Monday, November 24, 2014

All eyes on Ferguson.

The Ferguson Grand Jury has released their findings and the decision indictment!

Courtesy of USA Today: 

A white police officer will not face charges for fatally shooting an unarmed black teenager in a case that set off violent protests and racial unrest throughout the nation, an attorney close to the case said Monday night. 

A St. Louis County grand jury declined to indict officer Darren Wilson, 28, for firing six shots in an August confrontation that killed 18-year-old Michael Brown, said Benjamin Crump, an attorney for the family. The decision had been long awaited and followed rioting that resembled war-zone news footage in this predominantly black suburb of St. Louis. 

"The jury was not inclined to indict on any charges,'' Crump said after being informed of the decision by authorities. Prosecutors scheduled an news conference to announce the decision.

I am surprised this leaked as I am still watching the official announcement on MSNBC. (Update: MSNBC has now also confirmed that there will be no indictment. And I heard that for myself as well.)

I am glad that I am not living in Ferguson tonight, I cannot imagine that this is going to go over very well with the community.

Update: Don't forget that this young man was shot in the top of his head. How that is considered a reasonable use of force is completely beyond me.

Update 2: The prosecuting attorney for St. Louis county, Bob McCulloch, quoted liberally from the autopsy report that the grand jury used in their deliberations. And of course the report indicated that Brown had been shot at close range in the thumb and that the following shots were delivered to the front of his body.

However the independent autopsy ordered by the family indicated quite the opposite: 

An independent autopsy report conducted on behalf of the family found that Brown had been shot at least eight times – six times from behind. Jerryl Christmas, one of the Brown family attorneys, said the results indicated there was no struggle.

This makes me wonder what Eric Holder's federal investigation might turn up.

Update 3: Well you knew this was coming:

Violent protests erupted in Ferguson, Mo., Monday night, shortly after a grand jury decided not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the August shooting death of teenager Michael Brown. 

Demonstrators taunted police, shattered windows and vandalized cars. At least one police car was set on fire. Local police attempted to disperse a crowd with volley after volley of smoke bombs, pepper spray and bean bags. The protests escalated despite efforts by Brown's family, local authorities, activists and President Obama to tamp down unrest and anger. 

I understand their frustration, bu I don't see how this helps.


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    The fact that the grand jury consisted of nine whites and three non-whites is not good, either. Who made that decision? It simply enforces the idea that Ferguson is a community of black people being policed and controlled by whites.

    My brother, a cop, insists the shooting was "righteous." I don't know if he has insider info (he sometimes hears things through the cop grapevine that never make or, in some cases, contradict the news) or is just pulling the brothers-in-blue attitude (which I suspect this time, because whenever I say, "What about--" he interrupts with "Doesn't matter. Totally righteous shooting" and refuses to discuss it further). But nothing I have seen or heard indicates that this was a necessary shooting.

    My heart aches for Ferguson tonight. And for the young black men who live in a world so different than the one I, a middle-class white woman, take for granted.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      No matter the constituency of the jury, the decision was wrong and immoral.

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      I tend to be with your brother. There are rules a police officer must follow when in the midst of a situation- if those rules were followed, then there's no other real "ifs, ands, or buts."

      Our police have a different set of codes applied to them while they're on-duty, much like military personnel have different sets of laws (and courts!) than the rest of us. Some of the rules/laws are more strict than for civilians, some seemingly more lax (like when you can pull the trigger. )

      A good chunk of that is because these are the people we send into every single unstable and dangerous situation in their area. To protect themselves and others, they sometimes have to make snap judgements.

      Sometimes, in hindsight, those judgements are wrong, even though they seemed right at the time. Remember, they cant usually run away from a situation, they have to deal with it with what's available until it's calmed down or help arrives.

      To try to avoid lynching a good person who made a bad call from being thrust into one too many stable situations, or to stop him from hesitating from pulling the trigger to save his life or someone else's, PDs have made the bargain of "here's the rules and the procedure to follow. If you follow them, the PD had your back so you can do your job without having to worry about proson time every time you have to pepper spray someone, or get sued for pulling someone over."

      I'd also like to point out that the media does a wonderful job of getting the parts of a story out that inflam- errr, sells, while some of the details that give a full picture of the situation and make it far less outrageous either get lost in the details or left out altogether. We see it a lot with President Obama, why should it be any different for everyone's most visible and commonly encountered embodiment of authority?

