Sunday, December 07, 2014

Bristol Palin posts pictures of her mother's Texas hunting excursion. Gee I wonder which game farm this is?

Courtesy of Brancy's blog: 

So my mom literally jumps off a snowmachine while we’re all in the new powder in our backyard the other night, she hops on a flight to Texas for season 2 of her Sportsman Channel show, “Amazing America with Sarah Palin.” 

First thing off the plane, she bags a big fat wild Texan hog! I love what she gets to do to show you how amazing America really is! She’s out hunting by again today with a superstar, and I’ll let you know if she’s successful.

Yeah that is almost unbelievable. REALLY unbelievable in fact. 

Especially considering how her LAST attempt to prove her hunting bona fides went down.

Gee I wonder who cocked her rifle for her this time?

I just feel badly for the animals that are hand raised on these farms and then gunned down by tourists or reality show stars desperate to prove their "hunting" prowess.


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    hunting is deplorable and cowardly...shooting a helpless animal from far. Sarah palin is a fake too by the way and a coward for quitting half way theough her term...

    1. Boscoe2:45 PM

      Tracking and hunting an animal in the wild for food is one thing, but what we're seeing here is basically just a murder farm for despicable people who get off on killing for fun. Disgusting.

    2. Anonymous3:08 PM

      This is family unity.

      It's what they do when they aren't bawling or brawling.

    3. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Toby is all the help she would need.

    4. Anonymous4:03 PM

      barstool, the sperm burpin' retard, is lyin' her fat skank ass off again >>> " So my mom literally jumps off a snowmachine while we’re all in the new powder in our backyard the other night, she hops on a flight to Texas for season 2 of her Sportsman Channel show, “Amazing America with Sarah Palin.” ....

      only "powder" in the proximity of the house on the dead lake is the cocaine/crystal meth stash !

      when in the fuk did the wasilla get any snow of any significance to sno-machine in ?!?

      lyin' ass grifters anyhow ...

      i also seriously doubt the crosseyed hunchbacked skank shot said boar either ...

      maybe it's not to late yet for her to have a fatal hunting accident while in tejas ..

    5. Anonymous4:05 PM

      And participating in the corporate meat industry of raising and slaughter of imprisoned animals is...?

    6. Anonymous4:44 PM

      There is, like, no snow hardly anywhere in Alaska this winter except way up North on the slope. That's been a big story here. Lots of rain and unusually warm temps.

      So the B-Dullard is caught in a flat out lie again.

    7. Anonymous5:46 PM

      yep, they were living vibrantly sno-machining in the imaginary snow in their backyard - same way the crosseyed skank wasn't at the mckenna's throwdown at the hoedown on account she was traveling back from texas ...

      useless pieces of lyin' white trash shit, any of 'em all of 'em, palin's/heath's

    8. Martha again6:48 PM

      Please take 4:03 off. The talk is ugly, but the death wish is unacceptable.

    9. Anonymous7:10 PM

      how's that 6:48 ?

      amongst other things the cross-eyed skank's got no problem putting crosshairs on politicians districts ..

      and yeah, i totally wish ill will on the crosseyed bitch - in fact i hope her demise is excruciatingly painful ..

    10. Anonymous7:31 PM

      6:48 PM WTF?

    11. Boscoe8:24 PM

      @4:05,- ...the typical sad result of corporate greed. Awful, tragic and should be changed, but not at all the same thing as catering to the sadistic fetishes of people who enjoy taking something's life merely for personal amusement.

    12. Anonymous2:45 AM

      $carah looks bedraggled in that photo. I wonder how many miles that wild boar chased her before someone else shot it? How anyone calls this "sport" is beyond me. No way she shot that animal.

    13. Anonymous3:11 AM

      @6:48 - That piece of shit has been trying to get President Obama shot for 6 fucking years. She's nothing but a demonic bitch and yeah, there are a lot of people who would like to see her dead. Why should we have any sympathy for her? She's a vile, twisted asshole who doesn't possess ONE positive trait. Fuck that moron. You reap what you sow and she has a whole lot more karma coming to her.

    14. Anonymous4:17 AM

      @ Anonymous2:06 PM
      Of course, the inmates over at Pee Pond are beside themselves with glee.

      palin45potus • 8 hours ago

      What I like about Sarah the Huntress is that instead of meekly apologizing for sending the hypocritical leftists into spasms of outrage for offending them, she sends pictures of herself and Todd with the kill, along with them and Ted Nugent, who they hate with the heat of a thousand suns.

      All with a smile.

      It's gotta be good to be Sarah Palin.

    15. Anonymous6:34 AM

      @ 4:17 AM holy christ, do these people honestly believe that all people on the left don't eat meat or even hunt (for food)? How fucking stupid can they be?

