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Sean Parnell out, Bill Walker in. |
Independent gubernatorial candidate Bill Walker maintained his lead after thousands of additional votes were counted Friday, leading the Associated Press to declare the race for Walker over Republican Gov. Sean Parnell.
Walker, running with Democrat Byron Mallott on an independent ticket, held a narrow advantage for the entire race starting on election night Nov. 4.
At the end of the counting on Friday, Walker led by 4,634 votes or 1.7 percent, with about 270,000 total votes counted.
The ticket is expected to become the state's first non-party team to win a gubernatorial race.
I have to admit that this is not nearly as satisfying for me as I hoped it would be. And that is for the simple reason that Sarah Palin also endorsed Walker in this race over her former Lt. Governor, Sean Parnell.
I cannot remember a time when Sarah Palin and I both wanted the same candidate to win an election, and not that one has done exactly that it fills me with concern.
No matter how you look at it Bill Walker is the superior choice to Sean Parnell. However is he a good choice for Alaska?
Walker is a strong supporter of public education, against the Pebble Mine, and for allowing the expansion of Medicaid. He also advocated the increase in minimum wage and is by all accounts a much more reasonable person than Parnell ever was on anything.
Still, did Sarah Palin endorse him simply because she is the quintessential mean girl punishing her former friend after he dismantled her tax on oil companies? Or is Bill Walker her candidate of choice even if he had NOT been running against Parnell?
It was reported that Todd was sitting with Walker's family during a recent debate, so it certainly appears that they are chummy.
All of which makes me want to keep the celebratory champagne on ice until I get a better idea of exactly who we just elected to run our state.
Walker needs to remember who is on the ticket with him. The Bush may not go if he puts Byron Mallott in a file drawer.
ReplyDeleteI know, Gryphen, I know. My fundie sister-in-law has been gung-ho for Walker since day one but from what I have seen of him, he seems a reasonable person and I say give him a chance to prove himself. Byron Mallott is along for the ride and may help keep him centered. At least the Democrats have a seat at the table. I am very glad to see Parnell go.
ReplyDeleteTry not to over-think Palin's last minute endorsement of Walker. I totally think she reached out to him and jumped aboard his train once she saw how the momentum was going. And just because someone shows up at your debate and sits by your family doesn't make them bosum buddies. I would bet Todd sort of forced himself into that situation. The pimp wants people to see him as chummy with the new governor--it's all image. The Palins are not friends with the Walkers. It's just Sarah trying to make everything about her.
If Bill is the man he presents himself to be, we will be fine.
Good comment. Kind of what I was thinking. And - as G says the relationship between Walker and the Palins - if there is one - bears watching.
DeletePat Padrnos
I agree with your comment about Todd Palin, Anon@6:30AM. He probably sat with the Walker family uninvited, and with his reputation it was a veiled threat -- much like his presence in the confrontation with Katherine Gustafson and the confrontation with Hawk Pierce.
DeleteHawk is a good friend of Bill Walkers
DeleteQuick, someone check to see if Palin contributed $5K to the Walker campaign...... Like always Sarah is talkin loud and drawing a crowd....poor thing.
ReplyDeleteIt seems possible, from an outsider's point of view, that Palin was more trying to distance herself from Parnell and any future scandal revelations than endorsing any of Walker's positions. Plus, she saw which way the wind was blowing.
ReplyDeleteI agree with 6:30 that Tawd probably wormed his way into camera view next to the Walkers, not from love of the candidate's position but to firm up the Palin endorsement franchise.
Walker seems, to me, more educated, sober and committed than most candidates, and certainly wouldn't show up in a stretch limousine with his drunken family, spoiling for a fist fight. That's a pretty low bar, admittedly, but he may not have much time for the Wasilla Brawlers once he's in office. He's got a state to govern. And he is too smart and well-educated to spend much time with grifters who have very little to give him, now that he's in office.
Could they be playing footsies so they won't have to be too concerned that some of their shenanigans may be more easily given up to FOIA requests by the new administration?
ReplyDeleteJust wondering.
"Sarah Palin and I both wanted the same candidate to win an election"
It might be more accurate to say that Palin wanted Parnell to lose. And/or she wanted to suck up to whoever she thought was going to win.
I did not get the impression that Parnell sought Palin out much after becoming governor. He may have colluded in covering up some of her gubernatorial antics, but that might have been more to protect others associated with her wrongdoing. They didn't seem to socialize much. In other words, he did not publicly admire her, praise her tenure as governor, look up to her, excuse her resignation, thank her for giving him the opportunity to be governor, publicly disrespect his wife to make googly eyes at Palin, etc. For those sins, he had to be punished, just as does any man who doesn't slobber at her feet.
