Tuesday, December 23, 2014

So this just happened.

It's perfectly fine of course, as well as a good way to track what I write since I usually tweet all of my posts.

However I certainly hope that Ms. French has all of her anti-anxiety medications filled.

Because she's definitely going to need them.


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    She must be into masochism lol!!!

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Stalker!!!! Stalking G like the bots do!!!!

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Fake Christians love stalking.

    3. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Nancy "Brancy" French is not the brightest bulb. I hope it is not a mistake and she won't go back on this. It could be a positive for her to follow Gryphen.


      Could churches be next?

      War Criminals and their co-conspirators all need to end killing and burdening America!
      Enough is enough. Dick Cheney pay back ALL you owe and that includes the heart we gave you when you were pretending you were not a traitor and criminal.



    4. Anonymous12:43 PM

      Wasn't there a recent post where the public could as questions of Gryph's source?

      Perhaps Gryph can do a post where the public asks questions of Nancy French.

      Hashtagged words that become very popular are often Trending Topics.
      Tweets Tweets & replies Photos & videos
      https://twitter.com/hashtags #trendingnow

      #AskBrancy #AskNancyFrench #ASKsarahAKAnancyAKAbristol

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Ms. French should invest in a crash helmet. Otherwise, she might end up looking like Granny's fridge after she makes her reports to the wigged-out Wasilla whiner.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Can Nancy say as many curse words as Bristol?

    When Bristol gets rid of her "extra" children ... does Nancy help bury them?

    Does Nancy wear a see through thong dress when she parties with her dad and brother? Nothing says "family oriented" like your dad and brother staring at your ass. Nancy should ask if Todd got a boner checking Bristol out.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Does Todd like pancakes?

  4. Anonymous9:34 AM

    The latest from Mrs. Todd Palin's Snortsman Channel. (She's on meth right?) Aside from her juvenile, historically incomplete yammering about what factors led to the end of the Cold War (hint: it was 100% St. Ronnie) the most hysterical part of this screed is that the reflection of the
    teleprompter is so obvious and large and bright in her left lens that you can't take your eyes off of it. Busted Babe! Also too, the way she pronounces Cuba like a two year old is pretty special.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Sorry - I got so excited by Mrs. TP's massive brain power I forgot the link:


    2. ibwilliamsi10:26 AM

      God, the jizz on the screen over there about her supposed looks and supposed "resume" is disgusting! "Hottest Grandma Ever"? EWW!

    3. You can also see her eyes moving to read said teleprompter. I wonder how many times she rehearses before she is actually recorded. Sing-songy voice is so annoying and grating on the ears!
      Sounds like she's reading Dr. Seuss again!

    4. Anonymous11:13 AM

      I think its time for that age old Alaskan Song: Grandma got ran over by a reindeer!!!
      Hey didn't stapletongue get run over one year? G? anyone?
      She is "so effing hot" NOT!!!!!!!!!

    5. Anonymous12:53 PM

      WTH is she wearing on the video, and you can clearly see she's reading the nonesense she knows NOTHING about! The woman is an ignorant POS who knows nothing about history, let alone Cuba or fereign relations.
      And, you can see the teleprompter's glared on her ugly Sally glasses. And what's up with the vaseline lips....SMH

    6. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Looks like Trig drew her eyebrows on...

    7. That isn't vaseline it's pie grease from her "homemade" apple pie.

    8. Anonymous5:15 PM

      12:53 PM You know how the Palins roll.... Broke Back Todd wore that one blue shirt for about a month with no sign that it was ever washed. Now Sarah loves that weird pie maker shirt. She wore it a month or more. It was seen on the old anorexic in Louisiana for the Ducks and on the campaign trail with an endorsement of hers. It was even spotted in Texas when she was having pet hogs killed for her and she pretended she was on an actual wild hog hunt.

  5. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Her husband followed me also too. I think they think it makes them bold and brave and very much warrior body patriots to not just go with the flow with the haters perhaps there and whatnot.


    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      @CalamityToddFe 9:36 AM that is not NF husband nor is it Tawd....it is someone spoofing them :) heh!!!

    2. Anonymous11:16 AM

      NF husband wouldn't tweet this:
      Calamity Todd Fe @CalamityToddFe · Dec 22

      Palin's bro wants 2 be a published photog the way she thought she should be POTUS, w/no qualifications whatsoever. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1421312252/wild-alaska …

    3. Anonymous12:00 PM

      If he wants donors the UpChuckie2 would be smart to cut loose with his secret stash and tell the droolers what he truly knows about wild Ak.

    4. Anonymous1:48 PM

      What old 55 year old dude wouldn't be proud of his 25 year younger baby mama's tits?

      "Look at this shit guys I might have lost my job over it but I bagged a hottie"!

