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"Well I know I'm more popular than this guy." |
Facebook said Friday it has stepped up its battle against spammers who promise to deliver "likes" to its members, and warned users on using such scams.
The world's most popular social network said that to date, it has obtained legal judgments of nearly $2 billion against fraudulent activities on Facebook. It was not clear how much of that was actually collected.
Facebook's moves appeared to counter concerns that users -- including politicians and companies selling products -- are buying "likes" to make them appear more popular. And it is targeting a cottage industry which seeks to deliver these results to Facebook members, often promising "10,000 likes" or more for a fee.
"We write rules and use machine learning to catch suspicious behavior that sticks out. When we catch fraudulent activity, we work to counter and prevent it, including blocking accounts and removing fake likes all at once," Facebook site integrity engineer Matt Jones said in a blog post.
Currently Palin gets thousands and thousands of likes on each of her ghostwritten Facebook post, but considering her dwindling support I think we all know that is total bullshit.
Personally I would LOVE IT if Facebook started stripping her posts of Likes, or better yet blocked her account altogether.
I wonder what she would do if either of those things happened? Whatever she did in response, we know it would be entertaining.
Then all she would have is that crappy pay-per-bitch website of hers.
You know that might just drive her right around the bend.
Oh I love this!! And hate it too-I mean, you can buy your way onto the New York Times best seller list (as every conservative pundit/ evangelical author does) and now you can buy Facebook likes? Wow-I am saddened. And oh so gleeful!
ReplyDeleteMakes you think, Obama is a Facebook candidate. HOW MANY are fake?
DeleteThough to be fair I guarantee ALL public figure accounts use this. Businesses do too.
When one starts a business or decides to run for office, the FIRST thing one does is ask friends to review it.
Everything about The Palins is fake. From Trig's real mother to Todd's marriage to Sarah.
DeleteThat's PRESIDENT Obama to you, asshat at 5:25. Stop comparing the retarded, crosseyed, cheap skank to him. She didn't run against him for president.
DeleteAnonymous6:10 PM
Delete10,000 LIKES for your comment!
@ 5:25 President Obama, is the president, he is not a candidate. HE ALREADY WON against McCain.
This troll has to be $arah, no logical thought processes.
Just for an FYI, a$$hat 5:25 : I know FOR A FACT that $carah's FB account has DEAD PEOPLE on her 'likes'!
DeleteSo... Whatcha gonna say to THAT???
Go back under your rock, troll - you ain't good anyway. BDIB 1000+ times!
Also, too: agree with you completely, 6:10!!!
Only a Palinite such as 5:25 would post such a thing. Comparing a has been F-Celebrity to the President Of The United States. Remember Gryphen only lets "Important" Palin trolls post.
Delete"Click farms" are notorious, and I've seen film of them on TV news shows: two Asian (usually Indonesian or India) woman crowded around one laptop, clicking, clicking, alternating so they can get in the most hits.
Delete"Like" as piece work. A sweat shop for the 21st century.
No one could ever imagine that there were real people liking Sarah every time she blew her nose....
No, with our President, there are legitimate citizens who like what he posts, or comment on his ideas.
He doesn't NEED Facebook, anyway. If he gets clicks or not, he's still the President. He has many more traditional ways to connect with people. Facebook really is for teenagers, corporations, aspiring politicians, and narcissists. The rest of us use it moderately.
I knock my brains out thinking up engaging posts and so far have 5,071 hard-earned likes on my little vacation rental company's facebook page.
DeleteAt least my number of likes, albeit small, is meaningful to me. $arah will never know that feeling of reward.
Any other article about her on ANY blog, has so many negative comments on there that it is impossible for her to be "liked" so many times. Of course it is fake, just like her and her spawn. People are sick and tired of the entire low class family, and hope they all fade into obscurity SOON.
DeletePresident Obama doesn't have to stroke his ego with facebook likes, he has twice gotten the more important "likes", and that would be the majority of the votes for the presidency of the United States of America
DeleteHe doesn't NEED Facebook, anyway. If he gets clicks or not, he's still the President.
And there you have it, you pathetic, loathsome turd!
"You know that might just drive her right around the bend."
ReplyDeleteThat's not a long drive ...
I Had reported her FakeBook page years ago as being fake, but FakeBook does nothing, unless there are many, many people reporting the same.
ReplyDeleteI had reported her site as being fake and not run by herself, but I never got a response.
Maybe, if we all get together and report her page as being a hate site or as being fake, and run by other people actually rather than $arah, MAYbe FakeBook will finally pull the rug from under her?
So you lied?
DeleteTypical liberal bullying tactic.
Maybe get a life?
The world is beautiful. I don't see how so many here read false negative stuff into beauty
5:24 PM Aren't you babysitting Bristol's and Willow's illegitimate babies? Go teach Tri-g how to eat solid foods.
DeleteAnonymous5:24 PM
DeleteAnd yet here you are policing comments on the Palin…Maybe YOU should get a life?
5:24. YOU are the bully so stop using that word. You only started using it after many here accused you of that.
DeleteThis is the Internet and this is America. Don't you stupid retarded conservatives believe in freedom of speech???
Sarah is free any time to sue Gryphen if she doesn't like what he writes.
YOU are a bully. You come here an name call and degrade everyone trying to get them to stop saying things about Sarah and her inbred family. It does not work so why do you do it.
Why don't you go do do something positive you sick deranged bully!!! Why don't you work on Sarah's political campaign? Oh wait, there is none. She just fleeces people so she has an income. I forgot BULLY!
5:24, by his own definition, doing what can only be described as meta-trolling.
Delete5:24 : No, I did NOT lie. It is a FACT that you, $arah, do NOT write MOST of those posts on that page. Your language ability borders onto gibberish, and the longer posts on that page are almost legible (note, I am not saying LOGICAL!)
Delete5:24 Shut UpChuck. You wouldn't be here if you were so confident and didn't feel threatened by Gryphen's blog. You are always posting here because you are AFRAID bwah ha ha ha ha ha. I thought your sister said she wasn't afraid of bloggers wearing pajamas living in their parents' basement. You just proved otherwise.
