Saturday, November 01, 2014

Republican women in Alaska have officially kicked Sarah Palin out of "Only Girlz Allowed" clubhouse.

Of course I disagree with all of that about Bill Walker, as well as any description of Sean Parnell as being competent, but the part about Palin's need to be seen with a winner is certainly spot on.

Which once again begs the question, just WHY has she still not endorsed her former AG Dan Sullivan?

(H/T to my friend Syrin.)


  1. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Well, well, well, $arah, looks like your female constituency finally woke up to what we've been saying all along concerning you. What say you? They're just jealous? In need of vibrant lives?

    HOO HAH!

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      GOP starting to take the albatross by the horns? How many years later? After how much damage was done to the GOP brand? Slow learners, that bunch.

  2. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Interesting. Rhonda Boyles secretly did Sarah's bidding during Dairygate. It appears Rhonda now knows Sarah burned us all.

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      I've been wondering what's going on with DairyGate- didn't one of the mid-level people have to report to jail in October?

      I'm hoping more will be coming in the near future.

      R in NC

  3. Anonymous4:31 AM

    That letter needs to be seen far and wide by people outside of Alaska who might still admire and support Sarah Palin! The first two paragraphs are a tribute to she-who-must-be-named who brought "...chaos and dysfunction" to the office she was not qualified to hold.

  4. Caroll Thompson4:58 AM

    Thank you for the posting. I laughed out loud when I read what the Alaska Republican women had to say.

    So Sarah lies when she restricts her 'haters' to liberals. Actually, I am a moderate and not a liberal Sarah. Whether you sit on the right or left hand side of the airplane, I always say it is better to be in the plane than to fly on the wings.

    I know this is cliche, but I seriously doubt if Sarah could be elected dogcatcher of any town, anywhere in the United States of America. It's good to know that there are still some things that unite us all.

    1. Anonymous5:53 AM

      Amen, Caroll, I'm a moderate myself and you said it well. There will always be the lunatic fringe who adore her, but one has to laugh out loud at the persona she attempted to put forth to the world and what she turned out to be, all at her own hand. No amount of troll comments here will ever change the fact that she's toast, and their pathetic attempts to say otherwise are highly amusing.

      There's a sucker born every minute!

  5. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Well isn't that special, where were have you Republican ladies been since 2008?

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      I wondered the same thing myself. Perhaps they are tired of her making fools of all things Alaskan - who knows. Or perhaps with Palin's jaded history when it comes to politics they feel she has no right to throw her weight around. She lost that right when she quit her job. And - with this declaration by a group they know there is strength in numbers. Whatever their reason - glad it was done.

      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anonymous6:14 AM

      They're pissed because she didn't endorse their guy. If not for that, their little white gloves would have forever remained on their complacent hands.

    3. Anonymous9:14 AM

      True that, 6:14 AM!

    4. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Their statement is due to her pronouncement the other day that she "might run for office in the future". The wanted to make clear that she'd have no support from their members if she were to run for office in the future.

  6. Anonymous5:50 AM

    How come Sarah didn't mention anything about her friend who was in charge of the Mat-Maid Creamery scandal? Isn't this 'friend' in jail?

    Sounds like Sarah's Republican female friends found out that Sarah doesn't 'do' loyal, and that any one of them could be the next victim thrown under the bus.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Kyle Beus went to jail in July and Karen Olson the CEO of the Matanuska Creamery (not Mat Maid) has had her sentencing delayed until November 11. There was an interesting article in the Frontiersman. She stated it did no good to send a 70 year old woman to jail when she physically had harmed no one.

  7. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Wow, that's gotta leave a mark!

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      She won't even acknowledge the release. It's very telling though at what lengths republicans went to keep the real truth about Palin a secret. Now it's flowing out like a raging river. As I see it, Palin wanted to be governor for tv aspirations because she and her worthless family have no talent besides drinking and drug abuse.

    2. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Well, perhaps we should be reposting it to all those outlets that had Palin Wasillybilly Brawl as headlines? It would make a great follow up.

  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    The puppeteers who have foisted Manchurian Sullivan into this Senate race do not want the drag of the Palin curse. It would seal a Sullivan loss. Yup. She's been ordered to Sit Down and STFU.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      The Sullivan people don't want to bring any attention to the fact that Sarah Palin didn't even know who he was when she appointed him as her replacement Attorney General in 2009, shortly before quitting. After the debacle where she appointed Wayne Anthony Ross, and the Legislature would not approve him (first time in history of AK, by the way) the powers that be saw what poor decisions she made and told her that Dan would be a great fit. Bingo, Dan got his foot in the door in AK government. It was all arranged with a long term goal of having him run for some sort of higher office, since he's a "yes man" for the Republican powerbrokers. Dan made some powerful friends while working in DC and now they'd like to give him a Senate seat.

  9. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Sucks to be quitty pants!! hoohaaa

  10. Anonymous7:45 AM

    If the Alaskan Federation of Republican Women is serious then they need to divulge all the evil secrets of Sarah Palin and not only the damage Sarah Palin has done to our state but to the women of our state.

  11. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Valérie Henning
    I called my friend, a registered Republican, and told her about The Quitter’s endorsement of Walker/Mallott. She hung up on me. She called back 5 minutes later and apologized for hanging up so suddenly but she said she had to go out to her yard to take down her 2 Walker/Mallott signs. She threw them in the garbage where they now belong.

  12. I am - thanks god! - not a Republican woman - in Alaska or anywhere else - but I do think their logo is pretty clever. Kudos to whoever thought that up.

  13. This is friggin awesome! You just can't make this stuff up...!!!

  14. Anonymous9:05 AM


    Stay away from vicinity of Sarah and Bristol Palin unless you too want to be accused of sexually harassing Bristol and dragging her through Wasilla by her legs and exposing her hoohah.

  15. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Makes sense that the Republican women in Alaska have officially kicked Sarah Palin out of "Only Girlz Allowed" clubhouse.

    It must have freaked them out that her husband is a pervert and takes advantage of down and out women in Alaska and turns them into prostitutes.

  16. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Bristol Palin, You’re No Chelsea Clinton

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Bristol Palin Makes An Excellent Point: 'It Wasn't Chelsea Clinton'

      Forget Malala. If Bristol wants a comparison to Chelsea, let's give it to her. Instead of a chart, here are statements made by both young mothers in the past two months. See if you can guess who said what.

  17. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Sarah Palin has pissed off a lot of people in Alaska. Alaskans are abandoning Sarah left and right.

  18. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Alaska Federation of Republican Women Kick Sarah Palin Out Of The Club #BurnedByPalin #FoolMeOnceShameOnYou

  19. Anonymous11:00 AM

    This letter needs to be read on the Kenny Pick radio show, ASAP!!!

  20. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

    Not a good time to be Sarah Palin, but then when was it ever a good time to be Sarah Palin? LOL SMH


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