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Or is it simply suggesting that any illegal activity that is carried out mainly by non-white people will soon be excused by executive order from our non-white President?
Well, either reason is pretty ugly. Which means I guess that Palin has finally completed her metamorphosis into every family's racist old aunt who is always using Facebook to send derogatory messages and racially insensitive memes to other family members.
Of course her fans certainly eat it up with a spoon:
Goes with his undocumented citizenship
Sounds like something he would do.
Impeachment this worthless president
Yep she knows her demographic alright.
She is a racist, hateful piece of shit who attracts racist, hateful pieces of shit.
ReplyDeleteThat is all.
^Spot on.
DeleteCarry on, my friend, carry on
DeleteTime for Levi I to come over and show her once again how to shoot her pistol after giving her a solid rodgering.
DeleteLevi is a coward, and that is all.
DeleteI notice every time barstool et.al. have nothing to say about the racist o'l granny they bring up levi or people who have nothing to do with the racist palin thugs/lowlife KKKlan.
DeleteHey Mrs. Palin, what about leaving the judging to your made up sky fairy god, huh? I thought judging was his place and not yours. Seems like Mrs. Anorexic Grandma has a Messiah complex, I guess the holidays really brings it out.
ReplyDeleteAnd look at the photos of the looting Sarah, just as many white people in those photos as blacks.
DeleteProjection much, Sarah?
ReplyDeleteHaven't you heard? Liberals are the real racists...just go to any Politico comment section, regardless of the article. So much projection.
ReplyDeleteYeah I saw that mess. This is how retarded these racist freaks are and always will be.
DeleteAlso repub of today freed the slaves.
Slave should be thankful for free room and board.
This insufferable witch could be an undocumented baghag (gop calls them illegals) from the way her strange father use to cross the Canadian border to avoid hospital bills. Great advice he gave the violent, racist daughter of his, marry an Eskimo so you can get free healthcare for her kids.
What an immature, racist, silly old bag.
Do you have a life outside hate and lying GOL?
Delete7:50 IM is your Life, Slander Troll.
DeleteHey, UNITED STATES you are here more than even Gryphen is here, Troll.
Delete7:50 Well we damn sure you don't.
DeleteThe truth is the truth. Try to open your cold covered eyes and see that the insufferable witch is a fraud, stupid racist among other things. she is worthless, just like you.
palin is a stinking hot mess along with her dysfunctional violent family.
party in the street if the fukin' useless skank would head on a speeding semi - with no harm to the semi driver of course ..
Delete7: do you have a life outside of performing oral on the whore of babble on?
DeleteDumb. Fucking. Child.
ReplyDeleteWow, those followers write real good.
ReplyDeleteUm, Granny fans, maybe learn ENGLISH before you criticize the President, who speaks it correctly, or undocumented immigrants, who probably are far more fluent in their own native languages than you obviously are in yours. Not that it's difficult, obviously.
Ugliness of this type is what the low IQ fool markets. It is all she has. She should have a shrine to McCain somewhere. He made it possible.
ReplyDeletePoor dumb ass klan head Palin.
ReplyDeleteStill trying to get the President to look at her.
DeleteShe calls retarded children "gifts from god" while at the same time has a problem with actual functioning humans that just happen to have a different skin color. This coming from a woman who also spends a lot of time and money trying to darken her own skin. I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteI. Cant. Even. Jesus wept.
ReplyDeleteOT Be sure to check out Chuck Heath Jr's facebook where he shows the Palin-Heath Family Thanksgiving, held in Todd's garage. It looks very classy, with rented chairs, tables, table cloths. In one of the photos, you can see the red couch where Sarah filmed a thanks to her subscribers while Trig and Tripp proved that they did not want to sit still and be in her video.
ReplyDeleteShe is such a dumba** Bi*ch. She has on those same "disgusting" black jeans she wears everywhere....no matter the occasion.They probably stand up by themselves and probably reek of her smelly Butt.And those God-awful boots....this woman is definitely insane. No wonder McCain had to spend on a new wardrobe for her.....they probably had to burn her own clothes.
