Monday, November 10, 2014

Sister Mary Moosenuggets gives a shout out to Billy Graham on his 96th birthday.

I actually was not going to address this video as it does not have much of anything to do with politics. However it does deal with Palin and her phony religious convictions, so that is certainly in my wheelhouse.

Do not expect a transcript as this thing is so convoluted and impossible to follow that it would take me an hour and I would end up with a splitting headache.

The first thing I noticed is that Palin was dressed as if she had suddenly been accepted into the nunnery. Gone are the sparkly shirts and fake cleavage, and instead she is wearing what looks like a minister's robe or a table cloth from a Black Mass.

Hard to tell really.

Palin essentially gushes over Billy Graham for a little over six minutes, telling us how honored she was to have attended his 95th birthday..

..seen above, and how her mother came to become a follower of his.  (Though in this newer version she explains that her mother saw his message on television, and in the original version I do believe she suggested that Sally had seen him in person.)

Palin explains that her mother became enamored with Graham during the time that she refers to as the "Jesus Era" of the seventies, which is a sanitized memory of what we all called the era of the "Jesus Freaks."

What makes this video interesting, in an "Oh my God there is a four car pileup on the highway" kind of way, is that Palin is clearly working without a script, and her meanderings are essentially a stream of consciousness look into how her brain misfires and jumps from topic to topic like a frog in a frying pan.

All in all it is incredibly bizarre and in some ways a little disturbing. But then again what about Sarah Palin is not both of those things?

P.S. Oh I almost forgot that in the early part of the video the person behind the camera kept adjusting it up and down in an attempt to frame her in the shot without cutting off the top of her head. Which makes me think that either it was a drunken Todd or Bristol behind the camera.


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Sigh, as the lady in Gosford Park said, the ones we hate last forever....

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      "is that Palin is clearly working without a script, and her meanderings are essentially a stream of consciousness look into how her brain misfires and jumps from topic to topic like a frog in a frying pan."
      Great descriptor of the idiot one Gryphen!!!
      I think this black get up was so she could wear her biggest chesticles and see how much attention ($) she can pull in...
      Otherwise one of the girls is preggo again....

    2. Anonymous10:19 PM

      Click on both of her pics and look at her wonky eye. It appears to be getting worse. She better pray about that real soon.

    3. Anonymous10:54 PM

      Heroin junkie can't stop her scratching and fidgeting. Dry mouth problem, also, too. On top of that, once again, she's also too lazy to sit down and write a script. Inappropriate accents on random syllables, just "winging it" with her idiotic word salad.

      Since Sarah and her fellow crook/ex-husband don't have enough sense to be embarrassed about this half-ass effort, I'm going to cringe for them. I forwarded this vid to my fundie sis & bro-in-law who lived in AK for 30 years until last year. Both of them were taken in by this Fraudulent Grifter and are regretful, but at least they can laugh at her now (ever since she quit) as much as I do, which is every time you post about her. The IM comments are always the best!

    4. Anonymous1:25 AM

      You need a life.

      Gryphen, you made it sound like the camera moves a lot. It moved up ONCE.

    5. Anonymous11:24 AM

      YOU, you need a life 1:25, go to a fan board to get your Palin-Worship fix.

  2. fromthediagonal9:22 AM

    Is this her audition for membership into the International Preacherhood? Looks like she found a choir gown in the Thrift Shop around the corner and though it would show them how good she looks in pastorly garb. Hell, it might just work. Whatevers...

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Dipping a toe in the televangelist scene, for sure. When you hit rock bottom, that's where you land.

    2. Anonymous8:29 PM

      ditto that. Reckon o ld Billy and his son will welsome her into the fold? Na, me neither.

    3. Anonymous10:29 PM

      That gown reminds me of a shower liner that is covered with scum like one that I had to clean as a frat pledge years ago. As nasty as Princess FreeDumbAss is, she probably has em throughout her biotoxic house. Plus, she has that wonky eye thing going. Oops, wrong specs on today, Idiot.

      "Tahd, where are my fucking glasses? This pair accents my fucked-up wonky eye! I can't see shit!"

  3. Caroll Thompson9:22 AM

    Take a look at that bible. It is brand spanking new. Not a page has been read. How do you tell? From the gold on outside of the page. Many bibles start with the gold, but wear and tear makes the gold go away. Heck, just a few readings makes a lot of it go away.

    She probably had to go out and buy a bible because from what she has said these last six years, she sure doesn't read the bible.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      My thoughts exactly, Caroll. Palin is a fake Christian.

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      $he sure as hell isn't in Gravel Land (Wasilla) with all that sunny greenery out the window, Those ain't no spruce trees! Phony delusional liar.

    3. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Why would you say that? The bible is full of more ugly stinking shit than even Sarah Palin.

    4. Anonymous1:24 AM

      She knows the bible well. That is genuine. Her grandson went to a Christian school, though now he goes to a public school. A good one though.

    5. Olivia6:52 AM


  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Palin probably stole--excuse me--"borrowed" that choir robe from a nearby church. The way she fidgets in it is distracting--she kooks like she's picking her butt. Are we meant to believe that this is how Sarah dresses around the house> That and the randomly-placed American flags around the place.

    This is hilarious!

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      She did reach in those wings to put something in place or scratch something.

    2. the insufferable witch is a true hillbilly. All those red/white/blue flag pins, flags, clothes are props and look corny and cheesy. she believes the more of that made-in-china crap she shows the more patriotic she is than dems. she is a loon.

    3. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Look at her mouth in the first photo. Looks like she is saying "Get that F---ING camera set up already"

    4. Anonymous11:18 AM

      And what the heck is that horrendous QVC knuckle ring? Wasn't Billy Graham the guy who used to brag that he wasn't wearing $1000 suits? Leave it to $carah to ruin her humble, churchy, choir lady schtick for Graham with a gaudy blingring.

