Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Australian comedian explains reverse racism. Absolutely worth your time to hear.

I had never heard of this comedian before but his explanation is so spot on that I thought it was worth sharing.


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Speaking of comedians:


  2. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Our president is a very funny guy:



  3. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Don't miss this G:


  4. Boscoe5:09 AM

    Wait, what? And here I thought racism was bias on the basis of race. So... by his definition, it's also impossible to be racist against Spaniards, Mongolians, the Japanese, Italians, Greeks, Arabs, South Americans, etc etc because they enslaved people and took their land? -Or is it a special award conferred only to whoever turned out to be historically the most successful at it?

    Condemning specific people for their actual words and actions isn't racist, it's reporting. Painting an entire race as being this or that is racism.

    But there's no such thing as "reverse racism" because that suggests (like this comedian) that it's only possible to be racist if you're white. There's just racism and everyone is potentially capable of it.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      It's only possible to be racist when one group colonizes another group up to and including theft of land, labor, and natural resources. When economic systems, laws, and institutions are created that benefit one group at the expense of other 'oppressed' groups, racism (as a social construct) is the inevitable negative result for generations of one-time colonized groups even after legal emancipation.

      Those with historical advantage retain that advantage through continued institutionalized conscious and unconscious racist actions toward 'others' in order to maintain wealth and power especially when applying equality 'under the law' that were never intended to be useful to 'others.' Power concedes nothing without a demand from those who have none.

      Racism results when a society operates with one group is subjugated (and/or at the mercy of) others who are historically deemed 'less worthy' as human beings.

      Think of racism as America's birth defect (h/t Condolezza Rice).


    2. Anonymous8:02 AM

      @7:03 -- Really, it is only possible when colonialism is involved? Then what do you think cause the extreme race-based attitudes some Koreans have against black people? (I'm not talking about the stereotypical Korean convenience store owner who follows around their black patrons, I mean people in Korea today)--that's just one example. No one is immune to being racist--it is basic tribalism that is at the core of the human psyche, that is either nurtured in a hateful/fearful environment or left to atrophy in progressive surroundings.

    3. Ailsa8:24 AM

      I agree, dowl.

      Invoking "reverse racism" is an attempt to paint the victims of racism as the perpetrators of racism - one more thing to blame them for.

    4. Boscoe8:31 AM

      @7:03 - I don't believe that it is reasonable to put such a complicated and specific historical/cultural/economic onus on the definition of a base concept.

      To me it's simple, racism is racism. Nobody gets a free pass. Again, being angry at the Apartheid government isn't racism, even if they're all white. Saying all white people are oppressive douchebags is racism just the same as saying all black people are lazy criminals.

      To me there's no difference between someone saying you can't possibly be racist against white people because slavery and colonialism, and someone saying white people can't possibly be racist because emancipation and affirmative action.

      It's just lazy rationalization.

      Trying to complicate the concept with history and economics just smacks to me of someone trying to define "real" rape.

      This "comedian" (I didn't hear any jokes in there, frankly) is simply attempting to rationalize his racism, as racists always do.


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