Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wonkette once again dips their little piggies into the Sarah Palin Channel cesspool, and discovers Palin giving a book report. Wait, what?

This courtesy of Wonkette: 

How did all this come up? Because one of Palin’s subscribers asked if she’d read Chambers’ 1952 best-seller Witness as an example of how all that has happened before will happen again, only this time it’s Barack Obama who’s the godless communist infiltrator, and this time, he’s also a Muslim! DUH, Palin has read the book, it was one of Reagan’s faves, and of course her favorite part involves Jeebus. 

"It’s the part where [Chambers] describes the critical moment when he began his break with communism, when he saw the light. It was the moment when he first realized that God exists. Ah this is, this is awesome and inspiring to me, how it happened. It happened while he was doing something every parent here has done — he was watching his baby daughter sitting in her high chair eating her breakfast. And as he looked at her intricate and perfect little ears, he suddenly realized that those ears could not have been created by any chance coming together of atoms in nature, which was what the communists believed. No, he knew they had to have been created by an immense design, and that design presupposes God!"

Is anybody else having a weird out of body experience while listening to Palin blabber on about God and ear design?

Especially considering the mystery surrounding the ears of a certain child whose auditory receivers seem to change shape as often as Sarah Palin's bustline:

There is a saying that criminals often return to the scene of the crime, but it is also true that liars often revisit their fabrications, just to see how well they have stood up over time.

As we know Palin is constantly bringing up Trig's crazy birth story, almost begging people to call her out on it. And now it seems that there are other deceptions that she is equally proud to remind people about.

By the way as Wonkette points out there is quite a lot of evidence within the fossil record to explain the evolution of the mammalian ear.  None of which I would assume would make any sense to a person of Sarah Palin's intellectual limitations.

Though it is interesting that Palin so readily dismisses the evolution of the ear, when there is ample evidence that Trig's ear continued to evolve even after his birth. (Eventually of course returning to its original form.)

Speaking of limitations, does anybody really believe she actually read that book?

Cause I don't.


  1. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon9:10 AM

    I don't believe that she's ever read any book, ever.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Sometimes I get the impression that she has dyslexia. All her goofy word jumbles, word salads and low IQ could be a result of dyslexia. Those wonky eyeballs that her parents never had fixed couldn't help her reading comprehension either.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Sometimes...wait...she never fails to confirm that she's a retard.

    3. At least, none that lack pictures.

      Like the Bible.

  2. Caroll Thompson9:12 AM

    I would bet the farm that she has not read this book. But she didn't have to because she didn't write the script either. She has people for that.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM


    2. Well, to be fair, Palin didn't say she read the book. She said she quoted from it in one of her books and proceeded to hold up her own book six times or so, also mentioning where she was in the cover picture and that the horse she was riding was a descendant of Reagan's horses. Once again, it's all about me, quoth the author.

    3. Anonymous7:16 PM

      She's read one passage from the book. That's it. It happens to be her "favorite one," which (not surprisingly) corresponds with how the author gave up Communism and "found" god. If anybody asked her what her second favorite part of the book is, she's have to check and get back to ya.

  3. Holy shit. The dingbat loves when people light on the "trig isn't hers" thing. She would seriously rather people be asking how Dr CBJ delivered a baby at mat su even though she was NOT THERE and was working in a different hospital- never mind the fact that she didn't have the proper insurance to deliver ANY babies, period...and wondering why the SSN profiles of Trig and Tripp have had a higher security lock than those of President Obama, Valerie Plame, federal prosecutors, and all ex presidents and dignitaries alive in the US...than not talk about her at all.

    God, she's DERANGED.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      You are absolutely right about Sarah Palin. I wonder if she knows anything at all about the early 1950's; Sarah's never been much of a student of history.

      She also should not bring up infant ears because so many of us recall the many side photos of Trig as an infant. He seemed to have different ears for every outfit he wore!

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Whoa ! Wait a minute - CBJ wasn't even there that day ?!?!? Hadn't heard that before. That opens a whole new can of worms !

    3. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Nyah9:12 AM
      Is it a proven fact that CBJ wasn't at Mat Su on the day that Sarah claims she gave birth to Trig and, if true, why hasn't this information come forth before now?

    4. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Nyah, do you have any additional details about this. I have heard the same thing. I would like to follow up on this.

    5. Martha again1:57 PM

      I never heard this before, either.

