Thursday, November 06, 2014

President assures nation that despite loss of Senate Obamacare will not be repealed.

Courtesy of TPM:  

"If in fact one of the item on (the Republican) agenda is to make responsible changes to the ACA to make it work better," he told reporters during a press conference, "I'm going to be very open and receptive to hearing those ideas." 

But some obvious things would not be open for discussion, Obama said, predictable things like full repeal of the law or repeal of the individual mandate. 

"In some cases, recommendations that Republicans have for changes would undermine the structure of the law," he said. "I'll be very honest with them about that, 'The law doesn't work if you pull out that piece or that piece.'"

That seems to fall in line with what Mitch McConnell visualizes as well in an interview given before the election to Time Magazine:  

Asked to imagine it was Wednesday morning and he wakes up majority leader—a position he’s aspired to, he says, since the 5th grade—McConnell strikes a conciliatory tone, saying he hopes to work with President Obama and Senate Democrats. He said there would be no shutdowns on his watch, despite the fact that he plans to use funding bills to force changes in Obama’s policies. 

Notably, a full repeal of Obamacare was not on his mind, but rather a partial repeal through the appropriations process. Finally, he named his new top priority: keeping the Senate in 2016 (though winning the White House is also “not unimportant”).

McConnell saying that there would be no government shutdown on his watch makes sense if his goal is to hang onto the Senate in 2016.

I actually do not have a great deal of confidence in the President and McConnell seeing eye to eye on much, and that includes which portions of the Affordable Care Act should be changed.

And that does not take into account the "Cruz effect: 

"Cruz also would like the Senate to be as aggressive in trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act as the House, which has voted more than 50 times to get rid of the law. 

Republicans should “pursue every means possible to repeal Obamacare,” Cruz said, including forcing a vote through parliamentary procedures that would get around a possible filibuster by Democrats. If that leads to a veto by Obama, Cruz said, Republicans should then vote on provisions of the health law “one at a time.” 

And when asked whether he would back Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky for Republican leader, Cruz would not pledge his support — an indication that there are limits to how much of a partner he’s willing to be.

There is some possibility that the biggest battles coming out of Washington will NOT be between the Republicans and the President, but rather between the Republican establishment and the Tea Party folks who simply cannot abide government working at all. much less in a bipartisan manner.


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM


  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    They say when a door is closed, there's always a window open. Even with the Democratic losses, this new twist of fate may actually will show the crass uncaring hypocritical uncompassionate neurotic narcissistic Tea Party and Cruz and cronies for what they are.

    Is it wrong for me to be smiling? The in-fighting games are about to begin. I can imagine President Obama laughing right about now.

  3. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Fucking loser beauty pageant contestant who couldn't keep her panties up. Had to elope into the night without family present because Track was coming in 8 months.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Who might that be?

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Hey, foaming at the mouth hater:The loser is you.

    3. Anonymous12:12 PM

      And to boot, she was pregnant by another man! Todd is such a patsy!

    4. Anonymous12:39 PM

      11:29 am Is that you, Bristol? Have you learned to CLOSE YOUR FAT LEGS yet? 4 babies in 4 years, what a role model for all of the other Wasillabillies. Have you found another Trial Daddy yet? Do you have another Drunken Party Brawl scheduled? Obviously you have a lot of free time.

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Well, here's the government the Rethugs wanted... now the rest of us are just going to sit back and watch. We should remember- no aide to the enemy. I realize it should be country first, but why is the Democratic party the only party that attempts to do things for the people? I say we need to keep a firm line in the sand, obstruct on the obvious items, and keep our popcorn handy for when the thugs start eating their own.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      President Obama has learned a lot about the obstructing Republicans. He will not sign the Bills landing on his desk that the Reputlicans push through if they include amendments that would harm Americans.

      He'll have to use his veto power and will go down in history as one of the best POTUS America has ever had!!!

      Plus, I'll wager he'll explain exactly why he is vetoing a particular Bill during the upcoming two years.

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      I urge all of you to write to your senator (even if a gop'r) and DEMAND a end to dark money, lies, attacks on the potus and diebold voting machines.
      Lets put their asses in the "hot seat" Whatcha going to do about it?
      Also sent this from Malia about Secret Service
      And asked them what is being done to protect potus and certain people like palin should be arrested for TREASON...etc.
      Make them Work!!!!