DeleteDid the slander troll get time off for good behavior?
DeleteGet sent to remedial English class?
Had the lights put out in the basement by his mother to save on electricity?
Get asked out to a Sadie Hawkins dance, and he's
got his best plaid shirt, clean sneakers, and pleated khakis on to impress his date? He's even bought her a corsage.
Is on a time-share junket, where he got three days/two nights at a resort in Arkansas, where most of his time is spent in an auditorium, learning how he can afford this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, for only 10% down?
Did he get invited to/dropped by a huge Palinesque party, where he's hoping to spot a librul so he can hit him in the kisser?
His erstwhile girlfriend decided he was better than nothing on a Saturday night, and invited herself over for some TV watching (hers was repossessed), and some rum and cokes before they make sweet love on the groaning sofa, with infomercials playing softly in the background?
Is he sleeping off the thorazine they gave him at the hospital, and hopes to be able to keep his eyes closed all Sunday, when the family wakes up from its drunken Saturday night and starts whaling on anyone within range?
Is hoping that staying at IM will eventually teach him how to become what he really loves: a librul.
DeleteThey do this a lot! Not an original idea coming from them.
"You only started using it after many here accused you of that."
Maybe the family has no idea that "likes" are being bought? Maybe the Koch's or Murdoch buys those? None of the Payme/Heath family are exactly bright, so they could actually believe she is that popular. The book tours, with few people showing up should have been a wake up call. Panic must be setting in, that they are all going to HAVE to get JOBS (that is a 4 letter word to this clan)
DeleteAnon 4:19--granted, the Palin's are low-hanging fruit but eeven they know her "popularity" is fake. Sarah has always used relatives, friends and sock puppets to boost her ratings and make her appear popular. She might even be dumb enough to believe that if people see a lot of fake "likes" on Facebook or supportive comments on articles about her, that they will also think she s popular and somehow that will change their opinion of her. I don't know--it seems rather simplistic and childish but these aren't deep thinkers we're talking about here. And remember the DWTS scandal over the Palin-bots deranged voting for Bristol that resulted in the program changing it's voting procedures? Every rational person knew Palin and her supporters were gaming the system. That's they way they roll. Everything is fake about them, even their "popularity."
Delete8:23 am: also remember, (wasn't it even in Baileys book?) she pays people to write up positive reports on her - even as MINO (Mayor In Name Only)...
DeleteGryphen, as you know, I'm diversifying my troll simulation and prevention consulting service by branching out to selling online "dislikes". So far it hasn't been particularly successful but the good news is that a human adult male can sell blood plasma once a week.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, here's some shit trolls say
IM commenters
- are haters, nasty, suckers, illiterate, bad, traitors, malcontents, drooling loons, beyond stupid, a waste of space, inept ones, uncaring, layabouts, immature, bored, dumb, seriously disturbed, tactless, pieces of filth, rolling in ignorance, classless, ignorant, jealous, bullies, mean, unhappy, liars, slanderers, pathetic, losers, liberal...
- don't know her, minimize people, demean people, attack people with no real problems, spread false myths on blogs out of hate, sound stupid, have juvenile mentalities, stop at nothing to destroy people, need a mental purge, don't have lives...
- should get lives, grow up, shut up, go away...
She who must not be named
- is nice, rich, down to earth, far from the worst, close, warm, owns your lives, real, not seedy, functioning, well adjusted, valley trash, caring, gracious, employed, generous, busy, sweet, non-judgmental, sunshine on a gloomy day, the best mom, treats staff well, gives encouragement, beautiful, hard working, private, inteelajunt, living vibrantly, happy...
In Non-Opposite World, she
- is divisive, mean-spirited, washed-up, 'fodder for mirth', irrational, vitriolic, thin-skinned, pugnacious, venomous, queen of make-believe, disingenuous, totally twitastic and insanely facebookeriffic, repulsive, not self-aware, a troublemaker, inconsistently buxom, bitter, mercenary, unstable, self-absorbed, classless, unhinged, reckless, garish, foolish, inarticulate, embarrrassing, shameless, cynical, obsessed, shallow, skanky, vile, nauseating, uneducated, a laughing stock, vulgar, embarrassing, incurious, bellicose, unsophisticated, uninformed, hypocritical, tacky, arrogant, petty, a quitter, cruel, unempathic, jealous, ridiculous, prevaricatious, snarky, lazy, spiteful, acid-tongued, cowardly, irrelevant, rapidly aging, vindictive, unqualified, malignant narcissis, unprepared, sour, counterproductive, an idiot
- is probably not even his real name, delusional, frequently a dick, victimizing since 2009, sincerely stupid, matters not, sad little man, writes in ignorance with hateful creativity, closeminded, not a psychologist, blackhearted...
- doesnt live in reality, doesnt know her, lives in a basement, doesnt know any of the people who actually KNOW her, tries to ruin people, is criminal, not a great father, a lying putz, judgmental, just ignorant, revels in ignorance, knows nothing
IM blog
- is a cesspool, a meaningless void, a defunct blog that nobody reads (yet still racked up 24.5 million page views)
I feel sorry for you. smh
* ********* * *** * **********
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Beldar J Conehead, EXCLUSIVE troll of Immoral Minority
Remember, Beldar Trolls So You Don't Have To!
Accept NO Substitute!
"...that a human adult male can sell blood plasma once a week."
DeleteNo, not totally true so I've reworded it for you, below.
"...that a human adult male can sell blood plasma once a week unless he's slept with Todd."
There; better now.
I actually enjoy when you post. It perfectly highlights a "liberal's" maturity and lack of depth
Delete"I actually enjoy when you post. It basically just repeats the tiresome bullshit me and my actual troll buddies post here every day."
DeleteThere; better now.
Beldar, your talent is mostly wasted here.
DeleteOkay now that one, actually hurts.
DeleteExcept for Uncle Gryph whom I adore. And a handful of witty, intelligent commenters (hello Nefer). Booo Pat Padrons.
DeleteHey 5:22, it shows your own immaturity. If you were not afraid of this blog why else would you be here? If what goes on here doesn't matter then why are you here? Apparently Gryphen does have power that you are scared and or jealous of. Gotcha!
