Friday, November 28, 2014

If it can damage the reputation of Cliff Huxtable, Republicans hope similar past allegations can derail Hillary Clinton's 2016 run by doing the same to Bill Clinton's reputation.

Recently I am sure that many of you have probably heard a conservative or two conflating the recent allegations of rape and sexual molestation against Bill Cosby, with Bill Clinton's famous extra martial adventures.

Rush Limbaugh has had that a mainstay of his recent radio broadcasts, and Fox News has recently jumped on the bandwagon as well.

In a recent Politico article it was revealed that this was not a simple case of coincidence and that there is actually a concerted effort to link the two men in the minds of the American people: 

Digital operatives recognize that Cosby’s fall is sure to be an unusual case, given the severity of what more than a dozen women have said he did, including several who had not spoken out before. 

But strategists also see Cosby’s fall as a case study in how social media can spread old news to new audiences — with speed and efficiency dramatically different from what any previous generations of political candidates have encountered. 

Here's more: 

Some believe this issue could become a problem for Hillary Clinton, the party’s early 2016 frontrunner. Bill Clinton’s history of infidelity and allegations of harassment were thoroughly aired in the 1990s. The question is whether the information will find a new audience on social media or one that views the events through a new frame. 

There is some precedent for a shift in attitude. Monica Lewinsky reemerged online this year with an interview in Vogue. While she was widely mocked and harassed online in the late 1990s — she even calls herself the first true victim of cyber bullying — she found a far more sympathetic environment in 2014, with some comedians even apologizing for how she was treated as a White House intern and feminist writers defending her. 

Still, Hillary Clinton’s expected 2016 campaign will have little hope that Republicans and reporters won’t spend time trying to rehash the former president’s personal and political scandals. 

Paul, the Kentucky Republican and likely 2016 presidential candidate, hit Democrats and Bill Clinton earlier this year for using a position of power to take advantage of young women. “Anybody who wants to take money from Bill Clinton or have a fundraiser has a lot of explaining to do,” Paul said during a February interview on CSPAN’s “Newsmakers” program. That followed comments earlier in the year on NBC’s “Meet the Press” when he said, “there is no excuse” for predatory behavior and “We shouldn’t want to associate with people who take advantage of a young girl in his office,” referencing the Monica Lewinsky affair. 

“If anything, Bill Clinton’s past transgressions are a case study in how politicians have displayed the wrong type of attitude with the people they’ve worked with,” Republican strategist Madden said. 

It’s unclear if Republicans could successfully create a viral issue out of Clinton’s past. There have been no new women to come forward in recent years or other scandal to propel it forward. While Cosby faced lawsuits and other allegations of rape and sexual assault, several women have come forward recently. The story has become national news and NBC has canceled a new Cosby comedy show.

It must be pointed out that there are vast differences in what Bill Cosby did with drugging young women and taking advantage of them against their will, and Bill Clinton's sexual escapades which featured willing participants. I am not saying that Clinton was without fault, just that the allegations are in completely different ball parks.

I have long felt that while Bill Clinton is one of Hillary's greatest assets, that he is also potentially her Achilles heel.

If Bill has been behaving well I seriously doubt this old news will have any effect on her candidacy.

However, if Bill has strayed even once since all of that was revealed that could be a real problem for Hillary.

And it is clear that the Republican party is going to work very hard to make that happen.


  1. Olivia12:09 PM

    In the right wing mind, there is NO difference between what Bill Cosby is accused of and what Bill Clinton did. And I think that the only thing that has changed in Bill Clinton's behavior over the years is that he has become more discreet.

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Please share the basis on which you've come to this conclusion. Facts only please, we're not wingnuts.

    2. Olivia2:08 PM

      Right wingers think women want to be raped, so it isn't really rape. Right wingers believe that the woman is at fault for causing the man to act. Just look at some of the shit that has come out of Limbaugh's pie hole on the subject. I haven't heard many conservative objections to what he spews.

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Maybe. But maybe he realized what he had was not worth losing.

    4. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Well, the most important thing to remember is that Hillary Clinton does not equal Bill Cosby and Hillary Clinton does not equal Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton = Camille Cosby. That's a huge difference.

    5. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Hillary lost my vote when she was recorded laughing and bragged about her win in getting a rapist off Scott free. He raped a 12 year old girl, and let off to rape again. When she knew he was guilty. Not my President!

    6. Anonymous9:07 AM

      You need a better understanding of perspective and context, 8:02.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM


    How stupid do you have to be to believe that drugging a woman and raping her while she's unconscious is a bit different than what was going on between Clinton and Lewinsky? And why should Hilary be punished for it? Does anybody not notice that nobody has blamed Bill Cosby's wife for him being a rapist?

