Wednesday, December 10, 2014

According to Fox News the American public need to be trained to respect the police. Yeah, that's the problem.

Courtesy of We Are Anonymous:

 Fox “News” host, Jeanine Pirro, closed out her segment of Justice with Judge Jeanine with an ‘Instapoll‘ asking their notoriously ignorant, neoconservative audience about police violence directed at the minority community. While the results of the poll from Fox viewers is not surprising, the utter stupidity of Fox and their out of touch viewers is rarely broadcasted in this raw of a form.

You know occasionally I watch a little of Pirro's show just to remind myself how histrionic these people can be.

She is an incredibly abrasive woman, who may actually hate the President even more intensely than Sarah Palin.

It is no surprise that her viewers are just as arrogantly out of touch as she is.


  1. Anonymous4:26 AM

    THIS from people who have disrespected our President since before he took office? Judge Pirro seems like a very frustrated woman, who wears the pants in ANY relationship she goes into. What a bitch. When will all the blonde bimbos weigh in o this? Surely the highly respected (yeah, right) Lizzie Hasselbach has some pearls of wisdom to inteject into this conversation?

  2. angela4:40 AM

    Isn't this the woman who asked Bernie Kerik to spy on her husband because she thought he was cheating when she was running for Attorney General? Yeah---she respects the police-- when they are doing something illegal for her.

  3. Anonymous5:00 AM

    "Retraining" the public to blindly obey the police is the beginning of a Fascist state.

    We might, instead, ask why the police are not retrained to refrain from using violent force against non-violent citizens.

    As well, we should rethink why three police officers were needed to arrest Eric Garner for the misdemeanor offense of selling "loosies," untaxed cigarettes.

    We should also ask why the Staten Island District Attorney asked the grand jury for an indictment only on murder, and didn't give them the option of handing in a bill of indictment for
    manslaughter. Thus, the jury either had to severely punish the police or let the officer off with no charge. The DA should be "retrained" to stop conspiring with the police. When "law" and "order" are combined in this way, it's the first step toward a Fascist state.

    1. Maple6:13 AM

      Grand juries are great in "theory" in a democratic society. After all, what could be more democratic than to have a group of one's peers decide whether or not one should be indicted? The problem is, they are not educated in the law. They don't know when the D.A. is using semi-disguised bias. They can be easily influenced by local media.
      Canada dispensed with Grand Juries several years ago for these very reasons. Now, the crown attorney (like your DA) can ask for a preliminary hearing before a judge (if there is some question about a possible indictment). The judge, TRAINED IN THE LAW, decides if there is enough evidence to indict and bring the accused to trial. If so, that is when a jury of one's peers in convened.
      I notice that it's extraordinarily difficult in the U.S. for changes in the legal system to be updated and made more efficient. Same with your electoral system (noting that your Federal Elections Commission is essentially toothless).
      Just my humble opinion from the GWN.....

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Who can trust the police forces in our communities throughout the nation? Whites, blacks, brown or Asian folks? I don't think so!

  4. Anonymous5:43 AM

    "Trained" is the operative word. It permeates all aspects of society. The Kochs, Fox, and various wealthy RW oracles of 'that which is to be believed' work on it 24x7x365. They are the priests of the contemporary world. It works with the willfully ignorant and the superstitiously fearful. Just look at the last election.

  5. “The public be retrained" that's just too beautiful for words.

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      This sounds an awful lot like those "re-education camps" the right wing was warning us about when President Obama took office.

  6. Anonymous7:30 AM

    So the weapons the police use are simply "rods of correction" to be used to "train up" the public.

    The police have already had a helping hand from the military - maybe they need some additional help from the CIA.

  7. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Yeah, like those nice white Bundy ranch supporters who aimed firearms at federal law enforcers.

  8. Anonymous7:46 AM

    And they use an African American woman to tell us that. She should be ashamed of herself. The police work for the public, not the other way around. And, while I have always shown respect to the police, I expect them to treat me with the same respect. We pay their salaries and benefits, after all.