DeleteWhat are you talking about, those brats straight out dissed the insufferable clown like all her kids do. they hate the old, decrepit idiot as much as we do. lol
DeleteThat video is on Sarah's facebook. Trig tussles with a puppy who doesn't like the rough treatment. A bigger dog comes sniffing around, and by the 20 second mark, Tripp uses his foot to push the dog away. Sarah makes a face and grabs Tripp's leg. He pushes her hand away. They flash gang signs at each other. Or, another way to say is it that Tripp points a finger at Sarah and she scowls at him, holding her thumb up as if it was a special symbol of something. They go back and forth shooting their fingers and thumbs at each other. While Tripp is more playful, Sarah is really mad at him for ruining her video. Why stick Tripp in the video to start with? Why not start over, without the kids? Bristol already said that he was a handful, and he does not seem happy to be there. Sarah and Tripp have tussled before. And, yes, she gets down to his level.
DeleteI raised two kids who would scrap with each other if stuck on a couch like that. The trick is to sit between them, and put an arm around each kid. But Sarah was focused on making a video to thank her subscribers. She can only relate to the kids as props, not as real children. The video is laughable because it appears for free on her facebook, thanking the subscribers who paid to see it privately. That channel must really be raking it in!
5:09 regardless of how many dozens of people we have had for thanksgiving we have NEVER put them in the garage and that is where they are in chuckles thxgving photos regardless of what he calls it.there are about 15 people in those photos at tables.............do not tell me they couldn't fit 15 people in the house.
Deletewhat an effin group of losers!
Seen the video, couldn't believe what I was watching, she doesn't have a clue how stupid she looks, is it just me or is $arah is more gentle with the dog than she is with trig?
DeleteHilarious, only the Wasilbillies would have Thanksgiving dinner in the garage, I thought the troll told us she is rich, with a huge house and they ate in the garage. Too bad they didn't keep the car running.
DeleteAs for the nasty posting with Pres. Obama, noticed she was too chicken to slap a SarahPac emblem on it, she is starting to push it with the vile comments, keep them coming Sarah, you are going to go to far one day soon and only have yourself to blame.
When will Sarah get over losing the 2008 election to President Obama? Next week? Next month? Next year? Never! It fuels her anger so that each new post is even more nasty than the one before. President Obama will never answer her back or acknowledge her rage-filled posts, so she has to make each new one worse than the one before.
ReplyDelete5:12 Agree!
DeleteI suspect $arah is bleeding money, she seems desperate so she scrapes the bottom of the barrel for more, but it ain't working
DeleteShe would have gotten over McCain losing to Obama in a heartbeat if President-elect Obama had called her and begged and pleaded with her to please please please be a part of his administration because she was so hot and awesome and whatnot that he couldn't make it through the next four years without being able to gaze at her hotness non-stop.
DeleteThat was her fantasy and she will never forgive him for not publicly tossing Michelle aside and showing Michelle that Palin was the #1 woman in the world.
She would also have gotten to shove it in McCain's face that he was the reason for the loss, not her. I doubt if she has forgiven him from destroying her dream of fancy pageant walkin' and winkin' her way into the White House. After all, it certainly wasn't her fault, was it?
'Looting" . . . Why, isn't that right there on the Palin Family Crest? Right next to: mooching, pilfering, begging, brawling, and pimping. And their proud family song is "What's In It For us?"
ReplyDelete(Of course right after that is Tawdry's croon of "You Light Up My Life" for his lady of the night.)
Yep, them there Palin's sure know a lot about lootin' - it's their livelihood.
THis is perfect!! Thanks for this post..that I just read.".with my own eyes.. such as I can read..and you know...freedom..and flags...everywhere, flags...and fuck obama...cause I got nothing else to post". Crap! I just channeld Palin! Shoot me. Shoot me now!
DeleteLove, GA, USA
Yeah, didn't they loot the sports complex to build their stolen-from-the-people house?
DeleteDidn't she also loot money from the state? The bitch as no room to talk.
Looting? Tell me again about the Palin visit to a VIP suite in Los Angeles, the city they love to hate. Yes there was swag, but the idea was that the people collecting the goodies would make a contribution to a named charity. The Palins took stuff, but never gave a penny.