    5. Anonymous1:10 PM

      She probably borrowed the bible too, from the last hotel she stayed in.

    6. Martha again7:13 PM

      I noticed the ring when she described how all the Jesus people were rebelling against materialism.

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I posted this on another thread a few minutes ago: People were saying that from the color and type of leaves, it appears to have been shot several months ago, and combined with her odd black attire and her insistent use of past tense in talking about Graham (she catches herself several times and says, "IS! Not was!"), I think this was intended as a eulogy. Was he very ill during the mid to late summer?

    I could only stand to watch once, but I don't think she referenced his birthday except to say she had been invited last year. IIRC, she just jumped right into her tribute to him. I believe she shot this during the summer, expecting that he was going to die, and because he didn't, she never got to use it so she posted it now as a bday tribute.

    Watching her unscripted incoherence is painful. I vote for drunken Bristol operating the camera, because it actually wobbles a few times, and obviously there was NO editing.

    It sickens me to think of the many, many talented students who would kill to have access to the equipment the Palins surely have, and who would have soaked in all those opportunities to learn from professional camera crews and cosmetologists and media personalities. The fact that THIS is the best the Palins can do with all the money and all the chances they've had to observe and work with professionals--it's so pathetic that I have trouble wrapping my brain around it. As with so much else Palin, also, too.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      love the way she calls herself a "hockey wife". Does her husband play hockey? Does she drive him to the games?

    2. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Is, was, still is. There is no one and no topic in the news she won't use for her own advantage.

    3. vegaslib10:15 AM

      Holy shit, Holy Shit! There is something wrong with her, no really there is. She can't even get a coherent sentence out and she supposedly has a college degree in journalism? Wow, that is just sad and pathetic.

    4. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Graham was really sick in July, at death's door many thought so I bet she did film this as a tribute but went ahead and used it for his birthday since he's still around.

    5. "Whatever"1:03 PM

      9:27 You are so right. This "Death Tribute" as birthday wish is soooo Palin. (also 11:18)

      I had to wait until I stopped laughing before I could post.

      She thought he'd die. He didn't.

      She thought she'd be invited back for this year's birthday. She wasn't.

      So she posted her "funeral tribute" in full dress funeral black for his "Happy Birthday" greeting. WTF that is sooo Sarah.

      I'm glad she wasn't invited back. As I recall she wore a WAY to short skirt to the uber Christian event.

    6. Anonymous2:47 PM

      I'm glad she wasn't invited back.
      Not to mention the Hoedown aka Thonghazi!
      (Kenny Pick and the gang it never gets old, they are incredulous at the lies)

    7. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Yes, it is quite amazing to think she was around some of the best makeup / wardrobe / speech / camera / media people in the business in 2008. I bet a million dollars was spent by the Republican party to TRY to make it look as though she had a some class. NONE of that coaching and examples seems to have stuck.

      She's blown through millions of dollars, and still does NOT know how to dress or present herself. I know women who put together outfits from the thrift store that do a better job of being appropriately dressed than SP.

      In this video, her all black "minister" outfit is too large; she pulls and tucks ON CAMERA to try and make it fit a little more snugly.. she handles the oversize Bible awkwardly... JUST PATHETIC!!!!

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Sarah Palin where are your New York titties?

  7. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Comment not yet scrubbed from her hatebook page regarding her hate rant insinuating the president pals around with terrorists.
    Bruce Kanuho So y'all are boo hooing about tha President of the United States. Obviously the people who elected him the first time $ the second time did so because they thought he was a better choice than John and Sarah. Sarah Palin didn't even complete the 4 year Governorship of The State of Alaska. So what makes you all think she would do a good job of being a President. She might just leave office midway, what then. You all talk about terrorist, but, remember that the Iraqi War was started by President Bush. A war that didn't need to be fought. Our War casualties were great, and my Daughter is a Veteran of that War. Obama is the one that brought home our Soldiers. If you all think you can do a better job than him go for it. Sarah was suppose to be a role model, for Woman but, she fell short of that praise. What about her daughter who gave birth outta wedlock and you think she will do a great job.
    12 minutes ago

  8. I'm sure at this point Billy don't really know who is in the room with him at any given time anymore...Although I am no fan of his, he was clever enough at one time to have no surrounded himself with other gifted grifters....

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Graham Sr was a first class grifter in his day. He took his little church right into the WH whenever possible and no one questioned separation of church/state or fumed that churches should be taxed when they crossed over that very thin line.

      Tapes of his conversations later revealed his anti-semitism and especially so in his prosperous fund raising years with Nixon. The difference in grifters today is that there are so many more of them that they can't hide their 'neon' light under a bushel like their elders could. Might miss a donation like that!

  9. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Is Greta even considered a Christian?

    How many wives have Donald and Rupert had in total? Which God favors this much adultery?

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Greta is a Scientologist.

  10. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Sarah I noticed in the second picture (the one with your hand searching for your breasts) you are supposed to be talking to us but your eyes are wandering off in a different direction. What are you looking at? You are not outside, you are in a room in your house so what is keeping you from looking at us?

    They say the way to tell if someone is lying to you is to watch their eyes. If they keep looking away then they are lying.

  11. lice? scabies? dry detergent hands?9:42 AM

    I wonder if she has lice. She doesn't quit scratching. Didn't she stick her left hand down to adjust her girdle or something? Love the photo there with all the 11 people showing the "diversity".

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      I think she as a bad case of crotch crickets from lack of personal hygiene and soap

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      "She doesn't quit scratching."

      Drug use.

    3. AKinPA3:15 PM

      Maybe bed bugs or fleas from Jill. Pretty sure it's not "dry detergent hands." Can't see her washing out the bowls of moose chili. She probably just puts them on the floor, lets Jill lick them clean, then has someone put them back in the cabinet. Maybe that's Trig's job. After all, her other kids with their wonderful work ethics are all out working.

