what psychotic things they are and that their followers are pathetic losers.

    3. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Oh look...the website that turned bullying into an art form is now calling someone a bully. Do you know what projection is? lol

    4. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Do give it a rest, trolly. I am sure there will be more exciting news from Gryphen sooner than you'd like.

    5. Cool it , troll. Or Beldar will bury you under a pile of appropriate adjectives.

    6. Silly, stupid little Griffy troll. more pathetic with every stupid little comment.

      Remember, we're not laughing with you, we're laughing at you. Run along now, and go lick a picture of your bully thug queen Palin.

  29. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I will believe your claim when I see it Gryphen.

    While there is a lot of good stuff in here, the police left out interviews with Sarah and Todd. Fuck the crooked APD!!

    This is just another teaser for nothing more to come. 'You are in?" Ok, prove it! And not in 5 years.

    1. Anonymous8:09 AM

      I've been waiting for this since 2008. Chill the fuck out.

    2. Anonymous9:00 AM

      There doesn't really need to be more, this is enough.

      We have evidence of a professed christian family instigating brawls instead of turning the other cheek.

      We have 20 corroborating witnesses stating that Bristol, the girl who writes a christian blog, using profane language and assaulting a person. We have an already mentally unstable, PTSD-ridden soldier son who is undergoing therapy and providing therapy to others, allowed to become heavily intoxicated in the presence of his parents, as were his sisters, one of age, one underage.

      This is a rather deep view into the moral and mental morass that is the character of this family, and for this reader, that is certainly enough to confirm what many of us in Alaska already knew about our ex-first family. Any more would just be icing on the cake.

    3. Anonymous9:21 AM

      It's amazing to me how demanding people are of Griffin, a man who writes for our pleasure.

      He posts multiple times a day and doesn't charge you one red cent. Griffin doesn't owe you or anyone anything.

      If you aren't happy with him, stop coming here.

  30. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Is it true that they weren't invited to the party in the first place? Korey stated that they "showed up" to a party he was throwing.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Yes, and the Palin defenders so far haven't come up with an "explanation" for that. Bristol, Track, Willow and crew were not invited, and Bristol didn't even know the host, the man she was punching. They had no business being there in the first place. Basically, they were trespassing.

  31. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I have always suspected that some of the "people" who post at C4P are really some of Sarah's "consultants." They keep the conversation going. And this one sounds like one of the IM trolls. Same language.

    myfairlady Carolyn Clark • 43 minutes ago
    That tells me that a lot of people are bored and don't have a life. All these perfect people need to look in the mirror and then look in their own closets. They just might figure out that they are empty and wishing harm on a family that is only living their lives and not bothering anyone. They can't take your healthcare from you, they can't raise your taxes and haven't implemented any rules or laws to affect anyone. They are just good, contributing citizens enjoying themselves and living their lives they way they want. You might try it. It will set you free from your anger and bitterness!

    1. laurensd17:51 AM

      Oh barf!
      How sophomoric of you to post this.
      Which is two grade levels above your IQ of 83.

    2. laurensd17:52 AM

      I should add that this reply is directed to Carolyn Clark.
      The Palin-in-residence.

    3. Anonymous8:22 AM

      I love the "not bothering anyone." Sure, myfairlady, let someone punch you in the face six times and then tell me they aren't bothering you.

      Thanks for sharing this gem, 7:42! It definitely sounds like one of the resident IM trolls.

    4. Anonymous9:01 AM

      ZH100 is DEFINITELY on the payroll...All (s)he does is post old, flattering articles with positive "facts" about Palin - "setting the record straight", including old C4P and Breitbart articles about what a great Governor she was.

    5. Anonymous9:22 AM

      What do they "contribute" to. I think Todd works, but the others?

  32. Anonymous7:46 AM

    What kind of family goes out on the town to get drunk together? They intended to drink because they hired a great big honking stretch Hummer for six people: Todd, Sarah, Track, Bristol, Willow and Tripp. If they were going out to drink drink drink, it was irresponsible of Bristol to bring Tripp along. Tripp could have stayed with Piper and Trig. (Why didn't Piper and Trig come along to celebrate Todd's birthday?)