      Lastly, I may not like the court's decision, and may not agree with everything they do. But, while there are instances of injustice, on the whole I think our legal system is not only trustworthy, but it is imperative that it be trusted. If the system says not guilty, then as a society we must trust the not-guilty verdicts, and auestion the guilty verdicts.

      I'd rather 10 guilty men go free than punish a single innocent.

    3. Anonymous7:59 PM

      I'm 5:33 p.m. above. I absolutely agree about the media's skewed portrayal. It is sometimes very difficult, as the relative of a cop, to watch police be skewered when I KNOW the media doesn't have all the facts, but because investigations are still ongoing, I can't hop on comment boards and say, "Here's what REALLY happened."

      You say, "I'd rather 10 guilty men go free than punish a single innocent. " My brother the cop says, "Kill 'em all and let God sort out the innocent." He's only half joking.

      That said, he has defused volatile situations in which a perp could easily have ended up dead. And I know he has training I don't possess to make split-second, life-or-death decisions. But I have also witnessed the way his cop testosterone can kick in to make him irrationally defend stupid and dangerous police actions. If a cop does it, the cop must be right because s/he's a cop.

      He does not have much faith in the justice system, however. Hearing his stories has made me trust it far less than I used to, in fact. He is a police officer because he would be miserable being anything else, but his illusions about our criminal justice system within his first few months as a cop.

      Re: the right decision in Ferguson, I don't think any decision could be right at this point, because the situation there is so deeply wrong. Wilson's prior racist affiliations trouble me, as does the overall racial makeup of the Ferguson police force and the grand jury. I teach at a university in the Deep South, and my young black male students talk about how unsurprised they are that Michael Brown was shot. One said, "This kind of thing happens all the time. Why are the media paying attention now?" I'm sure they will be disappointed but not surprised at the verdict.

    4. Anonymous10:18 PM

      Don't let your "middle-class white woman" guilt get the best of you 5:33. This shouldn't even be a black/white thing. This whole circus is a sham. The shooting was justified. Brown shouldn't have jumped the cop.

    5. Anonymous3:30 AM

      Anonymous 5:33....your brother might be right. Wilson's testimony, all 80 pages, is online: If you punch a police officer in the face, and then, when the officer unholsters his weapon, attempt to twist it toward the officer - well - that's a death wish in any place in this country, regardless of your race. Wilson has profound injuries to his face, (I have yet to find the lab reports to see if Brown's DNA is on the weapon.) When Brown punched him what would you have Wilson do? Drive away? If this results in every cop in the country wearing a video camera, that will be a step in the right direction. Burning down the hair salon and meat market in Ferguson accomplish nothing.

    6. Anonymous4:41 AM

      5:33 here. Recognizing that the world is different for me than for young black men does not mean I'm being manipulated by guilt, and I resent your assumption. I don't have "middle-class white woman" guilt; I have human sorrow, compassion, and a desire for justice.

    7. Maple5:49 AM

      @3:20am. Talking Points Memo has photos of Wilson's face and neck. There are no "profound" injuries. In fact, there's just a bit of redness on his right cheek, looking like maybe, just maybe, his girlfriend slapped him for insulting her (!)
      As for the 9 white jurors -- according to the rules, it only takes 9 of the 12 to decide on the "bill" from the Grand Jury. Hmmmmm....And also in reading testimony from Wilson, it seems he was extremely well coached by his lawyers, especially in saying that the victim looked like a "demon". Ooooo, evil, evil demon -- red meat to the fundies on the panel.

    8. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Yeah well it sounds like "middle-class white woman" guilt to me. You can have human sorrow, compassion, and a desire for justice... and see this event for what really happened, and what it has really become.... and it is a joke.

  2. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I am afraid you are correct Gryphen. .

  3. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Haven't really followed this as closely as some have. What I read was so many conflicting accounts. Hard to know what was true and what wasn't.

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      All you have to really know is that when the good 'Rev' Je$$e and $harpton show up, the opposite of what they say is the truth.

    2. Anonymous11:56 PM

      8:55 PM Aren't you late for the KKK rally in your back yard?

    3. Anonymous6:03 AM

      /snark on

      According to the prosecutor, McCulloch, most of the witness testimony was contradicted by forensic evidence, but every word of the officer, Darren Wilson, was the absolute truth. Furthermore, all forensic evidence was collected and held in custody by completely unbiased police.

      /snark off

      McCulloch thinks people are stupid enough to believe his lies.

