Tuesday, November 11, 2014

President Obama's move to protect net neutrality is good for everybody except powerful service providers, so that means the Right Wing is coming after him with torches and pitchforks.

Courtesy of The Washington Post:  

President Obama on Monday called for the government to aggressively regulate Internet service providers such as Verizon and Comcast, treating broadband like a public utility as essential as water, phone service and electricity. 

Such a move would have a dramatic effect on cable and telecom firms that have fought vigorously to keep their highly profitable Internet businesses free of regulation. 

This is Obama's most aggressive statement yet in favor of a free and open Internet and against allowing Internet service providers to charge content companies like Netflix for faster access to their customers. The president's statement, released online Monday while he traveled to Asia, calls for the FCC to adopt the strictest rules possible for ensuring so-called net neutrality, or the principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally. 

"I believe the FCC should create a new set of rules protecting net neutrality and ensuring that neither the cable company nor the phone company will be able to act as a gatekeeper, restricting what you can do or see online," Obama said in a statement.

Of course for somebody like me, whose entire day is spent on the internet and who has a local service provider trying to bleed me dry, this is incredibly welcome news.

We absolutely need more regulation to protect us from monopolies that have customers in a vice grip, and to protect online businesses from having to pay extra money to stream their content, the cost of which invariably gets passed on to the consumer.

So because this is clearly a great idea for most Americans, conservatives hate it.

Of course most are not quite as batshit crazy about it as Ted Cruz:
I don't even know what the hell that means.

However the folks over at The Oatmeal have made an effort to educate Ted Cruz.

Here of course is the real reason that big telecoms and their political surrogates like Ted Cruz are going to fight this thing, and why it could ultimately be a godsend to folks like you and me: 

Right now, no one is really talking about rates: The main concern is balancing access to the internet with investment by the private sector. The FCC wants to make sure it can prevent internet service providers from discriminating against traffic, and US courts have made pretty clear that the best way to do this is to classify the internet as a “common carrier,” as Obama endorsed today. The FCC has the powers to regulate common carriers across a variety of arenas, including preventing unreasonable discrimination. 

But one other thing that the FCC can do with a common carrier is ensure that its rates are “just and reasonable.” For instance, the FCC doesn’t allow phone companies to charge more than $6.50 for a single line, so that all Americans can afford access. Similar pricing rules are in place at electricity plants. If the internet is regulated under Title II, the government could come up with a similar cap on how much companies can charge for internet access.

Of course currently there is no mention of this in what the President is suggesting, and I understand why, but ultimately I would like to know that such regulations on how much providers can charge customers might be in the offing.

However even without that component to this change the idea is still very sound and would protect companies, and their consumers, from the type of abuse that we know is coming soon. And in some cases is already here.


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Al Franken Praises Obama’s Push for a Free and Open Internet

    ...Franken issued a statement Monday, “I welcome today’s news that President Obama is pressing the FCC to maintain a free and open Internet. He joins a chorus of more than 3.5 million Americans who have told the FCC that killing net neutrality is a terrible idea, and who strongly believe a very simple principle: there shouldn’t be one Internet for deep-pocketed corporations and a separate Internet for everyone else.

    “What the President is asking the FCC to do—to reclassify Internet service as a utility—is simply common sense, and it would ensure that rich corporations couldn’t pay for an Internet fast lane. That’s why over the summer, I and several of my colleagues urged the FCC to do just that.

    “Net neutrality is a simple concept: all content on the Internet must travel at the same speed. It’s been the architecture of the Internet since it was created. It’s made the Internet a platform for enormous innovation and economic growth. And it should stay that way. I hope the FCC agrees.”




    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Thank you, Al Franken, for reinforcing President Obama on this issue. It's SO nice to see!

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    A Free And Open Internet. Thanks, President Obama


  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Happy Veterans' Day!

    To Our Veterans, We Say Thank You


  4. Well, the Rabid Right Wing's go-to method to get what they want is to sue, sue, sue the government until the appeals courts give up, or the Right Wing's best buds the 5 like-minded Supremes agree to hear their case.

    Good-bye Net Neutrality. Thanks, all you idiots who didn't vote in 2010 and this last Nov. 4th. (Not)

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    You Go Mr.President. Cruz let me tell you, my internet provider, Comcast AKA Repug a** kisser, is already as slow as the Government you are part of. I swear Comcast, that I pay a great deal for, got slower before elections, ? cause I was contributing to Dems on line, hmmmm. Since election service has been horrible. Looking to see what else available.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:24 PM

      hmmmm two cans and a string, perhaps? Chin up, President Obama and his pen will get it done.