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      There may have been some "friends" or "buddies" in the limo, too. But a white stretch Hummer is just palin gauche. Unless you are a pimp.

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      8:11 here--I meant "plain gauche" not "palin gauche" but now I think it kinda works either way...

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      When will someone verify where Peter Ferroro, alleged stalker (connected with Bristol and Willow), was the night of Sept 6, 2014?

      You know the APD did a pathetic job for the people with this so-called 'investigation' report.

      APD took weeks and they did not name the people in the party of drunken trouble makers from the Palin Humvee party.

      They conveniently forgot the name of the Humvee business and the driver's name.

      They really failed when they left out Tripp Johnston and his part of this melee. Witnesses said he was also drinking beer. Out of control and out of his mind like Uncle Track? Who plays on a runway. All that is highly dangerous.

      It is very significant that the APD left that out.

    4. The only time I see those sort of vehicles is when they've ferried wedding parties to the north side of The Capitol building for their picture sessions.
      M from MD

  33. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Good for a laugh:
    Sally's "Word for the Day" is mellifluous:
    "sweet-sounding, dulcet, honeyed, mellow, soft, liquid, silvery, soothing, rich, smooth, euphonious, harmonious, tuneful, musical."
    What Sarah wishes she sounded like when she opens her mouth. What Bristol didn't sound like when she was delivering punches to the face of the party's host. What some beautiful music might sound like at the Palin rink, if they listened to music pre-1900. (Or pre-1990.)

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Many of Sally's words-of-the-day seem to be passive/aggressive digs towards the characteristics of her daughter.`

    2. Mellifluous: The opposite of Sarah Palin's buzz saw, braying, yowling, caterwauling banshee screech.

  34. Anonymous7:52 AM

    To myfairlady of c4p: the fantasy that the Palins are "only living their lives and not bothering anyone" went out the window after the drunken Throwdown at the Hoedown.
    For your information, I'n not bored or angry or bitter. My interest in the Palins is based solely on the negative impact she's had on American politics, and the desire for her kind never to gain any power again.
    I've got a life, thank you, with a loving husband, two children in their twenties who worked their way through college and are now gainfully employed, I have a rewarding job of my own, and I volunteer at our town's food pantry every week. I count my blessings every day. One of them is that Sarah Palin is not the Vice President of the United States.

  35. Not sure if this is mentioned yet (haven't read all the comments) but thought I would let you know the nbcnews website has a front and center headline/picture of Ms. Bristol and the story!! I always check here first for my news, then head on over to the nbcnews page. Lo and behold there was Ms. B. Palin right on the front page! "Time for your closeup Ms. Bristol!"
    Keep it up Gryphen. A house of cards can't stand forever. One more card maybe???

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      If no one is ready to release photos it is time to have an artist do sketches from what the witnesses saw.

      Wasn't it in the report that Bristol had blood on her face? At least dirt somewhere and the intoxicated scenes and drugged about.

      I'll have to read again. didn't one of the McKenna's state to police that they 'carried Bristol'?

      Why is no one mentioning that to the poor media reporters that are failing at their job of accurate reporting?

  36. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Good parents do not get drunk with their children. Period. And Tripp being there is inexcusable.
    These people are trash. The Palin's are responsible for their out of control dysfunctional kids. What a sad story that money and fame are more important to Sarah and Todd, then raising HONEST, well-adjusted, healthy and responsible kids.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      according to Sarah, she was in the limo with her son smoking their crack pipes..

