Friday, November 07, 2014

Well Sarah Palin is feeling ignored so it is time to trot out her favorite prop for a little attention.

First Palin links to this article on Brancy's blog about a man with Down syndrome who "beat the odds" and has now lived to reach 40 years old, which they claim is twice as long as these children are supposed to live.

That of course is incorrect as the life expectancy of a well cared for child with Down's is between 55 and 60 years old.

As for Trig's life expectancy? Well that is another matter entirely.

Palin then goes on to report this on her Facebook page:

I read it again yesterday while waiting for Trig to awaken after eye surgery. So groggy from deep sleep at the hands of a skilled anesthesiologist, our son's surgeon also waited and reassured. And he told me the most fascinating thing about the eyes of a child with Down syndrome. "Compare his eyes to a 'normal' child's. Get a magnifying glass. Look deep. Their eyes are captivating inside! They're different, they're colorful, they sparkle. Surely God made these eyes to reflect what heaven must be." 

If only we all could see into and through the eyes of the innocent! They're God's sons and daughters who may not meet man's standards of perfection but will certainly meet His. Their enduring childlike faith and their patience with the rest of us can teach us what is important. Maybe if we look with those eyes, what a wonderful world we will see.

 - Sarah Palin

You know the thing about Down syndrome children, or ALL children for that matter, is that their care cannot be left up to God. They actually need very involved parents to help them overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams, whatever those might be.

Palin keeps referring to Trig as "childlike" and "innocent" and that may be true right now, but someday he is not going to seem so much like a child, as he will a grumpy middle aged man who gets frustrated that simple things remain so hard for him, and that his life is so much different than that of his peers.

I do not know why Trig required eye surgery, though if I were to guess I would say it was probably to correct his strabismus (crossed eyes).

However it has seemed to me for quite some time that Trig has not been receiving the type of care that he requires as early as he requires it. So if Palin really wants Trig to live a long and full life, she needs to stop being so focused on her own needs as a public figure, and much more focused on the needs of the child that she decided, for whatever reason, to bring into her home.


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Puh-leeeze. No surgeon NEVER told her that. That was total Sarah Palin bullshit.

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Did she have her reporter's notebook out, or was she taping his speech? It's a miracle she could write out the words verbatim!

      What's with another random photo? She's trying for a Madonna and Child scene. Instead, we see an off-kilter menage, with a sparkler (4th of July?), a car or truck with an open door (?), part of somebody on the left, a couple on the shore, and a sense of an arbitrary, haphazard event that somebody snapped with a phone while Sarah held onto Trig for dear life.
      Also, Trig doesn't look six years old.
      These pictures, so odd and bizarre, create an anti-narrative to whatever she writes.

    2. F U McCain5:25 PM

      Exactly what I thought, 4:54!

      No fucking way any surgeon said that! She is so pathetic and full of shit!

      Here's what I wrote on the other post about her bullshit cloud photo.

      1) She's taken the material from Brancy.
      2) She's recycled an old photo.
      3) She's using old material - Trig/God's Gift/ and it even sounds like passages from:
      Sarah's Letter From "God" to Sarah...

      F U McCain2:01 PM
      So the "baby" that her brother was walking with is now a teen or so?

      Makes sense in the Palin world - where nothing ever makes sense.

      She couldn't find another picture of something in nature??

      She is just. so. lazy.

      I am still stunned by it.

      Those of you who have a keen eye, I would suggest that she's ripped off quite a bit from the existing blogs of her family and friends. It would be amusing to see how much material she has taken from them.

      I figure that she thinks she already pays Brancy for that garbage so she's "allowed" to repeat whatever is on that Pathetic blog - but she's really just trying to scrape together material.

      As people have said since the beginning of this ridiculous venture - Sarah Palin is no Glenn Beck.
      That lunatic is a BUSINESS person and he knows how to play the game.

      He pays PROFESSIONALS to help him put his show/s together, and he has FRESH CONTENT all the time.

      That takes MONEY to pay OTHER PEOPLE to do the research for you.

      Sarah is too fucking cheap and too fucking lazy.

      Her mother's Word of the Day???

      (Which is only changed once a month?!?!?!? HAHAHA!)

      Her moron "Teacher" father waxing about the beautiful "50th" state of....Alaska??? Say what, perv?

      Fucking rubes!

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I call hogwash as well. I used the google and came up with some extra flecks present in the iris of people with Down Syndrome, although regular people can have them too. Also an increased chance of cataracts. Whatever, Sarah. I'm sure "god" put extra sparkles in Trig's eyes just so you could ponder the heavens and have material to write another overblown "I am superior to all y'all" because Bristol's Down syndrome baby didn't get aborted.

    4. OMG! I just watched Baldy shit on herself LIVE on TV y'all!!

      Baldy was doing her babbling thang on InSannity tonight...well you know Baldy she was on a roll...screeching about President Obama...talking shit about Hillary when all of a the 1:05 mark to be exact Roger the Hut must have whispered into Sean's earpiece..."Ask the dumb bitch will she run for office and see what she does"!

