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Click grimace to play video |
Here is the transcript because as we know the minute that Palin sees I have put this up that bunch of TAPP assholes will force Wonkette to take it down:
"Now here's what I don't get. (Simple math equations? How to program the DVR? How to keep you family from attacking the neighbors?) The world's largest and most powerful terrorist group has vowed to attack the United States. You're reading about that, hearing it on the news every night, right? (Assuming of course your TV only gets Fox News.)
It even has supporters in our nation, this horrible death cult. Supporters in our nation tweeting pictures of our national landmarks. including the White House. Taunting us.
Yet we don't protect our borders. (Wait, what? I thought we were talking about ISIS.) So we can't stop this. Hard working Americans have struggled to find good work, and when they do find work that wages are low and they just can't seem to get ahead. (Okay so NOW we are talking about the minimum wage? I am so confused.)
Why? Partly because the flood of illegal immigration makes labor cheap. So cheap that it's hard to make a living. (Yeah, that's not really true.) Come on President Obama, if you don't know that by now..whew..it's...it's..uh..well we don't protect our borders, the President isn't protecting our borders though that's one of his very first duties in office is to make sure that the homeland is secure. (Does anybody else hate the word "homeland?" It makes me feel that we are just one stiff armed salute from becoming the Fourth Reich.)
Young people from across Central America are making a dangerous trek to America. Flooding the border, overwhelming our social services. Yet we still don't protect our borders. (Protect them from What? Young people from Central America crossing the desert?)
Nah, the President won't protect our borders because of POLITICS. As usual Barack Obama puts politics above good policy, above serving the people he swore to serve. Barack Obama wants to pander to special interests, He's even threatening to violate the Constitution, again. But only after the November elections. He says. That's when he'll grant amnesty to millions, upon millions of illegal immigrants.
This makes no sense for our national security. Makes no sense for our economy, Or for the health and welfare of the tens of thousands of foreign children who risk death to flood across our open border. He's inviting them over? He's putting them in danger, via his invitation to come on over. (So to be clear, Sarah Palin says that the President is putting the children who travel hundreds of miles to come to America at risk by not stopping them at the border and forcing them to walk the hundreds of miles back where they came from?)
In November though, mmm we have a choice. On one hand we have a party that wants to leave us vulnerable, and doesn't care if their immigration policies mean that hard working Americans, of every race and background (But mostly white.), struggle to get ahead.
On the other hand we have candidates who want to protect our nation. Protect our nation from the threat of terrorists, and drug and human traffickers, coming across our borders. Protect American jobs, protect American wages, and yes, protect the children too who are flooding our borders by discouraging them from taking such a dangerous trek.
So this is a call to action. You need to take action America. We can't just sit around complaining about this and throwing stones at the problem of these open borders. (Oh good, at least she is not advocating throwing stones at the children who travel hundreds of miles to cross our borders. That's something at least.) We have to elect people in November who understand how important it is buck Obama's mission this time and not allow him to open the borders even more grandiose than he already has. ("More grandiose than he already has?" WTF?)
It makes no sense to open our borders, No sense that is unless you're just playing politics."
So yes if you are just joining us Sarah Palin has now completely blurred the lines between undocumented immigrants from right here on this continent looking for work and freedom, and terrorists from across the ocean looking to launch an attack on our country.
Same thing, both usually have darker skin than REAL Americans.
Actually if you do get the chance to watch the video before TAPP stomps their feet and forces YouTube to take it down, you will notice that despite her rhetoric Palin looks very subdued, and barely worked up at all.
She is also wearing less makeup, and her hair is flat and mousy. In other words she just doesn't seem to have that old "fire in the belly" that she used to brag about.
And if you don't believe me, here is what Wonkette observed:
And that’s just about it for the Sarah Palin Channel this week! Palin’s channel released two pieces of content in the last seven days: this rambling, incoherent glob of sputum scraped off the splashguards at a World Net Daily comment buffet, and a five-minute “Ask Me Anything” video. Everything else is more than one week old, and nine of the next 15 posts are old clips from her TLC show, Sarah Palin’s Alaska.
Are you beginning to feel it? She’s losing steam. Wouldn’t you? We’re exhausted by Palin, and we only have to cover her once a week. She has to cover herself 24/7.
Yeah it's kind of like something is eating at her, distracting her, possibly really worrying her.
Gee I can't imagine what that might be.
Sure, all of a sudden she's worried about the danger the little brown immigrant kids are facing, right, I'll believe that, NOT. What she fails to realize is that their parents wouldn't send them on a dangerous journey to America is things were hunky dory back home! They are sending their kids because their kids are in danger in their homelands. She's so obtuse.
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck kind of a mother or father allows their kids to travel in dangerous conditions with drug cartel members, some of them who get raped on the way here? That's some mother boy.
Delete"They are sending their kids because their kids are in danger in their homelands. "
Hey but don't ya just hate that word homeland???baaaaaaaaaahahahahaha
"Protect our nation from the threat of terrorists, and drug and human traffickers, coming across our borders."
DeleteIt is good to know she will finally do something about her family. Lock them all up or get them to a death panel. ASAP
Deletethe same kind of mother or father that would allow their kids to travel in dangerous conditions with drug cartel members...in a huge stretch hummer limo.
DeleteBaldy looks like SHIT on a STICK! What's up with that Kristy McNichol wig plunked on her big ass head? Anyone else notice at the :53 mark Baldy was babbling and then her face lost ALL expression and she looked like she shitted on herself! LOL!!!!
I sure do love watching Baldy the Turd FINALLY getting flushed...bout damn time the Tiddy Bowl Man showed up!
And what's up with the fucked up "Griffy" troll? Why do they sound suspiciously like a bald headed...ex Governor hillbilly from the Great State of Alaska? Is BaldyPAC that low on funds that the Baldster is doing her own trolling??
RAM...care to explain?
Gina, I am so happy to see your post. I was wondering where you've been!
DeleteGriffy troll is a double agent.
DeleteGina: It's Granny Hoohah Troll. See the Beginners Guide to IM Trolls.
DeleteHey Hey Olivia! Been busy....just bought a house!
DeleteStarted looking weeks ago and after looking at 20 plus houses...we finally found our house! My girls are happy...hubby's happy and I am deliriously happy! Now I have room for my grandbaby to come and visit!
