Wednesday, December 17, 2014

College conservative group upset that ASU Biology professor compared Creationism to magic.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A biology professor at Arizona State University is under attack for an image he showed in class that compared creationism to magic. 

The conservative group Campus Reform, which targets educators it perceives to have a liberal bias, reported last week that professor Christofer Bang showed the image during a PowerPoint presentation in his Biology 100 class. 

The PowerPoint slide, titled “Evolution vs. Creationism,” showed the March of Progress illustration of human evolution next to an image of Jesus Christ shooting lightning out of his fingers to create a human. The image shows Jesus saying, “MAGIC!” 

A student told Campus Reform that the picture was offensive: “Quite a few students in the lecture hall were bothered by the picture, and it didn’t contribute to the lecture besides adding spite.” 

Conservatives at Arizona State University also expressed their displeasure with the professor on Facebook. 

“Liberal scum certainly exists on this campus! While I personally support the drawing on the left, I think it’s wrong and unethical for professors to shame those who believe differently,” one person wrote on the Facebook page for College Republicans at ASU.

Another conservative student complained on Facebook that the Founding Fathers also believed in Creationism, which is a point that is hard to argue against since Charles Darwin did not publish Origin of Species until 1859.  (Yes folks, that's your college tuition money at work.)

You know I recognize that it must be hard for some of these students to come face to face with  undiluted facts for the very first time, and it hurts their little irrational feelings when somebody points out that they have been lied to their entire lives. But really what's the solution?

I mean do you take each of these Christian school educated children into a room with soft light and soothing flute music, have them lie down on a comfy sofa with a cool drink, and THEN tell them that everything they think they know is bullshit and that their parents and teachers were fucking morons?

I mean come on if you suggest that Evolution, which painstakingly lays out exactly how organism evolved into what we see around us today, and choose to replace it with the idea that God made it all happen like this....

....then yes, you believe in magic.

Unless of course one of these little geniuses wants to explain exactly HOW God simply thought things into existence. Because I am fairly certain that the professor would LOVE to hear that hypothesis.


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Many Christians think if they even question their beliefs, they will go to hell.

  2. Martha again4:36 AM

    Off topic. HEre's one for you and the blog:

    This was published on July 11. Was I out dreaming?

  3. Anonymous4:52 AM

    He didn't think it. He spoke it.

    1. Anonymous5:35 AM

      @ 4:52 - Haha. Do you truly believe that or is this your attempt at a bit of snark?

  4. Boscoe5:05 AM

    Gotta love the irony of seeing Christians being butthurt that their beliefs aren't being respected by people who believe differently...

  5. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Magic ... is what makes Sarah's tits get bigger.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      I am an agnostic who impatiently awaits the day Palin is destroyed publicly & I find your comment childish & pointless.

    2. I laughed. But I'm already going to the hell I don't believe in. :-)

  6. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Science is:
    the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment

    When you sign up to take a science course, you should expect to get science. You should expect to be told what is and what is not science. The badly mistranslated and distorted musings of ancient sheep herders is not science.

    Science is NOT a belief or a set of beliefs. It is facts and theories to be tested. I don't "believe" in science, I study science. Given time and education, I can comprehend the underlying data that implies a scientific fact. Obviously, given the amazing variety and depth of science, I usually rely on our system of scientific criticism to establish the truth of analysis that establishes the myriads of science facts.

    "But I believe..." is the whine of people that think they can distort science in order to remain in their infantile state. I suppose from their point of view, a student that chooses to not believe in gravity should be carefully protected from wounded feelings in physics class.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      You have offended me, sir! My parents taught me that the earth is flat and that's why we don't go flying off to Heaven.

      Now I shall head off to my pre-med biology course where I shall be offended because we don't study how the healing power of prayer is more effective than medicine or surgery.

  7. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I think it's personally reasonable for a science professor to express exactly why a student is going to fail if he or she believes in something other than evolution.

    If a student is going to get offended because a science professor promotes science over religious beliefs of how the world works, that student should avoid science classes or go to a religious college.

  8. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I'm sure the same students would be fine with an ancient history professor pointing out the logical fallacies of other creation myths. But we have to be extra careful not to offend people who believe in christian fairytales.

  9. Anonymous7:05 AM

    my mormon family used to buy my grandsons toy dinasaurs. they would visit the theme parks and exibits. how can they acknowledge the fact these things are real and did exist but blindly follow creationism??!?

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      I had a Christian friend explain this to me. It's all about faith - no matter what common sense tells you, you have to have faith in the bible. It's easy to explain everything away if you just have faith. Sheesh

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Well, obviously god put the fossils there to test our faith, duh.