However, I am not Alaskan, so I may well be completely wrong. Maybe they have been besties, in public and in private, ever since she broke her oath to Alaskans.
I cannot believe that the Walker platform items admired by Democrats and independents were also admired by Palin.
I don't believe she suddenly sprouted a brain and a conscience. I think her endorsement of Walker, just like her other endorsements, was just an expression of her personal vendettas and grudges. None of her endorsements are based on principles, since she has none.
As for the Toddster's apparent sudden closeness to Walker, who the hell knows? It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I read here in the comments that Todd's father Jim is a friend of the Walker family.
Supports Walker
Posted 2 weeks ago
To the editor:
As a longtime former high school basketball referee, I know a good call when I see one.
I met Bill Walker in the late 1960’s as a referee for many of his high school basketball games. Over the many years since that time, I have always known Bill to be honest, down to earth, and a straight-shooter. He has the experience, knowledge, and the right priorities to get this great state back on track. Bill Walker is a good call for Alaska.
In fact, he’s a great call and he has my vote this November.
Jim Palin
You beat me to it.
DeleteI think the Jim Palin connection means Sarah's governor's office secrets are safe--redacted and withheld emails will stay redacted and withheld, she'll get a pass for her role in the AKNG scandal...and on and on. The legislature could right past wrongs with a detailed review of the workings of the Personnel Board but good luck with that ever happening.
And there you have it.
I don't think the Palins have anything to worry about with Walker as the new Governor. Unfortunately, until someone spills a whole lot of beans, the Palins are safe.
DeleteIt's possible that Walker let Todd latch on out of a friendship with Jim Palin, but recognizes Sarah and Todd as the degenerates they clearly are.
For your sake, Alaska, I hope that's the extent of the connection.
Congratulations on finally getting rid of Parnell.
ReplyDeleteI've been holding my breath here in NY, too, waiting for the final vote count for our US Congresscritter. Yesterday, feisty Democrat Louise Slaughter was pronounced the winner over the GOP candidate by only 869 votes. This will be her 15th term and she won by a large margin over the County Executive, a much more formidable candidate, 2 years ago. No one expected the race to be anywhere near this close but the turnout, as in most places, was abysmal.
The Democratic party has a lot of analysis and refocusing to do before 2016. We need to keep the White House, get the Senate back, and get some Dems in state houses in anticipation of the next census. Since there is no chance of non-partisan redistricting ever happening, maybe we can at least reverse some of the blatant gerrymandering that has tilted the scales so far since 2010.
We will also undoubtedly have some SCOTUS openings in the next few years and we NEED to move the court away from the right wing fringes where it is now.
Sarah supported Walker's All-Alaska Gasline concept before she got elected but threw it under the bus once she was in office, so I don't know that there's much love between Bill and Sarah.
ReplyDeleteI happen to know that Bill Walker despised Palin from way back. I am sure he still does.
DeleteWhy would he let her vile husband anywhere near him?
DeleteThis is absolutely true. I have known Bill for 25 years and we have had quite a few conversations regarding Sarah and he has NO respect for her whatsoever. I also happen to know that he doesn't buy her birth story and both Bill and his wife received an autographed book of Boys Will Be Boys from Shailey Tripp. I know this because I handed it to him
DeleteThis is also absolutely true. In fact, Bill Walker and Bert Cottle (now the Mayor of Wasilla) were both working on that project and they were both the first people her administration threw under the bus. Oh karma is going to be a BITCH Sarah
DeleteSo, is this just a case of Jim Palin asking his friend Bill to let Todd hang around?
DeleteAnd if Bill Walker read Shailey's book, how could he possible stand to be within spitting distance of Todd?
Any bets on which oil company will now employ Sean Parnell?
ReplyDeleteConoco, Exxon Mobil, or will he return to lobbying?
Either way, his few years as governor will pay him big-time for the rest of his life. Maybe they'll just give him a percentage of all the taxes they saved while he was governor. Nothing in writing, of course.
As an Alaskan I do not for a minute believe that Sarah Palin or her family had one whit to do with Walker's AND Mallott's success. I don't think she lost or gained a single vote for them. No one cares about her, no one thinks about her, and no one talked about her after that little "support" announcement except to ask, "What was Walker thinking??" I don't know one single person who doesn't just roll their eyes when her name comes up. Walker and Mallott won because 1) they are decent men who seem to represent clean government and getting things done; 2) it is rather exciting and fitting that we have an Alaska Native person in the lieutenant governor position; 3) French and Fleenor had the courage, decency and foresight to step aside; and 4) Parnell is a jerk. Palin didn't have a single thing to do with any of it.