    6. Actually Nyah and I have talked about this at length, and I am trying to put together a post, but I need a few more details.

      Nyah e-mail me again.

    7. Anonymous7:19 PM

      If it can be shown and proven that CBJ wasn't at the hospital during Palin's alleged labor and delivery at MatSu, that would blow the lid off the whole thing. Who would they claim delivered Trig?

    8. Anonymous2:45 AM

      That certainly would conclude it but revealing in any way how CBJ wasn't qualfiied to be a high risk OB nor would MatSu allow inducement would also blow this open. But adding in CBJ wasn't even at MatSu is the whipped cream on the sundae
      I hope she and Sarah are squirming! The hatch is about to blow.

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I like how she pretends to be thinking

    1. Anonymous12:16 PM

      Dress up and pretend is all she has. Intelligence and knowledge are not up in her mix.

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      >>Dress up and pretend is all she has.<<

      There's no messing around or pretending when it comes to revenge.

      BONUS!!! Captcha wants me to spell "Barbarism" to post this comment....

    3. Anonymous6:11 PM

      1:46 PM

      She even wants revenge against folks who witness her family assaulting others. She is one evil beotch.

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    She does like reading. We have a close aide (FB) who said he couldn't not defend her over the reading allegations because she frequently read for work and briefs. In all pictures Ive seen, she has papers and books. That and I know what books her kids read because I know who tells them theyre good books, Britta being one.

    This anti book thing is odd, GRyphen. Especially since you don't know her.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      She may read, but has ZERO comprehension level.

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      What book did Sarah Palin read that makes her think it's ok (not insane) to boast of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage)?

      We know tons of things about Sarah Palin because she has made her business to write books about herself, give speeches and press conferences, comment on TV programs, appear in "reality TV" and blather endless on social media.

      The "don't know her" theme is dead in the water. You'll have to think up some other nonsensical excuse for pretending to have better info on Sarah Palin than any other well-informed person.

    3. Anonymous9:44 AM

      "..she frequently read for work and briefs." So we're supposed to think better of her that? Aren't you supposed to do that all the time, not just frequently? Numnuts.

    4. Anonymous9:47 AM

      None of what you said proves Sarah reads books. Britta recommends books to the kids? Ok, but that doesn't mean the kids read those books. Sarah has FB pictures of her surrounded by books? This does not mean she read them, just that she posed for the picture with them. I have pictures of me eith horses and cows. This doesn't make me a cowboy. I have pictures of me in a cotton field. That doesn't mean I'm a cotton farmer.

    5. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Your anti-reality thing is odd, anon @9:26. Any reading Sarah has done was of 'tomes' like 'The Pet Goat'. Her ignorance is glaringly obvious. Electroconvulsive therapy may help in your case.

    6. Anonymous10:07 AM

      We don't know you. So why would we take your word on what's a good read for the Palins? Or, anything else for that matter; however, here's a suggestion: do something positive besides trolliing here.

      It seems that she skims lookinh for sound bites she can use to make a point even if it doesn't groove with the context of the author's work. Her delivery appears to be on a Rx of drugs, alcohol, or a mix of both. She is defensive in a very OCD way. And, it appears to be getting worse.

      Since you know her so well and the only basis for our opinions are what she posts or are"lamestreamed," help her. In all the videos and photos that we've seen, she is a mess. Perhaps Britta can guide her with some self-help books or an intervention.

      RJ in BBistan

    7. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Really read this book?? I have it. Looking at the back binding now. It's almost 3 inches thick. It's a long read, Would her attention span last that long?? Which page was this great observation on? I will it check it out.
      Chambers was an all out communist for a very long time. He left the party because of Russia pressures, not God. Crazy lady.

      10 cats

    8. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Take that back. I have "Witness" in paperback. It's 808 pages long including the index. "God" is not in the index. Christianity is listed on pgs 134-135 where he discusses reading Les Miserable as a young man. That's the only reference there.

      His biography, I have in hardback. That one is 638 pages long including bibliography, notes, and index. No God or Christianity there either.

      First daughter was given to his mother to care for as children were not allowed in the party and he and his wife did not want to have an abortion, so they gave her up.