DeleteAnonymous6:13 PM
DeleteBeldar, your talent is mostly wasted here.
Oh so Beldar should troll sarah's fakebook and bitchols blog?
Remember, bullies don't believe the world is beautiful.
Delete(5:24 above.)
Beldar, we hope your crusade for "dislikes" will be successful. Those click farmers might get all confused and then where would we be?
No, little 8:37 -- Beldar isn't going to waste his talents trolling on other sites.
DeleteHe'd be a best-selling author if he wanted to be. He's that talented, witty and imaginative.
How dare facebook do that to Mama Grizzle... She paid good SarahPAC cash to Ohn Hung Lo and his millions of relatives in China to Rike her.
ReplyDeleteI know LOL is supposed to be passe' but LOL! You made me laugh out loud!
Delete"rike" her??? Really??? Shameful.
DeleteFunny that you approve of YOUR hate yet want her positive account banned. Logic is lacking. She posts heartwarming pro life videos and stories. You post trash and call hard working people lazy.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin and her brood of leaches are nowhere near hardworking. Track is a drug addict, Bristol and Willow are alcoholics, and Sarah is a drug addicted grifter.
DeleteThat ol' bag o' bones talks shit nonstop on Facebook, you dim bulb. Positive account? Do crosshairs ring a bell?
DeletePalin trolls are out in FORCE on this post. Guilty consciences? You know she's been buying likes - for years. Who buys likes? People that are HARD UP.
Delete- KAO
Who is hard working? What is Tracks job? Todd's??
DeleteBDIB you demented bully
DeleteShe posts nothing but trash and lies about the President. Her jealousy, hatred, and vindictiveness comes through loud and clear. The most ridiculous thing is that she thinks she was actually qualified to make those judgements - let alone that she thinks that she was qualified to be chosen by the McCain campaign.
DeleteI would love to see a positive, heartwarming, pro-life video of Sarah having a sustained interaction with Trig--maybe she can help him learn to eat solid food or develop another skill, or even just take a walk or enjoy an activity together. $50 says it won't happen because word is Trig also possesses the famous Palin fists, and he uses them on Sarah when she gets near him. But go ahead, Sarah, post the video and prove me wrong. For his sake, I'd love it if you do.
DeleteWhy so worried 5:18? You posting here only confirms that Sarah's paid trolls are very worried. I betcha one thing...Gryphen doesn't have to pay anybody to visit his blog while Sarah does.
DeleteAnonymous5:18 PM
DeleteFunny that you approve of YOUR hate yet want her positive account banned. Logic is lacking. She posts heartwarming pro life videos and stories. You post trash and call hard working people lazy.
Palin trolls are all over defending TRANNY MAN!!!!
I'd rather Mrs. Palin not encourage the lowest common denominator but encourage people to strive to be better, be smarter and achieve more. Instead she celebrates the lowest of the mental midgets in our society. She uses her family to show these people that it's okay to be stupid, but really, it isn't and they should all try harder.
DeleteWhat a joke she is. nobody in her entire family works, yet she tapes $1 to the chairs of high school grads, and tells them to get up to nake a $1. That message should have been given to her lazy, fornicating offspring. I look forward to the day when they ALL have to seek honest employment. Wake up call for them.
DeleteI'm not falling for this, you wisenheimer. Anyone who places the word " heartwarming" in the same sentence with Mrs. Palin is a satirist. I've done the same thing a time or two on IM and posted it anonymously just to rattle the cage of the irony challenged amount us, and there are plenty. Being progressive doesn't necessarily go hand in hand with a sense of humor or the absurd and now and again I will see a defense of Miss Tits that is so egregious, so over the top that it is obviously tossed into our cage for the enjoyment of watching us pounce. The sport of watching Mrs. Palin publicly and proudly disassemble her remaining credibility, arms and jaws flapping with vigor and ill intent is a nuanced pleasure, but an event I endorse most highly for the lovers of low comedy, of which I am clearly one.
Delete5:18, are you daft? sarah's FB page should be renamed her hatebook page with all the vitriol she posts on a daily basis. Just because she intersperses pictures of her trashy thug family with her nasty posts about the potus doesn't change her drivel from being toxic, vile spewings. I guess like your girlyfriend, sarah, you don't really read...
DeleteIt's weird how the meth addict attracts so many mentally ill people to troll for her. I'm not sure I would want to be known for that skill.
DeletePositive account? She and her minions spent most of last week cutting down members of our US military and making crude remarks about every female member of our US Military and as a female US Army Major (ret) I will take that personally and as a negative aspect about her site.
DeleteThe hate spouted against members of our military showed Sarah Heath Palins true colors.
BTW I served 3 yrs in Nam and another 7 yrs stateside and never heard so much hate spouted by such a few people on one post than I heard in 10 yrs.
Fuck Sarah Palin and her UnAmerican followers.
The mouthbreathers who heart her will just say it's a liberal plot.
ReplyDeleteI wish twitter would do this to its spammers. EVERY account has fakes. Run it through that website.
ReplyDeleteGryphen has fakes. I have like 20/500.
All celebs have thousands of fakes.
I don't get it.
That isn't even buying followers.
Fuck off, troll.
DeleteYou have fakes?? Yes, fake boobs Sarah. We know.
beings yer retarded ain't much you do "get" - except for maybe where yer next cum shot might be coming from, but then again maybe not, they're all so random, eh ..
Social media is for chumps.
DeleteGryphen has fakes? Prove it or shut up, Dope on a Rope.
DeleteI don't understand why Gryphen invents narratives to fill his lonely life? You live in Alaska. GO OUTSIDE
ReplyDeleteToo many of Todd Palin's prostitutes outside, Troll. Why do you bring your sorry ass to IM, ASSKLOWN? You have nothing to offer but bullshit.
DeleteYour comment made no sense
DeleteAnd don't you lve by the beach?
DeleteBully!!!! Stop bullying Gryphen and the people here. Bullying and stalking is against the law. You do know that google keeps track of IP addresses and can tell when you use software or a website to mask your true identity.
DeleteYou know, this one might actually be one of the Palins. They're always talking about "going outside" in Alaska.