DeleteYep -- lootin' locusts
Remember when THey swarmed in like locusts & scooped up the swag gifts in Hollywood?
Delete"looting"?? That's rich coming from the nation's most infamous ragtag gang of chiseling grifters. Tawd's the poorest excuse for a man I've ever seen. He's like those hanger on opportunists who cosy up with the rich old hag in hopes of coercing her into him being the main recipient of her will When was the last time that lazy pos, tawd, worked? His father must be so proud of the spineless, pussy-whipped sissy boy he whelped..
DeleteFuck You Sarah
ReplyDeleteSuccinct and on topic. I love it.
DeleteHey Palin, smell my finger
DeleteAren't we nasty tonight? Gryphen posts more offensive and dishonest thing daily.
DeleteYou can't type a two sentence insult without a typo? Idiot.
DeleteWho the hell does this bitch think she is?? Why oh why doesn't someone call her out or spill her secrets?
ReplyDeleteLying is bad.
DeleteWho do you think you are, Scorpie liar?
DeleteWho do you think you are just no/justtine/jesse/no comprends?
Deletesarah has nothing intelligent to offer so she resorts to race baiting. of course she knows what the world thinks of her. clueless. the voice of the ignorant. but hey..everyone needs a hobby! when you type in John Stewart Sarah palin lies it brings up dozens of videos and articles from both conservitive and liberal outlets about the lieing and uneducated Mrs.palin. obama couldn't give a rats ass what you think. he has Class And a Job.
ReplyDeleteDamn this kooky racist witch is making light of Michael Brown and others who were killed. People see the police murders for what they are, racist, unprovoked attacks on innocent Black people. Is this bitch serious? Fucking dumbass, violent old senile bat should stick with playing Eskimo bingo, a racist game only played by the insufferable palin klan.
ReplyDeleteNow whats funny is fatass pissy bustol being dragged by her nasty thong across asphalt.
I would love to slap the white off her arthritic crypt keeper boney knuckles.
BTW Fucking idiot. Don't think we didn't notice that after reading this and other anti-palin blogs asking why you refuse to get your pretend son's eye fix you finally did. What happened did DSS get involved? Now if you would fix your wonky eye, or not. I rather for you to look retarded like bustol.
So now she's slagging him for shit she's making up. The woman is obsessed.
ReplyDeleteHer sole purpose in life revolves around president Obama. Get a life already palin.
DeleteSarah is still salivating for more BLACK DICK.
DeleteWhat about Mrs. Palin and her band of non-white Eskimo thug children and husband? Methinks her brood is the first Eskimo gang!
ReplyDeleteExcept Track Menard, he is a retarded 'cain't get right' White Power Advocate.
DeleteI couldn't blame Obama if he quit; even Nixon didn't get treated like and he was a criminal. I suspect some of his determination to hang in there and complete his job is so the next black man who is positioned and qualified for the job, will have a pioneer to admire, and that the worst storms that could be thrown at him were already faced by a giant.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is the one who quits elected office when the going gets tough, not President Obama.
DeleteThe word "quit" is not in President Obama's vocabulary.
DeleteHowever, the word "QUIT" is the rallying cry of the Palins. It's all that they know how to do . . . quit, loot, pilfer, brawl and pimp. Oh, and look nasty. The Palins do excel at looking nasty and unbathed.
He's a bigger, better, more responsible person than old quitty-pants scrawny-assed, brain-dead sarah. The palin klan are losers and quitters. Can't wait until the money tree is bare and those worthless, shiftless spawn have to take care of themselves. lol
DeleteThis Palin woman is completely and hopelessly infatuated with EVERYTHING Obama. She breaths, sleeps, dreams, yearns...maaaan Get over it SCARAH. Your entire life is based on the president. DANG!
ReplyDeleteObama is President , Sarah Palin is not...repeat after me.
ReplyDeleteSarah did not even come close.
DeleteYou're a bit stupid. and dont try to ignore the fact that Dems used race to win
DeleteRepugs used 'Race-bating' to lose.
Delete7:47 is just another one of Sarah Palin's racist, hateful supporters.