    5. Anonymous2:47 PM


    6. Anonymous4:00 PM

      There are ZERO photos of the first wife. How was she able to not have Chuck post her on his blogs and such over the years?

    7. Anonymous4:26 PM

      When did Chuck get a blog? Probably after he had already started his affair. Such good Christians, those Heaths. How many divorces are there among the siblings anyway?

    8. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Chuckjr has been into social media for awhile. He also tags similar to sis Sarah. There are several cons that share and push his lies. He pretends they are not all connected. Remember Virginia Gent and those like that?

      I am pretty sure Chuck had his blog before he was fucking the replacement piece. I don't know how long that was going on. And only the replacement knows who all she was doing before she could get knocked up to snare a husband.

      She must be easy to impress and Chuckjr has a sis with name recognition. I think she thought she got a real prize with both fame and money. All she has to do is play the 'good wife". Another Sally Heath.

    9. Anonymous5:46 PM

      1:48 PM 2:47 PM


    10. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Photo of Chuck Heath Jr and Karina watching Palin Biden "Hey, can I call you Joe?" debate.


      "PALIN: Hey, can I call you Joe?

      "IFILL: Everybody gets extra credit tonight. We're going to move on to the next question. Governor, you said in July that someone would have to explain to you exactly what it is the vice president does every day. You, senator, said, you would not be vice president under any circumstances. Now maybe this was just what was going on at the time. But tell us now, looking forward, what it is you think the vice presidency is worth now.

      PALIN: In my comment there, it was a lame attempt at a joke and yours was a lame attempt at a joke, too, I guess, because nobody got it. Of course we know what a vice president does.

      BIDEN: They didn't get yours or mine? Which one didn't they get?

      PALIN: No, no. Of course, we know what a vice president does. And that's not only to preside over the Senate and will take that position very seriously also. I'm thankful the Constitution would allow a bit more authority given to the vice president if that vice president so chose to exert it in working with the Senate and making sure that we are supportive of the president's policies and making sure too that our president understands what our strengths are. John McCain and I have had good conversations about where I would lead with his agenda. That is energy independence in America and reform of government over all, and then working with families of children with special needs. That's near and dear to my heart also. In those arenas, John McCain has already tapped me and said, that's where I want you, I want you to lead. I said, I can't wait to get and there go to work with you."

      Also too

      "IFILL: Governor, you mentioned a moment ago the constitution might give the vice president more power than it has in the past. Do you believe as Vice President Cheney does, that the Executive Branch does not hold complete sway over the office of the vice presidency, that it it is also a member of the Legislative Branch?

      PALIN: Well, our founding fathers were very wise there in allowing through the Constitution much flexibility there in the office of the vice president. And we will do what is best for the American people in tapping into that position and ushering in an agenda that is supportive and cooperative with the president's agenda in that position. Yeah, so I do agree with him that we have a lot of flexibility in there, and we'll do what we have to do to administer very appropriately the plans that are needed for this nation. And it is my executive experience that is partly to be attributed to my pick as V.P. with McCain, not only as a governor, but earlier on as a mayor, as an oil and gas regulator, as a business owner. It is those years of experience on an executive level that will be put to good use in the White House also.

      BIDEN: Vice President Cheney has been the most dangerous vice president we've had probably in American history. The idea he doesn't realize that Article I of the Constitution defines the role of the vice president of the United States, that's the Executive Branch. He works in the Executive Branch. He should understand that. Everyone should understand that.

      And the primary role of the vice president of the United States of America is to support the president of the United States of America, give that president his or her best judgment when sought, and as vice president, to preside over the Senate, only in a time when in fact there's a tie vote. The Constitution is explicit."

    11. Anonymous7:21 PM

      6:32 PM

      Thanks. Was he already doing the other one?

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    lol, someone is getting nervous...

  7. Chenagrrl9:39 AM

    She just figured it out??? What does 2009 say to you, Nance? If you are sistah sarry's eyes and ears? Yikes!

  8. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Nancy ... shocked you still choose to be associated with Bristol and Sarah after listening to the police recordings on the night of the Palin family brawl.

    Nancy ... you are one desperate cheap whore.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Bristol's fashion sense was displayed the night of ThongGazi. #PalinBrawl


      It makes no sense that Bristol's Blog doesn't say more about fashion. Bristol, like other young women her age, care a great deal about fashion and their image. Nancy is a slacker when it comes to dealing with this subject straight up.

      From what I've seen of Nancy French she does seem to have her own photos taken in dress more like a Christian lady. I am curious to know what Nancy's true feelings and taste are in regard to how the Palins dress and look, the image Sarah is so desparately trying to portray. Does Nancy like it? Does she think it is working to prove that Sarah is sexy for the rubes she wants to hit up for cash?