      Also, too, why didn't someone edit out that deer in the headlights ending? Was it so everyone could hear, "Good job" or whatever the off camera person said?

    4. Anonymous8:33 PM

      opiod drugs like oxy made a person itch and scratch.

    5. Anonymous11:06 PM

      exactly--- her lack of control mentally and with her hands are both classic junkie symptoms, especially the repeated arm scratching.

  12. Anonymous9:45 AM

    First thing you notice - that Bible has never been opened - you can tell because the gold gilding on the edge of the pages is not even broken.

  13. "Sister" Mary Moosenuggets? Please. The nuns teaching at my school in the late 60s were all about social justice and God's love and mercy for all. They were phenomenally hard working, kind, loving, and giving. (The "mean" teachers were the lay teachers, not the nuns.)

    They would not have put up with Palin's raging hatefulness, hypocrisy, viciousness, bigotry, dishonesty, and her twisting of God's word for even a nanosecond. Let alone her utter laziness, anathema to nuns.

    Sarah Palin doesn't have what it takes to be a nun. Pffft.

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      You obviously never met my first grade teacher, a psycho AND a nun. I spent 12 years in Catholic schools and some of my teachers were as you describe, but some were REAL nasty whackjobs.

  14. She maybe should have kept her piehole shut. Then people wouldn't be wondering why she wasn't at this year's celebration, and why she is only able to blather away about last year's.

    I wonder how many other people from last year's birthday event weren't invited to this years's celebration?

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      What I wonder isn't why she wasn't invited this year, but why, after five years of seeing what a hateful, divisive, nasty, vile harpy she is--how completely and totally she fails to embody ANY biblical virtues--Billy Graham thought it was appropriate to invite her last year. Then again, the "diverse" lineup included Trump and Murdoch, so we know his standards aren't high.

      Think Franklin is a grifter, but respected Billy even when I didn't agree with him. I've just lost a good amount of respect for him.

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Billy Graham has Parkinson's and a host of other ailments. He's just hanging on.
      According to various articles, Franklin, oldest of the five children, has basically taken over the Graham dynasty, dictating where his parents would be buried, and pimping out that Franklin's Purse business. Yet the other four all have their "ministries," too.
      Graham was for integration in the '50s, worked well, often, with Martin Luther King, and had other interesting sides to him. But his ego got the better of him.

      btw -- I thought Sally Heath was a Roman Catholic she didn't "find" Jesus with Billy Graham. She just decided she liked his hell-fire speeches and cute charisma to the incense and lace of a religion based on a Latin liturgy that she probably couldn't understand, even after Vatican II.

    3. Anonymous2:54 PM

      This is probably HER way of "shaming them" either into sending that private jet her way...
      or Shame on you! You didn't invite me and send the flying monkeys on Franklin Graham or his dad.
      She doesn't shit us. She always has a ulterior motive.

    4. "Anonymous2:54 PM
      This is probably HER way of "shaming them" either into sending that private jet her way..."
      That would be an excellent plan if the Grahams paid any more attention to her facebook teen mean girl drug-addled yammerings than the President does. Which is none whatsoever.

    5. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Billy is just as despicable as his son. I can't imagine why you would have respect for him. He's the sort of grifter Sarah Palin can't even dream of becoming.

    6. Anonymous2:41 AM

      $carah's ignorance and low I.Q. are "made manifest" in her latest video. Does she study Shakespeare to get inspiration?

  15. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Palin looks so matronly! Look how she has changed in one year! She's so unattractive anymore. Guess it's all the evilness she has inside her moving to the exterior of her body.

    I didn't watch the video - never do.

    Why wasn't she invited to this years party for Billy Graham? Haha! Probably because they didn't want her presence just like the political gatherings today. No one wants her!

  16. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The deer in headlights ending is priceless as well -- stares, sighs, sticks her tongue out.

  17. Anonymous9:55 AM

    All the itching is evidence of Opiate abuse/addiction. Wouldn't doubt it for a minute. Lots of that stuff up there.

  18. Anonymous9:56 AM

    If you don't believe me about people who are lying can't look you in the eye. In the picture where Sarah is rubbing her little nubs, Sarah proves the point.

    In the picture below the picture of all those white people there's another solo picture of Sarah not making eye contact with us.

    Sarah you are not speaking at a conference or to a group of people so why can't you make eye contact with us?

  19. PalinsHoax10:00 AM

    Oh my, the Ol' Twobulled One is looking positively dowdy and frowzy, dumpy and frumpy, stodgy and pudgy, with a generous touch of being absolutely boring, pathetic and desperate.

    How many months ago was this recorded? Look at those nice green leaves outside!!

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Maybe she needs a "Monster" energy drink?


  20. Anonymous10:01 AM

    "It's a better place, because of Billy Graham", she says.

    If she was truly born-again, bots, she'd be saying without any hesitation, that it's a better place because of Jesus. There is no question that Sarah Palin has not had a real life-changing experience. That 'toast' to Billy Graham was so disingenuous and she put on her silly sing-song voice, because it was so apparent she's uncomfortable talking about the 'message', as she holds that bible, rubbing the string and hesitating her words, trying to sound spiritually insightful. Major fail, Sarah.

    That 6 minutes exemplified someone who doesn't have a clue as to what Billy Graham preached. She shrugs her shoulders and does the girly talk about how her mom came to Christ through Billy Graham. Then she says that the rest of the family were changed. How so?

    Changed in that she, Sarah, shows her fruit to be rotten? And not only does she express rottenness coming forth from her lips, she condemns and judges others.