      10 cats

    9. Anonymous10:26 AM

      "the anti-reading thing at" annon 9:26...
      1. You can see the teleprompter glared on her glasses.
      2. If the owman did ANY reading, she would understand and speak more clearly.
      3. The woman has no reading comprehension or understanding of what people acctualy say.
      4. She does know ALL the bad words, and she and her Klan can read and write F*ck's all over the internet

    10. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Remember when one of Sarah's co-workers told the world that she would have a brief open on her lap and pretend to be reading but would really have a People magazine placed inside. Face it, if this woman read anything more complex than John Birch newsletters and gossip rags she'd be better spoken and more intelligent, as it stands she wasn't even able to tell Katie Couric what it was that she reads, although probably she didn't want to admit to Katie that she only reads Bircher propaganda and People. Gotcha :-)

    11. Oh holy night! Troll you are making up shit as you go, just like your retarded idol. you don't know shit about this dysfunctional family. At least this site backs up their facts, but you pull things out your crusted infested ass.

      you are a hillbilly fraud who doesn't know shit. So what happened the the fake stalker? Waiting...Yeah just as I thought.


    12. Anonymous11:25 AM

      The only ting $arah reads are glamour mags and gossip rags.

    13. Anonymous11:56 AM

      It is so obvious that Sarah isn't a reader of books and newspapers or probably anything beyond gossip magazines or (after 08) right-wing blogs.
      People who do read would NEVER have goofed Katy Couric's oh-so nefarious question; "What do you read?".
      After that big reveal, she tried to pretend that yes indeedy, she does read and her favorite books are Of Mice and Men and Animal Farm. Wow, two books everyone reads in high school and were probably the ONLY two books lying around her house. The ignorant dolt thought naming those two books would make her look erudite.
      What an embarrassment she is to herself, her family, her state and her country, lucky for her she's too stupid to realize it.

    14. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Since your post is barely literate, 9:26, you are an unreliable source for others literacy.

    15. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Any books that Sarah has featured in pictures are there as props, nothing more. Just like her ever present flags and the obviously new Bible (with the pristine gold edging) that she held while praising the elderly Billy Graham--it's all for show, to promote herself. In reality she is not patriotic and IMO she's not a Christian. She's closer to being a traitor, a supporter of the AIP (like Todd) and the devil's disciple.

    16. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Lying stupid fucker,You don't know her either.You only Pretend to know her. What color is the sky in your world? I really think you are too insane for drugs to help you.The only thing that would help you is long-term in a mental facility and then only maybe could that help.

    17. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Sarah's ultimate prop? The gun or the Toad? No wait! It might even be Trig.

    18. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Anonymous9:26 AM
      Stop making up shit & go check on barstool who's lying and posting selfies of herself at junker's bed with her legs up.
      & the kid looking on.
      You people are disgusting. Now it's not just ugly facial selfies, it's also while lying in bed with one of your lovers. YUK
      Also, where is TriG. Is he locked in the truck again?

    19. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Anonymous1:49 PM
      Trig is always locked in the truck with his apple sauce.

    20. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Remember how $creech's security guard stated that when they traveled $he always was reading People magazine? That's a fact.

    21. Anonymous5:27 PM

      anon 9:26
      "because she frequently read for work and briefs"
      so she read "sign here" and "hanes"...........okay then.

    22. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Your post sounds like you don't read much yourself or have you been drinking? VERY poorly written commentary from you. Tsk tsk.

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Sarah appears to be proud of her deceptions. So far she has gotten away with the trig hoax. She brings him up to taunt. It is how she sticks her tongue out at those who are onto her schemes. She revels in her dishonesty and getting over on people.

  7. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:37 AM

    As much as I'd love to see Rabid Rhonda fold up like a broken card table, I don't really think there's any correlation between this "book report" (snort) and Trig's ears (though it's a great theory). This is just more of the AntiCommie-AntiMuslim-RahRahJaybus-FamilyValuez-TakeBackAmurika spew that appeal$ to her $impleton Ba$e. Send money, wooden nickels, wads of gum, pocket lint, half-eaten Chik-Fil-A's, whatever--NOW, dagnabbit! Momma needs a new pair of custom Chucks!

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      And Brisdull needs another $300 pair of sunglasses because she commutes to Anchorage every day and punches in/out (Ha!) to put bread on the table. LOL

    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Substitute teachers can make $100/day or more in AK so Chuckles could have used that as his main job. Big difference between a full time sub and a professional, trained educator.