    16. Anonymous6:45 AM

      As if we would even KNOW she was killing animals at all if she wasn't such a fucking attention whore who has to show off as though her dumbass family invented hunting and fishing. Seriously though, who the fuck kills animals to piss off their political "opponents"? Fucking lunatics!!

  2. Anonymous2:06 PM

    "Brancy's blog" also includes a comment about Sarah "hanging out with a rock star." You don't suppose she's down in Texas banging away with Ted Nugent? (You know, "banging" as in firing a weapon -- WTF did you think I meant?)

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Couldn't possibly be Nugent-she said it was a "superstar", not a washed up, has been, crazy, pathetic old geezer, whose star faded loooong ago.

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Isn't she a little old for Ted.

    3. Larry Flint2:47 PM

      Sarahs too old for Ted anyhow, He'd be after Piper but I wouldn't put it past Toad to try and pimp her to him, Remember his famous line " Whats in it for us ? "

    4. Boscoe2:49 PM

      @ 2:12 - Yeah, but you have to remember this is BRISTOL'S idea of what a "superstar" is, so you know it's gonna be someone right wing and trashy.

      @2:17 - You're right, I think Piper is more his speed. $arah might want to avoid inviting Teh Nooge over to the compound...

    5. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Could be at Ted's place....
      "Ted Nugent Sunrize Safaris. An intimate ‘spiritual campfire’ with Ted at his private hunting ranch in Texas."

    6. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Ted has sons. Theodore Tobias "Toby" Nugent
      Good catch
      My Son Toby, the Professional Deer Hunter

    7. Anonymous6:51 AM

      @ 2:50 PM - eewww "intimate" and Ted Nugent should never be used in the same sentence lol gross

  3. Anonymous2:11 PM

    What sad, sick, sorry little people they are.

  4. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Anybody can pose with a dead animal. Prove that she actually shot it. Show me the video.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      2:20 PM My thoughts exactly! I don't believe that Sarah shot that hog.

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      If she shot it, someone else anesthetized the animal and she walked up point blank and pulled the trigger. Of course someone else would also have to aim the gun or she would miss (at point blank range). BWAAHAAHAAHAA Such bullshit.

    3. abbafan3:56 PM

      Anon @ 2:20 P.M. - we all seen simple $arah in action - "does it kick daddy"?? As if she can see through a scope with that fuckin' wonky eye!

    4. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Sick people. She is not a hunter, she is a cold-blooded killer. Nobody who hunts for their food in Alaska would find this acceptable. As to Ted Nugent? He is her kind of homophobe.

  5. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Which one is the dead hog?

    1. Elmer Fudd2:40 PM

      So that's what lipstick on a pig looks like !

    2. Anonymous5:44 AM

      a sow bags a hawg...

  6. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I live in a big city and know nothing about long guns except that I hate them, and hand guns too. But my common sense gene says that you should always point the damn barrel of the thing away from yourself. Right? We've seen pictures of her doing this before. Right?

    This picture makes me want to take a shower.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Makes me want to throw-up.

  7. Texas Hold'Em2:36 PM

    1) What will they do with the hog meat? Is she going to have its head mounted over her fireplace, where we can see it on Facebook?
    2) She changed out of her horse-posing plaid shirt into camo for the "hunt." Her triumphant smile, at shooting a captive animal, is bizarre.
    3) Can't get the "Sportsman" channel, so won't have a chance to see the fake hunting. What kind of sportsman shoots captive animals? What sport is that called?
    4) Way to go, Bristol: getting snow mobiles and your mother's latest reality thing into one posting. I'll bet you get paid by the channel for doing its advertising.

  8. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Must be on the pant shitting, draft dodging pederass's "farm." Docile animals raised not to fear humans. What a woman. The four legged pig has more worth than that foul pig wearing lipstick.

  9. Martha again2:43 PM

    This picture is ugly to me.

  10. Anonymous2:45 PM

    God I despise that woman. I sincerely believe she had nothing to with killing that critter but posing as if she had is almost worse. Fake, phony loony toony. That's our low life Sarah Oakley.

  11. Anonymous2:45 PM

    P.S. palin, that pic might make old teabagger men hard. But that's about it. Are you trying to get more subscribers to your fabulous channel? how many do you have now 25?

  12. Anonymous2:46 PM

    At least the fecking cow (or one of her handlers) had the brains to aim the gun away from her this time around.....

  13. Caroll Thompson2:48 PM

    I want to see her dressing that sucker out with no help or editing. I remember back when she was running for VP, they said she could field dress a moose. I didn't believe it then, and I don't believe it now. Any fool can pose for a photo with a dead animal and a rifle.