  9. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Am I fantazising, or am I remembering correctly a time, way, way long ago, when the motto for the police was "the police, your friend and helper"?
    Must just live in my imagination, I guess.

  10. Anonymous8:37 AM

    OK. I was 'off' a bit. It is (still!) 'to protect and serve'...

  11. Anonymous8:45 AM

    O/t. I dont eat at Mcdonalds b/c the big mac is nothing but bread. There is a clue Macdonalds. The meat patties are like 2x2 sizes. Thats why you are going down.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      That's the only reason you don't eat at McDonalds?

  12. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Why is it that women like Pirro (she's near sixty or over) are surgically-perfected to the nines, have huge heads on tiny shoulders and have ugly manly voices?

    This woman has made other statements that are outrageous and toes the Fox News line like a obedient puppet. Another one that annoys me is that Tantaros gal. They are so full of themselves, it's positively disgusting to watch.

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:52 AM

      IMO, it's because the "doll look" works with their target audience of overgrown, undereducated, fearful toddlers. The voice--who knows? It reminds them of Mommy (or Daddy)?

  13. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Something about her reminds me of Orly Taitz.

  14. I clearly understand her point of view. Respect the law like the crackers do on bundy ranch.

    A person of color shouldn't go around unarmed and minding their own damn business without the law coming down on them or killing them just because they can get away with it.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      In the Land o' Fox the Bundy Crackers are Rill Mericuns standing up to Gubmint Tyranny.. I can see a sea of Fox watchers nodding their heads in enthusiastic agreement.

  15. Yeah, it would be really good to train every citizen in exactly what police can and cannot legally do.

    The key word is 'legally'.

    Here's some phrases you should definitely utter if the police try to search you or your belongings:

    "what is your badge number?"
    "where's your search warrant?"
    "Show me your search warrant".
    "Oh, you won't show me your search warrant? What is your badge number?"

    And none of those questions would be disrespectful to any police officer. Those are questions that any citizen should be able to ask and have answered honestly by a police officer.

    I was taught that I should always ask for a police officer's badge number if anything seemed a little hinky and that a citizen should always be entitled to see - and record - and officer's badge number.


  16. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Remember how well the Palin gang respected the police? They cursed at the officers and made demands and generally behaved like uncooperative citizens and not one of the Palin thugs got a billy club upside the head.

    1. Anonymous1:23 AM

      Or a bullet, not even a 'warning shot.'

  17. Anonymous11:00 AM

    She is the token black person on FOX! Figures she'd be anti her race! I'm sure it doesn't set well with the majority of black folks throughout the country!

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      She's Lebanese. And a bitch.

  18. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Yeah, she'd know all about respect. Look at her background.

    Dunno why she's on TV anyway, didn't she inherit all her ex husbands ill-gotten gains? I'm sure it wasn't for nothing that he served all those years in prison for tax fraud - while she stood by her man.

  19. She was the DA in Westchester County, NY for 12 years. She and her ex-husband (also a lawyer and major Republican fundraiser) lived a very lavish life style. When she and her then husband were accused of filing false tax returns, she claimed she signed them without understanding what she was signing, basically claiming she was unsophisticated about these matters. This woman was a lawyer and the District Attorney yet signed important papers she didn't understand-- yea right. She skated on the charges and her ex-husband, who fathered another child while married to Jeanine, went to prison. Just google Albert and Jeanine Pirro, the model for Republican family values and taking responsibility for one's own actions. She's an egotistical blowhard just looking for a paycheck to keep up on botox treatments-- perfect for the FOX audience.

  20. Anita Winecooler4:04 PM

    And Jenine says "I can't breathe" and Anita says, "Then get your botoxed beyond recognition face out of your lily white bigoted butt",inhale deeply, problem solved. Enough "Training" for you, or do you need more?

  21. Anonymous8:29 PM

    The public should be 'trained' to respect the Police like the Palins at the drunken brawl? Is Willow in Seattle with 9 month mono again? Who is the Daddy?


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