DeleteThe Dems used race to win. That might work if the African Americans were the majority of the voters. But they are not. They have been kept away from the polls by the Republicans who have used every trick, demanding expensive ID that they don't have.
DeleteAnd, it was really sneaky of President Obama to be born from a white mother and an African father. The nerve of him being mixed-race. That way, both whites and black could vote for him. Why didn't Sarah promote the fact that her husband has a quarter of a half of a fourth percent native blood. Then the Native Americans could have voted for her.
Anonymous8:32 PM
Deleterebubs...ESPECIALLY sarah used race to win and she lost badly..no wonder she's pissed!
Adolf Hitler and Sarah Palin would have made great pals.
ReplyDeletethey will be and they will be holding hands..
DeleteAnd you call HER nasty.
Deletetsk tsk Anon.
When are people here going to stop being hypocrites? You're the types who KNOW Levi johnston is a liar thanks to nasty liberals (you called him out on his lies and slander) yet you act like he's pure as snow, which has been true since 6th grade.
Why dont you all join his sister in her magical relationships with A listers?
Is that you, Alicia? Still playing middle school games?
Delete7:48 -- Please pay attention. We're discussing Sarah Palin's hateful, false rant that she thinks is "funny."
DeleteNo one here has mentioned Levi or his sister, yet they seem to be uppermost in your mind, constantly.
Bristol, dear. You are transparent. Please accept the fact that he doesn't love you, married someone else, and that's the end of it. Your bitterness toward the father of your son is eating away at you, and will infect the way Tripp sees his father -- and, ultimately, as a grown man, he'll see you for the toxic person that you are. Better stop now before you do any more damage.
@7:48 PM You are in need of a magical relationship, your jealousy of Mercede is showing. It must SUCK to be so lonely, to have so many kids by different Daddies and no husband. Right, Bristol?
DeleteLevi traded UP. HE matured, got a job, got married, is facing life's responsibilities. Unlike ANY Palin, he does not live off money his mother GRIFTS from gullible old racists. The end is near, face it. Donations are down, the TV channel failed just like all those "reality" shows.
DeleteOld granny Palin is liquored up again! Hey Palin family , look
ReplyDeletein Trig's back pack for some of her stash. She can get quite
a few of the little liquor bottles she gets in hotel rooms and
in flight! Now who would think of looking in there!
Every time I hear or read something like this, I am reminded that this ignorant, racist, hateful bitch very nearly became Vice President of the United States.
ReplyDeleteI will never forgive John McCain for releasing this vile excuse for a human being on this country. NEVER!
No way was she even NEAR the VP position. Once she "debated" Joe O'Biden (as she called him) we all saw what a dumb bitch she really is. The handlers told her to ask Joe if she could call him "Joe" because during preparations for the debate she kept saying "O'Biden" Walking offstage, Biden said to his aides "You OWE me" They told him she was dumb, and to take it easy on her.
DeleteThe damage was already done with her dumb cow act in response to Katie and Charlie's questions. Good thing she's a sociopath as any normal functioning human being would have run off and hidden in embarrassment at those pathetic performances.
DeleteWhich brings us to present day. What kind of grown-up is caught on tape with her ugly brood screaming the "f" word after fighting like spoiled 8 year olds on the playground? Instead of shame and humiliation she jumps on her young peoples' social site page and condones that behavior? Someone who has an extreme personality disorder is who. Nicolle Wallace has come right out and said sarah is mentally ill. No wonder her "real" medical records have never been released. She's probably been on meds for years to somewhat control her bursts of insanity and therapy sure as shit hasn't worked.
They certainly use many of the same propaganda tactics.
ReplyDeleteSo what the hell is she going to do when the president completes his term? Is she going to keep barking at him?
ReplyDeleteYapping is what she does. She is a tiny thing.
Deletesmall malnourished body, small shriveled, atrophied brain...
DeleteAfter endlessly hinting at running in 2016, "Yawn, puke" she takes credit for the GOP slam at midterms, "Scratch, fart" a couple bad video's on the Sarah Palin House of Pain Channel, now racist posts and memes...yep, yep, yep, must be broke, time to grift, Todd's new truck and trailer set her back, Mama Greasy be needin some scratch
ReplyDeleteI just tweeted a link to your most recent analysis of Palin's FB humor (or lack thereof).