    3. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Fascinating perspectives, 1:22.
      As an AK media person, I was a close up witness to the whole Paylin circus, before and after. Wherever she went, whatever she talked about, everything was summed up as "so cool." $he was so phony, scared and tiresome.

  8. Olivia9:40 AM

    There is nothing that could make me believe she reads books, any books, ever. Especially when she is talking about it and uses words that you know she isn't familiar with and would never use correctly unless coached...'presupposes'???

  9. Anonymous9:45 AM

    The other thing that changes about Trig is his hair color and head shape. Sometimes he seems very DS and has almost black hair. At other times his DS is scarcely apparent and his hair is brown. If someone had facial recognition software....

  10. Anon 9:26 AM

    Reach out to the entity that granted you your GED. Explain to them that you received it in error. Go back to what ever bum fuck MatSu educational institution you were at prior to becoming pregnant. Re-take Freshman English(remedial).
    When you've passed, please re-read, then re-write your post, feel free to take your time, we'll wait. Please re-post once you've re-written the post using proper sentence structure.

    Now that we've discussed the mechanics of your post, let's discuss the content. Sarah Palin is a wonk eyed learning disabled skidmark that reeks of BO and tuna. She couldn't read nor comprehend the instructions on a douche! (..."insert here."

    Go back to C4P, now. Only post again when: 1.) you've fixed your post. and/or 2.) Virginia Gentleman croaks (I'm in a pool, thanks.)

    1. F U McCain7:06 PM

      Lol at #2.

    2. Anonymous4:26 AM

      Reeks of BO and tuna. I just laughed myself breathless. Thanks Mike! We'll have to add Tundra Tuna to that long list.

  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    If she reads at all she probably skims through her reading. I can't picture her at all being so engrossed in a book she'll stay up all night to finish reading it....(which I have done on many occasions). And poor Trig can't eat a normal breakfast like a bowl of Cheerios and isn't even toilet trained. There's a place in hell for a mother who neglects her special gift from God. Please make her go away....

  12. Anonymous10:10 AM

    1. She hasn't read the book
    2. How does she explain the "perfect" wonky eye wallow, piper, sarah and brisket have....
    3. why did brisket need a chin implant..

  13. Anonymous10:12 AM

    The only thing Sarah reads is the drive-thru menu at Taco Bell.

  14. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Well, she DID read People and Brides magazines. Don't THEY discuss deep topics such as this constantly? Sounds like Nancy French has received added responsibilities, now writing for both PayMe "women". I believe she read this book, just as I believe she was VP material.

  15. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Was the Arizona place sold? Shouldn't some of the grifters be down there by now?

  16. Anonymous10:22 AM

    LIAR! Nancy, quit lying! (BTW - you can see the glare of the teleprompter on her ugly glasses).
    AND... no one has sent her that question, and she's saying TED asked for a reason. You know she's trying to say she knows about TED (TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design) and appear intelligent.
    Well, if she knew anything about READING, let alone TED, she would at least make coherent sentenses.

  17. I doubt that $arah's attention span would last through either listening to or (more challenging) reading "Hop on Pop"--a far better book than anything her name ever was attached to.

  18. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I notice she's wearing the "wanna-be-sexy-granny" blouse, and she keeps fixing it to call attention to
    Even I, a little old-white-man, can tell she's just trying to get more money thrown at her...tsk tsk tsk.
    Sarah, if you dressed and acted you age (wanna-look-like-nancy) you get get a little respect.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      It's hard to tell because of the camera angle, but it sorta looks like she has the Belmonts on. I assume they would also account for the reason we don't see her bony sternum.

      I have natural size D breasts, and I'm 40 years old (and if I ever come into money, I'm getting a reduction, because they used to be fun but now they're saggy and make my back hurt). If I wore that top with a decent bra, I would have cleavage up to my neck.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      I noticed that Sarah's wedding ring is still absent. Why don't her followers ever question why, as a "good Christian" with all those family values (snark here), Palin doesn't acknowledge being married? Or admit being divorced.

  19. Anonymous10:57 AM

    She has the nancy frech look today

  20. So her god messed up and gave trig deformed ears? she make absolutely no sense.

    Hell nawh she didn't even read the book cover.

    Also over at Wonkette someone said a "fun fact" is that her father was a science teacher. Well I never heard him give a shout out to his alma mater nor did his college asked him to be a speaker for anything. Also he was an elementary science teacher, which isn't even heard of. he did no more than make volcanoes erupted.