*GinaM says in her Baldy screech*
LOL!! Thanks for asking about me! Now the real fun is about to begin....
the MOVE!
She is more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Piper
Good to read you again Gina.
DeleteCongrats on the the new home.
Well don't be a stranger, a lot of people look up to you.
DeleteGina, congratulations on your new home!! It's great to see you.
DeleteCongrats on your new house Gina.
Delete"Anyone else notice at the :53 mark Baldy was babbling and then her face lost ALL expression and she looked like she shitted on herself! LOL!!!!"
I think you're right Gina. I heard a fart and her face changed. LOL! Palin is such a nasty skank.
Securing the Borders is from 4 days ago. There hasn't been any new content at SPC for a couple of days. Good luck getting your money back, subscribers.
ReplyDeleteAs for Sarah's argument about closing the borders, because, you know, those kids form Central America are coming here-- think about it for a minute. Those kids are fleeing Honduras which has the highest death rate from gangs and drug dealers. Those kids are not going to be taking anyone's job away. We have child labor laws. Besides that troublesome detail, many of those kids have a relative in the US, and it takes a while for the kid and the relative to get connected. Whew.
As for the drug dealers coming across our borders, here is a really unusual idea. Let's cut out the need for drugs and maybe they will peddle their junk somewhere else. I know, stop laughing, Nancy Reagan "just say no." All Sarah Palin needs to do is to take a look at her own out of control kids. Stop them from using, and then think about cutting off the need in order to dry up the supply.
HA! Gangs and drug dealers came along with the kiddies. Gangs and drug dealers used the kiddies. Gangs and drug dealers were recruiting the kiddies at the border holding centers.
DeleteYou people couldn't find the truth, logic or reason if it was a fucking sink in your kitchen.
Obama letting in hoards of illegal aliens = Sarah Palin should control all of her adult children who are only in control of themselves at that age.
DeleteCool story, bro.
They hate competition....drives their prices down.
DeleteBDIB, 11:53!
Delete"Griffy" troll can't both do the Sarah Web channel and work IM at the same time.
Deleteyou forgo the drugs from Russia...
DeleteSo, the person that does my nails, I'm not ever sure if she is legal or not, same with the local masseuse and waxer...perhaps Mrs. Palin is worried about these "illegals" because they'll take jobs from the Palin girls, face it, a lot of our nails, skin, hair and massages happen with people who don't speak english. Sorry Bristol and Willow...illegals do it better :-)
DeleteMe thinks that the dig at TAPP getting huffy because their content is being illegally posted on youtube makes me think that it is you Griffy who has been posted those videos up there. It's called copyright infringement.
ReplyDeleteYes, I know, she's so absurd that a majority of Americans agree with such absurdity that we shouldn't be letting in hoards of ILLEGAL immigrants.
Some of those illegals are diseased. Hey....hear of the new mystery virus that has already killed 5 kids? Hmm...interesting coinkeedink that virus just appeared as Obama allowed in tens of thousands into the country and communities and schools.
Like I told you before, microbes and infectious diseases and viruses do not see party lines. they don't care if you a do gooder leftist who voted for Obama. They can get you and your daughter too in case your not paying attention.
Anyone who isn't a far leftist reads your editorial comments in () must shake their damn head and just move along.
"Why? Partly because the flood of illegal immigration makes labor cheap. So cheap that it's hard to make a living. (Yeah, that's not really true.) "
That's right---"I Griffy of the Stupidity Minority say it's really not true and therefore it is not true!"
"you will notice that despite her rhetoric Palin looks very subdued, and barely worked up at all."
And if she was a more animated and excited you'd be calling her crazy. You people are pathetic. You got nothin.
Only a crazy woman would boast of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage) and then drive away from hospitals equipped with neonatal intensive care units to supposedly be induced to give birth in a small hospital not even rated to handle twins and attended by doctor that rarely delivers babies.
DeleteNo need to "call" Sarah Palin crazy. She IS crazy.
DeleteCool story, bro.
I would just like to know why Bristol named her child after her father's prostitute.
DeleteSarah Palin is the one guilty of copyright violation.
DeleteShe charges people money for what she posts on SPC, while using photos and video Palin has stolen from other sites.
A clear copyright violation.
Immoral Minority is both free, and gives credit.
Gryphen does not pass it off as his own work.
go fuk yer fatass self chuck_tard ..
DeleteHOOHAH !
11:48 is off the wall crazy - the people that live in the southern states and have no medical care are more likely to have diseases than any poor Mexican who has free medical care.
DeleteStarting a blog comment with "Me thinks" is retarded.
Delete"Griffy who has been posted those videos up there. It's called copyright infringement"
Hey, the "Griffy" troll is back. Hey, you silly damn fool, ask your idiot queen all about copyright infringement. She sure the hell doesn't care whose copyrights she violates.
God, you Palin cultists are morons.
DeleteNo. *This* is why 11:48 is "retarded":
Me thinks that the dig at TAPP getting huffy because their content is being illegally posted on youtube makes me think
Maybe they should be a little more concerned with finding their own sink?
Oh, and by the way Sarah - Immoral Minority is now over 25,300,000 views.
DeleteHmmm... Why do you call it 'copyright infringement', if 'Griffi' does it, but if HOOHAH (TM) does it, it is OK? HOOHAH *CHARGES* people $9.95/month, and then $he post all her $hit on youtube for free!
Granny Hoohah Troll, I was marveling that she didn't go fully monty and bring ebola into the word salad mix. I guess you didn't either -- but points for coming close.
DeleteIt's the "I'm SO jealous of this blog I have to visit it all the time" troll.
DeletePLEASE learn the difference between "hoard" and "horde" before you try to have a conversation with the grownups.
Deleteyeah it's called lithium and it seems someone doped her up too much...lower the dose...
DeleteWoah, I like to have a beer or two with lunch too but you 11:48am are a little ahead of yourself, and so early in the day! You're all over the place ("place" meaning all over Fox news and those crazy chain emails from right winger fundagelical crazy people...)
DeleteAs my therapist is fond of saying, wake up tomorrow and read what you wrote and YOU tell ME if it sounds sane. I think I now the answer in advance.