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Nancy is in it for the paycheck and because she still thinks she can use Bristol to put forth Nancy's own right wing "christian" nutbag anti-choice, anti-Obama, racist agenda.

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM

      #BRANCYblaspheme #FAKEoutFRENCH #LYINGliarsLie

    4. Like every other fundamentalist evangelical, I'm sure Nancy French is A-OK with the Palins' bad behavior because after all, they just ask some random minister for forgiveness, and they get it. The slate is clean, and they can go out and do it all over again. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    5. Anonymous2:46 PM

      A pathetic hack who can't get read on her own.

      Imagine a grown woman having to pose as an uneducated Bristol Palin in order to get people to pay attention to her.

  9. Anonymous9:41 AM

    You should tweet her and ask her why no comments are allowed on the blog she ghostwrites for barstool.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Good luck.

    2. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Anything, anyone to do with the Palin fantasy world is just more regurgitated vile. Comments terrify Nancy French.


    3. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Because everyone other than a couple drooling palinbots would call out Nancy as the real writer. That could get tiring after a while.

    4. All of my comments were polite and correctly spelled and punctuated... yet the very few that were posted were gone within an hour, tops... Nancy "Freedom" French evidently can't handle the truth!

  10. Anonymous9:41 AM

    This just happened too, which confirms my suspicions that the whole "The Interview" drama was concocted to drum up support for a badly panned movie.


    1. Yeah, my sentiments exactly. If it wasn't just another "Dumb and Dumber" moron-level movie destined for 1.3 Rotton Tomatoes, they would have substituted a fictional head of state to assassinate.

  11. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I'm surprised it's taken this long. If I worked for a family of nutjobs who we know read IM daily, I would do my best to be one step ahead of the flying soup cans.

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      I'm curious whether this means we will have a new troll.

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      10:13 AM Nancy French has been posting her BS here for a long time. She is just as fake as the Palins who pay her.

    3. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Why have trolls disappeared?

    4. Anonymous7:23 PM

      The iceberg joke got them all wee wee'd up?

  12. Anonymous9:45 AM

    GREAT! Now you have a direct link to her ear and can open her eyes...
    Sitting back and contemplating what I should imbibe while watching her eyes being opened and glazing over.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      I think her eyes are already open and she's as much of a dishonest grifting liar as the rest of them.

  13. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Sony Announces Surprise Screenings Of 'The Interview' On Christmas Day


  14. Anonymous9:58 AM

    How does it go?! Ah, yes. keep you friends close and your witty enemies closer,,,LMAO!

    All the best to you and your family, Gryphen!

  15. Anonymous10:01 AM

    LOL LOL. What a perverted little Christmas gift you have there!

  16. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Hey Nancy, thet barstool old teen-mon BS is nothing but BS. Barstool is almost 25 & not a teen-mmn. So, Stop trying to write like you & your 15-year-old daughter. 2. We ALL know barstool cannot even write a proper sentence so give up the facade. 3. WHAT happened to her offspring. Did you adopt one of the little black kids from the DWTS show & what happened to the junker baby.
    Finally, stop trying to pretend barstool is a virgin. She's living with a 30-something-year old man. Stop your lies. No one No one No ONE is buying it.

  17. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Hey Nancy, I used to work at the large christian publishing company that you do ghost writing for. I recognize your voice in Bristol's blog posts. I'd be interested in your thoughts, as a Christian, how you feel about helping people pretend like they wrote something. Do you think it's honest? What do you think Jesus would say about that?

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM


    2. Nancy French is as true a Christian as Sarah Palin herself!

      (IMers will *get* the joke. You could just as easily post it on her site and they'd think it was complimentary)

  18. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Nancy , if you're reading posts now, perhaps you can answer the following questions for me. As a vocal (alleged) Christian, how do you justify

    1. Falsely accusing a young man of rape--a crime that could send him to prison and an allegation that, even though its purported author ultimately denied it when confronted, still surfaces from time to time? My Bible speaks against bearing false witness and against slander, so please provide references to explain why in this case those actions are acceptable. Or didn't you know it was a lie until after the book came out? In which case, why, once you learned that you had been used to perpetuate such a destructive slander, did you not immediately terminate your association with this family?

    2. Advocating for a mother who, clad in a thong dress, takes her five-year-old child along to a late-night party, where she, in a drunken and possibly drugged stupor, punches a man who is trying to prevent her from fighting with another party guest. The Bible has plenty to say about loving others, seeking peace, turning the other cheek, and raising children "in the way they should go." (Hint: Most people concur that drinking, drugging, and fighting are not "the way a child should go"; do you disagree? If so, please provide Bible verses to support your position.)