DeleteSo who had any idea that "living vibrantly" meant posting insults on blogs that expose the PayMe family? Poor Bristles thought she would take Hollywood by storm, especially after her fake chin implant. Even to this day she has no clue that TALENT would take her further than looks. Can't dance, sing, act. Sure is good at grifting (from her momma, unless that is bribery now?) The family has expanded, lots of illigitimate grandkids to support. Still Bristles continues get drunk and look for willing guys to take home. Sounds like the pickins are few and far between, nobody wants sloppy seconds, thirds, fourths etc.
Delete5:20, excuse me, what are you really trying to say shit-for-brains?
DeleteI remember her "acting" on that one soap opera-like show. She sucked. "Hollywood by storm" indeed. They kicked her to the curb just like the GOP did Mommie Dearest.
DeleteWait. What? Gryphen didn't invent any false narratives. Sarah and her trolls invented the false narratives about her and her entire family. All of it is a bucket of lies.
DeleteSpeaking of false narratives, why would Sarah post that she had missed Todd's birthday because she was travelling when the Anchorage Ploice Department and scores of witnesses place her in south Anchorage with Todd the night before?
DeleteCan't, the Palin gang of thugs are roving the streets punching and choking people.
DeleteI was surprised to learn that even very minor celebrities use stage names. In my two horse town there's a 5 kW radio station where the DJs use fake names because one of them was stalked by a lonely listener.
ReplyDeleteLiberal logic: heart warming pro life videos and stories need to be banned. Trashy lies and comments that attack strangers are all gravy.
ReplyDeleteTo echo the immortal words of Sandra Bullock, anonymous commenters are pointless forms of life.
Hey Jill(?) anybody can use a fake name, like you. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.
DeleteImmortal words??? Rofl!!! Ok Alicia!!!
DeleteImmortal words of Sandra Bullock?????????????? Hahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!
DeleteYou are a bully. You are violating googles terms of service by spamming this blog and I am going to report you. If the Palin's have a problem with Gryphen or a poster here, they are free to do the same.
DeleteJill? Coincidence that your name is the same as Trig's therapy dog, or lack of creativity because you decided to use a "real" name and that's the first one that came to mind because you saw her out your window? And "Levine"--I've been seeing ads for Adam Levine's clothing line every time I'm on IM, so you probably are, too, and that's the origin of your last name.
DeleteJill Palin and Creepy (Mark) Levin (close enough)
DeleteToo much Adderall and diet Dr Pepper tonight Jill? You know that stuff is not good for you. It might even kill you. It has made you way too thin. Remember Karin Carpenter from the Carpenters who died from her quest to be thin?
DeleteWe don't want you to die Jill (well most of us anyway), we just want you to go away and stop telling us how to live our lives.
Now go make yourself some nice scrambled eggs and cinnamon toast.
OMF DOG! The Palin dog is writing on the blog "JILL".
DeleteWell at least we know its ok...
"Jill Levine" sounds like an attempt to come off as Jewish. Didn't Sarah Palin just scold American Jews for supporting President Obama? Oh, how clever of you. It's right up the alley of an overly-dramatic, failed theater major.
DeleteI can't find any evidence that Sandra Bullock said what the troll claims.
DeleteAs for right to life videos, they are only about the life of a fetus for the 9 months before it is born. Once it becomes a real live person, capable of sustaining life outside the womb, then those Right-to-Lifers turn into big hypocrites. Gun safety to protect that innocent child? Forget about it. Providing food and housing if his family falls on hard times? Are you kidding? What if Mom and Dad are married and Dad just had a terrible accident. Where's the compassion and the care about their quality of life? How about the right of that kid to an education? How about the right of that kid not to be bullied if he just happens to be a little different from the rest of his classmates?
The biggest hypocrite about Right to Life is Sarah Palin who claimed to have made the choice to have a DS child, a choice that she denies to any other woman. But, after he was born, where was his therapy?
Anonymous8:45 PM
DeleteOMF DOG! The Palin dog is writing on the blog "JILL"
Yes, I noticed the most intelligent Palin was posting...
The entire clan needs therapy!!
DeleteUpfist x1000
DeleteThe PayMe's give their dogs REAL names, yet saddle their kids with strange names.
DeleteAccording to Alexa ...Gryphen kicks Sarah's ass .....
ReplyDeleteGryphen's blog has
Global Rank 104,799
Rank in United States 16,710
SarahPalinChannel has
Global Rank 115,906
Rank in United States 85,716
Todd Palin: What's in it for us?
DeleteTAPP: Look at all of the "likes" Sarah has on her Facebook we'll make a bundle.
Sarah: Why aren't all of my millions of fans signing up for my exclusive private by subscription only blog?
Todd Palin: Hey, WHAT IS IN IT FOR US? We're not making any money here. And don't go giving it away for free on Facebook again.
Based on the makeup of c4p readers, the Palins may want to consider moving to New Zealand.
DeleteNew Zealand 56.7% 1,023
United States Flag United States 34.9% 151,988
If the ranking I'd based on clicks, they are all from one Joseph Sheppherd. Not sure I spelled that right. But Wonkette has written a lot about him. He is NUTS
DeleteWow, Sarah's "channel" is a HUGE failure!!
DeleteWasn't Exodus (whatever) from there? though she was banned from C4P, she (or an avatar) is all over pro-Palin comments sections...
DeleteSo odd to me how ready the PeePond is to ban any vocal dissent, whether pro or con...if they were truly interested in trying to create a groundswell for her, they would engage in what used to be termed 'meaningful dialogue' ;-)
Wow, c for p ranks 151,988 in the US?!? That sucks!!
DeleteAnd her channel is 85,000 approximately and Gryphen's is 16,710 !!!
Bwhahahahaha !!
Surprise about the Sea of Pee. I have long suspected that there are multiple postings there, too. When the conversation needs stimulation, three or four or five different people post the exact same thing or link. Or someone tries to stir up some excitement with another hateful comment. A failed screen writer might be living her dream, scripting conversations for imaginary characters. I wonder how many of them are real.
DeleteYes, it's nasty, creepy Joe Sheppard, and his nasty wife (is she Exodus?).