    That fake birthday wish to Billy Graham was a poor attempt at pretending she understands what he was about. He didn't want to be an icon, although he became one. As a born-again, she would not idolize him; she could honor him. But notice how she didn't once use the name of the Savior that Graham invited everyone to meet. She never gave her personal testimony. She never spoke of her love for Jesus. She never gave credence to the saving gospel message.

    Fake, phony. Pure and simple.


    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      I loved her "the Old Testament and the New Testament" thing--SO weird. It was obvious that other than the verse she cited ("lamp unto my feet..."), she couldn't think of a single other thing to say about it.

    2. Anonymous9:40 PM

      Oh please, the old moneygrubbing anti-Semitic bible thumper showed his true colors a long time ago.

    3. Anonymous11:04 AM

      And if you notice she opened the cover of the bible to where her thumb was when she said "lamp unto my feet"......she had a cheat sheet tucked under the cover. She couldn't even remember 4 simple words. What a ridiculous fraud.

  21. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Wonder how much Todd and/or Bristol get paid to shoot with such non-union professionalism? Is it Bristol's PR group? Hard ass workers, that's what they keep telling us they are. Heard she only puts up about 5% new content in her subscriber internet tv channel, about as much as she donates her PAC dollars to actual candidates with the cajones to run for office.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      I'd wager that a portion of her few subscribers are so addled that they read and re-read the same stuff that she's had up for weeks and think it's all new.

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Sarah has to keep her children in the money so they don't start flapping their gums.

      There is absolutely no loyalty among thieves.

    3. Anonymous1:22 AM

      Bristol isn't a public figure, neither is Todd.

      That's like calling Levi one. Levi doesn't even have a facebook page HE runs

    4. Anonymous6:39 AM

      Bristol became a public figure the moment she allowed a TV interview with her baby, a magazine cover with Levi and Tripp, appeared on DWTS, had her very own reality TV show, and now posts a well-publicized blog.
      A private person would do none of these things.
      Todd, from his time as half-governor, to his appearances on television, is most definitely a public figure.
      The laws of libel and slander deal very differently with a public and a private figure. Your next-door neighbor is likely a private figure. The Palins, each and every one of them, having been put into the arena by their mother or by themselves, are and will always be public.
      Whether or not Levi runs his own FB page -- who cares? The Palins use ghostwriters and helpers at every opportunity. Maybe Levi is too busy working and having a happy family life to bother with a FB page himself.

  22. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Sarah some people can't stay off the pipe, some can't stop rolling up a $100 bill and snorting cocaine, some people get drunk with their kids to where they lose control of their Christian values and fight anyone who doesn't kiss their asses.

    Sarah are you addicted to plastic surgery? There are older pictures of you showing your old woman's turkey neck flapping away in the wind, then they disappear and again reappear. The pictures above shows your neck has been reworked again. Your neck skin is so tight this time are you able to breathe?

    1. Anonymous1:21 AM

      Are you addicted to attacking people, Anon? How is that plastic surgery?

      Thats like saying bristols' had plastic surgery just because she had minor lipo to speed up the process of losing baby fat around ones chin. It would've gone away by now, since Sarah's chin baby fat did around age 24.

      They look the same.

      Actually, Sarah looks the exact same without makeup as she did in the pic Piper posted for Todds bday. It's of Sarah and Todd and Sarah is fully sans makeup looking like she doesnt' need it

    2. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Did she have minor lipo to remove that huge mound of baby fat that was showing on DWTS? You know, the one where she is the only person in history to GAIN weight while working out and dancing 15 hours a day. The same one where that mound of baby fat kept getting larger and more visible through her costumes.

  23. Anonymous10:12 AM

    This is disgusting to watch. There's a word for it and I don't yet know what it is. Pathetic? Exploitative? Schitzophrenic? She sounds wasted, and the outfit, trying to look like a chorus girl/preacher is twisted. She keeps looking sideways and talking like a little girl.

    The tribute has no intensity, no conviction. The 6 minutes are mostly about her. How she met him, her mother's conversion, her meeting him at his 95th birthday party, name-dropping the big rich wigs who were there, talking about the 10's of thousands who listened to Graham at crusades almost sounded like she was believing for a second there, that those 10's of thousands were all going to see her.


  24. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Meth addicts scratch a lot, and pick at skin eruptions.

  25. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Did you notice, that in that group shot, old Billy is the only one not looking at the camera? Reminds me of that old "Tales From The Crypt" episode--'Where's my cake!? I want my cake!'

  26. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Sarah Palin mocked President Obama for using a teleprompter.

    Sarah got caught reading notes on her palms that was written with some type of marking pen.

    If you look at the reflection in Sarah's glasses you can see the reflection of Sarah's teleprompter.

    When Sarah tries to make others look bad it just comes back to Sarah.

  27. Anonymous10:28 AM

    This was mentioned several posts ago, but bears repeating: the weird way in which she plays with the Bible bookmark ribbon is truly bizarre. She also spends too much time scratching her left arm. And what "genius" filmed SP in front of a cuckoo clock?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Maybe she's subliminally recognizing the nickname that Nicolle Wallace gave her "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs"!

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      I have relatives who scratch their arms. We think it is because of their drug addiction.

    3. Anonymous7:37 PM

      And Sarah's gospel bling ring is on the FU finger on her right hand! Who is Sarah giving the bird to? Billy, Roger, Rupert, or Franklin?


    4. Anonymous2:47 AM

      7:37 Any of them, all of them!

  28. I watched it just for a laugh. I love how she's backed up against a wall, but also next to the window in case she needs to make a hasty escape.And why does she need to fondle a bible? I guess she thinks if you hold a dictionary that's all you need to make you smart. I imagine the back story: someone asked her if she needed time to prepare something and she says, "no, I'll just wing it". At the end of the video she looked genuinely confused, then quite pleased with herself when a voice off camera said, "good job". She really thinks she's amazing. She's such an idiot, she believes her own hype.