    Also the insufferable witch is making up her juvenile questions or her 10 subscribers as are fucked as her.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Creepy Chuck Sr. did not have the credentials to teach as are needed by today's standards. FACT.

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      I believe his teaching consisted of bringing dead animals into class.

    3. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Creepy Chucky was a substitute teacher who taught full-time.No he didnt have the credentials he would need to teach today. Also according to students who had him for a teacher he'd talk about hunting and fishing etc instead of actually teaching. He was also a bully to the students he didn't like. Read Joe McGinness' book.It's very enlightening.Appalling but enlightening.

  21. Anonymous11:13 AM

    A few observations:

    Someone figured out how to white balance! The green tinge is gone. Is Tawd the camera dude on vacay?

    Also too, looks like Sarah is back to just slapping on quickie hair pieces. With the PAC donations down, it's probably tougher to justify the expense of weaves.

    She sounds sober. Note to handlers: remember to ALWAYS shoot segments before she takes meds and/or Pipe's Adderal and/or starts nipping at the Bailey's.

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Yet she has a "hair school" daughter.

    2. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Wallow is busy with her latest boyfriend..OR yeah, maybe she did help but she was drunk...

  22. For real. Wasn't the last book she read was Dr. Seuss? Didn't she read it (there she goes jumping into shit to be a media ho) to mock the $24 billion gop shutdown of our government?

    I bet she could tell you what the book was about. the woman is a full blown idiot.

  23. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I watched with the sound off and have two observations:

    1. What do her book and a photo of her on horseback have to do with Chambers?

    2. I don't think her comment about the ear was her taunting anyone; I think it was her scriptwriter taunting her. As she's touching her ear, she's almost grimacing, and right afterward she gets this gut-punched, panicky look for a second. I think RAM or Nancy or whoever was sending her the same kind of veiled threat she so adores (like when she talked about her "straight shooter," Bristol, right after the brawl).

  24. The last thing she read was the police report of her family brawl.

    1. PalinsHoax3:00 PM

      Touche!! Yes, I can just see her, finger moving along every line, as she mouths out loud the words what she is pretending to read.

      "Tawwwwd, what does altarcashion mean?"

      "Tawwwd, what does Ineeebriated mean?"

      "Tawwwd, what does institooted the facass mean?

  25. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Which of her lazy children with their own LLCs got paid to google a few reviews of this book? I never heard of it before, and that's no surprise given it's written at Ronald Reagan's level.... unless, of course, "Mommy" read it to him...

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      None of her kids could do manage to do even that. It was RAM or some other pitiful hanger-on.

  26. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I would love the see the actual number of subscribers to this so-called "channel" - and how many have requested refunds.

    1. What I've seen it doesn't look like many subscribe to her channel, but probably enough to keep it going for at least a little while. The person, or persons who decides whether it should be cancelled or not, is the company that is responsible for producing and airing her channel. If they're not satisfied with how much profit the channel is earning, they'll discontinue her channel as a business decision.

    2. "Whatever"7:28 PM

      m baker, but remember, that same company is hoping to get LOTS of people to have similar channels. So my bet is they keep Sarah's Pay-MEEEE channel up.

      Otherwise they are just proving their product (business model of pay-for-channels) doesn't work and no one else would want to try it.

      The big cost (other than regular production updates, which Sarah fails to do) is the initial set up and website. That money has already been spent, so their regular costs will be limited if they just let it coast along and basically ignore it.

      My guess it will just stay there and languish until it's time to renew the web hosting. Sarah already has lost interest in it--as so many of us at IM stated would happen.

      She'll only use it when it's convenient and "fun" to do so. Facebook is a lot easier and gets better response.

      She probably expected millions of fans, but only got a thousand or so. Most of those probably cancelled after the trial period.

      It did not provide enough "emotional support for Me. Me. Me. Me." to warrant her time.

      We all said that would happen.

  27. Anonymous12:21 PM

    OMG! She is F*KN ridiculous in the portion where she talks about "cool cars." She trying to be seductive BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...Sorry i can't stop gotta watch the part about "talk all about her cool cars and trucks and big Ford Broncos that go vroom vroom vroom!"

  28. Anonymous12:46 PM

    This spew is nothing new it was in her book America By Heart.