      I won't spoil it for y'all...just go and watch! Here's the link....

    5. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Old, old pic.
      So are we being "primed" to see a "Different" TriG? Maybe has round eyes, or the TriG who isn't so crosseyed?
      Or is this a plea....SEND $$$$?

    6. Gina, OMG thank you for that link! Too fucking funny. I think she actually gulped!

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Excuse me, there is at least one other person in the Heath family who has Down Syndrome. Why is Mrs Palin treating Trig like he is the first child she has ever seen with DS? Surely she asked her relative what to expect and how to handle things. Six years old cannot eat solid food and is not potty trained is not natural for any child DS or perfectly healthy. Palin has severely failed Trig.

    1. F U McCain5:26 PM

      You once again point out the painfully obvious - The Palins are pathetic, disgusting liars who don't care about anyone else.
      Other people had Down Syndrome kids before "US"??

      Pfft. Never happened before it happened to us.

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      The other DS kid lives in Dillingham and she's only met him once, for her show. Also, that photo was taken in 2009 or 2010, why no recent photo of Trig?

  3. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I call bullshit on this. If you surgeon starts talking about god tht way, it's a good idea to get another surgeon.

    1. Also, too--and I speak from experience--surgeons do not hang around the recovery room waiting for their patients to regain consciousness. That's what the recovery room staff is for, to monitor post-op patients.

      The surgeons are completing the paperwork relating to the procedure they've just performed--AFTER "scrubbing out" from the OR. Competent surgeons do not waste time spreading germs and platitudes with their patients' self-proclaimed mommies, no matter how important the latter think they are.

      The BS just keeps on coming!

  4. Anonymous5:12 PM

    And I guess "normal" kids eyes don't sparkle and aren't colorful. "Normal" kids eyes are dull and flat.

    1. F U McCain5:27 PM

      Sarah just thinks that b/c her kids are always so drugged out she thinks that's what "normal" looks like.

  5. Anonymous5:12 PM

    "I pray on the life of my Down Syndrome Brother!" strikes me as a very strange thing to say.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      I believe Willow said "I swear on the life of my Down Syndrome brother." And it's not just strange it's disgusting.

    2. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Why, it is almost as if they think he is some sort of deity.

      Similar to a lower class area of India, where a child with some sort of deformity might be seen and worshiped as some sort of deity. Like the 4 year old girl who had extra arms and legs and parents were hesitant to try surgery as then she would no longer be worshiped and respected in the neighborhood as "Shiva".

      Yes, the Palins seem to see the existence of this child as their own god, or at least as a SIGN from God. Too bad god still let them down in 2008.

    3. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Revving up for the Grift.
      The vid that Gina posted above she says "she would LOVE" to get back into politics....
      This bitch, with her pack of wild thugs, run amok thinks she will run again.What will it take to make her STFU?

    4. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Willow saying that was way beyond strange.It is sick and creepy. What a totally fucked up clan they are. Also I would say Trig is Around three or four in that picture. Hell you can tell it isn't recent as Scarah looks alot younger than now.That fucking bitch can't tell the truth about ANYTHING.

    5. Ferry Fey10:55 AM

      If Willow said "I swear on the life of my Down Syndrome brother," does that mean if she is not telling the truth Trig will be killed as punishment? It is a really, really weird thing to say.

  6. Anonymous5:15 PM

    His eyes would show so much more depth if he had early intervention. Just saying.
    At least all of us on the blogs are keeping Sarah honest and Sarah is getting Tri-G 's eyes and teeth fixed.

  7. Anonymous5:16 PM

    she should asked for a two for one and got her eyeball straightened out too, dumb sparkly nutball.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      ". . . dumb sparkly nutball." Good one, 5:16! haha!!

    2. Anonymous3:24 AM

      On the left of the photo, is that a child's hand? Looks like an adult is holding a child, doesn't it? DWTS baby??

  8. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I remember my sister always tucking her sons tongue back in with her finger, and he finally learned to not let it hang out.....get with it dipstick, though you are about 6 years too late

  9. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Because of my profession , I can echo 4:54 .
    No reputable surgeon speaks in Biblical terms to a family member.
    It's completely unprofessional.
    We're like Joe Friday- we give just the facts.
    Palin has invented this bizarre scenario out of whole cloth.
    I'm glad Trig finally ..finally ..had his eye muscle surgery , but, no decent mother would pimp this
    procedure for her own glorification.
    Or delay it this long.
    Palin and her mentors Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh are having an terrible time recognizing that the tea party is dead and that the Republicans have cast them
    into the trash heap of irrelevancy.

  10. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Sarah, you don't need a surgeon to tell mothers how each child is innocent. Down syndrome children's eyes have no more deepness and captivation inside, nor difference, color or sparkle than any other child. Every child, no matter what physical and special needs' challenges they have, are equal in God's sight.