ReplyDeleteI received a tweet in response which elevated the conversation --- "Sarah Pain's Farts." (Video--- 1:43) . A short intro. of Sarah Palin Channel followed by her chat which includes accompanying sound effects. Worth a minute or 2. Oh, and there seems to be a part 2.
Enjoy ...sort of...lol
Well, anyone who KNOWS her knows she isn't racist. I think because this mentioned the word undocumented, she likes it. Ive gathered thats how she thinks.
ReplyDeleteI mean, the woman has not only black friends but gay ones, which kills EVERY one of liberals nasty arguments against her. her kids also have gay friends. Enough with those lies and slander.
Stop Lying, Palin Troll. Sarah Palin and her dysfunctional brood are all Racists. You are probably right there in their group of Redneck admirers.
DeleteBug off, idiot. Sarah never got over her one night stand with a black man. Never. Got. Over. It. She never wanted to go back to Tiny TwoTone but what could she do, she was preggers and unmarried.
DeleteHey, everyone! Sarah Palin has a black friend AND a gay friend. She can't be racist OR homophobic. Everyone knows that!!!
DeleteLogic fail.
the insufferable witch doesn't have Black friends because the way she treats them is racist. Where are they? she doesn't have any friends period. And the stinking, nasty, unfit mother bashes gays. And again I ask, where are her gay friends beside ram? she also hates women, babies, elderly, the homeless, military, Christianity, equality, challenged babies and non-hillbillies.
Deleteshe loves pedophiles, clowns, racist, homophobes, killing, blood, meanness, rednecks, violence, grifting, shit-starting, inciting killings and mayhem, lying, cussing, and of course herself.
she wasn't vetted.
mccain may you rot in hell.
DeleteBlowing a Black guy and marrying toad doesn't count as a Black friend and a gay friend. rotf
Scerah was with a black man!!!!!!!!! And toad let her???!!!!!
DeleteI wonder who the gay friends of the Pa;lins are? Why would they stick around, when even 4 year old Tripp calls people "faggots" as an insult? If any of the "black friends, gay friends" etc. are around, they must be on the payroll.
Deletethe only black people she knows are: barstool's offspring, sarah's one-night-stand, the sell-outs who are not her friends, and maybe people she takes photos with to pretend she's "hip"
DeleteBristol's Black "friends" are the Massey brothers who were her partners in Reality TV shit. Sarah's Black "friend" is Oprah (remember the time Sarah did her hair just like Oprah's)?
DeleteIn other words, no Black friends.
you mean the Massey brothers who sued her for stealing their show..hahahahahah...even they said the woman was a liar.
Deletedon't forget the bar lie which they admitted was a set-up...lol
"So Sambo beat the bitch."
DeleteYeah, not racist at all.
One of Willows colleagues and good friends is a gay man. Sucks to be liars doesn't it liberals?
ReplyDeleteYou moron. Willow calls 'em faggots, remember? Wanna see it in writing, troll?
DeleteDoes that mean that any man married to a woman can't be sexist?
DeleteYou do yourself no favors by posting this trite drivel.
Does Willow call him a faggot to his face, or just behind his back? Because we know she uses the word as an insult. So please don't even try to pretend she's not a homophobe. She's on the record as being one, and so is Bristol.
Deletewillow has a gay friend. hahahahaha the way she calls people faggots. The word faggot rolls off her tongue naturally.
DeleteIf you know so much troll, what happened to willow's so-called stalker? You know the one outside her bedroom. The one after the palin family brawl. Talk about that clown.
Sucks to be LONELY and Unliked, doesn't it Kristy the Troll?
DeleteFunny how Gryphen pulls things out of context yet allows her stupid followers to write 1000x more hateful things and dishonest
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly did he pull out of context? A picture she posted on her facebook page? That's the extent of the context.
DeleteDid you refer to Gryphen as "her?" Is that a complete sentence? Are you drinking or have your meds kicked in? Someone in your life should really get you the help you need and take away your computer.
