Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Julianne Moore explains why she agreed to play Sarah Palin in the HBO movie "Game Change."

These remarks are from a Hollywood Reporter roundtable with  Reese Witherspoon, Patricia Arquette, Amy Adams, Hilary Swank, Laura Dern and Felicity Jones. Among who. by the way, are some of my favorite actors.

During the conversation the host asks Moore why she said "yes to Sarah Palin."

Moore responds with, "It was a great story, it was a great story. And I think.."

Witherspoon: "You were amazing."

Moore: "But by yourself, just with the character I wouldn't have known..what's the story, what's the story? I mean she was charismatic, very interesting, new political figure, that we did not know much about. And Jay Roach, who Laura and I both worked with, and Danny Strong kind know...they managed to create, well you know it was a true, it was a true story, but they managed to encapsulate this narrative and tell the story of her rise and fall in the Republican party. Or actually not fall, she exited, is really what she did."

On playing her Moore says, "Everybody knew her voice, everybody knew her mannerisms, and she wouldn't go away. You know she was very, very present."

Boy ain't that the truth?

And yes it was a true story.

Whenever anybody asks me if Julianne Moore exaggerated Sarah Palin for dramatic effect, I always respond with an emphatic "NO." Because in fact much of what is portrayed in Game Change were things that we had heard about her from friends and family members, but this was the first time that the public at large was getting to see the lunacy for themselves.

I think Julianne Moore did a brilliant job, which of course is why won an Emmy.


  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    "Game Change" portrayed Palin in a very sympathetic light. The producers and directors deliberately softened her portrayal. If the campaign managers and staffers' stories had actually been acted out in this movie, it would have been too shocking.

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      6:03 PM

      Yes it did. The portrayal was very gentle to Sarah and her family. The family scenes were especially not believable to those who have been paying attention. The portrayal was almost like a glimpse of a 'Leave it to Beaver' family. The recent brawl revealed their true nature and a lot about the family dynamics. The reality is they are uneducated self-entitled lowlifes.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      I know. I wish the movie stuck with the total, shocking reality. Still, even softened, Palin is scarey as hell.

    3. You are 100% correct; I forget who it was that said Palin should send HBO flowers...but I agree. They portrayed her as a loving mother, in a solid marriage, etc. Palin should have HBO tattooed on her ass in gratitude for what Game Change DIDN'T say/show.

  2. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Hi sarah, sleep well tonight my love.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      6:11 Is Sarah 'LIGHT UP YOUR LIFE'?

  3. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I think Ms. Moore was actually way too kind to tundradunce. And she held back on the screechy voice, also too!


    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Agreed. Sarah was worse.

  4. Anonymous6:37 PM

    One of the points made in "Game Change" was that Sarah didn't like to be "managed." She thought that she knew better. When she was managed, she was beautifully made up and beautifully dressed. What a contrast with the woman we see today, wearing off-the-shoulder-cut-out tops, a big brassy belt, tight jeans and wild, mismatched hair pieces. Sarah thinks that she doesn't need to stick to a script-- too confining, too controlled. She just lets all those words tumble out in any order. Her appearances today are such a contrast to the woman that the McCain Campaign thought they could turn into some kind of Liza Doolittle (My Fair Lady) transformation. No. That was a play and a movie. A trained actress like Moore could play the part and stick to a script, but Sarah is not a trained actress and she doesn't take direction. She didn't want to be schooled, practiced, rehearsed or managed. It's a good thing that her massive ego got in the way of McCain's presidential campaign. There was never any "there" there, nothing to work with. Sarah wouldn't prepare for her interview with Couric, and she showed people just how limited she was (and still is). The amateurish videos on SPC show that Sarah was never ready for Prime Time.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Someday the 4pees will get this. Or never.

    2. Anonymous10:18 PM

      Excellent comparison... Liza Doolittle

  5. Anonymous6:54 PM

    DId you know that Sarah Palin petitioned to play herself in that movie?

    (not really, but would anyone be surprised if she did?)

  6. Anonymous6:58 PM

    What an amazing group of women/actors.