  37. Anonymous8:02 AM

    1. Not sure what police report you're reading but I didn't see that.
    2. In the report, the responding officer noted that Sarah Palin instructed her son to cooperate with that officer.
    3. When you're at a party among your friend, at the home of one of your friends, and people show up that you do not like, are you going to step forward and give a statement favoring the people you do not like? Logic people.
    Also, there were several witnesses who complained that it was very dark outside and that some of them had trouble seeing what was actually going on.
    4. Ummm... no. It was believed that someone got it on video but then, if you read to the end of the report it says that there was no video. If there is video, bring it on. Oh the longer you wait to show the video, the more pathetic and desperate you look using Palin's kids, one of them a military veteran, to sully her reputation. It will just look nakedly partisan and sick to most people.
    Also, if you try to think with a banjo of a mind some of you have, there were several things going on. Incidents at separate parts of the house with different people involved. How many cameras do you think caught all of it together?
    Will you be calling the FBI to have them splice it all together for one big movie?
    5. That's right, make a personal comment about her voice because you got nothing. She probably told them that she didn't see anything when it happened. As I've read a few articles, one from CNN, that stated that she was in the limo the whole time until the fracas happened and then went into the house to see what was going on. If you disclose to the police that you didn't see anything, they're not going to take your statement.
    6. Right that's because your a degenerate who was once fired from your school job because of deviant posts on your blog.
    7. The moron actually admitted that he couldn't see who it was and then someone, perhaps the 40 year old woman who decided to harass a 20 year old young woman, filled him in.
    Eric Thompson? Thompson had admitted to Amanda Coyne that he never saw how it actually started and his wife was one of the people who complained that it was too dark to see anything there in the report.
    Hey Griff, hate to break it to you babe, but the news media, with Obama letting in Ebola into the US, ISIS growing from an Islamic group to an Islamic army thanks to BHO, Secret Service hooker cover ups and the mid term elections, if you think that the media is going to be paying attention to this you need to put down that crack pipe.
    As for the APD, they have better things to do, real crimes to solve, then to keep your dreams of destroying Mrs. Palin and her family alive.
    Griff, how did you manage to have a daughter when you constantly shoot off blanks?

    1. Lot's of words used there to say nothing. Keep trying, sweetie. We love it when you post this crap here.

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Sara is that you? I can tell by the way you talk and by your "Ummm" LOL. Hoohah! LOL
      Now, let me tell you how thankful I am that you or your thug family are not representing the U.S. I can't even imagine ebautiful Michelle and her daughters acting like you and your ignorant trashy family. Or Chealsea, who has become a marrried mother & a fine educated young woman.
      I can go on and on and on...

    3. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Whoa, G, did you get her goat this time.

    4. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Anonymous8:02 AM
      $carah, ummm...we all know it's you...anyway:
      Item #5 -Sarah was in the limo with her son and their crack pipe.
      Item #7, 2nd "paragraph" you just can't get over president Obama and you ALWAYS have to bring up something. Now, about Ebola, tell your crony repubs to stop trying to cut funding to fund ebola, my dear old grumpy woman.

    5. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Anonymous8:02 AM
      Are you directing this to your brother creepy-Chuckie, under item #6 of your post or to you father Chuck who looks like Sandusky...

    6. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Incorrect as usual. When the police are talking to anyone, no one should be standing that close to talk to the person being interrogated. Why would the Palin's show up to a party if there was no one there they liked? Why would there not be a statement saying that Sarah didn't see anything then? She was standing right by trackmarks and interfering with his interrogation? Now run back to the Pee and make up more shit, but the rest of the world now knows what a trashy, thuggish family the drunken drugged up Palins really are.

    7. Caroll Thompson8:22 AM

      Is that you Sarah with your nasty sexual comments? Well, I have seen your husband and recently saw a photo of Jesse. I would take Jesse in a walk any day of the week. Why do you go and wash your hoohah and stop stinking up this blog.

    8. Anonymous8:24 AM

      "Griff, how did you manage to have a daughter when you constantly shoot off blanks?"

      Challenge for ya, Sarah: Make one comment, just one, that stays above the belt. Betcha can't do it, can ya? 'Cause you got nothin' else.

    9. Anonymous8:25 AM

      3. When you're at a party among your friend, at the home of one of your friends, and people show up that you do not like, are you going to step forward and give a statement favoring the people you do not like? Logic people.
      Hopefully, you are going to give a truthful statement no matter if they are your friends or not. Notice I used "your" correctly? You must be a Palin.....

    10. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Yep, Gryphen, it seems you have attracted a higher (?) level of trollery from the usual middle-school drop-outs. I suspect this one noticed you when the brawl story first broke and decided to hook its wagon to your star.