It's on Sarah's facebook. If she didn't want us to see it, she should have put it on her pay-per-view private tv-channel-which-is-really-a-blog.
DeleteActually Sarah lifted it from Facebook.com/MadWorldNewsCorp
7:49 - What's funny, Sarah?
Delete7:49 Relax, you are clogging up your comments with unintelligible goop, as usual.
Deletesarah,a racist photo gets posted and your un to post it on your FB & the you don't understand why everyone knows you're a racist..U retard
DeleteSuch a pity I'm banned from Sarah's "unfiltered" Facebook, because I'd like to ask her if Indian fake friends are superior to Chinese fake friends. She's an expert on fake friends, fake followers, fake approval ratings, fake tits, fake eyelashes, fake cheeks, fake chins, fake hair, gotta stop now I'll wear out my manicure.
ReplyDeleteFake babies, she calls him her "Gift from God"
DeleteIt's good that the Palin loving idiot troll fills up Gryphen's blog with her mental pooping because she makes everything worse for all of the Palins, not just Sarah. I bet the Palins hate her LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing she's at the top of their "watch out for" list and if she turned up at their door, they'd call the cops.
DeleteIf it were a nutcase stranger the Palin mafia would have done something about it a long time ago.
DeleteShe's a useful idiot right now and far away from Alaska. I do believe there may have been a few cases where they told her to take down personal photos and there was that one time she started a facebook page for Tripp (educated guess that it's the same person), which quickly disappeared. She's no threat to them where she is as long as she doesn't step over the line.
DeleteMore like a useful fiction to deflect from the obvious conclusion.
DeleteAs much as we all dislike Sarah Palin and her politics, it seems to me that the best response might just be to ignore her, pay her no mind, give no attention to any of the hateful racism that comes our way from her team of propagandists.
ReplyDeleteWhat, ignore the face of the Republican party? That would be bad manners.
DeleteBut thanks for your concern.
It appears that the Palin kids, having liquored up again on a Saturday night and having been uninvited to any party within 50 miles, have taken to troll-texting IM whenever a commercial comes on whatever tv show they're watching.
ReplyDeleteFree advice to the Palin family: put down your electronic devices and pick up a book. Here's a suggestion: President Obama today bought Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. (You would have read it in high school if you hadn't dropped out.) It's about King Leopold's extraordinary brutality in colonizing the Congo, fictionalized. It's also one of the best books ever, written by a Polish native who taught himself English.
Or any other book will do. No magazines or blogs, however.
Open a book and read it all the way through. You'll be pleased and surprised when you do.
"Leopold extracted a fortune from the Congo, initially by the collection of ivory, and after a rise in the price of rubber in the 1890s, by forced labour from the natives to harvest and process rubber. His regime was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 2 to 15 million Congolese. They were severely abused under this system. Reports of the deaths and abuse led to a major international scandal in the early 20th century, and Leopold was ultimately forced in 1908 by the Belgian government to relinquish control of the colony to the civil administration."
DeleteWe read it in school, too. Then, there was the famous movie, "Apocalypse Now," from 1979 which was based on "Heart of Darkness," along with some other novels, where the characters lose touch with civilization and descend into the law of jungle, losing their humanity and becoming increasingly brutal.
DeleteEven if the Palin family read easier to digest material, they might learn something about how people lived in other times, cultures and places. Alaska is not the only beautiful place on earth, and people can live vibrantly in many ways by doing many things. Her arrogance comes from ignorance.
"It's also one of the best books ever,"
DeleteI have to respectfully disagree. :) I have a master's degree in literature, I was supposed to read this book for three different classes, and I have yet to make it all the way through. In fact, I took a Conrad and Joyce class in grad school and couldn't finish a single Conrad novel. His writing and my brain just don't mesh, I guess.
I think the Palins could relate more to Faulkner, what with the incest and comically pathetic delusions of greatness. But I doubt they have the intellectual capacity or attention span to decipher a single one of his sentences.
Sarah is the same idiot who thought that it was cute to say that she wasn't speeding, she was "qualifying."
ReplyDeleteAll Sarah Palin really wants is for President Obama to notice her in her black jeans and her peek-a-boo black shirt.