    4. Anonymous6:05 AM

      Sure thing 11:56, calling out Sharpton and Jesse as the hucksters they are makes one a KKK member.... a lot us aren't afraid to lay out the flat truth dumbass and you are full of shit. They are nothing but race baiters and the scum of the earth and you are a pussy follower... hows that for ya? Dumb follower.

  4. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Prosecutor Bill McCulloch (whose father was a police officer killed on the job- in the projects- by a black man while McCulloch was a child) did not request an indictment of the police officer from the grand jury.

    The grand jury did not indict Officer Wilson.

    Surprise surprise surprise.

    1. Anonymous9:59 PM

      So he is not allwowed to be a prosecutor because his dad was shot and killed by a black man while on duty? Why not? please explain, he is not allowed to serve his community because of events that happened beyond his control in his family when he was a child?

      Will you believe the ruling when the justice department (Holder, black man- does that make it more legit?) decides that the case is closed due to lack of any federal crime?

    2. Anonymous11:54 PM

      9:59 PM Wouldn't the Prosecutor be biased? He should have recused himself.

    3. Anonymous6:11 AM

      11:54 why would he be biased? He is a professional... It sounds like you wanted a truly biased prosecuter that was simply out to hang the cop, is that what you wanted?

  5. Anonymous5:38 PM

    as I HEAR IT THE witnesses are being discredited....................crap, more dead people sure to be had 2nite. no final answer yet

    1. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Is it really a surprise that most of these so called 'witnesses' looking for five minutes of fame were found to be totally full of shit?

    2. Anonymous11:51 PM

      The Prosecutor was full of shit.

    3. Anonymous6:12 AM

      Exactly how 11:51? Be precise.

  6. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Live police feed:

  7. I am wondering when the police became the judge, jury, and executioner of the American public. This is wrong and so incredibly disturbing.
    M from MD

  8. I think of June Jordan, African American poet:

    "No one has had enough tendeness.
    No one has really known justice."

    The U.S. is not "exceptional" when there is not justice for all.

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      We've never been "exceptional" but have always been the exception to civility and effective government.

  9. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Praying for the people of Ferguson today. I hope they act with integrity and out of respect for the family.

    1. The people of Ferguson know what to do, and the right thing to do. The crazy people from Overland and Chicago, on the other hand, are a problem.

  10. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I was watching Weekend Update on SNL and they did a story on how the governor had declared a state of emergency and called out the National Guard in anticipation of the Grand Jury's finding. Michael Che then stated "Spoiler Alert". Yup.

  11. I watched the announcement on ABC and was absolutely shocked at the news. Especially after I read a post on DK about the distance of Mike Browns' body from the officers' car. Just cannot believe that the jerk of a policeman is off scot-free.

  12. Anonymous6:26 PM

    If he was shot from behind that would indicate he was not surrendering as witnesses have stated. Shot in the back = fleeing felon if indeed Michael had tried to take the gun from the officer. This would be considered justifiable force. I don't have all the facts to judge in this case, but the story that the officer was trying to pull Michael into the car through a window makes absolutely no sense. I sincerely doubt that this officer really went out of his way to shoot this young man for no reason.

    1. Anonymous6:19 AM

      It makes absolutely no sense that the police officer, Darren Wilson, would let himself be in a position where a person the size of Mike Brown could reach for the officer's gun.

      Especially since there was a backup officer on the way and all Officer Wilson had to do is WAIT instead of instigating a situation that resulted in death.

  13. Anonymous6:34 PM

  14. abbafan6:40 PM

    I personally feel that the U.S. has been on a downward moral spiral since racist, ignorant, uneducated idiots such as palin are given carte blanche status by their unseen backers to spew such vile shit from a bully pulpit! Everyday I count my fuckin' lucky stars that I reside in Canada; my heart goes out to those Stateside who have to endure this fuckin' shit!

  15. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Hello, I can only imagine how racist the jury was after Anonymous just showed us that Ferguson is KKK stronghold. I hope that he gets his justice served to him.

    1. The KKK stronghold is in a community that joins Ferguson; not that evil doesn't infect everything it touches.

  16. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I'm sure they have the cop hidden and he'd better stay like that for eons to come. Suspect he's been shipped to another country with new identity. Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

    I think their police force is one awful bunch and I'd have a hell of a time holding back were I a black person living there.