    And the rock star (not really) has got to be old too chicken to serve his country when his country called Teddy Nugent.

    What a couple of fakes they both are. A fake politician and a fake rock star going on a fake hunt for a fake TV show.

    1. "Whatever"5:16 PM


      She can't even "field dress" a frozen turkey from Carr's or Freddy's.

      I doubt she even knows how to clean a fish.

      (In an effort to be polite, I did not type anything about the many other things she doesn't seem to know how to clean.)

      Wait, before I hit Publish...She DOES know how to clean out poor folks wallets!

    2. I agree Caroll. I always thought the whole "field dress a moose" thing during the 08 campaign was bs. Going out hunting with daddy and standing around with a finger up her nose whining to go home while daddy field dressed the critter does not equal a lifetime of expert field dressing practice.

  14. Anonymous2:51 PM

    There is no "new powder" here in the valley, we've had 6" of snow the entire winter, not even enough to ride a snow machine on. It is currently 38 and raining at my home in Wasilla. These people are full of shit. The lakes aren't frozen enough to even venture out on and as a matter of fact a couple and their dog nearly drowned trying to drive on our lake the other day. Once again, these people are so full of shit.

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      "new powder"
      Fresh shipment of Peruvian marching powder is what she meant...
      Party time!!

    2. Anonymous4:03 PM

      You are both right. I guess Sarah (and Brancy) are lucky that none of her supporters actually live in Alaska, or they would know she was full of shit about the fresh powder! I suspect the marching posder is what got her to leap off that snowmachine and on to a plane.

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:21 PM

      Well, there's that delightful see-you-next-Tuesday "Theresa" and her holier-than-thou "Polar Bear" husband who supposedly live in AK, but that just proves to me that they're postage paid shills as I (and others) suspected. A little "local" flavor for the Rubes!

    4. Anonymous4:22 AM

      Gee, here in Michigan we had over 25 inches of snow during November. Some places had over 60 inches. It's all gone now but I hope we'll have some by Christmas.

      Sarah's got to make a few bucks though, so I guess this is the only job she can get. Fake hunting with fake macho people for a 1-bit cable channel.

  15. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I'll believe she shot it when I see her hoist it up, gut it, skin it, and butcher it. Double dog dare ya, Sarah.

  16. AKinPA2:54 PM

    These people get more disgusting by the day.

    Also, too: Bristol's expanding her vocabulary from "f-in this and f-in that." That's the second time in as many posts that she has used the polysyllabic word, "literally." Why is she being such an elitist?

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Nancy French forgot to "dumbify" her prose so it would actually sound like it was written by Bristol.

  17. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Posing with a kill is so lame. I guess I'll pose with the salmon filet that I just bought at the grocery store? It makes no sense, the posing with something that you murdered. Only crazy people behave this way! We have to eat and unfortunately humans perform better with some meat in our diets but for fucks sake why pose with something that you killed? Then again, she poses with all her kids, especially the ones whose spirit she has killed with her narcissistic behavior. Kudos Sarah, murderer, and poser and worst mother ever!

  18. Anonymous2:57 PM

    She is bringing home the bacon. What happened to her useless son? Why can't he do something for the brand like "daughter" Nancy? Is he still in hiding since his drunken brawl? He must be so embarrassed since he was exposed as a weak loser and worthless fighter. I guess that is why Sarah was proud of Bristol, she did slug the host of the party.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      He's completely drug addicted and drunk. I did hear that he might fight in the "warriors fighting for warriors" program at the old thrift shop down the road from their house.

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      What is "warriors fighting for warriors" ? Hearing something is one thing. I bet he is a coward and it is just talk. Isn't he joining Iron Dog also too? He should be a sure thing with his connections and drug addictions. That meth helped his old pimp daddy. You feel nothing and can go on and on with broken arms and such. Just like Todd Palin.

  19. Anonymous2:57 PM

    What's the point of wearing camouflage if you're going to wear a big red hoodie underneath?

  20. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Sarah Palin the big white hunter! Yea, right! What a joke!!

    Too bad the gun lying on the carcass isn't pointed at her! Wasn't it the last time she supposedly 'hunted' and pictures were shown?

    Wish those around her could really tell the true stories about her big hunt. Can't help but imagine them laughing at her behind her back! Oh, if only the truth be known!

    I hope she donates the meat to a worthy cause. We know she doesn't know how to cook, so its shipment back to AK or AZ is assuredly out of the question.

  21. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Our Sarah wears that vacuous grin whenever she is pleased with herself.

  22. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Ted Nugent Sunrize Safaris. An intimate ‘spiritual campfire’ with Ted at his private hunting ranch in Texas.

