Saturday, November 01, 2014

New study claims it has discovered how to determine who is liberal and who is conservative. Surprisingly it is not through an IQ test.

Courtesy of New Scientist: 

The way your brain reacts to a single disgusting image can be used to predict whether you lean to the left or the right politically. 

A number of studies have probed the emotions of people along the political spectrum, and found that disgust in particular is tightly linked to political orientation. People who are highly sensitive to disgusting images – of bodily waste, gore or animal remains – are more likely to sit on the political right and show concern for what they see as bodily and spiritual purity, so tend to oppose abortion and gay marriage, for example. 

A team led by Read Montague, a neuroscientist at Virginia Tech in Roanoke, recruited 83 volunteers and performed fMRI brain scans on them as they looked at a series of 80 images that were either pleasant, disgusting, threatening or neutral. Participants then rated the images for their emotional impact and completed a series of questionnaires that assessed whether they were liberal, moderate or conservative. 

The brain-imaging results were then fed to a learning algorithm which compared the whole-brain responses of liberals and conservatives when looking at disgusting images versus neutral ones. 

For both political groups, the algorithm was able to pick out distinct patterns of brain activity triggered by the disgusting images. And even though liberals and conservatives consciously reported similar emotional reactions to the images, the specific brain regions involved and their patterns of activation differed consistently between the two groups – so much so that they represented a neural signature of political leaning, the team concludes.

Well now, that explains a lot. 

Possibly including how the conservatives can see this picture...

...and think future President, while most Liberals see it and think where are the Vice cops when you need them?

Personally I am fine with  gross images, but of course I have had a lot of exposure to them over the years.

Oh God, I may have spoken too soon.


  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    This actually explains a LOT! Haven't you always wondered just what is the damn deal with all the Republican scandals involving prositutes/escorts, closeted homosexual activity, S&M etc etc? I just assumed it came from that standard repressed, fundamentalist religion, authoritarian discipline and patriarchal upbringing so "traditional" for "family values" folks. They really ARE fucked up!

    1. Suzy Q7:18 AM

      And the Conservatives are always obsessing on anything and everything related to sex. Look at the way the head Conservative, Sarah, is always obsessing over the male "member". Guess that's how you are when you never get any.

    2. Anonymous10:41 AM

      I'd say how she obsesses with Obama is evenmore telling.

  2. Suzy Q7:15 AM

    Todd probably has bigger boobs.

  3. Caroll Thompson7:35 AM

    Sarah really has not aged well at all. Hate will do that to you. And no Sarah, I am not talking about the "haters" as you call anyone who wants you to go away. I am talking about your hate; that hate and rage inside you.

  4. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Those two photos should always be the photos used any time she is in the news. It will ensure that people will see that she is a fake and a fraud. That's not just a case of being caught without her "face on". This woman is a deceitful con artist, happily she looks terrible either way.

  5. Well, I have a problem with this study..Considering many of the lading opponents of Homosexuality and Gay marriage wind up getting caught in a motel room doing meth with a gay hooker, I think the results they received were misinterpreted, replace the word 'disgusted' should be replaced by the word 'aroused' then the results would be far more believable, and I'm no scientist, but I can read headlines, still waiting for Rove in a Red Roof sting

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Lots of shame-based discipline, judgmental condemnation, and we're right/they're wrong in the family values crowd. Makes for some dark corners for sexual impulses for a lot of these guys. "Disgust" is what they are trained to feel, but attraction to the forbidden shameful disgusting thing carries the most consequences, so is the "most forbidden" culturally

    2. Balzafiar11:11 AM

      Red Roof Inn may be a bit too upscale for Rove.

    3. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Texasace00 is really on to something. I agree: they are aroused not only by discussing the 'smut' in others' lives, but by sadism as well. I think it actually gives them sexual pleasure when they deprive people of medical, social, job, retirement, voting, citizenship, and other Constitutionally-guaranteed benefits. They have a sociopathic nature, similar to the young sociopathic boys who get great pleasure from blowing up frogs or killing other small animals. I think that even the thought of war is an emotional draw to them, where to an emotionally healthy person, the first thought would be, heaven forbid that my or my neighbor's son or daughter (or the people 'over there') should have to die or be maimed in such a way/for this reason. Yes, to say they are repulsed is far too simplistic. Superficially, perhaps; but not really, and not deep down. That is because they lack spiritual integration in their inmost parts: 'thinking'/acting as though 'disgust' makes them 'feel'/appear more moral, and that is what they desire most – to appear to be holier than thou/the rest of us, in order to compensate for what is missing within.