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I'd written to our Senators and Representative, plus the White House months ago. I think the President knows that, for once, he has solid Democratic support on making internet access a common carrier -- as telephone service was, and rural electrification. Without the government, service will not be offered and lines won't be laid to reach everyone equally. In our modern age, that's truly as essential as any other communication service.

    There's a push on for people to call the FCC offices -- evidently it rings twice and then there's an answering machine -- to show support for Pres. Obama. I don't have the number, but it's easy to find on the internet that you're using and for which a use of google will be no different than a click on IM.

  7. Anonymous11:34 AM

    ...Defining and enforcing net neutrality is extremely contentious. The FCC has mandated equal treatment of data since 2010, but in January its rules were overthrown in a court challenge by Verizon, a major telecom player. The court’s decision effectively suggested that the FCC could rewrite the rules, relying on section 706 of the Telecommunications Act, or simply reclassify internet providers as common carriers under a different provision of the act, Title II. President Obama announced his support for the latter option—a move that would mean telecoms could not charge big bandwidth users extra for “internet fast lanes,” nor block or “throttle” (i.e. slow) certain content.


  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I really have to give it to President Obama -- even after all the garbage that has been thrown at him; he still is trying to make things happen for the American people -- all of the American people.

    We should be grateful for all that he is trying to do for us.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      That is what real leaders do.

  9. Anonymous11:39 AM

    ...True net neutrality, the kind that would be enforceable under Title II regulation, is broadly recognized as the consumer-friendly approach: no one who pays for internet service wants to live in a world where their ISPs have the authority to block or slow certain content providers (say, for the sake of argument, Netflix) over business disputes or pay-for-play. And Legere, perhaps more than any other executive in tech, loves playing the role of the People's Executive.

    But here's the thing: any company that provides internet access is naturally averse to regulation, because regulation generally limits unbounded profiteering in favor of consumer friendliness. And more specifically, a pure and complete interpretation of net neutrality would endanger the legality of T-Mobile's Music Freedom feature, which exempts certain streaming music services from data plans.


  10. Anonymous11:43 AM

    President Obama hardly deserves our thanks! He's totally trying to have it both ways. Who do you think appointed the former top cable/wireless industry lobbyist Tom Wheeler to head the FCC in the first place? That's right, President Obama.

    What did Obama THINK Wheeler was going to do once Wheeler got that plum insider assignment (courtesy of the president) that would allow Wheeler to make all of his former cable industry colleagues' dreams come true?

    If anyone thinks Obama didn't understand exactly what he was doing when he appointed someone like Wheeler, a total cable industry insider, to head the FCC, then you must have a low opinion of Obama's intelligence and savvy.

    Wheeler has the power to SCREW us, he WILL screw us, and Obama can wring his hands and say, sorry folks, I tried!

    Fuck them all!

  11. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Obama just did the right thing for the internet — and made life hell for the FCC


    New rules for net neutrality won't be here until 2015


  12. Anonymous11:56 AM

    6 reasons real conservatives should defy Republicans and support net neutrality


  13. AKinPA3:08 PM

    Yep. Can't have the big, bad guvmint limiting our freedumbs but it's perfectly OK to have the GOP's corporate masters limiting them and just generally screwing us over big time.

  14. A Superfan In Atlanta3:13 PM

    If I was President Obama, I would make laws for the next two years without telling anyone. These sorry ass voters that sit at home, complain and make jokes about the Republicans but then do nothing to get them out of office sicken me to my stomach!

    I am permanently pissed off as they now have a free pass to torture President Obama and dismantle EVERYTHING good that he has done for the good of the majority of these "too lazy, uncaring and uneducated to protect their own interest" voters on both sides of the aisle.

    It's going to be interesting to see how President Romney dismantles what's left of the United States and finish selling it to the highest bidder.

  15. Anita Winecooler4:42 PM

    It's a good deal if you can get it! Where I live, we have our choice of exactly two isp's and they provide free service to poor students whose families can't afford it. I was paying for basic cable bundled with a mid level internet speed, and everything was going fine. One day, a company that rhymes with "Verizon" sent me a bill for over 800 bucks, and no one could tell me why, what for, or if it was to stay at that level.
    The other company, that rhymes with "Comcast" found the problem, paid my etf's, put me in a higher speed internet tier and added every station they have for LESS than I was originally paying. I figure they've more than paid me for an eight hundred dollar fee I didn't incurr, and then some.
    We're in the process of moving, they do have both companies AND ATandT where we're going, and my company's paying for my mobile service and data plan.
    Out of curiosity, I put in both zip codes, and the difference in fees for the same service from both companies is jaw dropping. Verizon is highest and it's not using cable nor fiber optics, it's good old DSL or nothing. Quick, sign that bill!!!! asap


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