    The soulish emotionalism she uses here is too much. She does trot Trig out every time she needs her attention-addiction fed. She wants people to pity her, feel remorse for her, and look at her, Sarah, as noble and sacrificial mother, trying to find the silver lining in the cloud, being the martyr, reminding everyone of the sacrifice of having chosen life. Here she is, wealthy, healthy, and has need of nothing.

    Sarah, we see through you. Love your child? What mother doesn't love her child, regardless of disability and special needs? They don't write a dirge, but give the best care they can to their child. They aren't fake about the realities; oh yes, and they cry at night, asking God for one more bit of grace to get them through another day. They don't brag, or boast about their efforts, they have no platform, no voice, no health insurance, and no affordable wages. But, you Sarah, would snatch that opportunity from them while you act like you are God's special gift.

    1. Suzy Q5:43 PM

      That's the best beat-down of Sarah I have ever read, 5:31. Bravo!

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Anon@5:31 PM


      I've been trying to say this for 6+ years, but it has never come out so eloquently as you've written here. Damn, I hope Sarah reads this, as she usually cannot ignore a slight or insult.

      Thank you. Seriously, thank you.

    3. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Bravo! she has done nothing for downs syndrome families! It's all about her. What has she given up? name it Saint Sarah has Trig meant you have to stay home to see to his care? do you lay awake at night and worry about the cost of a caregiver? do you think who will take care of him if something happens to me? NO! you disgusting piece of crap! the world is only rosy when you have a lot of money, in the real world these are questions that haunt people who don't have your money.Downs Syndrome month was in October, where were you, on Fox News? spewing your shit? How dare you, really how dare you, every day Mothers with special needs kids deal with this and not once, you heard me you self absorb idiot have you addressed the need for support of these families, no what you want to do is force women to have kids no matter what the outcome but you and your all Christian buddy's are against supporting that child once it's here.Keep making Trig your prop to push your Lady Madonna image you are vile, there are not enough words to express how revolting you are, what have you given? nothing, nothing, do you work with downs syndrome Mothers? do you bother to see what their needs are? of coarse not, we all know how busy you are trying to make a buck to support your lazy husband and loser kids, and in the end it's always about you, all Sarah all the time.

    4. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Excellent thread here ladies and gentlemen!

  11. Why does it always sound like Sarah's trying to convince herself how special Trig is?

    1. Suzy Q5:50 PM

      She was hoping Tri-G would die from the anesthesia of the surgery. How unfortunate for her she's stuck with him. Can't wait until his hormones kick in and he's strong as an ox and decides he doesn't like that lady who thinks she can boss him around and he knocks her on her ass. Hope she still remembers that he is God's child then.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      And how does it make Piper feel?

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Why do her other special needs kids not get the same attention? Bristol and Track must feel very left out.

  12. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Well of course we know why she posted this...who is going
    to attack this child. No one! He is a prop and we all know it
    but he is a child that needs much more help than he has
    been given if reports are correct.
    She is waiting for the attack so she can pounce!
    Liberals attack disabled kids!

  13. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I think she's been hoping that Trig isn't going to be around for 40 years. I don't think she knows much of anything about Down Syndrome, and is using, and believing, old information.

    I wonder what kind of health insurance they have, since none of them works, and eye surgery is expensive. Maybe Sarah's rigged up something through as executive producer of her "channel."

    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      As an ex- governor, she gets full health care.
      Since she claims TriG is her and Toad's child, and Toad is part innuit, TriG probably gets free 'Native' healthcare.

      I wonder, if anyone ever has checked out her medical claims, and if it ever has been brought to the insurance company, that she is faking his membership...

    2. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Trig, if he is his father's son, is maybe 1/16th Yup'ik, not Inuit. And Indian Health Services don't just give out free healthcare anymore, they access people's health insurance if they have it or have the means.

  14. Anonymous5:37 PM

    so this is seditious sarah with her prayer sheild...... when is the next scandal coming???? must be soon with all the bullshit god posts

  15. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Fox News cuts ties with Ben Carson

    When will they do the same with Sarah Palin?? Never because she isn't running for anything!

    1. Anonymous11:00 PM

      In the 2012 election cycle, Fox News ended the contributorships of Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum as those men moved toward presidential bids. A similar cutoff occurred with Scott Brown, who was a Fox News contributor prior to his failed 2014 New Hampshire Senate campaign.

  16. Anonymous5:45 PM

    God didn't deliberately disable children and dump them with uncaring mothers and compensate them by making their eyes look interesting to others. Sarah, youi're such a pathetic bullshitter.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:16 PM

      Typical fundy Christian...

      They blame everything on God. That way they never have to take responsibility for their actions.

      Sarah's just gross, and weird.