    3. Anita Winecooler4:28 PM

      The way I see it, the GOP will trip over each other theses next two years to make this a one term presidency - oops that's been tried. Repeal and Replace Obamacare - nah that won't work either. I'm hearing a lot of "bipartisanship" talk from the Republicans, but we all know that boat sank years ago. I'm hearing words from the GOP I haven't heard in years, yet the word "compromise" still doesn't exist. Something tells me from President's tone, content, and delivery of his speech, he's already got plans for the next two years, and he's only inviting the GOP to the table ONCE.
      Think they'll get the message?

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Mitch McConnell must be thrilled to have achieved what he dreamed of, finally, Majority leader. His motivations and goals are different from the likes of Cruz, and company. He's got his integrity to protect now. He'll be writing those memoirs soon.

    McConnell, with his stature and experience, will want to retire with honor and leave a positive legacy. This isn't the time for him to play silly immature disruptive games with the little pranking weazles like Cruz. It will be so interesting to see how suddenly the GOP shift to some common sense. They must be tired of the harpies like Sarah and the goons and trouble-makers.

    Two years and they have to sharpen their resumes to make themselves appear mature and show leadership. I think the Tea Party 'error' is history.

    1. What 5th grader dreams of becoming Majority Leader of the Senate?


    2. PalinsHoax11:42 AM

      "He's got his integrity to protect now."
      - - -
      What integrity?!? As soon as President Obama was elected, wasn't McConnell's primary goal to make the president a one-term president?

      That 's not integrity; that's not serving the people of this country or serving the president.

      McConnell's middle names are Scheming and Conniving. And his nick-name is Mr. Underhanded.

    3. Anonymous1:59 PM

      McConnell doesn't know the meaning of the word "integrity."

    4. Anonymous3:34 PM

      He might really be itching for a legacy of "the majority leader who impeached Obama." Try it, Mitch. Try as hard as you want, but remember that even an impeached Obama would leave a greater legacy than you could ever dream of.

    5. Anita Winecooler4:32 PM

      Zat U Beldar? LMAO Damn funny stuff!!! Hey, I wonder if you know, I've been asking around everywhere and no one seems to get it.

      What was Connie Chung doing behind him while he was speaking? I thought she was married to Maury Povitch!

  6. And we'll get to see how chicken the normal Republicans are in the face of the Cruz gang.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      I'm losing track of what's going on. There's the Republican gang and Cruz gang but there's one more gang that thinks they're relevant and threatened to seek office and that would be the Retard gang from Wasilla.

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Sarah Palin has no say - she's wasn't 'asked' to participate in these recent elections by anyone! They know she is an idiot and brings such evil and darkness to everything. Ted Cruz isn't even using her (nationally) even though she supposedly fed him moose chili in Wasilla during his recent trip to Alaska.

    3. Anonymous3:29 PM

      9:44, major LOL, LOL.

  7. Caroll Thompson9:42 AM

    My thoughts exactly G. McConnell says no shutdowns and he will not use the debt ceiling for blackmail as they did when in the minority. And he is going to work with the President on issues and compromise even? Well, wouldn't that be a nice change. But compromise isn't something I associate with the Republican party, so good luck with that. The Canadian Senator from Texas will not be pleased. Were it up to him and his minions, they would shutdown the government and blame the Democrats for doing so.

    But Mitch knows that unlike 2014, there are 24 Republican Senators up for election in 2016 and only 10 Democrats. His majority might only last for two years if he spends his political capital shutting down the Government. But Teddy Cruz doesn't care and neither do the teabaggers in the House who are all sitting in safe seats thanks to gerrymandering.

    So, I also think there will be a war, but it will be an inter party war between the establishment and the crazy wing of the Republican Party. But the establishment types ensured that no real crazies were on the ballot this year, aka I am not a Witch, You cannot get pregnant when you are raped and who can forget the 2nd amendment remedies Sharon Angle (all Sarah picks, by the way). So, the establishment can rightly tell the teabaggers where to go, but we know that won't sit well.

    And of course, we can look forward to Sarah trying to rewrite history one facebook post at a time. She is already sounding like it was she who put the Republicans in the majority, when in reality, they have the majority because she was essentially banished from the campaign trail (just like she was banished from the 2012 Republican National Convention - sorry Sarah, but I love rubbing salt in that wound of yours).

    I bought a jar of gourmet popping corn last night. I've got my popcorn machine ready to go.