    The USA is a mess and we are a horrible racist nation! Eventually we'll have riots in the streets throughout the country....think it's coming!

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      He married Barbara Lynn Spradling this past October.
      She is a fellow police officer and 9 years older than him.

    2. Anonymous11:49 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA Wilson married a cougar.

    3. Anonymous2:42 AM

      All the major networks are competing for his first interview. Better that they ignore him, let him fade into obscurity. I would not want to be in his shoes, he will be found, eventually, and brought to a different type of "justice"

  17. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Of course he wasn't indicted. This whole story was bullshit propagated by bullshitters. My christmas wish is that all these loser assholes get arrested tonight for acting like goons.

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    2. Anonymous8:21 PM

      same place trashed again, tonight

    3. Anonymous11:47 PM

      7:03 PM Goons are the ones that you call Mom and Dad.

    4. Anonymous6:15 AM

      No 11:47, goons, like in the picture, have their pants halfway down their asses looting stores and acting sub human for no good reason at all. And I guarantee they wouldn't even stop to piss on you if you were on fire, they probably would rob you though. This is what you are supporting.

  18. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Something weird is going on with the autopsy reports.

    How can one report say shot from behind and other shot in front?

  19. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Bunches of info here:

  20. That prosecutor sure sounded like someone prosecuting Michael Brown.

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      I agree it was weird. It was not normal, strange press conference.

  21. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Fuck you Gryphen you atheist POS!

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      I dare you to take off your pointy hat and robe and say that :-)

    2. Anonymous11:44 PM

      @7:49 Fuck you, Fake XTIAN Grifter. Are you speaking in tongues?

  22. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Omg, i've seen more bruises on battered women than wilson. Yep this is wrong.

  23. Anonymous8:10 PM

    And, heee felt like a 5 year old against Brown? And a battered women has broken noses and what not. Oh brother. I hope the cop karma.

  24. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Check out these photos of Brown at his wedding. His cheeks are red in every shot. He has naturally ruddy cheeks. The police photo showing his "injuries" do not look any different.

    1. Darren Wilson got married to protect his ass[ets] in future lawsuits.

  25. Anonymous8:34 PM

    "I understand their frustration but I don't see how this helps" posting that picture of him laying dead in the street doesn't help either

  26. Anonymous8:39 PM

    What's with the comments tonight? Do we have a Darren Wilson troll?

    1. Anonymous4:36 AM

      I wonder if it's the same troll who has been working overtime to defend Bill Cosby and blame social media/bandwagon effect for the accusations against him. From the syntax, attitude, and language, it sure sounds like a Palin, except that's mighty altruistic of them.

  27. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Wrong Gryphen. No autopsy said Michael Brown was shot from behind at all much less six times. I can't believe some of the crap you print. Check your facts and your bullshit sources dude. You are half the problem. Multiple buildings and rampant looting occurring for no reason at all in Ferguson right now. Hey-- you built this!

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Recent reports that a (university city) cop got shot now. Good job spreading the lies and fanning the flames liberal bloggers!

    2. 9:00: That seems to be a tall tale.

    3. Anonymous11:42 PM

      8:44/9:00 Fuck off Palinbots. Fox News will cloud your thinking.

    4. The shooting of the University City cop happened in University City, unrelated to the craziness in Ferguson. Life, and crime, goes on regardless of what madness is happening elsewhere.

  28. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Violence, i don't see it on wilson. No. Yep a battered woman is the definition of violence that happened.

  29. Anonymous9:30 PM

    To protesters, looting and pillaging in anger of a verdict just makes YOU a criminal.


    oh the ignorance.

    Kind of like a blogger who lies about someone he calls a liar. Hypocrisy

    1. Anonymous4:37 AM

      Yup, DEFINITELY the Palin troll. Wonder why the PAC is paying Bristol and Willow to defend Darren Wilson and Bill Cosby on IM now?

    2. Anonymous6:08 AM

      9:30 PM A sick, trolling bitch has no life.

  30. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Hard to believe anyone is THAT naive, to think the people of Ferguson were going to just shrug their shoulders, murmur, "Well, I guess we're going to have to accept that the police can kill us anytime they please, and get away with it," and then calmly wander home.

    If YOU lived in a city where mostly black cops were killing unarmed white kids, would you just sigh and take it in stride?