  17. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Trig won't be fixed up. Sarah can't afford to have Trig looking normal, she needs to be able to sell him as an underdeveloped vegetable.

  18. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Did insurance cover it? What date of birth did they give for Trig for that little hospital bracelet and the rest of his records?

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Maybe that's what took so long. Maybe it takes a while to find a reputable eye doctor who would let the Palins just write a check, and he'll take care of the paper work.

      I'm surprised that Sarah was waiting so long for Trig to wake up. The anesthetics that they use today are so fast acting that you are out like a light in one minute and awake the next. It seems like a second.

    2. Anonymous8:15 PM

      That's the same like when she claimed to be in labor and then flew 10+ hours, with a layover in Seattle, and also bypassed several qualified hospitals.

    3. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Isn't Rand Paul an ophthalmologist? Hmmmmm

    4. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Rand could not pass the exams from optomotrist to opthalmologist, so he started his OWN Board to make himself eligible!!! YTUE story, he is a fake. Now he is trying to change the law, so he can run for president without losing his seat in the Senate. Fake as $carah.

  19. Suzy Q5:59 PM

    The picture is about 3 years old and moldy. Neither Tri-G nor she even looks the same. I would like to see what Tri-G looks like today, November 7th, 2014 not what he looked like in 2011. I doubt that Sarah has worn chest waders in quite some time. What a fake and a fraud. I can't believe she's still trotting out "her baby" for attention and sympathy.

  20. Anonymous6:09 PM

    She Who Will Not Be Ignored.
    Expect more of the same.
    Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

  21. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Bitch didn't write one word of this insane statement. You're right about her not getting enough attention Gryph, and its killing her.
    The younger, prettier and smarter Joni has stolen her spotlight. I can't wait for you actually start grovelling, you useless horrible wretch. Oh yeah sarah, she has a degree, where is yours?

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      That's what I thought also, too, Anonymous 6:10. Joni is receiving lots of attention and is being compared to Palin. Whether Joni is said to be dumber than Palin, or smarter than Palin, both comparisons insinuate that Palin is stupid (which she is).

      Face it Sarah, the GOP has found a younger version of yourself to flatter and fawn over. IMO Joni will prove to be just as incompetent and self-centered as you, but it sure is nice to see you get less and less attention. Posting a younger pic of yourself with toddler Trig won't help you either. It just shows that you are living in the past.

    2. "They will never forget you 'til somebody new comes along..."

      The Eagles, "New Kid in Town"

    3. Anonymous12:40 AM

      Younger, maybe, but prettier? Smarter? They're both ugly and stupid inside and out so Sarah shouldn't feel too outclassed.

  22. Anonymous6:23 PM

    There is absolutely no way a doctor said those words. Can you imagine a trained professional uttering that kind of bullshit to a patient's mother? Oh, and their awesome god is so awesome that the most impressive thing he's given the world is retarded children? Seriously, try harder god.

    1. Anonymous12:50 AM

      This dumb bitch and her idiot followers WOULD love a world full of retarded and disabled people. In that kind of world, a dumbass like Sarah would be Queen!

  23. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I'm sure a teacher suggested the surgery now that he's in school. She won't be able to half-ass him with teachers keeping an eye on him and his progress. I bet she eventually hires a private teacher and has him homeschool because she'll get tired of having to answer for his lack of progress. She may also give up and give him back to Bristol. There's no way she wants to take care of him for the rest of her life, and the money will run out eventually. Poor Trig.

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      He will be sent to a 'boarding school', aka he will be institutionalized before he hits the teen years.
      Mark my words!

  24. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Give me a break and the only photo she could find of her "son" has be at least 4-5 years old.

    Glad she finally found the time from her busy grifting schedule to have his eyes corrected, too bad she waited so long and Trig had to suffer all these years.

    As for the poetic surgeons words, I think Sarah is hearing voices in her head again.

    Too much attention being paid to the election, gotta bring the spotlight back on Sarah.

    1. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Damn, but we all know her so well! Sarah Palin is full of shit as usual as to what the doctor said! Trust me - no doctor talks like that after surgery. Sarah is spewing her screwed up Christian thoughts once again!

  25. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I read it again yesterday while waiting for Trig to awaken after eye surgery. So groggy from deep sleep at the hands of a skilled anesthesiologist, our son's surgeon also waited and reassured. 
    -Sarah Palin

    As if Sarah Palin gave a shit. If Sarah was really concerned about Trig's eyesight then Sarah would have made sure Trig wore his prescription glasses.

    If anything Sarah ME ME ME Palin looked good to those morons who keep giving her money for Sarah's PAC. That's all that matters

  26. Anonymous6:30 PM

    All those vampires in Twilight had sparkly eyes too. Hmmm....

  27. Anonymous6:43 PM

    If only we all could see into and through the eyes of the innocent! They're God's sons and daughters who may not meet man's standards of perfection but will certainly meet His.
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah this is God, if Trig is my son then why do you feed my son baby food? Do you think it's about time Trig experienced a Cheerio?

