Saturday, October 04, 2014

When liberals clash. Last night Bill Maher and Sam Harris tried to discuss the liberal reticence to talk about how Islamic beliefs foster oppression and violence. Things did not go well.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Bill Maher and author and neuroscientist Sam Harris battled actor/director Ben Affleck on Real Time on Friday concerning Maher’s recent remarks criticizing Islam. 

“Why are you so hostile about this?” Maher asked Affleck. 

“It’s gross, it’s racist,” Affleck replied. 

“It’s so not,” Maher insisted, though Affleck compared it to using the term, “Shifty Jew.” 

“You’re not listening to what we are saying,” Maher insisted. 

“You guys are saying, if you want to be liberal, believe in liberal principles,” Affleck said, referencing Maher’s monologue last week. “Like, we are endowed by our forefathers with inalienable rights, all men are created equal.” 

Harris, who had complained about criticism of the Muslim religion being dismissed as Islamophobic, countered that liberals should be allowed to criticize bad ideas. 

“Islam is the motherload of bad ideas,” Harris argued.

 “Jesus,” Affleck said in frustration. 

“That’s just a fact,” Maher said, backing Harris up.

I sort of watched this whole exchange with the same discomfort that a child feels while watching his parents fight. In this case I really empathized with both points of view, but also felt that Harris and Maher were trying to make a nuanced point but could not get past Affleck's hyperbolic responses.

Ultimately I have to side with Harris and Maher in recognizing that simply because somebody COULD be labeled an Islamophobe for daring to criticize a religion that is often under attack by bigots,does not mean that one should not continue to make critical observations and ask probing questions about the tenets of that religion, or the actions of those that follow it.

In some ways it is similar to being labeled a "Trig Truther" for making reasonable and obvious observations about Palin's last pregnancy, or a "9-11 Truther" for suggesting that the 9-11 Commission's report is unsatisfying and still leaves many questions unanswered.

Here at IM I have often been criticized for not talking about the atrocities that occur in Islamic states and instead focusing on the scandals that plague Christians in this country as well as their attempts to hijack our secular government. 

Of course the reason for that is because it is always better to deal with garbage rotting in your own backyard before complaining about the smell coming from your neighbor's.

To be honest I am almost completely repulsed by virtually every story I hear coming out of many Islamic countries. Yet on the other hand I, of course, have met a few Muslims who were extremely pleasant people.

My over under on all of this is that a number of  religions left unfettered represent great danger to those not in a position of power.

While I would more aggressively condemn fundamentalist Muslims for supporting murder in the case of apostasy, female genital mutilation, and barbaric practices in response to sex acts not sanctioned by the Koran,  I am quite confident that if fundamental Christians, and yes even Jews, lived in an environment where nobody dared to challenge them, they would gladly indulge in similar oppressive activities themselves. (And in some places that is happening as we speak.)

There are currently so many atrocities committed by those hiding behind the Koran, that I almost would not know where to start. However that does not mean that I believe the extremists overseas present a more imminent danger to this country than our homegrown extremists here, because I don't.


  1. London Bridges2:59 PM

    The Muslim religion considers it immoral to charge interest on a loan. I don't think bankers and wall street like this.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      The fundamentalists/Jihadist are extreme and just like fundamentalists here.
      Killing abortion doctors keeping women pregnant.
      I see the people most worried about it are the ones on the other side practicing their brand of cult like fundamentalism. Religious extremists.
      Christian/Muslim all the same.
      I think that was what the actor was trying to get in.
      Isil/Isis not different than the dr. killing fundy's.
      Same shit different day.
      Both religions have been trying to conquer the world for centuries in their intolerant religions. 'merika better wake up and smell the coffee we have our own Isil/domestic terrorists they are called C street, Sarah Palin, anit-abortion,7 mountains "The Gathering" Dominists,Catholic Church.

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I believe we should put just as much interest in our home grown conservative christian fundamentalists. While the level of violence is not on the level of some of those who align with Islam they sure seem to have the same potential evil that is setting the Middle East & Africa on fire.

  3. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I watched it too and was very uncomfortable due to the movie star! He interrupted - was a bully - didn't finish his sentences/statements/points - appeared high on something - was rude and appeared to want to be the star of the show and panel!

    Felt sorry for Bill, but thought he handled it well considering everything. Harris, the guest, who was introducing his new book, hardly got a word in edgewise! The book was never discussed due to the constant interruptions of Affleck who came across as nothing but an asshole!

    I hope Bill never has him on the show again! If he does, know I'll not be a viewer. Affleck embarrassed himself, his family and his fans! I still have no clue what he was trying to get across.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      I never like that Affleck guy, he's so overrated and full of himself.