    Hopefully people are just not that dumb. Bill Clinton is a guy who happens to really like women. Bill Cosby appears to think that women should be treated like scum, once he's done raping them.

    1. Olivia2:13 PM

      I really believe that many people are that stupid. There would be no need for the "No means no" campaign if that weren't true.

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    If she runs, there is no doubt that Bill's wanderings will be part of the chatter. It doesn't really matter though, she will lose simply because she is Hillary Clinton, extremely disliked by many including in her own party. Bill is liked, even with his affairs, overall he is probably a net benefit to her losing ticket.

    1. True, perhaps, in your alternate universe.

      (Sniff, sniff) Smell that? The smell of desperation in the air.

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      I like Hillary and voted for her in the primary. And I'll do it again. Go back to c4p, they need your "expert" opinion over there.

    3. Anonymous2:13 PM


    4. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Well we will just have to wait and see 1:30 & 1:32, but I strongly suspect I will have the last laugh. I think the chances of her running are still only around 50%.

      1:32, actually the, 'herd' mentality thought process and shouting down any independent thinking is really more of a C4P thing that obviously you would be most suited for.

    5. Greta VanStutterer2:18 PM

      Do you think Todd's pimping will affect Sarah's chanches against McCain?

    6. Anonymous3:59 AM

      Thanks, GVS, excellent question.

  4. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Republicans are that dumb, and they are still people. My belief is we should not establish political dynasties in our countries political system so why would I want to vote for Hilary Clinton in the first place.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Vote for Ted Cruz then, troll.

    2. Because she will be infinitely more qualified than any Rethug stoopid enough to run against her.

    3. Anonymous1:45 PM

      No need for name calling 1:30pm, Mrs. Clinton herself hasn't even stated that she is running.

    4. Anonymous1:46 PM

      You mean like Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt?

    5. Anonymous1:49 PM

      The Bushes are a dynasty. The Clintons are two well-educated, well-spoken, effective politicians who happen to be married to each other.

    6. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Hahaha.... nice try 1:49.

      You have convinced yourself and that person in the mirror.


    7. "Anonymous12:49 PM
      "we should not establish political dynasties in our countries political system"
      Two people in the same generation is hardly a "dynasty."

      Are you suggesting that no one should ever run for President who is related to anyone else who has been president? Because that would be a "dynasty"? Because if that were the case, we would not have had Franklin D Roosevelt, for starter. Or John Quincy Adams. Possibly others.

    8. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Well, 2:18, judging from the responses from the your original comment, it seems it's more than just me and my reflection.

      Hillary Clinton should be elected or defeated (should she choose to run) based on her own merit, not because she is married to Bill Clinton.

    9. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Bush 1 and Bush 2.

    10. Anonymous7:38 AM

      >we should not establish political dynasties in our countries >>

      In our COUNTRIES? You live in more than one country? (Hint: if you're talking about one country, its possessive is spelled "country's". More than one country, it's spelled "countries' ".)

  5. Anonymous12:55 PM

    The party that is raping the environment and robbing the middle class blind only knows how to win elections by these kind of personal attacks. Sad, but true. And sometimes it works.

  6. Randall1:16 PM

    Well if Democrats were SMART, when the Republicans start that "Bill Clinton had affairs" crap...
    rather than try to deny or walk back from it, they'd go
    "Well, yeah... Bill IS popular with women, that's for DAMN sure! Bill Clinton is smart and powerful and women love that."
    and maybe even go on to say
    "What's the difference between a Democratic scandal and a Republican scandal? Democratic men get caught with women..."

    1. Lewinsky's mother boasted of a liason with Placido Domingo. Competitive daughter Monica just had to do her one better. She when to the White House with one thing in mind. Guess what that was.


      Lots more where that came from.

  7. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Bernie is going to run. That could alter the landscape considerably. I don't rule out Warren being tapped as Veep, strengthening the populist cred. And don't rule out some dark horse throwing his hat in the ring. Sherrod Brown would be great. Meanwhile who on the GOP side is anything but a corporate lackey steaming pile NO ONE....They all suck, and only can win as they just have, by rigging the system.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      We, dems, have to be very careful not to split the vote. Neither Sanders or Warren could win a national election. I hold both in very high regard but both are too far from the center too win, just the facts.

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Do you really think Bernie could win??? I think more people will vote for Hillary for name recognition (and a better candidate for those who know.)