    Sarah you said it, I didn't. If you believe Trig is a son of mine then I wouldn't brag that you deprived a child of mine solid food all these years.

    "In fact, I think he’s th-the only kid in the world who hasn’t had a Cheerio yet."
    -Sarah Palin

  28. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Self-congratulatory bullshit, as always. Poor Trig.

  29. AKinPA6:45 PM

    Gee. I'm surprised Palin was there for the surgery. Wasn't it the first dud who was there for his first day of school? Wasn't it Piper or Willow who took him to Walmart to pick those gigantic glasses off the rack for him? I guess she postponed her victory tour, her speaking engagements, and posting videos on line to take him to the only eye surgeon in the 21st century who spouts complete nonsense about the captivating eyes of a Down Syndrome child. When is she and her brawling family going to disappear??????

    1. F U McCain8:19 PM

      Remember when Sarah and Todd LEFT Trig the day AFTER a HEART SURGERY to go and campaign for some asshat in 2010?

      They are just evil.

  30. Martha again7:00 PM

    My friend has a 60-year-old brother with Downs Syndrome, and he's beginning to develop dementia.

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      So he's like other older people who succumb to brain diseases?

      You point?

  31. Anonymous7:09 PM

    "childlike faith and their patience with the rest of us can teach us what is important.

    I watched Piper get splashed with a bucket of water as she stood in for Sarah Palin's Ice Bucket Challenge. Trig is in that video, too, shouting at Willow and Track. He is not patient. Trig is upset and he cannot express himself. They have to shout at Trig, telling him that "It's just water!" After Piper is splashed, Trig is still upset and runs after her. Where was Trig's child-like faith and patience? Or is it that they just plunk him down on the sofa with an i-pad and a new cartoon?

    1. Anonymous11:03 PM

      Their enduring childlike faith

  32. That reads so phony, it makes me doubt all of it, including any alleged surgery. More bogus from the Bogus Queen.

  33. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I was born with the same condition, and when I was a kid, they didn't know about that surgery. They used eye exercises and corrective glasses. Later, when I had a new eye doctor who was educated with the latest information, he said that the optimum time for that operation was between 2-4 years to get maximum effect. Over the years, I learned to compensate for the vision problem, but I didn't have to deal with other disabilities. What a pity that Trig was neglected for 6 years. I guess that when Sarah showed him off on her pay-per-view, maybe she got some comments that she didn't expect. Or, Sarah is finally going to line up with a DS organization.

  34. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Looking at the top picture of Sarah Palin, some of you in Palinland sees a loving mom holding and spending time with her DS son, the best thing that ever happened to Sarah Palin.

    We faithful followers of the Immoral Minority sees something totally different.

    We see a little boy and Sarah Palin sitting close to and watching some type of firework sparkler that is shooting off hot fiery incendiary pieces in different directions.

    We would ask why is Sarah Palin wearing eye protection and not Trig.

    We would ask why is Sarah Palin wearing a heavy jacket and rain boots while Trig is lucky to even be wearing a shirt.

    We would ask Sarah Palin if she enjoyed watching those sparks flying around with her prescription glasses, do you thinkTrig is wondering what am I looking at, I can't see a damn thing without my prescription glasses?

  35. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Now that I have read all of the comments, I have to agree with everyone who writes that no doctor would talk that way. Doctors carry more insurance than ever before. One stray word, meaning one thing but taken another way could be grounds for a law suit. That's why doctors say as little as possible. They have to. They can say that the operation went well, and talk about the post-operation procedures. That's it.

    Sarah's timing is unusual because this should have been done when Trig was younger. We watched 6 years of photos of Trig when he wasn't wearing his glasses. It was an issue that was not being "cured by God" and it wasn't going to fix itself. Or maybe, as some of the comments suggested, it took a while to find someone who would be willing to do the operation without all of that messy insurance paperwork. This check ought to fix everything up. That's one way to get a Bible speaking Doctor.

    The other part of the timing is that no one is paying much attention to Sarah with all of those Republicans who were just elected, especially the new Sarah Palin, the pig castration lady, Joni Ernst. Or maybe, as someone wrote, the school saw a real problem admitting a child who could not be mainstreamed in their programs and someone had the strength to tell Sarah and Todd what Trig needed. I can't imagine that Trig was getting regular checkups with a doctor who specialized in treating DS kids. The doctor would have suggested therapy, medication and eye treatment long ago. I don't think that Trig has been seen by doctors for a while. Poor kid. Or, it takes a real long time to find one who can spout the kind of stuff suitable for Sarah's Facebook.

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Dude, do you THINK about what you write?




      Gryphen knows nothing either. HE isn't a doctor

      smh at this fucking world

      Since you're all experts I assume you're all billionaires.