@12:57 And that increase in visitors here is because of that Sept. 6 brawl. Stupid idiots. Should have hung out behind the dumpster of Chick-Fil-A like they do every other Saturday. night.
DeleteI've been reading about the enterovirus for several weeks and news reports pegged it as starting in New England and other mid-eastern states. Guess those 'carriers' along the border can really get around, eh $arah?
DeleteWe can detect one reason for the failure of $carah's scary little subscription blog. She's here every day with her Griffy posts desperately trying to stamp out all the pants on fire blazes that have cropped up in her flamethrower world.
11:48 AM
Delete"And if she was a more animated and excited you'd be calling her crazy. You people are pathetic. You got nothin."
Nah, not me. I call her crazy -- and quite a few other words -- each and every time I see or hear the nasty, lying, drugged up and drunken stupid woman. Every time I see or hear her. (I should have written "stupid" in all caps).
Anonymous11:48 AM
DeleteIt's so funny that you think anyone here or anywhere else gives a shit what you think or what you find funny. You're a fucking idiot and it's obvious that you're terrified of this blog, otherwise you wouldn't spend so much time here telling us you don't like us as if we're supposed to give a flying fuck.
We get it, jerk-off, Sarah is awesome and perfect and beautiful and super-intelligent and we are all just so jealous of her and she is more experienced at Presidentin' than Obama is because she was a mayor of a tiny town and governor of a tiny state for a couple years. He's only led the nation and the world for 6 years and he has ruined this country with his telepathic invitations to brown children and terrorists (I know, I know, same thing) to come and break our laws and take our stuff. Oh and he is a big dumb meanie who picks on you. So now that we know this, you can fuck off, ok? You are dead boring.
Are you sure you're not illegal too? You ingles not so guud.
DeleteThe world's largest and most powerful terrorist group has vowed to attack the United States. You're reading about that, hearing it on the news every night, right? (Assuming of course your TV only gets Fox News.)"
ReplyDeleteRight LOL only Fox News is reporting that ISIS is threatening America. baaaaaaaaaahahahaha I love this place. So funny.
DeleteCool story, bro.
Vote Parnell out of his office in November, Alaskans! He's corrupt as they come and has done nothing but harm the State of Alaska.
DeletePlus, we need the Palin (and Toad) stench out of our state and local governments by getting rid of their people. Parnell would be a great start!
This nut posting nonstop is illiterate and off his/her rocker. What a pathetic wussy calling Jessie "Griffy."
DeletePoor Sarah! Her channel is a failure, the PAC money is drying up, there are no big gigs anymore!
Just check the Alexa numbers for Palin's silly website and C for P and compare to immoral minority.
Listen dummy, whoever you are. Your snide little posts just prove how desperate and pathetic the Palin's are. So keep it up and the world keep laughing at any retard who is dumb enough to support her / send her money.
She's through and the orange jumpsuits will be coming next. I feel sorry for Sarah and Todd's kids. It's too bad not one of them is smart or stable enough to say FUCK you and write a tell all book. They would be better off and set financially for life.
Boo hoo. illiterate "Griffy" stalker. Keep whining.
Who would believe anything they write? I certainly would not, proven liars the entire grifting clan.
DeleteLOL you have a jealous stalker Gryphen who is obsessed with you kind of like Sarah being obsessed with Obama, big sticks & stuff like that. Obviously this troll is impressed by you and views you as a threat - otherwise they wouldn't bother visiting here constantly.
DeletePossibly stupid question--if Sarah's name is toast in Alaska and no politician there wants to be associated with her, how do Republicans keep getting elected up there? Does Parnell have a shot at re-election, and if so, why?
Deletethe only reason ISIS threaten the USA and FBI is the key to the Middle East and the global economy resides in Alaska and lives like the Natives do...
DeleteIn third world conditions...God Bless AmeriKa indeed!
Wonkette is fearless. Always has been but the current editrix-owner, Rebecca Schoenkopf from the OC, is amazingly smart, profane, and still a warm, loving human person.
ReplyDeleteA Wonkette commenter pointed out that video clips of the border being patrolled played while Palin was complaining about border security--just to emphasize the cognitive dissonance of Palin's nonsense, I guess.
Oh, and also too, I absolutely hate the word 'homeland.' I cringe every time I hear it.
No intelligent American uses the word "homeland." Sarah is a fucking moron and the people who follow her are dumber than a bag of rocks.
DeleteSarah's site has further dropped at Alexa Rank in United States #123,098
ReplyDeleteGryphen is ranked #18,405
And most interesting, check out C for P. Most of the posts are from New Zealand!!!!
DeleteYea, Team G!
Delete1:43 PM. Over 54% from New Zealand?! how odd is that?
Delete2:16, I find it very very strange!!!
DeleteIt makes me think her posters are paid and laundered through New Zealand just like the money through her Pac is.
DeleteThen again there was that one really crazy lady from New Zealand who went by the name Exodus. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she had multiple online personalities and has conversations with herself all day long. She is a bonafide NUT.
money buys much in New Zealand
DeleteThere is an old Maori legend that a woman from the Far North (no, not the far north of the southern hemisphere, but way far north in the northern hemisphere) will come on a cold wind and bring wisdom and great joy to those who heed her message, but beware, the message is often confused and the delivery is one that can injure the ears of those who dare to listen.
DeleteI think the old story ends with the screechy northern hard-to-listen-to grandma with tall hair bringing cans of Spam and providing them to those who accept her message. Just like herpes, Spam is forever.
The ancient rock paintings are difficult to decipher and I may have some of this incorrect but it looks as if there are a few antipodean folks who believe the old legends and have decided that the message is coming from a certain Grizzled Grandma from Alaska.
It seems that many may be misinterpreting SarahPAC spam for actual Spam in a can, but hey, these things are difficult to figure out in the best of times, so it is prudent to cast many nets and be better safe than sorry. Spam doesn't grow on trees, ya know.
Not Strange Pete. Strange Pete is def from Ohio.
DeleteStrange little video. I'm not interested enough to time things, but it looks like more clips from other sources than actual Palin. She's more narrator than star, so to speak. Guess that's TAPP's way of controlling the crazy.
