Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Amy Poehler's new book discusses her fearlessness, including rapping a song as Sarah Palin, with the real Sarah Palin sitting on set.

Amy Poehler has written a new book, much like fellow SNL alum Tina Fey before her, that discusses her life and what she has learned along the way.

On of those things was to overcome her sense apprehension and to courageously move forward with decisions that others might have balked at.

One of those decisions occurred on Saturday Night Live during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Here is more courtesy of The New Yorker: 

“I like picking fair targets,” Poehler writes in “Yes Please.” This means avoiding jokes that feel “too mean or too lazy.” The most satisfying example of this, perhaps—a perfect deployment of satire—was her Sarah Palin rap, which she wrote, with help from Seth Meyers and Andy Samberg. The conceit was that Palin had planned to do a rap number about herself but had backed out of it, and that Poehler casually agreed to pinch-hit. “One, two three!” she yelled. She presented, in lyric form, the nightmarish essence of the 2008 Palin campaign experience (“When I say Obama, you say Ayers! I built me a bridge, it ain’t goin’ nowhere”; “I got a bookish look and you’re all hot for teacher”), as Palin gamely and helplessly played along, trying to look cool and comfortable. The fact that Poehler did it while nine months pregnant—fully committed, technically perfect, firing finger guns at a moose and doing Cypress Hill-style la-la-las—felt like the ultimate out-mavericking, combining Palin-style trappings of macho-feminine power with humor and smarts. The sketch was scathing but ostensibly respectful, her performance relentless and irresistible. Watching the rap now, years later, the Palin era over, you still laugh and cry with admiration. When she growls, “I’m an animal, and I’m bigger than you!” you feel it. Poehler had her baby a week later, and she watched “Weekend Update” from her hospital bed. 

While not as iconic as Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impression, Poehler's Palin rap was a real show stopper, made even more memorable by the fact that Palin gamely tried to play along despite the fact that her eyes betrayed her realization that she had suddenly stepped off into the deep end of political parody.

And with lyrics like this who can blame her:

i'm jeremiah wright cause tonight i'm the preacha 
i got a bookish look and you're all hot for teacha 
todd lookin fine on his snow machine 
so hot boy gonna need a go between 
in wasilla we just chill baby chilla 
but when i see oil lets drill baby drill 

my country tis a thee 
from my porch i can see 
russia and such 

For those who may have missed this amazing television moment,  take a moment to enjoy the incredible, and very pregnant, Amy Pohler, and her incredibly naive victim by clicking here.


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    O/T. Newsmax covers a paywalled WSJ story entitled 'Sarah Palin's Revenge':

    WSJ: Sarah Palin Opposed Alaska GOP Governor's Campaign Out of Spite

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      From another post:

      Anonymous8:24 PM

      Republicans for the most part avoided eating their own this election except in Alaska


      Alaskans knows Sarah Palin eats her own!

      Alaskans knows Sarah Palin will throw you under the bus!

      Just ask Sarah Palin's mother-in-law Faye Palin:
      Kilkenny:When Sarah’s mother-in-law, a highly respected member of the community and experienced manager, ran for Mayor, Sarah refused to endorse her.

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Just ask Parnel.

      He was good enough to be Sarah Palin's Lt Governor and good enough for her to quit her governor's job and leave Alaska in his care but not good enough for Sarah Palin to endorse.

    3. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Ahhaahaa, Newsmax, absolute right wing trash, and of course one of Mrs. Palin's most favorite websites where she does her all important "reading". It's a gas to see all the C4Pr's over there taking up for her. Whoever wrote that "in-depth" article doesn't even know that Sarah lives in Wasilla and not Anchorage...what a poor excuse for a "news" website. Kind of fun watching the Pee Pod People taking up for there though.

    4. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Just ask Parnel.

      He was good enough to be Sarah Palin's Lt Governor and good enough for her to quit her governor's job and leave Alaska in his care but not good enough for Sarah Palin to endorse.


      There's a lot of shoes still to drop.
      Sarah's not been telling the whole truth about why she quit. There's some missing backstory.

  2. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I saw this on Malia Litman this morning and went and watched the rapping video. Had forgotten how funny that was. Thanks to both of you for posting this :-)

  3. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Now that's nine months pregnant for REALS. Anyone else but me notice the difference between the very pregnant Amy and faker $arah? Who knows, maybe she sucked in rehearsal and Amy "had" to step in. We all know Jay Leno's producers had to install a laugh track before the tape of her Tonight Show appearance aired.