  29. Anonymous10:32 AM

    She has no idea what she's talking about. Her knowledge of religion is about as extensive as her knowledge of politics. Or energy. Or parenting. What is she an expert on again?


    1. "What is she an expert on again?"
      General fuckwittery.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      I dunno. She excels at being a blithering idiot. Does that count?

  30. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Where is Sarah taping this video?

    I do not believe it is at one of Sarah's houses on her Wasilla compound.

    Look at her window, we have never seen that type of balcony railing with wires.

    Also I don't believe that Sarah trees are that close to her balconies.

    I'm thinking this setup is at Bristol' house. Bristol's house is close to trees.

    I could be wrong but I don't remember seeing matured leafy trees that close to her balconies.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Do the trees in Alaska have green leaves right now? We don't, down here in the lower 48.

    2. Anonymous11:33 AM

      There are some trees near the airplane hanger house which has two balconies with those wire deck-railing supports. This looks to be shot in the upper story looking sideways through one of the french doors leading to the deck. There aren't many trees near the house but the perspective that camera gives, with the trees being in the background, makes them seem both closer and larger. You can clearly see the lake and the outline of the forest on the lakeshore in the background.

    3. Anonymous1:18 AM

      The studio house has always had a wire balcony. lol I recall that pre dance picture of Willows friends lined on out there. Wire

  31. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Looks like she didn't get invited to the "unity" gig that she said "we" are giving for Cassidy. I wonder if Ernst "unliked" Palin on FB.

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      The cult is having conniptions over her not showing up in Louisiana. Of course they are blaming the GOP for distancing themselves from her because they are intimidated by her awesomeness :-)

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      The idiot got the date wrong,c4p now says it's this Saturday and Queen Esther will be there, now all is forgiven that woman can't even get here appearance dates right no wonder she needs handlers.

  32. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Years ago the ex wanted to go to a Billy revival, will never forget his father's three words of wisdom as we went out the door, "Watch you wallet". Turned out he was spot on, they were asking for money continuously while ole Billy was 'preaching' give me your money.

  33. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Anonymous9:52 AM

    love the way she calls herself a "hockey wife". Does her husband play hockey? Does she drive him to the games?


    They say pathological liars can't keep track of their lies.

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      ...nor their own Track.


    2. Anonymous1:16 AM

      injury. Track's had 3 surgeries, the latest this year. He'd be playing pro if he hadn't needed surgery

      But leave him alone. He's a respectful man and great father who doesn't pursue spotlight.

    3. Balzafiar5:41 AM


      Is your calling in life to make excuses for losers or are you paid to do it?

    4. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Was one of those surgeries a lobotomy? He is due for one.

    5. Anonymous9:15 AM

      No way would Track be playing pro hockey. he can't make it through a game w/out having rage attacks, which is why he got thrown off every high school team he ever played on despite his talent. that is an easily checked fact.

      Track has not even bothered to fish at Bristol ay for years, Todd too. Not one Paylin has a job. Pathetic.

  34. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Well that was really an inspiring video, has she heard of Gold Bond lotion? it may help her itching problem or a valium to counter act the diet speed pills.

    She can be proud of her upcoming speaking gig for NATE which stands for National Association Of Tower Erectors, this is not a joke, they exist.A meeting will be held on Feb. 23rd through the 26th 2015.

    Quote; NATE doesn't expect the former Alaska governor to address tower issues, but rather deliver an "Inspirational message". Let the jokes begin, Sarah and erectors, this should be good.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      If her speech lasts more than 4 hours......

  35. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I love the very end. (Admittedly, I only watched the beginning and the end; can't overdose on SP). She gets done, closes her pie hole, and looks off camera with a "done good?" look.

  36. Very strange rambling, twitching, squirming, smiling, looking all over...even for her. Her new persona is nun-like, sweet, happy, all about goodness? Yikes.

    No wedding ring.

    1. "Her new persona is nun-like, sweet, happy, all about goodness?"
      Well, having to fake all that would explain her obvious discomfort level, wouldn't it?

    2. Anonymous1:14 AM

      whats fake? you, thats what, nefer. And a liar you are too

    3. Anonymous1:15 AM

      She wears it in daily life. It's on in most private pictures. Piper deems the moment her dad gave it to her as the sweetest moment ever.

    4. That would be the one she threw in Lake Lucille? Or some later one.

  37. Anonymous11:11 AM

    The window she stands next to has to have a fake backdrop. Do the leaves move in the wind? Even if there is no wind, it looks like there's snow on the ground. It just looks fake, like someone shoved a prop outside her window to make it appear she's in AK.

    Whatever the case, no one can trust her, everything she's done is fake; she is like a character from the Twilight Zone. Someone who lied so often that they couldn't see the fake from the real and their surroundings start to morph into strange apparitions.

    Hope she's not there yet. Someone, please get her an intervention! A spiritual one!

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      The leaves are blowing in the wind and what you see at the ground level is the lake. You can see a dock if you blow up the stills. The lakeside trees are visible in the background. This was filmed sometime this summer, from the looks of the trees probably mid summer, July, maybe early August if I had to guess.

  38. I'll bet a dollar to a donut that the old grifter Billy, at the age of 96, is still drawing full salary and benefits from his so-called "ministry."

    1. Anonymous2:55 AM

      Plus his children, who inherited the "family bidness" are already dividing the spoils from his will. Such Christians, not much of his ill gotten gains will go to his own charity. Why does a man of God need a private jet?

  39. Anonymous11:26 AM

    The first lesson in Journalism would be to proof read before hitting "send." The same rule should apply to Sarah's home made videos. Doesn't she ever see how she looks? Holding the prop bible which is too big and serves no purpose, itching, it is getting hard to believe that Palin took even one class in communications.

  40. Anonymous11:31 AM

    She's a fucking mess internally as well as externally! Just look at her! Yuk!