  31. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Sad case of another senseless loss of life. We cannot wave a magic pair of undies to make this better. Riot is not the answer. More black cops is not the answer. Respect is. And the kid lacked respect for the law. First he stole cigars. Then he got in a cops face. And after some struggle he was shot. There is nothing to riot about. How about teach YOUR KIDS TO NOT STEAL AND HAVE RESPECT FOR LAW AND ORDER.

    1. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Respect for the law must be cutting schoolbus brake lines, trashing a neighbor's house, starting drunken brawls at parties, Pimping, falsely accusing boys of stalking,underage drinking of alcohol, and faking a pregnancy to cover for a daughter.

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM

      Exactly. Thank you, someone with sense on these boards. Everyone is looking for some reason or excuse rather than dealing with the clear cold bold truth right in front of their faces.

    3. Anonymous8:06 AM

      6:06 am Sounds like you are describing the Palin family from Alaska. I'm surprised some of them haven't been shot and left in the Wasilla streets to rot!

  32. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Rioting is the disenfranchised's only weapon. No one is listening to their voice. I support it. I do.

  33. Anonymous3:44 AM

    I think that the officials knew that the grand jury finding would be wrong and that is why they kept delaying making it public yesterday. All of them knew that this young man should not have been shot, much less shot repeatedly and then left there on the street. A dog hit by a car is treated more respectfully. Why we let these things keep happening I don't know. I simply don't understand the world anymore. But I am sure that justice was not done in Missouri yesterday.

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM

      Why would they think the finding would be 'wrong'? please explain that might be one of the dumbest comments i've read. The grand jury decision, is the decision, there is no 'wrong'.

      You realise that Wilson did not have anything to do with the length of time the body was on the street don't you dummy? And that certainly should not have factored in to any decision about the shooting itself.

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      6:22 AM You are an ass and you need to go back to school and learn how to spell! Second paragraph - realise is spelled 'realize'! Leaving 'any' body on a street for four hours is the responsibility of the police - one of theirs killed the kid!

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      8:03 realise and realize are both correct spellings of the same word, maybe you need to go to school and work and not being a total dumbass. Leaving the body on the street is the responsibility of the police- but not of Wilson who was long gone from the scene, and has no bearing on whether to charge the officer. Try not being such a retarded piece of shit will you 8:03.

    4. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Keep talking 9 a.m. - you are so easy to dislike. Fuck you!

    5. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Now you're going 11:33... let it all out if it makes you feel better about being wrong. Boo hoo.

  34. You have to understand, this has become a magnet for KKK and apparently some anarchist group from Chicago. Letting events drag on for more than 3 months gave these idiots plenty of staging time. The shooting of Michael Brown, and the treatment of his dead body, was/is more than enough to justify unlimited protest to reform policing in America. Subsequent mishandling of events by absolutely everyone guaranteed broken windows and ruined businesses.

  35. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Here's the entire Grand Jury Transcript of the Brown shooting. Damn. I'm not going to get anything done today. god bless the New York Times. I'm a robot, but the kind that can see numbers into the future....

  36. Anonymous4:18 AM

    I have never felt the threat of being shot by the police. I obey the law and show respect to police officers. You don't fight police on the streets. Saying this man was a teenager is such a twist of reality. Look at his size and his attitude towards society. While I do question the number of shots fired as self defense, everyone should not just put themselves in the shoes of the deceased but the officer as well. How should the officer react? How would you react if you were the officer?

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      If I were the officer, I would WAIT for the backup to arrive before approaching a person the size of Michael Brown. If I were the officer, I would not let a person the size of Michael Brown within reach of my firearm.

      The officer instigated the situation that escalated into the use of lethal force. The officer did NOT select other options to establish a situation that would result in a routine arrest of a suspect.

      Remember that Darren Wilson did NOT know that Michael Brown was unarmed. Yet, Darren Wilson decided to get close to him. It makes no sense.

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      6:31 stop making excuses for Michael Brown

      Wilson 'could have or he could not have' all day long... You are not a cop in his shoes, and it is his duty to pursue. The fact is even if he made a rookie mistake somewhere along this encounter, Michael Brown attacked a cop for no good reason. He had just moments before attacked and robbed a store owner. You really need to let that sink in and saturate your brain.

    3. Anonymous8:15 AM


      You really need to let something sink in and saturate your brain.

      A "rookie mistake" is rewarded with a dead person and a paid vacation.

    4. Anonymous8:17 AM

      There is no evidence that Michael Brown attacked the officer. Darren Wilson saying that Michael Brown attacked is NOT evidence. It is merely the whine of a loser covering his ass.

