Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Remember, it's not about protecting babies, it's about controlling women's sexuality.

Courtesy of Slate: 

During arguments for the recent Supreme Court case McCullen v. Coakley, which eventually led to the court striking down Massachusetts' buffer zone protecting abortion clinics from protesters crowding the door, it was revealed that many abortion clinic protesters think of themselves less as protesters and more as "sidewalk counselors." Jill Filipovic of Cosmopolitan decided to go to Massachusetts Planned Parenthood clinics to find out, exactly, what these protesters want to counsel women about. The answer turns out to be a little more complex than "don't get an abortion." 

"Men and women are made different," Father Andrew Beauregard explains on camera while protesting at a clinic, "in that women, as the church teaches, reach their full potential in motherhood." There's a tight if inhumane logic to this thinking: Women exist to give birth. Thus, if a woman is choosing not to give birth, she is not working as she is supposed to. Which means she must be broken and needs fixing. Ergo, "counseling." 

As Filipovic found, none of the self-described counselors she spoke to actually "had any educational background or credentials in psychology, therapy, counseling, or mental health," but they do sincerely believe that something is deeply wrong with women who want to exert control over their own fertility or who want to have sex on their own terms. And they felt absolutely free to share that point of view with Filipovic.

Did you hear that one lady?

"If women want careers and education and everything and they don't want children what are they doing having sex?"

Why does nobody ask men that same question?

But then I forgot that it was a woman those convinced Adam to eat that apple. Which is why God punished her,and all that followed, with a painful childbirth, and demanded that from that day forward females must subjugate themselves to the will of their husbands.

This is why the abortion debate cannot be ignored, and why people must understand that these people will not stop with outlawing abortion in this country. They want nothing less than to turn women into breeding stock and put them back under the control of men.

And towards that end they have no lack of useful idiots to help them achieve that goal.


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    1) Gryphen, why are you linking to the blog of private citizen Bristol Palin, posted today with pictures and her thoughts about Planned Parenthood? She has been private for more than a year, and you don't know her.

    2) Since Bristol raised the question of "when does life begin and where does it end?," we must assume that she is as strongly against the death penalty as she is against abortion.
    Mortal man should not make the decision of life or death against another. Am I correct, Bristol?

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Fuck you, Troll! Barstool is in no way a private citizen.

    2. Anonymous4:57 PM

      It's sarcasm, dear 4:49.

    3. Anonymous5:00 PM

      For Bristol, life begins when she dates Trial Daddies.
      Life ends when the Trial Daddies leave for someone else. Private citizens don't have blogs that criticize others, or appear on DWTS while pregnant.

    4. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Where does this trial daddy crap come from? Bristol's never lived with a man and won't until marriage. She doesn't even date a lot of men compared to the average 24 yr old..

      And Bristol lives far more privately than a certain redneck. You just need justification for lying about her and stalking her.

    5. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Ha, Ha, you just used Bristol Palin and Planned Parenthood in the same sentence. That's never really happened before, see exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4...

    6. Anonymous6:37 PM

      "The average 24 year old woman" does not date "a lot " of men. Most people aren't dating several people at the same time, and, by 24, they have jobs and friends and families that take time as well. "A trial daddy" means that Bristol's always on the lookout for getting married whenever she dates someone. She doesn't have to live with that person to hope that he'll be the one to finally put a ring on her finger.

      Bristol does not live "privately." She regularly, compulsively, posts a blog about herself and her opinions, with pictures of her and her son.

      There is never "justification" for lying about or stalking someone. They're actions that have no legal or moral grounds. Your second paragraph, 5:57, makes absolutely no sense.

      If by "a certain redneck" you mean Levi, it's time to stop calling him derogatory names. Stop for the sake of Tripp, who is his son, and will one day find out just how bitter and jealous his mother has been throughout his young life.

    7. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Hmmmm.... wan't it Bristol herself who told Trip something about finding him another "trial daddy?" On tape on her show, IIRC. After one of the daddies who Tripp was bonding with was dumped out of the car.