    3. Anonymous2:17 PM

      "to" win,

    4. Anonymous2:34 PM

      But isn't it better to try with someone that we agree with rather than someone who is just "business as usual"? This is how the Senator Barack Obama won the primary against Hillary in 2008, we wanted new blood, and new ideas, not Bill Clinton The Second.

    5. Anonymous2:43 PM

      I totally agree. As much as I hold both Sanders and Warren in regard, I don't think either has a chance to win the election. Sorry to say that but I believe that we have to make sure that a democrat is elected, even if not our first choice. Any democrat is preferable to the slew of repubs who think they are so much. I would be ready to leave if Cruz or someone as objectionable and as egotistic as he is were elected. I would NOT leave but would be tempted to do so. Couldn't leave my country to such as Cruz, Paul, Ryan etc. I would stay and fight them in any way I could.

  8. Anonymous1:24 PM

    The Republicans aren't the only ones Hillary Clinton better watch out for. If Hillary runs, Bill will sabotage her himself. He did when she ran in 2008, he did while she was SoS, and he will make sure to do it in 2016.

    That's just one of the reasons why I hope Hillary Clinton doesn't run. The U.S. needs a president who is PROGRESSIVE and not in bed with Wall Street, banks, and big corporations. President Obama proved to be a HUGE disappointment in the latter respect -- for example, we are most likely wasting our time begging the FCC not to screw net neutrality; because President "I favor net neutrality" Obama tried to have it both ways by campaigning on his support for net neutrality but the appointing a top cable industry insider to head the FCC -- and there is zero doubt that Clinton would be even worse.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      I would love to have a progressive president, but it aint gonna happen.

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      So... Who would you suggest?

    3. Anonymous9:10 AM

      I would suggest someone as close to my political ideals as possible who can win a national election.

  9. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Remember the election that followed bimbogate?

    Young people who don't know the details of that story yet are likely to be even less perturbed than folks were back in the day.

  10. Anonymous1:43 PM

    The other pertinent fact is that no one is judging Bill Cosby's wife based on his indiscretions but judging the man himself. Hillary is not responsible for Bill being a rogue philanderer. I don't respect her for staying with him but that is her choice and I have a feeling that financial and motives, plus her own political agenda, may have made her stick around with the cad.

    I say this in regards to Hillary the woman not Hillary the candidate. I'm not in her corner politically but to use her husband's infidelity against her is dirty pool.

  11. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Obviously you have never, ever, been truly in love with someone. When truly in love, and feel that you are loved back, you can forgive a lot more than what Bill may have done.

    Besides, you anti-Hillary trolls, if she had left Bill you would all be screaming from the highest mountain top that she doesn't keep her marital vows, how can you trust her to not quit (ala palin) the Presidency, she lies, blah blah blah blah. You all are scared to death of Mrs. Bill Clinton. As you should be.


    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Love is an esoteric emotional concept that doesn't have anything to do with sexual attraction. That being said, your definition of being "truly in love" sounds more like being a "doormat" in an emotionally abusive relationship. Same goes for "marital vows" something that is more important for the legal ramifications of shared property and tax status rather than realizing the concept of "love". The dissolution of marital vows is of no concern to me and often in life people remain in their legally binding marriage situation out of a concern for shared assets and complicated financial arrangements and less for "true love". After 20 years I am still very fond of my partner and he of me but "love" between us as people isn't something we discuss but we do enjoy the life we have created for ourselves and it works better together than separate. Romantic love is an infantile concept best left to hormonal teenagers to ruminate about in their journals. Trust me, you will outgrow it.

    2. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Hey 3:27, 2:39 here.
      First off, I am 59 and on my third and final marriage! I am more than a realist.
      Secondly, my comment was intended for 1:43. Is this you?
      Third, I was potentially speaking for Hillary. Some people really do believe in "For better or for WORSE 'till death do us part." Whether or not Hillary does is not relevant. The TEAFREAKS will pretend that THEY believe in marital vows and would have crucified her if she divorced Bill. In other words, no matter what she did/did not do, they would have used it against her regardless.

      Now that you have been schooled, maybe YOU will outgrow your holier-than-thou attitude.

  12. ibwilliamsi3:00 PM

    Oh, my. Let me see how many ways the Hillary situation is different than the Cosby situation...

    Bill isn't running.

    No one ever said Bill drugged and raped them.

    We all knew Bill was a scoundrel and we didn't (and don't) particularly care.

    I'm sure that there are more.

  13. Third time trying to send this in.

    I recall Bill Clinton's approval ratings climbing during and after the Bimbogate scandal. I doubt if he'd be a major drawback to anyone but a republican, and they wouldn't vote for Ms. Clinton anyway.