  23. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Hey wait, that wild hog looks just like Bristol with her new chin, before her extreme waxing that is, but damn, the similarity to Barstool is uncanny! A big hairy hog!

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Really? And you think what you wrote is funny?

    2. Anonymous6:32 PM

      That's not humor, it is FACT.

    3. Anonymous4:10 PM

      The hog doesn't do the fishlips pose, but the resemblance IS uncanny.

  24. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Is she "hunting" with the same Ted Nugent who owns Spiritwild Ranch in Texas? The same Ted who charges 7,500 for it? oh but that includes meals and accommodations and a guide of course, you do however get a guaranteed "kill" so you can go home and brag about how you shot baited, tamed animals.

    The same Ted Nugent who in 2010 was fined 10, 000 dollars by Alaska for an illegal bear hunt? he was filming a show at the time. Yeah that sounds like Sarah's kind of guy, hunters my arse.

  25. Anita Winecooler3:13 PM

    Why is it that all her "wild ride" stories start in Texas?
    Poor Nancy is literally trying too hard. "So my mom literally jumps off a snowmachine ....." That's just literally awesome, Nancy! What did she figuratively do when this photo was taken? It's called a posed photo for the camera. She got someone else to literally kill the wild boar, paid her a few bucks, and took the photo. Sarah doesn't have neither the skills nor stamina it takes to track, chase and kill a wild boar that size.
    Any literally good recipes for wild boar? Photos of her field dressing and butchering it in her dining room er indoor hangar?
    What a waste of meat and pixels. People are starving and she's killing animals for literal fun.

    1. Anonymous2:53 AM

      Wild bore is gamey.

      Literally smells like Sarah's Hoohah.

    2. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Nancy French must be a fake Christian also, too. Lying her arse off, pretending to be Bristles. Some role model for HER kids. Has she EVER even met Bristles, the unwed mother?? Surely she read the transcripts of the f-in' drunken brawl? If she had any talent a a writer, surely she could get a better gig than this, lying for a skanky Palin.

    3. Anonymous11:00 AM

      nancy and her drooling hubby are merely grifting sycophants trying to profit off of sarah's shaking down of the uneducated rubes of this country. they're such good christians...not

  26. Stupid IS as Stupid DOES....

    Acting like you are killing animals for publicity is stomach turning... people who actually kill animals for sport are even MORE stomach turning and despicable...

    Seems like the wassilli hillbiilies can't separate themselves from either group. Completely appalling, as USUAL.

  27. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Sure she bagged a wild hog all by herself, Barstool! Your idiot mother can't even load a rifle and used a scope she'd never used before to shoot a pig.. LOL!! Oh the magic of video editing. Kinda like giving birth to Trig, I say!

  28. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I wonder who shot it this time. At least she doesn't have the gun barrel pointed at herself like she did in another faked photo. She is such a complete empty-headed woman. I think she's a woman. I'm really not sure with her fake breasts and man jaw.

  29. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Since you read here Sarah, the 80's called and want their half bangs hairdo back. You really are NOT very photogenic in your old age, kiddo.
    So Sow Sarah....
    Brings one to questions which is the pig?
    We know this enrages you to the point of doing even more hideous stuff.
    Heh. Heh.
    You needy thing.
    What else ya' got?
    For dhock value, try kissing Ted's poopy butt.
    That'll gettum'.

  30. Anonymous3:32 PM

    How can they glory in the killing of defenseless animals for fun?

    1. Anonymous5:43 AM

      People like Sarah would much rather be able to murder anyone and everyone who disagrees with them, but they are too afraid to risk punishment, so they go hurt animals instead. Ever seen "The Nuge" doing his little fake hunting dress-up show like the tough guy he wishes he was? He does not shoot to kill, he shoots an animal several times and causes them to suffer before he kills them. Literally makes you sick to watch it. These psychotic fucking poser assholes are the worst kind of people, especially since they're rich and don't need to hunt for food. Look at the picture...this bitch is so proud that she needlessly took an innocent creature's life and she's blissfully unaware of how twisted she looks to sane people. What a piece of shit.

  31. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I can't stand how the Palin's define America is "amazing" with hunting.

    Are we to assume there was a jet literally in their yard to be hopped on? I can believe Palin wore her yard clothes to Texas.

    Bristol seems to be very impressed her mother went on location.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Bristol seems to be very impressed her mother went on location.

      I think there was a recent article about her green screen. Sarah would react and hope on a plane. I wouldn't be surprised if she called her favorite pedophile, at least a fav she doesn't have a blood relationship.

      The green screen thing really bugs her. She thinks it makes her look more fake than the posed set up at Ted's farm.