ReplyDeleteAnd pretty bad choice of pics, too. Those are automated assembly line and skilled labor, usually union jobs. But her voiceover is about "illegal immigrants stealing "our" jobs - so why aren't there pictures of hotel maids, dishwashers in Chinese restaurants, lawn care guys and fruit pickers?
Delete"Here's what I don't get.... How to keep you family from attacking the neighbors?"
ReplyDeleteG, it's lines like that the brighten my day and bring me back to your blog everyday.
Obviously her children have not been taking enough pictures of themselves with fish.
DeleteThat *was* your parenting advice, right, Sarah?
Yes! I too hate the word 'homeland.' It sounds like an Iron Curtain term, foreign and undemocratic. It really irked me when they created the Department of Homeland Security (shocked, really), and the irk hasn't worn off after all this time. I really, really hate it.
ReplyDeleteAnd it does seem that Sarah's channel is circling the drain of the toilet it plopped into -- how can she exit and make it look like a win? Get on that, ghostwriters!
I hate that Homeland Security has so much $$ and power. That's never a good combo. NH has been invaded with SWAT teams and armored cars for the annual punkin'fest AND there are rumors that college kids live in the town of Keene.
DeleteWhen I hear words like "homeland" I have flash backs to all the propaganda and lies we were fed during this guys reign.
I agree. It seems like neo-con nonsense. How about just the country.
DeleteShe is ugly inside and out. She shifts her eyes sidesways like those ventriloquist dummies.
ReplyDeleteShe talks about the plight of latin American children trudging through miles to find freedom and safety, and has this wicked smile going on, as she seems to love it that she can complain about Obama non-stop. She is a wicked person.
Any caring individual talking about todays tragedies and hopelessness don't talk with a smile on their face.
DeleteShe is an empty, dying carcass.
Deletethe shifting eyes ?
Deletei think she's trying to emulate the comedian Jon Stewart ..
fukin' fail !
Keeping site filled with new content is hard work (just ask Gryphen).
ReplyDeleteWe here all know Sarah does not work hard. Site was doomed from day one.
TAPP is now learning Sarah is a lazy Hoohah
Love your blog- read it every single day. I do wish, though, that you wouldn't joke about ebola
ReplyDeleteWhy not? We joke about war, catastrophic climate change, forced breeding, and--the ultimate in horrors, Sarah Palin.
Deletedid you see that piece on CNN where a African Doctor only had HIV/AIDS meds and used them.
Deleteout of the 12 that had Ebola - 2 died and the rest walked out of the clinic? and apparently it is a plant that is the answer to the vaccine for Ebola. so out of the big wide world we have there is only one place that plant grows? sounds like we need growers - no pun intended - and mass produce!
Sarah is going to sink into oblivion if she doesn't fire up her mama grizzly warrior call. Isn't her son Track volunteering to guard the border?
ReplyDeletewhat, the border between wasilla and big lake ?
DeleteHOOHAH !
Caint Get Right was kicked out of the military, probably for his excessive drug use. He's keeping the drug cartels in profit, singlehandedly.
DeleteBecause if Trackmarks starts shit in the south like he does in Alaska someone would soot his sorry ass.
DeleteThe only borders Track is guarding are the ones between the mini fridge, the plasma TV and the Lazy Boy.
Deletenaw they cruise houston to see the meth lab and see the 'crew' and get updates...but lately it's been quiet...
DeleteActually I just paid a visit to Bob Cesca's page. (http://bobcesca.thedailybanter.com/)
ReplyDeleteAnd he just won the right to restore HIS video from the SPC, that You Tube took down after TAPP complained.
He simply argued it was fair use, and they had no choice.
So perhaps Wonkette's will stay up as well.
Here is Cesca's video by the way.
DeleteShe looks horrible in that photo! I've never known anyone that has so many dastardly looks in her various photos.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there is a LOT on her mind. Might just be that she and her husband have been involved w/prostitution in Alaska or could it be their joint involvement in the scandal of the Alaska National Guard along w/gov Parnell?
Things are coming to a head! More and more is appearing in print across the nation as well as on blogs and TV on these subjects. Plus, the Anchorage family brawl made national news and has proven to be factual. She hasn't been able to combat any of it which is not what she has normally experienced in the past.
FINALLY! I suspect she and Toadie boy are going to get theirs!
Bristol's life won't be nice either as I suspect she'll lose custody of that poor kid that has lived w/the Palins and probably already been mentally harmed.
Hopefully, Levi and his loving family gain full custody of him especially after seeing and learning about Bristol's behavior at the Anchorage family brawl. She is a proven unfit mother - just like her mother, Sarah Palin!
FINALLY! I suspect she and Toadie boy are going to get theirs!
DeleteIt is happening!
She is taking her special meds for her sedated persona to emerge. What scared her into going there?
the reason frank reversed the sol in ak and the reason palin resigned...it's all coming down baby girl!
DeleteIs that a statue of Paul Revere behind her?
ReplyDeleteI thought the same thing! Except, you see, he's already carrying a flag, so he would need to be holding his musket in his other hand- so he could fire those "warning shots", you see.
DeleteHow does he hold the reigns...AND load his musket...AND shoot...AND hold the flag?
Don't ask me logical questions!!
Mike Wallace: You know you were wrong about Paul Revere, don't you?
Sarah Palin: You know what? I didn't mess up about Paul Revere...
I see the Griffy troll and the lol troll is here on the double for this posting.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, all this carping at Obama about the borders, considering that the Republicans don't want to give him the extra funds to deal with Ebola where it's wreaking the worst havoc, what are the odds that they'll stamp their little anti-government feet about providing more funds for border security. These goons on the Right want to undermine this country. The last thing they want is for it to function effectively: takes away their propaganda ammunition.
M from MD
DeleteLooking at that screen grab all I can think about is Voldemort and House Slytherin.
ReplyDeleteShe makes the most unfortunate faces I've ever seen. They're so transparent.
Let's go after the Americans who hire the immigrants to work for very little money. Let's not blame the immigrants who come to earn $$ to send back to their family in Mexico. She has certainly blurred the lines of immigrants conflating them with Hondurans, etc, then there's ISIS also too.
ReplyDeleteHow do immigrants drive wages down? Is she in favor of policing the employers of lettuce pickers to make sure they get minimum wage? Aren't republicans the ones that are against worker IDs?
Deleteyour an idiot...'we are a nation of immigrants' Clinton.