    2. Anonymous11:10 PM

      Sarah Palin doesn't even know how a pregnant woman looks.

      Check out the different costumes she would wear.

    3. Anonymous2:23 AM

      Words from another DRUNK Palin.

    4. Anonymous2:59 AM

      Not that you ever make a BIT of sense, troll, but if you have to be a billionaire to know how Doctors talk (because only the Palins have ever dealt with disabled children and Doctors, of course. Or is it only billionaires? Moron.) then Sarah must be a fucking trillionaire, because she is not a journalist, she is not a CEO, she is not an economist, she is not a Senator, or a Congressional Representative, she is not a Vice President, or a President, or a General, or a lawyer or a climate scientist, or a historian, or anything else she pretends to know everything about. She even seems to think she speaks for God! You know, the mighty, eternal intelligence who created the universe? She doesn't even know how to speak her native language properly! So why don't you go fuck yourself, you whining, perpetually confused, head-shaking idiot! You're such a fucking bore.

    5. Anonymous3:45 AM

      We are not doctors,, but we all know one!! Also, too, we have intelligence that is insulted when $carah PayMe spouts off moosecrap and expects everyone to believe it. Such a temper tantrum, Bristles. Donations to the Pac must be WAY down, and they are being told to get ready for the REAL world, where people have JOBS. Maybe the PayMe's crossed into Canada - again - for medical care??

  36. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Dear World's Biggest Fraud mother:
    We are on to your pattern: spew the nasty, ratchet it up, vomit stratospheric levels of word slaw, post something about your neglected DS child.
    Lather, rinse, repeat.
    You are sickening.
    You will burn in your hell.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      The only people who are neglected are YOUR loved ones as your spend your days lying about people you dont know on the net.

      Your lies aren't changing anyones truth

    2. Hi, Bri$tol! I see you cut Remedial Apostrophe today to spend vibrant quality time with us!

      Buh-bye now.

    3. Anonymous2:12 AM

      Oh God, not you again. What exactly would be your criteria for "knowing" someone?

      Their words and actions, maybe?

    4. Anonymous3:04 AM

      @Anonymous8:34 PM

      If there was a god, you would die under the weight of your hypocritical double-speak right now. You are a seriously fucked up human being who can't stand ANY truth about this deeply fucked up human being named Sarah Palin and her deeply fucked up family. Please get therapy because it's obvious that spending all your time here arguing with the obvious truth that everyone but you can see, isn't doing anything for you. You are a sad person.

    5. Anonymous3:48 AM

      $carah has been on the scene for enough years, spewed enough bile that we DO know her. TOO WELL. Lying, cheating, racist drug addict. Why are YOU so upset, Bristles? You did not think this scam would last forever, did you?

    6. Anonymous9:20 PM

      @8:34 PM Are you still in Middle School? Your comments are poorly constructed and childish. You must be one of those uneducated Palin Dropouts.

  37. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Their enduring childlike faith and their patience with the rest of us can teach us what is important. Maybe if we look with those eyes, what a wonderful world we will see.
    - Sarah Palin

    "Maybe if we look with those eyes, what a wonderful world we will see"

    If we looked through the eyes of a child at the Showdown At The Hoedown (aka Palin Family Brawl), what would our innocent eyes see? If Trig could see and comprehend what was going on, would he see his drunk family running around a birthday party starting fights? Would he see Track and Todd running around with busted lips, bloody nose and black eyes? Would he see twenty something year old Bristol charging after elderly women of our community and punching an elderly gentleman who refrained from teaching an out of control drunk wearing a see through dress and thongs a lesson? Would Trig see his underage drunk sister running around? Would Trig be embarrassed by the woman hollering "Don't You Know Who I Am?"

    Good thing Trig can't see all that well.

    1. Anonymous8:31 PM

      You know the Palins think those eyes are cute.

    2. Anonymous10:46 PM

      Is she trying out for another reality show?

    3. Anonymous3:51 AM

      The F word must be the first word any PayMe kid learns.

  38. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Like I've said, ALL the Palins know is happiness and positivity. All they see is how happy Trig is, how beautiful his relatonship with Tripp (and Kyla), how they will be lifelong friends. Britta's even spoken how she LOVES the trio's bond.

    When love and happiness is all you know, it's impossible to see unhappiness down the road. That's not to say they're not realistic or won't be. But it's hard to see when all you can think about is the amazingness of Trig and Tripp: forever partners

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:02 PM

      I would bet that Tripp saw plenty of unhappiness down the road on that ride home from Korey's party. Poor kid.

      That was probably not a scene of happiness and positivity.

      Like I've said...You're cracked.

    2. Anonymous1:54 AM

      What a load of complete bullshit. You are seriously insane.

    3. Anonymous3:13 AM

      If you really see happiness and positivity in this cesspit of a human being, then you are a fucked up individual. Nothing good has ever come from this woman, and nothing ever will. It's sad that in your endless attempts to convince us that we don't see what is right in front of us, you reveal your distorted soul and your completely backwards view of the world, and you don't have a clue that you reveal yourself this way. You are a sick person with no self-awareness whatsoever.