    8. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Bristol is just as big a "redneck" as Levi is, that's why they got along so well until he dumped her cheating ass for greener pastures. Also it doesn't matter how many men Bristol has dated what matters is she's a "sanctimonious christian abstinence advocate" who sleeps with all the guys she dates, outside of wedlock, has one or more children, outside of wedlock, drinks, curses and pretty much does the exact opposite of what a "christian abstinence and morality advocate" should do. Simply put, she's a hypocrite.

      AT least Levi doesn't pretend to be anything he's not, he's proud to be a redneck and owns all the behaviors that come with that, Bristol, lives like a heathen but pretends to be a born again virgin upstanding citizen when she is anything but. Why can't you accept that?

    9. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Oh come off it already! last time i checked Levi was not in the news for peeing his pants and punching people, if she wants to live privately tell her to get rid of her bog, tell her we don't want to see her in a bikini on a boat nor anymore reality shows! you know she would still be doing it if she wasn't such a bore.

      Why doesn't she try to get an education so she can be known as something other than a sacrifitiol lamb for Mama? She has earned no respect! why don't you leave her EX boyfriends alone. She chose the life she's living and God help her she's to stupid to want anything more than easy money, it's all about the money, she would still be pimping Tripp out if someone did not put a stop to it! It's not Levi's fault she's stupid, that girl could not pass an SAT if her life depended on it, with all the advantages she has at her disposal? What Mommy won't pay for college? Shut up! She has never lived with a man? that does not mean she isn't having sex you idiot and really no one would care if she was as long as she quit pretending that she won't until she get's married.Don't you idiots get it? it's the sham that makes her unbearable.

    10. Anonymous9:00 PM

      OF COURSE she has never lived with a man - no snae guy would subject himself to the drunken abuse she is sure to dish out, or to the 'holier than thou' attitude of that fake CINO (Christian In Name Only)!

    11. Anonymous9:01 PM

      (Should be SANE guy)

    12. Anita Winecooler5:38 PM

      She's an "Abstinence" Counselor last I heard. Love her blog, though! "This one made me cry" "This one made me go "Awwwwwwwwww".. etc etc etc. What "schooling" does an abstinence couselor go though? Is it really really easy or in tents? Oh my, you have a blackhead on your nose, let me suck that out for ya right quick! You'll feel a prick, but then it's over.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Medieval thinking! Damn, but it's shocking to see these guys STILL thinking women are at their disposal for sex and to sire their children!

    Thank god that the majority of women in our country have minds of their own today. Most of us do not want to be sex slaves (w/no birth control) or serve at the behest of men! And, we most assuredly do not for the religious freaks (calling themselves Christians) that shove their beliefs down our throats.

    The majority of the men (many Republicans!) have major control issues when it comes to women - especially when it comes to our bodies!

    Just review the records of those currently serving in the United States Congress. They are truly the worst and I cannot imagine being married, or a girlfriend to any of them - especially Boehner and McConnell!

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    When I hear MEN suggesting that women just shouldn't have sex if they don't want to get pregnant, I say that we, as ladies, call their bluff! If a man feels this way, let him know we're not at all interested and we won't conveniently be around the next he's horny.

    I think that if every woman of child-bearing age refused, for even ONE DAY, to have sex because of the fear of pregnancy, I bet these low-life, pro-life MEN would suddenly have the biggest problem with it.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      The problem with that is the christian men will "take you" if you refuse. They believe that sex is their god-given right and they are not above raping their wives to get what they want, it's even encouraged in a lot of churches.

  4. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I have decided to be a sidewalk counselor at the nearest erectile dysfunction clinic.

    I suspect that a lot of the men sneaking in there intend to have sex without making children. They should change their ways. Or at least they should be able to stand up for themselves! Won't you help me in this crusade against godless sex?

    It is shocking to think about but some of these men are working and going to school and trying to have sex. Even more shocking is the idea that some of them are using c*d*ms to prevent pregnancy and disease! What is the world coming to?

    Be sure to honk if you see protesters ooops "sidewalk counselors" outside your local erectile dysfunction clinic. The sex you help prevent might prevent sex!

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      LOL, this should be a nationwide trend. But only if you accompany it with photos of the men entering and leaving the clinic (comparing before and after facial expressions), and ongoing public shaming. Yes, yes, yes. Great idea. Especially if you can get photos of right-to-life, phony xtian, and/or GOPster men entering and leaving (we're giving you extra points for 'big names'). LOL, just LOL.