  6. Anonymous8:22 AM

    These two images are perfect for Halloween ,what a scary woman .her images mirror her personality and character perfectly.

  7. London Bridges8:22 AM

    Actually the one on the current news stand - tabloid is the post yoga class picture - halloweenie edition - the Star?


  8. I agree, these two photos are very telling...of course she's not telling, but that's okay we already know!

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Not a fan of hers but alot of sexism on this blog when it comes to sarah palin

    2. PalinsHoax1:04 PM

      "Not a fan of hers but alot of sexism on this blog when it comes to sarah palin"
      - - -
      Sexism - that's all Ol' Potty Mouth knows. Doesn't she love to use such terms as: cajones, limp, impotent, pulling out slowly, man-up, etc?

      Sexual innuendo is the natural language that comes out of her Gutter Mouth.

    3. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Anon @11:56 AM

      Look at what she is 'marketing' in that top photo. Also ... what PalinsHoax @1:04 PM points out.

  9. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Sarah's blog/tv ranking is dropping down lower than Chucky Sr's balls. Alexa rank is now # 220,085

    Gryphen is doing ok with a rank of # 39,299

  10. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Wow, it is as if the devil removed the mask. She is positively reptilian! How creepy.

  11. Anonymous8:47 AM

    She's not aging well, I've seen women who look better after hitting 50.

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Sarah's ugliness on the inside has clearly come to the surface. She looks hard and mean. My friend just turned 50 a few weeks ago. Sure, she has a few gray hairs, some lines and isn't quite as thin as she used to be. But unlike Sarah, there is a softness to Nora's face, a sweetness. Probably because she is a loving and kind soul.

      Jennifer K

  12. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Hmmmmm... not sure what that means for people who were once conservative or libertarian in their youth and have now wised up? Then again, Libertarian doesn't mean what it used to anymore, since the 'baggers hijacked it.

  13. Aunt Ethel9:15 AM

    I never noticed before that Sarah is sticking her tongue out in the "Belmonts" pic. Funny how you see things like that when you zoom in!

  14. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Dang! Ugly Sally aka dotty looks better than old sarah. It looks like sarah is doing the tongue thing in both pictures,too. I love those pictures of sarah, especially the aging-stripper one with the wig ....but really, I can't make up my mind . Lol

  15. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Lol she thinks she's sexy in both pictures while doing the tongue thing

  16. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I just commented without the verification prompt. Did it change? Or is my comment disappearing

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Never mind. I entered too fast

  17. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Hey sarah. I think those are your most photogenic pictures yet. What happened to your beauty school daughters. FIre them!

  18. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Poor ugly sarah. Just look at you. Get your daughters to do a makeover asap!

  19. AKinPA10:29 AM

    I think that photo of Palin in the pink blouse illustrates the full extent of her mental illness. How could anyone who had had the benefit of professional stylists and makeup artists for 3 months have possibly thought that that ridiculous "outfit" was suitable for network or cable TV. (I can't remember if she wore that to appear on Good Morning, America or some Faux News morning program.)

    When I first saw that photo, I was convinced that it had to be photoshopped. I couldn't believe that she went to NYC dressed like that. Not only did she learn nothing from her professional stylists but along with not reading any newspapers, she clearly never glanced through a fashion magazine or looked in a mirror either.

    Why is she anything other than a laughing stock?

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      shame on her beauty-school daughters & penrose academy.
      get you money back sarah.

  20. Anonymous10:39 AM

    It's amazing to see how Sarah looks like her mother in that bottom photo! Without makeup, she is the spitting imagine of her! She truly has lost her attractiveness as she's aged!

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      I though that WAS Sally. BTW, my college-aged daughter thinks the top photo has been photo-shopped by people who don't like her. lol

  21. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Best two pictures EVAH.
    Honorable mention to the shar pei side shot
    Malia posts from time to time.

  22. Anonymous10:53 AM

    "During an interview with Phoenix television station KTVK, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee said he wasn't excusing the brawl but went on to blast the media's coverage of it."

    Because a fame whoring family needs some privacy to hide their dirt?

    Or is it that it is out of bounds to show their turds before they are all polished?

    Fuck You John McCain.

  23. Anonymous12:09 PM

    john McCain & bills krystol...2 desperate old men

  24. Anita Winecooler5:37 PM

    LOVE it. The upper version of "Sarah" looks like a plastic doll with air in her head and two reserve bags. The one below, shows the REAL Sarah. Same cadaver coloring as the insides while sucking on pig testicles in a wardrobe she dived dumpters for.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.