Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sometimes fathers are brilliant.

When I think of all of the times I struggled to get my daughter's hair in a tight ponytail that was not crooked it makes me want to kick myself for not thinking of this myself.

I did once suggest introducing a power washer into the diaper changing room but the horrified looks I received let me know that I was a visionary way ahead of my time.


  1. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Way OT, but can you believe that Jemma is wearing the exact same "cold shoulder" top in the Sons of Anarchy finale the Scarah wore in Louisiana ? Perhaps she's a big fan, and got an early peek at the show?
    It used to be a bit of a joke, but now I think she really IS trying to emulate Katey Sagal. (sp?) To use the Jemma character as a role model is really bizarre, and a window into her warped self-perception.
    As Bristol would say, "What the FUCK!?"

  2. This is mesmerizing; can't stop watching it. Love the way the kid holds on. Obviously dad has done this many times before. And what laughs she will get when a grown woman, telling this. Hilarious!

  3. Paul in Minnesota6:45 AM

    What a patient child. Sweet.

    At first, I thought the video was going to be a hair cutting video. Whew, it wasn't. Nice surprise for me.

  4. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Haha! That cracks me up. As a mother of two boys I never mastered ponytails and it upset my nieces when they would stay with me...wish I'd known this trick!

  5. Anonymous8:17 AM

    OMG, that is SO funny! I was having a frustrating day at work, and that completely changed it around. Thanks Gryph!

  6. OMG! My dad actually did use the vacuum hose to hold my hair out straight while he cut it! I would have preferred the pony tail.

  7. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    Reminded me of Flowbee and my brothers begging for crew cuts afterwards! So Fatherhood is the Mother of Invention now? Not complaining, it's just a bit confusing, but we'll get used to it!!!

  8. This is amazing. But when they get older and want a French braid - well, that's when the hairstyle challenges really begin.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.