      And try to discredit you because "they" know who has been talking to you, perhaps.

      Still not as entertaining as Beldar, though.

    11. Anonymous8:28 AM

      I agree and the Palin's were the only ones with real bloody injuries and were assaulted verbally its looks like they were attached and were being ambushed on arrival. Note no real injuries were seen by the police on any one else. Total set up. And I'm glad they fought back! Your mission statement is a total lie posted on your website by how you reported this story and I read every bit of the witness reports and you only reported one side.

    12. Anonymous8:31 AM

      I think the Palins would have been better off allowing the APD to charge Bristol and Track. Later they could have pled down to lesser charges. People would have been pissed off and muttered about corruption, but this--public record of assault with no arrests made--just shows the extent to which the Palins control the APD. It's raising questions so obvious even the MSM can't ignore them, and that will make people start asking what's going on and calling for a DOJ investigation. Tick tock, Sarah.

      I'm still curious about Willow's role. How did she manage to be the sole family member who didn't engage, or try to engage, in physical violence? Does she have more integrity than the others, or is she more of a coward, or were people holding her back? (If the latter, though, I'd expect to hear that she'd been assaulted too.)

    13. Anonymous8:32 AM

      I'm over Obama and so is America. 50 something percent of Americans think the man is a total failure. And that's because he is and all he has left are his semen suckers like those who frequent this blog.
      He should do his friggin job and maybe his reputation wouldn't be so bad that he's got to go out to LA and get his ass kissed by has been actress like Gwen Paltry.
      You know what is most funny about coming to this blog every day? To see a sad group of people who have VERY little significance in this world believe that they've got the power to destroy Sarah Palin and her family. You've tried for years and you haven't. But keep trying I hope that many of you end up where you belong after all of this is---a mental institution.

    14. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Mrs. Palin? Not Governor Palin? Excusing criminal behavior when it involves white people is the linchpin of white supremacy--setting all the rules for everyone else but never having to abide by them.

      Maybe President Obama should have prevented those white health workers sickened with Ebola from returning to the U.S. for treatment. They are all cured now, by the way. If he had prevented the white Ebola patients from entering the country, you would have excoriated him.

      Guess what, chances are really unlikely that the average white person living in Anchorage or Podunk, USA, will contract Ebola because the fact is most white people don't socialize or even know black people, whether they're American citizens or West Africans. White people have lots of opinions about these groups, but don't know actual black people. So relax.

    15. Anonymous8:34 AM

      "Ummm... no" Sarah Sarah ..
      DEARIE Sarah, so you have taken to contribute Gryphen's blog publicly. WHAT AN HONOR!
      So now you're answering Gryphen's blog. You should be honored since you won't allow us to post in your wanna-be-teen FB page & you block those who do not kiss your ass, even if one pays, in your FB & little website.

    16. Anonymous8:38 AM

      What's the matter Sarah?
      Did you lose your underwear again?
      Ask your daddy where it is.
      Mist suck to be you...

    17. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Sad sack sounds like a member of the cult at c4p. Probably Mr L or pete the food stamp guy. Meh.

    18. Sarah @8:32? You give yourself away every time with disgustingly vulgar comments and clunky syntax. Sometimes I feel so sorry for you that no one close to you has ever taken you aside and offered to help you. You SO could have been the gorgeous, savvy politician once portrayed on the cover of Vogue magazine.

      And, word of advice, you'd be much happier if you DIDN'T come to IM every day. But if you do, don't say so, and eliminate at least one reason for the relentless mockery : = )

    19. (I always read these things backwards, already commented below, but) again, Sarah, with the sexual vulgarity already. And, I gotta ask--"…banjo of a mind…"? Where do you come up with this stuff!

    20. Anonymous9:05 AM

      8:02 - I'm on your side so here's a hint: Quantity does not equal quality. Oops. O.k. I guess I'm not on your side.

    21. Anonymous9:07 AM

      I think that she protests too much.