    4. Anonymous3:53 AM

      Well, all that "happiness and positivity" spilled all over at the Throwdon, along with Bristles urine puddles in the driveway. We SAW it all. Model family they are NOT!!

    5. Anonymous5:01 AM


    6. Anonymous9:16 PM

      8:08 PM "Like I've said" the Palins' Facebook pages are my only sources of information about them. Right, Troll?

  39. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Where I come from, pretending to speak as if you were God is sacrilegious. A complete and total violation of how a humble
    believer would act.
    It has always been distasteful, but it's now rising to the level of blasphemy.
    I'm a low-church Episcopalian. I don't use these words lightly, and I allow others to express themselves as they wish. But Sarah Palin has gone beyond the bounds of how a "Christian" thinks and behaves.

    1. Anonymous3:23 AM

      She went beyond those bounds many years ago. Every time she mentions Trig, she shows how irresponsible and worthless she is as a parent. And her "Christianity" is purely for fund-raising purposes.

  40. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I'll always remember that Trig Paxson Van Palin was her miracle pregnancy.

    1. Anonymous3:55 AM

      Yes, Bristles REALLY came through for her that time.

    2. Anonymous9:12 PM

      8:12 PM Also Lowell Bud (Paxson's), and Thomas (Van) Flein's Evangelical plan to have a puppet insider in the White house.

  41. Anonymous8:31 PM


    Sarah Palin do you kiss your grandchildren with that filthy mouth of yours?

    I'm sorry it must be okay to say that since you keep bringing up God your holiness.

    1. Anonymous10:09 PM

      Try not to make everyone here look stupid. It's an aviation term. The throttles have rounded knobs on them. When you push them all the way forward they are at the wall. Its not anatomical or vulgar.

    2. Anonymous10:32 PM

      Sorry should be "BALLS TO THE WALL" right Sarah

    3. Anonymous3:57 AM

      So, is $carah a pilot now also, too? Does she need a plane to fly, since we have all seen her higher than a kite giving speeches.

  42. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I have every sympathy for that kid having parents the likes of Sarah and Todd Palin! They have already done him such a disservice in the lack of care he has been provided!

    And, they are the LEAST god following Christians on this planet! She and Todd are so full of hate and fear and should never have become parents!

  43. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Even your 50 to 60 yrs is not even realistic anymore. Most people with Down Syndrome die of heart issues. With the advent of great advances in heart health/research with proper care there is no longer a reason for someone with DS not to live to full life expectancy.
    But Trig may die someday of hypothermia since no one ever bothers to put a jacket on him. And if Sarah is reading this( and we know she does) if you are wearing a jacket put one on Trig you imbecile.

  44. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I'll bet Sarah's line, which sounds like a Hallmark card, came from some poem, about looking into the eyes of a child.

    1. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Here's another card quote for Sarah, kiss my ass Palin's.

    2. Anonymous3:59 AM

      Funny cards make me remember when one of my sisters sent our mother a card for her 65th "The old grey mare ain't what she used to be" Applies to $carah right now.

  45. Anonymous10:20 PM

    So groggy from deep sleep at the hands of a skilled anesthesiologist, our son's surgeon also waited and reassured.
    -Sarah Palin

    The English teacher in me has to point out that the way this sentence is written, their son's surgeon was the one "so groggy from deep sleep at the hands of a skilled anesthesiologist." For Trig's sake, I hope this isn't a Freudian slip but just confirmation that Sarah is running too low on funds to hire a ghostwriter who has a basic command of English grammar and syntax.

    And this
    "They're God's sons and daughters who may not meet man's standards of perfection but will certainly meet His."
    just infuriates me. NO ONE in public discourse harps or has ever harped on Trig's "imperfections" except his mother, who brings them up every time she talks about him, in this "look at me, I'm so perceptive that I can see diamonds where others see dirt" bullshit way. I have friends whose kids have challenges ranging from heart conditions to Asperger's syndrome to bipolar disorder, and not one of them has ever referenced "imperfection." Nor do they talk about their "special" vs their "normal" children. I think this is because they do not have personality disorders that cause them to view the world in stark black-and-white terms.

  46. Anonymous10:25 PM

     our son's surgeon also waited and reassured. And he told me the most fascinating thing about the eyes of a child with Down syndrome. "Compare his eyes to a 'normal' child's
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah did Trig's eye surgeon say anything about feeding the kid or taking him to see his therapists? If the kid can't eat a Cheerio or be able to interact with others then what use is eye surgery? Either give Trig back where he came from or put some time and effort to enhance his life.

    1. Anonymous12:13 AM

      Sadly, Tri-G would be no better off with Bristle, which is where I believe he came from. Possibly even worse off.