DeleteIsn't there some kind of agreement on the kids coming from South America - not Mexico?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin has no fucking idea what she is talking about.
She is as clueless as Track Palin at a house party!
Or maybe she *really* was asking,
Because she's so batshit high/crazy, she forgot!
DeleteHey, those little kids are taking our jobs.
DeleteLove her new bag lady look, it must be what trash dresses as in Alaaaska.
ReplyDeleteBTW President Obama has deported more illegals than any other president in the history of the USA. But I love that a so-called "christian" has no caring for these young children who are all alone.
Sally's Word of the Day: "propound," which I'd imagine got scrambled in a Palin mind as having something to do with Bristol at the Throwdown. "You go propound that g-d host in the face over and over with your closed fist."
ReplyDeletebtw -- Chuckles Sr. has not added to his bits of wisdom about "the 50th State" in more than a month."
DeleteHey, Great-grandpa! Buck up or stay in the truck. (the one with the 49th State license plates.)
I am having a birthday party this weekend and I am worried the Palins' will crash it and beat up the guest.
ReplyDeleteCan we get Homeland Security to build a fence around the Palin house to keep Sarah and her barbarian gang from invading?
Just don't serve cake.
Deletescrew that call animal control and get a dart gun...
DeleteThe only thing I got out of this verbal mess is: " Palin,
ReplyDeleteyour wig is flat, and you forgot your lip gloss."
Yep! If the wig was a tad bit shorter, Sarah would be challenging her once BFF, Greta Van Susteren!
DeleteWell, the "Griffy" troll is back with its scintillating wit and biting intellectual commentary: "lolololololol", "LOL", as well as mutant metaphors: "You people couldn't find the truth, logic or reason if it was a fucking sink in your kitchen" (after spouting general lies and gibberish).
ReplyDeleteWell, it seems a trifle cranky, but then it has to get up in the morning, look in the mirror, and face the fact that it sees an ornery, hateful, dimwitted, lazy, traitorous, and completely ignorant shit-for-brains as someone worthy of defending.
Says a lot for its grasp on "truth, logic, or reason."
Poor widdle trollsy.
She looks better than usual. Usually it looks like someone dumped a dead dog on her head. This is more natural looking.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I won't watch her, I can't stomach her shrill sounding voice. Worse than finger nails on a chalkboard
Hey screwball.nobody cares about what you think.you're a turd circleing the toilet bowl.FLUSH.
ReplyDeleteTwo whole new postings in a week? Wow, what a lot of work went into that. What a great work ethic Sarah has. Two whole postings. I bet Glenn Beck is a shaking in his boots trying to keep up with that (oh that's right, Glenn posts approximately 170 hours of new live programming every month for the money).
ReplyDeleteAnd I see Sarah is still a big old scaredy cat probably hiding under her bed because she is so frightened of ISIS. ISIS has about 20,000 troops, and we have over three hundred million people. Don't you worry Sarah, when those bad ISIS people are spotted on a boat out on the Atlantic ocean, I think Obama will make short work of them. No need to be scared Sarah - calm down now and stop sleeping under your bed.
Yuppers, President Obama will keep the country safe Sarah. Just as sure Osama was killed at the direction of Obama, our President will make short work of those nasty ISIS people. You just worry about keeping your family from crashing anymore birthday parties and terrorizing the neighborhoods of Anchorage.
So Palin, you are saying that President Obama is putting
ReplyDeleteforeign children in danger. What do you think that you did to your grandson Trip , with all of you liquored up, bloodied
fist fighting and cursing lowlifes putting him in the middle of
your brawl. With just the stench in that limo from all of you,
I am sure the little guy threw up and had nightmares later!
She sounds exhausted! And her voice is hoarse from...crying...yelling...?
ReplyDeleteAside from that, the body language experts say:
"Eyes moving from side-to-side can indicate shiftiness and lying, as if the person is looking for an escape route in case they are found out."
"Excessive blinking is a sign of stress, could be lying"
She has a log in her eye.
Deleteand a crack pipe in her mouth...
DeleteEyes are moving to try and read from her cue cards, everything else are from the drugs.
DeleteCan't they do something about the farting?
DeleteI just had this very funny mental picture of Sarah Palin frantically googling scylla and charybdis.
ReplyDeleteIt's part of my long term plan to slowly educate her without allowing her catch on.
DeleteHopefully someday she will be able to speak in compete sentences and everything.
I think you have educated her far beyond what anyone thought possible. I do think the complete sentence goal is admirable but...
DeleteJust wait, she'll mention Skilla and Cherry-b-dis in next week's SPC screech.
Deleteyou can't fix stupid...stupid is as stupid does...
DeleteJust fucking get lost already, Palin. You are a nobody, and all the Barbie Doll botoxing in the world won't help you, not even with the 70+ panty sniffers out there. You are--and always were-- such a fucking brainless and heartless dork. Penance is coming for you, you fucking phony Christian.
ReplyDeleteAmen, too!
DeleteBy the way Sarah, I cannot think of one sane-minded individual--Mexican or not--who could be bothered (much less try) sneaking across the border to live in your version of the United States.
ReplyDeleteIt's fascinating that Sarah Palin is terrified of anyone actually observing what she does and reporting on her actions, hence the disproportionate number of trolling comments on a post about how little Palin is doing on her "channel."
ReplyDeleteHer antipathy to being observed and evaluated is no doubt part of why she refused, as Governor, to live or work in Juneau, the capitol of the state, and why the legislator's had to resort to "Where's Sarah?" buttons. Palin knows that any scrutiny beyond the length of a soundbite will expose her ignorance and sloth.
The professionals who lived and worked in Juneau had worked for other governors before Sarah was elected. They realized very quickly that they were the ones doing all of the work and Sarah was taking the credit. They thought that Sarah would grow into the job, as others in Alaska government had done. But, Sarah couldn't learn anything. The only thing she did was to pretend that she had done the hard work that her staff had done. No wonder she had to leave Juneau. They had her number very quickly.
Delete1:34 PM She's already been exposed - so many, many times. We all know she is an idiot and unqualified to do much. She doesn't know how to work, is not ethical, has raised a family that operates in her footsteps and has an entire family (except for the wee one and hopefully, Piper!) that love the use of booze and drugs. (To include herself and Todd!)