    2016 is right around the corner and Hillary is going to have some very long coat tails.

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      'Compromise' according to the GOP = 'my way or the highway' - *YOU* compromise, *I* get my way and win. Just like these last six years.

    2. Caroll Thompson12:15 PM

      What you say is true 10:41, but now the R's are running the show. They cannot blame Harry Reid because it is Mitch who will decide what votes to take in the Senate. They actually have to govern and pass budgets, etc...

      This may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for the Democrats. And the President came out swinging yesterday saying he will go forward with immigration reform through executive order unless the Congress acts. Obama has nothing to lose because he is not up for election. The R's have everything to lose.

      The teabaggers in the House will want to impeach him and they just might do it, but the Senate does not have the 67 votes necessary to remove him from office.

      So, from my vantage point, the President and the Democrats are sitting in the catbird seat.

      We shall see.

    3. Anonymous2:49 PM

      It's SOO much easier to obstruct, delay, filibuster, and schedule vacation days when you're in the minority and can blame the other party for everything.

      After six years of yelling about how much better they would be at running the country, they now have the majority and will be expected to actually DO something.

      Unfortunately for them, an entire wing of their party is dedicated to insuring that government can't do anything.

      Good luck with that, GOP, and enjoy control of Congress for as long as it lasts. I'd say about 2 years should do it.

    4. Anita Winecooler4:38 PM

      How much of the next two years comprises GOP "Vacation Days"? Anyone think a new house leader will put their nose to the grindstone and do the people's work like Nancy Pelosi? The GOP is all about the flash and nothing about the fire.
      One good thing is Sarah won't have too many Democrats to blame for two years. What WILL she grift off of?

  8. If the Republicans try to repeal Obamacare or reduce funding you can count on that being the start of the Republicans obstruction in the new Congress. Doing this will only put the spotlight back on the Republicans even more than in the past, and only highlight who is responsible for the obstruction and not getting anything done. People are turn off by all of the obstruction, and will probably make the Democrats more popular in 2016. It also may HIllary in 2016. The last poll I saw that was just done recently, showed that 57% of the people were against full repeal of Obamacare.

    Cruz will also be an asset for the Democrats with his narcissistic personality, and with him trying to put legislation through Congress that only appeals to the far right. He knows he needs all of the attention he can get prior to the 2016 Presidential race if he is to be nominated and successful.

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      The problem is that most Americans are too stupid to care. They have not the vaguest idea of how a law becomes a law and they do not understand the three separate but equal branches of government. Our founding fathers assumed that the electorate would not be so ignorant. And there was a time when the electorate was not so ignorant. I doubt very much that children take civics classes each year, a year of their state's history in high school and I doubt that they learn many facts about American history.

    2. Already there are going to be people, even Republicans, that are not going to want their health care taken away.

      Even Republicans don't want their Social Security or Medicare taken away. If Congress tries to repeal Obamacare (bet they are sorry they named it that now.) they are going to disenfranchise a lot of folks going in to the 2016 elections.

    3. Anonymous12:10 PM


      When our country was founded it was understood that only rich, white landowners would be voting. I don't think that our founding fathers ever envisioned a country where every adult over the age of 18 would have the right to vote. If they imagined it, then I'm sure they could have also imagined things going very sideways, as they have. Not saying that everyone should not have the right to vote, just saying that with everyone having the right to vote you end up with a major percentage of the electorate being uninformed and uneducated, thus making bad decisions that affect the rest of us, especially when their votes are based on imaginary circumstances that are most likely to NOT occur, i.e.. the government taking our second amendment rights from us or being afraid that we'll no longer be a "christian nation" which we aren't and were never intended to be.

      They vote on imaginary issues and the people that will protect these imaginary platforms. They obviously failed Civics 101, if they even bothered to take it.

    4. Anonymous2:56 PM

      mlaiuppa -
      Exactly! The base of the GOP voting block is still older, white, middle and lower class people. The moment the Republicans (with the urging of the right wing), start messing with their Medicare and Social Security, they will NOT be happy.

      It's all fine and good to threaten to decimate welfare and SNAP (since they're still in denial that the majority of people receiving those benefits are as white as they are), but don't you dare touch THEIR benefits!!

  9. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Here's what's coming up in 2016, interesting breakdown of the individual races and who might run and who might not.,_2016

  10. Anonymous10:37 AM

    well good luck to all of us.
    'Through the grapevine' I have heard, that they will attach things like medicare, Social Sec, ACA to bills that are considered to be 'must pass' and 'will not be vetoed'...