    3. I Thessalonians 5:22 commands Christians to "abstain from all appearance of evil." Please explain how lying for, supporting, and speaking for Bristol Palin--a woman who has sexual relations with boyfriends even after claiming to be an abstinence advocate, whose role as an abstinence advocate lasted only as long as the money did, who has had several visible pregnancies while unmarried, whose subsequent babies have disappeared, who admits and demonstrates what a poor parent she is, who has publicly engaged in nasty and extreme parental alienation of her son's father, who appeared in public wearing a thong dress, who gets drunk and belligerent, who swears like a sailor--all of which most people would agree give the appearance of evil--is following this verse.

    4. Matthew 6:24 says, "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." Please explain how, when you have so clearly chosen to serve money at the expense of following the Bible, you still think you have any right to tell the world that you serve God.

    1. Oooooh. Ouch!
      However, knowing what I know about her ilk, she'll find some pretzel-twisted way to justify her hypocrisy.
      M from MD

    2. Hey - remember RAM?!?!? 1?

      BOOM goes the night stick!

    3. I wonder if they finally relegated RAM to "under the bridge" where she belongs...?

    4. Anonymous3:37 PM


  19. Anonymous10:14 AM

    OMG! Do you suppose she's trying to intimidate you? LOLOL!

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      That is my take on it, also, too. I think there is something brewing in camp Palin.

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      How is this intimidating? It is LOL.

  20. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Is Horse-Face Nancy's adopted black baby the DWTS child that Brisket popped out and then got rid of? Just askin'. Cuz, you know, grifters gonna grift. Remember, there are no coincidences.

    Happy Holidays and whatnot.

    1. ibwilliamsi11:14 AM

      Timing is right on with that child. Bristol is visibly pregnant in the fall of 2010, Nancy's baby is adopted shortly thereafter. Nancy uses baby as a political prop as all Palin offspring are destined to be.

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      I wish that the story of the French's adopting Bristol's DWTS baby could be true but the child they brought out of Africa is totally black, 100%, no doubt they really got it from Africa and not a child that Bristol could have birthed.


    3. I wonder how Nancy will decorate her little "token" for the holidays?

      (Feel the need to explain that this woman has written about her new AA daughter as an accessory)

    4. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Yep. She commented she couldn't wait to dress her little doll up because of all the nice colors that would go with her black skin.

    5. Anonymous @1:45 PM, that child pictured at the link you provided is "cafe au lait", not "totally black, 100%". There's some admixture of caucasian blood running through that child's veins.

    6. Anonymous3:22 PM

      1:45 PM Are you one of those "They all look alike" people?

    7. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Anonymous1:45 PM
      That child is NOT 100% black. Stop covering up for fraulein barstool.

    8. Anonymous4:24 PM

      I think Nancy French is downright shady and that Bristol was pregnant during DWTS. I just don't understand why anyone would assume Bristol had a mixed race baby at all, let alone that that Nancy French adopted Bristol's baby. Nancy (in a disgusting post trumpeting herself for adopting an African baby and giving the middle finger to liberals) posted a picture of the little girl in the orphanage from where they adopted her.

      Nancy French is a shitty person and so is Bristol, but I don't think that little girl has any Palin blood in her veins. Lucky little girl on that account, but she still has Nancy French and her husband as parents, so....

    9. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Can't wait for the post on Kwanzaa!!!

    10. Anonymous3:56 AM

      The baby girl appears to me (IMHO) African American to be an child. Since 'Africa is a country' and the baby came from there, it is okay to 'prop' her?

      I am perplexed by Nancy French's appropriation of 'expert' black hair care in the name of Naomi, her bi-racial daughter.

      The DNA police need to get on the job!

      The list grows, Trig, Tripp, maybe a godson, Britta's Kyla, and Nancy's Naomi (Bristol/Kyle's?)


  21. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Hey Nancy, If you're going to ghost write for Bristol, you'll need to add a few more F bombs, the phrase "my shit" four or five times per post and and take it to a 9th grade high school educational level.

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      She needs to add "Awesome". "Hot" , "Haters" and "Lumbersexuals" and hey Nancy don't forget " It's hard being a single Mom" let's not mention, with money and a caring ex who loves his son, also too.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      She also needs to be dumber and a lot less articulate.

    3. Maybe *that's* why we get


      trolls and other such gems.

      It's a 50 year old woman trying to Google what's "hip" ,


      Can you dig it?

    4. Anonymous7:22 PM

      ZOMFG Maggie! I think you might have solved the mystery!

  22. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Here is Bristol's biography as posted on her blog:
    "I’m the mother of one son named Tripp and live in Wasilla, Alaska. I’m also the author of my memoir Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far, which reached the New York Times Best Sellers List. I also appeared on ABC-TV’s Dancing with the Stars. Though I didn’t receive the coveted mirror ball trophy, I reached the finals and ultimately placed third during season eleven. I frequently speak in front of groups across the country, where I focus on inspirational and pro-life topics. Also, I star in an upcoming reality series, Life’s a Tripp, which will air on Lifetime beginning April 2."