  5. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I notice that it's men who keep trying to define a woman's place in society.

    They keep trying to blame it on their supernatural deity, but that's just an excuse for their own silly, but very, very bad behavior.

  6. Anonymous5:59 PM

    It's ALL about protecting babies. the more we talk about valuing life, hopefully the more people as a culture will HOLD MEN and THEIR sexuality accountable. Like treating the Bristols, Mercedes and Sunnys like the Levis.

    None o f those girls were different in high school. and they were no different from Levi either. The double standards have to stop

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      You are so fucking weird! I almost think you're like a 50 year old virgin or something with your strange lack of knowledge about sexuality. At the minimum you are a weird stalker and if I was Bristol, Sunny, Levi or Mercedes I'd have a restraining order slapped on you tout suite because you be Cray Cray!

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Get back to us when Todd Palin is charged, tried, and convicted for sex trafficking, 'K?

    3. Anonymous11:32 PM

      Levi has been held more accountable for his sexual behavior than Bristol. Levi as a young teenager was court ordered to pay more in child support than many adult men during the prime of their wage earnings. Bristol has been permitted to make a living from being a born again virgin and displaying her son as the burden for her sin, and she gets to be admired for "accepting" her lot in life, while Levi is constantly being belittled for wanting to make a family with the woman he is in love with.

  7. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Hey look, more brainwashed religious people!

  8. Anonymous6:45 PM

    To the GOP, The Handmaiden's Tale is not sci-fi horror, but a utopian playbook.

  9. Anonymous6:48 PM

    o/t but damn Alaska really is just like every other state, in that you all elect weird ass people. Frank M, Lisa M, Sullivan, Parnell, Lyda, all assholes who care about nothing.

    Just read about the latest dumbshit thing Lisa did to Mark

  10. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Thanks for continuing to raise this important subject, Gryphen. You've got it exactly right. It's not about babies, it's about keeping women in a narrowly defined space where they are subject to the control of insecure, easily threatened, micro-dicked men.

  11. Caroll Thompson2:35 AM

    This is not about abortion, it is about control. If people want to stop abortions, they should be working to make birth control available to all women at an affordable cost. Women should have easy access to birth control and then the abortion rate would sink like a stone.

    But these zealots are coming after birth control too. They don't want women to have access to birth control. I suppose we are all suppose to like the Duggars and have 20 kids.

    Which brings me to my next point. These zealots want to force women to have all these babies, but they also want to cut all the social services too. So, once that baby is born, you are on your own to starve and live under the bridge with all your children because there will be no help if the hypocrites get their way.

    As for Bristol and her load of crap. I think she should concentrate on getting her own messed up life cleaned up. She clearly has an act that needs cleaning up. Don't tell us how to live our lives Bristol. Most of us are living much happier and healthier lives than yours. We may not have much money, but the best things in life are still free.

  12. Randall2:58 AM

    And from what tree was that apple that Eve convince Adam to eat?

    The tree of KNOWLEDGE.

    It is a sin to be anything other than ignorant.

    1. Good one!
      Now we know why there are so many ignorami in the The Church.

  13. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Why do women have sex? Because orgasms are fun and the clitoris is not a dinosaur found at the Creation Museum.

    Seriously, as a woman who chose not to have children I can truly say I have contributed more to society than broodmares like Bristol and Sarah, Michelle Duggar, Kate Gosselin and any skank found on "Teen Mom."

    Jennifer K

  14. Anonymous8:54 AM

    First of all, we need to stop the calling of health clinics "abortion clinics." This was started by the pro-lifers to continue the negative on facilities that abortion is less than 10% of their services.

  15. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

    This bullshit literally makes my blood boil. Don't want an abortion, post menopausal sidewalk counselor? Don't have sex. Hey Mr Belly with the crucifix in your hand, when was the last time YOU pushed a baby out of your uterus? Yeah, do that, THEN we'll talk.
    I'd like to take down all their car plates and see how many are collecting medicare and scamming the government. They did it to me and got me excommunicated, so I don't know if I should thank them or knee them in the groin.
    My husband used to say, "How come the ones against abortion are the ones no one sane would want to date, let alone share a bed?" The man's right.


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