  47. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Sarah Palin provides insight into Hillary Clinton's bad week | On Air Videos | Fox News

    Sarah can you provide insight into why your children, the children of a millionaire can't go to college? Why Bristol has trial husbands but no one sticks around? Insight about the movie coming out about a pimp? Love to hear from you.

  48. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I would like to see Sarah get the attention needed for her amazing condition with Trig. How about some reality?

  49. Anonymous11:18 PM

    The Wasilla Wendigo has some obvious marks on her chest. I wonder if she's been hitting the bulb yet again, she appears to be pretty strung out.

  50. Caroll Thompson1:56 AM

    I have seen that photo before. I believe it was taken the summer Sarah quit as Governor. After she quit, she pretended to go fishing on Bristol Bay I believe. She had Andrea Mitchell trudge up there to interview her and she was wearing those boots and pretended she was fishing by throwing things in a boat while answering questions.

    Indeed, that photo was one of the first posted on her Facebook account after she quit. I forgot that Sarah actually used to look pretty good compared to today. Funny how hate turns a person ugly inside and out.

    In my opinion, Sarah posted this babble because she has no speaking engagements and needs to make a living. Her last paid speaking engagement was speaking about her challenges as a mom to a Downs Syndrome child. So, Sarah the simpleton is trolling for another paid speaking engagement to one of the groups that support those with Downs Syndrome.

    I think Sarah is looking at money problems and it is eating her alive. She doesn't have millions of dollars lying around as she has spent the bulk of her money on two new houses and all the toys. Buying the lodge for Todd wasn't cheap either and I very much doubt it breaks even. SarahPac is down to just a million of cash on hand. She is fifty years old supporting her husband who doesn't work and three non working adult children, plus Piper and Trigg. The money she does have is not going to last very long and she is freaking out.

    In short, Sarah spent her money as if her fame and money making ability would last. But the sun is setting on Sarah's ability to pull in the big bucks. The parade has passed her by. The media has moved on and Sarah, who was never a fiscal conservative, is going to have to sell that Arizona house for starters if she cannot get speaking engagements and SarahPac donations.

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      I wonder what the adult kids will do when the money dries up? Maybe McKenna Bros Paving has work in the postage department.

  51. Anonymous2:24 AM

    SARAH! You do NOT use a wiglet to try to fake an updo! Nevah! Send that useless daughter back to hair school until she gets a brain because clearly you have none. You're a fucking idiot, madam!

  52. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Photo Ops and Lies. The Life of Sarah Palin.

  53. Anonymous3:37 AM

    What hospital was Trig treated at? I want to be sure never to step foot into it. I simply cannot imagine a surgeon making such an insane statement immediately following surgery. Their words to parents would be about the immediate at home care the child would need, a review of the post-surgical instructions, etc. Not about how deeply beautiful the patient's eyes or stomach or heart looked for that matter. She's making it up. Like she makes up everything else.

  54. Anonymous4:53 AM

    We'll never hear the end of Sarah Palin. The media thrives on how much we love to hate her and laugh at her, even if she doesn't get it.

    If anything makes me doubt the existence of God, it's the Palin family. If anything makes me hate capitalism, it's that someone like Sarah Palin can get rich by being cruel, stupid, and wrong.

  55. Anonymous5:38 AM

    The surgeon I live with says It's too late; the eye will drift out again; it should have been operated on years ago.

    His comment on what Sarah claims the surgeon said: "She f*cking mad. The woman is clearly delusional."

  56. "... our son's surgeon also waited and reassured. And he told me the most fascinating thing about the eyes of a child with Down syndrome. "Compare his eyes to a 'normal' child's. Get a magnifying glass. Look deep. Their eyes are captivating inside! They're different, they're colorful, they sparkle. Surely God made these eyes to reflect what heaven must be." "
    Oh, what fucking horseshit (not the concept, but that a surgeon actually blathered that out).

    I don't usually weigh in on the how old is that child questions, but in that picture, Trig looks much younger and toddler-ish to me.

  57. Anonymous6:57 AM

    What doctor would say "normal child?" That means that Trig is not normal. Sarah is make that stuff up to reassure herself.

  58. Anita Winecooler4:52 PM

    This crazy woman needs to find a qualified doctor for her kid, better yet, have a panel of child advocates decide. This sounds similar to Rev Muthee and his Voo Doo "Make a way, Lord, Make a way"
    Note: Sarah's "posts" are rarely about the topic, they're all about her sacrifice, worries, misguided politics, guns and life. What's the matter, RAM? Couldn't find a newer photo of Trig? Or do all the new ones show he doesn't look quite so childlike and "perfect".

    Oh, and a word of advice, don't ever take a magnifying glass to any child's eye. If done improperly, it may damage the retina and cause even more damage, especially if it was just operated on. Stupid twunk giving medical advice on a blog is like teaching Katie Couric how to ask a softball question.


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