Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Conservatives finally notice that a teacher has been asking his students to recite a rewritten Pledge of Allegiance for the past twenty years. Did you guess they were outraged? Well you were right.

Courtesy of Campus Reform: 

A tenured professor at Metropolitan State University (MSU) in Denver required students pledge their allegiance to a racist, sexist, homophobic America that targets "blacks," and "women who want abortions," in the name of Jesus. 

 Dr. Charles Angeletti, a self-proclaimed atheist and socialist professor of American Civilization at the publicly funded Denver university, required students recite the satirical Pledge of Allegiance during the fall 2014 semester according to a class flier obtained by Campus Reform. 

"I pledge allegiance to and wrap myself in the flag of the United States Against Anything Un-American and to the Republicans for which it stands, two nations, under Jesus, rich against poor, with curtailed liberty and justice for all except blacks, homosexuals, women who want abortions, Communists, welfare queens, treehuggers, feminazis, illegal immigrants, children of illegal immigrants, and you if you don't watch your step.”

Seems accurate to me. 

When asked why he had the students recite this, the professor responded thusly:

“We’re very racist, we’re very repressive, we’re very Christian oriented, we don’t tolerate other kinds of thinking in this country,” Angeletti told Campus Reform. 

“I could go on and on—and do in my classes for hours about things that we need to do to make this a better country.” 

Angeletti, who has taught at MSU since 1967, has a B+ grade on, but one former student addressed Dr. Angeletti’s liberal bias.

Dr. Angeletti admits he is “biased” and says that he has distributed the pledge for 20 years because it helps people look differently about what goes on in this country. 

“We are scared to death of anything un-American,” Angeletti said. 

During the interview, Angeletti repeatedly affirmed his love for America, his disdain for “family values people,” and his course, clarifying that he supports diversity of thought and allows his students to “say and do anything.”

Of course this freaked out those on the Right, including Greta Van Susteren who used this to further the Fox News agenda of attacking "liberal" education in America.

It should be noted that this is a UNIVERSITY class that is offered as an elective and is not mandatory for graduation.

Personally I think educators who challenge student's perception of their country, their religion, and even themselves are helping to create a generation of rational thinkers and that can only be good for the country.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    When you're right, you're right, Dr. Angeletti! And to all the evangelical, RWNJs out there...last time I checked, pledging allegiance to a country is against scripture.

  2. Anonymous7:18 AM

    If nothing else, this gets students out of their comfort zone and makes them think. That's what an educator is supposed to do.

    But, unfortunately, only a tenured professor with decades of years behind him can get away with it.

  3. hedgewytch7:27 AM

    If someone is freaking out about his "Pledge" and the teaching techniques and philosophy of this tenured University professor, then perhaps there's some truth there that is scaring the pants of them.

    1. I have always though its phrase "with liberty & justice for all" in light the racism in this country rather hypocritical... but who pays attention to stuff you recite day after day. It's kiddie brainwashing.

    2. Also, those who get mad often do so because they know they are wrong. Just saying.

  4. fromthediagonal7:44 AM

    Anon @6:55: You just hit the proverbial nail on the head and I would add: It may very well be against the scriptures of all three Abrahamic relgions. Please correct me if I am mistaken in that assumption.

    Oh, and Thanks are in order for Professor Angeletti!

  5. angela7:58 AM

    What a bunch of crybabies conservatives are.
    Of course most of those crying the loudest are being paid
    to do it. (Greta) That is the power of money.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Of course the conservatives are outraged because it shows their true colors. Professor Angeletti is right! Saying that pledge should make students think what exactly this country stands for and it ain't pretty.

    2. Boscoe8:49 AM

      -And even if that weren't true, he should still do it anyway because belief systems should be constantly tested and challenged to verify they are sound. This is the biggest problem with conservatives, they latch onto a bumpersticker slogan and then fight for its sanctity to the death without ever reconsidering whether it's valid and worthy and true.