    1. That bio has not been updated for years.
    2. Does anyone find it strange that Bristol writes that she is the mother of one son named Tripp. I could interpret that a number of different ways: I am also the mother of another boy name Trig, and several daughters who I had to give up for adoption.
    3. Bristol did not write "her" book herself. Nancy French, Nancy French, Nancy French!
    4. When is the last time that Bristol gave an inspirational speech anywhere, other that shouting profanities to the Anchorage Police. (That sure inspired me to clean up any rude things that I say).
    5. "- At Patheos Family, Bristol Palin shares life as a single mom and how faith, fame and politics influence her life as she seeks to inspire others." How exactly does a person of faith end up in a thong dress, drunk and disorderly, swearing a blue streak in front of the Anchorage Police and assorted adults at party that Bristol was not invited to?
    6. Tips about raising children-- like dragging Tripp along to a party after 11 PM where Bristol was drunk and swearing a blue streak, getting into fights with some of the adults at the party? Good idea to leave the kid in the limo with the driver (who is not paid to be a baby sitter).
    7. How does Bristol handle fame? With a sense of entitlement to which she is not entitled. She did not write that book. She does not write most of her blogs. Her last bout with fame was to appear on that Wife Swap thing where her letter to Melissa Rivers described how Tripp was spoiled, would only mind if given popsicles. And, Bristol would not participate in all of the shows activities, even though the Rivers, mother and daughter did as good sports.
    8. So Nancy French wants to follow Gryphen on Twitter in order to read what we are writing here. Good idea, Nancy. Yours is a job of hypocrisy. How can you claim to be a person of faith when you pretend to write in the voice of Bristol Palin? You make her sound like a 16 year-- which is either how Bristol still sounds (more like 13) or that is the level of your writing. Bristol does not follow the news feed that you and your husband receive listing all of the adoptions, DS children stories, Christians held overseas in a Muslim country. Why don't you stop the pretense and write under your own name in your own blog? Oh, I get it. Because Sarah's PAC pays more than you could make on your own. Pity. Both you and Bristol are the hypocrites peddling fake religious beliefs which you do not practice. Please do read IM because maybe you just might learn something.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Updated bio "No afraid to LIE"
      "Fuck, where's my fucking $300. sunglasses? Where's my shit?
      Oh I gotta go b/c my kid is in the car...."
      b/c the family that Grifts together...also ho's and parties and brawls together among "otherthings"!
      The palin family!!!
      (set that to the adams family theme song)

    2. Anonymous11:56 AM

      @11:28 Trial fathers, trial husbands.

    3. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Holy shit, you are on a terror. Love it…excellent rants.

  23. Caroll Thompson10:27 AM

    Someone instructed her to follow you G. Makes sense since I doubt Bristol even knows what she writes on her blog.

    I didn't know you had a twitter account G. It took me years to get on Facebook. I don't think I am ready for Twitter yet.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Teabag friends of Palin and parenting. It's not pedophilia but there is a pattern you can bank on.

      18 year old.
      Age is just a number. Why does this young person need to sex up with an old guy like her father?
      Lyda Loudon

      The Dr. Gina Loudon teabag family....

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      That is a truly gross couple and exactly the kind of the Gina Louden reaped when she sowed her own brand of right wing nutjob hatred.

      (the first thing on that list is Gina swearing that her lovely daughter will wait until marriage to have sex...yah right!)

    3. Twitter is a lot easier and more informative than Facebook. It all depends on who you follow, of course.

    4. Anonymous3:05 PM

      *kind of THING

    5. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Exclusive WorldNutsDaily: WHEN YOUR CHILD'S PRIVATE LIFE MAKES THE 'NEWS' Exclusive: Gina Loudon shares reaction when daughter dates well-known actor

      The daughter of former Missouri Senator John Loudon, 47, and talk show host Dr. Gina Loudon. (Notice her father is younger than her beau).

      Not that David and Nancy French's daughter would be another Lyda Loudon but strangers things happen. It is coincidence the Palins pal around with the likes of Ted Nugent and Duck Dynasty who like 'em yummy young. Even Sarah's sibling, Chuck Jr., had to get a younger replacement. It is very trendy with Palin and pals.

      28 Girls Take A School Trip, 7 Return Pregnant: Still Think Kids Don’t Need Sex Ed? (VIDEO)

    6. Anonymous4:00 AM

      This is NOT I hope the trip that Sarah bragged about Piper taking recently, is it?

    7. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Those girls are not from Wasilla. Piper's class would have been more like 28 Girls Take A School Trip, 21 Return Pregnant. Piper has Dr. Baldwin-Johnson or it would be 22 return pregnant.