ReplyDeleteCome on you guys. We've waited how many years for this glorious meltdown. We have so many more pressing problems to worry about than this idiot. Let her roll....it may be the only laugh we get daily with the election, Ebola and ISIS to think about. She can harp about POTUS all day and he doesn't pay any attention to her....never has, never will. The trolls are priceless....they know it's coming to an end but they don't want to believe they were conned by this idiot. She's worried about all the people that have something on her and she's paying off to shut up. Her money is running out and the Hush money is too.
ReplyDeleteHaven't you noticed those coming on here with names and places we know nothing about telling her she better pay up or more will be spilled. Her smirk is strained her eyes are shifty and glazed. Wonder if she even shows up in ND today...have any of her shields sobered up to accompany her? Have their bruises healed or will they need lots of makeup too? Bet there won't be any question allowed as she knows nothing about education and less about religion or oil. Just what does this drunken, brawling Mama Grizzly have to offer this school? The old wild ride story of her non-pregnancy scam? Her vibrant family life crashing parties? Her Rhodes Scholar children? Her Down Syndrome child healed by her prayer warriors and on the honor roll in Kindergarten or her other grandson shooting out obscenities on his hockey team and his mom? Or her devoted IronDog winning husband staying home with the kids while she's out saving our freedoms?
Yes sit back and enjoy this melt down. She's trying to justify her quitting the governorship and save us from her lame duck time and pointing out what Obummer is doing that is ruining our country because he didn't quit. She tried to warn us with her impeachment screech, but no, we just wouldn't listen to her reasoning....see what is happening to us!! This mess is all his fault! Bless her heart!
Thanks but not thanks, I don't have the energy to think about ISIS or Ebola, but I do so love to spend my few hours of downtime making fun of Mrs. Palin. The bad news will still be here tomorrow, and again, I'll avoid it like the plague! (oops, no pun intended ;-)
DeleteNo one is going to want to miss a "Griffy" troll upchuck. I haven't laughed so hard since the bra
Deletewl went viral.
The last time that I saw someone speak with those nasty tones, oh-so-cute facial tics and gestures, rise and fall in the voice to make things sound funny or sarcastic-- that would have been the mean girl that I remember from high school. Sarah has never grown past that point. She sounds like an angry, immature girl who wasn't invited to the party, and she has something to say about it. The problem for Sarah is--- who is listening to you any more?
ReplyDeleteI would love to walk up to her and slap her across her smirking face.
Delete3:15 PM I'd like to do more than that! And, I'm sure there are many that feel the same way. We are sick and tired of her bullshit, nastiness, anti American garbage and constant negativism about President Obama.
DeleteWith all the lip and cheek fillers your punch would probably rebound off her rubber face and come back and hit you! As Mrs. Palin herself is fond of saying, you should just punch her in the throat. All bone and gristle and little chance for rebound :-)
"Hard working Americans have struggled to find good work, and when they do find work that wages are low and they just can't seem to get ahead."
ReplyDeleteIsn't this the same woman who was whining about fast food workers not needing a raise of the minimum wage a few weeks back? Now she's worried about low wage workers not being able to get ahead. When just a few weeks ago she was saying they could get ahead inspite of the minimum wage being as low as it is, because gosh darn it they are Americans!...but now they can't...because Obama...and...oh, I'm so confused....
Same woman who has condemned unions(which BTW gave us the American middle class)
DeleteThe broad has no clue what she said before about the same subject! She's retarded vs being an idiot!
DeleteWhat a fucking joke!
And which her husband and family took advantage of.
DeleteTodd was a union guy, on the slope, back when Mrs. Palin was unemployed and busy raising children they could barely afford. She's pretty good at forgetting her roots.
DeleteF'ing insincere retard. She pulled a Palin! Again!
DeleteIf Chuckles Senior was a teacher, he was also likely in a union. Keep biting the hand that fed you, $carah.
DeleteWhen those kids fleeing the gangs in the Central American countries arrived at our southern border, they immediately turned themselves into the immigration authorities. That is different from people sneaking across the border. Sarah and some of the people commenting here seem to have lumped them all together. The kids want to be reunited with a relative her in the States. The other guys do not want to run into the authorities, so they wouldn't come across the border together.
ReplyDeletewell honey when you take MY money and give it to the ISIS thru John Boy McCain...you get what you give...embrace the ending!
ReplyDeletehey Kid...how the hell are you? lol...so figured it all out now eh? Geneva will be live entertainment indeed...grin!
DeleteWell, I think it's safe to conclude that Yukon Wilma has dismissed her script writers, one and all.....she's going commando, now...
ReplyDeleteMen go commando. Women go rogue.
DeleteDAMMIT!!! All the national and international attention to the weekend brawl did not bring any heat onto the APD to charge this gang of thugs with battery and child endangerment. THEY GOT AWAY AGAIN!!!
ReplyDeleteJust WTF will it take that they finally get charged and PUT BEHIND BARS in orange jumpsuits??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!???
When the APD tools quit thinking with their tools.
Deletelol...that was good 343
Delete3:22 PM Suspect it's time we all contact the Anchorage Police Department with specific questions as to their lack of handling the illegal acts of the Palin klan!
ReplyDeleteand it's precarious how Dave Parker planted himself in the judicial council of the Alaska Court System because he wants to 'keep a fox out of the henhouse'...ok who is the fox? is it the one that got Frank Murkowski to reverse the statute of limitations in 2003? and that same person got Paylin to resign?
DeleteYeah let's keep that person out of the courts...you know...the one that already qualifies while in college! and then the professors say they are reminded of Solomon...and others say they are reminded of Matlock...yes terrible evil person that would be...
Well to Dave Parker and the Palin Klan...indeed!
The people of Ferguson, Missouri want oversight of their police department and they really don't have any recourse through the state. The person in Missouri who should be in charge of investigating the police would be the Attorney General. I imagine that the same levels of oversight apply in Alaska. I don't imagine that the Attorney General of Alaska will be any more inclined to investigate the Anchorage Police than the guy in Missouri is willing to face up to his problems. How about a complaint to the Department of Justice?
DeleteDepartment of Justice
DeleteYou have to start somewhere
More will be coming.
never say never...I hear the feds are watching and waiting...be patient...