    Malia's resident troll is trying to convince people today that $arah has a sense of humor and pokes fun at herself. What a crock, we all know $arah takes everything, and I mean everything, as a slight.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      ha! it sounds like the same troll who posts about "wonferful hard-ass-worker" barstool.....yeah like we believe it

    2. There's no way in the world Palin could have managed that rap. She doesn't have the smarts or the stage presence to do anything that complicated.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      she's a vindictive bitch.

    4. Anon @ 3:01, that was the first thing I noticed! I was greatly amused to see Amy Poehler mocking Sarah Palin in the worst/best way, dressed in the same funeral director all-black outfit Palin wore for her 4 month "pregnancy". LOL!

    5. vegaslib9:38 AM

      I have never seen any Palin with a sense of humor. I think being able to laugh at yourself is endearing and necessary at times. She is just so bitter and mean. It is eating her alive and it shows. I would feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a soul sucking bitch.

  4. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Her looks (& sanity) have really declined since this video was filmed.

    What a difference a couple of years can make.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      "The camera doesn't lie."

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Yeah...we seen her WithOUT make-up! LOL what a
      And we've seen the flappy arms and the soggy

    3. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Don't forget the turkey neck and age spots she keeps showing by wearing low-tops. EWWWWW

  5. Caroll Thompson3:28 PM

    Sarah was suppose to do the rap, but Sarah quit. Anyone surprised? Sarah really does not like putting forth much effort. The Sarah Palin channel with her half ass videos are evidence of that.

    And 3:05 is absolutely right; Sarah looked much better just a few years ago. Hate is a very powerful and destructive emotion and will eat anyone alive. Just a look at Sarah then and now is proof of what hate will do to a person. You start looking on the outside how you are feeling on the inside.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      $arah IS hate and jealousy. It's oozing out her pores and no amount of nip and tucking will cure it. Just look at how HARD she looks, yet she still thinks she's the rock star. For all her Bible handlin,' God totin,' she's quite the anti.

  6. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Funny. And not in the way that Sarah thinks. Even though she looked better, she was still weird and awkward. She defaults to the big chin duck lips reaction mode whenever she is doing scripted TeeVee. Not a good look then. A double-double-ugly look now. And Sarah - you know the kind of 'double-ugly' I'm talking 'bout since you're a fisherwoman and all.

    Reminds of a cheerleader with no skills, but a love for doing skits and fancy pageant walkin. '

  7. Anita Winecooler4:15 PM

    Amy was nine months pregnant and out Sarahed Sarah by dressing in black, showing off her baby bump while showing Sarah who's the smartest (and funniest) woman in the room. Comedy like this takes genius, perfect timing, and a command of what words mean when put in a sentence according to grammatical rules and common decency.
    The funniest part of this entire piece is Sarah, herself, raising the roof and looking like ten gallons of stupid in a one gallon burlap sack. She was seething inside while everyone laughed AT her.
    Talk about going through life stupid and full of hate, she looked somewhat "likeable" compared to Captain Vinegar Tits she's become. Age, gravity and brain atrophy haven't been kind to Sarah, not kind at all.

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      I think Amy knew all about a certain bogus pregnancy.

      She's about to give birth and she happens to reads about Sarah's Wild Ride? Talk about the BS alarm alerting.

  8. Oh Anita, that cracked me up; "Captain Vinegar Tits'. She has not been aging gracefully. Running on empty,hate sucks the life force out of people.

    Thanks for posting this Gryphen. It really is priceless.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      "Captain Vinegar Tits'.

      Rilly priceless!

  9. I love that moment in the song about the bridge to can actually see her jaw

    She didn't like it and it pissed her off. You can tell.

    Between this rap song & Tina Fey's brilliant portrayal, SNL will never have to worry about her foul stench wafting through that studio again. There is no way in hell she'd EVER agree to appear on that show in a million years. Too chickenshit.

    Would LOVE to see them do a skit on the now infamous Palin Family Brawl...

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      reminder, Nolaredhead, the "L" in SNL is for Live. Current events and relevant celebs, They wouldn't bother with someone as small potatoes, marginal and lowball as $carah has fallen, or her never has been daughter.