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Agreed! In two years she'll be looking older that John McCain!

  41. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Is Granny S auditioning for a re-boot of Sister Act, Nunsense, or Agnes of God?

  42. angela11:51 AM

    Uuuuuuuummmmmm, was this a death tribute to Graham?
    It sounded like one.

    Itchy, Sarah?

    What a mess this woman is. Her family should be ashamed
    of themselves for encouraging this nut. But how else would they pay their bills?

    1. You know it's interesting that you mention this, because at one point she refers to Graham in the past tense before hurriedly correcting herself.

      It is like she is waiting for him to die for some reason.

    2. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Graham was very ill and there were lots of news articles about it this summer in July. I think she filmed a eulogy, as most people, including his family were saying he was a goner. Being lazy she just threw it out there as his birthday greeting.

      "Heya there Billy so glad ya didn't die on us back in the here's a happy birthday eulogy for ya."

    3. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Maybe she and Franklin are waiting for Billy to kick the bucket before they leave their significant others to be together. They've always been "quite friendly" with one another. They're both opportunists, it's a match made in heaven.

    4. Anonymous12:16 PM

      That might explain the "nunnery" style clothing and the bible prop.

    5. Anonymous12:26 PM

      If Franklin is like 90% of the christian guys I've "known" he likes it nasty in the bedroom, and Sarah sure ain't bringing it...we'll she's brining the nasty, but quite the wrong kind of nasty for the likes of a well-heeled christian man such as Franklin Graham.

    6. Anonymous1:00 PM

      I agree with the comments that say this was a memorial tape...set and setting are clearly a few months back. Her attempts at a genuine, heart-felt tribute are pathetic.

      On another note, what happened with her going to some big shindig in Louisiana with the new crop of Republican big-wigs?

    7. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Actually the cult just got confirmation via tweet that Sarah will be campaigning for Cassidy in Louisiana next Saturday, the 15th. They were all terribly afraid that Miss Sarah had been overlooked....

      It might be kind of awkward though because the Cassidy campaign wasn't really all that hot about romancing the Teabuggers, Maness was the tea bagger candidate, running just to throw a wrench in the works.

    8. Anonymous2:54 PM

      so she was lying when she said she was going to the unity thingy...

  43. Anonymous11:59 AM

    My antivirus is warning me away from the link to the video.

  44. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Sorry, meant to say clicking on the first picture above triggers my antivirus.

  45. Anonymous12:17 PM

    It looks like Piper did her manicure.

    1. Anonymous8:38 PM

      well, willow has the hair and Bristol has the skin. Time for Piper to do the nails!

    2. Anonymous1:12 AM

      leave piper alone. Keep in mind NONE of these people pursue the limelight, which is funny considering Levi has continued to exploit his nobody kids.

    3. Anonymous8:11 AM

      I'll actually give you the first point: comments about Piper are uncalled for, given that she has done nothing to distinguish (cough) herself the way her older sibs have. The rest of it, OMG. "Nobody kids"?! Way to reveal the depths of the darkness in your heart.

  46. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Here comes the Wasilla God-Squad.

    1. Anonymous1:12 AM

      the clearys? who joke about rape, brag about fighting every week, and ARE druggies

      Yet people slander the palins

  47. Anonymous12:19 PM

    I have never seen anyone who looks so uncomfortable holding a bible. I say this as a person whose entire social circle is made up of atheists and sinners.
    That woman does. not. read. that. book.

    1. angela12:57 PM

      Damned straight. I turned the sound down and watched her scratch and fumble with the book.
      If she had pulled on that bookmark any more
      she would have ripped it off. I swear it seemed
      like the book was burning a hole in her hand.


    2. I thought the same thing, Angela. It looked too hot to handle, as though it was going to burn her blasphemous hands.

  48. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Is that Franklin to the left of Billy in that picture? If so why did he dye his hair & why is he wearing a military uniform?

    1. That's Billy Graham's grandson, I think his name is Edward.

  49. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Those are some fine screenshots. Cackling frumpy crosseyed idiot.

  50. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Once again, I am forever amazed at the range of awkward faces that wretched woman makes. She is a total loss. No smarts, no dignity, no decency...A zero.
    M. from MD

  51. Anonymous1:04 PM

    There are several comments about green leaves on the trees. I live about 6 miles away from the compound and we have a few leaves still on our trees but they are in no way, shape or form still green. Why does everything have to be a fabrication with this family? I guess they have been lying for so long no one even remembers how to tell the truth.
    ~ Snowblondie

  52. Anonymous1:30 PM

    The cuckoo clock in the background says it all. The black mourning robe, the severe hair style, the too-big bible with golden pages that haven't been opened, green leaves of summer, yes, that says Happy Birthday to a senile old man who was a famous anti-semite and palled around with Nixon.

  53. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Wouldn't it be a more fitting tribute to prepare a little speech instead of just blabbering? It sounded like a school assignment, "What I liked about Billy Graham," by Sarah Palin, junior high school student.

  54. Well, it seemed like it might be a good laugh, so I carefully turned up the volume...

    Yup. Comedy gold. 4:28: "mumble, mumble, twitch, twitch, Perk up! Patriarch!"

    Geez Louise, "Look at me, I remembered the fancy churchy bible-thingy word!"

    Also, Scraggletta dear, bright red nail polish doesn't go well with short stubby nails.

  55. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Palin is White Trash and CHEAP, CHEAP CHEAP. Why can't this millionaire, whose only rill 'job' is to open her mouth and thrust her boobs out, just part with a few extra damn bucks for that non-glare coatin' on her fake glasses? Sheesh!

    And Gryphen (probably not your rill name) I want to say thanks for always making my day with your colorful and amusing names for this nasty-ass nattering nitwit of the North.