    Moore worked so hard to perfectly capture Palin's voice, inflections, and mannerisms. I just hope that playing Palin doesn't eclipse her other amazing roles:

    'The Kids Are All Right,' 'The Big Lebowski,' 'Boogie Nights'....and on and one....?

  7. Anonymous7:05 PM

    These remarks are from a Hollywood Reporter roundtable with Reese Witherspoon, Patricia Arquette, Amy Adams, Hilary Swank, Laura Dern and Felicity Jones. Among who. by the way, are some of my favorite actors.

    So are you saying that notable actress Bristol Palin wasn't able to be there? Did it take took too long to punch out at her rill job and she missed her flight?

  8. Anonymous10:23 PM

    During the conversation the host asks Moore why she said "yes to Sarah Palin."

    Moore responds with, "It was a great story, it was a great story.

    The next great story will be BOYS WILL BE BOYS THE MOVIE!

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Sarah are you ready for that movie?


  9. Anonymous1:22 AM

    I was disappointed that they added fiction to it, in some of the earlier dialogue.

    Also, SO cute tonight. Tripp and Kyla watched Track play hockey.

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      I doubt very much if you'll respond but how do you know that Track played hockey with Tripp & Kyla watching. Were you there or did you see it posted on one of the Palin's FB pages?

      Also, could you give us a description of the added fiction in some of the earlier dialogue?

    2. Anonymous5:40 AM

      Did Track get thrown out of the game for fighting?

    3. Anonymous7:23 AM

      What fiction? That they thought she was qualified to be vice president? Because that IS fiction. She isn't qualified to babysit my cat.

  10. Anonymous1:24 AM

    That book showed no one in a good light and Hillary came across as completely deranged. But that's sexism.

    Those books are what is wrong with politics. They shouldnt be written. Obama's had a ton of books written about him and apparently according to all of them, Michelle's a bitch and NO ONE likes Obamas in DC. Clintons hate him, mot Dems hate him.

    But notice that all those bathhouse stories haven't made it into them.

    Will that change? Or are liberals more classy than Joe mcginniss and liar?

    1. Maple6:10 AM

      I've read several books about Obama and not one of them said anything about Michelle being a bitch, or that no one in DC likes the Obamas. Which books have you read? Ones by conservative authors only, I suppose.

    2. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Early in the Morning, It's the Hot Flash Troll

      Someone must have gotten up to pee and check her personal device for posts.

      Sarah, how are the sales of your personally published book, Sarah Palin Uncut, Jan 2011 doing? It would seem no one wanted to read your speeches etc only your nasty, bitchy snark.

      From what I have read they referred to you and Tawd as the Eskimo and the bitch over at FOX. And, I bet they were just being kind.

      RJ in BBistan

  11. Anonymous2:05 AM

    For all the "there will be no comment" statements leading up to Game Change's debut, her camp sure came unglued once it did, now didn't they?

    All the Emmys were well deserved.

  12. janice4:18 AM

    If the movie was not true, the Palins would have sued.....

    If it was true that Trig was not born from Sarah's body, she would have sued too.

  13. Anonymous4:33 AM

    The movie portrayed Palin as in over her head, full of herself, and a bit mentally unstable. True, but it didn't show enough of the mean bitch qualities. To be more true to life, they should have shown a rally scene where she was spitefully accusing Barack Obama of horrible things and inspiring so much hate in the crowd that a man yells "Kill him!" And all she did was stand there and smirk because she knew exactly what she was doing. That is the true nature of Sarah Palin. Willing to say anything to malign and slander a good family man so she can get in a position to make a few million bucks. Willing to incite anger, hatred, and murderous intent with her accusations and insinuations so she can "win".

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Your post brings back the ugly memories of Sarah Palin during the 2008 campaign. Sarah Palin can go to hell.

  14. Anonymous9:48 AM

    6:48 AM Hell awaits her - there is no doubt about it! She is one nasty, evil fucker and so are Todd and Bristol! A sorry bunch of Alaskan white trash!


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