    2. Anonymous6:07 AM

      Well, hey, she thinks her mom is qualified to run the country because she can kill a defenseless creature, and isn't that the most important qualification we look for in our leaders? She's even dumber than her mom, who knew that was even possible?

  32. Anonymous3:39 PM

    As you can see by these photos it would be really hard to shoot an animal here, with all those fences a cow would be harder to shoot.

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Here she is

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Nah, no hat just put the black shirt with the holes in shoulders on it since that has become her "uniform" lately. God she's fucked up, that shirt must absolutely reek.

  33. Anonymous3:47 PM

    They will always have something to sell.


    Here is to a powder filled winter


    Big things to come!

    She will be ready for battle

    Led by drivers Marc McKenna and Dusty VanMeter, 11 Iron Dog teams arrived in Nome on Tuesday, marking the halfway point of the 2,000-mile snowmachine race from Big Lake to Fairbanks.

    Iron Dog executive director Kevin Kastner hopeful

    Hitting the trail.

    For one, Todd Palin isn’t a "B-list celebrity" (MORE LIKE F-LIST MINUS) he co-starred on a show that was for the benefit of military charities.

    "Didn’t appear to leave the truck she drove that was parked on the ice."

  34. Anonymous4:03 PM

    The unedited version of Bristol's blog.

    So my Mom literally jumped off a snowmachine and hopped on a flight to Texas! Dad says we will fish her snowmachine out of the lake later "cause Mom was in such a hurry she forgot to shut off the engine, I guess she was peeing her pants excited to see Uncle Ted and shoot stuff. My Mom is awesome! first thing off the plane she shoots another passengers fake fur coat that was hanging over a chair, but since Mom is so famous and awesome the lady let Mom buy it for 500 bucks! Mom says she shot a wild bore but my Dad wasn't there so i now know she meant boar "cause she sent a picture.I can't wait to see what my Super Mom shoots next! "F" ing awesome.

  35. Anonymous4:09 PM

    It makes sense Sarah would stage a non-green screen scenario for Nancy to pretend that Bristol can write for Sarah's blog called Bristol's Blog. That is how they roll. She has a list of suckers that will eat this up and send the poor thing more money. Not poor as stealing other peoples money, poor because she has no soul.

    1. Anonymous3:55 AM

      It's obvious Puddles doesnt write her blog since her main go to word,'fuck', isn't used.

  36. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I'm not a hunter, but I have seen pictures of hunters. It seems like the true hunters not only wear their camo gear but their faces and hands are covered with camo.

    Looking at that photo-op picture of Sarah Palin posing with that pig, I see beauty pageant contestant Sarah Heath posing with her exposed white as snow face wearing her camouflage jacket but she is also wearing some type of exposed red hoodie that says,

    "I'm not really hunting, I'm just posing for some tv show."

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      And especially with boars, you have to be VERY careful and VERY quiet, and you cannot smell, because they have a very keen sense of smell and either would stay away from you or come after you in a flash. They are VERY fast if at all cornered. My daughter had a stand when she used to live in TX, and stalked boars for a year - did not bag a single one, even though she put out bait and all. You shoot wild boars from trees - because they come in clans and if one of them gets hurt, the others come after you if you are on the ground. NO WAY would you be able to pose with your kill if it was in the wild!
      So, definitely shot in one of those farms. Good catch about the Nugent Ranch, Anon above!

    2. Anonymous2:57 AM

      It was in a pen and drugged.
      Even Sarah could kill it, eventually.

  37. Anonymous4:14 PM

    So sad.

  38. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Bristol, your mom is a recluse until she has to turn her tricks for public consumption.

  39. PalinsHoax4:24 PM

    An Ol' Repulsive Wretched Bore posing with a boar that's a prop.

    At least the boar has some dignity and purpose to it, while the Ol' Maggot keeps getting uglier and more useless.

  40. Anonymous4:25 PM

    "Everything's bigger in Texas!"
    -Sarah Palin

    Sarah since you are bragging about Texas


    1. We dont mind having her. Just keep your liberal pansy asses up north.

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      6:28---We'd LOVE to!!! In fact, why don't you wusses secede already? Too scared? Too dependent on the government dole?

      In fact, I'm starting a new political party to MAKE THEM SECEDE! It will be called the "Don't Let The Door Hit You" party.

      But I don't think you guys could do it right this time either.

    3. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Having an IQ in the single digits and carrying a loaded weapon at all times doesn't make you a man joshua, it makes you a an insecure pussy. Most who throw insults like pansy around do so because they suppress their own "sexual preferences".