  56. Anonymous2:11 PM

    twitch twitch twitch
    scratch scratch scratch
    lick lick lick

    brain brain brain

  57. Anonymous2:13 PM

    In the group photo, why does everyone except Sarah and Todd look completely normal, while they look like they have an outline around them, and totally different lighting. And look how out of proportion Todd's legs are, compared to his upper body. Also, looks like he's wearing pantyhose, or very skin tight pants.

  58. Anonymous2:29 PM

    The 60s were all about materialism???

    1. Anonymous1:11 AM

      in johnston land it would have been. 100 presents. The palins value family time, not presents at xmas

  59. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Had to look twice, thought that was mama Sally.

    1. Anonymous1:10 AM

      both beautiful woman

  60. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I had to come home and watch after reading the comments.
    This absolutely was supposed to be a tribute when
    Graham died.
    I think she thought the camera was aimed higher and all her twitching would not be recorded.
    I can't stand her cadence or hr sing songing anymore.
    She lookes like she is wearing a black choir robe for the tribute, but she has the belmonts inflated to max.
    She must be on oxy - that is why she is so forgetful and itchy.
    She really has no where to go but televangelism.
    Please go. I can't wait for her "We have sinned" moment like they all come to lol!

  61. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I think she was working off a prepared script. Her mind just wouldn't let her stick with it and the blabbering took over.

    And how about the facebook comments lavishing praise on her wonderful tribute?

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      She was using a teleprompter, you can see it reflected in her glasses.

  62. I watched the vid but couldn't bring myself to turn up the sound. I just couldn't do it. The woman is nuts! A stone retard. A dingbat.

    sarahy: Look ma NO Tits!

    sally: The better to preach with my dear.

    sarahy: Look ma no ring!

    sally: So.

    1. Anonymous1:09 AM

      why are you slandering sally

  63. Anonymous3:20 PM

    What in the fuck was that crazy bitch rambling about? Seriously, she can't put a coherent sentence together.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      It's not tongues she's speaking... Ah, it must be Sarah speaking in sphincters... aka talking out her ass!

  64. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Open comments over at mini-me's brancy blog. I'm banned but someone who isn't should go ask her about the drunken brawl & why did she have her kid with her to observe his mother, uncle, aunt, grandfather and granny being drunk and fighting like the white trash they are. Has anyone seen tripp with her lately?

    1. Anonymous1:08 AM

      The three Palins kids (trig, kyla, tripp)were together Sunday. Love Brittas comment on a pic. She loves the trio

  65. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I have a history with Billy Graham, too. I'm sorry, Sarah, but Graham's primary message isn't about faith; it's about getting 'saved' and being 'born again'. Baptist evangelism 101. It's about Catholics, Mormons, mainstream protestants, etc. being heretical churches that keep their members from salvation. It's about desperate, vulnerable, and/or merely gullible people deciding it's easier to give themselves over to a hoax than lead responsibly in the face of reality.

  66. Olivia3:43 PM

  67. Anita Winecooler3:50 PM

    Ahh yeah, Jesus Freaks, Free Love, Pot, Communist Pinko Hippies! Those were the days..... I remember them fondly. And besides, if it wasn't for good ole Billy Graham Cracker, the world would never have had the hit Broadway Show "Jesus Christ Superstar". The only question I have, is why is Chaquita from Wasilla wearing a maternity top when she's not pregnant, again? Did someone buy a little something something to surprise her family and fans on Christmas?
    And why is she fondling an old thesaurus she found in Goodwill ? or is that 50 shades of "Who the fuck is she?" (What I imagine the senile Reverend Billy Graham Cracker? Don't insert yourself where you don't belong, sister Sarah. He's been Grifting for decades, you're unique, just like everyone else, and it ain't because you crossed paths with a minister.

    Yeah, I see the camera angle thingy trying to keep her head in the frame. Gotta be Bristol filming while flat on her back on top of the coffee table with a dozen phone books under the legs.

    1. Anonymous2:30 AM

      lol She's not pregnant again!
      Funny stuff!!!

  68. Anonymous4:32 PM

    As a commenter on a few discussion boards, I have noticed a marked decline in the number of stories on the Wasilla Skank and in the number of comments.

    It looks like Screechy just doesn't garner that much interest anymore -- and the interest she does garner is to just mock and laugh at her.

    I think most Americans have made their mind up that she is no good.

    1. Anonymous2:29 AM

      Are you crazy?
      There is a sarah story here, Malia and SPHASH every day at least once and Sarah topics by FAR get the most hits and comments. Even when pogates does a story unrelated to Palins, the topic turns to them and again, by far they get the most comments.
      But nice try

  69. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I enjoyed watching her fiddle with the book mark ribbon. That was fun.

  70. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Palin is on pins and needles waiting for Billy to leave the
    planet, so she can put on her brand new, big, black,
    picture hat with the "Jackie Kennedy" black, funeral veil.
    Bet she is working on a funeral, pageant walk! You know,
    look at me, look at me!

  71. Olivia4:59 PM

    Looks like the Billy Grifter birthday party was just another affair she didn't get invited to. It is so hilariously transparent when Sarah Palin tries to dress the part when she does these silly appearances. She really missed the boat with the Belmont boobs. Apparently, nobody told her that the Triple Crown races aren't rodeos so she dressed like she was at a NASCAR soiree that day. Remember the Oprah hair?? What a total moron! A normal person would be mortified, but, well, you know...

  72. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Just LOOK at that and imagine as your president.

  73. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Hysterical, Ole Toad, standing there like a stuffed turkey aka pimp. What a doofus.

  74. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Say It Ain't So Sarah:
    Sarah Palin there's talk that you are or maybe a pathological liar.

    Sarah are you a pathological liar or are you a sociopath who seeks to manipulate?