    8. Is that the Steven Bauer whose first wife was Melanie Griffith? If so, Mel can share step-parenting and tat advice...

  24. Anonymous10:28 AM


    We thought Sarah Palin was the NYT Best Selling Author?

    Nancy says:

    Nancy French
    3 Time NYT Best Selling Author w/@SarahPalinUSA?

    Look at Sarah Palin's Facebook header, Sarah says

    Sarah Palin
    Blah blah blah
    "Three-time New York Times Bestselling Author"

    Aint that some shit?

    Narcissistic Sarah Palin does not mention Nancy French co-authored (wrote) Sarah's three books

    Not surprised Sarah Palin does not credit or share credits with Nancy French.

    That's expected from our Sarah From Alaska

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Lynn Vincent was the person that ghostwrote Sarah Palin's books. Nancy French wrote Bristol's book.

  25. Anonymous10:36 AM

    The tragic irony of this is beyond delicious.

  26. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Nancy is stalking you. I think your latest contact has the family nervous.
    They want to keep tabs on you. Keep safe.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      I don't get it. Why could they not 'keep tabs' before?

      Why is twitter so important for that?

  27. Anonymous10:48 AM

    So is the ironic tragedy of it...beyond delish.

  28. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The blamer blames, can she get a discussion going?

    If this is her very own twit voice (she does not have to fake that she is the knocked up single mom with a bastard) there is hope she could function at a higher level. We'll see. I am always glad if she can produce in a manner that is less fake.

    It could be interesting.

  29. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Maybe you should tweet something to get her and her followers all wee weed up. How about

    "Still wondering if there's a resignation iceberg. Rumors are still out there. Hoping for a meltdown."

    Add a hashtag or two.
    Choose from possibilities like:










    1. Anonymous11:54 AM


    2. Anonymous12:23 PM


    3. Anonymous12:41 PM


    4. Anonymous2:56 PM









    5. Anonymous3:33 PM


    6. Anonymous3:34 PM


  30. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Like she wasn't reading here before.

  31. WOW Gryphen! You are Bona Fide now! Love, GA

  32. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Nancy, why continue the full court press to paint Bristol Palin as some Super Christian? The woman never goes to church and her bed hopping for trial daddy's crap is not something bible thumpers like yourself put up with. Hypocrisy at its best!

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      I doubt Miss Palin is the kind of young woman Nancy French would want her own children hanging out with. Nancy French certainly can't like the fact that Miss Palin brought her young son with her to a late-night party where his mother was drinking and cursing and punched a guy in the face.

      I'm not even a Christian, and I wouldn't want my children around such a young woman.

    2. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Nancy's daughter must be living under a rock. She better hope the girl never escapes.

      Nancy French co-conspires with the Palins to promote things like Tripp shacking up with Bristol and Joey, she posts the candy porn, it is swell with Nancy that the old maid desparate Bristol does a hook up for a Levi like Lumbersexual in a full on advert.

      I doubt Nancy's daughter is as blind and stupid as her parents. If she is slow, she will catch on soon enough.

      Nancy is a real dope if she assumes she will not end up more like another Dr. Gina one of these days.

    3. Anonymous5:54 PM

      French kid doesn't need to hang with Bristol types. SHE HAS HER MOTHER.

      She is being raised by someone who probably needs to live in character in order to write the fraudulent blog.

  33. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I can see Mrs. French wearing this little number. Mrs. Palin is not the only one who can pull this off with such style and grace.

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:44 PM

      12:16pm--OMG, Fashion Queen Barbie looks totally at ease and elegant in THAT pic! Maybe she caught sight of herself in a mirror...wait, no reflection...

    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      No one carries a flat ass quiet like that fine example of teabag eloquence.

  34. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I'm sure Mrs. French's intentions are pure. She's just trying to convert Gryphen to evangelical Christianity.

    ; )

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      She doesn't want to miss one post about Bristol. She has been told to keep a closer watch and be ready to respond at a moments notice.

    2. Anonymous10:15 PM

      "Who's going under the bus next? Who's going under the bus next?" the little Christmas rodent screeched excitedly, nose twitching frenziedly, beady eyes aglow in anticipation....

  35. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn12:41 PM

    Sooooooo......Nan! Can I call you Nan? How many worshipping, cheerleading IDs do you post under at C4P?

  36. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Nancy French is really nothing more than a bad writer who hates anyone who doesn't share her religious beliefs and is making money writing to the minority audience who loves the ideas she caters to. She'll lie , misrepresent and embellish to make a point and a buck. Here's an example :

    As the government grows larger and encroaches even more, it’s important to recognize when government employees use their position to indoctrinate American citizens

    By " indoctrinate" here she means teach scientific fact.... Evolution. And she panders to her audiences fear.