ReplyDeleteThat poor abused refrigerator!
M from MD
look at that pasty smile...forcing it on people now hu Sarah?
ReplyDeleteI know she reads your blog, and the comments, so I'd like to suggest you call her channel by its proper name- Sarah Palin Channel. Stephen Colbert owns THE SarahPalinChannel, if you recall. And I love him for it.
ReplyDeleteJournalism major, my ass.
And I'm rubbing my hands together furiously in anticipation of any morsel that will send the Wasilla Whirligig into a spinning frenzy. :-D She does look haggard, doesn't she?
When Palin talks, I keep thinking that she is auditioning for a comedy show. Her manner of speaking is not serious. It almost as if she is playing it for laughs. Are we supposed to laugh at her or with her/
ReplyDeleteWay up high. Very low and quiet. Raspy. Then way up high again. Breathy. Snide. She's reading and containing her anger, that's all she ever does. God I hate her disgusting combination of idiocy and smugness.
DeleteTo be fair, they're friends with their neighbors, save the lying now deceased one who falsely claimed Bristol lived in her house
ReplyDeleteFuck you palin troll; Mr. McGinniss exposed the lying skank for who she really is - a bald-headed fuckin' liar!!
DeleteDid Todd decide it was time to exterminate the vermin that "lied" about the golden child?
They went to a party where they treated their friends with great disrespect. The people at the party were not Sarah's enemies. They were Todd's racing pals, friends. That's no way to act when you are a guest at your friends' party.
DeleteA lot of third party money is pouring in for both candidates and our TVs and mailboxes are littered with crap! If there was ever one race in the entire 30 years that I've been eligible to vote that turned me off to the entire process, this is the one. The Begich/Sullivan debacle has just become too ugly for me to support either one of them and believe me, I'm not alone. The back and forth between the campaigns, the finger pointing and one blaming the other for colluding with SuperPACs and Corportate Donors...it's all too much and symptomatic of our broken system.
ReplyDeleteHappily voting for the Unity Ticket for Governor and Dunbar for US House, but will abstain from voting for Senate.
Queue up the Twilight Zone Music.
ReplyDeleteNow she is wearing popped-on hairpieces like she wears popped-on tits.
Scary, hairy, all batshit cra-cra-crazy, meshed-mashed, random, Tokyo Rose streaming raging of hot bullshit.
The woman is way too comfortable in bile.
Ok I'll will now go and watch the train wreck. she had better get her family and herself under control and leave grown folks alone.
Who would want this loonybin nutbag crackerass in charge of a their kids?
FOH miss. dumbass.
Sarah or one of her paid "postage" workers post her garbledy-gook messages just like nothing happened, like the world should just accept the actions of a family of ill-mannered, uneducated, low mentality, vulgar, immoral trash as part of our culture. Well, I'm not buying it and neither are the people that I know no matter whether they are liberals or teabaggers. Sarah and her family have shocked and offended everyone in the country and offer as their only excuse "well, like you didn't drink", or "so you never crashed a party before", or "so you never had an untold number of illegitimate kids", or "uttering vulgar sexual terms is normal whether describing a drunken brawl you started or whether making a 'political' speech".
ReplyDeleteNo Sarah, your family's behavior is NOT acceptable. It is NOT normal. STFU and get off the public stage. Sober up, get in rehab -- maybe you can get a family discount -- start a 12-Step program reserved for Heaths/Palins. Fucking trash............
Here's Majority Report's "Take" on Wasila's Zsa Zsa, and the guy's a hundred percent spot on.
She looks like shit, which is an improvement from the loose stools she's looked like for awhile, but other than that, she's a few quarts low on WTF, When she said "Buck Obama", I felt like popping her in the face like Bristol the weed puller. Then I realized she said "buck".
I'm going out on a limb here and predicting she'll do the happy dance when someone explains to her that a President only has two terms. That's right, Sarah, no one's going to vote for Obama this time.
Speaking of crossing the border and using another country's resources, tell us again about "Pioneer Palins" sneaking into Canada (That's another country that isn't part of America) for some of that good old fashioned free health care and how that helped AMERICAN jobs. Go ahead, sweetie, I got all the time in the world.
Anita! Thank you for posting this! Those few minutes said everything.
DeleteOk. I just watched the most out-of-synch three minutes (well I could stand only about 2 minutes-y) since the last gop vid I watched. Trust me that sentence makes more sense than her trickbag of WTFs.
ReplyDeleteOMFG. Is that a Cuekoo clock in the background? To the right? How apropos.
Eyes rolling, uppy-down voice, twitches, blanket draped over jammies, visor/helmet like hair with an added poof in the back (as if she had a hair roller there/or they forgot one), Elvira eyebrows, pasty make-up, 5th grade book report style, those spooky Halloween bony knuckles, bouncing around and shifting like a horny skank...errrr G, IT was all there, a little slow, but all there.
she could still be drunk from the drunken palin brawl.
Bristol Palin Signs Contract With UFC
DeletePolice reports have revealed that during the September brawl that involved members of politician Sarah Palin’s family, that her daughter, Bristol Palin, punched the host of the event “several times in the face”. Palin, 23, was not arrested and all parties have declined to press charges in relation to the Sept. 6th incident. However, now that the details of the fracas have been revealed, the Palin family announced that Bristol is in fact training in mixed martial arts and set to debut with the company “Ultimate Fighting Championship” later this year.
“It’s something Bristol has been interested in for a while now,” said her father, Todd Palin. “Sarah and I love Bristol very much and have supported her in everything she has done. We were behind her all the way when she did ‘Dancing with the Stars’. Her dream to compete in professional mixed martial arts is no different.”
More cynical members of the press have presumed that the announcement of Bristol’s training was not made public under after charges were not filed in the Anchorage brawl.
“It was going to have to come out eventually,” said Nicole Morton of the East Arizona Courier. “According to sources in the mixed martial arts world, Bristol Palin has signed a contract with the UFC and will make her professional debut before the end of 2014. It seems obvious they waited until they could be sure she wouldn’t be charged with anything to announce her intent with the UFC. I’m sure if the Klingenmeyer family knew that Bristol was already several months into training to be a professional fighter, things may have gotten ugly for the Palin clan.”