    22. Anonymous9:09 AM

      8:02 no one cares what you say - everyone-EVERYONE knows you lie and steal and grift.
      You are the biggest joke around the world and we are all laughing at you.

    23. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Tracky was too wasted to know where he was. Why would Sarah ask Tracky to cooperate? Because she knew anything he said was invalid and it would make her look good.

      By the time the police arrived she had gone into victim mode and she was playing the good girl. As if she was a mother to her lost children.

    24. 8:02 So Obama let Ebola in? You know zip. I don't say this often, but since you're think you're so special and smart and all, here goes: Let nothing you set down be where you put it. May your eyes be opened to the Darkness that has come to claim you. May you reap everything you have sewn, so you better hope you have enough light in your vile soul to save you. Because that is the only thing that will.
      And if you are indeed one of those wretched Palins, I would not be in your shoes for all the fame, money and power in the world. There is more to this realm than what we can see and you are poison.

    25. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Wow these trolls "doth protest too much". They are certainly in a tizzy.

    26. Anonymous9:34 AM

      9:26 AM

      YES. Absolute proof of what cowards the whole bloody bully gang of miscreant Palin/Heaths have turned out to be.

    27. @Anonymous8:02 AM
      You are delusional, a liar, stupid, and you have limited reading comprehension.

  38. Anonymous8:16 AM

    My favorite part of the report was that Wallow Palin was visibly intoxicated and was the ONLY one interviewed without her age and address listed.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Check the report again genius. Note that the police list both list Bristol and Track as being intoxicated. In fact, police also noted that most of the people who were there were intoxicated as well.
      You know, that's why they call them parties.
      I know, you're a vestal virgin who has never been to a party where there is drinking right?
      Cops did list Willow as extremely agitated but did not list her as intoxicated. Nice try. See page 2 of 2 CONTACT WILLOW PALIN
      McKenna said she was drunk, but I'll bet that he was drunk himself, since it was his birthday party and saw very little of what went on.
      McKenna made the judgement on Willow in the report, not the police.

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      The world is laughing at the Palins and we are laughing at you.

    3. Anonymous9:34 AM

      My family isn't the one involved in a thuggish brawl. But as for drinking, no, I never had a drink underage and I have never had more than 2 drinks in a night and those occasions I can count on one hand. As for virginity, my husband got that decades ago, but for you to use the term vestal virgins in the same sentence as the slutty Palin ho's is hilarious. Now run back to the Pee before you get your Hoohah all worked up Sarah.

    4. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Yeah you never drank underage. Proof? That's right you can't. Just like you couldn't prove the some of the false claims that you all pulled out of your hat when this story was originally published.

  39. A. J. Billings8:23 AM

    @8:02 am. What in hell do you think you are accomplishing by your long winded worship of Granny HOOHAH Paylin?

    Does it make you feel good, or feed your self righteous Christian sense of self to defend the 83 IQ Granny of all Grifters?

    One thing you can take to the bank, is that over at your Idol $arah's home page on C4pee, no dissent is allowed. Talking trash about $arah, RAM, the Paylin spawn, will get you banned in short order.

    But over here on IM, we can tolerate idiots like you, in spite of your outright worship of your Murthee blessed Queen Esther.

    Because we encourage critical thinking, science, logic, and the free exchange of ideas and opinions.

    Your kind only knows the constriction of white Christian Teavangelical fringe right solipsism.

    So go get your shine box

  40. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Why did the Palins get a black labrador when they really needed a few good boxers?

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM


      Ha ha good one

    2. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Oh my, you made me laugh out loud :)

  41. Anonymous8:36 AM

    The Morning Joe show had a great laugh talking about that retarded hill billy white trash family from Wasilla.

  42. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Well one thing for certain, Mckenna is a pussy.

  43. Anonymous8:39 AM

    >>>In the Thompson version, which he got from Steve and Connor Cleary themselves, it was Todd and Track who started a fight with THEM. However in the cleaned up version, for public consumption, it was the Palin men who were jumped for no apparent reason, while defending Steve against "unknown" attackers. <<<

    FWIW, I believe the police report was referring to another Steve (LeBida? Friend of Track?), not Steven Cleary when talking about Track and Todd defending "Steve."

