Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Baltimore Fox News affiliate edits video to make it appear that peaceful protesters are encouraging the murder of police officers.

Courtesy of Gawker:

Last night, Baltimore's WBFF aired a video of protesters chanting "kill a cop"– evidence, it claimed, of murderously violent rhetoric on the part of anti-brutality protesters in Washington, D.C. The only problem? The protesters weren't chanting "kill a cop" at all, and there's video evidence to prove it. 

The current national pastime appears to be constructing elaborate ways of laying responsibility for recent police shootings at the feet of anti-police-brutality protesters. This, of course, is bullshit. Faced with the daunting task of shifting blame for broad and escalating distrust of police away from the murderous bastards themselves and onto mostly non-violent activists, our insanely cynical news media has been forced to dig deep into their bag of tricks.

Here is how WBFF broadcast the footage:  

We can't stop! 

We won't stop! 

So kill a cop!

Sounds bad right?

However THIS is the unedited footage of the same chant:  

We can't stop! 

We won't stop! 

'til killer cops are in cell blocks! 

The woman pictured leading the chants is Tawanda Jones, sister of the 12 year old boy that was gunned down by Baltimore police while playing with a toy gun. Who responded with this on Facebook.

Right now there is a very aggressive attempt by conservatives to blame those NYPD deaths on protesters, and this is simply one example.

I think the very least the FCC should do is to heavily fine these people, but if they were really doing their jobs they would take the entire Fox News cable network off the air entirely.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Colour me unsurprised.

  2. Anonymous12:17 PM

    ColorOfChange.org needs to be on top of this, this is not the first time faux noos did something like this

  3. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Nobody is buying their 'apology' for their innocent mistake:

    Fox45 is apologizing for an error made on Fox45 News at Ten last night. We aired a clip from a protest in Washington, DC where we reported protesters were chanting “kill a cop”. We received a phone call from Tawanda Jones, who is in the video, who informed us that the chant was actually “We won’t stop….We can’t stop…. ‘til killer cops…. are in cell blocks”. We here at Fox45 work hard every day to earn your trust and bring you fair and comprehensive news from around the country. Although last night’s report reflected an honest misunderstanding of what the protesters were saying, we apologize for the error. We have deleted the story on our webpage and we offered to have Ms. Jones on Fox45 News at 5:00 tonight for a live interview. We had a constructive conversation with her earlier today and she has accepted our invitation and will join us for a live interview at 5:30.


    A Baltimore Fox affiliate apologized Monday night for a report it ran over the weekend that deceptively edited protesters to look like they were chanting "kill a cop."

    Gawker originally caught WBFF chopping up footage of a protest chant to sound like incitement to murder police on Monday.

    The chant went "we won't stop, we can't stop, 'til killer cops, are in cell blocks," according to C-SPAN footage.

    But WBFF cut the audio short and told viewers that the words were in fact "we won't stop, we can't stop, so kill a cop."

    The station apologized both on its Facebook page and in an interview with one of the protestors leading the chant, Tawanda Jones.

    "Although last night’s report reflected an honest misunderstanding of what the protesters were saying, we apologize for the error," the post read.

    "We have deleted the story on our webpage and we offered to have Ms. Jones on Fox45 News at 5:00 tonight for a live interview," it continued.


    And they aired it THREE times.


  4. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Off Duty Black Officers In New York Say They Fear Fellow Cops http://huff.to/1AXkVEG

  5. Anonymous1:17 PM

    After the man killed the two police officers, he knew he did a bad thing and then killed himself. The police officers that killed civilians without sufficient cause have not expressed any remorse whatsoever and said they would do it again.

    1. Thank you for noting this.

      And I also wonder, where is the outrage over the murder of children and teachers (and other humans). Why are police officers' lives perceived by some to be worth more than other lives?

    2. Anonymous6:15 AM

      The killer cops don't feel remorse because to them Black lives don't matter.

  6. What a bunch of morons.And this is indicative of the media today,

  7. FCC fines would be so sweet. This is criminally worse than Janet Jackson's almost nipple shot, but will not get the media coverage. Jesus! I mean, what kind of people are out there? Never mind; I'm just gonna go make my christmas drink of decaf, several ounces of Jameson's and a little whipped cream, just to be festive. Love and Happy, Happy to all of you, from Georgia.USA

  8. Anonymous2:42 PM

    This is just the kind of bullshit "journalism" that incites further violence. Shame on these people. They should all be fired and fined.

    Hey faux - you FUCKING SUCK!!!!!

  9. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Despicable. Racist. Disgusting. TMZ did us a great service w/ this hidden video w/ police mocking Mike Brown's death http://tmz.vo.llnwd.net/o28/2014-12/22/0_dmal6jtk_0_glcv599p_2.mp4

  10. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Fox is the face of evil. It really is that simple.

  11. Randall4:39 PM

    YES, fine them.

    Maybe even jail whomever edited that footage for inciting violence.

    There is a difference between freedom of speech, freedom of the press and falsely editing footage to make it seem the opposite of what it is. And Fox News does it all the time (think James O'Keefe)

    And through executive order, I'd love to see President Obama reinstate the fairness doctrine. (That Ronald Reagan did away with, thus giving us Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.)

  12. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

    This is exactly the reason I despise Fox News to the core. They're a bunch of pot stirrers who scurry away when you turn the lights on. This will be played on every station, chewed and churned until something else bad happens, then they'll add it to the wad of chewed talking points and repeat it for another month.
    They don't care who or how many they incite to violence, all they care about is getting ratings.

  13. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Anything less than a $200 million dollar fine is just a slap on the wrist for such a despicable action. Also, pulling them off the air for ten years would be appropriate. By then, all of their fans will be dead from old age anyway, and the Millennials won't be at all interested.

  14. Anonymous5:32 AM

    I am not surprised Fox would do something like this. Typical evil behavior of Fox.

  15. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Fox News is built on lies, racism, hatred.


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