  41. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Speaking of carcasses, I saw a link to a Des Moines Register story claiming Palin is going back to Iowa for the Iowa Freedom Summit, but the link appears to be busted.
    Run baby, run!

  42. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Rock star??? LOL

    Must be Teddy boy shitty pants Nugent.....

    Brancy.....Teddy isn't a rock star. He is a nasty racist shitty pants has-been...nothing more.

    Your family, the whole family needs to shut the fuck up and just fade away into dust....we don't want to hear from you anymore, EVER AGAIN.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      You think Nancy is too humiliated and horrified to mention him by name? If you are bragging about a rock star, why not name them? LOL

      That Nancy French is a hoot for the Hoohahs.

    2. Anonymous3:10 AM

      I wonder if French is paid on a contingency basis, the more "donors" the higher her salary? If this is the best gig she can find, then I hope her husband has a decent paying job.

    3. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Homely Nancy French is sarah's drooling sycophant. Her objective is to grift a grifter out of her $$.

  43. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Trig get ready, you're about to get a new brother.

    Sarah Palin was in Texas posing as a governor, leaked in her panties, jumped on a commercial airline to Alaska, leaked her contaminated fluids on her airline seat and all over the airport. Then Sarah drove past hospitals just to get to Dr. Cathy Johnson-Baldwin where she delivered a high risk baby.

    Now Sarah Palin is in Texas again but now she is posing as a hunter. Any time now Sarah will start leaking into her panties again and she will excuse herself so she can catch a plane for Wild Ride 2.0

    1. Anonymous3:12 AM

      Has perpetually pregnant Bristles birthed ANOTHER kid??

  44. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I see two pigs.
    One is wearing lipstick.

  45. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Mrs. Palin is the original wild boor.

  46. Anonymous4:58 PM

    If a man wants to know what a woman looks like under the make up, the false eyelashes, the photoshop and the push up bra, just look at her hands. Ew.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      I seen that too. It really shows her age.

  47. Please tell me people don't believe Sarah Palin shot that poor thing...

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I hope it is a stuffed one. The Nuge has the best taxidermists. Those exotic hunting farms are to massage little people so their big egos have bragging material.

  48. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Here's the problem with Sarah Palin and that dead animal. We saw her reality show and she couldn't hit the caribou. Her father had to load the gun for her. We saw Sarah Palin sitting on a horse, holding the saddle horn, a real no-no in Western riding. Her feet were in the wrong position in the stirrups. We have seen Sarah tried to train a dog, bake an apple pie and caramelize sugar pecans. She failed in all of those videos. So, when Sarah posts a photo of herself with a dead animal, I keep rembering that this woman couldn't shoot a balloon from horseback (she called it mounted shooting). And, the balloons were much closer than Sarah was to that big, wild animal. It's because everything that Sarah does is a pose and a fake, fake, fake. It's staged for her TV show.

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      She didn't shoot this animal. Someone else shot it, just like the caribou in the other video.
      Also, it is not a wild boar. If it was, she could not pose like that, because the rest of the boar clan (don't know what you actually call it) would coming after you in a split second.

  49. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Killing a trapped animal for a another "LOOK AT ME"
    "LOOK AT ME" session shouts " COWARD" .
    She always has been and she always will be!

  50. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Which one's the wild boar in that picture?

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      It's an easy guess as to which one is the wild bore in the picture. The one with glasses on the pig and wearing a red hoodie.

  51. Anonymous6:46 PM

    OK. Just WTF is wrong with her left hand??? The ring finger is completely strange...

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Good catch, the whole hand is weird, my what a long little finger-- photo-shopped??

  52. Anonymous6:54 PM

    She's always at her happiest when she gets to kill something or in most cases, 'pretend' to kill something and if it's black, she gets a stiffy with a big fat smile.

  53. Martha again6:57 PM

    Nobody's mentioned the carefully-posed gun. Yuck.

  54. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Bristol sure demonstrates her ignorance every time she attempts to compose a sentence in English.

    As for Sarah "the huntress", what a pathetic existence, always trying to convince people she is something that she isn't-politician, baker, turkey carver, hunter.

    Killing some poor animal raised on a "hunting ranch" is hardly sportsman-like or hunting, but I think Sarah enjoys killing animals.

  55. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Bristol described herself, a big fat Alaskan wild whoar(sic).

  56. Wendy7:10 PM

    I think Palin might be here at Priefert Ranch which has in the past advertised holding wild hog hunts --

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      That family also has a show on the Sportsman Channel. What a coincidence.

  57. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I don't lower my IQ by reading her facebook postings, but I sure hope she didn't forget Pearl Harbor Day.
    I'm sure she will be able to blame it on President Obama somehow since he was born in Hawaii !!