DeleteSo Gryphen has five times more traffic than c4p?
DeleteSounds about right.
New Zealand IS Exodus who used to copy/paste tons of Palin's accomplishments on every single comment article on the internet. Had a conversation with her once - said she's from New Zealand - a complete and total Palin fanatic.
DeleteMaybe she'll move to the place where Bristol's idle blog sits attracting dust and fruitflies. Which is much better than having whatever her facebook ghostwriter does for free room and glucose taken as her own words.
ReplyDeletePoor Sarah will end up with six fans, tops. Maybe she'll HAVE to go on the MSM shows, like The Price Is Right, Jeopardy, and Wheel of Fortune.
Of course she'll carry a NYT with a sign that says "SEE? I DO read! Dammit"
I doubt Bristol even gets online. lol
DeleteAnita - she is too fuckin' stoopid for "Jeopardy"; she never finished college!
Delete"Supermarket Sweep" is more her speed. Or maybe "Let's Make a Deal" (is that show still on?)
Deletelol, 1/2 witted sarah on jeopardy would be worth watching...she'd make wolf blitzer look like a mensa member.
DeleteSarah Palin was on Jeopardy-TWICE!
DeleteThe first time Katie Couric was the host and the second time Charlie Gibson hosted!
She did poorly.
Then Sarah decided she'd stick to her other bidness.
Palin was NEVER on "Jeopardy" one time, much less two times! Check the records!
DeleteAnonymous6:27 PM
DeleteI doubt Bristol even gets online. lol
I especially doubt that she personally sat at the keyboard when she got her GED degree online also, too.
Anon 10:13--please get a sense of humor.
DeleteAnon at 9:54pm
DeleteSarah would fail at Supermarket Sweep because she would have phones in each of her hands.
re: fighting
ReplyDeleteI think it's an Alaska/small town mentality. Though I've seen lots of fighting in San Fran.
I say the former because I recall last year Gino leaving a bar talking about rough times. Hurt knuckles, rough looking face.
But I think it's an AK thing
Sure Alicia.. It's just normal there.
DeleteWho are you trying to convince?
No, 6:29, fighting is a low class, trash kinda thing, anywhere.
DeleteYeah, like you live in "San Fran."
DeleteThen again, in your diseased mind, I guess you can live wherever you want.
Nobody who lives in San Francisco or has spent a great deal of time there refers to it as "San Fran." Did you close your eyes and point to a spot on a map of the US?
DeleteIt's an Alaska thing? I'm any Floridian would disagree with you. Are you a Floridian?
"San Fran"
DeleteWhy didn't you just say "Frisco"
You are a phony.
"Though I've seen lots of fighting in San Fran. "
Says the "though" troll. Riiiiight.
Nice try, troll. I like how you throw "Gino's" name out there like 1) he's some kind of personal acquaintence of yours, or 2) anyone else would know who he is, like he's some kind of a celebrity just because he was one of the hundreds who have bedded Bristol....
DeleteHmmmmmmm... I used to live in 'San Fran' for quite a few years. First off: NOBODY THERE calls it 'San Fran', and second: I personally have NOT seen ANY fights there. I guess, though, I am not a Wasilly-Billy, so I do not exactly entertain in those kinds of circles. Oh, and BTW, Oakland - you know, the city right across the Bay from 'San Fran' is waaay more known for its fights...
DeleteVery strange for you to refer to San Fransisco as "San-Fran" since I have had relatives living there since before the big quake in 1906 and none of them in the following 120 yrs have ever called it "san-Fran".
DeleteHere's a tip for you, when you lie you just may have to do some research before so it's believable.
Sheesh, Palin's worshipers sure don't like being told their donations to SarahPAC were pissed away on fake likes on Fraudbook.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the denial is strong there. Odd when they were all so gung-ho about faking votes when Bristol was on DWTS. I guess they don't see the connection.
DeleteIs that really any worse than limos, booze, and drugs?
Delete"if Facebook started stripping her posts of Likes, or better yet blocked her account altogether.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what she would do if either of those things happened? '
First, she would threaten to sue them because they are taking away her FREEDUMB of speech!!!
Second, she would sic her flying monkeys on them, threatening to close all their accounts and sue also too.
And gosh, wouldn't Facebook be so much more pleasant without all the RWNJ cluttering up our news feeds. We can only hope her followers would leave!
ReplyDeletethe crosseyed hunch backed skank long ago went around the bend and done plummeted off the cliff reaching terminal velocity, she just ain't pile drove the totally rock hard flat landing yet ..
That sounds like "Play Misty For Me".
ReplyDeleteCheetah444 As best as I know, Sarah has one upcoming speaking engagement next Monday, October 13 in Williston, ND at the Trinity Christian School. The theme of this year’s banquet will center on the oil industry and Christian education. Right in her wheel house!
Oil industry and Christian education? Those sneaky oil companies! Sounds like more conservative propaganda.
Every congressman is running for office. A third of the Senate is up for election. There are plenty of state races around the country, and Sarah does not seem to be out there campaigning for anyone-- except Pat Roberts-- and that really pissed off her fans. All that Sarah has are county tea party events, a high school graduation, some religious places (cure PTSD in 6 days with prayer, or another right to life group). Don't the Republicans or the Tea Party want Sarah to campaign with them-- or are her demand$$$$ too much for them right now?
DeleteWilliston is ground zero for the ND fracking operation. Basically a "man camp", lots of boys and men away from home working the oil fields. I'm sure Mrs. Palin will find something in common with them regarding oil and such. For some reason jesus tends to follow these oily types, perhaps because a lot of them come from the south? Anyway, we saw that in AK, jesus and churches following the oilies.
DeleteWilliston sounds like a great place for Todd to set up a branch of his business, too. Oil, Christianity, and prostitution.
Delete10:23 and 6:23, I have an aunt in South Dakota who works in a home for minors who have escaped or been rescued from sex trafficking. She said it has become a HUGE problem in the Dakotas since the oil boom.
DeleteIs Todd going with her to set up his prostitutes for the oil guys (like was done in Alaska during their oil boom)?
DeleteOh, Palins, we read you both so well. Christians my ass! You both work for the devil!