    Basically, a pathological liar is someone who tells lies habitually, chronically and compulsively. It has simply become a way of life for this person, to make up things for a variety of reasons and eventually, the truth becomes uncomfortable while weaving whoppers feels right to them. This kind of lying tends to develop early on in life, often as a response to difficult home or school situations that seemed to resolve better if the child lied. It's a bad habit, not a manipulative trait––this is how to differentiate a pathological liar from a sociopath who does seek to manipulate

    What are you Sarah, a pathological liar or a sociopath?

    1. Anonymous1:07 AM

      What does that make Gryphen and others here and elsewhere? They lie for fun

    2. Anonymous2:26 AM

      Good question.
      think she started out as a pathological liar and graduated over time to a sociopath.
      Or, some personalities are pathological liars and others are sociopaths.
      Yeah - that's the ticket!

  75. Anonymous6:10 PM

    She looks like a wax mummy.

    Too lazy to even make a new video for his birthday, unless the trees in AK don't change color in the fall. Billy should be insulted, but then again it is always about Sarah.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      It's way past fall in south central....I'm in Anchorage and the leaves have been fully off the trees for a couple of weeks! There are green leaves on the trees outside of Palin's window!! The video was not done recently!

      She's such a fucking fraud!

  76. Anonymous6:15 PM

    GOP eyes 32 presidential candidates including Cruz, Palin, Ron Paul

    The Republican National Committee has pivoted to the 2016 presidential election and is offering up a list of 32 potential candidates, including Sarah Palin, Sen. Ted Cruz, Ron Paul, his son Sen. Rand Paul and Condoleezza Rice.
    Read more:

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Oh goodie, it will take at least 2 clown cars to fit them all in.

      Condoleezza Rice- they will save her as the VP candidate, black woman to lure the democrats.

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Sarah Palin is identified as:

      Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin

      Why is Sarah a former governor? Sarah quit on us 18 months after we elected that quitter. The GOP knows Sarah quit on us and ran off from her commitments to make more money so why are they putting Sarah Palin on any list? The GOP didn't learn anything from 2008.

    3. Anonymous7:36 PM

      So the mother of a bunch of drunks, mother of a underage daughter who gave birth to a child before graduating from high school, mother of a daughter who quit high school in her 3rd year, mother of a son whose wife divorced him shortly after getting married and having a child and whose husband will be known for Boys Will Be Boys the Movie. That gives America a lot of confidence with that party.

    4. Anonymous1:06 AM

      I love how Anon 736 just insulted 99% of America and lied at the same time.

      ALL Sarah's kids are graduates. Stop victimizing them

    5. Anonymous8:17 AM

      All of Sarah's adult offspring have paid for G.E.D. Certificates, they are too stupid to pass the tests on their own. Her entire family are special needs types.

    6. Anonymous9:36 AM

      7:29 Most Alaskans do not even recognize the idiot as their quitter gov! To include the Alaska Legislature back then - they couldn't even find her to work!! Todd boy was the filler for the short period of time 'they' served.

      If I ran into either of them, I'd call them Sarah and Todd - nothing more. Have no respect for either of them or their family members!

  77. Some things Sarah: calomel lotion will do wonders for that poison ivy there on your left arm; fully committed married Christian ladies generally wear their wedding rings rather than the bling thing on the other hand; scripts are wonderful things; and last, how come you weren't invited this year?

  78. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The constant itching means she's itching for money, attention, invites, etc etc's a subliminal message..
    No one can look so ugly so suddenly and go on camera looking like shit...
    I think she's looking for pity...nah.. she's not that smart .

  79. Anonymous7:44 PM

    notice how she brags that she's close buddies with the a badge of honor that she's on top of the grifter list or grafter pyramid.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Is Todd close to Sarah's son Track?

    2. Anonymous1:05 AM

      Are you close with your dad? Todds a great father.

    3. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Anon 1:05 you missed the boat.

      Is Todd close to Sarah's son? Did he accept Track as his own?

  80. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Really, Rash Linpa doesn't seem to know what the ribbon coming out that shiny book was for, her fakery was "made manifest via" her own surprise when the thing wouldn't stick to the cover. I'm surprise she didn't lick it to make it stay.

    Anyways, this commenter on her page made a better observation:
    "..... It's a MIRACLE! Thank YOU Billy Graham! Green leaves on the trees in ALASKA, in November! HALLELUIA!
    2 hours ago · 1"

    LOL that's a good two hours, but Rashy won't think anything of it until she see it here.

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Thanks for the tip! A brilliant comment from Olive Pitts(do see her photo!) also another comment on the mystery of the untouched bible. Go to FB and Like the wonderful comments.

    2. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Here's the other one by Olive Pitts the "girls" missed:
      Olivia Pitts And look at the shiny gold pages on that bible! Almost like it had never been touched before. Right out of the box! My bible has all the gold worn away.
      16 hours ago · 1

    3. Olivia11:23 AM

      The comments got whacked. But 16 hours is a pretty good run.

  81. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Wow. Just WOW.

  82. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Don't you just love the pious saintly look Sarah is trying desperately to pull off? That's a far cry from 2012 when she was parading around Hollywood in stilletos, skin-tight jeans and off the shoulder shirts. Remember? Who can forget the pictures of her shopping in KMart? Someone should send Franklin those pictures!

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Or the police recording from the drunken brawl with the whole damn family screaming "fucking this, fucking that, blah, blah, blah"...and perhaps a description of brissy's "thong" dress.

  83. Anonymous9:39 AM

    She's just so incredibly phony. She tries to put on an act, a persona that just isn't her. She wants her fans to think of her as a very religious, Christian, do-gooder...but of course she slips up now and again (the thrilla in Wasilla, drunken family brawl) and the truth comes spilling out.

  84. Anonymous11:45 AM

    st sarah now wants to scam the ignorant and desparate with her new spin.televagelist.let me guess- she's inspired by the local witchdoctor.


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