  58. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Just jumped off the snowmachine onto the plane that took her to Texas, to the camp that used the jeeps and ATV's to the farms that equipped her with the rifle and camo gear to kill the boar and get her hair all nice for a photograph.

    Is it worth pretending, Sarah? Does she ever ask herself if all this nonsense is making her and her family happy? Where is her precious gift from God, Trig? Is he being prepped for school in the mornings and put to sleep at night by his nanny again?

    She could ditch this ridiculous show and stay at home (she can afford it), and be a mom to her youngest, who needs her home during these precious years. Who does he call mommy? Is that hog more important than Trig? Can Trig eat a Cheerio yet, Sarah?

    1. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Sarah doesn't give a SHIT about Tri-G. She despises that she is stuck with him. See, the DEAL was that she pretends to have birthed a Tri-G and then he would soon be ruler of the world and he would be out of her hair, cared by others while she was queen - or president - or SOMETHING.
      Backfired big time baby!!
      Sucks to be Tri-G, too. Poor guy would have been much better off with paid for professional care.

  59. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Bristol uses that photo, on the FB, that cuts out her grandmother Sally Heath. Why would they even use that photo? It's disrespectful to her grandma. Don't they have any other photos?

    In fact, it's funny, but Bristol NEVER mentions her grandmother or grandfather. She never even addresses her in any of her posts. Very weird.

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Sally probably told Bristol to stop sleeping with Trial Daddies.

  60. Anonymous7:39 PM

    She's still got that black top on underneath her jacket. It's a low cut black one. Guess she hasn't changed her clothes since that SPC video she did on the red couch with the dogs and Trig.

    1. Walter White6:03 AM

      Methers aren't big on changing clothes.

  61. Anonymous7:40 PM

    She's caressing that thing like she is thinking "this will make me look good".....sad really, her delusions.

  62. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I have kind of enjoyed a few of the new "reality" shows filmed in Alaska about the individuals and/or families who have chosen a true "off the grid" type of lifestyle.

    And, I am always impressed with how seriously they take the killing of any animal. Whether they are beheading a chicken or shooting a bear, they always show respect and even some sadness for the animal whose life they have had to take for survival. Not even close to the bloody glee Sarah seems to exhibit when filmed with an animal she supposedly has downed single-handedly. Disgusting phoney.

  63. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Shit, Bristol/Brancy, your LLC going low on funds?
    What absolute DRIVEL.

  64. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Wild boars are not stupid. He was trying to ignore her and faked going to sleep while she posed for the faked photo.

  65. Anonymous8:30 PM

    God what a cunt-ress.

  66. "Whatever"8:51 PM

    Wild boars (and other pigs) are the 4th most intelligent species on the planet. More so than dogs!

    Would you hunt and eat a dolphin? How about a dog?

    "You must always remember that wild boars have above average intelligence. The hog is the fourth most intelligent animal in the world, only being surpassed by humans, apes, and dolphins. This makes quite a statement when you look at the intelligence levels of some lesser animals such as dogs. Hogs can easily identify danger and in certain situations have been known to turn the hunter into the hunted. "

    Wild boars can smell scents up to 7 miles away and 25 feet underground.

    "5. How strong is their sense of smell?

    The wild pig’s sense of smell is well developed (much better than both their eyesight and hearing) and they rely strongly on it to detect danger and search out food. They are capable of sensing some odors 5-7 miles away and may be able to detect odors as much as 25 feet underground! Appealing to this tremendous sense of smell is often essential as fermented or scented baits can provide additional attraction to make them more vulnerable to trapping."

    Interesting, good info at that link right above from Texas A&M coop extension service.

    I now know more about wild pigs than Sarah Palin could ever hope to. Amazing that thing they invented many years ago--READING! And the other one RESEARCH!

    Being an Alaskan, I find the wild boar - bear similarities interesting. As humans and bears/boars move into the others' habitats the dangers and problems escalate.

    Texas is having problems with wild boars in the urban areas that spread into former rural areas, similar to Anchorage Hillside has with bears.