Will Bristles pack up her tent, order wine coolers, and join in the fun???
DeleteOh my, the trolls are unhappy tonight or should I say, the troll (singular). Is that you, Sarah? Did you spend money on fake likes and now that Lamestream Facebook is threatening to cancel your account or dump the fake likes? hahaha
ReplyDeleteSarah, it's Saturday night...didn't you get invited to a party tonight? No Hummer available to rent?
I think you have found the story behind her abrupt resignation.
This was a response to 5:59 regarding the Voice article. Not sure why it didn't post up there.
DeleteI thought her resignation might have had something to do with Shawn Christie and an attempt to solicit (wait for it) the assassination of the President of the United States. But all we hear are bits and pieces since it got covered up after she resigned.
DeleteYeah she got 9 votes at the right wing nut straw poll volunteer values or whatever it's called but yet she gets over 12,000 likes on one facebook post. It's SO Sarah since we know that from her beginnings as mayor she wrote her own newspaper editorial comments glowing over herself and then had her friends sign them. And we know how willingly her fans followed her cheating and bragged about voting over 300 times per person for Bristol on DWTS.
ReplyDeleteSarah you are too stupid to realize that "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all of the time."
Keep it up you phony floozie. Your cheatin' ways are about to catch up with ya, you betcha!
The TAPP people must have believed that Sarah had over 4 million real life fans, ready to sign up as $100. a year subscribers for anything that Sarah would post on the internet. The very low numbers for her "tv channel" show us that either her fans don't care enough about Sarah to pay to see the same stuff that they can see on her facebook. Or, maybe there really aren't 4 million people who liked her facebook. We know that you can buy "likes" and comments, especially when the comments all say the same thing. So many people at facebook and no one at SPC.
DeleteJesse posts:
Deletemore frequently,
with original thought,
with a collection of interesting followers,
and provokes discussion of current events.
Sarah Palin wishes she was Gryphen.
'THE $12.5 MILLION sports complex and hockey rink that is the lasting monument to Palin's two terms as Wasilla mayor is also a monument to the kind of insider politics that dismays Americans of both parties. Six months before Palin stepped down as mayor in October 2002, the city awarded nearly a half-million-dollar contract to design the biggest project in Wasilla history to Kumin Associates. Blase Burkhart was the Kumin architect on the job—the son of Roy Burkhart, who is frequently described as a "mentor" of Palin and was head of the local Republican Party (his wife, June, who also advised Palin, is the national committeewoman). Asked if the contract was a favor, Roy Burkhart, who contributed to her campaign in the same time frame that his son got the contract, said: "I really don't know." Palin then named Blase Burkhart to a seven-member builder-selection committee that picked Howdie Inc., a mostly residential contractor owned at the time by Howard Nugent. Formally awarded the contract a couple of weeks after Palin left office, Nugent has donated $4,000 to Palin campaigns. Two competitors protested the process that led to Nugent's contract. Burkhart and Nugent had done at least one project together before the complex—and have done several since.
ReplyDeleteA list of subcontractors on the job, obtained by the Voice, includes many with Palin ties. One was Spenard Builders Supply, the state's leading supplier of wood, floor, roof, and other "pre-engineered components." In addition to being a sponsor of Todd Palin's snow-machine team that has earned tens of thousands for the Palin family, Spenard hired Sarah Palin to do a statewide television commercial in 2004. When the Palins began building a new family home off Lake Lucille in 2002—at the same time that Palin was running for lieutenant governor and in her final months as mayor—Spenard supplied the materials, according to Antoine Bricks, who works in its Wasilla office. Spenard actually filed a notice "of its right to assert a lien" on the deed for the Palin property after contracting for labor and materials for the site. Spenard's name has popped up in the trial of Senator Stevens—it worked on the house that is at the center of the VECO scandal as well.
Todd Palin told Fox News that he built the two-story, 3,450-square-foot, four-bedroom, four-bath, wood house himself, with the help of contractors he described as "buddies." As mayor, Sarah Palin blocked an effort to require the filing of building permits in the wide-open city, and there is no public record of who the "buddies" were. The house was built very near the complex, on a site whose city purchase led to years of unsuccessful litigation and, now, $1.3 million in additional costs, with a law firm that's also donated to Palin collecting costly fees from the city.
Dorwin and Joanne Smith, the principals of complex subcontractor DJ Excavation & Development, have donated $7,100 to Palin and her allied candidate Charlie Fannon (Joanne is a Palin appointee on the state Board of Nursing). Sheldon Ewing, who owns another complex subcontractor, Weld Air, has donated $1,300, and PN&D, an engineering firm on the complex, has contributed $699.
Ewing was one of the few sports-complex contractors, aside from Spenard, willing to address the question of whether he worked on the house as well, but he had little to say: "I doubt that it occurred, but if it did indirectly, how would I know anyhow?" The odd timing of Palin's house construction—it was completed two months before she left City Hall and while she and Todd Palin were campaigning statewide for the first time—raises questions, especially considering its synergy with the complex.'
In the checkout line today, one of the rags on the newsstand had the headline: "Palins Going Through Nasty $20 Million Dollar Divorce"
ReplyDeleteIs this true ? How the hell are they worth $20 million dollars ?
A few years back when there was talk of her divorce, wasn't the 20 million figure used then?
DeleteMaybe now that people are reminded once again of how dysfunctional her family is, the tabloids just dusted off the same stories without updating financial information.
I truly don't think the Palins are as rich as they want America to think.
DeleteGee, how the might have fallen. What's next, pictures of Palin watching "lamestream" media programs with her fetid maw agape?
ReplyDeleteChrist, she's pathetic.
wooow. I guess when you ask who is in the palin pockets, the answer would be everyone.
ReplyDeleteTalk about cronyism! It's almost inbreeding!
Antidote for the hideous fugly one.
Lou Sarah is in a tizzy.
ReplyDeleteLots of troll tonight G. One thing I would like to know is the IP addresses of the trolls. But I think we all know the address of tonight's troll. Oh troll, we so have your number. But don't worry troll, we won't return the favor and troll your website.