  4. fromthediagonal3:13 PM

    Gryphen, as far as I am concerned, this post is absolutely the most intellectually challenging, the most wide ranging, and most satisfying post you have penned. Gratefully yours, Ing

  5. Anonymous4:12 PM

    "To be honest I am almost completely repulsed by virtually every story I hear coming out of many Islamic countries. Yet on the other hand I, of course, have met a few Muslims who were extremely pleasant people."

    I could say that about any religion. I can also say I know some atheists that are real assholes. But the fact is it's the religious that preach love and acceptance, but rarely have I seen it in practice, in ANY religion. And hypocritical? Don't get me started.

    Honestly I've met more atheists with morals and compassion.


  6. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I like Reza, he knows what he is talking about and none of these assholes listen to him!
    I still want to read his book...have you read it 3:30 PM?

  7. I too feel we are in more imminent danger from our own domestic terrorists, many of whol are Christian fiundamentalists.

    For me, the criticisms of Islamic fundamentalsits can also be made of the zealots who act in the names of Christianity and Catholicism. And I am extremely uncomfortable with the power of the Israeli state (and its extreme reactions against Palestine) being conflated with Judaism.

    That leaves me, again, with organized religion as one of the fundamental problems of our world.

  8. Boscoe4:35 PM

    To me the key is whether you're criticizing something specific or just blanket denouncing a vast swath of people as a whole. ALL religions have shitty ideas in them and also decent ideas, just like atheists can be decent people or assholes.

    The complexity arises due to the members of religion acting and enforcing their political will on the rest of us as a group. At that point you often have little choice but to criticize them as a whole because that's how they're presenting themselves.

    That's why I have no problem blanket-slamming conservatives. It's not that I can't occasionally agree with something they say, it's that THEY are the ones who turned everything into an us vs. them scenario with no compromise possible because anyone who doesn't agree with their fascist bumpersticker slogans "hates America" and is their "enemy".

    I actually had (he eventually got himself fired) a co-worker with whom I'd only been working with for a few weeks and had certainly never had any sort of political conversation with. One day he said something mildly conservative-ish and I replied jokingly with "-otherwise the socialism will get us!"

    He immediately froze up and told me he now had to consider me his "enemy". What kind of normal person has "enemies"?? -The kind that watches Faux News and listens to Glenn Beck, I guess.

    1. Agree, Boscoe. What other response makes sense against Conservatives and their positions other than condemnation and mockery? They themselves allow no compromise, no nuance, no complexity, no fallibility and set themselves up as absolute moral arbiters.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

      I've had similar experiences, Boscoe, and agree with you totally. It got to the point that we don't speak about religion and politics in work, it's like a guaranteed argument to nowhere because everyone comes with their own biased views, and no one else's views matter, much like Benny Afflack in this clip.

  9. Ahem. 9/11. There was a coverup, that much is true. For whatever reason, the choice was made to frame the events as symbolic--as opposed to tactical--terrorism. Hence the actual target of Flight 93, being the Pentagon, that had to be concealed. And consequently, much else. It's not unlike the way the Warren Commission was rushed and slip-shod, lest a causus belli of Soviet complicity be turned up. In a way.

  10. Anonymous5:07 PM

    No, I haven't read it.

  11. Anonymous6:02 PM

    4:50 PM Harris didn't even get to talk about his book due to the asshole movie guy. What a friggin' jerk! He constantly interrupted, didn't listen to the others, had to make his point which were no points w/unfinished sentences, etc. Plus he said 'fuck' a zillion times!

    Affleck was a disaster to have had on Bill's show last night. He ruined the entire thing and totally embarrassed himself. He seems high too - on something - totally hyper!! I could care less if I ever see the guy again! Hopefully, Bill won't have him back!

  12. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

    You can't have this type of conversation in public, like a bar, cafe' or restaurant, which is a shame because in many parts europe, this conversation is common over the dinner table. The thing about religion and politics is that it changes people's lives, and not always for the better.
    I grew up with friends who were muslim, and we all got along fine. One friend was the daughter of a muslim man from Uzbekistan and a catholic woman from Italy.
    The problem is that everyone comes to the table with their own biases and bigotry because of the extremists who blow up buildings with jets, and behead people on film along with what you mentioned about the treatment of women in the name of "Allah".
    We need MORE conversations like this to stop the insanity, bigotry and hate, and it starts in our own homes.

  13. Anonymous10:24 AM

    4:50 PM Affleck never made valid points because he never finished his sentences - it was very difficult to understand what the hell he was saying!

    He was nothing more than a bully and irritating as hell! Hope Bill never has him on his show again because he totally ruined it!

  14. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Bill Maher will always be an asshole.

  15. Anonymous2:55 PM

    ISIS in Wikipedia means Mother of Egypt and there is an interesting you tube video about the origins of religion...


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