  10. Anonymous4:57 PM

    The best example of Sarah Palin's thin skin is that she keeps on trying to correct the SNL skit where Tina-as-Sarah says that she can see Russia from her house. That's call humor. It's satire. It's comedy. It is a line that makes fun of the long sentence that Sarah used to explain her foreign policy experience, that you could actually see a bit of Russia from a remote Alaskan island. That's not foreign policy experience, and it was a dumb thing to say. Trying to correct the joke just makes it funnier.

    Sarah's fans are also trying to prove that Paul Revere really did warn the Bristish. No, he did not ring any bells and fire any warning shots at the British. No! But, Sarah is very defensive about any jokes made about her.

  11. Crystal Sage4:58 PM

    I still believe that Amy and Tina played a large part in helping defeat Sarah Palin in 2008. If it were not for Tina's dead-on impersonation of Palin, we might now have President Palin - and WWIII.

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Also too:

      Letterman mocks McCain for several minutes during show

      Also too Palin referenced at 3:50, lol

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      The funniest skit was the interview between Katie Couric (Amy) and Sarah Palin (Tina). They used the actual questions and answers from the real interview. When Tina repeated Sarah's silly stuff, more people were made aware of just how dumb Sarah Palin really was. Not that many people watched the original interview, but when it became a skit on SNL, more people were exposed to it. Sarah has not improved one bit since then. Her problem is that she doesn't realize just how bad she sounds when she says dumb stuff. She has convinced herself that it's the media that makes her look bad.

  12. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Ah $carah...those were the days when you were invited to SNL!
    Remember when you were actually somewhat

  13. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Can the angry Mrs. Palin go 5 minutes without making tight fists? I wonder if she wants to punch someone in the throat or in the stomach.

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Yeah, those little fist moves were so cool. So rapper-esque. Check out the little finger pointing action- just like a used car salesman. And the pucker-face.

      Sarah, you're so uncool, you're nervousness gives it away that even you KNOW that.

  14. Anonymous6:24 PM

    I thought this was the same skit where they spoofed media coverage of Palin with a NYTimes reporter questioning whether Todd impregnated Bristol. Turns out that was a separate skit that caused such a stir it is nowhere to be found on the internet. Some of the dialogue remains in news reports:

    “What about the husband?” asked a Times reporter during a mock assignment meeting for the paper. “You know he’s doing those daughters. I mean, come on. It’s Alaska.”

    "The assignment editor for the Times, portrayed by actor James Franco, responded: “He very well could be. Admittedly, there is no evidence of that, but on the other hand, there is no convincing evidence to the contrary. And these are just some of the lingering questions about Governor Palin.”"

  15. Anonymous6:54 PM

    6:24 PM The Troll will be here to 'refudiate' that, even though she has no knowledge of what goes on with the Palins.

  16. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I'm surprised you didn't post about this article, unless you did and I didn't see it. Interesting considering it's the conservative, Murdoch-owned WSJ. "...Republicans eating their own..." WSJ bashing Palin for bashing Parnell. Yes please! Even more gratifying because Murdoch also owns Fox

  17. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Even for the few lines she had, you can see she's reading it all from the (gasp!) TELEPROMPTER!!!

  18. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Sarah thought she was so cool and cute rockin it to SNL. And the utmost Mama Grizzly with Abs of Steel. Amy Poehler showed her.

  19. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Palin was a flop on SNL, she can't do comedy because all of her"jokes" are mean, nasty swipes at others. Her sitting there "rapping" was atrocious.

    After $arah reads this posting, she will probable say that Amy owes her money to pay for Trig's eye surgery. Piper in the mean time will have to wait for braces until Tina pays up.

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      to that i would say that sarah should pay for the dead from the shooting she provoked, including that of gabby gifford.

  20. vegaslib9:30 AM

    I recently saw this clip again and it was amazing how uncomfortable Palin was. It was hilarious, she was thinking she was all cool and shit, but looked like a moron. You know she was really pissed off and couldn't do anything about it. Amy rocked it, Palin looked like a grandma trying to be cool and failing miserably.

  21. I remember that.

    And how Palin seemed to dance along with it.

    I don't think she got it was making fun of her. You know Republicans. They don't get parody and satire. And if any Republican lacked the brain power to grasp they were being satirized to their face, it would be Palin.

    Sorry, but to me she looks like she's enjoying a tribute.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.