ReplyDeleteThe troll has a website?
DeleteWell, she calls it a channel but we all know it's just a web site.
DeleteAgree, Nefer.
DeleteI think they're using the old figure to be salacious. "Celebrity, divorce and money" are big sellers.
They don't have any of the "real" facts about the Palins so they are peddling old garbage.
The Palins get pissy on this blog because their lies don't fool the folks here.
ReplyDeleteWe also TOO know that her 4+ million likes are bought. Wade in the pee puddle sometime. Maybe 25 people and Food Stamp Pete too stupid to realize that the jump in numbers he creams over are fake.
Deleteabbafan7:08 PM
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like "Play Misty For Me".
Google + tried to pull this shit on me too.
We should all change our facebook page names to "none of your business". Get ready b/c Facebook will be sued big time for this.
Egads! "buddies" built the two-story, 3,450-square-foot house. Now "buddies" are living off of them with crazy nut son and go to Hummer parties with the Palin gang. How far they sunk.
ReplyDeleteI just wish FB was not so notoriously complicated if you want to report a page. You cannot simply write a short paragraph, but everything seemingly has to fit into an exact box/drawer.
ReplyDeleteOff topic-
ReplyDeleteChecking some web alerts I have set and found a report about Sarah's speech in Joplin! Some RWNJ Missouri state legislator named Bill Lant mentioned it in his constituent newsletter.
"Last Thursday we attended the 25th Anniversary Banquet for Life Choices. For those of you who don't know, they are totally funded through donations. From humble beginnings 25 years ago, they have counseled tens of thousands of young ladies and men and convinced an astounding 96% of their patients to choose life for their babies! We were treated to a wonderful hour-long speech by Governor Sarah Palin who shared her experience of having a Down's Syndrome child and the wonderful blessing he has been to their family. All of the Southwest Area Legislators were thanked for their support of Pro Life legislation and Senator Richard and Representative White presented Resolutions for the work Life Choices has done."
I kept reading the rest of his letter and holy sh*t talk about tmi! He goes on about seeing his high school crush at his 50 year reunion! BTW Lant's wife is Jane.
" The high point for Jane was getting to meet the girl I have mentioned more than a few times over the years because she totally distracted me in Algebra class by wearing a tight cardigan! She even had an exotic name, $%#^%& &*^% (I deleted the name, this guy had a real name there)! It never failed, Mr. Howerton would catch me staring at her and smack me across the knuckles with a ruler. I'm not kidding, have you ever noticed how gnarly my knuckles are? Well, %$%# (first name deleted) came running over and gave me a big hug and I thought she must have been one of the teachers. Wow! Time has not been kind to that girl! What was stretching the cardigan 50 years ago is now bumping the belt. Jane was laughing so hard she was turning blue."
Talk about TMI- and a real name? WTF!
This is referenced by some Missouri blogs- so I think it is for real. What a typical Republican Palin supporter.
LOL CONFIRMED! Just found a local TV station report on this. www.kctv5.com/story/26704934/missouri-state-rep-criticized-for-comments-about-high-school-crushs-breasts
Also the name I deleted does show up as a member of the class of 54 at Collinsville Illinois. The TV station report includes her real name though.
Thanks for the research Anonymous 8:56. Bill Lant...ewwww. The fact that his wife Jane would laugh until she was blue (according to him) about a former crush of his....double ewwww. I think those two RWNJs deserve each other and probably think THEY haven't aged a day in 50 years!
DeleteEwww, what an asshole. He and his wife laughing at his high school crush because she dared to get older and less attractive than he remembered. And he chose to write it up in a newsletter, using her name? I guess he thought his constituents would get a kick out of it. What an obnoxious POS.
DeleteLet's hear from %$%# about Bill Lant's belly falling over his pants so he looks pregnant, about his jowls and red nose from too much drinking, about his receding hairline, and the ugly glasses he wears on top of the red nose.
DeleteLet's see where Jane's breasts have descended over the years, how her hips have spread, and how the makeup she trowels on her face doesn't cover her age lines, and the hair dye no longer makes her look like a natural blonde.
Fair's fair.
DeleteDid either Bill Lant or Jane claim to have a child neither of them could have possibly had? NO? Then it isn't equal is it? Dumbass.
"Anonymous9:50 PM
DeleteEwww, what an asshole. He and his wife laughing at his high school crush because she dared to get older and less attractive than he remembered. "
That's what struck me, too. How petty and needlessly cruel. Explains why they like Palin. Kindred spirits and all.
I too wonder what Bill and Jane look like now.
It would appear that &^*^&^ is a lucky woman, not ending up with a nasty man like Bill.
11:26--I don't follow why you would attack 10:24. His remarks made prefect sense to me' in that Bill and his wife are mocking his former crush for aging while more of the same could be said of them. I don't know where the "child" comes fom? Did you think there was some reference to Sarah in there. 'cause I guess I missed it.
DeleteI just want to know where all these pregnant men who chose life gave birth at? You'd think it would be in the paper or on the intertubes.
DeleteYeah, 11:26 - what are you talking about?
DeleteThe other poster is talking about how BILL has AGED and his Blue-Faced wife, as well.
Regardless, this "high school crush" did NOTHING to this man and he HUMILIATED HER for absolutely no reason!
Because she has gained weight since High School?
Bristol and Willow pointed out the lovely swimming pool and then told him that he couldn't go in it. As a little kid would do, Tripp was upset and they laughed at him. (That's when he dropped his famous "f bomb." Bristol put her hand on her mouth but she did nothing to say that word wasn't nice (so it must have been ok). She did nothing to distract Tripp by suggesting that they read a book, see what's on TV, take a bath and play with some pool toys. She did nothing. And, they didn't bother to cut that part out, either.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link to the Village Voice, Anonymous 5:59. What a well researched article. The author documented back in 2008 what we have come to know--that Palin is not at all what she wants us to believe about herself. Sarah is, without question, totally dishonest and unethical.
ReplyDeleteSpenard Builders is not a tiny local business. At the time the complex and house were erected SBS was owned by Lanoga Corporation.(aka Lumberman's in 40 or more states.) Internal audits on this issue were done by Lanoga, and repeated when Probuild bought them out. Probuild is owned by Fidelity.