According to Todd Palin, Bristol has been training “six to eight hours a day, six days a week” under the tutelage of Arden Gracie, a mixed martial arts and jujitsu trainer based out of Nome, Alaska. Mr. Palin explained that Bristol had “been training in Nome for about 5 weeks straight” before returning home to visit for a few days on the night of the fateful incident at the Klingermeyer party.
Mr. Palin expressed that he was, “very happy that everything was worked out with the Klingenmeyers” and that Bristol is currently “back up in Nome training, hard at work”. He added that Bristol was inspired to try her hand at MMA after watching UFC superstar Ronda Rousey. “Bristol is a huge Ronda Rousey fan. I’m sure it’s her dream to either train alongside her or potentially even be able to challenge her in the octagon one day.”
The UFC was unavailable for comment about Bristol Palin’s proposed debut match for the company.
Did she register as a lethal weapon?
DeleteThat changes everything. LOL
I read that Track is now under contract with the WWE & he's down in FL training! More BS realty for the grifters!
Deletetanya harding wannabe -
Deletehope she breaks her fake plastic chin ..
white trash skank ..
everything worked out with the Klingenmeyer's for 100K ?
DeleteSO sick of this ignorant, mean-spirited, greedy woman constantly running down everything that makes this country "exceptional" as she calls it. Does Sarah think we became a great nation by being mean and stingy and hateful towards the entire world and even hating our countrymen who disagree with us on any issue? She repeatedly takes a crap on EVERYTHING that makes America great, yet she wants to claim she's some kind of great patriot who loves America more than anyone. She disgusts all halfway normal people with her despicable hate speech and barely concealed rage at us for daring to not love her. And Sarah? If you DO read here, know that you WILL burn in hell for the way you treat others, even to the point of attacking little children who looked to your nation for shelter and basic human compassion. In other words, to actually put into practice that theory you and your idiot followers claim, that this is a Christian nation. If you really believe in Christ, you should be scared to death for your soul. You belong to Satan and WILL spend eternity with him. Have a nice life.
ReplyDeleteWell said, 5:05!!
DeleteI will not click on any over videos, even with sound down, for that very reason.
DeleteHere's my bit. She rightfully was told to stay the hell away from RNC 2012, she feigned family matters and not God's time, look at what she's done since, let alone her brawling family with all "their" issues. She is nothing about God, any of them
She either runs 3rd party in 2016 or she can shut the hell up in political matters. Pure and simple. She thinks she has all the answers, take the Koch money and try it. If she doesn't, it is nothing BUT a racket on her part and we will ALL know it.
Run Sarah Run!
Did anyone else hear her fart at about .48???????
ReplyDeleteThere is a distinctive fart over and above what we usually hear?
Deletecocaine and meth do that ..
DeleteHOOHAH !
Oh Beldar, where are you? The Griffy and LOL trolls were out making idiots of themselves. Oh wait, that presupposes they weren't idiots before.
ReplyDeleteBDIB (Beldar Does It Better).
There is a very good article written back in 2008 in the NY Magazine that gives the history of Wasilla and Palin.
It is interesting reading of that time. I still can't believe that McCain didn't take care of his mistake.
Delete....the supermom go-getter City Council member (at age 28) and mayor (at age 32); the Trumanesque, give-’em-hell, whistle-blowing governor who took on the old-boy oil network … etc., etc.
The whole family is legendary. —that business about Alaska’s being a “refuge state” in soon-coming Last Days.
....how much Palin’s hockey-mom stance is compromised by the fact that she rarely stayed through a full game since her hothead son Track often spent much of the first period in the penalty box before being sent to the locker room for good. Couldn’t Sarah and the First Dude have figured out how to instill some family values in the kid?
That was 2008 and look where Track is now?
Palin Family Brawl Began When Track Told Women He Wants to ‘Bend Them over the Lawn’
For all her blather about low wages, the pictures she uses are of jobs that pay quite well in most states.
ReplyDeleteI cant imagine anyone listening to her and paying for it?....seriously. If people out there have loved ones paying to hear, see and pay this con person? there should be a class action lawsuit filed. This is worst than toxic. It is a complete snake oil job. The spill is old, sick and deep. Let us hope.
ReplyDeleteSo our insecure borders - illustrated in Sarah's video by dozens of Border patrol vehicles, helicopters, and agents - can't protect us from the taunting tweets of ISIS fighters in Iraq.
What about the Anchorage's Police department? I feel they cannot secure our city borders and protect us from Sarah Palin , her pimp husband and her drunk retards. Where else can decent folks get together in Alaska without being assaulted by those Palins? Shailey Tripp passed several lie detector tests and had proof to back up her allegations but that went in one deaf ear and out the other ear of the APD.
DeleteWhat stands out is that Palin no longer touts tea party candidates.
ReplyDeleteShe makes general references to candidates , but never identifies them as Republican or tea party.
It must have dawned on Mama Drunky that her beloved tea party is DOA , so now , after years of dissing the Republican Party in favor of the tea party, she's trying to pretend otherwise so she can get back in their good graces.
Republicans consider Palin to be an idiot and the tea party to be ignorant buffoons . On this topic , Republicans and Democrats and most Americans are in total agreement. The tea party is dead and the Republicans don't want her. Funny how things work out.
She is the face of human evil, the only kind.
ReplyDeleteHey, Gryphen, did you ever catch this video:
M from MD
A personality filled with hate and anger but bereft of honesty, conscience, shame, and empathy is depraved. This is what McCain elevated to a national stage. History will remember him unkindly.
ReplyDelete....and a family so connected into corruption into their drugged out eyeballs. Any wonder what their kids are so effed up?
DeleteYou RUN 2016. Sarah. or kiss your@ss goodbye. C'mon, girlfriend, you have plenty of Koch money behind you. Do it, your pee puddle says Hillary will cringe against the challenge and it's all yours, she will cower in fear. The "true" woman savior you are that will.....we gave you a four year PTSD reprieve.
C'mon, honey, step outside the box!
We DARE you.
Put Up/Shut Up
Palin 2016
Not voting is also a choice.
ReplyDeleteYou really believe Sullivan would be a better Senator than Begich? Because that is the consequence of not voting.
just tell the Koch brothers that portfolio will go boom boom real soon and watch them flop around like a marionette...