    I feel a bit sorry fir her to be honest

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      What's to pity? She is an adult.

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      I don't feel sorry for her, considering some of the truly hateful things that she has written in the voice of Bristol Palin (or Sarah Palin). She is paid to say those things. A real woman of faith would not accept money to spread hate. Maybe like some of the other Palin ghost writers, this is the best that she can do. Unfortunately, Nancy cloaks herself with religion, which she betrays when her pen leaks poison. The other ghost writers are probably w orking at the limits of their ability, mouthing the ugly words for Sarah to say, and which they may or may not believe themselves.

    3. Anonymous2:21 PM

      She's hideous.

    4. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Don't feel sorry for Nancy French. She's worse than Bristol, considering Nancy actually possesses some intelligence. She's also likely getting a big paycheck.

    5. Anonymous3:00 PM

      she's an unchristian like hypocrite.

    6. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Don't feel sorry for Nancy French.. She is nothing but an overpaid hack writer for the Palin grifters. Any author with an ounce of pride or professionalism would die of shame to be associated to any of the Palin's literary works...that goes for Both Sarah and Bristol's so called "best sellers". Dan Savage gave one of the best book reviews ever to Sarah last "toxic shitstain of a book". http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/Content?oid=18503580

    7. Anonymous4:52 PM

      I feel sorry because she just sounds so bitter all the time. Always making nasty little jabs while at the same time complaint about others being nasty. She and her husband just seem so full of hate. I can't help but feel sorry for her. Plus she's gotta know Sarah and Bristol are frauds ( seriously, who makes a pie crust with vegetable oil?) and yet she keeps on writing schlock for them. That's gotta suck to want their paycheck so bad.

    8. Anonymous5:57 PM

      It is fact that in a court of law Nancy would be a proven liar and fraud.

      She is married to a lawyer. Chances are he is like her and a liar and fraud.

      So what else is new?

    9. Anonymous6:12 PM

      It would be better if she would keep her bitterness to herself instead of spreading it around. My pity for her ends where her bullshit enters the public domain.

    10. Anonymous7:29 PM

      4:52 PM

      She is bitter for living the life of blasphemy. Growing up in a religion, there is not a more unforgivable sin. French can't sink any lower. She is screwed and there is no way out for her. Bitter is putting it nice but it is her bed and she made it and deserves all it will bring her.

  37. Anonymous1:12 PM






    Anonymous10:28 AM


    We thought Sarah Palin was the NYT Best Selling Author?

    Nancy says:

    Nancy French
    3 Time NYT Best Selling Author w/@SarahPalinUSA?

    Look at Sarah Palin's Facebook header, Sarah says

    Sarah Palin
    Blah blah blah
    "Three-time New York Times Bestselling Author"

    Aint that some shit? 

    Narcissistic Sarah Palin does not mention Nancy French co-authored (wrote) Sarah's three books

    Not surprised Sarah Palin does not credit or share credits with Nancy French. 

    That's expected from our Sarah From Alaska




    Anonymous11:00 AM

    Lynn Vincent was the person that ghostwrote Sarah Palin's books. Nancy French wrote Bristol's book.



    Nancy French is a three-time New York Times best-selling author.

    Her most recent books include a collaboration with Sarah Palin on her new book Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas and with Chinese dissident Bob Fu on his book God's Double Agent: The True Story of a Chinese Christian's Fight for Freedom. 


    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Lynn Vincent ghostwrote "Going Rogue." Jessica Gavora ghostwrote "America by Heart." Nancy French ghostwrote "Good Tidings and Great Joy." Sarah can't even keep the same ghostwriter.

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Jessica Gavora is married to Teh Doughy Pantload!

  38. Anonymous1:33 PM

    oooo, could this be proof that she doesn't pay attention to whom she follows?

  39. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Chuck Heath Jr.


  40. Caroll Thompson2:42 PM

    Is this the Nancy French who wrote Bristol's book for her? The book that stated that Bristol was raped by Levi?

    Now I might not be the Christian that Nancy French purports to be, but I do know that "Thou shalt not bear false witness" is one of the ten commandments. I believe writing that Bristol was raped, when she was a willing participant in her sexual relations with Levi is a complete and utter lie.

    As you posted the other day, a lot of folks are not claiming to be Christians anymore. And if these two hypocrites (Bristol and Nancy) are what passes for Christian these days, it is no wonder that people are staying away from the churches in droves.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Saying Nancy and Bristol are Christians is shameful. True believers do not lie for a living.

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Blaspheme and charlatans.