    1. They're taking a chance.

      First, that the Democrats won't finally grow a pair, consolidate and filibuster the hell out of them.

      Second, that the President won't veto anyway.

      They've been warned. But bullies tend to ignore warnings until they are slapped upside the head with them.

  11. Anonymous10:47 AM

    The Republicans in the U.S. Congress are not changing - they are already after the Affordable Care Act. How can they do that when it's law and millions are already using it to include me - w/a pre existing condition!

    I really, really, dislike this group of jerks! Obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. They are 'acting' and all saying the same thing and Americans are idiots!!!!

    1. Caroll Thompson12:23 PM

      Don't worry 10;47, your subsidy is safe. The Congress can pass all kinds of laws, and the President can veto them. But unless 67 Senators over ride the veto, the President's veto is gold. President Obama is not going to sign any bill, even a budget bill, that would hurt Americans and take their insurance away.

      And maybe with Hillary in 2017, we will get single payer once and for all.

  12. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Kentuckians love Obamacare.
    Although McConnell may never again run for re-election, he has to somehow represent his constituents, who are benefiting greatly by having this unbelievable healthcare benefit.

    There will be blood in the aisles when Teddy Cruz and his band of baggers take on the GOP establishment. Sarah will be off on the sidelines, spittle-flecked Facebook posts now aimed at McConnell and the Republicans who will need to compromise. The GOP clown circus will cause the country to wake up to what's really going on. In two years, they'll be toast.

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      Yeah, well now we know for sure what that drop-in at the Wasilly compound was all about.

  13. That's telling them, "Boy"................

  14. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I'm so totally disgusted w/ the American voting public. My disgust is equally shared by the people who couldn't be bothered to vote.
    I'm trying to focus on the bright spots...there are a few..but no more money from me. From now on: One Solution...Revolution.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      I'm beyond disgusted. I'm disconnecting more and more. The very worst people the county has to offer get to tell people how they want them to live, get to threaten them and lie to them. I feel like those creepy men and women on the far right want their hands all over me, and have a gun aimed at the black man in the White House and the black men in the towns and cities. I turn 65 in January and I feel like I could lose all security I paid into and that I will be counting on. I see them destroying unions and my pension. I fucking hate the scum of this country who were purchased by the fucking pig billionaires of the country, who weren't happy enough with the way the fucking stock market has done during the Obama administration. They want him contained, put in his place, showing them due RESPECT. They can't stand it when he doesn't act like a stupid half-cocked white man, time after time after time. They just can't fucking stand him period, and I am sick of the racist heart of the south and too many other parts of the country. California should secede.

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the news - local or national - for the last 2 days.

      When I read that Walker, Scott, Abbott and Ernst had won, I was seriously concerned about the condition of my jaw after hitting the floor several times. I was too depressed to even try and find a bright spot in the situation. I'm not sure which I have less respect for - the candidates themselves or the stupid people who vote for them.

      Even my district's race for US House is still too close to call, two days later. Louise Slaughter has been a fabulous Representative and no one expected the race to be so close. Unfortunately, although the city of Rochester is blue, only about a third of those voters showed up while almost half of the voters in the red surrounding suburbs made it to the polls.

  15. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Spot on with your last paragraph Gryph. Get yer popcorn out and watch the Repubs continue to rip apart the GOP.


  16. Re: Mitch McConnell and integrity. For 6 years his goal has been to thwart and obstruct the president. And now his goal is to keep the Senate in 2016. Where's the part where any of his goals consider the country or the people? Selfish, self-centered bully.

  17. Anonymous8:04 PM

    McConnell strikes a conciliatory tone, saying he hopes to work with President Obama and Senate Democrats. He said there would be no shutdowns on his watch, despite the fact that he plans to use funding bills to force changes in Obama’s policies.
    Right Mitch, I'll believe it when I see it, hope your nose doesn't grow too long.
    You spent the last 6 years doing everything possible to obstruct anything the democrats brought to the table and now you are willing to work together.

    Sounds like children, if we don't win, we take our marbles home. Now we won, so we are willing to play, like you are doing the president a favor.
    By the way, good luck with Canadian Cruz, sounds like he will need a lot of "time outs" for bad behavior, we are still waiting for him to pay back our money he cost our country during his last temper tantrum


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