    1. Anonymous3:20 AM

      Knowing that about the boar's sense of smell, I bet Teddy Nugent NEVER goes hunting them!! Maybe $carah was set up to hunt that one, looks like she was rode hard and put away wet in that photo

    2. Anonymous10:26 AM

      First of all, a hog CANNOT SMELL SOMETHING 25 ft underground. And second, they cannot smell something 5-7 miles away. NONE of that is provable first of all and just overly guessing for effect. I hunt wild hogs all year long. And I KNOW what you DONT know. If you believe that nonsense, its no wonder your a Liberal at best. Probably pulled it off some webpage from a 7th graders book report. Hogs do have a spectacular sense of smell. The hear vfery well, and their eyesight is not all that bad except at night. They live and die by their nose. But those are exagerations at best. And I live around the DFW metrpoplex. I HAVE flown in from out of town and been hunting hogs within 45 minutes of me leaving the airport. Shooting a boar like she did is NOT an achievement that deserves national attention. We hunt and shoot them like that on the norm. So its not an impossible feat. So I have no idea why yall dont believe that can happen. Just DONT WANT TO BELIEVE anything do you? EXCEPT what may benefit your particular agenda. Which by nature is part of the pschological makeup of a Liberal. And no, Im not a Right Wing Conservative. So please dont label me. Im labeling you because you all are open about it. Know what I believe in? Common Sense. Look into it sometime.

  67. Anonymous9:10 PM

    For a wild pig, it is looking rather well fed. I doubt this pig is wild, which they do have in the south. Nugent must feed them.

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Almost EVERY WILD HOG I HAVE KILLED was fat. Are you really that stupid? That uneducated to just make a dumb comment like your a wildlife biologist? You obviously, like 99% of the other idiots commenting here dont know a damn thing about wild hogs. Nothing.

  68. Ailsa9:18 PM

    And here she is with Ted -

    "Had a wonderful day with Sarah & Todd Palin at our home on SpiritWild Ranch in TX today. "

    Links are to pics only.

  69. Anonymous9:20 PM

    So great that the plane could pick sarah up in her backyard as she jumped off of the snomachine! Funny that there are wild boars at the airport. She could execute one as soon as she hopped off of the plane!!

  70. Anonymous9:33 PM

    What's wrong with her left hand? Weird slice in it, like a botched photoshop picture.

  71. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Who really shot the hog?

  72. Anonymous3:43 AM

    snort snort.....hog with lipstick alert. So amazing is right. Who smells worst? What oldlady wants to go hunting for hog? and why? Really? Sarah and her amazing ignorance along with her sprawn are indeed amazing snake oil salemens and rift raft.

  73. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Texas is full of these game farms. They run the animals right in front of you and someone is standing right beside you to make sure you shoot one of them. But don't worry if you don't because they've got someone shooting and will tell you the one they shot is the one you shot.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      WTH are you talking about? Do you even REALLY KNOW? or is it something that you "heard" someone say sometime. The trash you posted is whats wrong with America in general and people just like you. You are an idiot in the worst form. Believe anything you see, or read. EVERYTHING YOU POSTED is false. "They run the animals right in fromnt of you." Really? And there is someone off in the bushes you dont see right? Shooting at the exact same time you do? So if you miss, they say you didnt because they got a sniper or something hiding shooting it for you? Are really that dumb? Really? Or will you admit that you just hate Republicans and will make up whatever you have to to make them look bad? Praying that someone like me, who happens to know all you are saying is a lie, just doesnt read this? Unbelievable. Please leave our country. Please.

  74. Anonymous6:30 AM

    the hag and the hog.

  75. Anonymous8:54 AM

    She can't claim she shot that one for eating. They'll tell you if you want to shoot an eater to shoot a small female, not a large boar. The boars are just for trophies.

  76. Anonymous12:42 PM

    That clip is so pathetic. How drugged was the poor caribou? Any actual hunter would hang their head in disgrace at such a charade.

    And why is the commenting function off at Nancy French's blog? Because no one really commented? Like SP channel? Or because they were tired of truth-telling folks who posted?

  77. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Which one is the hog?

  78. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Wow. I dont know what to say to you people. Thats right, "you people". I am reading some of the most hate filled derogatory things coming straight from the mouths of the "open minded". Liberals are an incredible breed. A genetic mutation at best. Full of contradiction. And the hate and anger you guys harbor for a particular family is unbelievable. I really am shocked. Hopefully one day, you all will get your chance at what you wish for. Heard several of you talk about hunting her and her family to see what they think etc. Well, I dare you. You see, unlike you, we on the right bear arms. You, as a general rule, do not in most cases. So when this country is in choas, which is coming to a theator near you thanks to the waste of space Obama, What are your plans then? Just wondering. You going to make good on your threats towards this family? What about the other 85 MILLION hunters in this country who agree with her? Gonna get them too? LOL. You all are joke at best. And scared. Love running your mouth. Love holding up signs and doing your best to destroy the image of anyone who doesnt believe in your beliefs. Case in point, I am willing to bet that one ofe you are going to rant about how stupid I am. How I am a murderer for being a hunter. Blah Blah Blah. But I am willing to bet that my family and I will still be standing long after you are not. And that my Liberal, anti-American friends, is the cold hard fact you cant stand the most.


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