  41. Anonymous3:34 PM

    That chuckie jr is beyond lazy. He quits his job (what asurprise) and then he wants people to pay for his hobby. My dear mom retired at 72 and that man wants free money & he doesn't even hide it. He has no shame.
    He's also pretty gross to photograph his ugly wife in the light where you would see her intimate parts. This people will do ANYTHING for money. He figures if he slips in such a photo at least men will throw in some $$$$. GROSS

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      the two chucks are gross and creepy as fu*k

    2. Anonymous5:58 PM

      beyond lazy.... beyond crazy.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Really, this family has no shame, asking for money so he can buy a new toy, why doesn't he get a real job instead of grifting.

      Someone should tell him to ask his sister, the one the troll keeps telling us we are jealous of b/c she is rich.

    4. Anonymous8:20 PM

      It is 100% sick that these Heaths are begging for money in this way. If they can't or won't get a loan from Sister Palin, they should do anything but this pathetic beg.

      Mrs. Heath Junior needs to get a job, or is that why, at her age, she wanted to snag a husband like a pathetic teenager? She was like Sally Sandusky, worked in an office at a school, and had to know her assets were falling fast and her job had no place to go. That was it for her. She had no future and being in Alaska anyone with a rich relative and a name looked good to her. There is always Viagra for men of Juniors age. Maybe she wouldn't have to work so hard after all.

      Why would a man leave a beautiful wife who gave him two sons and had a good job? For what? A hanger on. All Abby has to show is some boob and those will sink if not more surgeries. She is a skank like the Heath/Palins are attracted to. This skank will not want to work, she is going to be just another Mrs. Sandusky when she gets older and sick and tire of servicing the old creep. He will have to look elsewhere for his jollies.

  42. Anonymous3:46 PM

    This post is as entertaining as Wonkette. I mean "really".

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      You should take a look at the palins posts...lol
      BTW, the elder palin claims to be a college graduate and you should see her "writings." You have to see it to believe it.

  43. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Late to this party but I can't stop giggling! For all the naysayers, "someone" is a little paranoid of the man that is Gryph and what he knows, says, and does!

  44. Anita Winecooler4:58 PM

    Wow, Gryphen, a similar thing happened to my son, some married woman wanted to follow him on Twitter, friend him on Facebook, A little too "Glenn Close" in "Fatal Attraction" for his tastes. Just ignore her and she'll stop. She's trying to find her "twentyish" voice, cause what she's done so far is totally unawesome! Must be rough having Brissy tell her what to do, can you imagine? LMAO

  45. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Parenting Fundamentalist Tea Baggers: Nancy French is the fugly Dr. Gina Loudon of parental denial.

    Plus she sucks at playing an unwed teenage mother who is not a teen.

  46. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Rubes send him your moolah!

    Exclusive Photo's From Chuck Jr

    Abby standing by the cabin. Photo by Chuck Heath Jr.

    ‘Gentleman from Virginia’ and Chuck Heath Jr.

    Zimbio photostream of Pillsbury Doughboy

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Are we supposed to be impressed with his skills as a photog? Because I can't see the difference between those pics and ones taken by anyone with a camera.

  47. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Nancy French pretends to be Boom Boom Palin. She has no shame or honor. She is a whore.

  48. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Good grief. The half brain brother can't think that if his wife had any decent intentions when she trapped him that she would now have a job and be helping him in his new aspirations.

    Chuck, figure it out.

    You don't need to do this pathetic scam... that is nothing but bad karma. Your second wife can go back to work. If neither of you can work for the Anchorage school system after your aberrant behaviors, she can find any numberous filing jobs.

    She may want to work in a classy place with wealthy men. There are some nice young ones out there that could give her a much better life. She isn't getting any younger but she can still do much better.

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      "if his wife had any decent intentions when she trapped him"

      What's wrong with those ignorant ass wipes?

      Can't figure out who trapped who in the Heath and Palin families.

      Who trapped who?

      Sally or Creepy Chuckie Sr
      Creepy Chuckie Jr or his wife
      Sarah or Pimp Daddy Todd
      Molly or her husband
      Bristol tried to trap Levi
      Track trapped Bristol

      Who is going to step up and break the cycle of getting pregnant before marriage?

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Isn't Chuck Sarah's older brother?

      Why did he lose his job?


    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Actually, Creepy Chuckie Jr was married, just not to the one he impregnated that time. LOL

      In Cray Cray Land it's alright for a married Chuckie Jr to inseminate since his wife insured that he wasn't creating a bastard for the second wife.

      As I understand Bristol, was determined to get pregnant. I think Levi went along with the plan. I don't know about the others or Creepy Chuckie Jr's first time around.

      There is no doubt that the 30ish school filing clerk was in a dead end low pay job and getting old fast with her bio-clock racing to midnight. She had to move fast and Creepy's vanity had no resistance, just lot's of Viagra.

      Lulu Tennant


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