  44. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Our favorite troll showed up on Mudflats under her fake Facebook account:
    Lacy Marie · Top Commenter
    I had a little hope in democrats. Now I have none. Why? Democrats have spent years slandering, bullying, lying about KIDS. Then, when a SINGLE incidence occurs, those same democrats have the audacity to ignore how they've treated these people whom they don't know. You're acting like this is a common occurrence. That may be the biggest piece of slander of all. It now cannot be denied the media is in the left's pocket. These people have showed great restraint in 5 years for this to be the only incident.

    Democrats call women slutty who aren't remotely slutty.
    Democrats call hardworking people lazy.

    And then you expect them to just "take it" and NOT eventually feel affected by the media bullying. 1 incident in 6 years of national media attention. How would YOU feel if YOUR family members were being lied about by hate trolls who live online just to attack republicans?

    I have no words for democrats.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      It's Sarah and the "consultants" trolling & posting everywhere they can...

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHA, Lacy Marie the Uneducated(incidence) Troll is sniffing Sarah;s panties again. Lacy/just no/queenie/quartz/no comprends/Bristol's stalker is in a fantasy world of her own.

  45. Anonymous8:45 AM

    TO Anonymous8:02 AM: It's true!
    $carah follows this blog VERY closely.
    How's that working out for ya, Anonymous8:02 AM

  46. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Hilarious, Sarah is always telling the lame stream media that they have "thick skins" and criticism doesn't bother them.

    Their downfall begins with a brawl that they instigated because allegedly people were calling Bristol names and Willow wanted everyone arrested because they were calling her family names. HA HA

    This is coming from a family with one member that posts vulgar comments about the president of the United States on a regular basis and another member that gave America the middle finger on national tv. Always crabbing about their freedom of speech, but deny others the same.

    I find it delightful, I hope this is the beginning of the end of that trashy family. The Republicans should have shut her up long ago.

    It would be interesting to find out what happened to the rest of the police report. All of it is public record. It didn't seem like they interviewed 20 people involved and as someone has already mentioned nothing from Toad or $arah. Maybe someone should contact the police department in person.

  47. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I thought the Palins were the very standard of righteousness, family, abstinance, truth, etc etc etc...LOL

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      The Palins are the very standard of righteousness, family, abstinance, truth, etc etc etc... in their fucked up retarded little minds.

  48. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The multiple psychoses of this family is extremely rare, especially rare in that it's on public display and we see it in real-time. And, no one can penetrate into that family to help them. Of course they don't want help, but even if some caring individual wanted to help, they revile them. They have barricaded themselves against the world.

    No one can do an intervention for any of those family members. The elders (Heaths, Todd and Sarah) do not want any outsiders looking into the reality of their lives. They control the justices, judges, courts, police, Dept. of Corrections, etc. They could abuse Trig and Tripp forever in any and all ways, and no one could penetrate their power to save those little boys from harm. AK child advocates couldn't penetrate the machine to get help for these children, and no one, not even a church member could reason with them.

    They've completely tied themselves in this bubble, so that no one can do an intervention for any of them. Even Track and Bristol and Willow can never fall in love and have a normal life. The only partners that might risk their lives for them would be gangsters, thugs and dangerous friends of the Palins (all with issues of their own).

    It's a sad sad situation.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      It really brings into play the old argument of nature vs nurture. There really had to be unspeakable horrors going on in that house while those children grew up. All 3 adult children seem to have anger issues and drug and alcohol issues.

  49. Anonymous8:51 AM

    3. 'Heavily Intoxicated' Bristol Described Being Dragged By Her Legs 

    Weird that nobody else mentioned that happening.


    What's weird about that? Drunk Bristol probably was imagining boys dragging her into canvas tents, backseats of cars, into her bedroom and having sex with Levi, Ben, Gino, Joey Junker and etc etc.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Don't forget Dylan Kolvig.

  50. Anonymous8:52 AM

    McCain how do you like the Palins now?