    5. Anonymous9:05 AM

      8:17 there were actually many witnesses (black witnesses no less- putting their own safety at risk- the unsung heroes of the truth) that backed up Wilson's version of events in grand jury testimony. And their collaboration also was backed up by forensic evidence. Pretty much everyone else who shoved their mug in front of a camera for 5 minutes of fame was found to be full of crap. Stop lying and perpetuating your myths. Brown set into action the events that led to his death.

    6. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Exactly what forensic evidence indicates that Michael Brown initiated a physical interaction with the officer?


    7. Anonymous10:02 AM

      9:11 exactly what forensic evidence indicates that Michael Brown 'did not' initiate a physical interaction with the officer? Your friend, Cricket.

      Stop playing apologist. You attack a cop and go for his gun things probably won't end well for you.

      Testimonies that matched the evidence led this case. Don't be a fool.

    8. Anonymous10:28 AM


      Where is the evidence that Michael Brown attacked the cop? Who initiated the physical interaction? Why do you assume it was Michael Brown.

      What led this grand juror decision is that four of them did not want a trial. Nothing has been determined about guilt or innocence.

      When you can point to forensic evidence that Michael Brown attacked the police officer, you can make that claim, not before.

    9. Anonymous10:47 AM


      Testimonies? But the prosecutor explained very carefully in his press conference that witnesses were contradicted by forensic evidence. Clearly forensic evidence is key.

      Babble by an accused before a grand jury is not "testimony" is ass covering.

    10. Anonymous11:01 AM

      10:28 and 10:47 you lack critical thinking skills as well as base knowledge of the case, evidence and testimonies by witnesses (most of whom were dicredited by evidence, or their own changing story lines) .... or more likely you are both playing the ignorant fools, just like Jesse and Al like you.

    11. Anonymous12:40 PM


      It is you that lacks critical thinking skills. All you have is 4 people that did not want Darren Wilson to go to trial. Everything else is speculation on your part. You have certainly shown your own lack of understanding of the basic facts of this situation.

      When you sink to using "ignorant fools" in an argument you have lost the argument. Resume your mindless rambling at will. You convince no one but yourself.

    12. Anonymous1:27 PM

      12:40 you are an ignorant fool though, it is the best description.

      For instance, where do you get the idea that only four of the jurors did not want to indict Wilson? Nobody knows the tally of the jurors vote, it is kept secret.

      They would have needed nine in agreement to indict, that is true, but since it is a secret vote, as far as anyone knows, it could very well have been a unanimous decision not to indict. This is the process and he was given the due process of a criminal grand jury. We could go on all day with me pointing out your stupid assumptions, flaws, and lies if you want. I have no problemo calling out your bullshit as long as you desire.

  37. Check out the evidence. I can't say either way because I haven't read all the reports, but read Witness 40's statement. This would explain the shot to the top of the head IF he was truly running at the officer like a bull.

  38. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Cop exonerated by secret court. Would anyone have expected anything else?

  39. Anonymous6:42 AM

    “A system cannot fail those it was never built to protect.” – WEB DuBois

  40. Anonymous6:53 AM

    "If you're expiating someone for murder and use the phrase "the final 10 shots", something is horribly fucked up."
    — @NickSchug

  41. Anonymous7:59 AM

    160,000 cases heard by grand juries in 2010...only 11 where they didn't indict. amazing

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Give him long enough and McCulloch will "improve" that statistic

  42. Anonymous8:54 AM

    The grand jury does not determine guilt or innocence. In the Michael Brown decision, a minimum of 4 jurors did not vote for a trial. A juror could vote based on the evidence, or based on personal feeling, or based on fear. But we will never know why those four people chose to not have a trial.

    Without a trial, genuine cross examination of witnesses does not happen. Nor does the collection and custody of forensic evidence get challenged. Evidence before the grand jury is suspect without rigorous examination.

    What we have is a dead person and a live cop. And plenty of reason to make up our own minds about guilt.

  43. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Many of the "protesters" caught on camera were not black people but whites with their faces covered. Speculation is that members of the local KKK, of which that are many members, showed up to cause trouble. This area apparently is rife with KKK cells as was shown by the tiny percentage of their names and photos that have so far been released by Anonymous.

  44. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Hey Gryphen are you going to correct the incorrect statement about the private autopsy saying he was shot 6 times from behind?....


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It just goes directly to their thighs.