ReplyDeleteAs an Alaskan myself, I must agree with your assessment. Alaskans actually try not to think about her.
DeleteI have a problem with news organizations declaring election winners.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of person voted for Walker/Mallott, but preferred Sullivan over Begich? Seriously.
ReplyDeleteI have a bridge from nowhere to sell you!
DeleteTalibangelical voters for Walker elected Sullivan. Begich would have won his race if the RWNJs hadn't turned out for Walker.
DeleteOther than death, Alaska will never be rid of one Todd and Sarah Palin. They'll sink their dirty talons into anyone. Whether this plays out as a victory for your state remains to be seen. "There are no coincidences" and "what's in it for us" have not changed one bit.
ReplyDeleteI hope her endorsement was just checking the waters to see if her well known 'curse' would work to her advantage. If Walker lost because she endorsed him, no big deal because she would still be on record as not supporting Parnell. She had to get that little zetz in there to Parnell to broadcast his penalty for their falling out, directly to him.
ReplyDeleteShe learned a little about being a spoiler from the LA election so she thinks it could be another tool in her 'kingmaker' toolchest when her real endorsements fail. For all her wilderness woman b-s, I think she now hates Alaska because the former slavering ass-kissing of her is over. No more 'love' and high approval ratings from the people she tricked over the years.
If this guy is anything like the Gov. Walker that I voted against three times in WI, you are screwed.
ReplyDeleteThe new Governor is going to need all the support that he can get. Alaska predicted a budget deficit of two billion if oil is at $95 per barrel. Oil is less than $80 a barrel now and is predicted to go even lower.
ReplyDeleteWhile this is good news for everyone filling up their gas tank and heating their homes, it is a disaster for the Alaska State budget.
This deficit is going to take some out of the box thinking and everyone working together to solve the problem. Even if the Government slashes its capital project budget to zero, Alaska still faces a considerable deficit.
So, good luck to the new Governor and the Legislature dealing with this. There are going to be some long nights in Juneau trying to solve this problem.
I will save my opinion of Walker until I can see any results of his term. As for Sarah, she can go straight to hell.
ReplyDeleteI think considering the history of Alaskan politics and the fact that Walker let the disgusting Todd Palin anywhere near him, this is a good strategy.
DeleteAnyone who hoped a new governor would expose the Palins' dirty dealings should be in mourning.
I guess we can still hope that Parnell gets all vindictive and throws the Palins under the bus.
ReplyDeleteDon't get your hopes up 10:45. The right-wing political players in AK swim in the same septic tank. None of them would dare expose the machine so they settle for a little petty in-fighting among the ranks. And no one is more rank than Palin or Parnell or the Sullivans. Since the Koch $$$ entered the game up there it's possible we may see a little GOP - TP party splitting but the big dogs are in town now and they intend to have things their way.
DeleteOur new Governor is a social conservative republican, I wonder how long it will take for him to channel his inner conservative repubilcan.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing not long.
DeleteYes, watch him very closely. The Palins will try and corrupt anyone in power.
ReplyDeleteTodd's dad Jim is friends with the Walker family. I think Todd had to call in a favor from his dad to get Walker to come hang out with him and Sarah in the hanger. Jim Palin is an old school Republican, not a crazy Tea Bagger, his wife Faye is Democrat. Everyone knows there is bad blood between Faye and Sarah and I can't help but think that Jim expected more from his son when it came to a mate. The Palins, Jim and Faye were very involved in local politics and both were on various boards and served their community. I bet when Todd brought Sarah, from the crazy backwood Heaths, home to introduce as his betrothed, Jim was horrified.
ReplyDeleteIntroduced Sarah as his pregnant girlfriend? You betcha they would have been horrified.
DeleteSarah: "A little PFD bun in the oven! It's a miracle doncha know?. Also too I can cook! Macaroni!"
DeletePalins: "...!?................"
Sarah: "I just have to review the directions and it usually comes out edible!"
Palins: "................................."
If the rumors of TP being a pimp are true, why would Walker even dare to risk his reputation being a Palin ally? The man and his wife must suspect some oddness in the fact that Todd Palin was shadow governor during Sarah's term.
ReplyDeleteWhat is Todd Palin up to? Snake in the grass cozying up to someone who seems (so far) to have a good reputable background. Are the Palins cozying up so they can get some special treatment when the National Guard scandal breaks out with more news that could implicate them?
Considering Palin's personality and past behavior, her endorsement of Walker was more against Parnell than for Walker. I think she would have endorsed anyone running against Parnell, whether they had a chance to win or not.
ReplyDeleteI'm just glad Walker won despite Palin's endorsement.
So now Alaska has an Independent governor and an Independent senator.