ReplyDeleteRemember, she was only small town Mayor and these are very big corporations. The scam didn't come from them, It came from the builder.
It's social media. Twitter, Facebook,hello, none of this is life changing stuff, it's just navel gazing and mommy blogging. Who cares who buys likes, it just means that people are taking social media too seriously.
ReplyDeleteNoose is tightening, eh, Sarah? LOL
DeleteSarah "broadcasts" from social media. It is true, as you say ... "it's just navel gazing." Sarah gazes at her navel all the time. She thinks it's special.
DeleteSounds like facebook cares. Also sounds like they are serious.
DeleteI broadcast sometimes in the bathroom. Sometimes it is a solid number two. Sometimes not. I don't post it on social media though.
DeleteThe manner in which the Anchorage Police Department is handling the incident of September 6th is wrong in many ways. I hope soon there will be no more tolerance for their treatment of Anchorage citizens and their disrespect for the law.
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin speaks out about her parents divorce.
Anonymous2:41 PM
Flying Crown Airport
Here's a url to airport info where it is said that Tripp was playing on during brawl.
"This is getting ridiculous. None of us witnesses have been followed up with by APD, none of the Palins have been arrested (Todd, Track, and Bristol absolutely broke the law and should have been arrested) and somehow they have managed to keep ALL of the visual evidence hidden." Todd broke a tooth
“Child Neglect ” is the term used in Alaska Statutes to describe a parent’s failure to provide the necessary care for a child.
If a person suspects that a child might be the victim of neglect, certain people are REQUIRED to report it, and everyone is encouraged to advise someone if child neglect is even suspected.
1. The source was in attendance at the party so the information provided was the result of their personal observation.
2. Tripp was not asleep in the Limo when this source saw him.
Thanks for the link. A most interesting read.
ReplyDelete"I'm here from the government and I'm here to help you.x'
ReplyDeleteThis is from St. Ronnie, who ignores the Army Corps of Enginerrsl the Nuclear Regulatory, theFAA, and the myriad other agencies that do work as hard as they cn to safeguard the American people.
Reagan was a clown slipping into demential. He never knew how the government worked. His lines were bumper stickers,
soaked up by low-lifes like Sarah Palin.
Scholar, statesman, gentleman, intellect he was not. Reagan was our first all-and-out puppet.
So right anonymous 6:20 AM. It makes me gag the way the repubs have rewritten history and glorified Reagan.
DeleteThe late inimitable James Garner would have agreed with you. He was VP at the same guild when Reagan was President of the Actors Guild.
DeleteM from Md
I wonder how many of them were actually around when Reagan was President? Because he was an embarrassment , just an actor who read his lines.
DeleteI have to ask: where in the law are we given the "right to be anonymous"?
ReplyDeleteI read in one of the books written about her (Frank Bailey's, I thinkk) that Palin bought signatures in letters of support and also for editorials when she was a "governor" to make her appear more popular than she was. I would agree that she tampers with the "likes" on facebook, just like her PAC buys copies of her books to raise the ratings!
ReplyDelete7:46 AM What she and Todd did as quitter govs is write letters (showing her in a shining light!) and then have specific supporters sign them, which were then published in the Juneau Empire and Anchorage Daily News. f
DeleteShe's doing the same thing now w/Facebook and the purchase of 'likes'. Glad they are stopping it.
The 'real' Sarah and Todd are shining brightly and they are falling down, down, down never to get up again! It can't happen soon enough!
If Facebook likes count as popularity, the the world is in a truly sad state.
ReplyDeleteYes, Anon 9:26! The Palins' lack of self-awareness, of how they appear to others, is just staggering. They had the option of editing, but think so little of their appalling behavior, think it is so normal, that they leave it in there to be broadcast to the whole world. What dumbasses!
ReplyDelete7:47am: well, YOU use it liberally too, don'tcha!
ReplyDeleteYep 10:14 - probably went something like this- give us this contract and we'll make sure you get your house built - and a nice campaign contribution too.
ReplyDeleteI read on another thread that Sarah's attorney, John Tiemessen, was a consultant on the TV show also starring Tripp Johnston and Willow Palin. What kind of a nut case is her attorney? He also represents Bristol in custody matters and he is basically an ambulance chaser and trial attorney.
ReplyDeleteTiemessen must be as blind to he Palins' lack of self-awareness as the Palins. I question if any of them are human beings.
Palin family attorney John Tiemessen was on a hunting trip Friday and unavailable for comment.
They won't get sued over the fake like crackdown because fake people can't sue in our US court systems.
ReplyDeleteFake likes are completely different than the current situation with Performer Names.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is not allowed to farm out her Facebook likes. That is all.
I always found it incredibly comical that of ALL the things Palin built for her town,
ReplyDeleteshe built a space for ice.
In Alaska.
Because...that's hard to come by?
God forbid those kids get a heated pool - or an indoor sand volleyball court.
You bought ice, in Alaska, Mayor Palin.
You are the STUPIDEST person EVER!!
Actually, it was only b/c your asshole son liked hockey, right?
ReplyDelete"F bomb" usually means "FUCK".
I do believe Tripp called his Aunt Willow a:
Neither of these are appropriate for a child, but I think that FAGGOT has a much nastier intonation, as it is used as an insult against a huge section of humanity.
The fact that a Palin child can throw the word "FAGGOT" around like it's nothing is certainly saying something.
[Again, it would be pretty hideous if it was "Fuck", just pointing out the difference. "FAGGOT" seems to be the word Tripp came up with when he wanted to be as rude and insulting as possible.
Quite telling.
Did Bristles go along, hauling her famous tent and wine coolers??
ReplyDeleteI know Sarah Palin and Sarah is not buying "Liikes" or votes. You are all jealous of me and my family.
ReplyDelete-Louise Sarah
boy she sure is worried about your blog to take a pic with it...
ReplyDeletethat is good...may be together everyone can pool their crimes committed by the Palins and since ADN has an opt piece on 'how marvelous' Karen Loffeler is then she can prosecute them!
Oh right - she is bought and paid for too...so some go to DC...