  10. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Calling teachers & parents who taught or raised generations with religious faith "fucking morons" offends me & I am a non-believer! The strict sect my mother & her parents belonged to taught fear of questioning very effectively. My mother was a decent person who was brain-washed from birth & scared to death that if she entertained any logic into her faith she would be destined for hell. I had many kind, intelligent teachers who were religious. Calling people who haven't seen the light fucking morons is every bit as intolerant as extremist in any religion or hate group. I think your words do more harm than good.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      I'm willing to give the older generations a break to some extent, especially the ones who were beaten or severely guilted into submission. But anyone under the age of 50 (give or take) who doesn't live under a rock and still denies

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Age aside, using offensive name-calling is unnecessary and hardly promotes an open dialog.

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM


      These people don't hesitate to ignore my "No Trespassing" signs and come to my door spewing their fairy tale bullshit, infringing up on my privacy and my right to find their beliefs both stupid and damaging. I'll call them any name I feel like, as long as they think it's okay to invade my privacy with their nonsense.

    4. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Labeling all teachers and parents who raised their children in their particular faith as "fucking morons" is unfair. You calling the INDIVIDUALS who fail to respect your "NO Trespassing" sign whatever profanity/slur you choose, is different. I would assume you also call the salesperson, Girl Scout, or neighborhood kid selling wrapping paper for their school offensive names, since they should also respect your posted rights? Or is your indignation reserved for people who have not evolved with science?

  11. Boscoe7:11 AM

    C'mon 7:05, everyone knows the dinosaurs were extinctified by Noah's flood when Satan used them as a monster army to assault the Ark!

  12. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I asked 20 coworkers to draw the United States. Most couldn't.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Senator Al Franken can. or simply google:
      al franken fifty states

  13. Anonymous7:35 AM

    7:11. huh?

  14. Professor Bang is smart and cute.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Yes he is. He's also a talented photographer, apparently.

  15. Anonymous7:59 AM

    7:11 I can't either but that's because I am a shitty artist. I've even been to all 50 and still can't do it.

  16. Anonymous8:33 AM

    The conservative view point is a very narrow set of fixed ideas. Life as we know it on this planet is incredibly diverse--the so-called 'liberal' way of thinking is completely natural just to take it all in!


  17. Anonymous10:30 AM

    You just wait... pretty soon they will be using the "I'm not a scientist" defense for creationism like they are with climate change. You are in a SCIENCE class nimrod.
    This is a SCIENCE world dipsh*t.
    Also, too, for the butthurt creationists crying about being shamed THEY are the ones trying to shame the scientists.
    There are SO many consequences of the decision by conservatives and the religious right to change the way they do business back in the 70s. You can track this crap directly back to that time.

  18. Anonymous12:54 PM

    If they don't want to hear the truth then they should attend Liberty or Oral Robert's "Universities". If attending a state-funded university they should be prepared for the truth, the truth that comes from a separation of church and state, including in our state-funded universities. There are plenty of private schools for people who want to live with their heads in the sand. The law says that we don't have to support your lunacy.

  19. OK G- let's you and I have a little fun-

    Re: "...How God simply thought things into existence.."

    So, seriously, where do you think matter came from?

    And have you been following some of the new developments in quantum physics - suggesting that, among other things, that there's energy in between them thar particles! Indeed, the particles are sometimes waves, depending upon how they are looked at???

    Remember, evolutionary theory explains how species change... it does NOT explain how life was created. The big bang is a hypothesis that has nothing to do with Darwin.
    Please, you know I don't buy into any of the fundamentalist fairy tales about creation, so let's not go there.

    But let's also be clear in our thinking...

  20. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Oh, please. They do this with Native Americans all the time.

  21. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

    Why do these people even go to public schools if it's so offensive to them AND they should know that they don't teach "Creationsism"? Yeah, I heard it all, I pay taxes too, dammit, why should I pay extra to send my kids to Christian or Private School? Or "Is this the line for school vouchers?"
    My daughter's a freshman in a public university, and she's got a religious fanatic for a room mate. She prays every night at bedtime, says grace at McDonalds, and keeps herself busy with bible school, while her grades go down. She talks like a truck driver, every third word is "Fuck", "take a pitcher (sic), it'll last longer" and she's constantly using vulgar racist language.
    She chastises my daughter, damning her to hell because she don't study bible, pray, say grace, go to church on sunday etc. etc.
    I wagered my daughter that her parents will be the first to complain when she flunks out.

  22. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Oh please. The answer is 42. End of story.

  23. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Man invented God.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.