      "USA #1" is my favorite. #1 at WHAT? I WANT the USA to be #1, but plugging your ears and just shouting it over and over doesn't make it true, and worse, it makes it impossible to verify if it IS true.

      How can you know something is true if you never question and verify it?

  6. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Phooey on Greta. She is a totally biased Scientologist b****. She should get a life!


  7. Good teachers, especially college professors should challenge students to THINK and explore new ideas as well as old. Unfortunately, too many good teachers will either be fired or not promoted for allowing this free expression in the classroom.

  8. Anonymous8:40 AM

    sounds like an excellent elective course for university -- something to get your mind thinking. i would take it in a heartbeat.

  9. Anonymous8:48 AM

    The truth hurts, when you're a liar. I think most citizens would agree with the professors take on our culture, such as it is.

    1. If this is true, then why does America vote for politicians who dish out the opposite (lies).

  10. Anonymous9:01 AM

    If he has all this bias and STILL has a B+ on rate-my-professor, you can be sure he really does let students say whatever they want. This is a professor who knows how to spark discussion and knows how to manage it.

  11. Wait a minute - there is a small, but important issue here.

    Angeletti has every right to present his views in class, to construct an alternative pledge and offer it to the students. However, he went off track IF he required his student to say or take this alternative pledge. How would that be any different than requiring all students to say the traditional pledge that includes "under God?"

    We need to think out our strategies. We can present challenging ideas to our students while showing respect for their independent thought processes.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      This was an exercise to make a very important point. It is not taking a pledge. These are college students, not children and a professor can make a student read aloud in class, do oral presentations, etc. as part of the curriculum. This is closer to reading Shakespeare out loud and analyzing it than forcing them to take a pledge.

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Exactly, I can require my students to watch films that they dislike, read books that their religions or their mommies and daddies disprove of (university level here) or even require them to take part in activities that make them feel uncomfortable - from speaking in public in front of an audience to doing community service with a culture that they may not have had any prior contact with, and wouldn't unless pushed to do so. Some courses require (gasp) travel to non-white, non Christian majority countries. Attendance at a university is not mandatory, as K-10-12 is. And therein lies the difference.

    3. The issue is NOT whether we, as university professors, can require our students to do thus and so. This issue is what are the goals (and implications) of our decisions. If I want to expand my students' perspective -- how do I do that? by offending them or by teaching them? Why would I specifically ask them to do something that would cause all kinds of upset If I have other ways to bring home the same point?

      I have been a political activist and an academic for many years and I know the difference. So what happens here-- all of the interesting and good ideas that Angeletti might teach his students gets lost in this stupid issue-- and I am not saying that he did require anything of them because I don't know what actually happened. I searched for the info, but all I could find were right wing newspapers and websites talking about the issue.

  12. The core purpose of teaching is to get students to question and think for themselves.

    This is why when fascism takes over, the first to disappear are the teachers.

  13. Anonymous12:29 PM

    And at other colleges in this country, it is a requirement to take Biblical Literature, Theology, American Government and American History (no World History, that's for sure) in order to get a Bachelors of Science in BIOLOGY. There seems to be an odd emphasis at certain universities on conservative values such as patriotism and religion. But for some reason, you'll never see that on Fox News.

    Once you leave high school, there's a whole world out there called college, and you get to choose where you go and you pay for it. That seems pretty market based to me......doesn't Fox think that the Free Market is the answer to everything?

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      You seem to be a bit misguided - as an atheist who has taken the Bible as Literature and American History, I quickly learned the difference between learning about and believing in (indoctrination.) They are not to be confused. Heck a good Bible Lit class can make a fundy into a non-believer.

  14. Anita Winecooler4:16 PM

    I have absolutely no problem at all with the Prof's "Pledge". We need MORE like him on campuses everywhere. He reminds me of a Professor I once had, his classes were never boring, he taught his students to question everything and expected well phrased answers which showed critical thinking skills and proposed solutions to problems he presented. People often mentioned him as one to "avoid" because he had high expectations, but what are students in College for if not to challenge and expand their minds?


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