  51. Anonymous8:56 AM

    6. Willow Told Cops Other Party Guests Were Saying 'Fuck The Palins' 

    # # # # #

    Willow that's not news. Immoral Minority readers, Alaskans and most of America has been saying that since 2008.

  52. Anonymous8:58 AM

    8:47 AM And, such good Christians! NOT!

  53. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Wha Wha WHA ...cry me a river. I have no sympathy for a woman and her thug family who's ALWAYS trying to destroy others. Especially the abstinence daughter who tries every chance she gets to destroy the less fortunate & never stop to point the finger at Blacks and Hispanics & the president's daughters.
    BTW. Whatever happened to their THICK skin.

  54. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Yep, Sarah was in the limousine. That's her get-out free card and alibi right there. She had nothing to do with the brawl. It was her kids (who need to have a bit of fun once in a while, after all) and Todd (boys will be boys). She can't help it if they get out of control once in a while and she can't help it if her two daughters' and their boyfriends are drunk. It's not her problem. She stayed sober so she could keep an eye on Tripp, I suppose. She also had to be sober so she could explain to him why his mom was screaming and angry and drunk and his aunt Willow too and Track was bloodied and everyone was upset. There has to be at least one designated non-drunk "grandson explainer". Sarah was that designated explainer. Wasn't that a nice thing for her to do? She could explain to Tripp about life and how people get into brawls and teach him about those family values.

    Sarah was probably having a nap with Tripp, reading him a bedtime story or quoting scripture to her many friends. She could have been making scarves and mitts for Trig for the winter to come. By the way, where WAS Trig that night? A nice christian family birthday party celebration and the little guy didn't get to drive in the big limo too?

    Just a regular day in the lives of those aw-shucks all-American family values Palins.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Where is it in any of the report that Tripp was there? Conspiracy tin foil hat? What's your skull size?
      I saw another comment in here yesterday where they claimed that Tripp wasn't there and that made Palin a bad mother ...because she didn't bring him and left him with a baby sitter....or something. ...

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      No you didn't 9:25.
      The world is laughing as the Palins and we are laughing at you.

    3. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Can't wait until Mali and Sashi are all grown up, out of the White House and ready to let their weaves down. Can't wait. Karma will be a great big bitch.
      If Obama's family background of alcoholics, bums and stoners are any indication, then it's going to be quite a show. They're so prim and proper aren't they. Well, remember the rule that a leftist society set up about prim and proper librarian type girls....wild animals under neath.
      If Obama's ran those girls lives like they've run the USA then it's going to be an awesome show.

    4. Anonymous9:40 AM

      LMAO at 9:25! Please keep posting dear, you are so much more entertaining than our boring unimaginative resident troll.
      Oh, and Malia has an interview with Eric Thompson, Trapp was definitely there.

  55. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Oh Lordy...I was imagining McCain's face and thoughts as he reads about the Palin Brawl...

    Then, I imagined McCain chasing Palin across the frozen Tundra trying to kill her...ala Frankenstein and his monster in the book. I bet he's fantasizing the same thing! LOL

  56. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I see the Stalinists at ADN already removed it.

  57. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Wow, Griffin!
    You really poked the hornet's nest, didn't you?

    I'm having a grand time reading the mass of jumbled excuses and distraction posted by people who are obviously very upset the Palins have been exposed as the lowlife thugs they really are.

    You should congratulate yourself.


  58. Anonymous9:28 AM

    He didn't recognize any of the assailants, they were "skinny" guys between the ages of "23-33". lol

  59. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Was the limo driver interviewed?

  60. Anonymous9:39 AM

    The Palin's are nothing but a bunch of drunk and drugged up thugs.

  61. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Can't help but wonder how the Trinity Christian School would handle one of their students if the student got "rilly, rilly" drunk like Track, Bristol and Willow were, screamed profanities -- not just any old profanities like damn or hell but "fucking this, fucking that" -- at a party and started multiple fights?

    If the parents and students at Trinity Christian School are sincere, genuine Christians, I expect them to protest having Sarah Palin speak. If I was a financial backer of Trinity Christian School, I would withhold any further donations to the school if Trinity goes ahead with Sarah's appearance.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.