    And an article by Chambers grandson blasts her.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Wow! Thanks for posting that link.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      If the woman really read ANYTHING she would have known of the literary criticisms, and not just spew a bunch of "cool" sounding sentenses so she can appear educated. But in reality, she MUST know she's preaching to the dimmest minds who would not know the difference. I mean, I've read their comments in her FB...So Sarah, no need to make up BS.

    3. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Yes, thanks very much. This just proves that someone "punked" Mrs. Palin on her own channel, knowing that Chamber's grandson thinks she's a nit wit! Bravo to whomever asked her about this book on her SPC "ask me anything" because he or she knew exactly what they were doing and now we have another example of what a complete ignoramus Mrs. Palin is....this is almost as funny as "President Sarkozy is on the line..."

    4. Anonymous4:11 PM

      The fact that the "subscriber question" used proper grammar and spelling and sentence structure was a huge tell that someone was punking her. Neither her supporters nor her paid communications staff members are that literate.

  29. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Give me a break, even her followers know the woman doesn't read. Not only that, but she and her panty-sniffers are of the thinking that reading is elitist.
    So cut the crap Sarah, Nancy and Anonymous9:26 AM: "She does like reading..." And stick with what you know...wait...that means NOTHING..but the F*ck * SH*T words and getting free stuff & money..etc etc etc

    This anti book thing is odd, GRyphen. Especially since you don't know her.


    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Her "followers" set a pretty low bar for someone that they want to be leader of the free world. I, and most sane minded people, both conservative and liberal, want someone in charge that actually reads something besides People and NewsMax.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      HA! the only thing she's proficient with is escapist literature and trash talk...F this and F that & "don't you know who I am?"
      BUT! her heart soars with

    3. Anonymous7:26 PM

      They LIKE that she don't read nuthin'. She don't put on airs. She's one of them.

  30. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Whittiker Chambers: where to begin?
    I worked closely with two people who'd worked with him when he was at Time Magazine. Of course, he could write well! He was a graduate of Columbia College (just like Barack Obama!).His book was all the rage during the early '50s, when anti-Communism was feeling its power.
    Witness is a neo-con favorite now.
    A friend spent a week on Chamber's farm during the upset in the early '50s. He believed Chambers, who, subsequently, was pretty much proven to be right about Alger Hiss.

    Nonetheless, Witness is not easy reading. I'm sure various of Sarah's advisors, starting with Bill Kristol, put it on a list of books she must read, but I'd bet anything I own, including a signed copy of Witness, that she never got past the index.

    So uncool to lie, Sarah.
    Plus, if you ever allow yourself to be interviewed without pre-screened questions, you've opened the door for a reporter to ask more about Whittaker Chambers and you. It won't be a "gotcha" question. It'll be a follow-up. So go read some Chambers tonight, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, so you'll sound like you know what you're talking about when you're asked.

  31. Anonymous1:41 PM

    $carah, stop pretending you read & go check on barstool who's lying and posting selfies of herself at junkers bed, with the kid looking on & her legs up.
    You people are disgusting. Now it's not just ugly facial selfies, it's also while lying in bed with one of your lovers. YUK

  32. Anonymous1:51 PM

    $carah NEVER gets into the literary similarities asked by "ted," except to say she rode a horse, she did this & that...It is obvious the woman NEVER graduated from college. SMH

  33. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Sing-songy Sarah can't convince anyone she has any convictions about God, as she talks with her baby voice "this is awesome and inspiring to me" in such a non-committal tone. It's sounds so fake, especialy her talk about 'little ears' in tiniest sing-songy voice. She thinks she can awe everyone when she pulls that syrupy sweet princess voice on us, but it's actually a repellent for people who see right through her.

    So this is what I got from Sarah's review: I mentioned this book in my book. That's the horse I rode on. It's an offspring from Ronald Reagan's
    horse that he rode on. See the picture of the horse I rode on. It's on the cover of my book. See Reagan read this book. It's a book about not liking communism. It's a marvelous book. I'll keep answering your questions. Please keep asking me questions that need intelligent answers.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:51 PM

      Yep, that's her and the horse she rode on! And neither of them are on the carousel. Great Photoshop Job!!!!!

  34. Anonymous1:52 PM

    She opens her mouth and removes all doubt that she's lost her marbles.