  14. Anonymous3:43 PM

    A couple of things:

    1) Just because someone has a differing opinion does not make them a"troll" or "hater"
    2) I agree with this analysis that social media will be a prime tool to resurrect all this old news for a new generation of voters (esp independents).I also agree that Bill will sabotage her campaign and probably her administration (although probably overall a net positive) - his ego is just too big to be "the ceremonial spouse" and he can't help but butt in. And I think he probably has not completely changed his wandering ways (see ego), there have been well documented too close for comfort connections between his foundation/banks/NGO/corporate interests that will likely be embarrassing, there is always the RWNJ misogyny, crap the RWNJ will just make up and the RWNJ voter fraud (voter ID, purging voters from the rolls, gerrymandering, messing with voting machines, disinformation campaigns, etc.). We cannot just hide our head in the sand and pretend that she is inevitable -- we cannot take this for granted and there will be very serious threats to her nomination and ultimate election.

    Although I disagree with her on some things I would certainly vote for her -- but her campaign and her supporters need to get real about the threats. I sincerely think this is one of them. The GOP is very clever, relentless, manipulative and to them the end justifies the means.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Hillary will have my vote IF she decides to run. She has more political experience than any Republican they could try to put up against her. Plus, she has a very smart and has a very supportive husband that will be a great asset to her should she be elected POTUS.

      Bill Clinton is well loved around the world as well as within our country. Look at their foundation and all the good they have done for others throughout the years.

      It would be wonderful having her as our first female POTUS and to have two POTUSs living in the White House! History to be made again from another Democrat!

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      She lost my vote when she laughed while bragging about getting the rapist of a 12 year old off Scott free. It just left him free to ruin a few more lives.

    3. ibwilliamsi9:21 AM

      Anon @ 7:59 AM

      “When you are a lawyer, you often don’t have the choice as to who you will represent, and by the very nature of criminal law there will be those who you represent that you don’t approve of,” said Clinton in an interview published on Friday with Mumsnet, an online forum for parents in the UK.

      “But at least in our system you have an obligation, and once I was appointed I fulfilled that obligation,” she added. “I had him take a polygraph, which he passed—which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” said Clinton, laughing.

      Criminal defense lawyers are legally obligated to represent the best interests of their clients. Just as you would expect YOUR lawyer to get you off no matter what kind of ugly shut you get into. Get over it.

  15. Anonymous4:32 PM

    If Hillary runs, her large and unsavory role in keeping the Bill girls quiet would surely be explored as never before, as an example of her ethics and tactics.

    1. ibwilliamsi9:22 AM

      Why would anyone with a brain be distracted by that?

  16. Anonymous8:01 PM

    One point is BIll DOES have rape allegations in his past. Though I think he's probably no different from the Kennedys, Obama, and probably more presidents. Sex addiction is a widespread thing. And fully "overcomeable" haha Love my made up word?

    I just think it's interesting how, if Obama where GOP, you'd be ALL OVER his gay and coke allegations with her buddy Rahm, who is gay. Those rumors are also widespread.

    Now I am not for outing someone for that. But the hypocrisy is astounding.

    1. Anonymous9:16 PM

      We warned you earlier, on the Palin thread, about using up all your "brain space". Looks like you didn't listen.

    2. Anonymous10:07 PM

      Bullshit, 8:01. So much bullshit in your comment. Bill Clinton has a rape allegation in his past. One that was unfounded. Bill Cosby has a veritable army of women saying he abused them. Bill Cosby is not a sex addict, he is a sexual predator.

      Do you really believe sex addiction is "widespread?" Are you saying the President has a sex addiction? Based on what? Those "widespread" rumors you are desperate to believe?

      And, finally, did you mean to identify the President as "her," or is that a homophobic slur against a person you want to believe is gay?

      So much bullshit in your comment. But, don't worry, you ignorance is fully "overcomeable." You first have to admit you have a problem.

  17. When you find yourself in a political combat situation with the Rethuglikians, this is a perfect example why Democrats don't measure up. The level of unscrupulousness to which the Rethugs are willing to stoop is almost immeasurable and there is just not that level of depravity in the Democratic Party DNA. There is, however, no dearth among Rethuglikans.
    The present iteration of the Republican Party bears no Resemblance to the Party, pre-1980, and is as soulless, and barren of empathy as anything produced by the most evil of empires ever to have sickened the the body of mankind.
    Evil incarnate.

  18. Anonymous9:39 PM

    You guys are so dumb.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.