ReplyDeleteYou just wait Sarah, you wish you could still get "it" from your no account husband, maybe you should quit projecting to the public your sad non existent sex life and while your at it quit dressing like a ho ok? Your one sick puppy and your a chicken shit on top of that. What would you do Sarah? look at the problem or just round them all up and throw them in jail,
ReplyDeleteTake care of your own family first and get back to us ok?.from what we have all seen of the infamous brawl you really need to shut the "F" up and buy Barstool ome new 300 sunglasses and a new thong dress the Palins have been looting idiots for a long time.
Gryphen, you said a while back that October was going to be a really interesting month because the Palins were finally going to be exposed. It's now almost December. Have the people who were going to speak out changed their minds?
ReplyDeleteHe did not say that.
DeleteAnon 5:59 AM: He didn't say those exact words but when discussing the fact that some major take down was on the way he did say that October was going to be an interesting month.
DeleteMy intention (I'm Anon 9:00pm) isn't to give Gryphen a hard time. It's to find out what happened. It sucks to watch the Palins get away with so much time and time again. It most definitely seemed that something big was imminent. Hopefully Gryphen will respond to my question.
Agreed, I always get more anxious when that pos resorts to racism to insult our president & yearn for her take down more so than usual.
DeletePalin is a bully.
ReplyDeleteJust face it. Sarah and more like her are just plain asses with lipstick. The woman is hell bent ugly. She lives to provoke tension. Just plain evil. Buys her own little world and soapbox. Hires her own little crew to help her become bitch of the world. Bravo bravo. Sarah Palin the rapture witch from the deep dark black asshole of the earth. perfect.
ReplyDeleteThat was damn near poetic.
DeleteM from MD
ReplyDeleteThere fixed it for you you old dog. It is you perfectly. She's always talking about her self and she thinks she is talking about someone else.
Sarah will never get over losing the election in 2008. And now that ship has sailed; she will never get another chance. Those glory days of folks lining up to see her are long past. She is left with her hate and a house full of unemployed adults with issues that she has to support,
ReplyDeleteChances are that she will not even get an invite to the party convention in 2016. Hell, she probably won't get an invite to the next Iron Dog party.
I'm with you, Caroll, I think her days at the RNC are over. Who in their right mind would invite her?
DeleteI will be signing a new executive order replacing the words "low down no good girly talking Son Of A Bitch dickless pimp" with Todd Palin.
ReplyDelete5:39, applauding AND giggling.
DeleteRacist, ignorant, fucking bitch. Just about prompts me to sign up for a face book page to post this comment. However, I know what a sniveling, cowardly piece of shit she is and how any comment posted not agreeing or drooling over her is deleted. So since you come here you brainless scarecrow skank, "there's a special place in hell for bitter, bigoted, lying opportunistic pond scum like you and your ugly hateful family."
ReplyDeleteEverything in that woman's life revolves around the president. The woman breaths, dreams, yearns, everything Obama and what he stands for. Shoot! she probably even years for smelling his farts! yuk!
ReplyDeleteFucken get over it you racist bitch. The entire posting of everything Obama & the First Lady just lowers you even more. Take care of your retards instead & stop abusing triG .
Sarah, you lost. Get over it. Even your b/f McCain has moved on (I hope).
ReplyDeleteGod told me sicko sarah's fate. For all of her sins, too numerous to mention, he sentenced her to be in a room full of her worst troll stalkers for eternity with no ear plugs, alcohol, drugs, air fresheners, or sleep.
ReplyDeleteThe big guy also mentioned that the troll stalkers would run on an endless pile of quarters being fed into their slots non stop by, you guessed it, Johnny Mac. That's HIS punishment for this mess.
Would it be wrong of me to not wish them a long life?
I hear that if you read her words out loud, then play them backwards, you get something that sounds like "The Doors" spoken full of hate and racism in tongues. Time for a Muthee voo doo boost, right Sarah?
ReplyDeleteTo quote Nicholle Wallace, who's replaced Lis on "The View" because Fox gave Lis a regular slot. "That woman is cuckoo for cocoapuffs and yes, I DID ruin you in Alaska"