  35. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Once again I am staggered by Palin's lack of critical thinking skills. She gushes about Ronald Reagan awarding Chambers the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and as usual is salivating and all wet about all things Reagan.
    Yet she says NOTHING about Reagan initiating, with J.E. Hoover, the spying on American citizens because he, RR, did not like the student protests at UCBerkley while he was governor.
    Palin's ignorance is astounding in its depth and breathe.
    She will burn in her Hell.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:49 PM

      That last line is just beyond nasty. Mind if I use it from time to time?

  36. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Sarah Palin doesn't have the attention span to read a book.. Hell, even short conservative stories she takes out of context,

  37. Anonymous2:59 PM

    WOW! Somehow, I had missed that post about the Sunday School Ruffles. He sure does not look like either the one from 10/02 nor the one from 10/18. He ALSO does not look like a DS kiddo, but rather like a FAS kid. Wondering, which one is the one we keep seeing NOW - because THIS one DEFINITELY is DS child...

  38. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Why do people pay for that garbage? She is so fucking annoying.

  39. Anonymous3:26 PM

    If you look at this with the sound off it appears she is filming an infomercial. I predict within two years infomercials will be her best gig! Also, has the she any idea about what she is spewing? I lived through the McCarthy era, the anti-communist John Bircher wanna-be era. She is ignorant and has absolutely no idea what she is talking about. Her family moved her to Alaska and she grew up listening to the nut job right for most of her life. Same old crap, different package. And it is so obvious she never took a class in post-WWII American history.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      You haven't yet lived all the way thru the "John Bircher wanna-be era". The society is alive and well and breathing new life from the Koch Bros, Charles and David specifically. Their father, Fred Koch, worked along with Robert Welch to foist their anti government, anti Democracy ideas on this nation. They may have been driven underground a little but the dream lives on with the power of two of the Koch sons.

      They may have been able to distance the Kock name from the current JB roster but don't be fooled, they are very actively pursuing the goals in memory of their father and Welch.

      RollingStone published a fine article recently detailing their involvement and their goals. With their billions they just bought a big hunk of the mid-term elections (again) and a few million every couple years doesn't even make a dent in their piggy bank.

      Everyone should take the time to read this excellent article, it's a nail-biter and may explain why the craziest of the crazy rethugs are getting elected the past few years. It's simple, the Kochs buy the elections for them. Scary times at the hands of the evil bros with a very evil plan.

  40. Anonymous3:46 PM

    She keeps showing her book to remind everyone to go buy it so you can see & read her "deep-thoughts & literay criticism" LOL

  41. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Dear Sarah,

    Have you ever heard of the golden ratio? your so brilliant! look at babies ears some more and we will expect a treatrice oon this tomorrow.


  42. Anita Winecooler4:45 PM

    Paging Kirk Cameron, Crazy lady in aisle 4 w/discounted fourth of July junk would like a perfectly formed banana in her hand, I'm sure you've got a good supplier! Even Mr Potato Head will do to explain the ears.

    She reminds me of a parrot "Buy my book" "I just so happened to see Raygun's personal copy on the shelf. Right between "The best of Bigguns" and "Applesauce for dinner again, Mommy?",

    "I was on a horse, a descendant of Ronald Raygun's own personal horse at his ranch" "That's ME on the cover of MY book, and the horse is directly below me but the leather lead's been photo shopped out cause I never rode a horse in my life"
    And there she goes again with the "awesome" Yeah, Sarah, they've tried everything known to man to get rid of eau du skank, and nothing works. That horse was put down because the smell permanently spooked it.

    Next Question- Is Africa a country or a continent?

  43. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Nothing to do with her idiocy but wanted to say how sick I've become of river rock fireplaces since Palin nailed up that faux backdrop version in her 'studio'. My nausea nearly rises to the same level as when I see her fake face.

  44. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I guess we know where Becky Mansour has disappeared to. She's locked in the Palin basement, reading books like Witness and doing a shitty job paraphrasing them for her mistress.

  45. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Well, what she said would hold up in court - she said she quoted but not that she read the book lol.
    Funny how a question about Witness becomes a chance for her to sell her shitty second book.
    Perfect, or in a Tri-G's case imperfect ears, do not just "presuppose" (like you ever ever have used that word before honey!!) a god, it could also presuppose a smart alien kid and we are his science fair experiment. Or an alien Second Life game....


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